Broce, Alberto ( - Kansas State University; Byford, Ron ( - New Mexico State University; Campbell, Jack ( - University of Nebraska; Cilek, James ( - Florida A & M University; Foil, Lane ( - Louisiana State University; Geden, Chris ( - USDA, ARS, CMAVE; Gerry, Alec ( - University of California-Riverside; Hinkle, Nancy ( - University of Georgia; Kaufman, Phillip ( - Cornell University; Jones, Carl ( - University of Tennessee; Meyer, Rick ( - USDA, CSREES; Moon, Roger ( - University of Minnesota; Roeder, Richard ( - University of Arkansas; Rutz, Don ( - Cornell University; Schuster, Greta ( - West Texas A&M University; Talley, Justin - Kansas State University; Taylor, David ( - USDA, ARS, MLIRU; Watson, Wes ( - North Carolina State University
January 6, 2005
Call to order by Dave Taylor.
Comments from Local Arrangements Committee - Lane Foil welcomed the group, made general comments about the hotel, the meeting room charges, and the Baton Rouge area.
Comments from CSREES representative - Rick Meyer updated the group on CSREES info; talked about CSREES web design project; announcement for RFA for upcoming projects; check REEUSDA to check on funding opportunities, RAMP, etc.
Comments from Administrative Advisor - Rick Roeder, University of Arkansas, talked about project reviews and need to begin writing project to replace S-1005.
S-1005 Project Reports
Objective 1 - Phil Kaufman discussed winter survival in NY, Stable flies collected in 8 of 10 emergence traps placed April 13 & removed July 15. Roger Moon questioned if timing was adequate to show overwintering. Alberto Broce presented some estimates of stable fly biting intensity in field for use in getting IAUC approval for projects. He estimated that 1 fly per front leg equaled 67 flies / hour. Observations of 60 flies / calf give field biting rate of 4020 / animal / hour. Alberto Broce also discussed a grant proposal on origin of spring stable fly populations: overwintering vs migration. Proposed locations were discussed, NM & TX (2 locations), LA, IA, TN, IN & NY. were suggested. Interested parties included Campbell, Schuster, Williams, Moon, Geden, Rutz, Taylor, Kaufman, Cilek, Byford, Jones & Foil. Broce will coordinate. Alberto Broce discussed the round bale meeting held at KSU.
January 7th
Meeting reconvened at 8:00 AM
Report from committee charged with formulating replacement project (Wes Watson, Alec Gerring, Ralph Williams, Lane Foil, Roger Moon & David Taylor). Dave Taylor gave report. Committee suggested one project be put forward to replace both S-1005 & S-1006. Tentative title Flies impacting livestock, poultry and food safety. Project to incude stable flies, house flies and horn flies. Areas of research to include movement, impact and management. A writing committee was formed (Taylor, Broce, Foil, Moon, Rutz, Watson & Gerry). Deadlines for phases of writing were established resulting in completion by LIWC meeting, June 19, 2005.
Objective 2 - Roger Moon discussed Mead 2004 dispersal study. Hay debris piles were marked with fluorescent powders and flies were trapped with Broce traps. A possible correlation between distance moved and proximity of hosts was observed. Moon suggested 2005 study examine this possibility. Campbell, Broce, Schuster, Geden, Taylor & Moon interested in 2005 study.
Taylor read report from Elliot Krafsur on variation in Cytochrome oxidase I mitochondrial gene in stable flies from Russia, Kazakhstan & US. High levels of variation were observed in this gene.
Campbell presented results of mark-recapture study in Nebraska sand hills.
Objective 3 -
Part 1 - Alberto Broce - Justin Talley presented data on 2 types of hay feeders, "round" & "cone." Less waste with "cones" but did not appear to reduce stable fly production. Stable fly numbers appeared to be correlated with coliform bacteria.
Part 2 - Jack Campbell - Automated sprayer did not work well, working on modifying design. Lane Foil - Tested target traps for stable flies. 350 stable flies / hour landed on blue / black tarps. Alsynite, Nzi and Target traps were compared. Target traps were most efficient, collected 40 times more flies than Nzi. Cotton Nzi traps were better than polyester traps. Trigger-royal blue best blue. Flies remain on targets for about 30 seconds. Jerry Hogsette tested effects of weathering on insecticide impregnated targets.
