SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Barney, Dan - USDA ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository/Arctic Subarctic Plant Gene Bank; Beam, Josh - SunnyRidge Farms; Black, Brent - Utah State University; Bolda, Mark - UC Cooperative Extension; Brevis, Patricio - Reiter Affiliated Companies; Clark, John R. - University of Arkansas; Daugovish, Oleg - University of California Cooperative; Demchak, Kathy - Penn State University; Fernandez, Gina - North Carolina State University; Finn Chad - USDA ARS HCRL; Fisher, Pam - Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food & Rural Affairs; Gaskell, Mark - UC Cooperative Extension; Hanson, Eric - Michigan State University; Hoashi-Erhardt, Wendy - Washington State University  Puyallup; Hughes, Becky - University of Guelph; Hummer, Kim E. - USDA ARS National Clonal Germplasm/Arctic Subarctic Plant Gene Bank; Kaufman, Diane  Oregon State University  North Willamette Research Center; Kempler, Chaim  AAFC  PARC Agossif, British Columbia, Canada; Lewers, Kim  USDA  ARS; Martin, Robert  USDA  ARS Horticultural Crops Research Unit; Moore, Patrick  Washington State University; Mowrey, Bruce  Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc.; Nonnecke, Gail R.  Iowa State University; Particka, Chrislyn  Sakuma Brothers, Inc.; Pattison, Jeremy  North Carolina State University; Perry, Ron  Michigan State University; Pesic-Vanesbroeck, Zvezdana  North Carolina State University; Poling, Barclay  North Carolina State University; Pullen, Esther  Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc.; Robertson, Renae  Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc.; Sills, Gavin  Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc.; Stewart, Philip  Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc.; Takeda, Fumiomi  USDA  ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station; Tepe, Emily  University of Minnesota; Thompson, Ellen  Pacific Berry Breeding, LLC; Tzanetakis, Ioannis  University of Arkansas; Vitten, Matthias  Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc.; Weber, Courtney  Cornell University; Whitaker, Vance  University of Florida


As stated in the project outline, the purpose of this project is to coordinate activities and encourage collaboration in a commodity area in which the number of researchers is relatively few; they need to use their time and resources efficiently. Interaction at the annual meeting allows the researchers to network effectively and identify cooperators with complementary skills and interests, in varying geographical areas with diverse growing conditions which are useful in experimental testing. Numerous joint projects are an outgrowth of the NCCC-22 project. Collaboration and interaction among researchers in various research areas are listed below and are organized by objective and crop. As related to Objective 1 - Develop improved small fruit germplasm through cooperative breeding and evaluation programs: Strawberry 1. Evaluation of strawberry breeding selections. C.E. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; B.C. Strik, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; B. Yorgey, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; M. Qian, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; R.R. Martin USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; P. Moore Washington State Univ., Puyallup, WA; C. Kempler, Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, Agassiz, BC; J.F. Hancock, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI; J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN; P. Steward, Driscolls Strawberry Assoc., Watsonville, CA; V. Whitaker, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL; T. Davis, Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, NH; C. Weber, New York Agri. Expt. Stat./Cornell Univ., Geneva, NY; A. Jamieson, Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, Kentville, NS; K. Lewers USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD. 2. Evaluation of performance of strawberry selections in the Pacific Northwest. P. Moore, Washington State Univ., C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; C. Kempler, PacificAgri-Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Agassiz, BC. 3. Evaluation of advanced selections of short day strawberries in Minnesota field conditions. C. Weber, Cornell Univ., J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota. 4. Development of day-neutral strawberry germplasm and testing of F1 hybrid day neutrals. V. Whitaker, UF GCREC, Balm, FL; A. Dale, Univ. of Guelph, Ontario. 