Al-Khatib, Kassim (University of California);Bechinski, Ed (University of Idaho);Blecker, Lisa (University of Nevada);Coop, Len (Oregon State University);Draper, Marty (NIFA);Ellsworth, Peter (University of Arizona);Fournier, Al (University of Arizona);Grasswitz, Tess (New Mexico State University);Hara, Arnold (University of Hawai'i);Herbst, Linda (University of California/Western IPM Center);Holtzer, Tom (Colorado State University);Jacobsen, Barry (Montana State University);Ley, Elizabeth (NIFA);Melnicoe, Rick (University of California/Western IPM Center);Murray, Marion (Utah State University);Schlub, Bob (University of Guam);Strand, Joyce (University of California);Walsh, Doug (Washington State University);Walsh, Kiki (WA);Wilen, Cheryl (University of California);Young, Deborah (Colorado State University)
Chair Tess Grasswitz opened the meeting at 7:45 a.m. with welcoming remarks and introductions.
WERA-069 administrative business - Tom Holtzer, Colorado State Univ.
The proposal submitted last year to renew the WERA-069 committee was rejected by the Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors. WERA-069 was given a one year temporary status as a development committee (WDC19). A proposal to continue WERA-069 is due May 15th, 2011. The Multistate Review Committee comments stressed that IPM is still considered a critical issue for agriculture; the reason for rejecting the proposal were primarily concerned with the objectives and a lack of focus on impact, rather than the importance of the subject matter. Because of our precarious status, it is especially important to have all WERA-069 members officially signed up through NIMSS (especially members from the Pacific Basin). In addition, the annual report needs to be submitted within 60 days of the annual meeting and needs to stress regional accomplishments and impacts.
The group discussed how best to revise and resubmit a new WERA-069 proposal. The new proposal needs to emphasize sharing between states and coordination of regional IPM research and extension programs. Other areas that were emphasized included increasing participation of western IPM research and extension faculty on the committee, and expanding coordination and collaboration with relevant state and regional agencies and organizations (e.g., NPDN, NRCS, APHIS, EPA). The proposal also needs to emphasize the positive impacts of IPM on ecosystem protection, enhanced regional collaboration on IPM grant applications, facilitate development of new pest management strategic plans (PMSPs), increase use of IPM through education and advocacy, and document impacts of IPM on agro- and urban-ecosystems. The proposal also needs to state the pest issues that impact the WERA-069 region and what the group is doing to address these issues.
Dr. Holtzer again reminded the group that everyone needs to be included in Appendix E on the NIMSS database to accurately reflect the activity of the group; registration can be approved by either Directors of Extension or AES. Each state is encouraged to have two members on the committee - one primarily representing Extension and one Research.
USDA NIFA and E-IPM Program Updates - Marty Draper (National Program Leader) & Elizabeth Ley
Dr. Draper discussed the impact of federal and NIFA budget reductions on IPM programs and gave an up-date on current IPM funding sources. The group expressed serious concern about the elimination of special research projects.
Dr. Draper suggested holding the next WERA-069 meeting in conjunction with the International IPM Symposium in Memphis, TN (26-29th March, 2012). He has already reserved a room for WERA-069 to use on the day before the symposium starts. He suggested that we select 2-3 regional projects and report them in more depth, focusing on outcomes. Dr. Draper reminded the group that the multi-state committee reports (such as that from WERA-069) are used every year as a source of reporting impacts within KA216 (IPM) and for responding to congressional information requests. The group was reminded that AD416 and 417 forms need to be completed. Reporting deadlines for last year's proposals are coming up; this is critical; new funds will not be released until these reports are received. No-cost extensions are available if requested.
Elizabeth Ley gave a presentation on the E-IPM Coordination award process and post-award actions. Her presentation covered reporting requirements, award continuation, statutory time limitations, post-award modifications, unallowable costs, award face sheet, and common 2010 application problems. The group was reminded that CRIS Form AD-421 has to completed. Progress reports cover a 12 month period and must be submitted within 90-days of the anniversary date of the grant. However, for award continuation, they need to be submitted as early as 90 days before the anniversary. The universities receive notification of when reports are due. CRIS reports need to reference KA 216 (for IPM). Report unique activities for each grant (i.e., don't report the same things for the extended 2009 grants and the 2010 grants). Links to publications or websites can be included in the CRIS reports.
Preparation and submission of termination reports was also discussed (choose 'final' not 'progress' at the initial input screen for CRIS Form AD-421). The report needs to include activity for the entire grant period, due within 90-days of the expiration of the grant. This is required for the grant close-out process and if not submitted, can delay the release of new money. For continuation awards, Marty Draper will send an e-mail to the PD approximately 3 months before anniversary date with instructions (similar to an RFA). The simplified proposal should be submitted through using the same title and award number throughout the award period (the title used for the original 2010 proposal has to be EXACTLY the same in following years). PD's can ask their grants office for a copy of the award face sheet that gives approximate release dates of money and identifies any withheld funds.
Mandatory documents: SF424 - project contact and authorized representative within university, R & R Key personnel (provide updated 2-page CV for each)(can make changes in key personnel at this time), updated and accurate current and pending (include the E-IPM grant in BOTH current and pending, with the 2011 component under pending (give months)), human subject approval for surveys, SF-425 (annual federal financial report - work with your financial person to ensure that this gets submitted with the continuation proposal), budget forms and narrative for this increment only (i.e., not for years 1 and 3), CSREES Supplemental information form.
