SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


see attached Summary of Minutes


Accomplishments: During the third annual meeting, the committee held a mini-conference, titled Changing Ruralities: The Intersection of Aging, Diversity, and Landscapes to bring together research findings and plan policy-relevant outputs. The papers touched upon several themes for developing linkages among the committees three research areas. Significant progress was made on the publication of the committees collaborative research on the causes and consequences of rural aging (see attached minutes). The book will be titled Rural Aging in 21st Century America, to be published by Springer. During its third year, committee members published 18 refereed journal articles and an equal number of policy briefs or similar outreach articles (see attached publications list). Research findings were presented at international conferences and in sessions at the annual meetings of the Association of Policy Analysis and Management, Ecological Society of America, Rural Sociological Society, the Population Association of America, the Association of American Geographers, the Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference, and several other professional groups. An extensive number of outreach and research dissemination efforts were undertaken, including presentations to: " USDA Rural Development Administrators " The University of Montana Foundation Board of Trustees " The Board of Trustees, University System of New Hampshire " Senior Management Meeting, White Mountain National Forest. " Rural Learning Network of Central and Western New York. " NY Rural Schools Association " OECD Rural Development Conference " Washington State Disabilities Council " Cambio De Colores 9th Annual Conference " North Dakota Legislative Industry Members also served as consultants to, or made briefings to, the White House Domestic Policy Staff; the U.S. Census Bureau; the USDA Forest Service; State Rural Development Directors; and a number of advisory councils and county commissions. For her on-going research and outreach, committee member Nina Glasgow received the Cornell University Community and Regional Development Institutes 2010 David J. Allee and Paul R. Eberts Community and Economic Vitality Award.


  1. W1001 is entering its fourth year and has no impact statements developed at this time. The committees work to date has included extensive planning of outreach efforts, including a policy conference in Washington, DC in the projects final year.


see attached file
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