SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Berkebile, Dennis ( USDA-ARS Lincoln, NE; Brewer, Gary ( University of Nebraska; Donahue, Bill ( Consultant California; Ferguson, Holly ( Washington State University; Geden, Chris ( USDA-CMAVE Gainesville, FL; Gerry, Alec ( University of California-Riverside; Hinkle, Nancy ( University of Georgia; Hogsette, Jerry ( USDA-CMAVE Gainesville, FL; Hung, Kim ( University of California-Riverside; Johnson, Greg ( Montana State University; Kaufman, Phil ( University of Florida; Li, Andrew ( USDA-ARS Kerrville, TX; Loftin, Kelly ( University of Arkansas; Meyer, Rick ( National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA); Moon, Roger ( University of Minnesota; Roeder, Richard ( University of Arkansas; Scott, Jeff ( Cornell University; Solorzano Torres, Cesar ( Oklahoma State University; Strickman, Dan ( USDA; Talley, Justin ( Oklahoma State University; Taylor, Dave ( USDA-ARS Lincoln, NE; Watson, Wes ( North Carolina State University; Zhang, Diane ( University of California-Riverside; Zhu, Jerry ( USDA-ARS Lincoln, NE; Zurek, Ludek ( State University;

January 13, 2010: 0812 - Meeting brought to order. Introduction by Chair (Wes Watson) and Meeting Host (Alec Gerry). 0829 - Rick Roeder: Report due 60 days following the end of the meeting. Year 3 requires an impact statement. USDA Scientists are being instructed to gain more funding from competitive grants. Experiment Station directors have expressed concern that this puts more pressure on these limited funds. 0839 - Dan Strickman: Changes at USDA are in flux. Flies are the #1 arthropod problem in livestock industries. ARS scientists are certainly interested in collaborations with university and private researchers. 0845 - Objective Reviews: Dave Taylor (Review of Objective 1.1) a. Stable flies developed best in laboratory media but oviposition on alfalfa media was higher in the field than oviposition on laboratory media. b. Moon and Berkebile working on degree day model of stable fly from egg to adult. Eggs reared at many locations nationally. Model will assist with confirming development models. To date, SF are developing a bit faster than the current model would predict. c. Berkebile trapping emerging stable flies to detect first emergence in hay circles. House flies are absent from these hay circles in Nebraska (Apr-Aug). First emergence in May. Single peak emergence generally in mid-June. Alsynite traps show 2 peaks, first peak associated with peak emergence, 2nd peak comes from unknown developments sites or immigration. d. Kaufman showed SF captured on large horse farms primarily have evidence of recent cattle feeding. Cattle are 0.5 to 1 mi away from capture site. This appears to give evidence that SF are migrating after feeding on cattle. Horse manure may be more attractive than cattle manure for oviposition. e. Moon continued modeling first date of SF detection. Calendar date of first detection is associated with latitude. Southerly wind events were the best predictor of first SF detection. Alec Gerry (Review of Objective 1.2) a. Ferguson continued to work on immuno-marking techniques using egg proteins. Face flies emerging from marked pats were marked 77% of the time in lab assays. The marker persisted for 11 days. An additional study examined persistence of lambda-cylothrin on netting used in the field for management of face flies. This insecticide proved relative persistent (2-12 weeks). b. Watson worked on push-pull strategy to drive marked flies from swine barn treated with 3% geraniol. Work was preliminary and will continue through the coming year. c. Geden assessed the effect of trap height on the capture of house flies using a terminator jug trap. Traps closest to the ground caught the greatest number of HF. A second study examined HF attraction to fermented molasses. HF captures were reduced at fermented molasses relative to unfermented molasses. d. Gerry continued work testing a software program that would count spots on spot cards after scanning the card with a common scanner. e. Zurek used DNA fingerprinting to examine HF dispersal from cattle feedlots to nearby urban areas. Found that HFs throughout the region were genetically similar indicating significant genetic exchange. Also found that antibiotic resistant bacteria were readily moved by HF from feedlots to urban sites > 3 km away. Ludek Zurek (Review of Objective 2) a. Talley and Gerry published work on filth fly association with E. coli in lettuce and spinach fields. High prevalence E. coli O157 in filth flies captured in lettuce fields. Expose e. coli carrying flies to spinach plants and plants would become inoculated with e. coli. b. Shuster and collaborators examined E. coli bioluminescent protein using biophotomic system with E. coli inoculated into autoclaved manure to track bacteria in larvae developed in inoculated manure. House fly larvae were ingesting E. coli bacteria in the manure. Bioluminescent marker may be another useful technique to look at the ecology of bacteria in relation to flies as mechanical vectors. c. Moon inoculated pigs with Porcine Respiratory Virus (PRRSV) and found house flies in the same pig house containing PRRSV. On some occasions, flies were also found infected with PRRSV in an adjacent pig facility (120 m away). Pigs in the adjacent facility also become infected with PRRSV. d. Zurek examined the transfer of resistant genes from resistant to susceptible bacteria within the house fly. This transfer occurred frequently in flies infected with both bacteria. Second study looked at microbes from waste water treatment facilities. Waste sludge is attractive to flies. Bacteria in the sludge is showing up in house flies and there may be some movement of these flies to restaurants 1 or more km away. Third study examined whether house flies can contaminate cattle feed (steam flaked corn) which in turn may infect cattle across the feed lot. Fourth study examined whether infection of house fly larvae on E. coli inoculated manure differed when the manure was sterilized or not. Preliminary data shows that E. coli inoculation of house flies is higher on sterilized manure with E. coli than on manure containing many other natural