5. Genetic improvement of fruit quality in strawberry using the RosBREED approach. V. Whitaker, UF GCREC, Balm, FL; C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; J. Hancock, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI. 6. Breeding for resistance to Colletotrichum crown rot in Southeastern strawberries. V. Whitaker, UF GCREC, Balm, FL; and J. Pattison, North Carolina State Univ., Kannapolis, North Carolina State Univ.. 7. Several cultivars and selections from cooperators were evaluated this year. We have four selections in propagation by Lassen Canyon Nursery. B1033 and B1463 are available for testing. B1570 and B1082 will be available when free of virus. K. Lewers, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, Enns, Luby, Jamieson, Lareault, Khanizadeh, Nourse. Blackberry: 1. Evaluation of blackberry selections from Univ. of Arkansas in diverse environments across the US. J.R. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas; C. Finn , USDA-ARS; K. Demchak, Penn State Univ.; 2. E. Hansen, Michigan State Univ.; G. Nonnecke, Iowa State Univ., including primcane and floricane fruiting genotype. 3. Performance of Primocane-Fruiting Blackberries in High Tunnels, K. Demchak, Penn State Univ.; J.R. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas. 4. Evaluation of germplasm from USDA-Oregon and Univ. of Arkansas. G. Fernandez, North Carolina State Univ. 5. Evaluation of blackberry breeding selections. C.E. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; B.C. Strik, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; B. Yorgey, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; M. Qian, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; R.R. Martin USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; J.R. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR; C. Kempler, Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, Agassiz, BC; G. Fernandez, North Carolina State. Univ., Raleigh, North Carolina State Univ.; G. Sills, Driscoll Strawberry Assoc., Watsonville, CA. 6. Evaluation of primocane fruiting blackberry seedling populations for temperate climate adaptation and early primocane production. C. Weber, Cornell Univ.; J.R. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas; J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota. Raspberry: 1. Comparison of 'Nantahala' and 'Heritage' Red Raspberry performance in high tunnels. K. Demchak, Penn State Univ.; G. Fernandez, North Carolina State Univ. 2. Evaluation of germplasm from USDA-Oregon. G. Fernandez, North Carolina State Univ. 3. Evaluation of red raspberry breeding selections. C.E. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; B.C. Strik, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; B. Yorgey, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; M. Qian, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; R.R. Martin USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; P. Moore, Washington State Univ., Puyallup, WA; C. Kempler, Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, Agassiz, BC; G. Fernandez, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, North Carolina State Univ.; G. Sills, Driscoll Strawberry Assoc., Watsonville, CA; E. Thompson, Pacific Berry Breeding, Watsonville, CA. 4. Evaluation of black raspberry breeding selections. C.E. Finn, USDA-ARS; B.C. Strik, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; B. Yorgey, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; M. Qian, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; R.R. Martin USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; G. Fernandez, N.C. State Univ., Raleigh, North Carolina State Univ.; C. Weber, New York Agr. Expt. Stat./Cornell Univ., Geneva, NY. 5. Evaluation of performance of raspberry selections in the Pacific Northwest. P. Moore, Washington State Univ., Chad Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR, Chaim Kempler, PacificAgri-Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Agassiz, BC. 6. Field evaluation of root rot tolerance of raspberry selections. P. Moore, Washington State Univ., C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR, C. Kempler, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Agassiz, BC. 7. Evaluation of machine harvestability of raspberry selections. P Moore, Washington State Univ., C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR, C. Kempler, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Agassiz, BC. 8. Evaluation of Rubus spp. hybrids for Pratylenchus penentrans resistance. I, Zasada, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, P Moore, Washington State Univ. 9. Evaluation of black raspberry selections from Oregon under New York field conditions. C. Weber, Cornell Univ., C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR. 10. Genetic mapping of resistance to raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV) using molecular markers. C. Weber, Cornell Univ., P. Moore, Washington State Univ. 11. Sequencing the red raspberry genome. C. Weber, Cornell Univ.; K. Lewers, USDA-ARS, Beltsville; J. Udall, Brigham Young Univ. and J.D. Swanson, Univ. Central Arkansas. 