SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Eva Almenar -Michigan State University; Susan Bach -Ag. & Agri-Food Canada, Summerland; John Beaulieu -USDA, ARS, SRRC; Jeff Brecht -University of Florida; Lihua Fan - Ag. & Agri-Food Canada, Kentville; Charles Forney - Ag. & Agri-Food Canada, Kentville; Alan M. Lefcourt -USDA, ARS, Beltsville; Gene Lester USDA, ARS, Beltsville; Mikal Saltveit UC Davis; Others: Giancarlo Colelli Univ. Foggia, Italy; David Gombas United Fresh Produce Assoc; Ozgur Koc Crunch Pak; Reuben Moore Mississippi State University; Ram Rao NIFA, USDA

The meeting was convened with a welcome by Mikal Saltveit and a round of introductions. Review of agenda  the agenda of the 2011 meeting was approved by voice vote. Approval of 2010 minutes - Change to the Michigan State University report were noted. John Bealieu then moved and Eva Almenar seconded the approval of the 2010 minutes, which was approved unanimously. Report from the Administrative Adviser, Reuben Moore  Dr. Moore stressed the importance to do a rewrite of the S-294 project, which is the most productive project of the 5 projects he advises. The project is currently under a 1 year extension. Jeff Brecht is chairing the rewrite. Anne Plotto was thanked for compiling the termination report for the past 5 years. Dr. Moore discussed the current budget situation and observed that federal funding has become more competitive based and less supportive of capacity. New 5-year project proposal, Jeff Brecht  A timeline for submitting the re-write of our project proposal was distributed. The rewrite must be submitted by May 13, 2011 by downloading it into NIMSS. Jeff has a draft that is missing some parts in food safety. He will email a draft to everyone asking for volunteers for items missing in the outline. If no interest is shown, areas can be removed and the draft can be submitted as is. A shift in emphasis to include whole produce in addition to fresh-cut was suggested. Names of people willing to serve as reviewer of the project proposal were collected. We have received special allowance to retain our S-294 designation if approval is received from NIFA by September 15, 2011. The project has maintained an association with United Fresh for 12 years and maintaining the S-294 designation was felt to be important to retain industry recognition. Termination Report  Anne Plotto prepared a termination report for the past 5 years. However, since the project was extended 1 year the termination report is not due until the end of this year. Jeff Brecht will look after submission of this report. Remarks and presentation about SCRI from NIFA Representative, Ram Rao  Dr. Rao provided an update on the funding programs in the Specialty Crops Research Initiative (SCRI). The 2012 farm bill is currently being formed and he indicated that there were opportunities for input. Available grant programs are posted on the NIFA web site. Opportunities for conference/planning grants to support S-294 research interests were discussed. Grants of up to $50K to support workshops, conferences or development of research proposals are available within different programs. Dr. Rao will send us additional information on these funding opportunities. Current funding limitations being a problem for scientist to attend S-294 meetings were also discussed. Election of new secretary - Eva Almenar was nominated and unanimously elected as Secretary for 2011-2012. Remarks from UFPA Vice President, Dave Gombas - Dr. Gombas thanked the group for their participation including the poster presentations that help to communicate research results and new innovations to the industry. He encouraged our continued interaction with the industry and expressed interest in a more formal relationship with United Fresh. Dr. Gombas suggested that he could help to coordinate the development of research grant proposals and facilitate industry collaboration. He is available to aid in soliciting industry input for projects. To facilitate greater interaction with industry he suggested that video conferences could be arranged. As industry research needs arise, he also offered to communicate them to the S-294 group. Science Symposium  A science symposium, which has traditionally been well attended in past meetings, will be part of the United Fresh 2012 meeting. Topics for the symposium were discussed. Alan Lefcourt suggested the topic of risk analysis. He suggested that there is poor understanding of risk in the industry and it would be a timely topic to address how science can be used to assess risk. Additional topics will be solicited by email. Poster competition  It was noted that this year there would be no competition among the scientific poster presentations. Station reports  Details of these reports are available in the annual reports posted at ARS-MD  Lefcourt reporting. A multi-task online fruit inspection technology was upgraded to increase line speed in collaboration with industry partners. A Raman chemical imaging system is being developed for analysis of food samples. A hand-held image-based sanitation inspection devise is being upgraded and commercialized. A hyperspectral fluorescence imaging method has been utilized to detect bacterial biofilm formation. MI  Almenar reporting. The effects of primary packaging, sanitizers and heat treatments on the marketable quality of fresh peeled yellow onions were characterized. Antimicrobial films made from natural resources are being developed and evaluated. The role of lipoxygenase gene expression on aroma biology during apple fruit maturation