SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Adam, Brian <>, Oklahoma State University; Armstrong, Paul <>, USDA Manhattan KS; Bhadriraju, Subramanyam <>, Kansas State University; Bullerman, Lloyd <>, University of Nebraska; Casada, Mark <>, USDA Manhattan KS; Chung, Okkyung <>, USDA Manhattan KS; Delwiche, Stephen <>, USDA Baltimore MD; Doyungan, Stella <>, Kansas State University; Dunkel, Florence <>, Montana State University; Friant, Nick <>, Cargill; Goldsmith, Peter <>, University of Illinois at Urbana; Gonzales, Haidee <>, USDA Manhattan KS; Hendrickson, Troy <>, ConAgra Snack Foods; Herrman, Timothy <>, Texas Ag Experiment Station Texas A&M University; Jackson, David <>, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Kells, Stephen <>, University of Minnesota; Kendall, Donald <>, USDA Kansas City MO; Koeltzow, Donald <>, USDSA Manhattan KS; Koshar, William <>, The Ohio State University; Lee, Kyung-Min <>, Texas A&M University; Lingenfelser, Jane <>, Kansas State University; Lipska, Lloyd <>, Frito-Lay Inc.; Maghirang, Elizabeth <>, USDA Manhattan KS; Mahroof, Rizana <>, Kansas State University; Maier, Dirk <>, Purdue University; Marlow, Robert <>, The Andersons Inc.; Manthey, Frank <>, North Dakota State University; Mason, Linda <>, Purdue University; Montross, Michael <>, University of Kentucky; Morey, Vance <>, University of Minnesota; Ng, Perry <>, Michigan State University; Paulsen,Marvin <>, University of Illinois at Urbana; Pearson, Tom <>, USDA Manhattan KS; Pierce, Richard <>, USDA Kansas City MO; Ravlin, F William <>, The Ohio State University; Schenck-Hamlin, Donna <>, Kansas State University; Seitz; Larry <>, USDA Manhattan KS; Stroshine, Richard <>, Purdue University; Uddin, Sharif <>, Kansas State University; Wolf Hall, Charlene <>, North Dakota State University

Brief Summary of General Business Meeting Minutes. The NC-213 Annual General Business meeting was held on February 24, 2005 in the Salon G of the Embassy Suites, Kansas City, MO. Meeting began at 11:15 am. Minutes of the last business meeting approved were accepted. -The Presidents proposed budget was discussed. -Linkages and leveraging of NC-213 project areas and funds were discussed. Specific examples of effective leveraging and linkages, such as the NC-213 sponsored International Quality Grains Conference (JULY 19 - 22, 2004) which was an outstanding success. -Nominations for secretary were taken. Charlene Wolf-Hall was nominated and elected as the next secretary. -Options for the 2005 NC-213 summer workshop were reviewed. It was agreed, among 4 options that we would attend the Organic Stored Products Workshop at Purdue University in August. Dirk Maier is responsible for arrangements. -Various locations were discussed for the next annual technical conference and business meeting. The advantages of holding the meeting in Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha and in conjunction with the Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) were discussed. A unanimous vote was received for holding the 2005 meeting in Nashville, TN on February 28 to March 1, 2006. -The importance of finalizing the technical meeting in time for appropriate publicity in the GEAPS mailings and website was discussed. -The development of a multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary educational/ outreach program by NC-213 was discussed. . This effort would explore ways that courses could be developed in areas specific to grain quality topics that might be used for course credit or as certificates for professionals working in grain quality. -It was agreed that Charlene Wolf-Hall would coordinate the development of a white paper discussing the programs focus. This white paper would be developed in a format suitable for eventual submission for a USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant. -The membership approved the use of Andersons funding (to a maximum of $15,000) to support development of the white paper. The white paper would be presented at the summer workshop meeting. -A draft revision to the NC-213 officers responsibility document was presented. The intent is to eliminate inconsistencies in the current document. Final revisions will be presented at the Nashville business meeting. -Richard Stroshine was congratulated on receiving the 2005 Andersons NC-213 Research Award The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 pm.