Post-award modification: can modify budget and objectives with agreement of Authorized Representative, as long as it does not change the approved scope of work, the time commitment of key personnel, or create a need for additional funding (send Marty a courtesy e-mail if such changes are made).
The authorizing language for the E-IPM Program limits the grant period to five (5) years from the start date of the award. The program allows for one year of no cost extension at end of 3 years of continuation, plus spill-over into the 5th year if approved in advance. Extensions of time beyond the maximum time limitations cannot be approved (have to spend everything 90 days before end date). Notify NIFA in writing when an extension is approved by the university's Authorized Representative.
Pre-award costs (up to 90 days) are allowable.
Problems with 2010 applications included: missing or inaccurate Current & Pending and CVs (use month and year at least, and day if possible, for C & P), AR approval for budget changes, delays in CRIS submissions, errors in CRIS submissions (Title has to match proposal, IPM KA 216 not listed, objectives not matched with award recommendations).
WIPM Center & WRIPM Grant Program updates - Rick Melnicoe, UC Davis
Several handouts were distributed showcasing the work of the Western IPM Center. The current funding for the Centers has been extended by 6 months to March 14th, 2012. Efforts to reinstate funding for the IPM centers are on-going. The last RFA issued by WIPMC lacked funds for new research activity because of the short time available. However, the second year of four on-going research projects were funded ($99K), plus 5 working groups (total of $42K), 11 out-reach projects ($135K) and 2 surveys ($19K). There is a possibility of funding short-term, inexpensive projects on a semi-competitive basis; anyone with ideas for such projects should contact Rick Melnicoe or Linda Herbst as soon as possible.
Regional IPM projects: 7 research projects, 2 research and extension and 1 extension-only project were funded (total: $658K). An estimated $50-$100K may be available for such projects over the next year. WIPMC will also provide $5K to support mini-symposia (on outreach/regional IPM) at the next International IPM Symposium in 2012.
Both Linda Herbst and Rick Melnicoe are planning to retire in June 2012 and will not commit to managing funds after this date.
A new WERA project on regional water quality and pest management has been proposed, with the aim of enhancing collaboration between university personnel and stakeholders to reduce pesticide impacts on water quality.
The WIPMC website is currently supported by IT decision-support funds that were zeroed-out in the budget. There will be a meeting of the regional centers in June to seek a way forward. The group expressed serious concern about the possible loss of information currently hosted on the WIPM website if the WIPM center closes.
IPM Challenges in the City of Santa Fe - Robert Wood, (IPM Program Manager for the City of Santa Fe)
Mr. Wood presented an engaging and informative overview of current practices related to IPM in Santa Fe. The city has had an ordinance since 2001 requiring a variance for all activities related to pesticide applications; all contracts (from sub-division plans to spraying) are reviewed for IPM considerations and custodial service providers receive a mandatory 3 hrs/month training on IPM-related topics. However, the general public are still not very aware of IPM - this requires further outreach. Furthermore, for IPM to be adopted, it has to have a significant impact - e.g., it has to be ten times as good, or ten times cheaper, than current practices. The difficulties involved in urban pest management were well illustrated by a case study of prairie dog management within the city.
Other new items/business
The next WERA-069 meeting will be held in Memphis, TN, in conjunction with the next International IPM Symposium in March, 2012. The details and arrangement will be communicated to all members of WERA-069 by the current chair, Kassim Al-Khatib.
Deb Young, Colorado State University, was elected as vice-chair and will host the 2013 meeting in Fort Collins, CO.
The meeting adjourned at 12 noon, April, 20th, 2011.
[Below is a summary of reported accomplishments. Full State Reports are provided as an attachment in the minutes section.]
Arizona - Peter Ellsworth
Increased organizational capacity for IPM Research and Outreach
** The University of Arizona Pest Management Center recently hired three
new full-time Assistants in Extension to enhance their IPM programs.
These positions were made possible by leveraging Extension IPM funding
with competitive grants and funds from the UA College of Agriculture and
Life Sciences.
Community IPM
** This program now includes School IPM, Residential IPM, Turf IPM and
Horticultural IPM. A comprehensive "School IPM - Inside and Out" program
is being developed that will address the IPM needs of school buildings,
grounds and recreational areas. This pilot program will serve as a model
for other types of sites in the future.
Vegetable IPM
** New "Vegetable IPM Updates" were implemented in 2010 to deliver timely
information to end-users via web, e-mail and smart phone. 32 biweekly
updates have so far been provided on insect, disease and weed management
topics. These reached over 450 Arizona and California stakeholders by e-
mail, and at least 300 stakeholders via the Arizona Crop Information
Site. Some updates were also distributed by the Western Farm Press and
the Western Agri-Radio Network, reaching over 1,000 subscribers. A 220%
increase in listserve membership for the Veg. IPM updates was achieved
from Dec. 2009 to Dec. 2010.
** 14 vegetable IPM videos (4 on insects, 8 on weed control and 2 on
diseases) were produced and included in a video archive webpage
** On-farm research demonstrations were conducted with grower
cooperators, including 4 herbicide trial demos for melons and broccoli, 2
large translational research projects on aphid control and on monitoring
the use of reduced risk insecticides.
Agronomic IPM
** A statewide IPM needs assessment was conducted for field crops
(excluding cotton), identifying stakeholder priorities for IPM research
and outreach.
** A national reference document is being developed for potential exotic
pests of cotton.