bacteria (unsterilized manure). E. coli in pupae is high, but E. coli in adults is very low indicating that emerging adults have lost their E. coli contaminants with most of the bacteria probably left in the puparium space. Alec Gerry (Review of objective 3.1 - for Lane Foil) a. Foil tested repellency of lambda-cyhaolothrin to SF resting on treated cloth targets (TT). SF were not repelled and rested on TT > 30 sec resulting in sufficient exposure for mortality. b. Foil demonstrated that SF near cattle were older than SF captured away from cattle. Host fidelity? c. Foil examined TT efficacy and determined that 1 TT per acre was an appropriate trap density. The presence of steers in test pastured significantly increased TT capture. d. Brewer and Boxler estimated control efficacy using the TT system in an open pasture setting. There was no reduction in SF between treated and untreated pastures - perhaps related to low density of traps. TT treated with lambda-cyhaolothrin were still efficacious in lab studies following up to 82 days of field exposure. Phil Kaufman (Review of objective 3.2) a. Watson examined fly production in swine hoop barns. Beneficials present but not keeping flies below threshold levels. b. Moon examined house fly production in calf pens with different media. Straw bedding produced many more house flies relative to saw dust and shavings. The only beneficials captured from this site were Spalangia spp. c. Geden examined the parasitoid species attacking HF in Denmark. Sentinel bag captures. Common parasitoids were Nasonia vitripennis and Aphaereta minuta (a braconid). Could not find Tachinaephagus or Trichopria. Second study examined salivary gland hyperplasia virus (SGH) in different fly species and found only HF are fully susceptible. SF mortality was high following infection. SGH virus appears to be found worldwide. Examining means of transmitting virus to uninfected flies. d. Kaufman examined fly parasitism at horse farms in Florida. Most common parasites were Spalangia spp. (cameroni and nigroaenea). e. Rutz used a Beauveria product (BalEnce) on dairy farms. No impact on fly populations. Similar results in 2008 using Beauveria bait. f. Loftin developed outputs of S-IPM funded project including a Moodle course to teach a course in fly IPM. g. Geden examined sugar/imidacloprid mixture applied to camo netting placed around an attractive source. Next study looked at application of pyriproxifen to adult mosquitoes moving the product to larval sites. h. Gerry examined acidification of larval habitats to control larval flies. Acidification was shown to kill larval flies. i. Li conducted lab bioassays with tolfenpyrad for control of horn, stable, and house flies. This product had LD values close to permethrin. j. Li, Olafson, Shuster, Swiger will be looking at insecticide use and resistance in cattle feed lots in Texas. k. Gerry examined house fly resistance to imidacloprid and found that very high doses were ineffective to kill resistant populations. Choice studies showed that behavioral resistance was at least as important as physiological resistance. l. Ferguson examined resistance to cyfluthrin and cyhaolotrhin of house and face flies. Significant resistance was shown to both with resistance higher in house flies. m. Kaufman examined susceptibility of stable flies in Florida and found moderate resistance of flies at the UF dairy as well as nearby horse farms. Using diagnostic doses, the horse farms had good survival of stable flies at the 1X and 3X diagnostic doses. Second study attempted to select resistance in susceptible SF colonies. Selected SF over multiple generations by selecting at 70% mortality. An examination of the genetic mechanism for this resistance showed a genetic change to acquire a kdr mutation (leucine to histidine). The dairy farm in Fl also showed a lack of homozygous susceptible alleles. n. Scott examined the insecticide susceptibility of HF from multiple locations nationally for multiple chemicals. Susceptibility patterns varied by state. Sodium channel mutation (kdr) frequencies were examined with variation again by state for kdr and super-kdr mutations. Metabolism mutations are widespread. Both genes are often common in the same population. 1500 - Objective groups discussed critical needs remaining to be addressed in their objective areas and identify project participants to address these needs. Funding sources discussed. 1700 - Meeting adjourned for the day January 14, 2010 0800 - Meeting brought to order 0820 - Transfer of S-1030 Leadership (Justin Talley takes Chair position) 0825 - Suggested date for 2011 meeting is 12-13 January 2010 in San Antonio, TX. Hosts will be the USDA Cattle Fever Tick Laboratory. 0830 - Rick Meyer: Uncertainty in how the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is shaping up. It looks like their will be 4 divisions (institutes) within NIFA. RFA for the AFRI programs should be out by the end of January, with CAR and RAMP programs coming out in the next few months. CAR/RAMP would like to see more Education/Extension proposals. Rick indicated that he could arrange for Dan Cotton from eXtension to attend the next multi-state meeting to discuss opportunities with this group. Lots of discussion about how we might collaborate with eXtension and develop a pictorial key to arthropods including IPM information on these pests. 0900 - Rick Roeder: Discussed the need to start thinking about a development committee for the next multi-state project. January 2011 need to put the development committee together. 0930 - Bill Donahue: Spoke about industry collaboration with researchers and some of the needs of industry that we might be able to support. The group indicated that we appreciated the participation of industry and would welcome future industry participation. 1000 - Objective groups gathered again to discuss specific projects for the next year and develop collaborations to develop proposals. 1100 - Objective groups presented their goals for the next year including proposal concepts and possible funding sources. Participants with project ideas developed collaborations with other participants interested in the same project goals. 1200 - Meeting adjourned.


