SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Whalon, Mark, Michigan State University; Sundin, George, Michigan State University; Avila, Laura, Michigan State University; Mota-Sanchez, David, Michigan State University; Szendrei, Zsofia Michigan State University; Vencill, William, University of Georgia; Holtzer, Thomas, Colorado State University; McGrath, Meg, Cornell University; Westra, Phil, Colorado State University; Wyenandt, Andy, Rutgers University; Bob Nichols, Cotton Incorporated;

_____________ Meeting Notes: There were three major activities during the meeting: presentations by attendees, discussion of critical issues in pesticide resistance, and committee business. The unique nature of this committee, which includes members investigating pesticide resistance in each of the three major pest disciplines (insects, diseases and weeds), provides an ideal opportunity for each member to learn about resistance in other disciplines, thereby broadening their understanding of resistance generally plus gaining knowledge and ideas that could be brought to their discipline. The size of the meeting fosters cross discipline discussion, which often is critical for obtaining a complete understanding of resistance in another discipline. _____________ Presentations: George Sundin: Bactericide and Fungicide Resistance Laura Avila: Fungicide Resistance in Grape Powdery Mildew Bob Nichols: Cotton Resistance Situation David Mota-Sanchez: Colorado Potato Beetle Resistance Status Meg McGrath: Fungicide Resistance in Cucurbit Powdery Mildew Andy Wyenandt: Fungicide Resistance Guidelines for Vegetables in the Northeast and Research Update on Resistance in Cucurbit Powdery Mildew Mark Whalon: Update-Arthropod Pesticide Resistance Database and Newsletter Zsofia Szendrei: Field monitoring Colorado potato beetle in Michigan potatoes Each presentation was followed by discussion. _____________ Discussion: Current Issues in Pesticide Resistance: Part of the meeting time was devoted to current issues. Typically researchers are not aware of issues outside their discipline, thus this discussion provides an opportunity for sharing information as well as discussing common factors such as constraints to managing resistance. Resistance continues to be an important constraint to successful crop production, arguably an increasing problem with many new developments each year and some cases having tremendous impact on crop production. Mark Whalon reported there were 706 new resistance cases submitted in 2010 to the Pesticide Resistance Newsletter (this newsletter was developed by this committee). Across disciplines, the most important current issue is development of resistance to glyphosate (active ingredient in Roundup) in important weeds. Roundup Ready crops (genetically engineered to tolerate glyphosate) have been the cornerstone of conservation tillage as a broad-spectrum herbicide is the only viable alternative to cultivation for controlling weeds. These crops are now grown widely in the US. Cotton growers in the southeastern US recognize they are in a crisis due to glyphosate-resistant weeds. Other crops (eg soybean, rice) are expected to soon be in a similar situation. This has lead to Congressional hearings to address the topic. An interesting discussion ensued about preventively managing resistance, tactics currently in use and what needs to change, enforcing management tactics, and handling resistance once it had developed at the academic, grower, chemical industry, and regulatory levels. Critical issues within the other disciplines are resistance to neonicotinoid insecticides and strobilurin fungicides. Both groups of pesticides have become very important due to their effectiveness for many key pests. _____________ Committee Business: The focus of this portion of the meeting was on potential future meeting sites and educational activities that the committee is or would like to be involved with planning and conducting. Education is an important objective of WERA 060 along with information exchange among committee members. Potential future meeting sites: 1. Washington DC in February or March 2011 when a weed resistance symposium is to be held focusing on the glyphosate resistance crisis. 2. Southeastern US cotton and/or rice production area in mid-June to enable a field trip to be part of the meeting so that attendees can witness the impact of a resistance crisis and visit with impacted producers. 3. Fungicide Resistance Workshop in Washington DC. A meeting date is being scheduled for fall 2011 or spring 2012. 4. IPM meeting. March 27-29, 2012. Memphis. This is the best professional meeting setting for WERA 060 because it is multi-disciplinary. 5. Washington DC sometime in 2013 after the next election to enable meeting with EPA and other federal staff involved with pesticide resistance issues at the start of a new administration. Education activities: 1. Upcoming Fungicide Resistance Workshop in Washington DC. Committee members are already involved in. WERA 060 is a co-sponsor. Other Proposed activities: 1. Develop a multi-disciplinary symposium at a weed science society (WSSA) meeting. Resistance in weeds is routinely a topic at these meetings, and the current crisis with glyphosate resistance is a logical symposium focus. 2. Work with the National Academy of Science to develop a pesticide resistance symposium along the lines of the successful recent one on GMOs. 3. Write a position paper on pesticide resistance possibly with CAST. Additional Business Items 1. William Vencill, University of Georgia, was elected Chair for 2011. 