IPM Assessment
This group focuses on the development of data and resources to help
measure the adoption and impact of Arizona's IPM programs. Two major
projects are the Crop Pest Losses Impact Assessment Working Group and the
APMC "1080" Pesticide Use Database. Data from these two sources have been
used to respond to federal pesticide information requests and to document
extension program outcomes and impacts, including adoption of reduced
risk pesticides. Reduction of economic, environmental and human health
risks can be inferred from these data.
** The Crop Pest Losses and Impact Assessment Working Group has been
funded continuously by the Western IPM Center since 2004 with the goal of
developing "real world" data on crop pest losses, control costs, yields
and pesticide use in key crops for Arizona and the low desert region of
California. Annual workshops and surveys are conducted with pest control
advisors. The data obtained provide a broad view of pest management
practices and needs in three key crops: cotton, head lettuce and melons.
Data, reports, and presentations related to these efforts are available
** Pesticide Use Database. This consists of twenty years of data from
diverse sources on statewide pesticide use (1991 - 2010). This work
involves key partnerships with the Arizona Department of Agriculture and
an industry stakeholder advisory committee.
Soil Fumigation Education
** Special funding from the EPA was obtained in 2010 to address a
critical need for applicator training on new label requirements for soil
fumigant products. An interdisciplinary team including university
faculty, the Arizona Department of Agriculture, and industry partners
developed educational resources and delivered 6 workshops to meet the
needs of Arizona agricultural soil fumigation, turf fumigation, and bin
fumigant applicators. More than 100 private and commercial applicators
and other participants were trained at six workshops around the state,
and were provided with health certification and respirator fit testing
(an OSHA-requirement).
California - Kassim Al-Khatib
Despite a significant state budget cut, the UC Statewide IPM program (UC
IPM) maintained its capacity to serve California's IPM community with E-
IPM funding and other grants. Research, extension, and preparation of on-
line and print resources supported IPM programs in agriculture,
communities, and natural resources. The UC urban IPM program also
continued to expand, introducing several new programs and products.
Several new products were released by the agricultural IPM program, and a
new program for pesticide safety training is being established.
Highlights of the UC IPM program's 2010 activities included:
** A survey of 92 retail stores to determine their resource and education
needs related to pests and IPM and how UC IPM could help them improve
delivery of IPM information to consumers.
** Establishment of an advisory committee of stakeholders for the retail
nursery and garden center education and outreach program.
** Translation into Spanish of all content (including videos, print-outs,
and pest management information) on the UC IPM touch screen IPM computer
kiosks. The 16 kiosk units are rotated annually across approx. 100
locations throughout California.
** Seven issues of the 'Green Bulletin' were produced (a newsletter with
practical information for pest management professionals and pesticide
applicators who work in urban areas).
** A pesticide hazards database was unveiled that includes information on
99 active ingredients and which is linked to 25 'Pest Notes'
(publications for consumers and landscape professionals).
** Production of new guidelines for control of Spotted Wing Drosophila in
home gardens, 6 new Pest Note titles and revision of 20 others. There are
now over 150 Pest Notes-at least 10 of which get more than 40,000 web
views annually.
** The UC IPM program contributed in various ways to the dramatic
reduction in 2010 of the European Grapevine moth (EGVM) following its
initial detection in several Californian counties in 2009.
** UC IPM is collaborating with OSU and WSU by posting research results
on Spotted Wing Drosophila on its IPM website and continuing to help
growers identify and manage this pest.
** UC IPM is helping walnut and almond growers use mating disruption
techniques for control of codling moth and navel orangeworm, reducing
their reliance on broad-spectrum pesticides.
** A workshop on IPM tools and methods for managing almond pests was
attended by more than 280 pest control advisors. Almost all who attended
intended to use the methods they learned during the following growing
season. The training session was focused on the UC year-round almond IPM
** A new web tool was released to help growers and pest control
consultants assess the risk of fire blight infection in apples and pears.
The program incorporates two science-based models and weather data to
help growers decide if they need to treat, and if so, how to effectively
time their sprays.
Colorado - Deb Young
A new Center for Sustainable Integrated Pest Management has been
established at Colorado State University to provide research and outreach
in IPM practices for sustainable plant and animal agriculture, small and
large farms, non-crop lands and waterways, households, landscapes,
schools, other buildings and communities. Highlights for 2010 included:
** Participation in the Legume IPM-pipe project (Schwartz). This national
program monitors the outbreak and movement of legume diseases and helps
pest management specialists advise crop consultants and growers on
disease status and threats. It is estimated that the project prevented
unnecessary pesticide applications on approx. 225,000 acres in the
western states, representing an estimated saving of $6.75 million
** A new Onion IPM Network was established (Schwartz, Tisserat and
Cranshaw), with a focus on onion thrips and Iris Yellow Spot Virus
(IYSV). This group is developing innovative onion disease diagnostic
tools for growers.
** The wheat IPM program in Colorado (Peairs) is part of the area-wide
Great Plains Wheat IPM program and includes work on Russian wheat aphid
and greenbugs (role of diversified crop rotations and host plant
resistance, effect of native predators and parasitoids), as well as the
benefits of diversification for weed management and crop profitability.
** Work on Thousand Cankers disease (Geosmithia morbida) (Tisserat)
includes screening Juglans and Carya species for resistance and
documenting the distribution of both the fungus and its vector, the
walnut twig beetle (Pityophthorus juglandis).
** The consumer/urban IPM program (Tisserat, Blunt, Cranshaw, O'Meara and
Small) conducted advanced plant pest training for more than 100 Master
Gardeners, while the healthy housing group (Cranshaw, Camper & Young)
produced diagnostic aids for bed bugs and is evaluating trapping methods
for these pests.
