SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


The following persons were in attendance: Cornell University: Joanne Fortune Ron Butler Phil Bridges Uconn: Bob Milvae New Hampshire: Paul Tsang Dave Townson Ohio State: Joy Pate Penn State: Les Griel West Virginia: Keith Inskeep Administrative Advisor: Bill Berndtson USDA/CREES: Debora Hamernik Others in attendance from West Virginia: Matt Wilson Beth Costine Alison Brown-Dixon Melanie Starbuck T.D. Maze Ida Holoskova Dr. Robert Pitts


Results from the previous 5-year proposal have been compiled, summarized, and published. In particular, we have determined that fertility is greater in lactating dairy cows inseminated after ovulation of the third-wave follicle that develops for fewer days of the estrous cycle as compared with cows with two waves of follicular growth.

We have also determined that late embryonic mortality is an important source of pregnancy loss in dairy cows. In ewew, however, fetal losses are more prevalent, especially late fetal loss of one or more individuals in a litter, without complete loss of pregnancy. Losses in ewes are distributed throughout pregnancy, whereas most losses after 30 days have occurred by 65 days or even 45 days of gestation in dairy cows.

Plans for the coming year will focus on several of the objectives of the 5-year renewal. Specifically, we will continue to collect extensive information in dairy cows, beef cows, and ewes pertaining to late embryonic and early fetal death. Experiments examining the effects of hyperthermic conditions on follicular steroidogenesis will be continued, and those planned for luteal steroidogenesis will be initiated. In addition, seasonal effects on follicular development and the follicular to luteal transition, as they relate to embryonic/fetal mortality, will be investigated.


  1. Estrous cycles in dairy cows that consist of at least three waves of follicular growth preceding ovulation and insemination appear to be conducive to improved fertility. Follicular wave pattern may be determined genetically, and thus may influence future selection strategies used to identify genetically superior individuals and contribute to improved fertility.


Starbuck MJ 2002 Retention of early pregnancy and its relationship to serum progesterone in dairy cattle. MS Thesis, West Virginia University

Knights MQ, Baptiste S, Lewis PE 2002 Ability of ram introduction to induce LH secretion, estrus and ovulation in fall-born ewe lambs during anestrus. Anim Reprod Sci 69:199-209.

Jo M, Fortune JE 2002 Oxytocin inhibits LH-stimulated production of androsterone by bovine theca cells. Mol Cell Endo 188:151-159.

Fortune JE 2002 Activation of primordial follicles. In "The future of the oocyte: Basic and clinical apects", C. Hegele-Hartung and JJ Eppig (eds) Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop; Springer-Verlag, Berlin (In press)

Townson DH, Tsang PCW, Butler WR, Frajblat M, Griel Jr. LC, Johnson CJ, Milvae RA, Niksic GM, Pate JL. Cooperative Regional Research Project, NE-161. Relationship of fertility to ovarian follicular waves before breeding in dairy cows. J Anim Sci 2002, 80:1053-1058.

Towle TA, Tsang PCW, Milvae RA, Newbury MK, McCracken JA. Dynamic in vivo changes in tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 1 and 2, and matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9, during PGF2alpha -induced luteolysis in sheep. Biol Reprod 2002, 66:1515-1521.

Zhang B, Yan L, Moses MA, Tsang PCW. Bovine membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinases: molecular cloning and expression in the corpus luteum. Biol Reprod 2002 (In press)

Townson DH, O‘Connor CL, Pru JK 2002 Expression of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 and the Distribution of Immune Cell Populations in the Bovine Corpus Luteum Throughout the Estrous Cycle. Biol Reprod 66:361-366.

Cavicchio VA, Pru JK, Davis BS, Davis JS, Rueda BR, Townson DH 2002 Secretion of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 by Endothelial Cells of the Bovine Corpus Luteum: Regulation by Cytokines but not Prostaglandin F2 alpha . Endocrinology (In Press)

Zhang, B 2002 Expression, activation, and regulation of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) in the bovine corpus luteum. PhD Dissertation, University of New Hampshire.

Cavicchio VA 2002 Regulation of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) by pro-inflammatory cytokines in endothelial cells of the bovine corpus luteum. MS Thesis, University of New Hampshire

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