SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Alston, Julian: University of California, Davis Anderson, Soren: Michigan State University Azevedo, Paulo: FGV, EESP, Brazil Babcock, Bruce: Iowa State University Bordey, Flordeliza: Philippine Rice Research Institute Bowman, Maria: University of California, Berkeley Bullock, David: University of Illinois Chakravorty, Ujjayant: University of Alberta Cohn, Avery: University of California, Berkeley da Silveira, José Maria: IE-Unicamp, Brazil Dalton, Timothy: Kansas State University Davis, Sarah: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Drivas, Kyriakos: University of California at Berkeley Ervin, David: Portland State University Fan, Xing: Iowa State University Frisvold, George: University of Arizona Fuglie, Keith: USDA, ERS Fulginiti, Lilyan; University of Nebraska Gilless, Keith: University of California, Berkeley Graff, Gregory: Colorado State University Hochman, Gal: University of California, Berkeley Huffman, Wallace: Iowa State University Jenner, Mark: University of California, Davis Khanna, Madhu: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Kostandini, Genti: University of Georgia Lambert, David: Kansas State University Lei, Zhen: Pennsylvania State University Perrin, Richard: University of Nebraska Msangi, Siwa: IFPRI Olmstead, Alan: University of California, Davis Orts, William J.: USDA, ARS, WRRC Peterson, Christopher: Michigan State University Pray, Carl: Rutgers University Rajagopal, Deepak: University of California, Los Angeles Richardson, James: Texas A&M Univesity Rozelle, Scott: Stanford University Salvo, Alberto: Kellogg-Northwestern University Sexton, Steve: University of California, Berkeley Shi, Guanming: University of Wisconsin-Madison Signorini, Guilherme: Michigan State University Taylor, Caroline: University of California, Berkeley Timilsina, Govinda: World Bank Wang, Sun Ling: USDA, ERS Wilson, Michael: University of California, Berkeley Wright, Brian: University of California, Berkeley Youngs, Heather: University of California, Berkeley Zilberman, David: University of California, Berkeley

This years NC-1034 research symposium, Biotechnology, Bioenergy, and Global Food Security was held in conjunction with the 4th Annual Berkeley Bioeconomy Conference: The State of Biofuel and Biotechnology. The joint conference was held from March 24-26, 2011 on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley. The program for the Bioeconomy Conference is available at while the program for the NC-1034 portion of the joint conference is list below and also posted at NC-1034 Program, 2011 Friday March 25 2:15  3:45 Gregory Graff (Colorado State) and Brian Wright (UC-Berkeley) Structuring Public Private Research Alliances: Allocating Intellectual Property and Control Rights to Optimize Collaborative R&D in Bioenergy David Bullock (Illinois) and Flordeliza Bardey (Philippine Rice Research Institute) A Discussion about the Efficiency of US Ethanol Policy Jessica Schuring, Wallace Huffman, and Xing Fan (Iowa State) Genetically Modified Crops and Midwestern Farm Production: Evidence at the State Level over 1960-2004 3:45  4:00 Break 4:00  5:30 Guanming Shi (Wisconsin) An Analysis of Productivity of Biotech Seeds: The Case of US Corn Hybrids Kyriakos Drivas (UC-Berkeley), Zhen Lei (Penn State), and Brian Wright (UC-Berkeley) The Role of Exclusive Licensing in Follow-on Research of Academic Patented Inventions Sun Ling Wang, David Schimmelpfennig, and Eldon Ball (USDA  ERS) Is Agricultural Productivity Slowing? The Case of US and EU Countries Saturday March 26 9:00  10:30 Panel Discussion led by Carl Pray, Timothy Dalton, David Zilberman and others. Can NC-1034 play a role in strengthening African agricultural science and technology policy? Strengthening African agricultural science and technology policy 10:30  10:45 Break 10:45  12:15 Keith Fuglie (USDA, ERS) Global Agricultural Productivity Growth George Frisvold (Arizona) Resistance Management and Sustainable Use of Biotechnology