was characterized. ARS-LA  Beaulieu reporting. Volatile compounds found in several pomegranate and rabbiteye blueberry cultivars at different maturities have been characterized. Attempts to look at secondary volatile genesis in these fruit is in process. Methods for the analysis of polyphenolics including anthocyanins in these fruit have been developed. CA  Saltveit reporting. Wound induced responses were found to increase the susceptibility of fresh vegetables to microbial growth. Altered metabolism associated with tomato heat shock is being studied. The mechanisms of increased carbon dioxide release as a result of cutting fresh produce is being determined. FL  Brecht reporting. Procedures to maximize quality of fresh-cut mango were developed. Hot water quarantine treatments did not affect quality of fresh-cut slices stored at 5 C. Modified atmosphere of 2.5 kPa O2 plus 10 kPa CO2 prolonged shelf-life of fresh-cut mangos 1 day at 15C but shelf-life was superior at 5C. Wound induced respiration and ethylene production was studied in Romaine lettuce. The effects of hot water treatments and pH of rinse solutions on browning of potato slices was determined. High internal ethylene concentrations inhibited the effectiveness of 1-MCP in tomato fruit. Responsiveness of cucumber and watermelon to ethylene was also explored. The effectiveness of chlorine dioxide gas, ozone, and chlorine in reducing Salmonella on cut tomato are being evaluated. The impact of laser labeling and various handling conditions on the survival of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella on whole and fresh-cut produce are being studied. NS  Forney and Fan reporting. The effectiveness of lactic acid bacteria, bacteriocins, and MicroGARD® 730 on the microbial populations and quality of fresh-cut vegetables was evaluated. Modified atmosphere packaging extended the shelf-life of diced red onions. The effectiveness of aeration of apples following CA storage on flavor of apple slices is being determined. The effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide to enhance shelf-life, nutrient quality and microbiological quality of fresh-cut spinach is being assessed. Aroma active volatiles produced by apples and high bush blueberries are being determined. Novel protocols for assessing carriage of verotoxigenic E. coli other than serotype O157:H7 in intact Romaine lettuce are being developed. Evaluation of sources and survival of E. coli contamination on field grown lettuce and spinach are being conducted. BC  Bach reporting. Biochemical and physiological characteristics including oxygen radicals and quinones of lettuce and their effects on pathogen physiological state and survival are being determined. Studies are being conducted to assess the biochemical mechanisms underlying the effects of post-controlled atmosphere aeration of whole apples on the subsequent quality retention of fresh-cut apple slices. Methods to detect viable but non culturable E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella are being optimized. PCR phylogenetic grouping schemes are being used to detect changes in the diversity of E. coli following applications of manures. The persistence of commensal and pathogenic E. coli in various matrices such as soil, manure and lettuce is being evaluated. A system based approach for the assessment of risks associated with infectious organisms in food is being demonstrated. Italy  Colelli reporting. Modified atmosphere packaging, anti-browning agents and cultivar variation are being assessed for their effects on the shelf-life of fresh-cut artichokes, potatoes, bell peppers and broccoli raab. The effects of temperature and exogenous ethylene on the postharvest performance of purslane leaves are being assessed. Image analysis of cut surfaces is being conducted to quantify surface browning. Changes in external appearance using multispectral image analysis are being correlated with internal quality parameters in apples, pineapples, and melons. ARS-MD  Lester reporting. Studies are being conducted on the volatile composition of pepper cultivars and polyphenol content of eggplant. Radical scavenging in fresh-cut produce is being assessed as a natural microbial defense mechanism. The effectiveness of free chlorine in wash solution was assessed for its effectiveness in decontaminating and prevention of cross-contamination of lettuce with pathogens. The effects of light and photosynthesis on the vitamin content of lettuce is being assessed. USDA Handbook 66  Saltveit reported that Handbook 66 will be going to press with the addition one chapter on 1-MCP. It has been proposed to be available on line with all other online publications. New business A Motion was made by Jeff Brecht and seconded by Eva Almenar that with each station report there be a listing of current and future research relevant to the S-294 project to be circulated to all members to foster collaboration. The motion was passed unanimously. Dr. Rao encouraged us to strengthen our impact statements in our annual reports. He noted that progress of the project will be judged on: Outputs  results including, publications, patents, etc. (generation of knowledge) Outcomes - where the knowledge has been applied Impact - extent of use, long term effect, effect on society. Impact is a long term effect and may require some speculation. Next years meeting will be held in conjunction with UnitedFresh 2012 in Dallas, Texas Meeting adjourned at 2:35 Our thanks to UFPA for providing food and beverage service and a room for the meeting. Thank you UFPA!