2. A renewal proposal will need to be prepared in 2012. WERA 060 current proposal ends Sept 2012. _____________ 2011 WERA-60 Strategic Plan: During the 2010 WERA-60 meeting delegates developed a strategic plan for 2011. The key elements of the plan included 1) communication of the emerging weed resistance issues surrounding glyphosate and GMO corn, cotton and soybean production in the US and world, 2) WERA-60 partnership with the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in developing a national strategy to address this issue, 3) targeting a WERA-60 partnership with U of Arkansas, National Cotton Council, and Cotton Inc. to organize a summer 2011 meeting to highlight and educate these issues to policy makers, researchers, extension and key grower group leaders. More detailed discussion were held on the specifics of the meetings organization, content and participants that will be available to USDA at a later date as plans and colleagues begin to organize and publish this meeting. Essentially, the goals of this meeting would address the scope of the problem, available information on the mechanisms involved, weed species currently understood to be exhibiting resistance and identification of the strategies to combat this problem. The Arkansas meeting will likely consist of a morning tour, afternoon science and extension appraisal followed by a BBQ. The following day, WERA-60 would convene its Annual Meeting with scientific presentations and reports addressing not only weed resistance but pathogen and arthropods as well.


[Below is a summary of reported accomplishments. Full State Reports are provided as an attachment to the minutes section.] Arizona: Statewide Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) Resistance Monitoring Program Statewide monitoring of whitefly resistance to pypriproxyfen, buprofezin, neonicotinoids, spiromesifen and synergized pyrethroids has been conducted in Arizona for over a decade. Work previously done in Dr. Tim Dennehys lab is now being carried on by Dr. Xianchun Li. Findings: Field populations of B biotype whitefly are still susceptible to buprofezin and spiromesifen, but have developed medium to high levels of resistance pyriproxyfen and synergised pyrethroids. . Both cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450) and glutathione Stransferases (GST) are involved in whitefly resistance to pyriproxyfen. We have also detected low to medium levels of neonicotinoid resistance in whitefly populations collected from melon fields since last year. All these resistant populations are susceptible to novel chemistries including rynaxypyr, cyazypyr, spirotetramat, and pyrifluquinazon, based on current research. We have also monitored the resistance of Q biotype whitefly populations collected from ornamentals. All Q populations we have tested are resistant to the insecticides currently used for control of the B biotype whiteflies. We conducted a 4-year study of pyriproxyfen resistance dynamics relative to field performance. Ellsworth & Dennehy showed that despite the moderate resistance levels measurable in whitefly populations, Knack performance in the field remained very high and unchanged from levels measured during this product's introduction to Arizona cotton (19961999). Several factors are likely at play, but bioresidual as suggested by Ellsworth and Naranjo (see Ellsworth & Martinez-Carrillo 2001; Naranjo, 2001; Naranjo & Ellsworth 2009a,b) plays an important role in overcoming, mitigating or otherwise masking resistance effects on field performance. We have also examined long-term trends in field performance of soil applied imidacloprid in the control of whiteflies in lettuce and broccoli. Palumbo has shown that despite rather modest reductions in susceptibility in lab bioassays, field performance of Admire (and similar products) is at about 50% of what was possible 15 years ago. Furthermore, Palumbo has measured pest manager behaviors and found a high degree of foliar oversprays for whitefly control that were once not required after soil applications of Admire. These effects are most prominent in the fall crop when whitefly pressure is highest and spray intensities are very high in melons, especially, because of the need to prevent virus transmission. Suppressing Resistance to Bt Cotton with Sterile Insect Releases (pink bollworm): Transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops are grown widely for pest control, but insect adaptation can reduce their efficacy. The predominant strategy for delaying pest resistance to Bt crops requires refuges of non-Bt host plants to provide susceptible insects to mate with resistant insects, yet this approach has limitations including variable farmer compliance. Here we report the benefits of an alternative strategy where sterile insects are released to mate with resistant insects and refuges are scarce or absent. Computer simulations show that this strategy works in principle against pests with recessive or dominant inheritance of resistance. In a large-scale, four-year field deployment of this strategy in Arizona, pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) resistance to Bt cotton did not increase. A multi-tactic eradication program incorporating this strategy reduced pink bollworm abundance by more than 99% while eliminating insecticide sprays against this key invasive pest. In Arizona, monitoring of pink bollworm field populations showed no net decrease in