12. Raspberry virus response. (Lewers, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, Martin, Fernandez, Moore, Swartz, Weber). (Walsh, Luo, Jurick, Saftner, Lester, Wang). Blueberry & Huckleberry: 1. Evaluation of blueberry and huckleberry selections. C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; B.C. Strik, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; B. Yorgey, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; M. Qian, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR; R.R. Martin USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; J.F. Hancock, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI; J.R. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR; C. Kempler, Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada, Agassiz, BC; S. Stringer, USDA-ARS, Poplarville, MS; D.S. Nesmith, Univ. of Georgia, Griffin, GA; D. Barney, Univ. of Idaho; Sandpoint, ID (formerly; currently- USDA-ARS, Palmer, AK). 2. Evaluation of highbush, southern highbush, and rabbiteye blueberry cultivars. J. Strang, Univ. of Kentucky and J. Ballington, North Carolina State Univ. Grapes: 1. Evaluation of Univ. of Arkansas table grape selections with B. Strik, Oregon State Univ., B. Bordelon, Purdue Univ., and S. Spayd, North Carolina State Univ. 2. Development of new muscadine cultivars. P. Conner, Univ. of Georgia; J. Ballington, North Carolina State Univ.; J.R. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas. 3. Development of winegrape cultivars for the Midwestern and northeastern US - J.J. Luby (U of Minnesota), B. Bordelon(Purdue), P.E. Read (Univ. of Nebraska. ) As related to Objective 2 - Develop improved practices for small fruit production: Strawberry: 1. Canola as a trap crop for tarnished plant bug. G. Loeb and M. Pritts, Cornell Univ.; K. Demchak and R. Marini, Penn State Univ. 2. Production Systems for Fresh Market Strawberries  open field and tunnel, B. Strik, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, D. Kaufman, Oregon State Univ., Aurora, C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis. Blackberry: 1. Cooperative blackberry virus research on new and diverse viruses in the US with Y. Tzanetakis, Univ. of Arkansas, B. Martin, USDA-ARS, G. Fernandez and Z. Pesic, North Carolina State Univ. 2. Completed 2-year study on mowing of primocane-fruiting blackberry in combination with high tunnels for harvest season manipulation. M.E. Garcia, C.R. Rom, Univ. of Arkansas. 3. Weed, water, and nutrient management practices for organic blackberry production, B. Strik, Y. Zhao, and M. Daeschel, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR.; D. Bryla, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR. P. Perkins-Veazie, T. Phister, C. Safley, R. Rejesus, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Raspberry: 1. Performance of Nantahala primocane-fruiting red raspberry, G. Fernandez, North Carolina State Univ. and Penn State Univ. Blueberry: 1. Evaluating Vaccinium arboreum as blueberry rootstocks, W. Yang, Oregon State Univ., Aurora, OR. and R. Darnell, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, FL. 2. Evaluation of blueberry cultivars at three locations in Arkansas under organic and conventional cultural methods. M.E. Garcia, Univ. of Arkansas. Grapes: 1. Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila, a pest of small and stone fruit, V. Walton, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR and entomologists in 4 other states. 2. Effects of vineyard cover crop management on soil moisture, vine growth and nutrition in establishing young vines, P. Skinkis, L. Fredrikson, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR and P. Schriener, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR. Currants: 1. Evaluation of black currants for white pine blister rust; management of currants for this disease. K.E. Hummer, USDA ARS, Corvallis, OR; A. Dale, Univ. of Guelph, Ontario, D. Dalton, Oregon State Univ. As related to Objective 3 - Explore the association between fruit constituents and human health impacts: 1. Assessment of phytochemicals of raspberry germplasm . G. Fernandez and P. Perkins-Veazie, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh North Carolina State Univ.. 2. Dietary Intervention Ohio 2010-2011, Ohio-based Agricultural Products for Optimal Immune Function and Cancer Prevention: USDA/ARS/NIFA. F.W. Ravlin, PD, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Administration, S.K. Clinton, Oregon State Univ. College of Medicine, Dept. Medical Oncology, G. Lesinski, Oregon State Univ. College of Medicine, Dept. Medical Oncology, A.R. Miller, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Horticulture and Crop Science, J.C. Scheerens Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Horticulture and Crop Science, S.J. Schwartz, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Food Science and Technology, Y. Vodovotz, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Food Science and Technology. 