SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Agar, Juan ( - NOAA; Anderson, Chris ( - University of Rhode Island; Anderson, James ( - World Bank; Asche, Frank ( - University of Stavanger; Bisack, Kathryn ( - NEFSC/NOAA; Freeman, Matt ( - Louisiana State University; Hanson, Terry ( - Auburn University; Johnston, Robert ( - Clark University; Knapp, Gunnar ( - University of Alaska; Larkin, Sherry ( - University of Florida; Pan, Minling ( - PIFSC/NOAA; Rountree, Barbara ( - NEFSC/NOAA; Savolainen, Michelle ( - Louisiana State University; Sylvia, Gil ( - Oregon State University; Uchida, Hiro ( - University of Rhode Island; Valderrama, Diego ( - University of Florida;

Terry Hanson (Chair) opened meeting at 12:26 pm local time. W2004 project was revamped in 2009 to develop research efforts toward the marketing, trade, and management of aquaculture and fishery resources. A major goal of W2004 was for members to develop and collaborate on common projects. For more information (and to remind you of the project!) the W2004 home website is: HYPERLINK "" The Hawaii NAAFE meeting was an example of how W2004 is fulfilling its objectives. - There was a pre-conference workshop hosted by Christopher Anderson (URI) concerning the Fishery Performance Indicator (FPI) project that included case study presentations by W2004 members on how their chosen fishery performed according to FPIs. - Secondly, several W2004 members presented at the NAAFE meeting in a special session hosted by the International Association of Aquaculture Economics and Management (IAAEM) special session on the Use of Scanner Data for Seafood Market Analysis, another topic area of W2004. - Third, Gunnar Knapp, University of Alaska Anchorage, led a discussion session on The Economics of Fish, to provide an overview of how in writing this book (same title) he is attempting to summarize, for a non-economist audience, the wide variety of interesting and important topics that our profession deals with. New Business Do we need to have an annual meeting? A practical goal of W2004 is to communicate among members so common projects can be developed. Gunnar Knapp agreed that meetings such as NAAFE provide an opportunity for W2004 members to discuss collaborative projects and noted it is difficult for all members to attend every meeting, but never know quite how it benefits everyone when they do meet. - SUGGESTION: Maybe where several W2004 members are presenting they could informally meet and provide a short set of minutes that could be sent out to other W2004 members. Thus, Gunnar suggested that whoever attends a conference where several W2004 members are involved they could informally meet and provide a short set of minutes that could be sent out to other W2004 members. Additionally, it was thought that a current project, such as the FPI project or another collaborative project, would be a perfect reason to meet. Gunnar Knapp suggested that we work toward an Economic Workshop for Fishery Professionals. [Gunnar, will you elaborate on this idea in a reply email?] He will be developing a survey of fishery economics USERs to determine who uses information we produce, their understanding of fishery economics and how these results can be best used. Jim Anderson suggested that there is a major problem with lack of graduate-trained natural resource economists, as evidenced by his current 100% placement of students from URI. He asked that a 2 page statement from W2004 be written to NMFS concerning the need for more fisheries economic graduate students and faculty. - It was thought that Gunnar Knapps session on Friday May 13 might partially address this issue. In that session Gunnar discussed the proposition of surveying fisheries policy makers, determining what they know or think about economics as possible areas for future work for the W2004 group, as Gunnar said there is &no end to projects that the profession [and W2004] could undertake& - Chris Anderson asked if &there really is such a problem? Looking around the room, a lot of young people are in the room, maybe it is a quality problem? Or are they trained in the wrong area? - It was suggested by Jim Anderson that a 10 member blue ribbon panel be set up by NMFS to investigate this issue and provide a report to W2004 for review. The blue ribbon committee might be comprised of a people from NMFS, NOAA, World Bank, Researchers, WWF and others. - In the end it was suggested that W2004 send a letter to NMFS concerning this issue and Gil Silvia was selected as the chair for this letter. Gil agreed but thought evidence was needed to back up this position before actually writing/sending the letter. He thought Gunnars survey of fishery economics USERs would be a good start to having data that could support (or not support) this hypothesis. The W2004 members on this letter writing (after data analysis) committee are Gil Silvia (chair), Sherry Larkin, Christopher Anderson, Gunnar Knapp and Cathy Roheim (not present, but selected in absentia!). Jim Anderson, because of his World Bank position cannot be a member of this committee but would be willing to discuss this topic further with the W2004 group. Thanks Gil for taking this on! Sherry Larkin, along with Diego Valderrama, graciously agreed to plan and host a W2004 workshop in Cedar Key Florida in May 2012. One idea was to have the FPI as a main focus of the meeting with additional presentations on other current and potential projects. Thank you Sherry and Diego Valderrama for taking this on! We look forward to hearing from you as this events planning progresses. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