Objective 1: Characterize dispersal and population biology of stable flies and house flies and develop monitoring methods for use in indoor and outdoor environments. Subobjective 1: Characterize stable fly origins and dispersal a. Larval habitats of stable flies. Stable flies developed best in laboratory media but oviposition on alfalfa media was higher in the field than oviposition on laboratory media. b. Climatic factors affecting stable fly populations. Degree day development of stable flies is currently being examined seasonally at numerous locations across the county in order to model development under varying environmental conditions. This work will continue through summer 2010. c. Dispersal of Stable Flies. Stable flies captured on large horse farms in Florida have evidence of recent cattle feeding, with few apparently biting the nearby horses. Cattle are 0.5 to 1 mi away from capture site, providing evidence that stable flies are dispersing after feeding on cattle. Horse manure may be more attractive than cattle manure for oviposition resulting in the accumulation of stable flies on the horse farms. d. Overwintering dynamics of stable fly throughout the USA. First emergence of stable flies was noted in May using emergence traps placed at cattle hay circles, with a single emergence peak generally in mid-June. Alsynite traps were used to monitor adult stable fly abundance and showed two peaks; the first peak was associated with the mid-June emergence from the hay circles, while the second adult abundance peak must be due to stable fly development at unknown sites or to immigration of stable flies. In the Midwest, southerly wind events were the best predictor of first detection of adult stable flies, and the calendar date of first detection was associated with latitude. Subobjective 2: Improve understanding of house fly dispersal and behavior, and develop methods for monitoring them in indoor and outdoor environments. a. Trapping Methods. Trap height was assessed on the capture of house flies using a Terminator jug trap, with traps closest to the ground catching the greatest number of house flies. House fly attraction to fermented molasses was evaluated given past results showing positive response to unfermented molasses. However, relative to unfermented molasses, the number of house flies captured using fermented molasses was reduced. b. Dispersal and Behavior. Immuno-marking techniques were evaluated for marking face flies (should also work for house flies) using egg proteins to mark flies emerging from treated manure. The marker persisted on marked flies for up to 11 days, certainly long enough for mark-release-recapture studies. DNA fingerprinting was used to examine house fly dispersal from cattle feedlots to nearby urban areas. It was discovered that house flies throughout the region were genetically similar, indicating significant genetic exchange and thus dispersal between rural and urban environments. It was also noted that antibiotic resistant bacteria were being readily moved by house flies from feedlots to urban sites > 3 km away. Objective 2: Establish extent of fly-borne dispersal of human and animal pathogens a. Human Pathogens. Work continues on the role that filth flies might play with transmitting human pathogenic bacteria to leafy green vegetables. It was noted that there was a high prevalence of E. coli O157 in filth flies captured in lettuce fields at a California field site. Laboratory studies showed that flies exposed to E. coli O157 could inoculate spinach plants with the bacteria when placed into a container with the plants. Biophotonics may be a useful real-time model to evaluate the ecology of bacteria in relation to flies as mechanical vectors. In one laboratory study, E. coli which had been transformed with the XEN-14 plasmid was inoculated into autoclaved manure to confirm that house fly larvae were ingesting and retaining E. coli. Ingestion of the bacteria was noted using the real time model of biophotonic's; which detects bacterial presence based upon the emission of photons from the transformed bacteria (E. coli). Under laboratory conditions, the transfer of resistant genes from resistant to susceptible bacteria within the house fly was evaluated. This transfer occurred frequently in flies infected with both bacteria. Recombination events may occur commonly between bacteria being harbored by house flies; perhaps this is one of the mechanisms for the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance genes in bacteria associated with animal agriculture. Perhaps not surprisingly, waste sludge was shown to be attractive to flies, and bacteria in waste sludge can be found associated with flies captured in the vicinity of the waste with some indication that these bacteria may be transported to restaurants 1 or more km away from the waste sludge site. A related study showed that inoculation of house flies with pathogenic bacteria like E. coli is decreased when flies make contact with manure containing many natural bacteria relative to manure that has been sterilized and inoculated with the same amount of E. coli. Larval feeding on the E. coli results in contamination of the pupae, but the bacteria is lost during adult eclosion, so adults must contact infectious material to pick up new pathogenic bacteria. b. Animal Pathogens. Pigs inoculated with Porcine Respiratory Virus (PRRSV) were capable of transmitting the virus to house flies in the same pig house. On some occasions, house flies were also found infected with PRRSV in an adjacent pig facility (120 m away), with pigs in the adjacent facility also becoming infected with PRRSV. This study provides additional evidence that flies are capable