** The school IPM group (Young, Small, Julian, Gourd, and Walker)
continued to implement and expand verifiable school IPM programs; they
also produced various newsletters, factsheets, articles and a new
Guam - Bob Schlub
Guam's IPM activities are coordinated through the University of Guam's
Plant Health and IPM Center. The center focuses on pest diagnosis and
conducts outreach programs that deal with Guam's unique agricultural
challenges. Most farms in Guam are small (approx. 2 acres, providing a
typical annual income in the range of $21,000); farmers rely on a few
high-value crops (e.g. watermelons, other cucurbits and solanaceous
crops) and often grow a wide range of minor crops, which have few
registered chemicals.
In 2010, the Guam Plant Health and IPM Center had direct contact with
4,500 adults and 1,700 youth on plant health-related issues. Center staff
identified over 200 plant disease and pest samples and helped implement
IPM strategies to address these problems. The center conducted a half-day
workshop on invasive species and a three-day training program for Guam's
agricultural professionals on the role of soil and plant nutrients in
disease suppression.
Hawai'i - Arnold H. Hara
Macadamia nuts:
** Macadamia nut producers were trained (through workshops and published
materials), to recognize damage caused by the tropical nut borer
(Hypothenemus obscurus) and three of the most common nutrient deficiency
symptoms encountered in macadamia nut trees (nitrogen, magnesium and
iron). Once the causal agent for these damage and symptoms were
recognized, producers were able to implement effective management
** The primary causal agent of macadamia quick decline (MQD) (responsible
for the death of a large number of mature trees in Hawai'i ) was
identified as Phytophthora tropicalis through collaborative research with
Dr. Lisa Keith, USDA-PBARC plant pathologist. A pressurized injection
system was developed to deliver phosphorous acid fungicide into the tree
trunk at or near infection sites and prolong the life of trees with MQD.
This has finally provided a solution to a problem that has plagued the
industry for 25 years.
Ornamental crops:
** Forty-two state and federal agents attended an Integrated Crop and
Livestock Management Workshop that covered seventeen IPM practices. After
the event, 89% of the attendees indicated that they would encourage
adoption of the IPM practices presented, which included heat treatment of
potted plants for quarantine pests, steam sterilization of potting media
and use of cover crops for nematode control, natural farming for
livestock, varroa mite management in honey bees, optimizing insecticide
spray coverage with nozzle technology, use of compost extracts and teas
in organic farming, and efficacious herbicide application methods.
** A PMSP workshop for potted orchid production was held on September 30,
2010 in Hilo, Hawai'i . Pest management strategies for blossom midge,
mealybugs, scale insects, false spider mites, snails and coqui frogs were
provided for the strategic plan document authored by Mike Kawate, Kelvin
Sewake and Cathy Tarutani, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, College of
Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Honolulu, Hawai'i .
** A commercial-scale hot water shower system to treat potted plants
prior to transport is in constant use by six plant export nurseries.
This shower system (103 to 120 oF for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on
target pest) is effective against all life stages of the coqui frog as
well as many arthropods. UH Extension IPM staff advised nurseries on the
construction of a permanent (versus portable) on-site facility in East
Hawai'i County. Approximately 63,223 potted plants were treated on the
island of Hawai'i during the past nine months, resulting in elimination
of over 1,200 potential causes of rejection, including 1,171 coqui frogs.
Rejections of potted ornamental plants exported from Hawai'i to
California has been reduced since export nurseries adopted heat as a
quarantine treatment. Volcanic cinder potting media used by plant
nurseries continues to be steam sterilized for reniform nematodes.
IPM for Animal Agriculture
** Nuisance flies, odor levels and egg and chick predation by mongoose
and rodents have all been significantly reduced in backyard and small
scale commercial poultry operations by adoption and dissemination of a
waste management concept from Korea that incorporates indigenous micro-
organisms, use of natural ventilation and solar positioning for cooling
and drying. Three workshops on the system were held in 2010 (50
participants) and more are planned.
Idaho - Ed Bechinski
E-IPM funding awarded to the University of Idaho supports three primary
activities: (i) statewide IPM programming coordination; (ii) IPM outreach
projects in urban landscapes, cereals (barley and wheat) and sugar beets;
(iii) support for weed and insect diagnostic laboratories.
Faculty are organized into "Topic Teams," statewide working groups of
County Extension Educators and State Extension Specialists who are
broadly charged with extension program planning, action and assessment.
These teams are organized by subject-matter (e.g. specific crops) or
issues (e.g. water quality).
Principal achievements of the landscape, cereals and sugar beet IPM
groups for 2010 are as follows:
Urban landscape IPM
** Seven fact-sheets and bulletins on stinging insects, spiders and their
relatives were published, with two new titles currently in preparation:
Homeowner IPM Guide to Insects in Backyard Vegetable Gardens and Guide to
Beneficial Natural Enemies. Clients purchased 1863 copies of four printed
IPM manuals, which placed them among the best-selling University of Idaho
extension publications in 2010.
** New print and online IPM resource materials for homeowners are
combined with local delivery of on-site IPM workshops, particularly for
Master Gardeners, landscape professionals and homeowners.
Cereal IPM
** Twelve IPM seminars were conducted in Idaho and Washington for cereal
producers and industry field staff (more than 600 attendees in total).
Subject-matter included field scouting methods, degree-day models,
economic injury levels, cultural and biological control, and judicious
pesticide use.
