SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Harsh, James ( - Washington State University; Strawn, Daniel (dgstrawn@uidaho)  University of Idaho; Anderson, Stephen ( - University of Missouri; Bloom, Paul ( - University of Minnesota; Gimenez, Daniel ( - Rutgers University; Hettiarachichi, Ganga ( - Kansas State University; Loeppert, Richard ( Texas A&M; Smucker, Alvin ( - Michigan State University; Kang, Xia ( - Mississippi State University; Ron Turco (AA) ( - Purdue University; William Bland (incoming AA) ( - University of Wisconsin; Cavallaro, Nancy ( - NIFA; Raymond Knighton ( - NIFA

Jim Harsh, Alvin Smucker, and Stephen Anderson met separately on Nov. 1 to discuss plans for the Bouyoucos Conference because Stephen was not available for the regular meeting. Jim Harsh welcomed participants, introduced the incoming academic advisor William Bland, and asked for reports from participants on interactions at national labs and other facilities. Harsh noted a National Academy postdoc opportunity from Chunming Su (EPA). Ganga reported that Steve Sutton and others at the GSECARS is in the process of adding another endstation to Sector 13 at the APS to open to S, Mn and like elements while also having accessible K- or L-edges of heavier elements. Joseph Dvorak and few others at NSLS has submitted a proposal to built a soft x-ray beamline to help soil science and a few members wrote support letters for that. Strawn says there is a Canadian synchrotron source in Saskatchewan (CLS) with both soft and hard x-rays that is not heavily used and could be available for our group. There is a dedicated microtomography unit at the SIMBIOS Centre, Abertay University in Scotland. Phillippe Baveye is currently a scientist there. Smucker said that Kravchenko is developing with PNNL scientists a smooth surface model that can be used for 3D modeling. Members discussed the relevance of the last AFRI call to soil science in general and synchrotron work in particular. Knighton and Cavallaro pointed out that stakeholders must provide input when requested. Air quality RFP mentioned synchrotron studies but there were no synchrotron proposals submitted. Smucker suggested a white paper from the group suggesting research areas for soils. Cavallaro said to be sure research is tied to Grand Challenge areas. Reaching out to groups not using synchrotron, like proteomics researchers, could be fruitful (Knighton). This would bring the group into modeling and scaling issues. Turco noted that the climate change RFA included genomics work and Argonne is pushing metagenomics for soils. Knighton discussed the National Atmospheric Deposition Program, which could provide samples. Synchrotron and other spectroscopic work could serve to differentiate particulate sourcese.g. agricultural vs. industrialand strengthen research in aerobiology. Discussion of the upcoming Bouyoucos ConferenceAugust, 2011included potential speakers and other invitees. In addition to presenters suggested invitees included the PDs of soil processes and air quality AFRI programs, Society division chairs, representatives of other regional research groups. Some concern was voiced about getting too big and inability to get small focused breakout groups. Most agreed that the Conference could serve as the official meeting in 2011. Deadline for abstracts is Jun 1 2011. Registration will be $50. The NRI project directors meetings could be held in conjunction with the meetings. Final preparations will be carried out through email discussion with Smucker taking the lead. Bloom, Harsh, and Strawn will assist. To meet Objective 3, it was suggested we start by compiling a list of liaisons for user facilities. Harsh volunteered to act as liaison for PNNL, Bloom and Toner for APS/AlS, and Strawn for SSRL. We also need to start documenting educational talks given to potential synchrotron and spectroscopy users at conferences, seminars, etc. It was announced that fellowships for PhD students are given at Argonne National Laboratory. Elections were held and it was determined to keep Jim Harsh as chairman, Daniel Gimenez as vice-chair, and Dan Strawn as secretary.