Objective 1. Develop, evaluate, and standardize subjective and objective quality evaluation methods in intact and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. " Continuation of experienced consumer or trained descriptive panels and chemical analysis (volatiles, sugars, acids) to evaluate strawberry and tomato germplasms from University of Florida. 10-years of tomato data are being analyzed to establish a model for tomato quality. " Study interactions of limonin and nomilin, two bitter compounds in oranges harvested from trees having Huanglongbing (citrus greening) disease, and their effect on orange and orange juice flavor. " Quality evaluation of fresh-cut products through visible and multi-spectral image analysis. Objective 2. Develop new strategies to maintain fresh-cut product quality " Fresh blueberries are field packed and subject to exposure to food and decay pathogens that are passed directly on to the consumer because the fruit are not cleaned. Preliminary studies with blueberries show that sanitizing the berries with an acid sanitizer does not remove the bloom and coatings with volatile oils reduce decay and sweeten the fruit. " Fresh blueberry field sanitation or nutritional treatments to increase fruit quality at harvest. " Determine optimum harvest time for new mandarin cultivars. " Testing of new clamshell design that reduces water loss of small fruits without increasing decay, thereby extending shelf life " Optimum conditions (pH, culture media, and temperature) for LAB growth and bacteriocins production were determined. Heat stability, molecular weight and bacteriocins activity was investigated. " The addition of selected LAB to fresh-cut salads and diced onions inhibited the growth of yeasts and molds, Pseudomonas sp. and total coliforms naturally occurring on fresh-cut vegetables. LAB also significantly inhibited the growth of L. innocua inoculated on fresh-cut salads and diced onions. " Synergistic effect of MicroGARD® 730 incorporated in NatureSeal® PS-10 was found. Treatments with 0.5 or 1.0% MG plus 2.5% NS were recommended to treat fresh-cut squash prior to storage at 4°C. " Heat treatment times for boiling and steam were determined in relation to microbial quality and browning of fiddleheads. " Diced red onions packaged in sealed polylactic acid (PLA) containers reduced rates of microbial growth compared to vented packages but dips with Potassium sorbate or ClO2 had no significant effects. " The effect of aeration of CA stored apples in increasing concentration of flavor esters was dependent on cultivar and duration of aeration. " Ester content of immature Jonagold apples subjected to heat treatments of 4 or 8 h at 46 °C increased about 2-fold 24 h after treatment, but 12 h treatments or treatments on more mature fruit reduced ester content. No enhancement of ester content of Cortland apples was observed regardless of heat treatment duration or fruit maturity. " Volatile terpene content of carrots decreased with increased nitrogen fertilization in the field and with early harvest. " Survey of suitable varieties of Artichokes, Potatoes and Peaches for fresh-cut processing " Optimal gas compositions identification to be applied during storage of fresh-cut broccoli raab and artichokes " Postharvest performance of Purslane leaves in relation to temperature and ethylene " Postharvest management activities for fresh-cut bell peppers " Definition of optimal MAP for high convenience Kiwifruit " PLA pouch along with SAS performed the best in maintaining freshness in the peeled onions based on physicochemical, microbiological and sensory results. The SAS sanitizer successfully reduced bacterial growth but not yeast and fungal growth and was better at reducing bacterial growth than the FV sanitizer. The PLA pouch successfully reduced microbial growth and outperformed the PE pouch. Interactions between sanitizers and packaging materials can cause off-odor development. " Better understanding of impact of weather factors on nutritional quality and shelf life of leafy greens. " Clear panorama on how labor workers may influence quality and safety of leafy greens " A ripeness stage equivalent to an initial fruit firmness of 30 N was the optimum for processing Kent mangoes into fresh-cut slices. " The hot water quarantine treatment applied to whole, mature Kent mangoes did not significantly affect the quality of the fresh-cut slices stored at 5C. " Extremely rapid deterioration of fresh-cut mango at non-chilling temperature was not overcome by MAP, meaning that storage at a lower, putative chilling, temperature such as 5C should be recommended to achieve optimum quality retention. " The relative changes in CO2 production and O2 consumption that occur in the 24 hours after cutting suggest that non-respiratory oxidative reactions play a significant role in the post-cutting wound response of fresh-cut Romaine lettuce. " Hot water treatment prevented the synthesis of total soluble phenols in fresh-cut potato slices. A 24 hour delay between hot water treatment and potato processing reduced color changes of the fresh-cut product during storage at 5C for 6 days. " Objective 3. Improve understanding of biochemical, physiological and molecular mechanisms that affect fresh-cut product quality. " Volatiles derived from fatty acid oxygenation and the oxylipin pathway related enzymes were studied for gene expression and enzyme activity levels in tomato fruit. Chilling tomatoes reduced aroma volatiles, gene expression, and in most cases, enzyme activity for lipoxygenase, hydroperoxide lyase and