SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Bain, Peggy Univ. of Idaho; Bragg, Jeff Potandon; Brandt, Tina Univ. of Idaho; Brown, Chuck USDA/ARS; Charlton, Brian OSU-KBREC; Culp, Darrin OSU-KBREC; Debons, Jeanne PVMI; French, Allan Simplot-NAFG; Goeden, Bob Lamb Weston; Gupta, Sanjay Univ. of Idaho; Goktepe, Fahrettin OSU-Hermiston; Hiles, Chris WSU; Holden, Zach WSU; Holm, David Colorado St.; Huber, Brian Heinz; Knowles, Rick WSU; Koym, Jeff ATM; Lamm, Bob Process Solutions; Martin, Mel Simplot; Miller, Creighton TAMU; Novy, Rich ARS-Aberdeen; Pavek, Mark WSU; Scheuring, Douglas Texas A & M; Schneider, Brian ARS-Aberdeen; Stark, Jeff Univ. of Idaho; Thill, Don Univ. of Idaho; Thornton, Mike Univ. of Idaho; Thornton, Robert Ag Bus. Consulting; Whitworth, Jonathan ARS-Aberdeen; Wilson, Rob UC-IREC;

Minutes 2011 Western Regional Annual Meeting Best Western Vista Inn Boise, ID Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Chair: Zach Holden Secretary: Sanjay Gupta Call to Order: Zach Holden called meeting to order at 1:00 pm. Introductions: Introductions were already made during the Tri-State Meeting. Approval of Minutes: A motion to accept the minutes was made by Dave Holm and seconded by Creighton Miller. The motion passed unanimously. State Reports: Washington, Oregon and Idaho: Reports were presented in the Tri-State Meeting earlier in the day and did not have anything to add (see attached report). Texas: Creighton Miller presented the Texas report. He said that PVP was granted on Stampede Russet and Rio Rojo in 2010 (see attached report). Colorado: Dave Holm presented the Colorado report. He said that CO95051-7W is going to be released. Purple Majesty is being licensed by a company out of the United Kingdom (see attached report). California: Rob Wilson presented the California report. He reported that the Tule Lake location is a site for the Western Regional Trial, the Southwest Regional Trial, as well as chip seed spacing and pest management trials. Rob commented that although the budgetary situation is not good in California, they have been able to continue operations at previous capacity. Chuck Brown asked if the position held by Ron Voss will be filled. Rob said there is a lot of support for the position and that it may potentially be refilled in the future (see attached report). PVP and PVMI Updates: Jeanne Debons updated the committee about activities of PVMI. Visit website at for more information. Jeanne Debons updated the committee about activities of PVMI. Results were reported for the 2010 Western Regional trials. Early and Late Trials (Rich Novy): Rich Novy shared the Early and Late trial results. Rich said that data from the Springlake, Texas was reported but not used in the multi-location averages due to the hail and psyllid damage to the crop at that location. Post Harvest Results (Rick Knowles): Rick Knowles presented the post harvest results. Regional Chipping Trial (Dave Holm): Dave Holm presented the results from the Regional Chip Trial. Red/ Specialty Trial (Brian Charlton): Brian Charlton presented the Red/Specialty Trial results. Disposition of Entries: Russet Trials: The following entries graduated from the Western Regional Trial: A97066-42LB, A0008-1TE, CO98067-7RU, PA99N2-1, and PA99N82-4. The following entries were advanced into the Western Regional Trial from the Tri-State: A01025-4, A02060-3TE, and AO02183-2. The returning and new entries include: A98345-1, A00324-1, A01010-1, AC99375-1RU, AO00057-2, AO96305-3, AOTX96265-2Ru, CO99053-3RU, CO99053-4RU, CO99100-1RU, PA00N14-2, A01025-4, AO01114-4, AO02060-3, AO02183-2, and A02060-3TE. Red/Specialty Trials: The following entries graduated from the Western Regional Red/Specialty Trial: COTX94216-1R, COTX94218-1R, A99326-1PY, POR03PG80-2, A00286-3Y, and CO00412-5W/Y. The following entries were advanced into the Western Regional Specialty/Red Trial from the Tri-State Specialty/Red Trial: OR04131-2, POR05PG56-1, and OR04036-5. The returning and new entries are: CO99076-6R, CO99256-2R, A99331-2RY, A99433-5Y, ATC00293 -1W/Y, CO01399-10P/Y, CO00291-5R, OR04036-5, ATTX01178-1R, ATTX98453-6R, ATTX98510-1R/Y, and COTX01403-4R/Y. Chip Trials: No entries graduated from the Western Regional. The returning and new entries include: A01143-3C, CO00188-4W, CO00197-3W, CO00270-7W, AC01151-5W, CO02024-9W, CO02033-1W, and CO02321-4W. Seed Supply and Shipping List: Seed supplies and shipping lists were discussed. Final decisions were delayed pending each states decision on seed acceptance. Additional Business Donn Thill, Director of IAES and Administrative Advisor for WERA 027, discussed the status of the Tetonia Research and Extension Center and that it will remain open, due to partnerships with several crop commissions. It will operate at a reduced capacity. Also discussed were financial challenges of operating the tissue culture lab at the UI Moscow campus. A fee based system will be implemented at the tissue culture lab. PVMI agreed to draft a letter to be sent to the Tri State parties to address tissue culture variety clean up, plantlet and mini tuber production fees. Brian Schneider asked if the 50 pound regional trial seed increases will continue. Brian Charleton said he will do that. 2012 Meeting Date and Location: The 2012 meeting site will be Denver, CO. Future meeting sites will be rotated between the Tri-Cities,WA Boise and Denver . Election of Secretary: Rob Wilson was elected Secretary Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.