** An online extension bulletin and IPM resource materials (PowerPoint
show and handouts) on Noctua pronuba (a new exotic (European) cutworm)
were used at 5 extension workshops (355 attendees) to educate commercial
grain growers and their advisors on the identification, damage and
management options for this insect. Surveys for another exotic pest,
Sitodiplosis mosellana (wheat midge) are planned for 2011.
** An interview on IPM for cereal pests on the Northwest Ag Information
Radio Network reached thousands of commercial growers in Idaho, Oregon
and Washington.
Sugar beet IPM
** The sugar beet team identified important weed and diseases issues and
set priorities to address them.
Montana - Berry Jacobson
Agronomic crops
** Ten 4-hour IPM workshops for agronomic crop producers were held, with
a focus on plant pathogens, weed and insect management (total of 278
** 68 "Ag Alerts" dealing with IPM issues were developed.
** The High Plains website has been continuously updated for all crops
with formatting help from Bugwood.
Sugar beets, Dry Beans, Potatoes (Jacobsen)
** Sugar beet Seed Selection/IPM workshops were held in conjunction with
the Western Sugar Cooperative, with 93% of growers attending.
** In collaboration with OSU IPPC (Integrated Plant Protection Center)
and the group, 12 MT potato IPM weather stations were
incorporated into the USPEST.ORG database.
** Entomologists in the MSU IPM Team coordinate a cutworm monitoring
program each year in collaboration with Montana growers and county
agents. Monitoring data is incorporated into the website,
along with data from other states and provinces in the region. This
system provides regional risk warnings that are also used by other
Western States. An annual summary is also circulated as an "Ag. Alert"
through the Great Plains Diagnostic Network (Contact: Kevin Wanner)
Plant Diagnostic Services
** The Schutter Diagnostic Lab processed 2151 samples in 2010 (1022
disease, 482 plant/weed ID and 647 arthropod). Two pathogens new to
Montana were identified: Pine wilt nematode and Coin canker of green ash.
Four new weeds were identified: white bryony, yellow star thistle and
Bohemian and Japanese Knotweed. No new arthropod pests were found.
Primary users of diagnostic services were county agents, crop
consultants, landscape managers and service industry personnel and
homeowners. 78% of users indicated that they used the diagnostic service
for specialized testing and verification of initial diagnosis. 94.5% of
users were completely satisfied with the service.
IPM for Consumer and Urban Environments
** The first 20 IPM-Certified Landscape Professionals completed their
training. This certification is provided in cooperation with industry and
the MT State Department of Agriculture.
** An online training program is under development and a website
** Two statewide training programs with 170 attendees were conducted and
a needs assessment survey of clientele was completed. A clear message
from the survey is that user education is critical to drive demand. **
Master Gardener training is conducted at three levels with more than 1200
individuals receiving 10+ hrs of IPM instruction. (Contact: Toby Day)
School IPM (in cooperation with MT State Department of Agriculture and
Region 8 EPA)
** Our first School IPM training took place on May 18 and 19, 2010 in
Bozeman. Dr. Dawn Gouge of the University of Arizona and Ricardo
Zubiate , Salt Lake School IPM coordinator were featured speakers.
** Pilot training programs in three schools have been conducted over the
last year.
** Montana K-12 schools are currently being surveyed on their perceptions
of pest occurrence and pesticide use. (Contact: Ruth O'Neill)
Pesticide Applicator Training
** Approximately 5000 Montana applicators received IPM training during
the recertification process.
** A Montana IPM/Pesticide Newsletter has been developed and is published
both as hard copy and on-line. Depending on the issue, this information
source reaches 400-500 people each quarter. (Contact: Cecil Tharp)
Nevada - Lisa Blecker
The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension's IPM team consists of Jay
Davison, Statewide IPM Coordinator and Area Forage and Alternative Crops
Specialist, and Lisa Blecker, the IPM Educator. The team has
traditionally focused on IPM in Agronomic Crops and IPM in Recreational
Lands, but now plan to expand their activities into urban IPM. They also
collaborate with IPM personnel in Arizona, California and New Mexico as
part of the Arid Southwest IPM Network. Program highlights for the past
year include the following:
** IPM principles were taught at 37 workshops throughout the state, and
the results of research projects were presented at 2 field days and 6
field tours. These activities were attended by over 2,385 agricultural
producers, public land managers, Extension personnel, and other pest
managers. Topics discussed included weed identification and prevention,
scouting, and integrating chemicals with other control tactics.
** Continued development of the Nevada Early Detection and Rapid Response
(EDRR) Program for identifying and eradicating new invasive weeds.
Distribution and abundance maps were developed, along with preliminary
"Weeds to Watch" lists and full-color posters of potential new invaders
for each individual county.
** Publication of the results of a statewide survey of all Nevada
agricultural producers and public land pest managers on the current level
of IPM implementation and future educational and research needs.
** Publication of a pocket weed identification and management booklet
entitled, "Nevada Noxious Weed Field Guide" (Creech et al., 2010). This
details IPM tactics for all of Nevada's 47 noxious weeds. 7,500 of these
pocket guides were initially distributed and funding has since been
secured from the BLM to print an additional 15,000 copies. This
publication won the APEX Award for Publication Excellence for graphic
design, as well as the Extension Educational Materials Award from the
American Society of Agronomy.