susceptibility to Cry1Ac from 1997 to 2005, when the non-Bt cotton refuge percentage was >25% every year, or from 2006 to 2009, when sterile insects were released and the mean refuge percentage was 7.3%. DNA screening for the three known cadherin mutations linked with pink bollworm resistance to Cry1Ac detected no resistant alleles during 2006 to 2009 (n = 2499). Based on larval survival on diet treated with Cry1Ac, bioassays detected a single resistant individual in 2006 (n = 3822), but no resistant individuals were found in 2007 or 2008. Bioassays also detected no larvae resistant to Cry2Ab in 2007 or 2008 (n = 2572). In 2009, this pest was so scarce in Arizona that we could not collect enough individuals to conduct bioassays. Revising Cross-Commodity Guidelines & Other Educational Efforts: We are engaged in a Pest Management Alternatives Program (PMAP) grant (Li, Palumbo, Ellsworth & Fournier) to evaluate resistance management concerns for whitefly chemical controls across multiple crops. We are conducting research on cross-resistance dynamics (lab efficacy trials), statewide resistance monitoring, field measurement of product performance, chemical rotations, and impact on non-target organisms, pesticide use trends analyses and stakeholder acceptance of new chemical use guidelines. As part of this project, we are revising cross-commodity IPM guidelines for whitefly control. Impact: The anticipated impact is promotion of statewide adoption of cross-commodity pesticide use practices that will help sustain important chemical tools for whitefly management across key crops in Arizona. In cooperation with the Arizona Crop Protection Association (AzCPA) and the Arizona Department of Agriculture, we revised and expanded an out-of-date training manual to support state licensing of Pest Control Advisors (PCAs). This project involved nearly 20 University of Arizona faculty, industry partners and PCA reviewers. The authors take an integrated crop management / integrated pest management approach. The manual includes sections on managing resistance, including herbicide and insecticide resistance management, and resistance issues specific to transgenic Bt cotton. The manual, published in 2010, is available from the AzCPA. The PCA licensing exam has been revised to conform to the new study materials. No Herbicide Resistance Detected in Arizona: Dr. William B. McCloskey investigates any claim of herbicide resistant weed populations in Arizona by collecting seed from suspected resistant populations and conducting herbicide trials side by side with known susceptible populations in the greenhouse. To date, there have been no confirmed instances of herbicide resistant weed populations in Arizona, including any resistance to glyphosate despite the presence of resistant weed populations in surrounding states. Tools for Evaluating Resistance Management Practices in Arizona: We continue to develop data, tools and resources to support evaluation of IPM adoption, resistance management, and other pest management practices. This includes development of a 20-year historical database of Arizona Pesticide Use Reporting (PUR) data in partnership with the Arizona Department of Agriculture. This effort has received a funding boost through two successful Arizona Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grants that will partially support a database specialist position for the next 3 years. We have integrated IRAC, HRAC and FRAC mode of action tables into the database that will help facilitate resistance-related data queries. Impact: These data are used to respond to federal information requests as reported on the Arid Southwest IPM Network website ( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ New Jersey: Fungicide resistance management in vegetable crop production continues to be a major focus in New Jersey as well as the rest of the mid-Atlantic region (PA, DE, MD, and VA). The 4th edition of the Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for Vegetable Crop Production in the mid-Atlantic Region was published in 2010. Since 2007, over 8,000 of these guides have been distributed to growers, extension agents and specialists, crop consultants, and industry representatives throughout the region representing to our best estimates between 75,000 to 100,000 A of commercial vegetable production. A 5th edition of the resistance management guide will be published and distributed in 2011. In 2010, vegetable pathologists in the region published a fungicide resistance management table for tomato crops grown in the Northeastern US. This FRAC table is useful for all tomato production in the thirteen states included the Northeast region of the US. This FRAC table is available on-line via Rutgers University ( or at the online peer-review journal Plant Health Progress. A similar FRAC table for fungicide resistance management in cucurbit powdery and downy mildew was developed and distributed in 2009, and is available at the peer-reviewed online journal, Crop Management. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Georgia: Herbicide-Resistance, Georgia, 2010 In 2010, glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) is the most widespread herbicide resistance problem in the state. It has been confirmed in 52 counties in Georgia, predominantly the cotton growing counties in south Georgia. It is estimated that by the 2011 growing season, glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth will infest all Georgia cotton-producing counties. In a number of counties, double-resistant glyphosate and ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth has been confirmed. Any of the ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth in Georgia has been confirmed to be resistant to all groups of ALS-inhibiting herbicides. ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth has been confirmed in 61 counties in Georgia. Triazine-resistant Palmer amaranth was confirmed in central Georgia in 2008. This is a metabolism (enhanced GST) biotype and does not have cross-resistance to other non-chloro-s-triazines. Currently, we are conducting greenhouse studies on 30 selections that are suspected to be atrazine, glyphosate and ALS-resistant. In 2010, ACCase-resistant Lolium multiflorum from Franklin County, Georgia. It has been tested to be sethoxydim and diclofop-methyl resistant, but is susceptible to clethodim. Double-resistant Lolium multiforum resistant to ALS and ACCase herbicides has been characterized on 100 to 500 acres. Specifically, these have been confirmed to be resistant to diclofop-methyl and mesosulfuron-methyl. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Michigan: The Arthropod Pesticide Resistance Database (APRD was created by Michigan State University with the intent to establish a source of pesticide resistance information for scientists, researchers, government officials, and industry specialists. With this information, resistance management practitioners can develop and refine IPM programs to prolong decreasing susceptibility. The occurrence of pesticide resistance frequently leads to the increased use, overuse, and even misuse of pesticides that pose a risk to the environment, phytosanitation, market access, global trade, and threats to public health. Resistance can also result in serious economic loss and social disruption. The APRDs mission is to report cases of arthropod adaptation to insecticides since the 1900s. APRD has documented nearly 600 species and 9,456 cases of pesticide resistance, most of which have occurred over the last 60 years of intensive pesticide use. In 2010, hundreds and hundreds of new cases of resistance were added to the APRD demonstrating the wide array of different pests, their locations, and the insecticide they are resistant to. APRDs managers intend that arthropod pesticide resistance reporting should contribute to designing better integrated pest management (IPM) programs through selection of diversified management materials and strategies; and in the end contribute to the worlds effort to reduce hunger, improve food security and assure human and animal health. In May, 2010 the APRD website experienced one of its busiest months yet with more than 64,000, nearly 5,000 of those staying for 15 minutes or longer. Typically the APRD sustains more than 500,000 search-related visits annually lasting longer than 15 minutes. As the growing season begins to come to a close, the number of visits (green in Figure 1 below) to the site decreases slightly, which is a reoccurring annual trend. Nearly 1/3 of the monthly traffic to the APRD is from US educational institutions (.edu) while a large portion of others are from EU, India, Japan and China. The APRD has over 400 registered users from 46 different countries. These users represent scientific researchers, government officials, private and industrial employees, as well as members of non-profit organizations. The Resistant Pest Management (RPM) Newsletter was developed to spread knowledge of resistance around the world. The goal of the RPM Newsletter is to inform researchers, industry workers, pesticide policy bureaucrats and field personnel worldwide of ongoing changes and advances in pesticide resistance management, provide an archival resource to national and international policy leaders, and enhance communication of ideas among resistance managers worldwide. Since its 1989 inception, the Newsletter has published over 655 articles, including 35 articles in 2009. The Bi-annual publication has 1,137 electronic subscribers (mostly in government, libraries, and academia), and hard copies are now part of 58 libraries serial listings worldwide. Example countries with serial listings include the United States, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, India, Japan, Taiwan, Egypt, Kenya, Costa Rica, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Mauritius, Mexico, Pakistan, China, Spain, Tanzania and New Zealand. The newsletter can be viewed online at and has received 15,536 visitors since October 2010. In part, as a result of these efforts (Arthropod Resistance Database and RPM Newsletter) we have helped to pioneer and perpetuate WERA-060 outreach to national, international, USDA/CSREES projects, etc. that address pesticide resistance and resistance management policy not only in the Upper Midwest but across the US, EU and the world. These efforts are a key note of this important process, and we have developed these communication tools into a strong cooperative network with other Land Grant universities, government organizations and the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (CropLife International) internationally to deliver up-to-the-minute resistance information via the world wide web.


  1. Extending knowledge from resistance monitoring and management programs to agricultural producers and the agrochemical industry.
  2. Improved understanding of pesticide resistance among scientists, producers, industry representatives, students, and other interested stakeholders.