David Bullock (Illinois) A New Measure of the Producer Welfare Effects of Technological Change 12:30  2:00 Lunch / NC-1034 Business Meeting / Adjourn The joint conference featured speakers from a wide range of disciplines, including: agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, agronomy, biochemistry, bioproduct chemistry & engineering, economic history, epidemiology, forest economics & management, and plant biology. Presentations are available for download at: The panel discussion on strengthening African agricultural science and technology policy included discussion of establishing endowed chairs of bioscience policy focused on agriculture at African Universities in economics and agricultural economics with money for research, graduate students and links to NC1034 and International Consortium for Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) networks. It also considered possibilities of seeking out funding sources to increase opportunities for agricultural PhD students and post-doctoral scholars working on African agricultural development issues. The annual business meeting was held on Saturday, March 26, from 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Termination report: Committee president, George Frisvold (Arizona) informed the group that next year materials would be needed to write the committee termination report. The termination report differs from annual report in that it should discuss cumulative activities, accomplishments, and impacts of the committee over past 5 years. New NIFA rep: Robbin Shoemaker will be NC-1034's new NIFA rep. The group noted appreciation for Henry Bahn's support and assistance as past rep and welcomed Robbin's involvement as he is familiar with the group's research and has published in areas directly related to the committee's charge. Theme and venue of next meeting / conference: Because the old farm bill is expiring and a new farm bill will be drafted next year, several members suggested that the theme of next year's conference should be to inform the research title of the next farm bill. Frisvold conveyed to the group that Robbin Shoemaker was willing to explore the possibility of having next year's meetings at the NIFA offices in Washington, DC. This would facilitate participation of policymakers. Other suggestions included: * Invite congressional committee staff economists as speakers * Coordinate with groups such as the Farm Foundation and C-FARE to increase the impact of presentations * Have the first day of the conference focus on less technical policy presentations for policy makers. This would require presentations that were structured differently than typical academic seminars. Wally Huffman distributed to the group the copies of the report Investing in a Better Future through Public Agricultural Research ( /castagresearchfinal_qta2011-11.pdf ) published by the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) as CAST Commentary QTA2011-1. The report was co-authored by Huffman, NC-1034 member George Norton (Virginia Tech) and Luther Tweeten (Ohio State). The report is a good example of the type of material that would be appropriate for presentation to policy makers. * Have the meetings over Friday/ Saturday (rather than Thursday / Friday). Because of teaching commitments it is more difficult for faculty to attend on Thursdays. This may require that meetings be held at NIFA on Friday, but a different site on Saturday. This has been done in the past when meetings have been in Washington. Planning committee: George Frisvold (Arizona), Gregory Graff (Colorado State), and Sun Ling Wang (USDA, ERS) agreed to serve on the meeting planning committee. It was also suggested we attempt to enlist Richard Just (Maryland) and Vince Smith (Montana State). Officers: George Frisvold (Arizona) was elected president Gregory Graff (Colorado State) was elected secretary The group heartily thanked David Zilberman for all the work involved in hosting this year's conference. Meeting Adjourned.