Washington State University 2010 Tri-State/Regional Report MJ Pavek, NR Knowles, ZJ Holden, CD Hiles Process demand has declined along with acreage restrictions encouraged by the United Potato Cooperative. WA potato production fell by 30,000 acres between 2007 and 2010 (165,000 to 135,000 A). There are likely other factors affecting potato demand, none-the-less, we hope to see the Washington acreage increase in the near future. The interest in new varieties is on the rise. Over 18% of all seed lots in the 2010 WSU Seed Lot Trial were varieties that were newly developed or are new to the region. This is a record high and is up over 7% from just 3 years ago. In 1962, only eight varieties were entered into the trial, in 2002 23 varieties and in 2010 there were forty two entries. Varieties developed by the Northwest Potato Variety Development Program/PVMI accounted for 47% of the seed lots entered into the 2010 trial and included: Premier Russet, Classic Russet, Alpine Russet, Blazer Russet, Clearwater Russet, Highland Russet, Alturas, Ranger, Umatilla, and Gallatin Russet, Defender, and A0008-1TE. We are conducting N rate trials on Clearwater, Alpine, A0008-1TE, Sage, Owyhee, Classic, Ranger, Umatilla, and Russet Burbank. We conducted N-timing trials on Premier, Ranger, Umatilla, Blazer, and A0008-1TE. We are looking at in-row spacing of Clearwater and Premier. We hope to include phosphorous research on new cultivars in the hopes of identifying more efficient varieties. We conducted our largest Tri-State 10-hill and PYT trials this year and hope to continue the early testing in the future. Results from our research will be converted into PVMI cultural management guides when research is complete. We, as other Universities, are experiencing budget issues. Oregon State University 2010 Tri-State/Regional Report F Goktepe, S Yilma, B Charlton, C Shock, D Hane, D Culp As part of the Tri-State potato variety development program, the main objectives of the Oregon State University potato variety development and breeding program are selecting, evaluating and releasing new varieties, adaptive to the local conditions for both fresh and processing markets. The USDA/ARS, Aberdeen breeding program provides 80-85% of russet processing & fresh crosses each year as True Potato Seed (TPS). Breeding efforts at Oregon State University complement and enhance those of the USDA/ARS program in Aberdeen, ID by incorporating disease and pest resistances using multi-trait genotypic recurrent selection, as illustrated by the publication of marker-assisted selection (MAS) efforts for PVY resistance (Ottoman et al., and Vales et al., 2010) and the evaluation of genetic diversity in Tri-state clones (Karaagac et al., 2010). Introgression of genetic resistance focused on viruses, late blight, tuberworm, and rootknot and stubby-root nematodes. New molecular markers were added this past year to screen for resistance to Columbia root-knot nematode, late blight (RBgene), PVX, and potato cyst nematode. As expected, germplasm enhancement is a continuous application utilizing traits of interest from various sources including but not limited to wild species and land races. In 2010, the Oregon group conducted multiple field trials at four locations (Hermiston, Powell Butte, Corvallis and Klamath Falls). A total of 83,019 single hills were planted at Powell Butte and Klamath Basin R&E Center (KBREC). Approximately 473 clones were retained at Powell Butte and 291 at KBREC for further evaluation. Approximately, 50,000 seedling tubers were generated in Corvallis greenhouses with approximately 80% TPS derived from USDA/ARS Aberdeen, ID crosses and the remainder originating from USDA/ARS Prosser, WA and OSU. The largest tuber (A-size) from each tuberling was reserved for planting at Klamath Falls. The B-sized clones will be shared among collaborative institutes. The Oregon group led the release of two Tri-state varieties Sage Russet (AO96164-1) is a medium maturing high yield with a high proportion of U.S. No. 1 tubers, and excellent processing quality, & AmaRosa (POR01PG22-1) is a medium maturing fingerling potato clone with red skin and medium red flesh. Four advanced clones (POR01PG20-12, AO96141-3, POR03PG23-1 and POR02PG37-2) were recommended for 2011 releases. In addition, disease/pest/abiotic stress resistance trials were performed at Corvallis (late blight), Hermiston (Verticillium wilt/early die, PVY, PLRV, and tuber worm), and Klamath Falls (root-knot nematode). Due to recent budget constraints and changes in potato personnel a major restructuring of the Oregon variety development program is underway. As a result, Corvallis will focus on seedling tuber production, screening germplasm for resistances using molecular markers, and late blight screening. Hermiston and Klamath Falls will focus on variety development activities while Malheur will conduct early generation screening to abiotic stresses. Single-hill selection and subsequent seed increase will move from Powell Butte to Klamath Falls. The major breeding and selection activities will be continued with specific goals by following basic breeding principles. The major accomplishments of each station are outlined below: CSS: Made more than 270 successful crosses between promising long russets, chippers, reds and specialties clones and parental clones with cold sweetening resistance and known resistance to tuber worm, PVY, PLRV, late blight, corky ring spot, and