3. Dietary Intervention Ohio 2009-2010, Chemoprevention of GI Tract Cancers with Berries: USDA/ARS/CREES. F.W. Ravlin, PD, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Administration, A.R. Miller, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Horticulture and Crop Science, J.C. Scheerens, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Horticulture and Crop Science, S.J. Schwartz, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Food Science and Technology, G.D. Stoner, Oregon State Univ. College of Medicine, Dept. Medical Oncology. 4. A High Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance-Based Approach to Profile Biologically Active Plant Metabolites Using Black Raspberry-mediated Inhibition of GI Tract Cancer Cells as a Model System: M.M. Giusti, PD, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Food Science and Technology, B.J. Bishop, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Information Technology, J.A. Bomser, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Human Nutrition, J.K. Hardy, Univ. Akron, Dept. Chemistry, A.R. Miller, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Horticulture and Crop Science, R.N. Reese, South Dakota State Univ., Dept. Biology and Microbiology, P.L. Rinaldi, Univ. Akron, Dept. Chemistry, J.C. Scheerens, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Horticulture and Crop Science, F.J. Wyzgoski. Oregon State Univ.-Mansfield, Dept. Chemistry Oregon State Univ. Bond Pomology Endowment 2008-2017, Fruit Phytonutrients for Health and Well-being: J.C. Scheerens, Oregon State Univ./OARDC, Dept. Horticulture and Crop Science. 5. Weed, Water, and Nutrient Management Practices for Organic Blackberry Production and the impact on food safety and healthful properties, B. Strik, Y. Zhao, and Mark Daeschel, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, D. Bryla, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, P. Perkins-Veazie, T. Phister, C. Safley, R. Rejesus, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh 6. Storage life and antioxidant content of high tunnel strawberries. P. Perkins-Veazie, J. Pattison, B. Poling, North Carolina State Univ. 7. Storage life and antioxidant content of tunnel and field grown raspberry. P. Perkins-Veazie, G. Fernandez, North Carolina State Univ. 8. Blackberry: storage life and antioxidant content of tunnel and field grown blackberry. P. Perkins-Veazie, G. Fernandez, North Carolina State Univ.; Sunnyridge Farms; J.R. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas, AR


  1. As related to Objective 1 - Develop improved small fruit germplasm through cooperative breeding and evaluation programs: Developing and testing new small fruit cultivars with improved productivity, quality, and resistance to pests has resulted in grower adoption of numerous new cultivars that were developed by participants in this project. Recently released strawberry, blackberry, and red raspberry cultivars developed by NCCC-22 collaborators have had an estimated financial impact in the Pacific Northwest of $23.7 and 26.1 million in 2008 and 2009 respectively based on the value of plant sales by nurseries and fruit sales by growers located in this region. Work on gene mapping, inheritance of various traits, and a better understanding of small fruit genetics is leading to better understanding and utilization of breeding techniques.
  2. As related to Objective 2 - Develop improved practices for small fruit production: Research conducted is continuing to provide information to growers that result in decreased costs, minimized fruit loss, and increased profitability. Work with certain systems such as those using day-neutral strawberry cultivars and season-extension technologies resulted in production of high quality fruit during a longer season. Studies on machine harvest of small fruit cultivars resulted in developments that can reduce labor costs, the biggest production expense. Adoption of these technologies by growers nationwide resulted in increased profits and improved farm economies.