of harboring, dispersing, and transmitting pathogenic organisms under natural conditions. Objective 3. Improve management tactics for stable flies and house flies. a. Biological Control. The parasitoid species attacking house flies in Denmark were examined using sentinel bags of fly pupae placed at animal facilities throughout the country. Common parasitoids that emerged from the fly pupae were Nasonia vitripennis and Aphaereta minuta (a braconid). Neither Tachinaephagus nor Trichopria spp. were recovered from sentinel pupae. In contrast, the most common fly parasites in Florida and Minnesota, USA were Spalangia cameroni and Spalangia nigroaenea. Fly susceptibility to salivary gland hyperplasia virus (SGH) was determined for different fly species, with only house flies being fully susceptible. Stable fly mortality was high following infection. Surveys for this virus proved that SGH virus could be found worldwide. Field trials using a fungal (Beauveria) product (BalEnce) on dairy farms, failed to produce any measureable reduction in fly numbers. These results mirrored those in a 2008 field trial using Beauveria bait. b. Chemical control. Electrocution techniques were used to determine if stable flies would land on and remain on cloth targets for a long enough time to absorb a lethal dose from an insecticide impregnated surface. In a series of two experiments, a half blue and half black (UK) 1 m2 target constructed of trigger cotton poplin in an electrocution device (UK grid) was determined to be acceptable for development studies. In the first experiment, an average of 350 stable flies per hr (maximum 794 flies in 1 hr) was collected using the UK grid. A time-delayed circuit trial using untreated UK grids demonstrated that stable flies remained on the targets for at least 30 seconds. Two experiments were conducted with time-delayed circuits and UK grids treated with 0.1% lambda-cyhalothrin and showed that the treated targets (TT) were not repellent. The number of flies collected with UK grids was 6.1-fold higher than that for Alsynite trap (AT) in two experiments. Studies were conducted to determine the influence of weather, time, fabric type, insecticide type, and insecticide concentration on the mortality of stable flies from a susceptible laboratory colony exposed for 30 sec to TT. We found that 100% of the flies exposed to trigger targets that were treated with 0.1% lambda-cyhalothrin and placed outdoors in Gainesville, FL, for up to three months, were dead within 30 min of exposure. The results of this study support the concept that TT can be developed for stable fly control. The question of how many targets will be needed to protect livestock in different pasture sizes will be the foremost issue. Gou et al (1998) made the observation that Alsynite traps (AT) caught significantly more stable flies when they were proximal to cattle pens. We have made similar observations. The number and sex ratio of adult stable flies collected on electrocution grids placed near and away from cattle was determined. Two UK grids were set up in a 64 m x 316.2 m pasture; one grid was positioned in the center of the pasture; the second grid was placed along the fence line approximately 75 m away. The grids were run for a 30 min period in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Twenty cows were held near the grid placed in the center of the pasture in morning, and then near the grid at the fence line in the afternoon. The mean number of flies killed on grids near cattle (510.5 ± 16.5) versus on grids away from cattle (120.5± 23.5) was significantly different (paired t-test, t = 54.86, P = 0.01), and the ratio of females increased from 34% female: 66% male when cattle were absent to 44% female: 56% male when cattle were present. Stable flies were also collected at the same time with AT placed in pastures near cattle and without cattle and the age of 30 male and 30 female from each collection was determined. Pterin concentration in fly heads was measured using methods described by Butler et al. (2009). The mean age in days for females and males collected near cattle was 6.57 ± 0.85 and 6.39 ± 1.13, respectively; the age for females and males collected away from cattle was 1.98 ± 0.42 and 3.78 ± 1.03, respectively. These data suggest that there is a significant population of older flies in close association with livestock. There could be several explanations that would explain this phenomenon including: 1) older flies have obtained multiple bloodmeals and are more fit to find and attack cattle 2) the flies remain close to the cattle after they have had a successful bloodmeal 3) the flies leave after a bloodmeal but return to the same pastures later. Blue-black targets with Alsynite traps (UKAT) were placed around pastures of different sizes to determine if more flies could be attracted when cattle were present. No difference in the number of flies captured was observed when the cattle were present in 10 acre pastures, but capture increased in smaller 1 to 5 acre pastures when cattle were present. We intend to repeat these studies, but our data indicate that four TT could be used in 3-4 acre pastures to affect a high number of flies associated with the cattle. For now, a TT per acre would be a good starting place for demonstration studies. The distance between the cattle and the targets is likely the most important variable, and to be effective the targets should never be more than 100 meters from the cattle. Future studies are planned to test that hypothesis. A short trial at the end of the stable fly season evaluated treated targets (TT) to protect cattle from stable fly attack. Two groups of steers in an intensive grazing experiment being