1. Develop practices and technologies to support quality management systems for production, distribution, processing, utilization of quality grains and oilseeds. -Kansas State University and Purdue University developed a common survey tool in order to gather data from 150 country elevators throughout seven U.S. Corn Belt states. Simulation and statistical tools proved to be an effective methods for evaluating the efficiency and performance of the grain elevators. -Calibration models for determination of amino acid concentration in whole soybeans were developed using five NIR spectrometers and three regression methods. The study resulted in models characterized by various degree of accuracy most of which were usable for research purposes and sample screening. -A three year database from a private variety testing service was assembled. This database contains yield and quality data from approximately 2500 soybean plots annually, across the corn belt and east coast growing regions. -Maize kernel hardness and proximate constituents were evaluated by several methods on 248 maize samples. The groups resulting from cluster analysis seem to have unique physical and chemical properties showing the different order in values of hardness measurements. -Transglutaminase was shown to allow soft wheat flour to make satisfactory pan bread. -Currently available precision farming, communication and other technologies were investigated that could be used to aid in the segregation and tracing of differentiated grains and oilseeds from the seed bag to the planter, field, combine and into the post-harvest handling and delivery system. -New sorghum hybrids with significantly improved food characteristics were developed by incorporation of genetic material from the world collection. -Combinations of soy flour, guar gum, CMC and amylases were optimized to produce tortillas with optimum shelf stability. Other additives from soy were evaluated and some products had improved functionality in corn and flour tortillas. 2. Develop basic knowledge, science-based standards, and technologies that promote crop quality, food security and food safety in grain markets. -Extractable starch yield was measured using NIT spectroscopy. Soybean fatty acids and amino acids were measured using FT-NIR spectroscopy. A conceptual and flowchart analysis of grain isolation/traceability was initiated, along with an inventory of current providers of quality management system/traceability services. -A computer model was developed to simulate the temperature of headspace and grain in the upper 1.0-m depth of a bin. The model outputs the temperatures of headspace and grain layers to a depth of 1.0-m from the top surface for mechanically ventilated and unventilated headspace conditions. -Corn flaking grits were inoculated with two fumonisin producing strains of Fusarium proliferatum in attempts to produce grits containing 50 ppm of fumonisin for extrusion studies; fumonisin concentrations of 30 ppm were acheived. -The 2003 hard red spring and durum wheat harvest of the Northern Plains region was surveyed for quality, microbial loads and mycotoxins. -Ozone and hydrogen peroxide were evaluated for treating FHB infected malting barley. -A small prototype continuous-flow dryeration (CFD) system was set-up, and data collected for a range of operating conditions. Single kernel moisture content and stress crack analysis tests were performed while corn was steeped in the tempering bin. -CO2 monitoring technology can be effectively used in stored grain management. Experiments with a representative stored-product beetle, the cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne), showed that the number of beetles captured in pitfall traps baited with pheromones and a food attractant oil, or in traps with only mineral oil, was inversely proportional to the distance from a source of dispersing beetles. -Fifty years of historical weather data were evaluated to determine the effect of humidity on summer aeration strategies in the hard red winter wheat belt. A procedure was developed to predict the true final grain temperature after aeration. 3. Create and disseminate scientific knowledge that will enhance public confidence in market-driven quality management systems for grain. -A series of quality tests that measure factors affecting storability were conducted on 61 shelled corn samples and correlations among the factors were determined. NIR and FT--NIR could predict ergosterol (±1.3 ppm) and the CO2 test kit can predict storability. Electrolyte leakage and damage index are the best indicators among the rapid tests. -Optimization of sorghum waffle production was completed by varying ingredients, cooking time and temperature. Waffle weight, internal texture, and appearance were compared to commercially available frozen wheat waffles. -The effects of extruding sorghum grain on ethanol production were studied. Both conventional and supercritical fluid extrusion was found to increase ethanol yields compared to unprocessed grain. -Flour was analyzed by the official AACC method and compared to a new dry analysis method. -Intrinsic end-use (milling and bread-baking) quality of about 1332 hard winter wheat breeding lines were evaluated at the ARS Regional HWWQL so that breeders could select their lines based on intrinsic quality in addition to agronomical quality. -Addition of oxidative enzymes to a dough system was found to have an effect upon mixing behavior and protein properties. -Defined the influences of compositional characteristics, especially, amylose content, protein content, beta-glucans content and proanthocyanidin content, on water imbibition of grains, water absorption for making bread and noodles, bread crumb moisture content, color of noodles and texture of cooked noodles. -The removal of the outer layer of barley grains, heat treatment, exclusion of oxygen, low storage temperature and the use of ascorbic acid and 4-hexylresorcinol improved color characteristics of barley containing food products.


  1. A team from Iowa State University demonstrated several new applications for NIR, and due to research conducted, determined that the very high-speed diode array technology could make large increases in measurement capabilities.
  2. A team from Iowa State University, in collaboration with a private variety testing service, concluded (after extensive testing) that Asian customers were clearly satisfied with the survey results, as they were able to take the results of the survey and close sales, thereby acknowleding the marketing value of the survey.
  3. A team from Texas A&M University conducted research and testing on food products from white sorghum. Some of this work was conducted and presented in workships in Central America, Mali, South Africa, and the United States. New sorghums, as a result of the research, are especially important as a new grain for use in gluten free and ethnic foods.
  4. In an effort to develop a basic knowledge in science-based standards and technolgoies that promote crop quality, a team from the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station created a system that resulted in an increase in value at the rate of 4-6 cents per bushel per percentage point of extractable starch.
  5. A team from USDA/GMPRC, Manhattan, Kansas conducted applied research in the biochemistry field. Due to the successful research and testing of sorghum, the team proved that sorghum utilization (processing of sorghum grain before fermentation, etc.) will provide individuals with celics disease new food choices, thereby increasing their diet format.