** Research results on the cultural practices necessary to establish
several native plant species on abandoned farmlands/disturbed rangelands
were presented at two field days (attended by 76 stakeholders) and three
field tours (29 stakeholders); additional oral presentations were made at
two international symposia (115 attendees), the Nevada Weed Management
Association Meeting (56 stakeholders) and a two-day forage workshop (22
attendees). A poster presentation was seen by an additional 63
New Mexico - Tess Grasswitz
** Several hundred Master Gardeners and other home gardeners were trained
in IPM and related topics, including weed, insect and disease
identification and management.
** An additional several hundred pesticide applicators were trained in
the same topics, and a wide variety of pest-related information was
delivered to the state's growers at workshops and conferences for
specific crops, including fruit, hay, nut crops, chile, landscape and
organic systems.
Agronomic crops (alfalfa and cotton) (Contacts: Jane Pierce, Scott Bundy)
** An extensive survey of the size and extent of pink bollworm
populations in eastern NM and west Texas was conducted in conjunction
with Texas A & M university. This survey was undertaken in response to
captures of pink bollworms (PBW) in 2009 in the PBW eradication zone
between El Paso and the Pecos River.
Specialty crops
** Current IPM efforts in nut crops include determining (i) the extent
and impact of biological control in pecan orchards, (ii) the underlying
causes of higher levels of damage by pecan nut case bearer in small
versus larger trees, and (iii) assessing the phenology and current level
of activity of Navel Orangeworm in the pistachio-growing part of NM and
its effect on crop quality.
** Education and outreach activities were conducted to alert New Mexico
nut growers to new risks from leaf-footed plant bugs (Leptoglossus
clypealis) and late-season infestations of Conchuela stink bugs
(Chlorochroa ligata) in pistachios, and hickory shuckworm (Cydia caryana)
and the pecan serpentine leafminer (Stigmella judlandifoliella) in
** In chile, the three main foci of current IPM efforts are: (i)
developing integrated control strategies for managing the southern root
knot nematode in the presence of weed hosts; (ii) evaluating the impact
of economically important flea beetles and understanding their
associations with weed hosts, and (iii) the potential of RNA interference
(RNAi) gene silencing as a viable option for controlling Phytophthora
capsici. (Contacts: Steve Thomas, Jill Schroeder, Scott Bundy, Natalie
Small Farm/Urban IPM (Contact: Tess Grasswitz)
** Twenty-six presentations were made on the principles of IPM for
approx. 700 home gardeners, landscape professionals and small-scale
** A series of organic IPM farm walks and IPM "Bug nights" were conducted
or a total of approx. 150 attendees.
** A table-top display of beneficial insects was exhibited at six events
attended by a total of approx. 16,250 people.
** Six school IPM outreach activities were conducted to train approx. 120
facilities managers in IPM techniques. With assistance from the Western
School IPM working group, four NM public school districts and two
independent schools were assisted in implementing IPM on their campuses.
Weeds (Contact: Jamshid Ashigh)
** A series of workshops were conducted on the prevention, detection and
integrated management of herbicide resistant weeds. Resistance has now
been confirmed in both kochia (Kochia scoparia) and Palmer amaranth
(Amaranthus palmeri).
Invasive Species/Diagnostics (contacts: Natalie Goldberg, Jason French &
Carol Sutherland)
** In 2010, the plant diagnostic clinic processed 1414 plant disease or
disorder samples, 1064 insect samples and 150 plant/weed samples.
Phytophthora nicotianae was found for the first time in the state (on
onion and tomato).
Utah - Marion Murray
** Outreach is a top priority for the Utah IPM Program. In 2010, tens of
thousands of clientele were reached through lectures and workshops (23),
fact sheets (11), grower field meetings (21), radio (6), Utah Pests
quarterly news, Utah Berry Growers Association Newsletter (2 articles),
trade magazines (1 article), newspapers (1 article), and online
materials. Two major accomplishments were the publication of a
collaborative Utah-Colorado Tree Fruit Production Guide by 9 authors, and
a new outreach project for fruit growers in northern Utah. The Utah IPM
Advisory program continued to grow, with an additional 1000 subscribers
in 2010. Twenty tree fruit, 3 landscape, and 5 vegetable advisory
newsletters were produced. A survey of advisory recipients indicated
that 55% of respondents have reduced their use of broad-spectrum
insecticides and 47% have switched to using only selective/soft/organic
materials as a result of receiving the advisories. Most (85%) now monitor
for pests before spraying, and 35% reduced their pesticide spray and
labor costs.
** In collaboration with the Utah Climate Center, data from 16 weather
stations is linked to various pest management tools including Utah TRAPs
(Timing Resource and Alert for Pests, TRAPs programmers have updated
two models in the system, added graphs showing current weather
conditions, and created a frost alert tool with a new map interface.
** A survey of tree fruit growers was conducted in collaboration with the
National Agriculture Statistics Service to assess their use of IPM
practices. Although only 21% of growers considered themselves IPM
practitioners (14% organic), at least 30% regularly used at least seven
of the 22 listed IPM practices, and 78% monitored regularly for pests.
Those that practiced IPM reported greater pesticide reduction in the last
5 years than those that practiced conventional or organic agriculture.
** School IPM is a growing component of the Utah IPM Program; the latter
is a member of the Utah School IPM Coalition which meets twice a year to
train teachers and staff. Utah IPM staff also updated and edited the
educational component of the newly-formed "iPestManager" for the Salt
Lake City (SLC) School District and contributed to the district's "Pest
Press" newsletter. These efforts helped the SLC district to renew their
IPM Star Certification, and leverage funding for further improvements.
** Two IPM workshops were conducted in collaboration with the NRCS for
CSA vegetable growers. Attendees were mostly organic growers, but 75%
were unfamiliar with, or did not use, IPM practices. By the end of the
training, 80% of the growers reported that they would use much of what
they learned.