Members wrote and submitted a revised proposal for NC-1022, which is now the current NC-1187. The revised proposal was reviewed, suggested changes were made, and the project was approved. Plans for the Bouyoucos Conference were firmed up and no-cost extensions were obtained from NIFA and the Bouyoucos Conference funds. It will take place in Estes Park, Colorado on August 1-2, 2011. Members of the group used synchrotron spectroscopy and microscopy to better understand the biogeochemical reactions occurring on particulates in soils and air. Results from the groups research are providing better remediation strategies, improved agricultural practices, and protection of soil resources. Beamtime at the synchrotron facilities is obtained by peer-review of proposals. Group members have applied for beamtime and been allocated time at all of the major facilities. Utilizing the beamlines provides impetus for beamline scientists and engineers to design the capabilities of the beamlines to accommodate environmentally relevant samples. Publishing in highly regarded journals helps raise the stature of group members, making our beamtime request proposals more likely to be awarded. Group members have published numerous papers in international research journals on molecular speciation and transformation of chemicals associated with environmental particles. This work includes, but is not limited to, studies of metals, metalloids, and xenobiotics availability to plants and microorganisms as affected by particle-element interactions; toxicity and uptake of nanoparticles; bioavailability of plant; distribution and speciation of particle-associated elements in soil; transformations of metals and compounds on particle surfaces, adsorption of organics to soil minerals; mobility of colloids and nanoparticles in soils; and the role of soil particle surface on aggregation of soil particles and macro- and micro-porosity of soils.


  1. A Bouyoucos Conference is funded and is planned for Estes Park, CO on August 1-2, 2011. The conference will bring together scientists, program managers, and stakeholders to review current research and form breakout groups to write new proposals on the impact of particulate matter on air, soil, and water quality.
  2. Liaisons were established for PNNL (Harsh), SSRL (Strawn), and APS/ALS (Bloom and Toner). The liaisons will communicate group needs to the facilities and keep project participants informed of calls for user proposals and upgrades in instrumentation.
  3. Harsh is a co-PI on a grant from the National Science Foundation to study the role of biofilms in the transfer of plant nutrients from mineral particulates to trees via ectomycorrhizal fungi--NSF-ETBC $491,421 6/1/2010-12/1/2012. This grant is interdisciplinary with scientists from geology (Kent Keller), plant pathology (Linda Thomashow), and environmental science (Richard Gill). The research will increase our understanding of the role of biofilms the weathering of particulates in soils and the sustainability of agricultural and forest ecosystems.
  4. Harsh will study the mobility of Tc-99 under waste tanks at the Hanford Site where caustic solutions have formed new particulates, which could incorporate Tc and lower its mobility. This project depends directly on cooperation with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory where state-of-the-art instrumentation is acquired and maintained. The work is directly related to remediation of the site in that priorities for efficient clean-up can be based on current scientific results. Dan Strawn will likely be brought into this project for his XAS expertise. DOE-ERSP Exploratory $150,000. 7/2009-6/2012.
  5. Hettiarachchi will study reaction products and pathways of P in fertilized soils using XANES spectroscopy, in cooperation with the Advanced Photon Source, in combination with wet chemical methods measuring potential availability of P. Knowledge of the dominant solid P species present in soil following application of P fertilizers and linking that to potential P availability would help to efficiently manage P in our agricultural soil systems and to design more efficient P fertilizers. This research is funded by International Plant Nutrition Institute and the industry.
  6. Hettiarachchi will study Se, S and some other constituents biochemical behavior in constructed wetland treatment system designed for the remediation of the flue gas desulphurization (FGD) wastewater stream. This work is interdisciplinary with researchers from the biological and agricultural engineering (Stacy Hutchinson), chemical engineering (Larry Erickson) and biochemistry (Lawrence Davis).
  7. Kang Xia is PI on a grant from NSF-GLTG to study interactions between small peptides and mineral surfaces using phage display technology coupled with synchrotron based spectroscopy-$200,028, 07/01/2010  06/30/2013. This grant is in collaboration with environmental microbiology (Mark Williams). An interdisciplinary approach combines a broad array of novel molecular, biological, and synchrotron-based spectroscopic techniques to investigate the interaction mechanisms between soil minerals and small peptides, key components of soil organic nitrogen.