Dave Taylor presented results of comparison between 6 types of traps Farnam clear plastic, Farnam clear plastic with alsynite, Olson, Broce Farnam yellow plastic & Nzi, for catching stable flies. Farnam clear plastic traps with and without alsynite collected most flies, but are expensive. Foil indicated that experimental design may have impacted Nzi trap collections.
Phil Kaufman presented data on comparison of Nzi, HorsePal and EPPS traps. Nzi gave best results followed by HorsePal.
Part 3 - Dave Taylor - Reported results of molecular comparison of several Spalangia species. Identity of Spalangia nigroaenea colonies from Russia & Kazakhstan appears to be in doubt. Gary Gibson is doing morphological comparison with types. Taylor requested field collected fly pupae be sent to him for parasitoid systematics studies.
Chris Geden reported results of work indicating parasitoids attracted by host odors. Also discussed competitive interactions of different parasitoid species and effects of Wolbachia infection on parasitoid viability.
Part 4 - No report.
Part 5 - No report.
Committee Business New officers took office at conclusion of meeting. Roger Moon is new Chair, Chris Geden will be new secretary.
Next meeting will be in Amarillo Texas, tentative dates January 5-6, 2006.
Objective 1. Identify, characterize and rank developmental habitats of stable flies and assess their over wintering success in those habitats Group Leader Jerry Hogsette, USDA, ARS, CMAVE
Kansas State U. Twenty bacterial strains were isolated from larval substrates at winter feeding sites of hay in round bales. Strains were identified using 16S rDNA sequences. Isolates included species of Proteus, Aeromonas, Citrobacter, Providencia, Serratia, Shewanella, Comamonas, Bacillus, Enterococcus, and Flavobacterium. Most isolates stimulated oviposition in bioassay. However, only Citrobacter stimulated oviposition to the same degree as the natural substrate. Citrobacter also elicited the best larval development.
ARS-MLIRU A series of emergence traps were maintained on a round bale feeding site to monitor stable fly emergence. Emergence peaked in mid-June along with the adult population. Very few flies emerged from the site after mid-July.
Objective 2 Assess dispersal by stable flies on local and regional scales
Part 1: Local Dispersal. Group leader Roger Moon, University of Minnesota
U. Minnesota - A second mark-release-recapture study was completed at the University of Nebraska Agriculture Research and Development Center. Male and female stable flies dispersed evenly and in all directions from point sources. Some were captured beyond 3-4 km. Older, fed flies appeared to disperse farther than young, non-fed ones. This hypothesis needs to be tested further.
Kansas State U. - For the fourth consecutive year, stable fly populations around Manhattan, KS continued to be monitored with once or twice/week serviced alsynite cylinder traps. First flies were collected in mid-March and population peaks centered around 3 June. The normal second peak in September / October did not occur in 2004. Flies were collected through the first week of December.
Kentucky - Stable fly monitoring occurred at the University of Kentucky Spindletop research farm. Monitoring began in early April and ended in November 2002. An initial peak in the stable fly population occurred from early May to mid July, with catch rates exceeding 250 flies/day. Fly numbers declined in July and remained relatively constant until late October, with catch rates of approximately 50 flies/day. By mid November, fly catch rates dropped below one fly/day. A comparison of fly catch with air and soil temperature showed that the emergence was correlated with air/soil temperature e65ÚF. As a preliminary examination of fly migration and breeding locations, traps were located in a triangle around a suspected breeding site (round bale feeding site). A consistently lower catch rate was observed at one trap site.
ARS-MLIRU - A grid of 27 Broce traps was used to monitor stable fly populations at the University of Nebraska, Agricultural Research and Development Center. As in previous years, stable fly populations peaked in mid-June. The second population peak usually observed in September was not observed. Fly emergence from round bale hay feeding sites seemed to account for the early peak. Late season flies appeared to be associated with fields to which liquefied manure had been applied. However, we were unable to locate immature flies in these habitats.
