SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Andy Mauromoustakos(AR), Kevin S. McCarter (LA), Ben Mullinix(TX), Julia Sharp(SC) Ted Bailey (IA), John Boyer (KS), Bruce Craig (IN), Susan Durham (UT), Ed Gbur (AR), Mark Hinds (IA, Pioneer Hi-Bred), Ken Koehler (IA), Matt Kramer (MD, USDA-ARS), David Meek (IA, USDA-ARS), George Milliken (KS), Margaret Nemeth (MO, Monsanto), John Stevens (UT), Rob Tempelman (MI), Mark West (CO, USDA-ARS), Kathy Yeater (VA, USDA-ARS-SPA) Philip Dixon (IA), Brian Fergen (IA), Fernando Miguez (IA), Dan Nettleton (IA), Long Qu (IA), Man-Yu Yum (IA)

USSES / NCCC-170 2010 Joint Meeting Meeting Summary Meeting Dates: July 8-9, 2010 Location: National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa Local Arrangement Chairs: David Meek and Ted Bailey Program Chairs: Kathy Yeater (NCCC-170), Kevin McCarter (USSES) Participants USSES Andy Mauromoustakos(AR), Kevin S. McCarter (LA; also a member of NCCC-170), Ben Mullinix(TX), Julia Sharp(SC) NCCC-170 Ted Bailey (IA), John Boyer (KS), Bruce Craig (IN), Susan Durham (UT), Ed Gbur (AR), Mark Hinds (IA, Pioneer Hi-Bred), Ken Koehler (IA), Matt Kramer (MD, USDA-ARS), David Meek (IA, USDA-ARS), George Milliken (KS), Margaret Nemeth (MO, Monsanto), John Stevens (UT), Rob Tempelman (MI), Mark West (CO, USDA-ARS), Kathy Yeater (VA, USDA-ARS-SPA) Visitors Philip Dixon (IA), Brian Fergen (IA), Fernando Miguez (IA), Dan Nettleton (IA), Long Qu (IA), Man-Yu Yum (IA) Meeting Schedule The meeting began at 8:30 am on Thursday, July 8, 2010, with opening remarks by Jerry Hatfield (NLAE Director), Wendy Wintersteen (Dean of the College), and Ken Koehler (Chair of the ISU Statistics Department). The technical program is included as an attachment. Business Meeting: The business meeting began at 9:00 am on Friday, July 9, 2010. In attendance were Andy Mauromoustakos, Kevin McCarter, Ben Mullinix, and Julia Sharp. The meeting was presided over by Kevin McCarter. The following items were discussed: 1) Date and location of next years meeting Three sets of dates were considered for the 2011 meeting: June 29-July 1, July 6-8, and July 13-15. While past meetings have been in June, Andy thought that the July dates might be better, since grants often have due dates at the end of June. Several potential locations for the 2011 meeting were discussed: " Ben raised the possibility of having the meeting in Lubbock, where he currently is located. " Andy indicated that is has been been quite some time since Arkansas hosted the meeting. " Kevin raised the possibility of having the meeting at LSU. " Andy also raised the possibility of having the meeting at SAS, saying that they have hosted the meeting in the past. It was felt that, since only four people were in attendance at the business meeting, that we should wait to make a decision on the date and location of the 2011 meeting until we get input from other USSES members. We will send out an email requesting feedback on these matters, and make the decision about next years meeting after that feedback has been received. 2) Inclusion of presentations by SAS and/or JMP representatives at next years meeting. While talks by members are valuable, it was felt that it is also of great value to have SAS representatives give talks on what new in SAS and JMP. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30am. 2010 NCCC-170/USSES Joint Meeting Program Thursday, July 8 7:30  8:30 Check-in to ARS building / coffee 8:30  9:00 Welcome/Introductions from Iowa St. and ARS 9:00  9:30 Dave Meek  Graphics for Paired Observations 9:30  10:30 John Stevens  Recent Statistical Tools for Next-GenSequencing Data 10:30  11:00 Break and Refreshments 11:00  12:00 Long Qu  A Hierarchical Semiparametric Model for Incorporating Inter-gene Information for Analysis of Gene Expression Profiling Data 12:00  1:00 Lunch 1:00  1:45 Andy Mauromoustakos  New Analytics and Features in upcoming JMP Version 9 1:45  2:45 Ben Mullinix  Analysis of the Uniform Peanut Performance Tests using Mixed Model Techniques 2:45  3:15 Break and Refreshments 3:15  4:00 Julia Sharp  Testing for Co-directional Interactions in Two-factor Factorial Experiments using Union-intersection and Intersection-union Methods 4:00  4:45 Fernando Miguez - BioCro: an R package for Crop Simulation and Statistics 4:45  5:00 Wrap-up Friday, July 9 8:00  9:00 Check-in to ARS Building/ coffee 9:00  11:00 Business Meetings (Separate) 11:00  12:00 Refreshments and Discussion Location Coordinators: David Meek & Ted Bailey Special Thanks to Mindy Barber for coordinating the registrations Program Chairs: Kathy Yeater (NCCC-170) & Kevin McCarter (USSES) Presenter Instructions " Presentations must be in .ppt, .pptx, or .pdf format. " Either e-mail your presentation early to Dave Meek ( on Tuesday or Wednesday (July 6-7) or bring on a USB drive. " Note for presentations, that the projector in the room is limited to 1074 x 768 resolution, so high density presentations are not recommended.




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