McGill, J.M. and Maier, D.E. 2004. Using discrete event simulation to predict purity and contamination levels during identity-preserved handling of quality grains. Proceedings of the 2004 International Quality Grains Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana, July 19-22, 2004. McGill, J.M. 2004. An infrastructure analysis of grain elevators and the development of system simulation models. Unpublished M.S. thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Garraude, Y.G., C. R. Hurburgh, Jr., G.R. Rippke, and C. Yang. 2004. Measurement of antioxidant factors in rosemary with NIR. Kemin seminar series, Kemina Americas Co., Des Moines, IA. October 19, 2004. Hurburgh, C.R., Jr. 2004. NIR from laboratory to the field. 2nd International Conference on Embedded NIR. Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomiques, Gembloux, Belguim. November 19, 2004. Invited presentation. Hurburgh, C. R. Jr. 2004. Advances in Spectroscopic Methods for High Throughput Crop Analytics. Pittcon 2004, Chicago IL. (abstract 24700-100). Invited. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2004. Real-time model selection and other technical challenges for the general use of NIR. IDRC-2004, International Diffuse Reflectance Conference, Chambersburg, PA. Aug 19-23, 2004. Invited presentation. Kovalenko, I., G. Rippke, and C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2004. Near infrared spectroscopy determination of amino acid composition of soybeans. Pittcon 2004. Chicago, IL. (poster abstract 4100-3000) Kovalenko, I. V., G. Rippke, and C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2004. Measurement of Soybean Fatty Acids, Comparison of Linear and Non Linear Calibration Methods. IDRC-2004, International Diffuse Reflectance Conference, Chambersburg, PA. Aug 19-23, 2004. Poster. Roussel, S. A. and C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2004. Comparison of artificial neural network and partial least squares calibrations for Infratec analyzers. Abstract 129a. 2004 American Association of Cereal Chemists Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. September 20, 2004. Yang, CiWen, C. R. Hurburgh, Jr., and E. Dierenfeld. 2004. A Spectral Wildlife Nutrition Database Using Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy. IDRC-2004, International Diffuse Reflectance Conference, Chambersburg, PA. Aug 19-23, 2004. Poster. Brumm, T.J., and C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2004. Long-term study of US Soybean Quality: Protein, oil and amino acids. Proc. International Grain Quality Conference, Indianapolis, IN. July 19-21, 2004. Brumm, T. J. , C. R. Hurburgh, Jr. and G.R. Rippke. 2004. Quality of the 2004 US Soybean Crop. American Soybean Association, St. Louis , MO. Invited presentations Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Taipei. November 2004. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2004. Quality of the 2004 Corn and Soybean Crop in NC Iowa. GEAPS Greater Iowa Chapter, September 14, 2004. Invited presentation. Lee, K.M., T.J. Herrman, J.E. Lingenfelser, and D. Jackson. 2004. Classification and prediction of hardness-associated properties using multivariate statistical analysis. J. Cereal Sci. In Press. Tilley, M., R. E. Benjamin, P. Srivarin and K. A. Tilley. 2004.Nonenzymatic preparative-scale synthesis of dityrosine and 3-bromotyrosine. Anal. Biochem. 334:193-195. Tilley, M. and K. Tilley. 2004. Modifying tyrosine crosslink formation in wheat dough by controlling innate enzymatic activity. In: Proceedings of 12th ICC Cereal & Bread Congress. Harrogate UK. 22- 26 May 2004 Presentations Herrman, T.J., R. Bowden, M. Langemeier, and M. Schrock. 2004. Strategies to manage Karnal bunt and retain global markets. International Quality Grains Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. Ingels, M.E.A., M.E. Casada, R.G. Maghirang, and T.J. Herrman. 2004. Grain commingling at receiving in a country elevator. International Quality Grains Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. Tilley, M. and K. Tilley. Modifying tyrosine crosslink formation in wheat dough by controlling innate enzymatic activity. 12th ICC Cereal & Bread Congress. Harrogate UK. 22-264 May 2004 Basman, A. Koksel, H., and Ng, P.K.W. 2004. Utilization of transglutaminase to increase the level of barley and soy flour incorporation in wheat flour breads. 1st International Congress on Function Foods and Nutraceticals. Antalya, Turkey. Berghofer, E., Kreilmayer, I., Roggenhofer, M., and Ng, P.K.W. 2004. Production of bread, pasta and wafers from purple wheat. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book. Gazza L., Nocente F., Ng P.K.W., and Pogna N.E. Genetic and biochemical analysis of bread wheat cultivars lacking puroindoline a. Theo. App. Genet. (in press). Gazza, L., Nocente, F., Ng, P.K.W., and Pogna, N.E. 2004. Genetic and biochemical analyses of extra-soft common wheat cultivars. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book. Ng, P.K.W., Ward, R., Tanhehco, E. MSU Wheat Quality Testing Program: Report on Milling and Baking Test Results for Selected Michigan-Grown Soft Wheats Harvested in 2003. January 2004. 37 pp. Ross, A.S., Carter, B.P., Hou, G., Ng, P.K.W., and Ohm, J.B. 2004. Better exploitation of post-release end-use testing of US hard white wheats. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book. Schoenlechner, R., Grausgruber, H., Berghofer, E., and Ng, P.K.W. 2004. Noodles produced from flour blends of wheat and various barley species. AACC Annual Meeting Program Book. Manthey, F.A., Howatt, K.A., Wolf-Hall, C.E., and Dick, T.J. 2004. Harvesting Standing Wheat and Wheat That Has Been Cut and Windrowed: A Comparison of Grain Quality. Proc. International Quality Grain Conf. In press. Singh, K., Manthey, F. A., and Elias, E.M. 2004. Effect of weathering on kernel quality of durum wheat. AACC Annual Program Book, p. 166. Abstract No. 412. Books Smith, C.W., Betran, F.J., and Runge, E. (eds.). 2004 Corn: origin, history, technology, and production. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Book Chapters Rooney, L.W., Waniska, R.D., McDonough, C.M. and Serna-Saldivar, S.O. 2004. Tortillas. Encyclopedia of Grain Science. Colin Wrigley, Harold Corke and Chuck Walker, eds. Elsevier: Oxford, UK, Vol. 3, pp. 290-298. Rooney, L.W. and Awika, J.M. 2004. Specialty sorghums for healthful foods. In: Specialty Grains for Food and Feed. Peter Wood and E. Abdelaal (eds.), AACC, St. Paul, MN, pp. 283-312. Rooney, L.W., McDonough, C.M. and Waniska, R.D. 2004. The corn kernel. In: Corn: Origin, History, Technology, and Production. C. Wayne Smith, Betran, J., and Runge, E.C.A. (eds.), John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, N.J., pp.273-303. Rooney, L.W., Waniska, R.D. and McDonough, C.M. 2004. Sorghum/ utilization. Encyclopedia of Grain Science. Colin Wrigley, Harold Corke and Chuck Walker, eds. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, vol. 3, pp. 126-136. Refereed Journal Articles Awika, J.M., Rooney, L.W., and Waniska, R.D. 2004. Anthocyanins from black sorghum and their antioxidant properties. Food Chem. 90:293-301. Awika, J.M. and Rooney, L.W. 2004. Sorghum phytochemicals and their potential impact on human health. Phytochem. 65:1199-1221. Awika, J.M., Miller, R.K., Keeton, J.T. and Jenschke, B.E. 2004. Sorghums for antioxidants in meat systems. Docket No. 019413-01300, TAMUS No. 2122. Awika, J.M., Rooney, L.W. and Waniska, R.D. 2004. Properties of 3-deoxyanthocyanins from sorghum. J. Agri. and Food Chem. 52(14):4388-4394. Bailey, DeeVon and Jones, Eluned. 2004. Food traceability and assurance in the global food system, Farm Foundation Panel Report, July 2004, 42 pp., Bejosano, F.P. and Waniska, R.D. 2004. Functionality of bicarbonate leaveners in wheat flour tortillas. Cereal Chem. 81(1):77-79. Betran, F.J., Bockholt, A., Fojt III, F. and Mayfield, K. 2004. Registration of Tx110. Crop Sci. 44: 1035-1036. Betran, F.J., Bockholt, A., Fojt III, F. and Mayfield, K. 2004. Registration of Tx732 maize germplasm line. Crop Sci. 44:1028-1029. Betran, F.J., Bockholt, A., Fojt III, F. and Mayfield, K. 2004. Registration of Tx770 maize germplasm line. Crop Sci. 44: 1029-1030. Betran, F.J., Bockholt, A., Fojt III, F., Mayfield, K. and Pietsch, D. 2004. Registration of Tx714 maize germplasm line. Crop Sci. 44:1028-1029. Betran, F.J., Bockholt, A., Fojt III, F., Pietsch, D., Rooney, L. and Mayfield, K. 2004. Registration of Tx114. Crop Sci. 44: 1036. Betran, F.J., Bockholt, A., Fojt III, F. 2004. Registration of Tx745 maize germplasm line. Crop Sci. 44: 1029. Betran, F.J., Isakeit, T., Odvody, G., Mayfield, K., Transue, D., Bhatnagar, S., Makumbi, D. and Ganunga, R. 2004. Response of white food corn to aflatoxin contamination. Mycopathologia 157(4). Betran, F.J., Isakeit, T., Odvody, G. and Mayfield, K. 2004. Aflatoxin accumulation in maize inbreds and hybrids. Mycopathologia 157(4). Betran, F.J. and Isakeit, T. 2004. Aflatoxin accumulation in early, intermediate and late maturing maize hybrids. Agron. J. 96:565-570. Bhatnagar, S., Betran, F.J., and Rooney, L.W. 2004. Combining abilities of quality protein maize inbreds. Crop Sci. 44:1997-2005. Bueso, F.J., Rooney, L.W., Waniska, R.D. and Silva, L. 2004. Combining maltogenic amylase with CMC or wheat gluten to prevent amylopectin recrystallization and delay corn tortilla staling. Cereal Chem. 81(5):654-659. Earp, C.F., McDonough, C.M., Awika, J.M. and Rooney, L.W. 2004. Testa development in the caryopsis of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. J. Cereal Sci. 39(2):303-311. Earp, C.F., McDonough, C.M., Rooney, L.W. 2004. Microscopy of pericarp development in the caryopsis of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. J. Cereal Sci. 39:21-27. Jones, Eluned and Mercier, Stephanie. 2004. The power of biotechnology to impel change in the grain and oilseeds markets. Willamette Journal of International Law & Dispute Resolution, Vol. 12:101-142. Llorente, C.F, Betran, F.J., Bockholt, A. and Fojt III, F. 2004. Registration of Tx772. Crop Sci. 44: 1036-1037. McDonough, C.M., Floyd, C.D., Waniska, R.D. and Rooney, L.W. 2004. Effect of accelerated aging on maize, sorghum, and sorghum meal. J. Cereal Sci. 39(3):351-361. f1621db664a30706b94 Pascut, Simina, Kelekci, N., and Waniska, R.D. 2004. Effects of wheat protein fractions on flour tortilla quality. Cereal Chemistry 81(1):38-43. Waniska, R.D., Cepeda, M., Sullins King, B., Adams, J.L., Rooney, L.W., Torres, P.I., Lookhart, G.L., Bean, S.R., Wilson, J.D., Bechtel, D.B. 2004. Effects of flour properties on tortilla qualities. Cereal Foods World 49(4):237-244. Yetneberk, S., de Kock, H.L., Rooney, L.W. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2004. Effects of sorghum cultivar on injera quality. Cereal Chem. 81(3):314-321. Thesis Yetneberk, Senayit. Feb. 2004. Sorghum injera quality improvement through processing and development of cultivar selection criteria. PhD Dissertation. Univ. of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. 