Objective 2 Assess dispersal by stable flies on local and regional scales
Part 2: Regional Dispersal. Group leader David Taylor, USDA-ARS, Lincoln
Iowa State U. A 566 base-pair cytochrome oxidase I sequence was examined in 67 stable flies representing Ramsey, MN, Ames, IA, Sheperdstown, WV, Russia (3 locations), Kazakhstan (3 locations), Wales, UK, Somerset, UK & Berkshire, UK were examined. Diversity levels were very high, especially in USA (0.95) and Kazakhstan (0.92) followed by Russia (0.75) and United Kingdom (0.23). Some evidence of phylogeographic structure was apparent.
U. Arkansas - A simple filter-paper-based method for storage and preservation of insect DNA was evaluated using PCR. PCR amplification was successful for all of the samples regardless of the storage method. The filter paper method is a simple and economical way to store, preserve, and distribute DNA samples for PCR analysis.
Objective 3. Part 1. Source Reduction, Group Leader Alberto Broce, Kansas State University
Objective 3. Part 2. Traps and Insecticides. Group Leaders Lane Foil, Louisiana State University & Jack Campbell, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Louisiana State U. - We conducted studies to determine the influence of weather, time, fabric type, insecticide type and insecticide concentration on the mortality of stable flies from a susceptible laboratory colony exposed for 30 seconds to treated targets. Our standard polyester and cotton mix cloth was treated with three concentrations (0.0, 0.5 and 1.0 %) of lamdacyhalothrin and one concentration (0.1%) of zetacypermethrin (EC), zetacypermethrin (EW), cypermethrin (EC), and permethrin (EC). We also treated the mix, cotton and cotton canvas with 0.1% lambdacyhalothrin. A sample of each treatment was stored inside and outdoors in Gainesville, FL, for three months. An assay was conducted for each treatment at day 1 and then once per month. After three months outside, 100% of the flies exposed to the all three concentrations of lambdacyhalothrin and zetacypermethrin (EC) were dead within 30 minutes of exposure, but this was not the case for the other insecticide treatments. The same result was observed for the mix fabric, but none of the other three fabric types. In 2003, the daily capture of sticky Alsynite (Broce) traps was compared to the catch of Nzi traps made of two different types of cloth ( 100% cotton and polyester). We compared the Broce trap to the two Nzi traps in a 3X3 Latin Square design repeated 3 times at 3 sites. The mean number of flies per trap were 222.9 for the Broce, 125.1 for the cotton canvas Nzi, and 257.9 for the cotton Nzi.; the average number of stable flies per trap per day was not significantly different. In 2004, the Broce trap was compared to Nzi traps made of 3 different fabrics: polyester (the material used in the commercially available trap), 100% cotton, and trigger (35 % cotton and 65% polyester). The trap catches were lower in 2004 when compared to 2003. The mean number of flies per trap was 47 for the Broce trap, 23 for the cotton Nzi, 29 for the polyester Nzi, and 42 for the trigger Nzi. We compared the Nzi to an electric 1 m square 50% blue-50% black (UK) target, and the capture on the target was approximately twice that of the Nzi. In one study, the mean hourly catch for a UK target for 9 one-hr assays was 527 with a maximum of 1,335 per hour. That is, our targets could have a potential to eliminate over 10,000 adult stable flies per day. If insecticide impregnated targets are developed for stable fly control, we need to make certain that the insecticides to not repel flies. In 2003, we treated two UK targets with 0.1% lamda-cyhalothrin and compared them to an untreated target. One treated target and the untreated target were placed in electric grids that were run continuously and the other treated target grid was run at a 30 second on and 30 second off cycle. The targets were placed in each of 3 sites on 4 occasions. No difference in catch was observed; the mean number of flies collected per hour was 134.9 for the untreated target, 134.0 for the treated-continuous, and 101.2 for the treated-cycle. In 2004, we treated two UK targets with 0.1% lamda-cyhalothrin and compared them to two untreated targets. One treated target and one untreated target were placed in electric grids that were run continuously and the other treated and untreated target grids were run at a 30 second on and 30 second off cycle. The targets were placed in each of 4 sites on 4 occasions. No statistical difference in catch was observed; the mean number of flies collected per hour was 274 for the untreated target-continuous, 209 for the untreated-cycle, 331 for the treated-continuous, and 171 for the treated-cycle. We also compared the relative efficacy of different fabric types (cotton, dark polyester, light polyester and a cotton-polyester mix) as potential targets. The mean number of flies per target per hour was not significantly different; 63.7 for cotton, 44.4 for dark polyester, 70.3 for light polyester, and 84.3 for mix.