  3. Adoption of resistance management guidelines in various cropping systems, including in complex, multi-crop systems.


Carrière, Y., D. W. Crowder and B. E. Tabashnik. 2010. Evolutionary ecology of insect adaptation to Bt crops. Evolutionary Applications 3: 561-573. Crowder, D.W., P.C. Ellsworth, B.E. Tabashnik and Y. Carriere. 2008. Effects of operational factors on evolution of resistance to pyriproxyfen in the sweet potato whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Environmental Entomology, 37(6): 15141524. Dennehy, T.J., Degain, B.A., Harpold, V.S., Zaborac, M., Morin, S., Fabrick, J.A., Nichols, R. L., Brown, J.K., Byrne, F.J., & Li, X. 2010. Extraordinary Resistance to Insecticides Reveals Exotic Q Biotype of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in the New World. Journal of Economic Entomology (in press). Ellsworth, P.C. & J.L. Martinez-Carrillo. 2001. IPM for Bemisia tabaci in North America: A Case Study. Crop Protection 20: 853869. Ellsworth, P.C. 2010. Section IIA, Invertebrates: Insect Management on Cotton (pp. IIA1 IIA69). In Arizona PCA Study Manual. Preparatory materials for the Arizona Pest Control Fournier, A., J. Peterson & J. Reding, eds. 2010. Arizona Pest Control Advisor Study Manual: Preparatory Materials for the Arizona Pest Control Advisors License. Arizona Crop Protection Association. Hannon, E. R., M. S. Sisterson, S. P. Stock, Y. Carrière, B. E. Tabashnik and A. J. Gassmann. 2010. Effects of four nematode species on fitness costs of pink bollworm resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis toxin Cry1Ac. J. Econ. Entomol. 103: 1821-1831. Heuberger, S., C. Ellers-Kirk, B. E. Tabashnik and Y. Carrière. 2010. Pollen-and seed-mediated transgene flow in commercial cotton seed production fields. PLoS One: in press. Horowitz AR, Ellsworth PC and I. Ishaaya I. 2009. Biorational pest control: an overview, In Biorational Control of Arthropod Pests: Application and Resistance Management, ed. by Ishaaya I and Horowitz AR, Springer. Ma, W., Li, X., Dennehy, T. J., Lei, C., Wang, M., Degain, B. A., Nichols, R. L. 2009. Utility of MtCOI polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism in differentiating between Q and B whitefly Bemisia tabaci biotypes. Insect Science 16: 107-114. Ma, W., Li, X., Dennehy, T.J., Lei, C., Wang, M., Degain, B.A. 2010. Pyriproxyfen resistance of Bemisia tabaci Biotype B: metabolic mechanism Journal of Economic Entomology 103(1):158 Naranjo, S.E. & P.C. Ellsworth. 2009. 50 years of the integrated control concept: moving the model and implementation forward in Arizona. Pest Management Science, 65: 12671286. Naranjo, S.E. & P.C. Ellsworth. 2009. The contribution of conservation biological control to integrated management of Bemisia tabaci in cotton. Biological Control, 51(3): 458470. Tabashnik, B. E. and Y. Carrière. 2010. Field-evolved resistance to Bt cotton: Helicoverpa zea in the U.S. and pink bollworm in India. Southwestern Entomol. 35: 417-424. Tabashnik, B. E., M. S. Sisterson, P. C. Ellsworth, T. J. Dennehy, L. Antilla, L. Liesner, M. Whitlow, R. T Staten, J. A. Fabrick, G. C. Unnithan, A. J. Yelich, C. Ellers-Kirk, V. S. Harpold, X. Li and Y. Carrière. 2010. Suppressing resistance to Bt cotton with sterile insect releases. Nature Biotechnology: in press. Wyenandt, A. and N.L. Maxwell. 2010. Evaluating vegetable fungicide recommendations in the United States: Should more be done to limit the risks of fungicide resistance development? (accepted, Journal of Extension) Wyenandt, C.A., McGrath, M.T., Rideout, S.L., Gugino, B.K., Everts, K.L., and R.P. Mulrooney. 2009. Fungicide resistance management guidelines for cucurbit downy and powdery mildew control in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions of the United States. Online. Crop Management. doi:10.1094/CM-2009-0629-01-BR. Wyenandt, C.A., N.L. Maxwell and D.L. Ward. 2010. Determining practical fungicide resistance development and drift in the control of cucurbit powdery mildew in pumpkin. (accepted, Plant Health Progress) Wyenandt, C.A., S.L. Rideout, B.K. Gugino, M.T. McGrath, K.L. Everts and R.P. Mulrooney. 2010. Fungicide resistance management guidelines for the control of tomato diseases in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions of the United States. Online. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2010-0827-01-MG.
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