Short-term Outcomes: Methods developed by NC-1034 members to evaluate the economic impacts and returns to agricultural research have been widely adopted by USDA agencies, scholars at land-grant institutions, the World Bank, and the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Assessments of economic impacts of new technologies have been widely cited in government and National Academy reports on the benefits and costs of biotechnologies and on agricultural sustainability. Outputs: Outputs this year included more than 70 publications. Activities: NC-1034 members and international cooperators organized and participated in the 14th International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) Conference in Ravello, Italy, June 16-18, 2010 with the theme Bioeconomy Governance: Policy, Environmental and Health Regulation, and Public Investments in Research. NC-1034 member publications were included in a resulting special issue of the journal AgBioForum (see Milestones) NC-1034 members and cooperators organized and participated in the Third Berkeley Conference on the Bioeconomy The Current Situation of Biofuel: Economics, Policy, Technology, and Research held June 24-25, 2010 on the campus of the University of California. Milestones: A large body of NC-1034 research has been published together in books, edited volumes and a special journal issue. Combining research outputs in special volumes and journal issues allows complementary research of NC-1034 members to be presented together. Examples include the following. The book Persistence Pays: U.S. Agricultural Productivity Growth and the Benefits from Public R&D Spending (Springer, 2010) was co-authored by three NC-1034 members (and one collaborator) and is based in part on research presented at earlier NC-1034 meetings. The edited volume The Economic Impact of Public Support to Agriculture: An International Perspective (Springer, 2010) was edited and features contributions of one NC-1034 member with multiple collaborators. The edited volume Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy (Springer, 2010) was co-edited by one NC-1034 member and contains chapters by two NC-1034 members, several collaborators, and several graduate students conducting doctoral research on NC-1034-related projects. The volume The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide (Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University, 2010) was edited by two NC-1034 members and a collaborator and features research presented at earlier NC-1034 meetings. Papers revised and accepted based on peer review from the 2010 International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) Conference have been published in a special issue of AgBioForum (volume 13, number 4). This special issue included publications by NC-1034 members and international collaborators. Earlier versions of these papers were presented at the annual meeting of International Consortium for Agricultural Biotechnology Research, which was organized by NC-1034 members and European collaborators. Impacts Two books that were the product (in part) of NC-1034 activities and research collaboration received a number of prestigious professional awards for excellence. The book Alston, J.M., M.A. Andersen, J.S. James, and P.G. Pardey. (2010) Persistence Pays: U.S. Agricultural Productivity Growth and the Benefits from Public R&D Spending. New York: Springer has received the following awards * The Quality of Research Discovery Award from the Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society * The Outstanding Published Research Award from the Western Agricultural Economics Association * The Quality of Research Discovery Award from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association - the largest and most prestigious organization in agricultural and natural resource economics. The Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society gave its annual Quality of Communication Award to the book Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey, eds. (2010). The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. Ames, IA: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University. A stated objective of NC-1034 was that project participants would continue to be directly involved in National Research Council (NRC) publications and to be sources of key cited references. The goal of the NRC is to improve government decision making and public policy, increase public understanding, and promote the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in matters involving science, engineering, technology, and health. The Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources (BANR) is the major program unit of the National Research Council responsible for organizing and overseeing studies on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, wildlife, and the use of land, water, and other natural resources. NC-1034 members made important contributions to two major NRC publications in 2010. The report The Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the United States Research (2010, National Academies Press) relied extensively on research findings of NC-1034 members, citing more than 30 papers by members. The report Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century (2010,) National Academies Press cited 25 papers by NC-1034 members.


  1. The book Persistence Pays: U.S. Agricultural Productivity Growth and the Benefits from Public R&D Spending has received the following awards The Quality of Research Discovery Award from the Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society " The Outstanding Published Research Award from the Western Agricultural Economics Association " The Quality of Research Discovery Award from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association - the largest and most prestigious organization in agricultural and natural resource economics.
  2. The Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society gave its annual Quality of Communication Award to the book Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey, eds. (2010). The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. Ames, IA: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University.
  3. The report The Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the United States Research (2010, National Academies Press) relied extensively on research findings of NC-1034 members, citing more than 30 papers by members.
  4. The report Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century (2010,) National Academies Press cited 25 papers by NC-1034 members.