** Last year, applied research projects focused primarily on fruits, and
included the use of attract-and-kill stations to manage cherry fruit fly;
European earwig biology and mass trapping; currant clearwing biology and
mating disruption; molecular techniques to detect fire blight; a disease
survey of stone fruit, and evaluation of crop rotation schemes and
reduction in nitrogen for management of onion thrips and iris yellow spot
virus. Since the stone fruit survey failed to find brown rot, growers
will be able to forego the fungicide sprays that they have previously
been applying for this disease. Similarly, those growers that
participated in the fire blight detection service saved, on average,
$50/acre for each spray eliminated. In onions, reducing nitrogen
applications from 300 lb/acre to 120 lb/acre reduced onion thrips
densities and transmission of iris yellow spot virus. Onions planted
after corn had fewer thrips compared to a rotation following wheat. Corn
also consumed more soil nitrogen than wheat, and thus fewer onion thrips
developed on onions in these plots.
Oregon - Len Coop
Oregon's IPM program worked on several projects last year, including one
on using cover crops to increase populations of natural enemies. Other
projects included Spotted Wing Drosophila, School IPM, Watershed-scale
IPM, PRIME (Pesticide Risk Mitigation Engine), Western Specialty Crop
PIPE, and IPM guidelines for the NRCS. They are also developing various
weather models to predict the spread of a number of pests and diseases
and aid in their timely treatment.
Washington - Doug Walsh
Spotted Wing Drosophila
** Research and extension efforts on this pest were spearheaded by Lynell
Tanigoshi, Elizabeth Beers, Doug Walsh, Tim Smith, Gwen Hoheisel and Todd
Murray. Information on SWD was added to WSU's main IPM website and the
WSU Mount Vernon website) and a comprehensive WSU Extension Spotted Wing
Drosophila website. Walsh, Tanigoshi, and many others worked with Drs.
Vaughn Walton, Amy Dreves, and Denny Bruck of Oregon State University and
USDA-ARS in implementing a $4.9M interstate SWD project funded by USDA-
NIFA's Specialty Crop Research Initiative. Dollars were leveraged from
numerous industry commissions to expand this research.
** More than 5000 members now subscribe to this free weather-based
decision-aid service. The network includes 134 weather stations across
the state and several linked tools that assist users in making
agriculture management decisions based on the real-time weather data.
Orchard Biocontrol
** Vince Jones and colleagues at the WSU Tree Fruit Research and
Extension Center in Wenatchee completed the second year of their
Enhancing Biocontrol in Western Orchards project. This collaborative
project between WSU, University of California (Berkeley), Oregon State
University, USDA-ARS and USDA-NIFA addresses biocontrol in the apple,
pear, and walnut industries in Washington, Oregon, and California. Its
objectives are to improve the long-term sustainability of the apple,
pear, and walnut industries in the western U.S. by enhancing biological
control of pest insects and mites, and to synthesize the information
developed in the project to provide outreach tools needed to change
grower practices. Outputs from this project include six peer-reviewed
publications, over two dozen public presentations, and the creation and
maintenance of two dedicated websites,
and Over $750,000 in additional grant funds have been
leveraged to support specific aspects of the project.
Hops and mint
** A bilingual (English/Spanish) of the Field Guide for Integrated Pest
Management in Hops was published in 2010. The small-format Field Guide
for Integrated Pest Management in Hops: Pocket Version (Gu¡a de campo
para el manejo integrado de plagas en el l£pulo: Version de bolsillo) was
also printed on water- and tear-resistant paper stock and wire-bound for
use in the field.
** $1.8M from USDA NIFA's Specialty Crops Research Initiative was awarded
for a multi-state (Washington, Oregon, Idaho), multi-institutional (WSU,
OSU, U of I, USDA-ARS), transdisciplinary Coordinated Agricultural
Project on the impacts of certain biotic (spider mite, aphid,
powdery/downy mildew, weed) and abiotic (water-shortage/ drought)
stresses on hops and mint.
School IPM (Contact: Carrie Foss)
** Two School IPM coalition meetings were held in Bellevue and Vancouver
with representatives from twenty school districts from Washington and
Oregon attending.
** IPM STAR re-certification evaluations were conducted at Vancouver
School District and South Kitsap School Districts while follow-up on
previous assessments continued with Sedro Woolley, Portland, and Pasco
School Districts. WSU also assisted the Yakama Nation with IPM
implementation at their tribal school.
Consumer IPM (Contact: Carrie Foss)
** Two websites, Hortsense ( and Pestsense
( serve as the core of WSU's Extension consumer IPM
education resources. During 2010, Hortsense received 1.4 million hits
(24% increase over 2009) and 66,808 total visitors while Pestsense
received 202,779 hits and 20,979 visitors (21% increase over 2009).
Professional Pest Manager IPM Training (Contact: Carrie Foss)
** During 2010, 4,073 pesticide applicators attended pre-license and
recertification training in western Washington with 607 attendees
participating in hands-on IPM training for turf and landscape
professionals, pest management professionals and structural pest
inspectors. The pest management professional trainings were expanded to
include training on bed bug inspections and a beetle identification
IPM for Parks and Natural Areas
** The WSU Urban IPM Program continued its collaboration with Salmon-
Safe, a non-profit organization working to restore agricultural and urban
streams and the species that inhabit them. WSU conducts assessments of
IPM practices in urban parks, corporate and university campuses, and golf
courses. Salmon-Safe has worked at more than 20 corporate and
institutional sites in Washington and Oregon, including the Port of
Seattle Parks, City of Walla Walla Parks, the Olympic Sculpture Park, the
University of Washington's Seattle and Bothell campuses, and REI's
headquarters, Seattle store, and West Coast distribution center in
Sumner, WA.