alcohol dehydrogenase whereas heating had the opposite effect. " Tomatoes stored or treated with either low or high temperatures were evaluated for flavor using trained descriptive panels and chemical analyses. " Several polyphenolics in an acidified assay protocol have been recovered in pomegranate and blueberry, and we are capable to separate out the anthocyanins (glycosylated) versus the hydrolyzed anthocyanidins (sugar free) in a single run. " It appears that browning inhibition in fresh-cut potato by citric acid is due to a mechanism other than acidification  possibly its ability to act as a copper chelating agent in the active site of PPO. It is possible that HNO3 and H2SO4 similarly reduce browning by chelating copper rather than by reducing the solution pH. " Results from 1-MCP work are consistent with the hypothesis that fruit internal ethylene levels are capable of directly influencing the responses of fruits to 1-MCP. These findings could lead to improvement of commercial techniques for applying 1-MCP to fruits at advanced ripening stages and/or that accumulate high IEC. " Cucumber fruit were shown to exhibit markedly different developmental features in their ethylene responsiveness. " An ethylene-specific nuclease was identified that increases markedly during continuous ethylene exposure and it may play a role in programmed cell death in cucumber fruit. " The watersoaking response of immature cucumber and watermelon fruits to ethylene is serving as a model for studying the deterioration of fruits harvested at immature stages of growth. Our working hypothesis is that commodities harvested immature (e.g., cucumber, okra, summer squash) exhibit atypical senescence pathways that are more appropriately viewed as forms of programmed cell death. " Ethylene treatment of watermelon fruit induces watersoaking and also the appearance of a number of enzymes with activity toward xyloglucan, the major matrix polysaccharide in watermelon fruit tissue. Cell wall degradation and watersoaking in ethylene-treated watermelon fruit was accompanied by downshifts in mol mass of hemicelluloses mediated by several xylogucanase proteins. " Data from studies of low-temperature stressed tomato fruit with down-regulated levels of polygalacturonase indicate that pectin dissolution is PG-independent even though the enzyme is catalytically active in ripe fruit. Low-temperature storage reduces in vivo pectin solubility, an effect that is reversed upon transfer to higher temperature following cold storage. " Objective 4. Standardize methods for recovering pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms from intact and fresh-cut produce including tree nuts. " Assessment of the VBNC state of human pathogens on leafy greens which may have not been detected by conventional microbiological methods and which may contribute to foodborne illness. " Availability of a procedure enabling the isolation of a broader spectrum of verotoxin-forming E. coli from plant and soil samples should provide a better estimate of occurrence (and persistence) of enterohemorrhagic E. coli in agricultural environments, as well as assessment of health risk associated with non-O157 VTEC. Objective 5. Evaluate and control unintentional and intentional microbial contamination of intact and fresh-cut produce. " Protocols were developed for sanitizing citrus fruit for fresh juice sales using an integrated method. " ARS/EMFSL hyperspectral linescan imaging systems were optimized for in-line imaging to improve and enhance means for safety/quality inspection and sorting of fresh produce at high processing speeds. " ARS/EMFS portable imaging devices enable real-time detection of contaminated food processing surfaces, thereby reducing risks of cross-contamination. Portable imaging devices can be used by small processing plants for on-site sanitation/contamination inspection. " Increase fundamental knowledge about the effect of oxygen radicals and quinones in fresh-cut produce on human pathogens. " Identification of effective hurdles to the presence, persistence and survival of pathogens in order to develop effective intervention strategies for leafy greens. " Hydrogen peroxide concentrations and exposure times optimal for retention of leaf quality and control of microbial spoilage during spinach storage have been delineated; their effectiveness in reducing surrogate pathogen densities is being determined. " E. coli O157:H7 inoculated onto the leafy portions of field-grown Romaine lettuce as an aqueous suspension displays a rapid decline in numbers of culturable cells that is independent of geographic region and local environmental conditions. " Field trials confirm that, in Romaine lettuce and its growth soil, changes in the ratio of typical to atypical coliform bacteria are of little value in estimating time elapsed post-pollution event; whereas, because certain phylogenetic groups of E. coli appear to be more adept at survival outside the gastrointestinal tract, variation in the relative proportion of each group may prove useful in this regard, plus provide an indication as to possible source of pollution. " E. coli O157:H7 that persists in a culturable form, without significant changes in its numbers, for upwards to 18 days on stored baby spinach is capable of moving to and colonizing (cross-contaminate) new leaves for all of this period. " Better understanding of factors that may impose risk of contamination of lettuce for whole and fresh-cut market " " Two prospective fungicides providing excellent control of sour rot, Rhizopus rot, gray mold and black