SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Paul Jakus (Utah State) Klaus Moeltner (U Nevada Reno) Randy Rosenberger (Oregon State) Joseph Herriges (Iowa State) John Braden (U. Illinois) Phil Wandschneider (Washington State) Fen Hunt (NIFA) John Loomis (Colorado State) Don McLeod (U. Wyoming) Douglass Shaw (Texas A&M) John Bergstrom (U. Georgia) Frank Lupi (Michigan State U) Greg Poe (Cornell) Richard Ready (Pennsylvania State) Michael Kaplowitz (Michigan State) John Hoehn (Michigan State) Jerald Fletcher (West Virginia) Kimberly Rollins (U Nevada-Reno) Brent Sohngen (Ohio State) Roger von Haefen (North Carolina State) Donald Snyder (Administrative Advisor, Utah State)

President Roger von Haefen calls the meeting to order (5:05p) Don Snyder reports " We will need to present a three year report this year. The report will need to provide evidence that we are making adequate progress on our milestones. " This report needs to be complete by around April 15. " Don will provide Brent S. with a template for the information needed. Brent will put the information together in coordination with several recent presidents. " Don indicated that the new re-chartering, set for 2012 will need to carefully emphasize collaborations that are going on within the group. Fen Hunt reports on the new NIFA structure. There is now some information available on what the structure looks like and the goals of the new structure, but the new funding RFP has not yet come out. Keep looking for this soon. Election for new Vice-President: Brent Sohngen nominates Phil Wandschneider, Seconded. Passes unanimously. See the actual meeting schedule as an attachment.


Short-term Outcomes: Markets have been used traditionally to value goods and services. However, many goods in our economy are not traded in markets. Without markets, it is difficult to identify the costs and benefits of alternative policies or actions. This project has focused on the development and application of such methodologies and has been very productive over time. Numerous new and modified approaches used to estimate nonmarket goods have been developed as a direct result of this project. Outputs: Numerous reports and publications have been produced as evidenced by the publication list. More importantly, however, are the actual values estimated for nonmarket goods and services. See the list of impacts for examples of some of these estimates. Activities: Activities include, but are not limited to, joint research projects, joint publications, an annual papers conference, special editions of various journals focusing on nonmarket evaluation methods and results, and joint particpation in professional meetings. Milestones: All milestones projected in the original proposal have already been met, though work is continuing under each as there is much that needs to be done. It is anticipated that demands for nonmarket valuation will continue to increase as more and more nonmarket goods are identified. Milestone 1: Data collection methods have been and will continue to be collaboratively designed, and primary and secondary data on use of natural resources for recreation, ecosystem services will be gathered. Milestone 2: Initial stated and revealed preference models have been and will continue to be jointly developed, and estimated, economic values derived, and preliminary results shared with stakeholders. Milestone 3: Outcomes from this research have been and will continue to be detailed in documents in the form of reports, submitted manuscripts, workshops for agencies, professional meetings, extension publications by participating members available via links on the proposed W1133 website.


  1. The combined economic contributions of human-powered recreation to the US economy exceed US$590 billion annually in total gross output, supporting over five million jobs. Other studies estimate that wildlife-based recreation contributes another US$140 billion annually in total gross output to the US economy, making a total contribution of US$730 billion from both human-powered and wildlife-based recreation.
  2. Approximately $5.2 billion (2005 dollars) have been lost in residential property values around 23 of the AOCs (Areas of Concern). This compares to estimates that place the cost of remediation of all U.S. AOCs at up to $4.5 billion (2005 dollars).
  3. The increase in elk hunting opportunities in Nevada more than offset hunting losses from decreased mule deer opportunities, and that hunting benefits are likely greater than potential productivity losses to ranchers. However, the manner in which the costs and benefits are distributed leaves some groups worse off, and others better off.
  4. Consumers are hesitant to adopt alternative energy, specifically solar-thermal hot water heaters, not because they did not trust this new technology, but because consumers are not aware of how quickly they would recoup the costs of installation - and that is the main barrier to adoption.
  5. A number of researchers have suggested that benefit cost analysis does not apply when there are concerns about irreversibility, such as species extinction. We have shown how benefit-cost analysis can be undertaken when thresholds or irreversibilities exist.
  6. Recent proposals to restrict access to BLM land in several southeastern Utah counties will result in statewide welfare losses in excess of about $1.14 per trip, or a little over $1 million per year for Utah owners of OHVs.