conducted by another researcher using 1.5 acre pastures were used. The average number of stable flies per leg pretreatment was 12 to 17, and both groups were exhibiting bunching behavior and not grazing. Four treated targets were deployed around one group and four untreated targets around the other. The fly populations were fluctuating due to the time of year, but the number of flies on the cattle with TT dropped to zero flies after 8 days and averaged less than one per leg for the next five days. This reduction was associated with a lack of bunching and defensive behavior. The average number of flies per leg on the control group was 6, 1, 7 and 10 on days 8, 10, 11 and 13, respectively, and there was continued defensive behavior and occasional bunching. The use of TT traps in large open pasture lands in Nebraska failed to reduce stable fly numbers, perhaps due to low trap density as the TT with lambda-cyhalothrin were still efficacious in lab studies for up to 82 days of field exposure. Similarly, lambda-cyhalothrin proved persistent for up to 12 weeks on insect netting maintained under field conditions during summer in the state of Washington. An acidifier, sodium bisulfate (SBS), used to reduce odors associated with animal manures was evaluated as a means of chemical control of larval house flies. The addition of SBS to manure resulted in a dramatic drop in manure pH, resulting in a reduction in available bacteria following by a reduction in the number of flies developing in the manure. c. Insecticide Resistance Management. A new compound, tolfenpyrad was used in susceptibility assays for control of horn, stable, and house flies. LD values for this product were similar to those for permethrin. Field populations of house flies were shown to be resistant to imidacloprid in California, and cyfluthrin and cyhalothrin in Washington state. Choice feeding studies showed that flies were exhibiting a behavioral resistance to imidacloprid in addition to a weaker physiological resistance. House fly susceptibility to insecticides varied by state, but resistance was noted nationally to a number of insecticides from a variety of chemical classes. Sodium channel mutation (kdr) frequencies were examined with variation again by state for kdr and super-kdr mutations. Metabolism mutations are also widespread, and often found in conjunction with kdr mutations in the same fly population. Stable flies were also shown to be resistant to permethrin in Florida, with evidence that resistance in these flies is similarly due to a kdr mutation.



Research Publications Ahmad, A. and L. Zurek (2009). Evaluation of metaflumizone granular bait for management of house flies. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 23: 167-169. Akhtar, M., H. Hirt, and L. Zurek (2009). Horizontal transfer of the tetracycline resistance gene tetM mediated by pCF10 among Enterococcus faecalis in the house fly alimentary canal. Microbial Ecology 58: 509-518. Arika, C., J. L. Nieber, D. L. Wyse and R. D. Moon. 2009. Implementation of methodology for weed management practices - Phase II. Final report. Minnesota Department of Transportation, Research Services Section. 95 pp. Ascunce, M. S., S. Yang, C.J. Geden and D.D. Shoemaker. 2009. Twenty-three new microsatellite loci in the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae). Mol. Ecol. Resources 9, 271273. Berkebile, D.R., Weinhold, A.P., Taylor, D.B. 2009. A New Method for Collecting Clean Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Pupae of Known Age. Southwestern Entomologist. 34: 469-476. Burrus, R.G., J.A. Hogsette and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Prevalence and population dynamics of Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on north central Florida dairy farms. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, French Lick, IN. Butler, S.M., R.D. Moon, N.C. Hinkle, J.G. Millar, J.S. McElfresh and B.A. Mullens. 2009. Characterization of age and cuticular hydrocarbon variation in mating pairs of house fly, Musca domestica, collected in the field. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 23: 426-442. Calvo, M.S., A. C. Gerry, J. McGarvey, T. L. Armitage, F. M. Mitloehner. 2010. Acidification of calf bedding reduces fly development and bacterial abundance. Journal of Dairy Science. 93:1059-1064. Crane, D. M. and R. D. Moon. 2010. Checklist of mosquitoes in Savanna Portage State park, north central Minnesota. J. Am. Mosq. Control. Assoc. submitted. Geden, C. J., D. E. Szumlas and T.W. Walker. 2009. Evaluation of commercial and field-expedient baited traps for house flies, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Vector Ecol. 34(1): 99-103. Geden, C. J. and R.D. Moon. 2009. Host ranges of gregarious muscoid fly parasitoids: Muscidifurax raptorellus (Kogan and Legner) (Hymenoptera: Pteromlaidae), Tachinaephagus zealandicus Ashmead (Hymenopter: Encyrtidae), and Trichopria nigra (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae). Environ. Entomol. 38(3): 700-707. Gerry A, Zhang D. 2009. Behavioral resistance of house flies, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) to Imidacloprid. Army Med Dept J. July-September 2009: 54-59. Hamm, R. L., Gao, J.-R., Lin, G. G.-H. and Scott, J. G. 2009. Selective advantage for IIIM males over YM males in competition over 12 generations in Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) Environ. Entomol. 38: 499-504. Hamm, R. L. and Scott, J. G. 2009. A high frequency of male determining factors in male house flies, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), from Ipswich, Australia. J. Med. Entomol. 46: 169-172. Higginbotham, G. E., L. N. Pereira, and A. C. Gerry. 