SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Jan Bokemeier, Annelise Carleton-Hug, Tricia Dyk, Theresa Ferrari, Gary Gerhard, Gary Hansen, Joanne Keith, Carol Markstrom, Patricia McGlaughlin, Stephen Russell, Alan Smith, Francisco Villarruel, Ronald Werner-Wilson.<P><b>Guest:</b> Dr. David Dzewaltowski, Kansas State University


1. Independent projects completed at each state consistent with goals and objectives.
2. Identified initial common instrument that has received pilot testing.
3. Formation of Several multi-state groups (e.g., the depth associated with the on-line survey).

Milestones for 2002-2003

1. Develop a basic core and tiered-system for the core.
2. Achieve individual and corporate goals.
3. Present results at multiple professional conferences.
4. Let people know who we are.
5. Serve as a clearinghouse for PYD.
6. Publish manuscripts related to PYD/SOOSE.


  1. see accomplishments


Borden, L., Villarruel, F. & Griffin, A. & Montenez, M. (April 11-13, 2002). Participation in Structured Out-of-School Experiences: A way to promote positive youth development. Annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescents. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Carleton-Hug, A. (September 19, 2002). Out-of-School Time and Positive Youth Development: What Research has Found. United Way Community Youth Advisory Board, Heart of West Michigan United Way, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Dunbar, C., & Villarruel, F.A. (2002, April). School Leaders and Perceptions of Zero Tolerance Policy in Michigan. Paper presented at the meeting of the Michigan Association of School Boards, April 4, 2002. Lansing, MI.

Dunbar, C., Villarruel, F. A., Hahn, H. A., Petrone, H., & Peirt, J. (2002, November). What a difference the community makes: Zero tolerance policy interpretation and implementation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Dyk, P.H. & Hansen, G. Presentations: Proposal to Boone County Extension Board for proposed project "Boone County Model 4-H/Youth Development Program" July 2002

Fitzharris, J. L. & Werner-Wilson, R. J. (in review). Multiple perspectives of parent-adolescent communication: Phenomenological description of a Rashoman effect. Journal of Adolescent Research.

Gaddis, S. R., & Werner-Wilson, R.J. (Autumn-Winter 2002). The adventure: One client‘s narrative about narrative therapy. Resoundings: The newsletter of the family therapy association of south Australia, pp. 10-15.

Hahn, H. A., Walker, N. E., Dunbar, C., & Borden, L M. (2002, November). What is appropriate school discipline? Public perceptions of zero tolerance laws in Michigan. Poster presentation at the 64th annual conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Houston, TX.

Keith, J. & Carleton-Hug, A. (February 26 - 28, 2002). Recent Research in Positive Youth Development: Focus on Out-of-School Time. Conference: Positive Youth Development in Out-of-School Time. Cleveland, Ohio. 

Keith, J. (Fall 2001) National Conversations on Youth: Profile of Michigan Youth with emphasis on Out of School Time, E. Lansing, MI.

Keith, J., Huber, M. & Griffin, A. (April 11-13, 2002). Statewide Profile of Michigan Youth: Building Youth Assets Analyzed from Two Developmental Frameworks. Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescents. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Keith, J., Huber, M. & Griffin, A. (October 15-17, 2002). Statewide Profile of Michigan Youth: Building Youth Assets Analyzed from Two Developmental Frameworks. MSU Extension Conference. East Lansing, Michigan.

Keith, J., Huber, M., Griffin, A., Villarruel, F. (2002) Building Best Lives: Profiles of 24,000 Michigan Youth from 2 Asset Approaches. Michigan State University

Keith, J., Villarruel, F. & Carleton-Hug, A. (May 17, 2002). Recent Research in Positive Youth Development: Focus on Out-of School Time. Mayor‘s Task Force on Community Youth Development. Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Keith, J., Villarruel, F., Hahn, A., Griffin, A. & Goff, J. (April 4-6, 2002). A Paradigm Shift in Youth Development Research: From Deterrence and Deficits to Assets. Paolucci Symposium, East Lansing, Michigan.

Markstrom, C.A. (2001, April). Religious involvement and psychosocial/identity development. Paper presented in Research Panel at a Pre-Conference on Religious and Spiritual Development, 2001 Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

Markstrom, C.A. (under review). The psychometric properties of the Psychosocial Inventory of Ego Strengths for high school students.

Markstrom, C.A., Li, X., Blackshire, S., & Wilfong, J (in press). Adolescent involvement in structured activities and positive youth development. In 2001 Annual Report: West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University.

McGlaughlin, P. C. Camp Clover Coordinators Manual (Structured out-of-school program)

McGlaughlin, P. C. Out of School Time Programming  University of Illinois Youth Development Team (all staff) Retreat (April 16-18, 2002)

McGlaughlin, P. C. Strengthening Volunteerism in Out-of-School Programs  University of Illinois, Laboratory for Community & Economic Development, Tools for Leaders in Uncertain Times (Target audience  Community Leaders from across Illinois)

McGlaughlin, P. C. Understanding the Research of Positive Youth Development in Out of School Time  University of Illinois CYFAR Conference (April 4-5, 2002)

McGlaughlin, P. C.Training Program for Camp Clover Coordinators (five training sites in Illinois during summer of 2002)

Mulkeen, P., & Markstrom, C.A. (2001, May). The 4-H Charting program as an identity intervention. Paper presented in Symposium "Intervening to Promote Positive Identity Development: How do we Foster and Evaluate Positive Change?" at the Eighth Annual Meetings of the Society for Research on Identity Formation, London, Ontario.

