SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NCAC6 : Livestock Production
- Period Covered: 10/01/2008 to 09/01/2009
- Date of Report: 02/07/2009
- Annual Meeting Dates: 01/26/2010 to 01/28/2010
Minutes and actions from North Central Regional Project Reviews (NCAC6)
Meeting was held in the Marriott River Center, San Antonio, TX on January 27, 2010
Larry Berger University of Nebraska
Maynard Hogberg Iowa State University
Rod Geisert University of Missouri
Jim Kinder The Ohio State University
Greg Lardy North Dakota State University
Jim Linn University of Minnesota
Don Marshall South Dakota State University, Administrative Advisor
Neal Merchen University of Illinois
Vikram Mystry South Dakota State University
Ken Odde Kansas State University
Karen Plaut Michigan State University
Clint Rusk South Dakota State University
Alan Sutton Purdue University
Adelle Turzillo NIFA National Program Leader: Plant and Animal Systems
Karen Plaut Chair
Jim Linn Secretary
Jim Linn moved up to chair of NCA6 for 2011-13.
Vikram Mistry was elected secretary for 2011-13..
The North Central Region will host the Animal Science Department Head meeting in 2011. The meeting will be held in Denver, CO in conjunction with NCBA. Dates for the meeting are Feb 1 and 2.
Regional Project Reviews
NC Temp 184 Greg Lardy and Dan Schaefer reviewed.
Status - New
This is a renewed project. Determined to be a good project previously and project future has good potential. However, project renewal proposal appears to be repetitious of past project with limited new writing in proposal. Project scientists should update this proposal to reflect current research questions building on results and finding s from previous project proposal (1131).
Motion to accept and approve report with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED
NC 1037 Maynard Hogberg and Larry Berger
Status Midterm review
This is a continued project. Only 1 meeting has been held since project started in 2007. Second meeting is planned for 2010. There really wasnt a good reason offered for not meeting except all participants meet at the PAG meetings each January. The committee is questioning whether they should continue to exist as a multi-state committee. Could not find meeting report in NIMSS, but is located on another website. Need to get report in NIMSS. Overall, project has been productive holding a symposium every other year at which time project participants met. Difficult to determine if they are meeting their objectives since they have not met. No publications were listed in the annual meeting report of 2008.
Motion to continue project, but recommend they meet more regularly (yearly). Seconded and PASSED.
NC 1040 - Karen Plaut and Ric Grummer
Status Midterm review
Based on history and knowledge of personnel this is a very active and productive group using both old and new technologies (genomics and proteonomics). Good outreach. Individuals from across the country speak at most of the nutrition conferences. In addition, a joint symposium was held previously. External funding is very good. This project is truly multi-institutional with participants from across the country participating regularly.
Motion to approve with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED
NC 1041 Neal Merchen and Rod Geisert
Status Midterm review
Meeting was held this past December (09), but report had not been submitted. There are 20 participants and 10 stations in project with most participants in Veterinary Medicine or Food Science. Project is microbiology based. Group has been very productive with 2 to 3 significant collaborations and holding a biennial conference in Rapid City, SD. Committee is very good at scholarly publications and dispensing of information to academics. Research from this committee has a high potential for application in the area of food safety, but dispensing of the research to end users appears to be minimal. Extramural funding was suggested as being very good based on knowledge of personnel in project, but no report was available to confirm.
Motion was made to accept report with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED
NC 1042 Jim Linn and Alan Sutton
Status Midterm review
Very active and diverse project contributing to both scholarly and outreach information. Research is aligned well with project objectives. Good extramural funding. Interaction and discussions amongst project participants is very good, but no demonstration of collaborative research efforts. Need to develop computer models or other tools to integrate research findings, especially in the calf and business management areas. An economist would be a very good addition to this committee.
Motion was made to accept report with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED
NCCC 204 Ken Odde, Vikram Mistry and Jim Linder.
Status Midterm review
Committee met last in February, 2009. Nine stations were in attendance, but minutes of annual meeting are essentially a compilation of station reports. Project appears to have a good integration of molecular and quantitative techniques and research; however, there is no indication of collaboration across stations other than sharing of reports. Publications reported for year was 52.
Motion was made to accept report with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED
Submitted by Jim Linn, January 30, 2010