Aouad, A., A.S. Anastacio, F. Bergaya, and J.W. Stucki. 2010. A Mossbauer spectroscopic study of aluminum- and iron-pillared clay minerals. Clays and Clay Minerals 58:164-173. Baker, L.L., D.G. Strawn, and R.W. Smith. 2010. Cation Exchange on Vadose Zone Research Park Subsurface Sediment, Idaho National Laboratory. Vadose Zone Journal 9:476-485. Basso, B., M. Amato, G. Bitella, R. Rossi, A. Kravchenko, L. Sartori, L.M. Carvahlo, and J. Gomes. 2010. Two-Dimensional Spatial and Temporal Variation of Soil Physical Properties in Tillage Systems Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Agronomy Journal 102:440-449. Biasioli, M., J.K. Kirby, G.M. Hettiarachchi, F. Ajmone-Marsan, and M.J. McLaughlin. 2010. Copper Lability in Soils Subjected to Intermittent Submergence. (in English) Journal of Environmental Quality 39:2047-2053. Boparai, H.K., S.D. Comfort, T. Satapanajaru, J.E. Szecsody, P.R. Grossl, and P.J. Shea. 2010. Abiotic transformation of high explosives by freshly precipitated iron minerals in aqueous Fe-II solutions. Chemosphere 79:865-872. Breier, J.A., K. Anantharaman, B.M. Toner, and G.J. Dick. 2010. Biotic-abiotic interactions in deep-sea hydrothermal plumes. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:A120-A120. Breier, J.A., C.G. Rauch, K. McCartney, B.M. Toner, S.C. Fakra, S.N. White, and C.R. German. 2009. A suspended-particle rosette multi-sampler for discrete biogeochemical sampling in low-particle-density waters. (in English) Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 56:1579-1589. Feng, X.H., M.Q. Zhu, M. Ginder-Vogel, C.Y. Ni, S.J. Parikh, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Formation of nano-crystalline todorokite from biogenic Mn oxides. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:3232-3245. Ginder-Vogel, M., G. Landrot, J.S. Fischel, and D.L. Sparks. 2009. Quantification of rapid environmental redox processes with quick-scanning x-ray absorption spectroscopy (Q-XAS). 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Transformation of Triclosan and Triclocarban in Soils and Biosolids-applied Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:1139-1144. Kwon, J. W., K. L. Armbrust, D. Vidal-Dorsch, S. M. Bay, K. Xia*. 2009. Determination of 17±-ethynylestradiol, carbamazepine, diazepam, simvastatin, and oxybenzone in fish livers. J. AOAC International. 92: 359-370. Lafferty, B.J., M. Ginder-Vogel, and D.L. Sparks. 2010a. Arsenite Oxidation by a Poorly Crystalline Manganese-Oxide 1. Stirred-Flow Experiments. Environmental Science & Technology 44:8460-8466. Lafferty, B.J., M. Ginder-Vogel, M.Q. Zhu, K.J.T. Livi, and D.L. Sparks. 2010b. Arsenite Oxidation by a Poorly Crystalline Manganese-Oxide. 2. Results from X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction. Environmental Science & Technology 44:8467-8472. Landrot, G., M. Ginder-Vogel, and D.L. Sparks. 2010b. Kinetics of Chromium(III) Oxidation by Manganese(IV) Oxides Using Quick Scanning X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy (Q-XAFS). Environmental Science & Technology 44:143-149. Langell, M.A., E. Kadossov, H. Boparai, and P. Shea. 2009. Effect of sodium dithionite on the surface composition of iron-containing aquifer sediment. Surface and Interface Analysis 41:941-950. Lioy, P.J., Y. Nazarenko, T.W. Han, M.J. Lioy, and G. Mainelis. 2010. Nanotechnology and Exposure Science What Is Needed To Fill the Research and Data Gaps for Consumer Products. (in English) International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 16:378-387. Liyanapatirana, C., S.R. Gwaltney, and K. Xia. 2010. Transformation of Triclosan by Fe(III)-Saturated Montmorillonite. Environmental Science & Technology 44:668-674. Mainelis, G., and M. Tabayoyong. 2010. The Effect of Sampling Time on the Overall Performance of Portable Microbial Impactors. Aerosol Science and Technology 44:75-82. Oram, L.L., D.G. Strawn, M.J. Morra, and G. Moller. 