molds can be applied as a recoverable drench or immersion bath which would include a sanitizer that would keep the treatment site as well as downstream packing line equipment sanitary. " The demonstrated ability of Salmonella to survive on lemon and lime slices, and transfer into beverages, suggests a potential food safety risk associated with improperly handled sliced citrus. " Natural light labeling tomatoes does not adversely affect the tomato surface with respect to pathogen survival, even in the presence of soft-rot pathogens and offers industry a permanent, safe alternative to traditional adhesive labeling. " Natural-light labeling citrus fruit peels and subsequent waxing in any order does not allow for the growth nor influence the natural decline of Salmonella populations on citrus fruit surfaces as compared to controls. " Plant and soil microflora as well as the method of contamination can play a role in inhibiting the growth of E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Staphylococcus aureus. Plant injury increased the persistence of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella. " E. coli was found to persist in soil up to 196 days after application of contaminated irrigation water; Salmonella enterica persisted up to 231 days in soil amended with contaminated compost. No internal or external contamination of E. coli O157:H7 was found on leafy green leaves; but some internalization to the roots occurred in as little as 7 days after contamination. This would appear to indicate that E. coli contamination was not transported within plant tissues. Salmonella was detected on lettuce and parsley surfaces for up to 63 and 231 days respectively after soil contamination, possibly from rain or irrigation water splashes. Lettuce and spinach seed grown in contaminated soil did not display any internalization of E. coli cells. No internalization was found in greens regrown after cutback. " On inoculated, pre-harvest lettuce plants, significantly fewer E. coli cells on Day 14 were found inside insect-affected leaves than the control leaves, possibly due to stimulation of plant defences. " Storage at higher temperatures (8-12C) appeared to stimulate E. coli O157:H7 growth on damaged leaves of spinach, cilantro and parsley, but not baby Romaine lettuce. This lack of growth could be associated with tissue oxidation or the presence of antioxidants. Leaf extracts do not provide a good model for simulating behavior of E. coli O157:H7 associated with damaged leaves. " Salmonella grew rapidly on chopped vegetables in salsa stored at 12 or 21C, except formulations that contained both fresh garlic and lime juice. No growth was seen on salsa held at 4C. " Human noroviruses and Hepatitis A can easily contaminate other produce, kitchen utensils and surfaces if adequate brushing or peeling, and washing of fresh produce are not followed. " In-field washing techniques used by small farmers to remove dirt are not sufficient to remove Salmonella and norovirus pathogens from leafy greens. A 2 log reduction of both pathogens on spinach was observed after treatment in chlorinated water. Further studies are needed to determine whether consumers do not rinse produce as long when they believe it to be dirt free. " Liquid and foam sanitizers containing 5% levulinic acid were effective against murine norovirus (MNV), a surrogate for human norovirus. The rate of transfer of norovirus to small hand-picked fruit indicate a high survival rate of pathogen, if hygiene procedures are not followed by harvesters or the fruit is not properly washed before consuming. " Washing fresh lettuce and tomatoes in SAEO water for 15 seconds reduced inoculated E. coli O157:H7 cell numbers by 6.6 to 7.6 log. " Juice from noni (Morinda citrifolia L.), a tropical plant widely grown in the Pacific islands, holds promise as a natural preservative. However, food constituents might affect its antimicrobial activity. " Surface morphology and topology, among other surface characteristics, effect adhesion and removal of pathogenic organisms to and from produce surfaces. Investigations to optimize the flow conditions (velocity/shear, agitation, flow pattern) to maximize the efficacy of a washing operation are being conducted. Research effort is also placed on how to combine several intervention technologies to achieve a target inactivation of bacteria without compromising the quality of produce.


  1. S-294 scientists working in food safety have provided the fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetable industries with critical information to resolve ongoing food safety issues which challenge existence of the industry
  2. S-294 scientists have presented courses to the industry promoting practices and technologies to ensure product quality and safety. These include: the Better Process Control School, a school authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration , Juice Processing Workshop, Tomato Processing School, and the Advanced Processing Technologies Course.
  3. S-294 scientists have identified sources of human pathogen contamination and means for their mitigation in leafy vegetable crops.
  4. S-294 scientists have developed a hand-held device to survey food processing areas for detection of bacterial and bioagent contamination on food surfaces, which is now being applied by the industry.
  5. The S-294 working group has been involved in the discussions with the Research Division of the UFPA. Research priorities and how to develop better interactions between researchers and industry are being discussed.