2009. Improving IPM of house flies at commercial dairy operations through pest monitoring and determination of nuisance threshold. J. Dairy Sci. 92: 413, E-Suppl. 1. Hoffmann, W. C., M. Farooq, T. W. Walker, B. Fritz, D. Szumlas, B. Quinn, U. R. Bernier, J. A. Hogsette, Y. Lan, and Y. Huang. 2009. Canopy penetration and deposition of barrier sprays from electrostatic and conventional sprayers. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assn. 25: 323-331. Kaufman, P.E. and C.J. Geden. 2009. Development of Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenopter: Pteromalidae) on live and freeze-killed house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae. Florida Entomologist, 92: 492-496. Kaufman, P.E., S. Nunez, R.S. Mann, C.J. Geden and M.E. Scharf. 2010. Nicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticide resistance in house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) collected from Florida dairies. Pest Management Science 66: 290-294. Kaufman, P. E. and C. J. Geden. 2009. Development of Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenopter: Pteromalidae) on live and freeze-killed house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae. Florida Entomologist 92: 492-496 Kaufman, P. E., S. Nunez, R. S. Mann, C. J. Geden and M. E. Scharf. 2010. Nicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticide resistance in house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) collected from Florida dairies. Pest Manag Sci 66: (in press) Kozaki, T., Brady, S. and Scott, J. G. 2009. Frequencies and evolution of organophosphate insensitive acetylcholinesterase alleles in laboratory and field populations of the house fly, Musca domestica L. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 95: 6-11. Lee, K. V., R. D. Moon, E. C. Burkness, W. D. Hutchison, and M. Spivak. 2010. Practical sampling plans for Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies and apiaries. J. Econ. Entomol. accepted, in revision. Lietze, V.U., K. Simms, T. Z. Salem, C. J. Geden, and D. G. Boucias. 2009. Transmission of MdSGHV among adult house flies, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae), occurs via oral secretions and excreta. J. Invertebrate Pathol. 101:49-55. Moon, R. D. 2009. Chapt. 16. Muscid flies (Muscidae) (revised), pp. 267287 in: Mullen, G. and L. Durden (eds.), Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2nd ed., Academic Press, NY. 720 pp. Moon, R. D. 2010. Design of tables and figures for display of scientific data. Chapter 2, in Scientific Communication for Natural Resource Professionals, American Fisheries Society, in revision. Paluch, G., J. Coats, J. Zhu and L. Bartholomay. Amyris and Siam-wood Essential Oils: Insect Activity of Sesquiterpenes 2009. American Chemistry Society. pp 1-16. Pitkin A, Deen J, Otake S, Moon R, Dee S. 2009. Further assessment of houseflies (Musca domestica) as vectors for the mechanical transport and transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus under field conditions. Can J Vet Res. 73(2):91-96. Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, J.E. Maruniak and S.A. TenBroeck. 2009. Identification of blood meals from stable flies collected at four equine facilities. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, French Lick, IN. Prompiboon P, Lietze VU, Denton JS, Geden CJ, Steenberg T, Boucias DG. 2010. Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus, a globally distributed insect virus that infects and sterilizes female houseflies. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76: 994-998 Rochon, K., R. B. Baker, G. W. Almond and D. W. Watson. Assessment of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) as a Vector of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. J. Med. Entomol.** Romero, A., J. A. Hogsette and A. Coronado. 2010. Distribution and abundance of natural parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) populations of house flies and stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) at the University of Florida Dairy Research Unit. Neotropical Entomol. (Accepted Dec, 2009). Scott, J. G., Liu, N., Kristensen, M. and Clark, A. G. 2009. A case for sequencing the genome of the house fly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Med. Entomol. 46: 175-82. Talley J., A. Broce, and L. Zurek (2009). Characterization of the stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae) larval developmental habitat at round hay bale feeding sites. Journal of Medical Entomology 46: 1310-1319 Talley, J. L., A. C. Wayadande, L. P. Wasala, A. C. Gerry, J. Fletcher, U. DeSilva, and S. E. Gilliland. 2009. Association of Escherichia coli O157:H7 with filth flies (Muscidae and Calliphoridae) captured in leafy greens fields and experimental transmission of E. coli O157:H7 to spinach leaves by house flies (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Food Protection. 72(7): 1547-1552. Taylor, D. B., R. D. Moon and D. R. Mark. 2010. Economic impact of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on cattle production. J. Med. Entomol submitted. Taylor, D. B., R. D. Moon, J. B. Campbell, D. R. Berkebile, P. J. Scholl, A. B. Broce and J. Hogsette. 2010. Dispersal of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) from larval development sites in a Nebraska landscape. Environ. Entomol. submitted. Zhu, Junwei J., X. Zeng, D. Berkebile, H. Du, Y. Tong, and K. Qian. Efficacy and safety of catnip (Nepeta cataria) as a novel filth fly repellent. 2009 Medical and Veterinary Entomology 23:209-216. Extension Publications: Berkebile, D. and D. Taylor. 