Perkins, D. F. (2002, April). Child and Adolescents sports participating predicting adults sports participation. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Adolescents (Biennial Conference) New Orleans, LA.

Perkins, D. F., & Hartless, G. (2002). Suicide among adolescents: An ecological risk factor approach. Journal of Adolescent Research, 17, 3-26.

Perkins, D. F., Luster, T., & Jank, W. (2002). Protective factors that decrease the likelihood of purging for physically abused females. Journal of Adolescent Research, 17, 377-400.

Rincón-Gallardo, M., Villarruel, F. A., Stauring, J., & Walker, N. E. (2002, September). A call to action on behalf of Latino and Latina youth in the U.S. Justice system. Presentation at the 8th annual conference of the Latino Behavioral Health Institute, Universal City, CA.

Sanders, M., Smith, J., Casady, A. & Griffin, A. (April 4-6, 2002). An Ecological Examination of the Experiences of Teen Mothers Participating in Parent Education. Paolucci Symposium. East Lansing, Michigan.

Sanders, M., Smith, J., Casady, A. & Griffin, A. (November 21-24, 2002). Understanding the Lives of Expectant Teen Mothers: An Ecological Examination. National Council of Family Relations. Houston, Texas.

Villarruel, F & Hahn, A. (March 4, 2002). Impacts of Zero Tolerance Legislation on Michigan Students, Families, and Communities. Symposium on Expelled Students. Michigan Association of School Administrators. Lansing, Michigan.

Villarruel, F. & Hahn, A. (March 21, 2002). Update on progress of impacts of Zero Tolerance Legislation on Michigan Students, Families, and Communities. Families and Communities Together Coalition. East Lansing, Michigan.

Villarruel, F. A. (2001, December). The context of learning and development for Latino students: Embracing the unique mission and work of NAHE. Plenary presentation at the inaugural meeting of the National Association for Hispanic Education, Tucson, AZ.

Villarruel, F. A. (2002, September). The invisibility and criminalization of US Latino youth. Presentation for the Annie E. Casey Journalism Fellows, Washington, DC

Villarruel, F. A. (2002, September). The criminalization of Latino youth. Panel presentation at the annual Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Washington, DC.

Villarruel, F. A., & Walker, N. E. (2002). ?Dónde Está la Justicia?: A call to action on behalf of Latino and Latina youth in the US Justice System. Washington DC: Building Blocks for Youth.

Villarruel, F. A., & Walker, N. E. (2002, November). And who speaks for us when we are not even counted? Latino and Latina youth in the US Justice system. Paper presented at the National Association of Child Advocates Leadership Institute, Washington, DC.

Villarruel, F. A., & Walker, N. E. (2002, September) Invisible (Latino) youth and youth of color. Presentation at the 2002 Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth Conference: Going the distance: Community foundations and youth, Atlanta, GA.

Walker, N. E. & Villarruel, N. E. (2002, October). Disperate treatment among Latino and Latina youth in the US Justice system. Presentation for the Institue for Children, Youth, & Families Colloquieum Series, East Lansing, MI.

Walker, N. E., Hahn, H. A., Lambert, A., Villarruel, F. A., & Borden, L. B. (2002). Little tolerance for "Zero Tolerance." East Lansing, MI: Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (report available on line at

Walker, N. E., Lambert, A., Hahn, H., A., Villarruel, F. A., Dunbar, C., Borden, L. M., Holland, P, Derezinski, T., Zweifler, R., & Zehnder-Merrell, J. (2002). Do Michigans zero tolerance policies benefit public education and safety? Washington, DC: The Hamilton Fish Institute (George Washington University).

Werner-Wilson, R. J. (2001, March). Developmental-systemic family therapy with adolescents. Iowa Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

Werner-Wilson, R. J. & Davenport, B. (2001, November). Theoretical purity versus theoretical layering in marriage and family therapy. National Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting, Rochester, New York.

Werner-Wilson, R. J. & Davenport, B. R. (in review). Distinguishing between conceptualizations of attachment: Clinical implications in marriage and family therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy.

Werner-Wilson, R. J. (2001). Developmental-Systemic Family Therapy with Adolescents. Binghampton, NY: Haworth Press.

Werner-Wilson, R. J., & Fitzharris, J. L. (2001). How can mothers and fathers become involved in the sexuality education of adolescents? Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education for Adolescents and Children, 4, 49-59.

Werner-Wilson, R. J., Fitzharris, J. L., & Morrissey, K. M. (in review). Adolescent and Parent Perceptions of Media Influence on Adolescent Sexuality. Culture, Health and Sexuality.

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