nematodes. Produced more than 50,000 seedling tubers from TPS in Corvallis greenhouses for Oregon single-hill screening for planting in 2011. In addition, 40,000 B size seedling tubers will be sent to Texas A&M University and to other collaborative institutions. Evaluated agronomic and quality traits of Western regional red and specialty, PYT2 and statewide specialty trials in Corvallis. Evaluated potato sensory quality of specialty clones in statewide trials. Evaluated foliar and tuber late blight resistance of 367 potato clones in artificially inoculated trials in Corvallis. Two hundred seventy three early generation selections were evaluated in 12- and 4-hills plots. Fifty one advanced breeding selections and named varieties and 43 varieties from the National Late Blight Evaluation Program were evaluated in replicated trials. Maintained 85 potato accessions in the disease-free clone bank and produced ~300 lbs of disease-free pre-nuclear minitubers for research purpose. Performed molecular marker evaluations for PVY resistance on 176 single hills clones selected in 2009. A total of sixty three resistant clones with the PVY resistant gene Ryadg and with the PVY resistance gene Rysto were identified for further selection & testing. Screened 48 breeding clones from Aberdeen breeding program for PVY markers. Screened 10 clones selected in 2009 in single hills for resistant to Colombia root-knot nematodes (CRKN). Six clones were confirmed to have resistant the gene RMc1(blb), from S. bulbocastanum. A graduate student, Jose Ortega finished working on his Master degree project on PVY resistant derived from Premier Russet (A93157-6LS) and scheduled to defend his thesis. DNA fingerprinting of 54 varieties and advanced clones from the North West breeding; Program was conducted for variety identification and for PVP. Prepared PVP and release documents for new released varieties. Conducted three molecular breeding trials supported by OSU, Agricultural Research Foundation on PVY, late blight (RB gene) resistant, and Colombia root-knot nematodes. Evaluated 232 varieties in SolCAP collaborative trials. KBREC: Evaluated 70 advanced Tristate and Western Regional cultivars for fresh market, processing, and specialty use characteristics adaptable to the Klamath Basin. Evaluated 179 preliminary and advanced Oregon cultivars. Screened 59 4-hill chipping selections from 2009 single-hills grown in Klamath County and retained 15 for further evaluation. Screened 59 4-hill specialty selections from 2009 single-hills grown in Klamath County and retained 9 for further evaluation. Pre-selected, planted, harvested, and evaluated 26,656 single-hill seedling tubers and selected 291 for further evaluation. Summarized and published all red-skinned and specialty-type variety trial information from all participating regional cooperators. HAREC: Evaluated 33 advanced Tristate and Western Regional cultivars for fresh market, and processing use characteristics adaptable to the lower Columbia Basin. Evaluated 125 preliminary and advanced Oregon cultivars. Evaluated 759 Oregon selections and 112 USDA-ARS Aberdeen selections for visual reselection, with 70 and 23 cultivars being selected, respectively. Evaluated 56 Tristate and Western Regional cultivars for early die resistance. COARC: Produced and stored seed of 1,041 selections at Powell Butte for Oregon, Tristate, and Western Regional trials to be conducted in 2011. Packaged (5, 10, 25, and 50 lb sacks) and shipped 29,104 lbs. of seed to 19 research and 9 industry cooperators in 14 states. Pre-selected, planted, harvested, and evaluated 57,704 single-hill seedling tubers and selected 473 for further evaluation. Summarized and published all variety trial information from 3 Oregon sites. Maintained a web site featuring a potato variety database that generates various yield and quality reports. University of Idaho 2010 Tri-State/Regional Report 2010 Tri-State Technical Committee Meeting - Idaho Report Variety Development: No new varieties were released by the Idaho program last year. A97066-42LB, A98345- 1, A0008-1TE A00324-1, and A01010-1 were entries in the Western Regional Potato Variety Trials. A01010-1 appears to have potential as a dual purpose russet and also has high levels of vitamin C and protein. A0008-1TE is under consideration for release, primarily for early fresh production. Average yields in early harvest trials in Idaho, Oregon and Washington have been comparable to Russet Norkotah, but it has higher levels of vitamin C and protein. Additional research will be conducted in 2011 to assess fresh pack potential for A0008-1TE under commercial conditions. Seven clones were evaluated last year in the Tri-State Red/Specialty Trial, including, A02267-1Y, A02267-5PY, A03576-5Y, NDA8512C-1R, NDA050237B-1R, A05173-2RY, and A05177-4RY. In addition, A99326-1PY, A99331-2RY A00286-3Y and A99433-5Y were evaluated in the Western Regional Red/Specialty Trial. A99326-1PY is under consideration for release in 2011. It is a purple-skinned, yellow fleshed clone with good culinary quality and medium yield potential. Continuing Research Studies: In 2010, 36 trials were conducted at 7 locations across southern Idaho, consisting of advanced and cooperative variety trials, grower variety trials, genetic studies, and management studies. Efforts to enhance potato vitamin C content continued, with breeding efforts progressing to increase levels of ascorbic acid. In