2010 Publications Alston, J. (2010), The Benefits from Agricultural Research and Development, Innovation, and Productivity Growth. OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers, No. 31, OECD Publishing. Alston, J.M. (2010). The Incidence of US Farm Programs. In Ball, V.E., R. Fanfani, L.Gutierrez (eds.) (2010). The Economic Impact of Public Support to Agriculture: An International Perspective. New York: Springer. Alston, J.M., M.A. Andersen, J.S. James, and P.G. Pardey. (2010) Persistence Pays: U.S. Agricultural Productivity Growth and the Benefits from Public R&D Spending. New York: Springer. Alston, J.M., M.A. Andersen, J.S. James and P.G. Pardey (2010). Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity in the United States. In Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey, eds. (2010). The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. Ames, IA: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University. Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey (2010). Introduction and Overview. In Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey, eds. (2010). The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. Ames, IA: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University. Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey (2010). Shifting Patterns of Global Agricultural Productivity: Synthesis and Conclusion. In Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey, eds. (2010). The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. Ames, IA: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University. Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey, eds. (2010). The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. Ames, IA: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University. Alston, J.M., J.M. Beddow, P.G. Pardey (2010). Food Commodity Prices in the Long Run: The Crucial Role of Agricultural Research and Productivity. EuroChoices Volume 9, Issue 3, 3642. Alston, J.M., J.M. Beddow and P.G. Pardey (2010). Global Patterns of Crop Yields and Other Partial Productivity Measures and Prices. In Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey, eds. (2010). The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. Ames, IA: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University. Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey (2010). U.S. Agricultural Research in a Global Food Security Setting Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Andersen, M.A., J.M. Alston, P.G. Pardey (2010). Capital Services in U.S. Agriculture: Concepts, Comparisons, and Treatment of Interest Rates. Staff Paper P10-6 / InSTePP Paper 10-02. Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota. Anderson, C.L., L. Lipper, T. Dalton, M. Smale, J. Hellin, T. Hodgkin, C. Almekinders, P. Audi, M. Bellon, R. Cavatassi, L. Diakité, R. Jones, E. King, A. Keleman, M. Meijer, T. Osborn, L. Nagarajan, A. Paz, M. Rodriguez, A. Sidebé, L. Salazar, J. van Heerwaarden, P. Winters (2010). Project Methodology: Using Markets to Promote the Sustainable Utilization of Crop Genetic Resources. In Lipper, L., C.L. Anderson, T.J. Dalton, eds., (2010). Seed Trade in Rural Markets: Implications for Crop Diversity and Agricultural Development. London and Rome: Earthscan and FAO. Ball, V.E., J.-P. Butault, C. San Juan, R. Mora (2010). Agricultural Competitiveness. In Ball, V.E., R. Fanfani, L.Gutierrez (eds.) (2010). The Economic Impact of Public Support to Agriculture: An International Perspective. New York: Springer. Ball, V. E., J.-P. Butault, C. San Juan, R. Mora (2010) Productivity and international competitiveness of agriculture in the European Union and the United States. Agricultural Economics 41, 611627. Ball, V.E., R. Cavazos, J. LaFrance, R. Pope, J. Tack (2010). Aggregation and Arbitrage in Joint Production. In Ball, V.E., R. Fanfani, L.Gutierrez (eds.) (2010). The Economic Impact of Public Support to Agriculture: An International Perspective. New York: Springer. Ball, V.E., R. Fanfani, L.Gutierrez (eds.) (2010). The Economic Impact of Public Support to Agriculture: An International Perspective. New York: Springer. Ball, V.E., R. Färe, S. Grosskopf, D. Margaritis (2010). Productivity and Profitability of US Agriculture: Evidence from a Panel of States. In Ball, V.E., R. Fanfani, L.Gutierrez (eds.) (2010). The