  3. As related to Objective 3 - Explore the association between fruit constituents and human health impacts: Work continues to identify and characterize valuable phytochemicals in small fruit crops, some of which are not currently commercially produced. These crops could be valuable new commodities for the future, both for growers and consumers. In addition, studies continue to explore genetic (cultivar), environmental, cultural and post-harvest impacts on phytochemical accumulation in small fruits. Information provided by these studies can be used by growers/processors to optimize the health-beneficial properties of their products for the consumer.


Refereed/Peer-reviewed Journal Articles Alabi, O.J., R.R. Martin, and R.A. Naidu. 2010. Sequence diversity, population genetics and potential recombination events in Rupestris stem pitting-associated virus in Pacific Northwest Vineyards. J. Gen. Virol. 91:265-276. Bell, D.J., Rowland, L.J., Zhang, D., and Drummond, F.A. 2009. The spatial genetic structure of lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium, in four fields in Maine. Botany 87:932-946. Bell, D.J., Rowland, L.J., Smagula, J., and Drummond, F. 2009. Recent advances in the biology and genetics of lowbush blueberry. Maine Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin No. 203, p. 1-28. Bell, D.J., Rowland, L.J., Stommel, J., and Drummond, F.A. 2010. Yield variation among clones of lowbush blueberry as a function of genetic similarity and self-compatibility. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:259-270. Blom, P.E. and J.M. Tarara. 2009. Trellis tension monitoring improves yield estimation in vineyards. HortScience 44:678-685. Bryla, D.R., B. Yorgey, and A.D. Shireman. 2009. Irrigation management effects on yield and fruit quality of highbush blueberry. Acta Hort. 810:649-656. Bryla, D.R., R.M.A. Machado, and A.D. Shireman. 2010. Effects of method and level of nitrogen fertilizer application on soil pH, electrical conductivity, and availability of ammonium and nitrate in blueberry. Acta Hort. 868:95-101. Bryla, D.R., T.J. Trout, and J.E. Ayars. 2010. Weighing lysimeters for developing crop coefficients and efficient irrigation practices for vegetable crops. HortScience 45: (in press). Clark, J.R. 2010.Eastern United States table grape breeding. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 64:72-77. Clark, J.R and C.E. Finn. 2010. Register of new fruit and nut cultivars list 45. HortScience 45:716 756. Conner, P.J. 2010. A century of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) breeding at the University of Georgia. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 64:78-82. Dossett, M. and C.E. Finn. 2010. Identification of resistance to the large raspberry aphid in black raspberry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:438-444. Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil, and C.E. Finn. 2010. Transferability of Rubus microsatellite markers to black raspberry. Acta Hort. 859:103-110. Du, X. A. C. Finn and M. Qian. 2010. Volatile composition and odour activity value of thornless Black Diamond and Marion blackberries. J. Food Chem. 119:1127-1134. Du, X. M.C. Qian, and C. Finn. 2010. Distribution of volatile composition in Marion (Rubus spp. Hyb) blackberry pedigree. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58:1860-1869. Du, X., C.E. Finn, and M.C. Qian 2010. Bound volatile precursors in genotypes in the pedigree of Marion blackberry (Rubus sp.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 3694-3699 Du, X.F., A. Kurnianta, M. McDaniel, C.E Finn, and M.C. Qian, 2010. Flavour profiling of Marion and thornless blackberries by instrumental and sensory analysis. Food Chem. 121:1080-1088. Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and R.B. Martin Jr. 2010. Seed set, fruit weight and yield in highbush blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Duke and Bluecrop. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 64:161-170. Ehlenfeldt, M.K., J.J. Polashock, A.W. Stretch, and M. Kramer. 2010. Mummy berry fruit rot and shoot blight incidence in blueberry: prediction, ranking, and stability in a long-term study. HortScience 45:92-97. Ehlenfeldt, M.K., J.J Polashock, A.W. Stretch, and M. Kramer. 2010. Ranking cultivated blueberry for mummy berry blight and fruit infection incidence utilizing resampling and principle components analysis. HortScience. 45:1205-1210. Finn, C.E. and D. Archbold. 2009. Wilder Silver Medal to Dr. James Luby. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 63:24. Finn, C.E., B. Strik, B. Yorgey, R. Martin, and M. Peterson. 2010. Notice to fruit growers and nurserymen of release of trailing blackberry cultivar Onyx. USDA-ARS Release Notice. Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, B.M. Yorgey, M. Qian, R.R. Martin, and M. Peterson. 2010. Wild Treasure thornless trailing blackberry. HortScience 45:434-436. Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, B.M. Yorgey, R.R. Martin, and M.M. Stahler. 2010. Newberry trailing blackberry. HortScience 45:437-440. Finn, C.E., J.R. Clark, and S. Sleezer. 2010. Blackberry, p. 720-721. In: J.R. Clark and C.E. Finn (eds.). Register of new fruit and nut cultivars, list 45. HortScience 45. Finn, C.E., P.P. Moore, C. Kempler, B. Yorgey, B.C. Strik and R.R. Martin. 2009. Valley Red Strawberry. HortScience 44:1468-1471. Fuchs, M., G.S. Abawi, P. Marsella-Herrick, R. Cox, K.D. Cox, J.E. Carroll, and R.R. Martin. 2010. Occurrence of Tomato ringspot virus and Tobacco ringspot virus in highbush blueberry in New York State. J. Plant Pathol. 92:451-459. Garris, A., L. Clark, C. Owens, S.J. McKay, J.J. Luby, K. Mathiason, A. Fennell. 2009. Mapping of photoperiod-induced growth cessation in the wild grape Vitis riparia Michx. using microsatellite markers. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 134:261-272. Hancock, J.F. and J.R. Clark. 2009. Intellectual property protection and the funding of blueberry breeding in the future: the new paradigm. Acta Hort. 810:43-48 Hancock, J.F. C.E. Finn, J.J. Luby, A. Dale, P.W. Callow, and S. Serce. 2010. Reconstruction of the strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa, using native genotypes of F. virginiana and F. chiloensis. HortScience 45:1006-1013. Jarugula, S., J.A. Olufem, R.R. Martin, and R.A. Naidu. 2009. Molecular diversity of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 in Pacific Northwest vineyards. Phytopathology 100:698-707. Johnson, D.T., C.R. Rom, J. McAfee, J. McKern, E.T. Stafne, and J.R. Clark. 2010. Differences in defoliation of fruit genotypes by adult Japanese beetle feeding. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 64:184-198. Keller, Markus and Julie M. Tarara. 2010. Warm spring temperatures induce persistent season-long changes in shoot development in grapevines. Annals of Botany 106:131 141. Lee, J. 2010. Caffeic acid derivatives in dried Lamiaceae and Echinacea purpurea products. J. Funct. Foods. 2:158-162. Lee, J. and R.R. Martin. 2009. Influence of Grapevine leafroll associated viruses (GLRaV-2 and -3) on the fruit composition of Oregon Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir: Phenolics. Food Chem. 112:889-896. Lee, J. and C.F. Scagel. 2010. Chicoric acid levels in commercial basil (Ocimum basilicum) and Echinacea purpurea products. J. Funct. Foods. 2:77-84. Lee, J., K.E. Keller, C. Rennaker, and R.R. Martin. 2009. Influence of grapevine leafroll associated viruses (GLRaV-2 and -3) on the fruit composition of Oregon Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir: free amino acids, sugars, and organic acids. Food Chem. 117:99-105. Lee, J.C. 2010. Effect of methyl salicylate-based lures on beneficial and pest arthropods in strawberry. Environmental Entomology. 39(2):653-660. Lee, J.C., S.M. Hamud, J.F. Negron, J.J. Witcosky, and S.J. Seybold. 2010. Semiochemical-mediated flight strategies of two invasive elm bark beetles: a potential factor in competitive displacement. Environmental Entomology. 39(2):642-652 . Lewers, K.S., S.Y. Wang, and B.T. Vinyard. 2010. Evaluation of Rubus cultivars and breeding selections for fruit quality traits and flowering and fruiting dates. Crop Science 50:2475-2491. Lewers, K.S. 2010. Strawberry (p. 748-752) In: C.E. Finn and J.R. Clark (eds.) Register of new fruit and nut cultivars: List 45. HortScience 45:716-756. Liu, C., Callow, P., Rowland, L.J., Hancock, J.F., and Song, G-Q. 2010. Adventitious shoot regeneration from leaf explants of southern highbush blueberry cultivars. Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture 103:137-144. Luby, J.J. and D.V. Shaw. 2009. Plant breeders perspectives on improving yield and quality traits in horticultural food crops. HortScience 44:20-22. Martin, R.R., J.N. Pinkerton, and J. Kraus. 2009. The use of collagenase to improve the detection of plant viruses in vector nematodes by RT-PCR. J. Virol. Methods 155:91-95. Martin, R.R., Zhou, J., and Tzanetakis, I.E. Blueberry latent virus: An amalgam of the Partitiviridae and the Totiviridae. Virus Research, doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2010.09.020 Mekuria, T., L.R. Gutha, R.R. Martin, and R.A. Naidu. 2009. Genome diversity and intra- and inter-species recombination events in Grapevine fanleaf virus. Phytopathology 99:1394-1402. Mekuria, T.A., A.V. Karasev, R.R. Martin, and R.A. Naidu. 2009. First report of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 in wine grape cultivars in Idaho. Plant Dis. 93:1218. Moore, Patrick P and Chaim Kempler, Section Editors. 