addition, screening studies were again conducted in 2010 in an effort to develop russets with good yield and quality characteristics and resistance to corky ringspot. The study is progressing well with a number of russets with good type being identified with good corky ringspot resistance. Management Studies: Nitrogen Responses - In 2010, we continued a multi-year study in which we compared the nitrogen use efficiency of varieties released by the Northwest Potato Variety Development Program with that of Russet Burbank. The varieties included Alpine Russet, Alturas, Classic Russet, Clearwater Russet, Highland Russet, Premier Russet, Umatilla Russet and Western Russet. In each of these trials, the varieties received N fertilizer at rates ranging from 0 to 360 lb N/acre, with the N split between pre-plant (60%) and in-season (40%) applications. We compared the yield produced per lb of N fertilizer for each variety at the point of maximum yield. With the exception of Highland Russet, all of the new varieties had appreciably higher N use efficiency than Russet Burbank at maximum yield, with improvements ranging from 118 to 170% of RB. Nitrogen requirements for a given yield goal, were about 40% less than Russet Burbank for Alturas and 20-25% less than Russet Burbank for Alpine Russet, Classic Russet, Clearwater Russet and Premier Russet. Western Russet required about 10% less N than Russet Burbank, while Highland Russets N requirement was similar to Russet Burbanks Irrigation Responses - In an additional study conducted at Aberdeen in 2010, Alpine Russet, Alturas, Clearwater Russet, Premier Russet Umatilla Russet and Russet Burbank were irrigated during the growing season at; 1) 100% ET, 2) 75% ET, or 3) 50% ET. Premier Russet, Alpine Russet and Clearwater Russet had the highest total and US No. 1 yields with irrigation at 100% ET. Premier Russet, Alpine Russet and Clearwater Russet also had the highest US No. 1 yields with the 75% ET and 50% ET irrigation treatments. Response to Reduced Pesticide Applications - Studies were conducted in 2010 as part of an ISDA-SCBG research project at Parma and Aberdeen to evaluate the potential for reducing pesticide rates on new varieties from the Tri-State. Varieties included in this study were Alpine Russet, Alturas, Clearwater Russet, Premier Russet and Umatilla Russet, and Russet Burbank. Preliminary results have shown that pesticide rates for some of these varieties can be reduced in comparison to Russet Burbank. Texas 2010 Tri-State/Regional Report 84,644 first year seedlings, resulting from 657 different parental combination or families (crosses), were grown for selection on the Barrett Farm (16,860) near Springlake and on the CSS Farm (67,784) near Dalhart. 573 original selections were made. 14 clones were intercrossed to produce 11 families. We received seedlings tubers from the Idaho (6,860), Oregon (30,696), Colorado (20,020), and North Dakota (11,616) breeding programs. We grew 33,726 tuberlings in the greenhouse from true seed. Evaluation trials were conducted at Weslaco (Winter - December 6 planting, April 14 harvest), Springlake (Spring  April 1 planting, August 2, 5, 24, and 26 harvests), and Dalhart (Fall  May 6 planting, September 6,20 and October 4, 18, 20 harvests) 693 advanced selections/new cultivars were tested in 40 separate trials. Western Regional Trials were conducted at both Springlake (Chip, Russet and Red/Specialty) and Dalhart (Chip). The Texas Program had three entries in the Western Regional Russet Trial (AOTX95265-1Ru, AOTX96216-2Ru, and AOTX96265-2Ru) and three entries in the Western Regional Red/ Specialty Trial (BTX2332-1R, COTX94216-1R, COTX94218-1R). The Texas program had 13 entries (ATTX88654-2P/Y, ATTX98510-1R/Y, ATTX01180-1R/Y, BTX2103-1R/Y, COTX01403-4R/Y, TX1674-1W/Y, AOTX96084-1Ru, AOTX98152-3Ru, ATX9332-12Ru, AOTX91861-4R, ATTX98453-11BR, NDTX5003-2R, and NDTX5438-11R) in theSouthwestern Regional Trials. Field day was held on July 15 at Springlake and was well attended. Initiated a major expansion of the chip program with participation in the National Breeders Chip Trial. Continued investigating activity of bioactive compounds from potato on prostate cancer in vivo. Virtually all of the russet potatoes grown in Texas in 2010 were the improved Texas Russet Norkotah strains. Over the past several years, Texas recorded the highest Summer crop yields in the nation (440-465 Cwt/A) among the 11 states producing a summer crop. PVP was granted for Stampede Russet and Rio Rojo in 2010. A major preoccupation of the program continues to center around the Zebra Chip effort. Emphasis on virus testing and clean-up continued. Colorado State University 2010 Tri-State/Regional Report The Colorado Potato Breeding and Selection Program intercrossed 99 parental clones in 2010 in two separate crossing blocks. The emphasis of the first crossing block was russet, chipper, specialty cultivar development and PVY resistance. The second crossing block emphasized russet and specialty cultivar development and PVY resistance. Seed from 278 combinations was obtained. Approximately 57,200 seedling tubers representing 218 families were produced from 2008 and 2009 crosses for initial field selection in 2011. These seedlings represent crosses segregating primarily for russet, reds, specialty types, and resistance to late blight, PVY, corky ringspot, and nematodes. Second through fourth size seedling tubers will be distributed to