Acosta, M. and B. Sohngen. 2009. How big is leakage from forestry carbon credits Estimates from a Global Model. Selected Paper. Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association. July, 2009. Adamowicz, Wiktor , David Bunch, Trudy Ann Cameron, Benedict G.C. Dellaert, Michael Hanemann, Michael Keane, Jordan Louviere, Robert Meyer, Thomas Steenburgh, Joffre Swait, Behavioral Frontiers in Choice Modeling. Marketing Letters Vol. 19, 2008. Anderson, C.M., E. Uchida, S.K.Swallow. 2008. A Field Experiment Comparing Mechanisms for the Provision of Nesting Bird Habitat on Active Farm Hayfields. Presented at three conferences: Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska-Anchorage, November 16, 2007. Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 19, 2007. Annual International Meeting of the Economic Science Association, Pasadena, CA, June 30, 2008. Bergstrom, J. 2009. Preserving Multifunctional Agriculture: Discussion. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91(5), 1375-1376. Bergstrom, J. C., and R. C. Ready. 2009. What Have We Learned from Over 20 Years of Farmland Amenity Valuation Research in North America Review of Agricultural Economics 31(Spring):21-49. Bergstrom, J. and Ready, R. C. (2009). What Have We Learned from Over 20 Years of Farmland Amenity Valuation Research in North America. Review of Agricultural Economics, 31(1), 21-49. Bhattarai, G., Diane, H.and David Brasington. 2009. Complements and Substitutes in Public Service Provision: A Two-Stage Hedonic Model for Demand for School Quality, Neighborhood Safety and Environmental Quality. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 15(9): 34-46. Braden, J.B., Brown, D., Dozier, J., Gober, P., Maidment, D.R., Schneider, S.L., Schultz, P.W., Shortle, J.S., Swallow, S.K. and Werner, C.M. 2009. Social Science in a Water Observing System, Water Resources Research,45 (W11301), doi:10.1029/2009WR008216. Braden, J.B., Feng, X., Freitas, L. and Won, D. 2010. Meta-functional transfer of hedonic property values: Application to Great Lakes areas of concern. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (Forthcoming). Bruggeman, D., M. Jones, K. Scribner and F. Lupi. Relating Tradable Credits for Biodiversity to Sustainability Criteria in a Dynamic Landscape, Landscape Ecology, 24(6): 775-790, 2009. Bond C. A., K. Giraud, and D. M. Larson. Joint estimation of discount rates and willingness to pay for public goods. Ecological Economics 68 (2009) 2751-2759. C. Bond, K Giraud Cullen, and D Larson. Joint estimation of discount rates and willingness to pay for public goods. Ecological Economics, 68(11): 2751-2759, Sep 2009. Carson, Richard, W. Michael Hanemann and Thomas C. Wegge, A Nested Logit Model of Recreational Fishing Demand in Alaska Marine Resource Economics (forthcoming) Chen, X., F. Lupi, G. He, and J. Liu, Linking social norms to efficient conservation investment in payments for ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (28):11812-11817, 2009. Chen, X., F. Lupi, G. He, Z. Ouyang, and J. Liu, Factors affecting land reconversion plans following a payment for ecosystem service program. Biological Conservation, 142(8):1740-1747, 2009. Collins, AR, RS Rosenberger and JJ Fletcher. 2009. Valuing the restoration of acidic streams in the Appalachian Region: A stated choice method. In HW Thurston, MT Heberling and A Schrecongost (eds.), Environmental Economics for Watershed Restoration. Boca Rotan, FL: Taylor & Francis. Pp. 29-52. Lew D. K., and D. M. Larson. A Repeated Mixed Logit Approach to Valuing a Local Sport Fishery: The Case of Southeast Alaska Salmon. Working Paper, University of California, Davis, September 2009. Lew,D. K., and D. M. Larson. How Do Harvest Rates Affect Angler Trip Patterns Working Paper, University of California, Davis, October 2009. Lew,D. K., and D. M. Larson. The Consequences of Value of Time Assumptions in Recreation Demand Analysis: Some Empirical Evidence. Working Paper, University of California, Davis, August 2009. Larson, D. K.,. Grogan, and E. Wimberger. Water Quality in California's San Joaquin Valley: Household Perspectives on the Salinity Problem. Chapter 6 in Handbook on Environmental Quality, E. K. Drury and T. S. Pridgen, eds. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2009. Das, Chhandita, Christopher Anderson and Stephen Swallow. 2009. Direct Estimation of Distributions of Willingness to Pay for Heterogeneous Populations. Southern Economic Journal 75(3):593-610 (RI AES Contr. No. 5145). Deisenroth, D., J. Loomis and C. Bond. 2009. Non-Market Valuation of Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation in Larimer County, Colorado: Implications for Trail Closures. Journal of Environmental Management 90(11):3490-3497. Douglas Reiter, and David G. Tarboton 2008. Utah's Public Lands Pienaar E. F. Improving the Performance of Community-Based Wildlife Management Programs: Evidence from Botswana. PhD dissertation, University of California, Davis, March 2009. Pienaar E. F., L. S. Jarvis, and D. M. Larson. How Much Will It Take to Encourage Village Conservation Activities In Botswana Working Paper, University of California, Davis, July 2009. Lavin, F.V and W.M. Hanemann, Taste Indicators and Heterogeneous Revealed Preferences for Congestion in Recreation Demand, Department of Natural Resources. Fenichel, E., F. Lupi, J. Hoehn, and M. Kaplowitz, Split-sample tests of no opinion responses in an attribute based choice model. Land Economics, 85(2): 349-363. 2009. Fisher, A., Hanemann, M., Roberts, M., and Schlenker, W. (2009). Potential impacts of climate change on crop yields and land values in U.S. agriculture: Negative, significant, and robust. American Economic Review (pending). Fisher, A., Hanemann, M., Roberts, M.J., and Schlenker, W. (2009). Climate change and agriculture reconsidered. Annual Review of Resource Economics (pending). Fletcher, S., Kittredge, D. and Stevens, T. 2009. Forest landowner's willingness to sell carbon credits: a pilot study. North. J. Appl. For. 26(1):35-37. Gnedenko, E. 2009. Three Essays on the Economics of Open Space. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Connecticut. Golub, A., T. Hertel, H-L Lee, S. Rose, and B. Sohngen. 2009. The opportunity cost of land use and the global potential for greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture and forestry. Resource and Energy Economics. 31: 299-319 (DOI 1016/j.reseneeco.2009.04.007) Golub, A.,T. Hertel, S. Rose, B. Sohngen, M. Avetisyan. 2009. The Relative Role of Land in Climate Policy. Selected Paper. Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association. July, 2009. Haab, Timothy C., John Whitehead, George Parsons, and Jammie Price. 2010. Effects of Information about Invasive Species on Risk Perception and Seafood Demand by Gender and Race, Resource and Energy Economics, Forthcoming. Hanley, N., R. Ready, S. Colombo, F. Watson, M. Stewart and E.A. Bergmann. 2009. The Impacts of Knowledge of the Past on Preferences for Future Landscape Change. Journal of Environmental Management 90(March):1404-1412. Hearne, R. 2009. Review of Emerging Markets for Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of the Panama Canal Watershed by Gentry, B., Q. Newcomer, S. Anisfeld, M. Fotos, editors. 2007. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 91(3):855-857. Hite, Diane. 2009. Factors Influencing Differences in Survey and Market-Based Environmental Value Measures. Urban Studies 46(1):117-138. Ho, Chau-Sa, and Diane Hite. 2009. Toxic Releases, Health Effects and Labor Productivity. Journal of Community Health 34(6):539-546. Working paper available on SSRN's working paper In SSRN's top ten download list for DSHE: Econometrics, August 28, 2008. Irwin, E.G., Bell, K.P., Bockstael, N.E., Newburn, D.A., Partidge, M.D., and J. Wu. 2009. The Economics of Urban-Rural Space, Annual Review of Resource Economics (1): 435-462. Jakus, P. 2009. Economic Analysis of Fish Consumption Advisories. ERI 2009-05, 27 pp. Jakus, P., W.D. Shaw, T. Nguyen, and M. Walker. 2008. Risk Perceptions of Tap Water and Consumption of Bottled Water . Economic Research Institute Paper 2008-10, 30 pp. Jakus, P.M., John E. K., Lu, L., and Dale, B. 2009. Off Highway Vehicles and Access to Public Lands. ERI 2009-04, 22 pp. Jakus, P.M., D.W Shawand T.N. Nguyen, and Mark Walker 2009. Risk Perceptions of Arsenic in Tap Water and Consumption of Bottled Water.Water Resources Research 45, W05405. James, H., and W. M. Hanemann. 