Outputs: In addition to the education sessions listed below under activities, the project produced the following in its first year -- 5 refereed publications, 1 book chapter, 2 reports, 1 electronic database.

Activities: First, a pre-conference workshop was conducted at the 2011 North American Association of Fisheries Economist meeting to develop case-study analyses of specific fisheries for use in the construction of Fisheries Performance Indicators (FPI). The FPI are to be used by federal and international agencies in prioritizing fisheries management projects, and the W2004 members provided critical scientific data through this process. Secondly, several W2004 members presented at the NAAFE meeting in a special session hosted by the International Association of Aquaculture Economics and Management (IAAEM) on the use of scanner data for seafood market analysis. The use of this data, and its economic analysis, will be important to the future of demand and market analysis of fisheries products. Lastly, W2004 member Gunnar Knapp led a discussion session on proposed book entitled The Economics of Fish. This publication project of W2004 will be an attempt to summarize, for the non-economist audience, the wide variety of interesting and important topics that our profession deals with.


  1. Developed expert case-studies on the sustainability of specific fisheries for use in prioritizing limited fisheries management resources.
  2. Organized and participated in a special session of the North American Association of Fisheries Economists meeting that was aimed at developing new and innovative techniques for using scanner data in seafood demand and market analysis.


Cusack, C., M. Harte, G. Sylvia, S. Larkin, S. Heppell. 2010. Age Structure Metrics for Precautionary Management: Can Simpler Assessment Techniques save Fish, Time and Money? 12 p. In Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Conference of IIFET, ISBN 0-9763432-6-6. Corvallis: IIFET Secretariat. Dedah, C., W.R. Keithly, Jr. and R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr. 2011. An Analysis of U.S. Oyster Demand and the Influences of Labeling Requirements. Marine Resource Economics 26(1):17-33. Larkin, S., S. Alvarez, G. Sylvia, and M. Harte. 2011. Practical Considerations in Using Bioeconomic Modelling for Rebuilding Fisheries, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers, No. 38, OECD Publishing. 39 p. Morgan, K.L., T. Stevens, R. Degner, S.L. Larkin, and C.M. Adams. 2010. Economic Impacts of Alternative Regulatory Scenarios on the Florida Fresh Half-shell Oyster Industry. Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) FE835. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Norden, W., K. Athearn, D. McNaught, S. Larkin, and M. Teisl. 2010. Assessing the Impact of MSC Certification on Management and Conservation in the New Zealand Hoki and Orange Roughy Fisheries. Final report submitted to the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. University of Maine at Machias. 126 p. Ran, T., W.R. Keithly, Jr. and R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr. 2011. Location Choice Behavior of Gulf of Mexico Shrimpers under Dynamic Economic Conditions. Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics 43(1). Ropicki, A., S.L. Larkin, and C.M. Adams. 2010. Seafood Substitution and Mislabeling: WTP for a Locally-caught Grouper Labeling Program in Florida. Marine Resource Economics 25: 77-92. Yu, R. and P.S. Leung. 2010. A Bayesian hierarchical model for modeling white shrimp (litopenaeus vannamei) growth in a commercial shrimp farm, Aquaculture, 306:205210. Yu, R., P.S. Leung, L.E. Kam and P. Bienfang. 2010. A Decision Support System for Scheduling Partial Harvesting in Aquaculture, Chapter 18 in Decision Support Systems in Agriculture, Food and the Environment: Trends, Applications and Advances, B. Manos et al. (Editors), p. 406-419, Information Science Reference, New York.
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