2010. Raspberry. In Finn, Chad and John Clark (Eds.) Register of Fruit and Nut Cultivars List 45. HortScience 45:747-748. NeSmith, D.S. and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2010. Blue SuedeTM: A southern highbush blueberry for the home gardener. HortScience 45:302-303. Ozgen, M., J.C. Scheerens, R.N. Reese and A.R. Miller. 2010. Total phenolic, anthocyanin and antioxidant capacity of selected elderberry (Sambucus canadensis L) accessions. Pharmacognacy Mag. 6:198-203 Polashock, J.J., F.L. Caruso, P.V. Oudemans, P.S. McManus, and J.A. Crouch. 2009. The North American cranberry fruit rot fungal community: a systematic overview using morphological and phylogenetic affinities. Plant Pathology 58:1116-1127. Polashock, J.J., Arora, R., Peng, Y., Naik, D., and Rowland, L.J. 2010. Functional identification of a C-repeat binding factor transcriptional activator from blueberry associated with cold acclimation and freezing tolerance. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:40-48. Rowland, L.J., E.L. Ogden, M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2010. EST-PCR markers developed for highbush blueberry are also useful for genetic fingerprinting and relationship studies in rabbiteye blueberry. Scientia Horticulturae 125:779-784. Ruple, A., J.R. Clark, and M.E. Garcia. 2010. An Evaluation of fertility in Arkansas primocane-fruiting blackberries. HortScience 45:1-6. Spigler, R., K. Lewers, A. Johnson, and T.-L. Ashman. 2010. Comparative mapping reveals autosomal origin of sex chromosome in octoploid Fragaria virginiana. Journal of Heredity 101:S107S117. Stegmeir, T.L., C.E. Finn, R. Warner and J. F. Hancock. 2010. Performance of an elite strawberry population derived from wild germplasm of Fragaria chiloensis and F. virginiana. HortScience 45:1140-1145. Skinkis, P.A., B.P. Bordelon, and E. Butz. 2010. The Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Monoterpenes in Grapes from Various Cluster Shading Regimes and the Influence on Wine Quality of Traminette. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:2. 147-155. Strik, B.C. and D. Bryla. 2010. Nutrition of raspberries and blackberries. What we know and dont know. Proc. North American Raspberry Blackberry Conf., Monterey, Calif., 24-26 Feb. Strik, B.C. and E. Thompson. 2009. Primocane-fruiting blackberries  Potential for extending harvest season and production regions. HortScience 44(Feb):23-24 Thompson, A.E, B.C Strik, C.E. Finn, Y. Zhao, and J.R. Clark. 2009. High tunnel versus open field: Management of primocane-fruiting blackberry using pruning and tipping to increase yield and extend the fruiting season. HortScience 44:1581-1587. Tzanetakis, I.E., T.L. Guzman-Baeny, Z.P. VanEsbroeck, G.E. Fernandez, and R.R. Martin. 2009. First report of Impatiens necrotic spot virus in blackberry in the southeastern United States. Plant Dis. 93:432. Tzanetakis, I.E., R.R. Martin, and S.W. Scott. 2010. Genomic sequences of blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus and strawberry necrotic shock virus and the phylogeny of viruses in subgroup 1 of the genus Ilarvirus. Arch. Virol. 155:557-561. Vincent, Christopher I., M. Elena García, Donn T. Johnson, and Curt R. Rom. 2010. Broad Mite on Primocane-fruiting Blackberry in Organic Production in Arkansas. HortTech. 20:718-723. Wang, S. Y., and Millner, P. 2009. Effect of compost socks system on antioxidant capacity, flavonoid content, and fruit quality of strawberries. J. Agr. Food Chem. 57:96519657. Wang, S. 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Strawberry cultivar injury after two contrasting Minnesota winters. HortTechnology 19:803-808. Publications accepted or in preparation Ehlenfeldt, M.K. 2010. Approaches to breeding for parthenocarpic fruit development in blueberry. Proc. 11th No. Amer. Blueberry Res. and Ext. Workers Conference: (in press). Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and R.B. Martin Jr. 2010. Self-fertility evaluations of northern-adapted rabbiteye blueberry hybrid derivatives. (in preparation). Hanson, E., M. Von Weihe, A.C. Schilder, A.M. Chanon and J.C. Scheerens. High tunnel production of floricane- and primocane-fruiting raspberries. HortTechnology (submitted). Johnson, J.L., J.A. Bomser, J.C. Scheerens and M.M. Giusti. Effect of black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.) extract variation conditioned by cultivar, production site, and fruit maturity stage on colon cancer cell proliferation. J. Agric. Food Chem. (in press). Oudemans, P.V., B.I. Hillman, D. Linder-Basso and J.J. Polashock. 2010. Nursery stock is a potential source of Blueberry Scorch Virus in new plantings. Crop Protection: (submitted). Rowland, L.J., E.L. Ogden, M.K. Ehlenfeldt, and R. Arora. 2010. Cold hardiness, acclimation, and deacclimation among 7 diverse blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) genotypes under field conditions. (in preparation). Vincent, Christopher I., and M. Elena García. 