145 pp. Gutierrez, Arturo. May 2004. The effect of enzymes and hydrocolloids on the texture of tortillas from fresh nixtamalized masa and nixtamalized corn flour. MS Thesis. Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX. 103 pp. Turner, Duane. May 2004. The use of specialty sorghums for expanded snack food processing. MS Thesis. Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX. 128 pp. Moog, Dale J.P., R.L. Stroshine, L.M Seitz, M.R. Paulsen and C.P. Woloshuk. 2004. Storability measurement of shelled corn Proceedings of the International Quality Grains Conference. Indianapolis, IN. July 19-22, 2004. Newgard, E.C. and M.R. Paulsen. 2004. Sample source error analysis for development of NIT calibration for extractable starch in corn. ASAE Paper No. 04-3099. St. Joseph, MI 49085. Newgard, E.C. and M.R. Paulsen. 2004. Comparison of software packages for outlier detection with an extractable starch calibration on near-infrared spectrometers. Abstract No. 338. American Assoc. Cereal Chemists 89th Annual Meeting. AACC San Diego, CA. Nimaiyar, S., M.R. Paulsen and R.L. Nelson. 2004. Rapid analysis of fatty acids in soybeans using FT-NIR. ASAE Paper No. 04-6118. St. Joseph, MI 49085. Nimaiyar, S. and M.R. Paulsen. 2004. Rapid analysis of amino acids using Fourier-transform near-infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR) in soybeans. International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering. IIT Kharagpur, India December 14-17, 2004. Paulsen, M.R. and M. Singh. 2004. Calibration of a near-infrared transmission grain analyzer for extractable starch in maize. Biosystems Engineering. 89(1): 79-83. Paulsen, M.R., R.K. Stewart, and S.L. Hofing. 2004. Seven years of value-enhanced corn quality traits: What have we learned? Proceedings of the International Quality Grains Conference. Indianapolis, IN. July 19-22, 2004. Rathore, S., M.R. Paulsen and A.C. Hansen. 2004. Prediction of soybean oil properties for bio-diesel fuel using a Fourier-transform near-infrared spectrometer. Abstract No. 339. American Assoc. Cereal Chemists 89th Annual Meeting. AACC San Diego, CA. Singh, M., M.R. Paulsen, L.Tian, and H. Yao. 2004. Site-specific study of corn protein, oil, and extractable starch variability using NIT spectroscopy. Applied Engineering in Agriculture Joseph, MI 49085. Hurburgh, C.R., Jr. 2004. An ISO-based system for quality management and traceability in the US grain handling industry. Proc. International Grain Quality Conference, Indianapolis, IN. July 19-21, 2004. Invited presentation. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2004. Certification, Traceability and Security in the Grain Handling Industry. Educational Seminar, Grain Elevator and Processing Society, Ames, IA. January 21, 2004. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2004. Certification and Traceability in US Grain Markets. Sustainable Agriculture Colloquium, Ames, IA. February 4, 2004. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2004. Quality Management Systems for Elevators. NC 213 Multistate Annual Technical Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. February 25, 2004. Hurburgh, C.R., Jr. 2004. Impact and operational response to traceability in US commodity markets. Abstract 69. 2004 American Association of Cereal Chemists Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. September 20, 2004. Invited presentation. Hurburgh, C.R., Jr. 2004. Certification, and Product Traceability in the Grain Handling Industry. Purdue University International Training Seminar, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN. December 15, 2004. Invited Presentation. Hurburgh, C. R., Jr. 2004. Certification and source verification in the bulk corn market. Proceedings of the Corn Utilization Conference, June 7, 2004. National Corn Growers Association, St. Louis, MO. Invited presentation. Hurburgh, C.R., Jr. 2004. Impact and operational response to traceability in US commodity markets. Abstract 69. 2004 American Association of Cereal Chemists Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. September 20, 2004. Invited presentation. Jarboe, D., R. Ginder, and C.R. Hurburgh, Jr. 2004. Corn stewardship for biotechnology corn. Proc. Intl Grain Quality Conference, Indianapolis, IN. July 19-21, 2004. Jensen, J.H. and P. Kassel. 2004. Growing and marketing low linolenic soybeans  a value added opportunity. Proc. 16th Integrated Crop Management Conference, Iowa State University Extension, Ames, Iowa. December 2, 2004. Lee, K.M., T.J. Herrman, J.E. Lingenfelser, and D. Jackson. 2004. Classification and prediction of hardness-associated properties using multivariate statistical analysis. J. Cereal Sci. In Press. Tilley, M., R. E. Benjamin, P. Srivarin and K. A. Tilley. 2004.Nonenzymatic preparative-scale synthesis of dityrosine and 3-bromotyrosine. Anal. Biochem. 334:193-195. Tilley, M. and K. Tilley. 2004. Modifying tyrosine crosslink formation in wheat dough by controlling innate enzymatic activity. In: Proceedings of 12th ICC Cereal & Bread Congress. Harrogate UK. 22- 26 May 2004 Presentations Herrman, T.J., R. Bowden, M. Langemeier, and M. Schrock. 2004. Strategies to manage Karnal bunt and retain global markets. International Quality Grains Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. Ingels, M.E.A., M.E. Casada, R.G. Maghirang, and T.J. Herrman. 