Idaho (USDA-ARS), Minnesota, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Wisconsin, and Alberta, Canada (Agriculture Canada). Colorado grew 84,924 first-year seedlings representing 478 families in 2010, with 623 selected for subsequent planting, evaluation, and increase in future years. A portion of these seedlings were obtained from the USDA-ARS (Aberdeen, Idaho and Beltsville, Maryland, MD), Agriculture Canada, Texas A&M University, North Dakota State University, and Oregon State University. Another 1,166 clones were in 12-hill, preliminary, and intermediate stages of selection. At harvest, 370 were saved for further increase and evaluation. Fifty-five advanced selections were saved and will be increased in 2011 pending further evaluation. Another 281 selections and cultivars were maintained for germplasm development, breeding, and other experimental purposes including seed increase/maintenance. Field trials conducted in 2010 included: Preliminary Trial, Intermediate Yield Trial, Intermediate Specialty Yield Trial, Advanced Yield Trial, Advanced Fingerling Trial, Southwestern Regional Russet Trial, Southwestern Regional Red Trial, Southwestern Regional Chip Trial, Southwestern Specialty Trial, Western Regional Russet/Processing Trial, Western Regional Red Trial, Western Regional Specialty Trial, San Luis Valley Chipping Trial, and Western Regional Chipping Trial. All trials are grown under low input conditions, primarily for reduced nitrogen and fungicide. A total of 212 samples are in the process of being evaluated for two or more of the following postharvest characteristics: blackspot susceptibility, storage weight loss, dormancy, enzymatic browning, specific gravity, french fry color, french fry texture, and chip color. Advanced selections evaluated in the Southwest Regional Trials, Western Regional Trials, or by Colorado producers in 2010, included 6 russets (AC99375-1RU, CO97087-2RU, CO98067-RU, CO99053-3RU, CO99053-4RU, and CO99100-1RU), 2 reds (CO99076-6R and CO99256-2R), 9 chippers (AC01151-5W, CO95051-7W, CO97043-14W, CO00188-4W, CO00197-3W, CO00270-7W, CO02024-9W, CO02033-1W, and CO02321-4W), and 8 specialties (AC97521-1R/Y, AC99329 -7PW/Y, ATC00293-1W/Y, CO97226-2R/R, CO97232-2R/Y, CO00412-5W/Y, CO01399-10P/Y, TC02072-3P/P). An additional 12 selections are being considered for exclusive release. Included in this group is CO95051-7W. Since the WR Regional Chip Trials it has undergone extensive testing in the USPB/SFA Chip Trials and the USPB Fast Track program. This round white selection has excellent chip color after long term storage. Plant Variety Protection was granted to Rio Grande Russet in 2010. Since 1975, there have been 27 potato cultivars/clonal selections released by Colorado State University or in cooperation with other agencies. Colorado State University releases accounted for 59% of the 55,500 acres planted to fall potatoes in Colorado in 2010. Primary Colorado cultivars planted were Russet Norkotah-S3 (24%), Canela Russet (13%), and Rio Grande Russet (7%). Colorado cultivars and clonal selections accounted for 44% of the 12,053 acres of Colorado certified seed accepted for certification in 2010. Advanced Colorado selections accounted for another 1% of the seed acreage. Three of the top 10 russet cultivars grown for seed in the U.S. [Canela Russet (#7), Rio Grande Russet (#8), Russet Norkotah-S3 (#9) in 2009 were developed by the Colorado program. For reds Sangre-S11 ranked #7. For colored fleshed specialties, Mountain Rose and Purple Majesty both ranked #1 among red- and purple-fleshed cultivars. In 2010, horticultural evaluations were conducted on 23 potato cultivars and advanced selections in 16 trials at 7 locations in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. Tests included 9 russets, 4 reds, 10 specialties including 2 fingerlings. The trials assessed the influence of different cultural management practices on plant growth, development, tuber yield, tuber size distribution, and tuber quality of potato cultivars, in an effort to establish optimum management guidelines for each cultivar. Studies conducted in 2010 included the response of four potato cultivars to different nitrogen (N) application rates. Nitrogen rate treatments ranged from 0 (control) to 202 kg N/ha. The influence of in-row seed spacing on the performance of five potato cultivars was evaluated. Potato cultivars were planted at 25, 30, 35, and 40 cm. The effect of N application timing on the performance of a newly released potato cultivar Mesa Russet was concluded in 2010. Pre-plant N application rate treatments included 0, 68, 90, 112 kg N/ha, and a control, where no N was applied. Where N was applied, the remainder of the total N recommended for the cultivar was applied in three split applications during the crop growing season. The effect of compost and N application rate was concluded in 2010. Compost application rate treatments ranged from 2.2 to 11.2 Mg/ha. Within each compost application rate treatment N was applied either at the full recommended rate or one half of the recommended rate for the cultivar. Specific results of these trials will be available at a later date. 2010 Tulelake Potato Research Update UC Intermountain Research & Extension Center, Tulelake, CA Variety Development: Evaluated 44 Western Regional, 24 Southwest Regional, and 11 entries of local interest for the Late Russet, Red/Specialty and Chipper Variety Trials to look for entries