2010. Selenium Biogeochemical Cycling and Fluxes in the Hyporheic Zone of a Mining-Impacted Stream. Environmental Science & Technology 44:4176-4183. Parikh, S.J., B.J. Lafeerty, T.G. Meade, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Evaluating Environmental Influences on As-III Oxidation Kinetics by a Poorly Crystalline Mn-Oxide. Environmental Science & Technology 44:3772-3778. Peltier, E., D. van der Lelie, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Formation and Stability of Ni-Al Hydroxide Phases in Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 44:302-308. Premarathna, H.L., M.J. McLaughlin, J.K. Kirby, G.M. Hettiarachchi, D. Beak, S. Stacey, and D.J. Chittleborough. 2010. Potential Availability of Fertilizer Selenium in Field Capacity and Submerged Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74:1589-1596. Quazi, S., B. Toner, and P. Bloom. 2010b. The fate of phosphorus in biosolids treated soils: Speciation, transport and accumulation. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:A841-A841. Shang, J.Y., M. Flury, J.B. Harsh, and R.L. Zollars. 2010. Contact angles of aluminosilicate clays as affected by relative humidity and exchangeable cations. (in English) Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 353:1-9. Shimizu, M., M. Ginder-Vogel, S.J. Parikh, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Molecular Scale Assessment of Methylarsenic Sorption on Aluminum Oxide. Environmental Science & Technology 44:612-617. Smucker, A., E.J. Park, W. Wang, W.J. Sul, and M. Rivers. 2009. Forms and functions of meso and micro-niche capacities within soil aggregates. Journal of Nematology 41:381-381. Smucker, A.J.M., W. Wang, A.N. Kravchenko, and W.A. Dick. 2010a. Forms and Functions of Meso and Micro-niches of Carbon within Soil Aggregates. Journal of Nematology 42:84-86. Strawn, D.G., and L.L. Baker. 2009. Molecular characterization of copper in soils using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Environmental Pollution 157:2813-2821. Sunil, V.R., K.J. Patel, G. Mainelis, B.J. Turpin, S. Ridgely, R.J. Laumbach, H.M. Kipen, Y. Nazarenko, M. Veleeparambil, A.J. Gow, J.D. Laskin, and D.L. Laskin. 2009. Pulmonary effects of inhaled diesel exhaust in aged mice. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 241:283-293. Sverjensky, D.A., C.M. Jonsson, C.L. Jonsson, C.F. Estrada, N. Lee, K. Klochko, H.J. Cleaves, R.M. Hazen, S.J. Parikh, J.D. Kubicki, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Attachment of acidic amino acids to mineral surfaces: Implications for prebiotic chemistry. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:A1011-A1011. Thelen, K.D., B.E. Fronning, A. Kravchenko, D.H. Min, and G.P. Robertson. 2010. Integrating livestock manure with a corn-soybean bioenergy cropping system improves short-term carbon sequestration rates and net global warming potential. Biomass & Bioenergy 34:960-966. Tomanek, L., J.M. Diehl, S.E. Johnson, K. Xia, and S.J. Teh. 2010. Nonylphenol in marine organisms in North American estuaries: Trophic chain accumulation and proteomic responses. 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Characterization of the water soluble soil organic pool following the rewetting of dry soil in a drought prone tallgrass prairie. Soil Biology Biochem.41:21-28. Xia, K., J. Atkins, C. Foster, and K. Armbrust. 2010. Analysis of Cyromazine in Poultry Feed Using the QuEChERS Method Coupled with LC-MS/MS. J. Agricul. Food Chem. 58:59455949. Xia, K., L.S. Hundal, K. Kumar, K. Armbrust, A.E. Cox, and T.C. Granato. 2010. Triclocarban, triclosan, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and 4-nonylphenol in biosolids and in soil receiving 33-year biosolids application. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:597-605. Yao, M.S., Y. Wu, S.Q. Zhen, and G. Mainelis. 2009. A comparison of airborne and dust-borne allergens and toxins collected from home, office and outdoor environments both in New Haven, United States and Nanjing, China. Aerobiologia 25:183-192. Zhu, M.Q., M. Ginder-Vogel, and D.L. Sparks. 2010a. Ni(II) Sorption on Biogenic Mn-Oxides with Varying Mn Octahedral Layer Structure. Environmental Science & Technology 44:4472-4478. Zhu, M.Q., M. Ginder-Vogel, S.J. Parikh, X.H. Feng, and D.L. Sparks. 2010b. Cation Effects on the Layer Structure of Biogenic Mn-Oxides. Environmental Science & Technology 44:4465-4471.
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