2004. Grain commingling at receiving in a country elevator. International Quality Grains Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. Tilley, M. and K. Tilley. Modifying tyrosine crosslink formation in wheat dough by controlling innate enzymatic activity. 12th ICC Cereal & Bread Congress. Harrogate UK. 22-264 May 2004 Carrillo, M.A., Kaliyan, N., Cannon, C.A., Morey, R.V., and Wilcke, W.F. 2004. A simple method to adjust cooling rates for supercooling point determination. CryoLetters (25) 155-160. Carillo, M.A. and C.A. Cannon. 2005. Supercooling point variability in the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Stored Products Research. In Press. Kaliyan, N., Morey, R.V., W.F. Wilcke, M.A. Carrillo, and C.A. Cannon. 2004. Evaluating low temperatures to control Indian meal moth in stored grain. ASAE/CSAE Meeting Paper No. 046135. ASAE St. Joseph, MI 49085. Manthey, F.A., C.E. Wolf-Hall, S. Yalla, C. Vijayakumar, D. Carlson. 2004. Microbial Loads, Mycotoxins and Quality of Wheat from the 2001 Harvest of the Northern Plains Region, USA. J. of Food Protection. 67(4):772-780. Boddeda, A. and C.E. Wolf-Hall. 2004. RAPD analysis of Fusarium graminearum isolates from electron beam irradiated barley. Poster abstract from the 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium Head Bligth Incorporating the 8th European Fusarium Seminar. Orlando, Florida, December 11-15. Kottapalli, B., C.E. Wolf-Hall, and P.B. Schwarz. Evaluation of Gaseous Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide Treatments for Reducing Fusarium Survival in Malting Barley. J. Food Protection. Submitted. Kottapalli, B., C.E. Wolf-Hall, and P. Schwarz. 2004. Effect of electron-beam radiation on the safety and quality of Fusarium infected malting barley. Abstract from presentation at the 2004 Institute of Food Technologists national meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 12-16. Kottapalli, B., C.E. Wolf-Hall, and P. Schwarz. 2004. Mathematical models for predicting the effect of electron-beam radiation on the safety and quality of Fusarium infected malting barley. Poster abstract from the 2004 World Brewing Congress Conference in San Diego, California. July 25-28. Kottapalli, B., C.E. Wolf-Hall, and M.B. Rao. 2004. Mathematical models for hot water, electron beam radiation, and hydrogen peroxide treatments on the survival of Fusarium spp. and germinative energy in malting barley. Poster abstract from the International Association for Food Protection annual meeting. Phoenix, Arizona, August 8-11. Kottapalli, B., C.E. Wolf-Hall, and P.B. Schwarz. 2004. Evaluation of ozone and hydrogen peroxide treatments for preventing post-harvest Fusarium infection in malting barley. Poster poster abstract from the 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium Head Bligth Incorporating the 8th European Fusarium Seminar. Orlando, Florida, December 11-15. Heber, A.J. and D.E. Maier. 2004. Effect of Tempering Shelled Corn on Single Kernel Moisture Content and Stress Cracks. Proceedings of the 2004 International Quality Grains Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana, July 19-22, 2004. Bhat, C.G., D.E. Maier, and K.E. Ileleji. 2004. Early Detection of Spoilage in Stored Grain. Proceedings of the 2004 International Quality Grains Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana, July 19-22, 2004. Arbogast, R. T., and S. R Chini. 2004. Abundance of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) and Cadra cautella (Walker) infesting maize stored on South Carolina farms: seasonal and non-seasonal variation. J. Stored Prod. Res. In press. Arbogast, R. T., S. R. Chini, and J. E. McGovern. 2004. Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): spatial relationship between trap catch and distance from a source of emerging adults. J. Econ. Entomol. In press. Akdogan, H., M.E. Casada, A.K. Dowdy, and B. Subramanyam. 2005. A novel method for analyzing facility heat treatment data. Journal of Stored Products Research. 41(2): 175-185. Billate, R.D., R.G. Maghirang, and M. E. Casada. 2004. Measurement of particulate matter emissions from corn receiving operations with simulated hopper-bottom trucks. Transactions of the ASAE. 47(2): 521-529. Brabec, D.L., R.G. Maghirang, M.E. Casada. 2004. Effectiveness of a high-pressure water-fogging system in controlling dust emissions at grain receiving. Transaction of the ASAE Vol. 47(2): 505-511. Hansen, Audrey, C.R. Hurburgh, Jr., R. Dzupin, G. Rippke, and R. Stephenson. 2004. Establishing a quality management system in a university based analytical laboratory. Pittcon 2004. Chicago, IL. (abstract 6700-300) Hansen, Audrey, C.R. Hurburgh, Jr., R. Dzupin, G. Rippke, and R. Stephenson. 2004. Launching an internet enabled quality manual for a university based analytical laboratory. Pittcon 2004. Chicago, IL. (poster abstract (16000-100) Chung, O. K., Bean, S. R., and Park, S. H. Sorghum foods: New health benefits from an ancient grain. Food Science Journal (Chinese) 25:431-437. 2004. Pedersen, J. F., Bean, S. R., Funnell, D. L., and Graybosch, R. A. 2004. Rapid iodine staining techniques for identifying the waxy phenotype in sorghum grain and waxy genotype in sorghum pollen. Crop Science. 