suitable for the Klamath Basin. Evaluations included variety susceptibility to Verticillium wilt. Cultural Management: Seed Spacing Trial: Evaluated 6 Chip varieties, one was WR entry CO97043-14W, at 4 different seed spacings of 6.75, 9.25, 12.5, and 15 inches Pest Management: Herbicide Trial: Evaluated efficacy and crop safety of varying rates and tank-mixes of Outlook, Prowl H2O, Matrix, and Metribuzin on Russet Norkotah. Disease management trials examining control methods for Black dot and VerticilliumWilt. PVMI Report: Tri-State & Western Regional Technical Meeting 2.1.11. Jeanne Debons, Executive Director PVMI PVMI has collected $88,500 in license fees and $329,527.28 in royalties. The breakdown of where the funds are coming from is approximately 1/3 from the Tri-States, 1/3 from the US and 1/3 from outside the US, meaning 2/3 of the total comes from outside the Tri-State area. The license fees were reduced in January 2009, this has been received positively with more licenses administered this past year. For the first year in 2009 Ivory Crisp provided royalty income as will Alturas in 2010. This will help to offset the losses by Premier having being dumped and Classic problems encountered with fresh packing. All seed growers who grow Classic have been sent New Classic Russet Management Guidelines prepared by Jeff Stark and Mark Pavek. A successful RFP and exclusive license has been granted to Klamath Basin Fresh Direct LLC, Dan Chin for Purple Pelisse which is currently being managed in the US and Canada. The Coop is also sublicensing to other growers including Potandon, Childstock Farms and others. PVMI has worked to create both Tri-State and variety marketing and promotional materials to be distributed at exhibitions and through the website A new community site is available to be used by all members of the industry to buy, sell and blog about potatoes $33,792 was paid by PVMI to the Universities for PVP costs incurred by them since 2006. Note also that an additional $15,213 was paid for International PBR, this includes trials, application and administration costs associated with registering the new varieties in Canada. Future PBR costs will be covered by parties bringing varieties to new countries under the Sub-License Agreement. The sum of $100,000 was distributed to the Universities for the second year running for further distribution in aid of the research and breeding efforts, as it is one of the principal objectives of PVMI. PVMI is concentrating in supporting the existing Tri-State varieties as well as getting them evaluated in foreign markets, where potential for income ($1.00/CWT seed sold) is high, and Tri-State has an excellent international reputation. PVMI is also working with Lorie Ewing to get more money into the Potato Lab at University of Idaho.


  1. Idaho The primary outcome of the project is the collaborative development and release of new potato varieties to improve the economic efficiency of potato production in Idaho and the region. Extensive effort is put into the process of commercial adoption and use of these new varieties. The fresh market industry, French fry processors and chippers have incorporated many varieties developed through the Tri-State variety development program into their businesses. Ranger Russet, Alturas, Western Russet, Premier Russet, and Umatilla Russet were the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th most widely grown varieties in Idaho in 2010, respectively and accounted for 18.3% of the planted acreage in Idaho in 2010.
  2. Washington Over the past 5 years we have evaluated 7 of the recently released potato varieties form the Northwest Potato Variety Development Program to improve nitrogen use efficiency. Results show that the potential for improving the efficiency of N fertilizer use through the use of these newer potato varieties is substantial. Reducing fertilizer applications by 20-40% per unit of yield produced would not only provide a considerable economic benefit to growers but would also provide environmental benefits and contribute significantly to the sustainability of potato production systems.
  3. Colorado Since 1975, 27 potato cultivars/clonal selections were released by CSU or in cooperation with other agencies. CSU releases accounted for 59% of the 55,500 A planted to fall potatoes in CO in 2010. CO cultivars and clonal selections accounted for 44% of the 12,053 acres of CO certified seed accepted for certification in 2010. Advanced CO selections accounted for another 1% of the seed acreage. Three of the top 10 russet cultivars grown for seed in the U.S. [Canela Russet (#7), Rio Grande Russet (#8), Russet Norkotah-S3 (#9)] in 2009 were developed by CSU. For reds, Sangre-S11 ranked #7. For colored-fleshed specialties, Mountain Rose and Purple Majesty both ranked #1 among red- and purple-fleshed cultivars.
  4. Texas Twelve improved varieties have been developed/co-developed and/or released from the Texas Potato Breeding and Variety Development Program. Virtually all of the russet potatoes grown in Texas in 2010 were to the improved Texas Russet Norkotah strains. In 2009 the average summer crop yield in Texas was reported to be 460 Cwt/A, the highest in the nation among 11 states with summer crop production. In Texas, the farm gate value of the crop has grown from less than $20 million to about $99.5 million with an annual economic impact to the state estimated to exceed $300 million.