2008. The Impact of Water Quality on Southern California Beach Recreation: A Finite Mixture Model Approach, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Working Paper No. 074, University of California, Berkeley. Jauregui, A., and D.Hite. 2009. The Impact of Realtors on House Prices near Environmental Disamenities. Forthcoming: Housing Policy Debate 20(1). Jiang, Y., S.K. Swallow, and W.C. Paton. 2007. Designing a Spatial-explicit Nature Reserve Network Based on Ecological Functions: An Integer Programming Approach Biological Conservation. Biological Conservation 140:236-249. (AES Contr. No. 5127). Jorge, E. A., J.L.Carmelo and W. M. Hanemann. 2008. Emotions and Decision Rules in Discrete Choice Experiments for Valuing Health Care Programmes for the Elderly. Journal of Health Economics 2008. Keith, J.E.,S.W. Burr, Jody Gale, Paul M. Jakus, Richard S. Krannich, Douglas Reiter, and David G. Tarboton 2008. Utah's Public Lands Socioeconomic Baseline Study: Summary Report. Economic Research Institute Paper 2008-06, 50 pp. Kim, Soo-Il, and T. C. Haab. 2009. Temporal Insensitivity of Willingness to Pay and Implied Discount Rates. Resource and Energy Economics 31, no. 2: 89-102. Kim, Y-H and B. Sohngen. 2009. Assessing the Uncertainty of Land Based Carbon Sequestration: A Parameter Uncertainty Analysis with a Global Land Use Model. Selected Paper. Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association. July, 2009. Lee, Y. 2009. Economics of Sustainable Watershed Management under Alternative Climate Change Scenarios. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Connecticut. Lee, Y., Abou-Zeid, A., Shah, F. 2009. Downstream Environmental Impacts of Reservoir Operations. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 38:287. Abstract Lee, Y., Yoon, T., Shah, F. 2009. Impacts of Climate Change on Reservoir Management and Downstream Watershed. 6th Annual Conference of the Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, April 7,2009. Loomis, J. and C. Keske. 2009. Mountain Substitutability and Peak Load Pricing of High Alpine Peaks as a Management tool to Reduce Environmental Damage: A Contingent Valuation Study. Journal of Environmental Management 90: 1751-1760. Loomis, J. and C. Keske. 2009. The Economic Value of Novel Means of Ascending High Mountain Peaks: A Travel Cost Demand Model of Pikes Peak Cog Railway riders, automobile users and hikers. Tourism Economics 15(2): 426-436. Loomis, J., C. Bond and D. Harpman. 2009. The Potential of Agent Based Modelling for Performing Economic Analysis of Adaptive Natural Resource Management. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research: 1(1): 1-15. Loomis, J., O. Tadjion, P. Watson, J. Wilson, S. Davies and D. Thilmany. 2009. A Hybrid Individual-Zonal Travel Cost Model for Estimating the Consumer Surplus for Golfing in Colorado. Sports Economics 10(2): 155-167. Loomis, J., P. Bell, H. Cooney and C. Asmus. 2009. A Comparison of Actual and Hypothetical Willingness to Pay of Parents and Non-Parents for Protecting Infant Health: The Case of Nitrates in Drinking Water. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 41(3):697-712. Malieka Landis, and Kimberly Rollins, The Economic Value of Nevada Big Game Hunting. Abstract in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington Vermont, June 2008. McCluskey, J.J., C.A.Durham, and B.P.Horn. 2009. Consumer Preferences for Socially Responsible Production Attributes across Food Products. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 39(3):345-356 Moeltner, K, RJ Johnston, RS Rosenberger and JM Duke. 2009. Benefit transfer from multiple contingent experiments: A flexible two-step model combining individual choice data with community characteristics. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91(5): 1335-1342. Mueller, J., J. Loomis and A. Gonzalez-Caban. 2009. Do Repeated Wildfires Change Homebuyers Demand for Homes in High Risk Areas Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 38:155-172. Murray, B., R. Lubowski, and B. Sohngen. 2009. Including International Forest Carbon Incentives in Climate Policy: Understanding the Economics. Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University. Report 09-03. Durham, NC. Neumann, B., Boyle, K.J., and K.P. Bell. 2009. Property Price Effects of a National Wildlife Refuge: Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Massachusetts, Land Use Policy 26(4): 1011-1019. Nguyen, T.N., P.M. Jakus, W.D. Shaw and M. Riddel 2009. An Empirical Model of Perceived Mortality Risks for Selected United States Arsenic Hot Spots. ERI 2009-02, 31 pp. Ortega-Pacheco, D.V., F. Lupi and M.D. Kaplowitz, Payment for environmental services: estimating demand within a tropical watershed. Journal of Natural Resource Policy Research, 1(2) 189-202. 2009. Phaneuf, D.J., Carbone, J., and Herriges, J. 2009. Non-Price Equilibria for Non-Marketed Goods. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 57, No. 1. Poe, G.L.. Valuation of Groundwater Quality Using a Contingent Valuation - Damage Function Approach. Water Resources Research 34(12):3627-3633, 1998 in R.Q. Grafton Ed. Economics of Water Resources. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2009. Johnston, R.J. and S.K. Swallow (eds.) 2006. Economics and Contemporary Land Use Policy. Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. 309pp. Randall, A. 2009. Multifunctional Agriculture and Regional Economic Growth. The Role of Knowledge, Innovation and Human Capital in Multifunctional Agriculture and Territorial Rural Development. Proceedings of 113th Seminar, European Association of Agricultural Economists (ed. D. Tomic, Z. Vasiljevic and D. Cvijanovic). 25-38. Randall, A. 2009. Reflections on Solow's 1974 Richard T. Ely Address. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 1(1):97-101. Randall, A. 2009. We Already Have Risk Management-Do We Really Need the Precautionary Principle International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 3(1): 39-74. Richardson, L. and J. Loomis. 2009. The Total Economic Value of Threatened, Endangered and Rare Species: An Updated Meta- Analysis, Ecological Economics 68: 1535-1548. Rodriguez, Fabian, Douglas Southgate and Timothy C. Haab. 2009. Is better drinking water valued in the Latin American countryside Some evidence from Cotacachi, Ecuador. Water International, 34, no. 3, 325-334. Rollins, Kimberly, Mariah Evans and Darryl Rush Survey of Nevada Big Game Hunters, Report of Methods and Results, 2009. Rosenberger, RS, TR Bergerson and JD Kline. 2009. Macro-linkages between health and outdoor recreation: The role of parks and recreation providers. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 27(3): 8-20. Santiago, L. and J. Loomis. 2009. Recreation Benefits of Natural Area Characteristics at El Yunque National Forest. Environmental Planning and Management 52(4): 535-547. Sedjo, R.A. and B. Sohngen. 2009. An Inconvenient Truth about Cellulosic Ethanol. Milken Institute Review. 11(4): 50-55. Sedjo, R.A. and B. Sohngen. 2009. The Implications of Increased Use of Wood for Biofuel Production. Resources For the Future. Issue Brief 09-04. Washington, DC. Sidique, S., F. Lupi, and S. Joshi. The effects of behaviors and attitudes on drop-off recycling activities, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Available online 25 August 2009. Sidique, S., S. Joshi, and F. Lupi. Factors influencing the rate of recycling: An analysis of Minnesota counties, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Available online 22 September 2009. Sohngen, B. 2009. Adapting Forests and Ecosystems to Climate Change. Invited Presentation. The Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change. Venice, Italy. April 2-3, 2009. Sohngen, B. 2009. An Analysis of Forestry Carbon Sequestration as a Response to Climate Change. Copenhagen Consensus on Climate. Sohngen, B. 2009. Climate Change and Ohio: Threats, Impacts and Opportunities. Invited Presentation. Ashland University (Ohio). February 12, 2009. Sohngen, B. 2009. Global Forestry and Land Use Model. Invited Presentation. REDD Modeling Forum and National REDD Reference Case Workshop. Washington, DC. April 21-22, 2009. Sohngen, B. 2009. Key Role of REDD in Mitigating Climate Change and Potential Role and Scale of REDD-based GHG Offsets. Invited Presentation. EPRI Greenhouse Gas Emissions Offset Policy Dialogue: Workshop 5-Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD). Washington, DC., May 13, 2009. Sohngen, B. 2009. The Economics of REDD Crediting. Invited Presentation. Forests: A Critical Part of the Climate Change