44:764-747. Robbins, R., and Bean, S. R. 2004. Development of a measurement system for phenolic acids: Quantitative high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection. J. Chromatog. A. 1038: 97-105. Bechtel, D.B. 2004. All-grain home brewing. Abstract No. 175. Page 99 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Bechtel, D.B. and Wilson, J.D. 2004. Laser diffraction sizing used to study wheat flour and starch particle size. Abstract No. 21. Page 121: in Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Park, S.H., Singh, H., Wilson, J.D., and Bean. R.S. 2004. Rapid isolation of sorghum starch using sonication. Abstract No. 389. Page 160-161 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Blechl, A., Chung, O.K., Bregitzer, P., Dubcovsky, J., and Sebesta, P. 2004. Kernel, mixing and baking characteristics of transgenic wheats with varying HMW-GS contents. Abstract No. 198. Page 103 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Caley, M.S., park, S.H., and Chung, O.K. 2004. A micro-baking procedure: Its relation to pup straight-dough and pound sponge and dough baking methods. Abstract No. 226. Page 122 in Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Chung, O.K. 2004. How wheat breeding brings benefits for users and consumers. Abstract No. 139. Page 91 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Chung, O.K., Maghirang, E.B., Park, S.H., Caley, M.S., Dowell, F.E., and Seabourn, B.W. 2004. Quality parameters of four wheat fractions singulated and sorted based on kernel hardness. Abstract No. 417. Page 167 :in Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Chung, O.K. and Park, S.H. 2004. A comparison of a farinograph (10-g flour) with variable mixing speed to a mixograph (10-g flour) in flour testing. Abstract No. 360. Page 154 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Chung, O.K., Lookhart, G.L., Dowell, F.E., Tilley, M., Bean, S.R., Seitz, L.M., Seabourn, B.W., Park, S.H., Steele, J.L., Casada, M.E., Ram, M.S., Maghirang, E.B., Pasikatan, M.C., Kim, Y.S., Bechtel, D.B., Perez-Mendoza, J., Xie, F., Lyne, R.K., Singh, H., Caley, M.S., Wilson, J.D., Brabec, D.L., Ohm, J.B., Throne, J.E., Baker, J.E., Pearson, T.C. and Haden, Z.L. 2004. Wheat research in the U.S. Grain Marketing and Production Research Center. Annual Wheat Newsletter 50:221-238. Chung, O.K. 2004. Characterization of Cereals and Flours. Edited by G. Kaletunc and K. J. Breslauer. Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York (published in 2003). Inform 15:119-120. (Book Review) Chung, O.K., Bean, S.R., and Park, S.H. 2004. Sorghum foods: New health benefits from an ancient grain. Food Science Journal (Chinese) 25:431-437. Dowell, F.E., Maghirang, E.B., Xie, F., Chung, O.K., Pierce, R.O. Correlating multiple grain measurements to grain quality. Abstract No. 124. Page 88 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Graybosch, R.A., Peterson, C.J., and Chung, O.K. 2004. Registration of N95L11881 and 97L9521 strong gluten 1BL.1RS wheat germplasm lines. Crop Sci. 44:1490-1491. Graybosch, R.A., Souza, E.J., Berzonsky, W.A., Baenziger, P.S., McVey, D. J., and Chung, O. K. 2004. Registration of Nineteen Waxy Spring Wheats. Crop Sci. 44:1491-1492. Graybosch, R.A., Peterson, C.J., Porter, D.R., and Chung, O.K. 2004. Registration of N96L9970 Greenbug Resistant Wheat. Crop Sci. 44:1492-1493. Haley, S.D., Quick, J.S., Johnson, J.J., Peairs, F.B., Stromberger, J.A., Clayshulte, S.R., Clifford, B.L., Rudolph, J.B., Chung, O.K., and Seabourn, B.W. 2004. Registration of Anchor wheat. Crop Sci. 44:1025-1026. Haley, S.D., Quick, J.S., Peairs, F.B., Johnson, J.J., Westra, J., Stromberger, J.A., Clayshulte, S. R., Clifford, B.L., Rudolph, J.B., Seabourn, B.W., and Chung, O.K. Registration of Bond CL wheat. Crop Sci. (In press) Haley, S.D., Quick, J.D., Peairs, F.B., Johnson, J.J., Stromberger, J.A., Clayshulte, S.R., Clayshulte, S.R., Clifford, B.L., Rudolph, J.B., Seabourn, B.W., Chung, O.K. Registration of Hatcher wheat. Crop Sci. (In press) Hubbard, J.D., Downing, J.D., Ram, M.S., and Chung, O.K. 2004. Lipid extraction from wheat flour using supercritical fluid extraction. Cereal Chem. 81:693-698. Ibrahim, A.M.H., Haley, S.D., Jin, Y., Langham, M.A.C., Stymiest, C., Rickertsen, J., Kalsbeck, S., Little, R., Chung, O.K., Seabourn, B.W., and McVey, D.V. 2004. Registration of Expedition Wheat. Crop Sci. 44:1470-1471. Park, S.H, Chung, O.K., and Seib, P.A. 2004. Size distribution and properties of wheat starch granules in relation to crumb grain score of pup-loaf bread. Cereal Chem. 81:699-704. Park, S.H., Singh, H., Wilson, J.D., and Bean. R.S. Rapid isolation of sorghum starch using sonication. Abstract No. 389. Page 160-161 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Ram, M.S., Seitz, L.M., Dowell, F.E. 2004. Natural fluorescence of red and white wheat. Cereal Chem. 81:244-248. Ram, M.S. and Chung, O.K. 2004. Wheat flour lipids extracted by a dual-pump CO2 ethanol supercritical fluid extraction system. Abstract A-01. Page 160 in: Program Book of the 11th International Symposium and Exhibit on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Extraction, and Processing, Pittsburgh, PA (August 1-4, 2004). Ram, M.S. and Chung, O.K. 2004. Sequential extraction of nonpolar and polar classes of wheat flour lipids using supercritical-CO2 with ethanol modifier. Abstract No. 222. Page 121 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Seabourn, B.W., Xie, F., and Chung, O.K. 2004. Rapid determination of dough-mixing requirement for early generation breeding lines by FT-HATR mid-infrared spectroscopy. Abstract No. 368. Page 155-156 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Schober, T.J., Bean, S.R., Messerschmidt, M., Park S.H., and Arendt, E.K. 2004. Wheat-free breads from sorghum: Quality differences among hybrids. Abstract No. 147. Page 93 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Singh, H., Lyne, R.K., Chung, O.K., Park, S.H., and Lookhart, G.L. 2004. Correlation of wheat protein composition and dough rheological properties to tortilla quality. Abstract No. 394. Page 162 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Singh, H., Park, S.H., and Bean, S.R. 2004. Optimization of lab-scale production of sorghum waffles. Abstract No. 387. Page 160 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Wang, D., Dowell, F.E., Ram, M.S. and Schapuagh, W.T. 2004. Classification of fungal-damaged soybean seeds using near-infrared spectroscopy. Intl. J. Food Properties. 