Blessington, T., M.N. Nzaramba, D.C. Scheuring, A.L. Hale, L. Reddivari, and J.C. Miller, Jr.,. 2010. Cooking methods and storage treatments of potato: Effects on carotenoids, antioxidant activity, and phenolics. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:479-491. Brown, C. R., K.G. Haynes, M. Moore, M.J. Pavek, D.C. Hane, S.L. Love, R.G. Novy, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2010. Stability and Broad-sense Heritability of Mineral Content in Potato: Iron. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:390-396. Essah, S.Y.C, Davidson, R D., and Holm, D G. 2010. Response of a russet potato cultivar to phosphorus and seed spacing management. Am. J. Potato Res. 87:121-122. Essah, S Y.C., Davidson, R.D., and Holm, D G. 2010. Interactive effects of compost tea, fungicide application, and nitrogen rate on the performance of two potato cultivars. Am. J. Potato Res. 87:121. Hiles, C.D., M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, and Z.J. Holden. 2010. Defining in-season nitrogen needs for Alturas and Premier Russet. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Washington and Oregon Potato Conference. pp. 27-44. Holm, D. G. 2010. Colorado Advanced Potato Selections Data Summary. Report for the 2010 Clonal Evaluation Meeting. 53pp. Holm, D.G. and Goktepe, F. 2010. 2009 Potato Breeding and Selection Research Report to the San Luis Valley Research Center Committee and the Colorado Potato Administrative Committees (Area II and III). 131pp. (unpub) Holm, D.G., S.Y.C. Essah, J.C. Miller, Jr., R.G. Wilson, and J.J. Nunez. 2011. Potato breeding and cultivar development in the Southwest. Amer. J. Potato Res. 88:45. (Abstr). Jansky, S. and J.C. Miller,Jr. 2010. Evaluation of Verticillium wilt resistance in Russet Norkotah and six strain selections. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:492-496. Knowles, N.R. and M.J. Pavek. 2011. WSU potato cultivar yield and postharvest quality evaluations for 2010. Washington State University Special Report. (in press). Knowles, N.R., C.D. Hiles, M.J. Pavek, L.O. Knowles, and Z.J. Holden. 2010. Effects of nitrogen management on growth, yield, tuber maturity and postharvest quality. Potato Progress 10(9): 5-6. Knowles, N.R., M.J. Pavek, J.C. Stark and M.I. Vales. 2010. Potato variety development and improvement in the Northwest. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Am. J. Pot. Res. 88:48-49. Knowles, N.R., M.J. Pavek, C. Hiles, L.O. Knowles and Z. Holden. 2010. Nitrogen management affects tuber physiological maturity and retention of processing quality. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Am. J. Pot. Res. 88:49. Knowles, N.R, M.J. Pavek, C.D. Hiles, L.O. Knowles, and Z. Holden. 2010. Tuber maturity and postharvest behavior. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Washington and Oregon Potato Conference. pp. 57-72. Knowles, N.R, J. Blauer, and L.O. Knowles. 2010. Aging of seed potatoes: physiological process and consequences for production. Potato Growers of Alberta Conference and Trade Show, Nov. 17-19, Red Deer, Alberta (invited presentation). Knowles, N.R., N. Fuller and L.O. Knowles. 2010. Storability and processing quality of new clones and cultivars. Cultivar Performance Workshop, 1st Annual Washington and Oregon Potato Conference, Jan. 26-28, Kennewick, WA. Knowles, N.R., M.J. Pavek, N. Fuller and L.O. Knowles. 2010. Post harvest quality of new clones and cultivars. Washington State Potato Commission Progress Reports for the year 2009 pp. 127-149. Knowles, N.R., L.O. Knowles, G.N.M. Kumar, M.J. Pavek. 2010. Factors affecting seed productivity and post harvest quality of new cultivars. Washington State Potato Commission Progress Reports for the year 2009 pp. 150-195. Knowles, N.R, J. Blauer, and L.O. Knowles. 2010. Tuber set and size distribution studies. WSU Annual Potato Field Day, IAERC, Othello, WA, June 24 (presentation and posters by NRK, JB, and LOK). Knowles N.R, M.J. Pavek, D. Zommick, C. Hiles, L.O. Knowles, Z. Holden. 2010. In-season potato management and post-season quality. WSU Annual Potato Field Day, IAERC, Othello, WA, June 24 (presentation and posters by NRK, and DZ). Kumar, G.N.M., E.C Lulai, J.C Suttle, and N.R. Knowles. 2010. Age-induced loss of wound-healing ability in potato tubers is partly regulated by ABA. Planta 232:1433-1445. Kumar, G.N.M., E.C. Lulai, J.C. Suttle and N.R. Knowles. 2010. Loss of wound healing ability with advancing tuber age is modulated by ABA. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Am. J. Pot. Res. 88:50. Kumar, G.N.M., E.C. Lulai, J.C. Suttle, and N.R. Knowles. 2010. Age-induced loss of wound-healing ability in potato tubers is regulated by ABA. WSU Academic Showcase, March 26 (poster presentation). Madiwale, G., L. Reddivari, M. Stone, D. Holm, J. Vanamala. 2010. Effect of storage and processing on colored potato functional compounds and their sensory attributes. IFT-USDA Project Directors Meeting, July 16-20, Chicago, IL. Manter, D.K., J. A Delgado, D.G Holm, and R.A Stong,. 