  6. The S-294 members presented 16 posters and 4 oral presentations at the United Fresh2011 trade show. These posters and presentations generated interest from industry and led to follow-up interactions with researchers
  7. A food security audit program developed by members of S-294 is being used by fresh produce growers and processors including fresh-cut processors to reduce risk of contamination


Almeida, D.P.F., Huber, D.J., 2010. Differing patterns of pectin disassembly and pericarp softening in ripening and chill injured tomato fruit with downregulated polygalacturonase activity. J. Food Biochem., 34:368-381. Almenar, E; Auras, R. 2010. Permeation, sorption, and diffusion in poly(lactic acid). In: Poly(lactic acid):Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Applications, Eds. R Auras, L-T Lim, S E M Selke, H Tsuji,Wiley and Sons, New York (USA). Pp. 155-179. Almenar, E; Siddiq, M, Merkel, C. 2011. Packaging for processed food and the environment. In:Handbook of Food Process Design, Eds. M.S. Rahman, J. Ahmed, Blackwell Publishing Limited,Oxford (United Kingdom) (In press). Alsmairat, N., C. Contreras, J. Hancock, P. Callow, and R. Beaudry. 2011. Use of Combinations of Commercially-Relevant O2 and CO2 Partial Pressures to Evaluate the Sensitivity of Nine Highbush Blueberry Fruit Cultivars to Controlled Atmospheres. HortScience. Amaro, A.L., Beaulieu, J.C., Grimm, C.C., Stein, and Almeida, D.P.F. 2011. Effect of oxygen on aroma volatiles and quality of fresh-cut cantaloupe and honeydew melons. Food Chemistry. (Accepted, 4-8-2011) Amaro, AL, JC Beaulieu, RE Stein, DPF Almeida and FX Malcata. 2010. Volatile and quality changes in fresh-cut cantaloupe and honeydew melons stored in modified atmosphere packaging. COST 924 Conference Proceedings. Environmentally Friendly and Safe Technologies for Quality of Fruits and Vegetables. Faro, Portugal, 14-16 January 2009. (In Press) Amodio M.L., Cabezas-Serrano A.B., la Zazzera M., Cibelli F., Raimondo M.L., Carlucci A., Colelli G., 2010. [Effect of cistein on browning and microbial growth of fresh-cut artichokes (Cynara cardunculus L. subsp. scolymus (L.) Hayek)]. Italus Hortus 17 (3), 87-91. Amodio M.L., Rinaldi R., Colelli G., 2010. Extending shelf-life of fresh-cut pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima): effect of pre-treatments and storage conditions. Acta Horticulturae 876, 333-340. Anthon, G.E., and D.M. Barrett. June 2010. Changes in Tomato Paste during Storage and the Effects of Heating on Consistency of Reconstituted Tomato Paste. Journal of Texture Studies 41(3):262-278. Asavasanti, S., S. Ersus, W. Ristenpart, P. Stroeve, and D.M. Barrett. Sept. 2010. Critical Electric Field Strengths of Onion Tissues Treated by Pulsed Electric Fields. Journal of Food Science 75(7):E433-E443. Asavasanti, S., W. Ristenpart, P. Stroeve, and D.M. Barrett. Jan./Feb. 2011. Permeabilization of Plant Tissues by Monopolar Pulsed Electric Fields: Effect of Frequency. Journal of Food Science 76(1):E98-E111. Bach, S., LeBlanc, P and Lin, P. 2010. The influence of chlorine and low temperature on the induction of the viable but non-culturable state in Escherichia coli. Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology / AAFC Conference. May 30-June 01, 2010 Winnipeg, MB. Bach, S.J., Dinu, L-D., and Harlton, C. 2010. Assessment of the viable but non-culturable state of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on lettuce. International Fresh-cut Produce Association (IFPA) Annual Conference, April 19-23, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada. Bach, S.J., Harlton, C.E. Wahlgren, S., Lin, P., and LeBlanc, D. 2010. Chlorine induction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 into the viable but non culturable state is strain dependant. Federal Food Safety and Nutrition Research Meeting, Gatineau, Quebec. November 03-04, 2010. Bai, J., Baldwin, E.A., Imahori, Y., Kostenyuk, I., Burns, J., Brecht, J.K. 2011. Chilling and heating may regulate C6 volatile aroma production by different mechanism in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 60:111-120. Bai, J., Narciso, J.A., Plotto, A., and Baldwin, E.A. 2009. Harvest maturity, pre-cutting wash, and post-processing dip to improve quality of fresh-cut carambola Fruit Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 122:338342. Baldwin, E.A. and Bai, J. 2010. Physiology of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables. In: Advances in Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables Processing, Olga Martín-Belloso and Robert Soliva-Fortuny, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 87-113. Baldwin, E.A., Bai, J., Plotto, A., Dea, S. 2011. Electronic noses and tongues: Applications for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Sensors. 