2010. A system of defined phenological stages for cold tolerance and development of floricane inflorescences of primocane-fruiting blackberries. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. (En presse). Wang, S.Y., H. Chen, and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2010. Antioxidant capacity among cultivars of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) and V. ashei hybrid derivatives. J. of Ag. and Food Chem. (accepted). Wang, S.Y., H. Chen, and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2010. Variation in antioxidant enzyme activities among cultivars of rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei Reade) and V. ashei derivatives. Food Chem. (accepted). Books/Chapters/Review Articles Aselage, J. and D.T. Johnson. 2009. Chapter 39: from IPM to organic and sustainable agriculture, pp. 489-505. In E.B. Radcliffe, W.D. Hutchison and R.E. Cancelado (eds.), Integrated Pest Management, Cambridge University Press. Charlebois, D., P.L. Byers, C.E. Finn, and A.L. Thomas. 2010. Elderberry: botany, horticulture, potential. Horticultural Reviews 37:213-280. Hall, H.K., K. Hummer, A.R. Jamieson, S.N. Jennings and C.A. Weber. 2009. Raspberry Breeding and Genetics. In: Plant Breeding Reviews. Jules Janick (ed.). 32. 290pp. Pritts, M. (Ed.) 2009. Pest Management Guidelines for Berry Crops. Discipline Editor: Horticulture Courtney Weber et al. Pesticide Management Education Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 102 pp. Swanson J-D., C. Weber. C. Finn, F. Fernandez-Fernandez, D. Sargent, J.E. Carlson, J. Scheerens, L. Alice, and J. Graham. (200X) Chapter X Rubus Genomics In: K. Folta and S. Gardiner (eds.) Genetics and genomics of Rosaceae. Springer. Accepted November 1, 2007. In press. Extension Publications Demchak, K. T. E. Elkner, M. Frazier, S.D. Guiser, J.M. Halbrendt, J.K. Harper, G. Krawczyk, H.K. Ngugi, K.M. Richards, E.S. Sánchez, G. J. San Julian, J. W. Travis, B.A. Majek, P. Nitzsche, P. Oudemans, G. Pavlis, D. Polk, C. Rodriguez-Saona, W. J. Sciarappa, D. L. Ward, D.M. Caron, G.C. Johnson, B.R. Butler, J.A. Fiola, W. Lantz, H.J. Swartz, M. Ehlenfeldt, J.F. Derr, C. Johnson, D.G. Pfeiffer, R.A. Straw, K.S. Yoder, J.F. Baniecki, A. Biggs, H. Hogmire, J. W. Jett, L.W. Jett, E. Mashburn. 2010. The Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide for Commercial Growers. Penn State Coop. Ext. Pub. AGRS-97. 275 pp. Demchak, K., J.K. Harper, L.F. Kime, and W. Lantz. 2010. Agricultural Alternatives: Strawberry Production. Penn State Coop. Ext. Publ. UA290. 10 pp. Johnson, D., S. Sleezer and B. Lewis. 2010. Biology and management of grape phylloxera. University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet FSA7074. Johnson, D., R.K. Striegler, R.A. Allen, R. Smeda, E. Bergmeier, J. Harris, and J. Cotta. 2010. Ozark Mountain vineyard sustainability assessment workbook: a self-assessment of management practices. University of Missouri Extension WG2000. Online at: Lantz, W, H. Swartz, K. Demchak, and S. Frick. 2010. Season-Long Strawberry Production with Everbearers. University of Maryland Coop. Ext. Publ. EB401. 70 pp. Luby, J., R. Guthrie, E. Theship-Rosales. 2010. Introducing cold hardy kiwifruit to Minnesota. Minn. Dept. of Agric. Greenbook 2010.Pp.21-25 and Luby, J et al. 2009 Small Fruit Variety Trials in Minnesota. Proc. 2010 Upper Midwest Fruit and Veg Conference. Pp. 30-44 and Walton V.M., P. Skinkis, A.J. Dreves, C. Kaiser 2009. Grapevine Growth Distortions: A guide to identifying symptoms. Oregon State University Extension Bulletin EM 8975-E Walton V.M., A.J. Dreves, P. Skinkis, C. Kaiser, M. Buchanan, R. Hilton, R.R. Martin, S. Castagnoli, S. Renquist 2009. Prevention and Management of Grapevine Leafroll Virus and Mealybugs in Oregon Vineyards. OSU Extension Bulletin EM 8990. Websites: Conner, P.J. Luby, J.J., Mansfield, A.K., Hemstad, P.R. J.R. VanFossan, D. Hansen. content for University of Minnesota Grapes Skinkis, P., J. Pscheidt, V. Walton, E. Peachey, D. Sanchez, I. Zasada, and R.R. Martin. 2010. 2010 Pest Management Guide for Wine Grapes in Oregon. Skinkis, P.A., Dreves, A.J., Walton, V.M. and Martin, R.R. 2009. Field monitoring for grapevine leafroll virus and mealybugs in Pacific Northwest vineyards. OSU Extension bulletin 9885. Spanish version available! A Spotted Wing Drosophila website was created in October 2009 ( The current format of the new SWD website was launched during March 2010. This website has regular updates of statewide counts, modeling tools, new research information, upcoming meetings and outreach teaching documents.
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