2010. Pyrosequencing reveals a highly diverse and cultivar-specific bacterial endophyte community in potato roots. Microb. Ecol. 60:157-166. Miller, C., D. Scheuring, and J. Koym. 2010. Texas Potato Breeding Report, 2009. Texas AgriLife Research, College Station and Lubbock. 386p. Miller, J.C., Jr., J.W. Koym, D.C. Scheuring, and J.P. Miller. 2010. Southwest Regional Potato Variety Trial Report 2009. Texas AgriLife Research, College Station and Lubbock. 22p. Miller, C., J. Koym, and D. Scheuring. 2010. 2010 Field Day Handbook. July 15, 2010. Texas Potato Variety Development Program. Texas AgriLife Research, College Station and Lubbock. 33p. Navarre, R., S. Kumar, R. Shakya, A. Goyer, M. Martin, C. Brown, M. Pavek, R. Knowles, I. Vales and J. Holden. 2010. Changes in phytonutrient content during tuber development and identification of phytonutrient-rich New Potatoes. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Am. J. Pot. Res. 88:56-57. Novy, R.G., J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, T.L. Brandt, S. Gupta, and N. Olsen. 2010 Clearwater Russet: A Dual-Purpose Potato Cultivar with Cold Sweetening Resistance, High Protein Content, and Low Incidence of External Defects and Sugar Ends. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:458-471. Pavek, M.J, N.R. Knowles, C.D. Hiles, and Z.J. Holden. 2010. The economics behind in-season nitrogen and potato production. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Am. J. Pot. Res. 88:61. Pavek, M.J. and N.R. Knowles. 2010. WSU potato cultivar yield and postharvest quality evaluations for 2009. Washington State University Special Report. 122 pages. Reddivari, L., J. Vanamala, S.H. Safe, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2010. The bioactive compounds ± - chaconine and gallic acid in potato extracts decrease survival and induce apoptosis in LNCaP and PC3 prostate cancer cells. Nutr. and Cancer. 62(5): 601-610. Stark, J.C., R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, S.L. Love ,M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.R. Brown, B.A. Charlton, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, N. Olsen and T. Brandt. 2010. Classic Russet: A Potato Cultivar with Excellent Fresh Market Characteristics and High Yields of U.S. No. 1 Tubers Suitable for Early Harvest or Full-Season Production. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:360-373. Stushnoff, C., Ducreux, L.J.M., Hancock, R.D., Hedley, Holm, D.G.. McDougall, G.J., McNicol, J.W., Morris, J., Morris,W.L., Sungurtas, J.A., Verrall, S.R., Zuber, T., and Taylor, M. A.. 2010. Flavonoid profiling and transcriptome analysis reveals new gene-metabolite correlations in tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. J. Exp. Bot. 61:1225-1238. Weeda, S.M., Kumar, G.N.M. and N.R. Knowles. 2010. Correlative changes in proteases and protease inhibitors during mobilization of protein from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) seed-tubers. Functional Plant Biology 37:32-42. Weeda, S.M., Kumar, G.N.M. and N.R. Knowles. 2011. Protein mobilization from potato tubers during long-term storage and daughter tuber formation. Intl J Plant Sci. 172:459-470. Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, M.I. Vales, A.R. Mosley, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek. 2010. Yukon Gem: A yellow-fleshed potato cultivar suitable for fresh-pack and processing with resistances to PVYO and late blight. Amer. J. Potato Res.87:327-336. Whitworth, J.L., R.G Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, S.L. Love, N. Olsen, S.K. Gupta, T. Brandt, M.I. Vales, A.R., Mosley, S. Yilma, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, B.A. Charlton, C.C. Shock, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, J.S. Miller, and C.R. Brown. 2011. Alpine Russet: A potato cultivar having long term tuber dormancy making it suitable for processing from long-term storage. Am. J. Pot. Res. (in press). Vales, M.I., N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, J.C. Stark. 2010. Disease resistance in new tri-state potato varieties. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Washington and Oregon Potato Conference. pp. 99-102. Vales, M.I., C.R. Brown, D.C. Hane, S.R. James, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, A.R. Mosley, D. Culp, E. Feibert, J.C. Stark, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, S. Jansky. 2010. Purple Pelisse: A tri-state specialty fingerling potato with purple skin and purple flesh. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Am. J. Pot. Res. 88:67-68. Zommick, D.H., G.N.M. Kumar, L.O. Knowles and N.R. Knowles. 2010. Postharvest Mottling of Premier Russet Tubers may be a Consequence of Accelerated Aging. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Am. J. Pot. Res. 88:70-71. Zommick, D.H, G.N. Mohan Kumar, L.O. Knowles, and N.R. Knowles. 2010. Physiological and biochemical characterization of a mottling defect in potato tubers. WSU Academic Showcase, March 26 (poster presentation).
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