11: 4744-4766. doi:10.3390/s1105047044 Baldwin, E.A., Plotto, A., Narciso, J., and Bai, J. 2011. Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene on tomato flavour components, shelf life and decay as influenced by harvest maturity and storage temperature. J. Sci. Food Agric. 91:969-980. Barrett, D.M., J.C. Beaulieu and R. Shewfelt. May 2010. Color, Flavor, Texture, and Nutritional Quality of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables: Desirable Levels, Instrumental and Sensory Measurement, and the Effects of Processing. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 50(5):369-389. Barrett, DM, JC Beaulieu, and RL Shewfelt. 2010. Color, Flavor, Texture and Nutritional Quality of Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables: Desirable Levels, Instrumental and Sensory Measurement, and Effects of Processing. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 50(5):369-389. Beaudry, R. 2010. Future Trends and Innovations in Controlled Atmosphere Storage and Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technologies. Proc. 10th Intl Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Conference, Acta Hort. 876:21-28. Beaudry, R.M. and Vallejo, F. 2010. Comparing the function of perforated and non-perforated film in MAP: Impact on the quality of broccoli. Proc. 9th Intl Controlled Atmosphere Conference. Acta Hort. 857:503-512. Beaulieu J. C., C. C. Grimm, S. W. Lloyd and R. E. Stein. 2010. Characterizing endogenous and oxidative low molecular weight flavor/aroma compounds in fresh squeezed/blended pomegranate juice. American Society for Horticultural Science, Annual Conference (August 2-5), 2010. Beaulieu J. C., C. C. Grimm, S. W. Lloyd and R. E. Stein. 2011. GC-MS compounds recovered in southern rabbiteye blueberry cultivars harvested at various maturities, commonly grown in Mississippi and Louisiana. ASHS. Beaulieu J.C., CC Grimm, SW Lloyd and RE Stein. 2011. Semi-volatile and volatile compounds recovered in southern rabbiteye blueberries at various maturities. J. Agric. Food Chem. (In Preparation) Beaulieu J.C., J M Lea and R E Stein. 2011 or 2012. Characterizing endogenous versus secondary flavor compounds in fresh-cut and processed fruits. J. Food Sci. (In Preparation) Beaulieu, JC, Grimm, C, Lloyd, SW and Stein, RE. 2011. Aroma, semi-volatile and volatile compounds recovered in fresh pomegranate and juices. J. Agric. Food Chem. (In preparation) Beaulieu, JC, Lea, JM, Stein, RE, Ingber, BF and Goldberg, N. 2011. Quality change in stored fresh-cut seedless watermelon subjected to firmness retention dips and shipping plus vibration damage. J. Food Sci. (In Preparation) Bolton, Stephanie L.; Ali Aydin; Tong Zhao; Jennifer L. Cannon. 2011. Impact of pH and Organic Load on Norovirus Inactivation by a Levulinic Acid Plus SDS Sanitizer. Proceedings of the Center for Food Safety 18th annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1-2, 2011. Poster 14. Cabezas-Serrano A.B., Amodio M.L., Cornacchia R, Rinaldi R, Colelli G. 2009. Suitability of five different potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) to be processed as fresh-cut products. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 53:138144. Cabezas-Serrano A.B., Amodio M.L., Cornacchia R., Rinaldi R., Colelli G. 2009. Screening quality and browning susceptibility of 5 artichoke cultivars for fresh-cut processing. J. Sci. Food Agric., 89(15):2588-2594. Cannon, Jennifer L.; Ali Aydin, A.N. Mann. 2010. A Novel Sanitizer for Rapid Inactivation of Norovirus on Food Contact Surfaces. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Calciviruses, Santa Cruz, Chile, Oct 16-19, 2010, p 68, Abstract P-37. Capozzi V., Fiocco D, Amodio M.L:, Gallone A., Spano G. 2009. 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Toivonen, P.M.A., Lu, C., Delaquis, P. and Bach, S.J. 2010. Evaluation of timing of application of sanitizing washes to reduce microbial counts on Romaine lettuce. Federal Food Safety and Nutrition Research Meeting, Gatineau, Quebec. November 03-04, 2010. Toivonen, P.M.A., Wiersma, P.A., Hampson, C.R., and Lannard, B.L. 2010. Effect of short-term air storage after removal from controlled-atmosphere storage on apple and fresh-cut apple quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 90: 580-585. Tsouvaltzis, P., Deltsidis, A.I., and Brecht, J.K., 2010. A delay between hot water treatment and processing of potato tubers reduces browning development on fresh-cut slices., XXVIII International Horticultural Congress, ISHS, Lisbon, Portugal (abstract) Tsouvaltzis, P., Deltsidis, A.I., and Brecht, J.K., 2010. Citric acid reduces browning of fresh-cut potato by means other than as an acidulant, ASHS Annu. Mtg., Palm Desert, CA. (abstract) Turk, Rebekah J. Jessica R. Just; Gary L. Carter, Julia W. Gaskin, Judy A. Harrison, and Jennifer L. Cannon. 