ARS-MLIRU Six traps for adult stable flies were compared, Broce and Olson alsynite, a clear plastic trap from Farnam with and without alsynite strips added as attractants, a yellow plastic trap from Farnam and Nzi traps. The clear plastic Farnam traps with and without alsynite strips collected approximately 250 flies / day, Olson traps collected 170 flies / day, Broce traps 75 flies / day, Nzi traps collected 15 flies / day and the yellow traps collected 3 flies / day. The sex ratio for all traps was approximately 2 males to 1 female.
Objective 3. Part 3: Biological Control Group Leaders Roger Moon, University of Minnesota & Chris Geden - USDA, ARS, CMAVE
ARS-MLIRU - The genetic similarity of New and Old World samples of three cosmopolitan Spalangia (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) species S. cameroni, S. endius and S. nigroaenea was examined using two ribosomal DNA regions. Two additional North American Spalangia species, S. drosophilae and S. nigra as well as the South American S. gemina and two species of Muscidifurax (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) were included to provide information on relative levels of divergence among recognized species. The Internal Transcribed Spacer-1 region was highly variable among Spalangia species with many insertions / deletions making alignment of the sequences difficult. The D2-D3 region of the 28s ribosomal gene and the nuclear rDNA 18s gene were more conserved and allowed for phylogenetic analysis. No genetic differentiation was observed among S. cameroni and S. endius samples from Kazakhstan, Russia and North America. New and Old World samples of S. nigroaenea were distinct. The intact ITS-1 amplicon was much larger in the New World samples, 920 bp vs 780 bp in the Old World samples. Kimura 2-parameter genetic distance between the New and Old World samples was 0.015 for the 28s region. The smallest genetic distance among recognized Spalangia species, S. endius and S. nigra was 0.037 whereas the genetic distance between the two Muscidifurax species, M. raptor and M. zaraptor was 0.004. Based upon these results, the status of S. nigroaenea as a single, cosmopolitan species, needs to be re-examined. Further samples will be needed to determine the affinities of African, Pacific and South American populations as well as elsewhere in Europe, Asia and North America. Further phylogenetic analysis of 6 Spalangia species revealed three groupins: S. cameroni and S. gemina; S. endius and S. nigra; and New and Old World populations of S. nigroaenea. The close relationship between S. endius and S. nigra differs from classifications based upon morphological characters.
Louisiana State U. - Steinernema feltiae strain SN nematodes were raised in the laboratory at the University of Arkansas on late-instar greater wax moths, Galleria mellonella (L.). In Louisiana, round hay bales had been fed to cattle over a four week period at 3 sites approximately 25 meters apart. New bales were added when needed. The resulting residues were approximately five meters in diameter. Two plots measuring 1m2 were selected at each of the sites and treatment was assigned by coin toss. Control plots were treated with 4 l of water while the treatment plots were received 4 l of water containing approximately 44,400 nematodes from Arkansas. Three emergence traps were placed on each 1x1m plot. The emergence traps were 30x30cm wooden frames covered with screened tops and a catch container. Flies were collected daily for three weeks. Throughout the post-treatment period, the average number of emerging stable flies was 13.9 and 6.7 for the control and treated areas, respectively.
Objective 3. Part 4: Wolbachia
U. Kentucky- PCR surveillance for Wolbachia bacteria was limited to flies captured in Kentucky. No infection was detected. As a positive control, all flies were amplified using 12s mitochondrial primers. Positive signals from the latter confirmed that the fly DNA was good quality and appropriate for PCR assays. The results suggest that stable fly populations in Kentucky are not naturally infected with Wolbachia. A model of Wolbachia infection dynamics in stable fly populations was improved to allow the examination of spatiality and migration rates on suppression strategies for stable fly populations.
- LSU - Insecticide impregnated targets have the potential to eliminate 10,000 stable flies / day. They may prove very useful for reducing stable fly populations, especially around confined livestock. Entomopathogenic nematodes reduced stable fly emergence by about 50%.
- Minnesota If dispersal estimated from mark-release-recapture study is correct, then breeding site reduction in an area around a herd of grazing cattle may need to extend out to a radius of 7 km. Costs and benefits of this management approach will need to be evaluated.