2009. Comparison of developmental substrates of the immature stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans). Poster presentation. ESA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. December 12-16. Gerry, A. C. 2009. Attraction of house flies to homopteran honeydew. MVCAC Quarterly Newsletter, Spring 2009. Gerry, A. C. and B. A. Mullens. 2009. Efficacy of dimilin for control of house flies in poultry and dairy manure, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests. In Press. Gerry, A. C. and D. Zhang. 2009a. House fly resistance to imidacloprid in California, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests. 34:K1. Gerry, A. C. and D. Zhang. 2009b. House fly resistance to permethrin in California, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests. 34:K2. Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Animals: Fly Control in Livestock Facilities. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 740-741. Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Beef Cattle External Parasite and Grub Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 742-756. Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Dairy Cattle External Parasite and Cattle Grub Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 757-771. Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Cattle Ear Tags. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 772. Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Swine - External Parasite Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 773-776. Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Horses - External Parasite Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 777-779. Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Fly Control in Horse Facilities. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 779-780. Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Sheep and Goats - External Parasite Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 781-782. Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Poultry - Fly Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 783-785. Hogsette, J.A., P.G. Koehler and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Pesticide Safety Around Animals. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 4 pp. DLN: IG128 (Revised). Juneau, K.J. and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Little Blue Cattle Louse, Solenopotes capillatus (Enderlein) (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Anoplura: Linognathidae). Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 4 pp. EENY-422 (IN798). Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. External Parasites Around Animal Facilities. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 10 pp. DLN: IG054 (Revised). Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. External Parasites of Dairy Cattle. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 24 pp. DLN: IG050 (Revised). Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. External Parasites on Beef Cattle. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 24 pp. DLN: IG130 (Revised). Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. External Parasites on Horses. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 24 pp. DLN: IG139 (Revised). Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. Management of External Parasites with Forced-Use Dust Bags. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 7 pp. DLN: IG135 (Revised). Koehler, P.G. and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Horn Flies. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 3 pp. DLN: IG137 (Revised). Talley, J.L. 2009. Fly Control for Suburban or Small Acreage Horse Owners. Stillwater, OK: EPP-7018. 4 pp. Talley, J.L. and D. Sparks. 2009. External Parasites of Goats. Stillwater, OK: EPP-7019. 8 pp. Watson, D. W. and S. M. Stringham 2009. Fly and Fire Ant Management Strategies. Franklin Co. Nov. 20, 2009 Watson, D. W. and S. M. Stringham 2009. Pasture Pest Control Strategies. Bladen Co. Dec. 1, 2009 Watson, D. W. and S. M. Stringham 2009. Fly and Fire Ant Management in the Piedmont of NC. Lexington, NC. Dec. 9, 2009 Watson, D. W. and S. M. Stringham 2009. Pasture Fly and Fire Ant Management Strategies. Chatham Co. Dec. 11, 2009. Presentations: Burrus, R. G., Hogsette, J. A., Kaufman, P. E., Maruniak, J. E., Mai. V. and Simonne, A. H. 2009. House fly, Musca domestica, (Diptera: Muscidae) dispersal from and Escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence on dairy farms in North Central Florida. Student Competition for Presidents Prize, SVPHS: Veterinary and Stored Products Pests. Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, December 14. (First Prize Winner) Butler, S. and L. Foil. Potential use of treated targets for control of stable flies. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Indianapolis, IN. December 13, 2009. Foil, L., S. Butler, V. Hilbun and M. Becker. Evaluating the effect of target size on numbers of stable flies captured at targets: Do larger targets attract more stable flies? S-1030 Multi-state workshop. Riverside, CA. January 14, 2010. Geden, C.J. 2009. Status of our understanding of SGH virus transmission in Musca domestica. Invited presentation, IAEA Workshop, Improving SIT for Tsetse Flies through Research on their Symbionts and Pathogens, February 16-20, 2009, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Geden, C. J. 2009. Prospects for development of salivary gland hypertrophy virus of Musca domestica as a population management tool. Invited Presentation, 5th International Conference on Biopesticides: Stakeholders' Perspectives, New Delhi, India, April 26-30, 2009. Geden, C. J. 2009. Fly control update - treated targets and traps, Florida Mosquito Control Association Fall Meeting, Nov 8-11, 2009, Tampa, FL. Geden, C. J. 2009. Attractants, traps, treated targets and insecticides for fly control, Sixth Annual Review of the Deployed War Fighter Protection Research Program, Dec 1-3, 2009, College Station TX. Gerry, A. C. Manure management considerations relative to house fly production. Western Dairy Air Quality Symposium. Albuquerque, NM. March 24, 2009. Gerry, A. C. About those flies & Canyon fly ecology. Santa Lucia Conservancy, Carmel, CA. May 21, 2009. Gerry, A. C. Highlights in veterinary entomology. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Indianapolis, IN. December 13, 2009. Gerry, A. C. and Zhang, D. Behavioral resistance to insecticides exhibited by house flies. Annual Meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA. March 29, 2009. Higginbotham, G. E., L. N. Pereira, and A. C. Gerry. Improving IPM of house flies at commercial dairy operations through pest monitoring and determination of nuisance threshold. American Dairy Science Association. Montreal, Canada. July 12, 2009. Hinkle, Nancy C. 2009. Public Health Significance of Urban Pests. Georgia Pest Control Association Annual Winter Conference, Athens, GA, January 13-15, 2009. Hinkle, Nancy C. 2009. Updates on Beef Cattle Fly Control. Saluda County Cattlemen's Association, Hollywood, SC, June 8, 2009. Hinkle, Nancy C. 2009. External Parasites of Livestock in Georgia. 2009 Northeast Georgia Master Cattlemen's Program, Elberton, GA, November 9, 2009. Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Nuisance Flies and International Significance. Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Jan 22. Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Discovery of diurnal resting sites of phlebotomine sand flies in a village in southern Egypt. International Symposium of Ectoparasites of Pets, Toulouse, France, Jun 3-5. Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Stable fly biology, ecology and control. 53rd Livestock Insect Workers Conference, French Lick, IN, Jun 21-24. Hogsette, J. A. 2009. The house fly: Synanthropic behavior enhances vector competency. USDA-ARS Symposium. 113th Annual Meeting of the United States Animal Health Association and the 52nd Annual Conference of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, San Diego, CA, October 8-14. Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Air curtains for restricting mosquito and fly entry into or exit from aircraft. 81st Annual Florida Mosquito Control Meeting, Tampa, FL, Nov 2. Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Evaluation of traps for house flies, stable flies and phlebotomine sand flies in Egypt. Deployed War Fighter Protection Program Annual Review, College Station, TX, Nov 30-Dec 3. Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Nuisance flies and international (mis)-adventures. Member Symposium. Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, Dec 13-16. Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Blue and black cloth targets: status of target development and stable management programs. SVPHS Section Symposium, Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, Dec 13-16. Moon, Roger. 2009. What's the harm in a few flies? A meta-analysis of economic effects of stable flies on dairy and beef cattle. Department of Animal Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul. Moon, Roger. 2009. Dynamics in some multivoltine muscid fly populations. Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside. Moon, Roger. 2009. Overwintering dynamics of stable flies in North America. Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul. Moon, R. D, E. S. Krafsur and S. E. Weisberg. 2009. Timing of spring reappearance by stable flies in temperate North America. Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. Moon, Roger and D. E. Taylor. 2009. Economic impact of stable flies on cattle production. Section symposium, Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. 15 December. Moon, Roger and D. E. Taylor. 2009. Overwintering and spring dispersal of stable flies. Section symposium, Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. 15 December. Pitzer, J.B, P.E. Kaufman, and C. J. Geden. 2009. Hymenopteran pupal parasitoids attacking filth flies in Florida. ESA National Meeting, December 2009, Indianapolis, Indiana. Taylor, D.B. 2009. Flies in Livestock Production. Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Taylor, D.B. 2009. Evaluation of Solarization for control of stable flies in hay feeding circles. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, French Lick, IN. Taylor, D.B., R.D. Moon. 2009. Economic Impact of Stable Flies. In Symposium Celebration of Entomology: Advances in Stable Fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) Research. Entomological Society of America Meeting. Indianapolis, IN December 2009. Wasik, D. and A. C. Gerry. House fly behavioral resistance to imidacloprid. Southern California Conference of Undergraduate Research. Northridge, CA. November 12, 2009. Zhu, J. 2009. ESA, Section Symposium, Celebration of Entomology-Advances in stable fly research, titled - "New advances in stable fly chemical ecology and its potential practical control". Zhu, J. 2009. 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Chemical Ecology, Oct. 26-30 (Honolulu, Hawaii). Symposium, Semiochemical research and application in agriculture, Forestry, Urban, Veterinary and Military uses titled "Development of novel strategies for integrated biting fly management". Media Contacts: Jarzen, D. and J. Hogsette. 2009. A novel approach to fly control. Equus. Issue 381 (June 2009): 18. Thomas, H. S. Flies and Bugs, & The Horse. January 1, 2009. (
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