Solution. Indianapolis, Indiana. October 23, 2009. Sohngen, B. 2009. Water Markets. Invited Webinar Presentation. Environmental Markets: New Approaches for Natural Resources Management. February 23, 2009. ( events/env markets.php) Sohngen, B. and B. Sun. 2009 Optimal Set-Asides for Carbon Sequestration and Co-Benefits of Forestry. Presentation at W-2133 Meeting. Austin, Texas. February 21-22, 2009. Sohngen, B. Oral Testimony to the US House of Representatives, Committee on Agriculture, Subcomittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy and Research. Washington, DC. December 3, 2009. Southgate, Douglas, Timothy C. Haab, and Fabian Rodriguez. 2009. Payments for Sustainability: A Case Study on Subsistence Farming in Ecuador, Harvard International Review, 31 no. 2. Southgate, Douglas, Timothy C. Haab, John Lundine and Fabian Rodriguez. 2010. Payments for Environmental Services and the Rural Poor in Ecuador and Guatemala Forthcoming, Environment and Development Economics, 15 no. 1. Southwick, R., Bergstrom, J., Wall, C. (2009). The Economic Contribution of Human Powered Outdoor Recreation to the U.S. Economy. Tourism Economics, 15(4), 709-733. Spencer, M.A., S.K.Swallow, J.F. Shogren, and J.A. List. (2009). Rebate Rules in Threshold Public Good Provision. Journal of Public Economics (in press). (AES Contr. No. 5153). Stephen Swallow, Chris Anderson, Elizabeth Smith. 2008. Revenue Raising Auction Processes for Public Goods, Provisional Patent Application 61/120,573 filed 12/10/2008. Sponsored by NSF, grant No DEB0621014 Sun, B. and B. Sohngen. 2009. Set-Asides for Carbon Sequestration: Implications for Permanence and Leakage. Climatic Change. 96:409-419 (DOI 10.1007/s10584-009-9628-9) Suter J.F., C.A. Vossler and G.L. Poe, 2009. Ambient-Based Pollution Mechanisms: A Comparison of Homogenous and Heterogeneous Groups of Emitters. Ecological Economics 68:1883-1892. Swallow, S.K. 2008. Fire Briefing: An Economists Summary. Presented to U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate staff, June (representing Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics). Swallow, S.K., E. Uchida, C. M. Anderson. 2008. Creating a Private Market for Ecosystem Services: Selling Hayfield Services for Grassland Nesting Birds to Ex-Urban Residents in Jamestown, Rhode Island. Presented to A Conference on Ecosystem Services (ACES), December 7-11, Naples, Florida. (Abstract in: ACES: A Conference on Ecosystem Services: 2008: Using Science for Decision Making in Dynamic Systems, p. 160.) Swallow, S.K., E. Uchida, C. M. Anderson. 2008. Public Goods Provision through Private Action: Using Auction Market Mechanisms to Sell Ecosystem Services. Presented to the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Big Sky, MT, June 25-27. (Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics December 2008) Swallow, S.K., E. Uchida, C.M. Anderson. 2008. Market Approaches for Ecosystem Services: Examples of Grassland Nesting Birds on Hayfields. USEPA Ecosystem Services Research Program Lecture Series, December 1, Narragansett, RI (broadcast by web). Powerpoint slides available at EPA Environmental Science Connector ( Swallow, Stephen K., Elizabeth C. Smith, Emi Uchida, and Christopher M. Anderson. 2008. Ecosystem Services beyond Valuation, Regulation, and Philanthropy: Integrating Consumer Values into the Economy. Choices 23(2):47-52. (RI AES Contr. No. 5142) Thesis 1: The Value of Hunting and Scouting Nevada Big Game and Trade-offs with Livestock Production (complete summer 2009). University of Nevada  Reno (Supervisor: K. Rollins) Thesis 2: Regional Economic Impacts from Big Game Hunting in Nevada, and Trade-offs with Livestock Production Impacts (complete Fall 2009). University of Nevada  Reno (Supervisor: K. Rollins) Vista, AB, RS Rosenberger and AR Collins. 2009. If you provide it, will they read it Response time effects in a choice experiment. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 57:365-377. Y.-L. Chien and D. M. Larson. 2009. Valuing Old Growth Forests and Northern Spotted Owls: A Supply-Side Option Price Approach. Chapter 8 in Handbook on Environmental Quality, E. K. Drury and T. S. Pridgen, eds. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
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