- Taylor - Results from Spalangia study may re-invigorate foreign exploration for beneficial parasites of North American filth flies. The trap comparison study indicated that the clear plastic Farnam traps were very effective for trapping stable flies and that alsynite inserts did not affect trapping efficiency.
- Kentucky - Dobson and colleagues developed a mathematical model of Wolbachia infections and their effects on host population size. This model demonstrates that releases of Wolbachia-infected hosts can reduce or even eliminate the targeted population. Simulations predict that this strategy will be appropriate for controlling stable flies.
- Kaufman - By determining the source of stable flies, whether it is by overwintering or migration or both, we will achieve a better understanding of how to best apply our pest management practices and strategies. The development of new strategies is critical for successful management of this damaging pest.
Boohene, C. K., C. J. Geden, and J. J. Becnel. 2003. Evaluation of remediation methods for Nosema disease in Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Environ. Entomol. 32:1146-1153.
Broce, A., J. DeRouchey, J. Harner & L. Zurek. 2004. Stable flies in pastures: Hay and round bales. Kansas State Res. & Ext. Serv. #MF 2662.
Carlson, D. A., J. A. Hoohsette, D. L. Kline,. C. J. Geden, and R. K. Vandermeer. 2005. Prevention of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) and house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) from entering simulated aircraft with commercial aair curtain units. J. Econ. Entomol. (in review).
Carlson, D. A., F. Mramba, C. J. Geden, B. D. Sutton, U. R. Bernier. 2005. Sex pheromone of the tsetse fly, Glossina austeni (Diptera: Glossinidae): isolation, identification of natural hydrocarbons and bioassay of synthesized compounds. J. Chem. Ecol. (in review).
Cilek, J. E. and D. L. Kline. 2002. Adult biting midge response to trap type, carbon dioxide, and an octenol-phenol mixture in northwestern Florida. J. American Mosq. Cont. Assoc. 18: 228-231.
Cilek, J. E. 2002. Attractiveness of beach ball decoys to adult Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Med. Entomol. 39: 127-129.
Cilek, J. E. 2003. Attraction of colored plasticized corrugated boards to adult stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae). Florida Entomologist 86: 420-423.
Dee SA, Scurrer JA, Moon RD, Fano E, Trincado C, and Pijoan C. 2004. Transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus under field conditions during a putative increase in the fly population. J. Swine Health and Prod.12: 242-245.
Foil, L., and J. Hogsette. Treated targets for stable fly control. Proc. XXII International Congress of Entomology. Brisbane, Australia. August 2004 p. 173.
Floate, K. D., T. J. Lysyk, G. A. P. Gibson, and T. Galloway. 2002. Musca domestica L., House Fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Pp. 190-195 In P. Mason and J. Huber, (Eds.). Biological control programmes against insects & mites, weeds, and pathogens in Canada 1981-2000. CABI Publishers, Wallingford, UK.
Foil, L.D. Control of mechanical transmission of agents of livestock diseases. Proc.First International Symposium on Hemoparasites and their Vectors. Caracas, Venezuela. October 2004 p 46.
Fried, J. H., D. J. Levey and J. A. Hogsette. 2004. Habitat corridors function both as drift fences and movement conduits for dispersing flies. Oecologia (accepted 15 Sep 04).
Geden, C. J. and J. A. Hogsette. 2005. Suppression of house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) in Florida poultry houses by sustained releases of Muscidifurax raptorellus and Spalangia cameroni (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Environ. Entomol. (in review).
Geden, C. J., R. D. Moon, and J. F. Butler. 2005. Host attacks and progeny production by six species of solitary fly parasitoids on pupae of house fly, horn fly, stable fly, black dump fly and a flesh fly. For Environmental Entomology. Environ Entomol (in review).
Geden, C. J. 2005. Methods for monitoring outdoor populations of house flies, Musca domestica. J. Vector Ecol. (in review).
Geden, C. J. 2003. Mass-rearing beneficial insects for biological control of flies. Proceedings, IOBC Workshop on Arthropod Mass Rearing and Quality Control, Montpellier, France.
Geden, C. J., M. A. Ferreira de Almeida and A. Pires do Prado. 2003. Effects of Nosema disease on fitness of the parasitoid Tachinaephagus zealandicus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Environ. Entomol. 32:1139-1145
Geden, C. J. and D. C. Steinkraus. 2003. Evaluation of three formulations of Beauveria bassiana for control of lesser mealworm and hide beetle in Georgia poultry houses. J. Econ. Entomol. 96: 1602-1608.