- Improved communication and collaboration among IPM researchers, Cooperative Extension personnel and partner organizations in the West.
- Sharing of ideas and strategies to develop sustainable alternative funding sources to support IPM personnel and activities.
- Enhanced discussion and practice of IPM evaluation methods and tools to better communicate our impacts on human health, economics and the environment to USDA and stakeholders.
- Improved collaboration and communication with the Western IPM Center, which has increased funding opportunities to expand IPM education and implementation in our region.
**Research Publications
Barbour, J. D., J. G. Millar, J. Rodstein, A. M. Ray, D. G. Alston, M.
Rejzek, J. D. Dutcher, and L. M. Hanks (2011) Synthetic 3,5-
dimethyldodecanoic acid serves as a general attractant for multiple
species of Prionus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Annals of the
Entomological Society (in press).
Keith, L., Sugiyama, L. and Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia quick decline
caused by Phytophthora tropicalis is associated with sap bleeding, frass,
and Nectria in Hawai'i . Plant Disease 94: 128.
Pierce, J. and P. Monk (2010) Environmental stress impacts on egg hatch
and larval survival of cotton bollworm. Crop Management: 10: 1094/CM-2010-1221-01-RS.
**Extension Publications
Alston, D. and K. Kopp. 2010. Turfgrass Cultural Practices and Insect
Management. USU Extension Fact Sheet. ENT-138-10. 4 pp.
Ashigh, J., and E.E. Marquez (2010) Integrated Weed Management in Pecan
Orchards. Guide H-656. College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental
Sciences New Mexico State University publication.
Bechinski, E.J., D.J. Schotzko and C.R. Baird (2010) Homeowner guide to
spiders around the home and yard. University of Idaho Bulletin 871. 26
Creech, E., Shultz, B. and Blecker, L. (2010) Nevada Noxious Weed Field
Guide. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Special Publication SP-
Creech, E., Singletary, L., Davison, J., Blecker, L. and Schultz, B.
(2010) Nevada's 2008 Weed Management Extension Program Needs Assessment:
A Survey of Agricultural Producers and Public Land Managers. University
of Nevada Cooperative Extension Special Publication SP-10-03.
Davis, R., D., Alston, and C. Vorel (2010) Spotted Wing Drosophila.
USU Extension Fact Sheet. ENT-140-10. 3 pp.
Davis, R. (2010) Cockroaches. USU Extension Fact Sheet. ENT-136-10. 8
DuPonte, M. (2010) Constructing the Hubbell Bubble. Available on-line
at http://www2.ctahr.Hawai' individualPages/Constructing_the_Hubbell_Bubble_%28NXPowerLite%29.pdf (Last accessed April 1, 2011).
Gent, D.H., Barbour, J.D., Dreves, A. J., James, D. G., Parker, R. and
Walsh, D. B. (2010) Field Guide for Integrated Pest Management in Hops
(Pocket version, Spanish Edition).
Hara, A.H., K.L. Aoki, S.K. Cabral, and R.Y. Niino-DuPonte (2011) Most
Unwanted Pests in the United States - have you seen these insects?
University of Hawai'i at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and
Human Resources. IP-29. Honolulu, HI.
Hodgson, E., D. Alston, and C. Vorel (2010) Japanese beetle (Popillia
japonica). USU Extension Fact Sheet, ENT-100-06PR. 3 pp.
Hunt, J., M. DuPonte, D. Sato, and A. Kawabata (2010) The Basics of
Biochar: A Natural Soil Amendment University of Hawai'i at Manoa,
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. SCM-30. Honolulu,
HI. Available on-line at http://www.ctahr.Hawai' (Last accessed April 1, 2011).
Murray, M. (2010) Fire Blight Annual Management Plan. USU Extension Fact
Sheet PLP-013. 5 pp.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Apple Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-006-11. 7 pp.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Apricot Pests.
USU Extension Fact Sheet IPM-007-11. 4 pp.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Cherry Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-008-11. 4 pp.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Peach Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-010-11. 6 pp.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Pear Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-009-11. 3 pp.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Pear Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-011-11. 4 pp.
Murray, M., H. Larsen, B. Black, D. Alston, R. Pokharel, G. Cardon, R.
Godin, T. Roper, and B. Hill. (2010) Utah /Colorado Tree Fruit
Production Guide. USU Extension Publications. 137 pp.
Pierce, J. and C. Sutherland (2010) Honeybees in New Mexico. New Mexico
State University. Extension Guide L-100 4 pp.
Walsh, D.B., Bolda, M.P., Goodhue, R.E., Dreves, A.J., Lee, J., Bruck,
D.J., Walton, V.M, O'Neal,S.D., and Zalom, F.G. (2010) Drosophila suzukii
(Diptera: Drosophilidae): Invasive pest of ripening soft fruit expanding
its geographic range and damage potential. Journal of Integrated Pest
Management. Available on-line at:
**Trade Publications
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(1) Jan
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(3) Mar
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(4)
April 2010.
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(5) May
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(7)
Jul-Aug 2010.
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(9) Nov
Pierce, J. (2010) Biological Control of Alfalfa Weevil. New Mexico Hay
Association Newsletter: 8(1).