Economic Impact of Public Support to Agriculture: An International Perspective. New York: Springer. Bayer, J.C., Norton, G.W., Falck-Zepeda, J. (2010). Cost of compliance with biotechnology regulation in the Philippines: Implications for developing countries. AgBioForum, 13(1), 53-62. Beddow, J.M., D., Kriticos, P.G. Pardey, R.W. Sutherst (2010) Potential Global Crop Pest Distributions Using CLIMEX: HarvestChoice Working Paper. St Paul: HarvestChoice, University of Minnesota, 2010. Beddow, J.M., P.G. Pardey, J. Koo and S. Wood (2010). The Changing Landscape of Global Agriculture. In Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey, eds. (2010). The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. Ames, IA: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University. Bellon, M., C.L. Anderson, L. Lipper, T.J. Dalton, A. Keleman, M. Grum (2010). Synthesis Chapter: Markets, Seed Systems and Crop Diversity. In Lipper, L., C.L. Anderson, T.J. Dalton, eds., (2010). Seed Trade in Rural Markets: Implications for Crop Diversity and Agricultural Development. London and Rome: Earthscan and FAO. Bessen, J., M.J. Meurer, G. Moschini (2010). Patent Failure: How Judges, Bureaucrats, and Lawyers Put Innovators at Risk. Review of Policy Research Volume 27, Issue 2, 200202. Cason, T.N., W.A. Masters, R.M. Sheremeta (2010). Entry into Winner-take-all and Proportional-prize Contests: An Experimental Study. Journal of Public Economics. Volume 94, Issues 9-10, 604-611. Colson, G., W.E. Huffman, M. Rousu (2010). Estimates of the Welfare Impact of Intragenic and Transgenic GM Labeling Policies. Selected Paper. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association's AAEA, CAES & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver Colorado, July 25-27, 2010. Cui, J., H. Lapan, G. Moschini, J. Cooper (2010). Welfare Impacts of Alternative Bioefuel and Energy Policies. Selected Paper. Agricultural & Applied Economics Associations AAEA, CAES & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 25-27, 2010. Dalton, T.J., C.L. Anderson, L. Lipper, A. Keleman (2010). Markets and Access to Crop Genetic Resources. In Lipper, L., C.L. Anderson, T.J. Dalton, eds., (2010). Seed Trade in Rural Markets: Implications for Crop Diversity and Agricultural Development. London and Rome: Earthscan and FAO. Desquilbet, M., D. S. Bullock. (2010). On the Proportionality of EU Spatial Ex Ante Coexistence Regulations: A Comment. Food Policy Volume 35, Issue 1, 87-90. Frisvold, G.B., J.M. Reeves (2010). Resistance management and sustainable use of agricultural biotechnology. AgBioForum, 13(4), 343-359. Fulginiti, L.E. (2010). What Comes First, Agricultural Growth or Democracy? Agricultural Economics 41,15-24. Gillespie, J., Nehring, R., Hallahan, C., Sandretto, C., & Tauer, L. (2010). Adoption of recombinant bovine somatotropin and farm profitability: Does farm size matter? AgBioForum, 13(3), 251-262. Glenna, L.L., R.A. Jussaume Jr. (2010). Social Equity and the Genetically Engineered Crops Controversy. Choices 2nd Quarter 2010, 25(2) Glenna, LL., R.R. Thomas (2010). From Renewable to Alternative: Waste Coal, the Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard, and Public Legitimacy. Society & Natural Resources. Volume 23, Issue 9, 856  871. Graff, G.D., D. Zilberman, A.B. Bennett (2010) The Commercialization of Biotechnology Traits Plant Science. Volume 179, Issue 6, 635-644. Hochman, G., Rajagopal, D., & Zilberman, D. (2010). The Effect of Biofuels on Crude Oil Markets. AgBioForum, 13(2), 112-118. Hochman, G., S. Sexton, D. Zilberman (2010). Food and Biofuel in a Global Environment. In Khanna, M., J. Scheffran, D. Zilberman (eds.) (2010). Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy. New York, Springer. Huang, J., J. Mi, H. Lin, Z. Wang, R. Chen, R. Hu, S. Rozelle, C.E. Pray (2010). A Decade of Bt Cotton in Chinese Fields: Assessing the Direct Effects and Indirect Externalities of Bt Cotton Adoption in China. Science China Life Sciences 53(8), 981-991. Huffman, W.E. (2010) Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods: Traits, Labels and Diverse Information. Working Paper No. 10029. Department of Economics, Iowa State University. Huffman, W.E., X. Fan, J. Schuring (2010). The Impact of Public and Private R&D on Farmers' Production Decisions: Econometric Evidence for Midwestern States, 1960-2004. Working Paper No. 10021. Department of Economics, Iowa State University. Huffman, W.E., R.E. Just (2010) Setting Incentives for Scientists Who Engage in Research and Other Activities: An Application of Principal-Agent Theory. Working Paper No. 10022. Department of Economics, Iowa State University. Khanna, M., J. Scheffran, D. Zilberman (eds.) (2010). Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy. New York, Springer. Khanna, M., J. Scheffran, D. Zilberman (eds.) (2010). In Bioenergy Economics and Policy: Introduction and Overview. In Khanna, M., J. Scheffran, D. Zilberman (eds.) (2010). Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy. New York, Springer. Koo, B., B.D. Wright (2010). Dynamic Effects of Patent Policy on Sequential Innovation. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 19, Issue 2, 489-512. Krishna, V.V., U. Pascual, D. Zilberman (2010). Assessing the Potential of Labelling Schemes for in situ Landrace Conservation: An Example from India. Environ. Devel. Econ. 15: 127-151. Lambert, D.K., J. Gong (2010). Dynamic Adjustment of U.S. Agriculture to Energy Price Changes. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 42(2), 289301. Lambert, D.K., J. Middleton (2010). Logistical Design of a Regional Herbaceous Crop Residue-based Ethanol Production Complex. Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 34, no. 1, 91-100. Lambert. D.K., D. Miljkovic (2010). The Sources of Variability in U.S. Food Prices. Journal of Policy Modeling. Volume 32, Issue 2, March-April, 210-222. La Rovere, R., G. Kostandini, T. Abdoulaye, J. Dixon, W. Mwangi, Z. Guo, and M. Bänziger. 2010. Potential Impact of Investments in Drought Tolerant Maize in Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Center for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat (CIMMYT). Liebenberg, F. and P.G. Pardey (2010). South African Agricultural Production and Productivity Patterns. In Alston, J.M., B.A. Babcock and P.G. Pardey, eds. (2010). The Shifting Patterns of Agricultural Production and Productivity Worldwide. Ames, IA: Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center and Iowa State University. Liebenberg, F., P.G. Pardey, M. Kahn (2010). Southern African Agricultural Research and Development: A Century of Change. Staff Paper P10-1 / InSTePP Paper 10-01, Staff Paper Series. Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota. Latha N. E. King, M. Smale, T.J. Dalton (2010). Access To Minor Millet Genetic Resources In Rural Market Towns of Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India. In Lipper, L., C.L. Anderson, T.J. Dalton, eds., (2010). Seed Trade in Rural Markets: Implications for Crop Diversity and Agricultural Development. London and Rome: Earthscan and FAO. Lipper, L., C.L. Anderson, T.J. Dalton, eds., (2010). Seed Trade in Rural Markets: Implications for Crop Diversity and Agricultural Development. London and Rome: Earthscan and FAO. Lipper, L., C.L. Anderson, T.J. Dalton, A. Keleman (2010) Conclusions and Policy Implications. In Lipper, L., C.L. Anderson, T.J. Dalton, eds., (2010). Seed Trade in Rural Markets: Implications for Crop Diversity and Agricultural Development. London and Rome: Earthscan and FAO. Lipper, L., T.J. Dalton, C.L. Anderson, A. Keleman (2010). Agricultural Markets and the Sustainable Utilization of Crop Genetic Resources. In Lipper, L., C.L. Anderson, T.J. Dalton, eds., (2010). Seed Trade in Rural Markets: Implications for Crop Diversity and Agricultural Development. London and Rome: Earthscan and FAO. Maupin J. and G.W. Norton (2010). Pesticide Use and IPM Adoption: Does IPM Reduce Pesticide Use in the United States? Selected Paper. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association AAEA, CAES, & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 25-27, 2010. McCarl, B.A., T. Maung, K.R. Szulczyk (2010). Could Bioenergy Be Used to Harvest the Greenhouse: An Economic Investigation of Bioenergy and Climate Change? In Khanna, M., J. Scheffran, D. Zilberman (eds.) (2010). Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy. New York, Springer. Miljkovic, D., S. Shaik (2010). The Impact of Trade Openness on Technical Efficiency in U.S. Agriculture. Agribusiness & Applied Economics Report No. 660. Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics, Agricultural Experiment Station, North Dakota State University. Moschini, G., Lapan, H., Cui, J., & Cooper, J. (2010). Assessing the welfare effects of US biofuel policies. AgBioForum, 13(4), 370-374. Norton, G. W. (2010) Impact Assessment of the IFPRI Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) Project. Discussion Paper No, 32. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Pardey, P.G. (2010) Reassessing Public-private Roles in Agricultural R&D for Economic Development. In A.G. Brown (ed) World Food Security: Can Private Sector R&D Feed the Poor? ; The Crawford Fund fifteenth annual international conference, Parliament House, Canberra, Australia: Crawford Fund. Pardey, P.G., J.M. Alston and V.W. Ruttan. (2010) The Economics of Innovation and Technical Change in Agriculture. In B.H. Hall and N. Rosenberg, eds. Handbook of Economics of Technical Change, Amsterdam: Elsevier. Pardey, P.G.. P.L. Pingali (2010). GCARD Background Paper Parallel Session: Capacity Development Reassessing International Research for Food and Agriculture. Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD). Pardey, P.G., S. Wood, and R. Hertford, eds. (2010) Research Futures: Projecting Agricultural R&D Potentials for Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, DC and St. Paul, MN: IFPRI, IDB, and InSTePP. Pray, C.E., & Nagarajan, L. (2010). Price Controls and Biotechnology Innovation: Are State Government Policies Reducing Research and Innovation by the Ag Biotech Industry in India?. AgBioForum, 13(4), 297-307. Pray, C.E., L. Nagarajan (2010). Pearl Millet and Sorghum Improvement in India. In Spielman, D.J. , R. Pandya-Lorch (Eds.) (2010). Proven Successes in Agricultural Development: A Technical Compendium to Millions Fed. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Rajagopal, D., G. Hochman, D. Zilberman (2010). A Simple Framework for Regulation of Biofuels. In Khanna, M., J. Scheffran, D. Zilberman (eds.) (2010). Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy. New York, Springer. Rudi, Nderim, G. Norton, J. Alwang and G. Asumugha (2010). Economic Impact Analysis of Marker-assisted Breeding for Resistance to Pests and Postharvest Deterioration in Cassava. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Vol. 4 No. 2, 110  122. Schimmelpfennig, D., K. Fuglie (2010) Introduction to the Special Issue on Agricultural Productivity Growth: A Closer Look at Large, Developing Countries. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 33, 169172. Serra, T., D. Zilberman, J.M. Gil, B.K. Goodwin (2010). Price Transmission in the US Ethanol Market. In Khanna, M., J. Scheffran, D. Zilberman (eds.) (2010). Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy. New York, Springer. Shi, G., J.P. Chavas, K. Stiegert. (2010) An Analysis of the Pricing of Traits in the U.S. Corn Seed Market. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 92(5), 1324-1338. Sesmero, J.P., R.K. Perrin, L.E. Fulginiti (2010). Economic Efficiency of Ethanol Plants in the US orth Central Region. Selected Paper. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association AAEA,CAES, & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 25-27, 2010. Smyth, S.J., J. Falck-Zepeda, R. Gray, A. Nassem, R. Paarlberg, P.W.B. Phillips,C. E. Pray, S. Savastano, P. Scandizzo, S. Scatasta, J.H.H. Wesseler, D. Zilberman (2010). Policy recommendations from the 13th ICABR conference on the emerging bioeconomy. AgBioForum, 13(2), 98-103. Stiegert, K.W., G. Shi, J.P. Chavas (2010). Innovation, Integration, and the Biotechnology Revolution in U.S. Seed Markets. Choices 2nd Quarter 2010, 25(2). Szulczyk, K.R., B.A. McCarl (2010). Market Penetration of Biodiesel. International Journal of Energy and the Environment. Volume 1, Issue 1, 53-68. Wright, B.D., T.M. Shih (2010). Agricultural Innovation. NBER Working Paper No. 15793. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. Yao, X., M. Andersen (2010). Agricultural R&D Lags from a Dual Perspective. Selected Paper. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association AAEA, CAES, & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 25-27, 2010. Zilberman, D., Hochman, G., & Rajagopal, D. (2010). Indirect land use change: A second-best solution to a first-class problem. AgBioForum, 13(4), 382-390. Zilberman, D., G. Hochman, D. Rajagopal (2010). 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