High Plains Integrated Pest Management Guide for Colorado, Western Nebraska, Montana and Wyoming. Colorado State Ext. Serv. Bull 564A. (
Holt, P. C. J. Geden, R. Moore, and R. Gast. 2005. Comparison of levels of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis contamination of flies obtained from rooms containing molted or nonmolted infected hens. Proceedings, Western Poultry Disease Conference.
Kaufman, P.E., Rutz, D. A. and Frisch, S. 2005. Large Sticky Traps for Capturing House Flies, Musca domestica, and Stable Flies, Stomoxys calcitrans, in dairy calf greenhouse facilities. J. Dairy Sci. 88: 176-181.
Lysyk, T. J. 2002. Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), Stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Pp. 250 253 In P. Mason and J. Huber, (Eds.). Biological control programmes against insects & mites, weeds, and pathogens in Canada 1981-2000. CABI Publishers, Wallingford, UK.
Lysyk, T. J. 2002. Fly Management for Feedlots. pp. 45 52 In: Beneficial Management Practices: Environmental Manual for Feedlot Producers in Alberta. Alberta Cattle Feeders Association and Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development.
Lysyk, T. J., and K. D. Floate. 2002. Haematobia irritans (L.), Horn fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Pp. 132-135 In P. Mason and J. Huber, (Eds.). Biological control programmes against insects & mites, weeds, and pathogens in Canada 1981-2000. CABI Publishers, Wallingford, UK.
Lysyk, T. J., L. D. Kalischuk-Tymensen, and L. B. Selinger. 2002. Comparison of selected growth media for culturing Serratia marcescens, Aeromonas sp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa as pathogens of adult Stomoxys calcitrans. J. Med. Entomol. 39: 89-98.
Macedo, P. 2004. Population Profiles of Stable Flies from Eastern Nebraska and the Impact of Weather Variables on Their Seasonal Trends. PhD. Dissertation. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Rochon, K., T. J. Lysyk, and L. B. Selinger. 2004. Persistence of Escherichia coli in immature house and stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae) in relation to larval growth and survival. J. Med. Entomol. 41: 1082 - 1089.
Rochon, K., T. J. Lysyk, and L. B. Selinger. 2005. Retention of Escherichia coli by house fly and stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae) during pupal metamorphosis and eclosion. J. Med. Entomol. In Press.
Schurrer, J. A., S. A. Dee, R. D. Moon, K. D. Rossow, C. Mahlum, E. Mondaca, S. Otake, E. Fano, J. E. Collins and C. Pijoan. 2004. Spatial dispersal of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus-contaminated flies after contact with experimentally infected pigs. Am. J. Vet. Res. 65: 1284-1292.
Urech, R, Green, P. E., Elson-Harris, M. M., Bright, R. L., Hogsette, J. A., Brown, G. W. Brown and Skerman, A. G. Management of nuisance flies on cattle feedlots, FLOT.306. Queensland Government, Department of Primary Industries, Yeerongpilly, Queensland, 37 pp. 2004. (Technical Bulletin)
Urech, R, Green, P. E., Elson-Harris, M. M., Bright, R. L., Hogsette, J. A., Brown, G. W. Brown and Skerman, A. G. Integrated Pest Management for nuisance flies on cattle feedlots. Queensland Government, Department of Primary Industries, Yeerongpilly, Queensland, 5 pp. 2004. (Technical Bulletin)
Urech, R, Green, P. E., Elson-Harris, M. M., Bright, R. L., Hogsette, J. A., Brown, G. W. Brown and Skerman, A. G. Nuisance flies on cattle feedlots - Key research findings. Queensland Government, Department of Primary Industries, Yeerongpilly, Queensland, 3 pp. 2004. (Technical Bulletin)
Urech, R, Green, P. E., Elson-Harris, M. M., Bright, R. L., Hogsette, J. A., Brown, G. W. Brown and Skerman, A. G. Feedlot flies - Identifying the problem and some solutions. Queensland Government, Department of Primary Industries, Yeerongpilly, Queensland, 3 pp. 2004. (Technical Bulletin)