7 (1): 75-82. Xiao, S.Z., Park S.H., and Chung, O.K. Testing four solvents for solvent retention capacity (SRC) in hard winter wheat flour and their use in a regression equation to predict bread loaf volume. Abstract No. 224 Page 122 in: Program Book of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AACC. Cetin, A., T.C. Pearson, and A.H. Tewfik. 2004. Classification of closed- and open-shell pistachio nuts using voice-recognition technology. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. v. 47(2). p. 659-664. Cole, T.J., M.S. Ram, J. Perez-Mendoza, J.E. Throne, F.E. Dowell, and J.E. Baker. 2004. Chronological age-grading of three stored-product beetles by using near-infrared spectroscopy. J. Econ. Entol. 97(3):1159-1167. Dowell, F.E., E.B. Maghirang, F. Xie, O.K. Chung, and R.O. Pierce. 2004. Predicting grain, flour, and bread quality using NIR spectroscopy. Proceedings Intl Cereal and Bread Congress. Harrogate, England. May 23-24, 2004. Maghirang, E.B., F.E. Dowell, J.E. Baker, J.E. Throne. 2003. Automated detection of single wheat kernels containing live or dead insects using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Trans. ASAE 46(4):1277-1282. Pasikatan, M.C. and Dowell, F.E. 2004. High-speed segregation of high- and low-protein single wheat seeds. Cereal Chem. 81(1):145-150. Pasikatan, M.C., and Dowell, F.E. 2003. Evaluation of a high-speed color sorter for segregation of red and white wheat. Trans ASAE. 19(1):71-76. Pearson, T.C., Wicklow, D.T., and Pasikatan, M.C. 2004. Reduction of aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination in yellow corn by high-speed bi-chromatic sorting. Cereal Chemistry. v. 81(4). p. 490-498. Pearson, T.C., and Brabec, D.L. 2003. Automated detection of internal insect infestations in whole wheat kernels using a Perten SKCS 4100. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. v. 19(6). p. 727-733. Ram, M.S., L. Seitz, and F.E. Dowell. 2004. Natural fluorescence of red and white wheat kernels. Cereal Chem. 81(2):244-248. Wang, D., Dowell, F.E., Ram, M.S., and Schapaugh, W.T. 2003. Classification of fungal-damaged soybean seeds using near-infrared spectroscopy. Intl. Journ. Food Properties. 6(0):1-8. Wang, N., Zhang, N., and Dowell, F. E. 2003. Determining wheat vitreousness using image processing and a neural network. Trans. ASAE. 46(4):1143-1150. Xie, F., F.E. Dowell, and X.S. Sun. 2004. Using visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry to study starch, protein, and temperature effects on bread staling. Cereal Chem. 81(2):249-254. Chung, O.K., Lookhart, G.L., Dowell, F.E., Tilley, M., Bean, S.R., Seitz, L.M., Seabourn, B.W., Park, S.H., Steele, J.L., Casada, M.E., Ram, M.S., Maghirang, E.B., Pasikatan, M.C., Kim, Y.S., Bechtel, D.B., Perez-Mendoza, J., Xie, F., Lyne, R.K., Singh, H., Caley, M.S., Wilson, J.D., Brabec, D.L., Ohm, J.B., Throne, J.E., Baker, J.E., Pearson, T.C. and Haden, Z.L. 2004. Wheat research in the U.S. Grain Marketing and Production Research Center. Annual Wheat Newsletter 50:221-238 Tilley, M. 2004. PCR amplification of wheat sequences from DNA extracted during milling and baking. Cereal Chem. 81:44-47. Tilley, M., Benjamin R.E., Srivarin, P., and Tilley K.A. 2004. A non-enzymatic preparative scale synthesis of dityrosine and 3-bromotyrosine. Analytical Biochemistry 334:193-195. Tilley, M. and Tilley K.A. Modifying crosslink formation in wheat dough by controlling innate enzyme activity. Proceedings of the 12th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress. (In press) Tilley, M., Benjamin R.E. and Tilley K.A. Optimization of dityrosine standard synthesis. Presented at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, September 19-22 2004, San Diego CA, Abstract p.121. Quinde, Z., Ullrich, S. E., and Baik*, B.-K. 2004. Genotypic variation in color and discoloration potential of barley-based food products. Cereal Chem. 81:752-758. Baik*, B.-K., Powers, J., and Nguyen, L. T. 2004 Extrusion of Regular and Waxy Barley Flours for Production of Expanded Cereals. Cereal Chem. 81:94-99. Baik*, B.-K., Paszczynska, B., and Ullrich, S. E. 2004. Quality characteristics of barley for its uses in various food products. AACC Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, September. Poster presentation. Baik, B.-K., Z. Quinde-Axtell, V.A. Jitkov, and S.E. Ullrich*. 2004. Barley germplasm variation related to food quality. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November. Poster presentation. Quinde, Z., and Baik*, B.-K. 2004. Retardation of dark discoloration in barley-based food products. AACC Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, September. Poster presentation.
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