SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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Baltensberger, David, Univ. of Nebraska,; Boe, Arvid, South Dakota State Univ.,; Bretting, Peter, USDA-ARS-NPS,; Brummer, Charlie, Iowa State Univ.,; Gardner, Candice, USDA-ARS, NCRPIS,; Hokanson, Stan, Univ. of Minnesota,; Hymowitz, Ted, Univ. of Illinois,; Iezzoni, Amy, Michigan State Univ.,; Isbell, Terry, USDA-ARS-NCAUR,; Janick, Jules, Purdue Univ.,; Johnson, Burton, North Dakota State Univ.,; Nelsen, Terry, USDA-ARS-MWA,; Reitsma, Kathy, Iowa State Univ., NCRPIS,; Thro, Ann Marie, USDA-CSREES,; Tracy, Bill, Univ. of Wisconsin,; Widrlechner, Mark, USDA-ARS, NCRPIS,; Wintersteen, Wendy, Iowa State Univ.,

Day One 8:05 Welcome by Martin Beutler, Station Director 8:15 Vegetation & geomorphology of the Black Hills by James Johnson 10:00 Stan Hokanson called the meeting to order 1. Tracy moved last years minutes be approved David Baltensberger seconded. Unanimous approval of minutes 2. No additions to agenda 3. Resolutions committee Janick & Hymowitz 4. Nominations committee  Tracy, Iezzoni, Burton 5. Introductions 6. Associate Dean Wendy Wintersteen representing Dean Wotecki Stressed the following points. ·Importance of demonstrating impact and accountability ·Need to let our administrators know the importance of NC-7. ·Keep the directors informed. ·Important to get reports on NIMS The committee agreed that it is important to continue annual meetings. We need to document successes that come from the work in our States. Tracy moved that committee members be sent a list from the station on what was ordered from each state Ag Experimental Station so that success stories could be identified. Brummer seconded. Motion passed unanimously ·Midterm review this fall. Candice needs the information soon ·Only two or three sentences are needed. ·Collaboration and Impact needs to be demonstrated. ·It was suggested that the project renewal be for longer than five years. The committee members endorsed this. 7. Peter Bretting report (included) 8. Terry Nelson report 9. Ann Marie Thro report ·Explained USDA research funding ·Collaboration and impact ·Proposals  a) Homeland Security is important; b)Trade, competition, consumer driven ag. ·Non technical summaries are very important in proposals 10. Terry Isbell report Running out of space for germplasm stock, will discard. Committee felt this was not a problem as the material was backed up elsewhere Day Two ·Tracy moved that NC-7 should offer to host joint TAB meeting in Ames, Iowa in 2006. Brummer seconded. Approved meeting should be in the first two of weeks in August in 2006. ·Tracy offered to host a meeting in Madison, Wisconsin in 2005 contingent on 2006 Ames Iowa. Nominations: Amy Iezzoni was nominated for secretary in 2005 Bill Tracy was nominated for chair in 2005. Nominations approved unanimously. 11. Candice Gardner NCRPIS report ·Discussed budget ·Greenhouse initiative increased greenhouse space needed to carry out mission. 12. Mark Widrlechner NCRPIS report 13. Mark Widrlechner OPGC report 14. Kathy Reitsma NCRPIS vegetable curator 15. Budget Presented by Candice Gardener Baltensberger moved to recommend budget as proposed, seconded by Tracy. Motion approved unanimously. The committee recognizes the budget constraints the Deans face. 16. Old Business? Update on Beltsville building 580 situation? ·Building, office space, screenhouse are being used. ·Insufficient greenhouse space. ·Progress is slow but being worked on. 17. New business Automated Seed order filling system discussed by Ted Hymowitz Committee endorsed the idea of investigating such a system. The mid-term review document summarizing accomplishments, impact statements and publications is saved under the meeting minutes file.


The mid-term review document summarizing accomplishments, impact statements and publications is saved under the meeting minutes file.



The mid-term review document summarizing accomplishments, impact statements and publications is saved under the meeting minutes file.
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