2011. Impact of Dirt and Native Microflora on Norovirus and Salmonella Removal by In-field and In-home Rinsing of Fresh Produce. Proceedings of the Center for Food Safety 18th annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1-2, 2011. Poster 13. Vallejo, F. and R. M. Beaudry. 2010. Absorption of 1-MCP by non-target materials during storage. Proc. 9th Intl Controlled Atmosphere Conference. Acta Hort. 857:513-520. Wang, Qing; Susan J. Downer, Marilyn C. Erickson, Ynes R. Ortega, and Jennifer L. Cannon. 2011. Cross-contamination of Fresh Produce and Kitchen Utensils by Norovirus and Hepatitis A during Home Preparation. Proceedings of the Center for Food Safety 18th annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1-2, 2011. Poster 15. Waters, Brian, Yanjie Tang, Jillian D. Fishburn, Yen-Con Hung, Joseph F. Frank, and William C. Hurst. 2011. Reducing fresh produce microbiological safety risk through washing. Presentation to be delivered at the Hands-on HACCP for the Fresh-cut Industry workshop, UGA, Athens, Georgia, May 17, 2011. Webb, C., M. Erickson, L. Davey, A. Payton, L. Ma, I. Flitcroft, and M. Doyle. 2010. Threshold concentrations of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in soil required for internalization into leafy greens. Int. Assoc. Food Protection 97th Annual Mtg., Anaheim, California, August 1-4, 2010. Abstract P3-04. Webb, Cathy C.; Marilyn C. Erickson, Juan Diaz-Perez, Sharad Phatak, Lindsey E. Davey, Alison S. Payton, and Michael P. Doyle. 2011. Potential Internalization of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 into Field-grown Lettuce and Spinach Grown from Seed and Re-grown after Cutback. Proceedings of the Center for Food Safety 18th annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1-2, 2011. Poster 3. Webb, Cathy C.; Marilyn C. Erickson, Lindsey E. Davey, Alison S. Payton, Ian D. Flitcroft, and Michael P. Doyle. 2011. Comparison of Lettuce, Spinach, and Parsley Leaves for Internalization of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 after Repeated Exposure to Low-dose Contaminated Irrigation Water. Proceedings of the Center for Food Safety 18th annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1-2, 2011. Poster 4. Whitaker, V.M., Hasing, T., Plotto, A., Baldwin, E.A., and Chandler, C.K. 2011. Historical trends in strawberry fruit quality revealed by a trial of University of Florida cultivars and advanced selections. HortScience. 46:553-557. Wood, J. D., Bezanson, G. S., Gordon, R, and Jamieson, R. 2010. Population dynamics of Escherichia coli inoculated by irrigation into the phyllosphere of spinach grown under commercial production conditions. Intl J. Food Microbiol. 143:198-204. Wu, R., Duan, J., Lin, D., Strik, B.C., and Zhao, Y. 2010. Effect of edible coatings on the quality of fresh blueberries (Duke and Elliott) under commercial storage conditions. Postharvest Biology & Technology. 59(1), 71-79. Yang, E., Fan, L., Jiang, Y., Doucette, C. and Fillmore, S. 2010. Antimicrobial activity of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria isolated from cheeses and yoghurts. 2010 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Abstract no. 038-34, p. 44 in conference proceedings. Yang, E., Fan, L., Jiang, Y., Doucette, C. and Fillmore, S. 2010. Antimicrobial effect of natural metabolites -MicroGARD® 730 on fresh cut onions. 2010 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Abstract no. 152-19, p. 155 in conference proceedings. Yang, E., Fan, L., Jiang, Y., Doucette, C. and Fillmore, S. 2011. Antimicrobial effect of natural preservatives a commercial fermentation product on fresh- cut onions. Journal of Food Protection. 74(3): 470-474. Zhou B, Feng H, Luo Y and Millner PD. 2010. Ultrasound as an intervention technology for the sanitation of coring knife, Institute of Food Technologists annual meeting, Chicago, IL. Zhou B, Feng H, Pearstein A. 2010. Inactivation efficacy of new ultrasound-assisted wash on the microbial quality of spinach, Institute of Food Technologists annual meeting, Chicago, IL. Zhou B, Feng H. 2010. Effect of ultrasonication on the quality of spinach, Institute of Food Technologists annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
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