SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Luttrell, Randy, - Arkansas; Muegge, Mark, - Texas; Shapiro-Ilan, David-USDA-ARS; Dutcher, Jim, - Georgia; Mizell, Russ, - Florida; Reid, Bill, - Kansas; Ree, Bill, - Texas; Harris, Marvin, - Texas; Cottrell, Ted, USDA-ARS ; Mulder, Phil, - Oklahoma; Hall, Mike, - Louisiana; Watson, Clarence, - Oklahoma;

Ardmore, Oklahoma
May 26, 2009
  1. Hatch funds
    1. 6% increases in funds
    2. FY10 submitted by Obama
    3. Monies go to station, but does not go directly to researchers.
    4. Knutson asked what and where funds came from.

  2. Marvin Harris commented that researchers should get together and update pecan research across the southern region.

  3. Phil Multer commented on direction of pecan research in Ok since his appt. as department head. Talking with administrators to obtain funds to fill position.

  4. Marvin Harris suggested North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama as locations to acquire new blood for the pecan group. Bill Reid and Marvin continued discussion.

  5. Bill Reid asked if any collaborative research needed to be discussed.

    1. Michael Hall discussed phyloxera research needed. Monitoring stem/leaf phyloxera and bud development and the relationship between the two. Use DD to model relationship. Phyloxera emergence occurs before bud break. Need collaborators.

    2. Marvin and Bill Reid commented that problems with pecan cultivars. Need for producer cooperators.

    3. Bill Ree and Michael Hall have cooperative research project on sharp shooters as a vector of xyella fastidiosus in pecan. Distinguishing between leaf scorch caused by xyella fastidiosus and other leaf scorch diseases. Can use PCR, but time consuming.

  6. Allen Knutson, Mark Muegge, Marvin Harris discussion on PNC management in West Texas. The biofix model and progress.

  7. General discussion on PNC management in West Texas revolved around adult vs larva control. Loss of communication with producers suggested.
  8. Marvin Harris on PIPE project

    1. Discussed what is available now
    2. Early version of platform
    3. Template data sheets sent to producer cooperators. Most data sets incomplete but biofix info should be available.
      1. 420-55DD decision window after biofix.
      2. IPM Toolbox
    4. Need to add cooperator information on website so all get proper recognition. This is not a branded web site because all cooperators must be recognized. Pecan.IPMPIPE.ORG
    5. Possibly use IPMPIPE site to provide CEUs for recertification.
    6. How to fund- perhaps paid by producers, state and regional pecan organizations in future. Only 2yrs funding left, but once complete should not be high maintenance.
    7. All data archived and available to producers.
    8. Phil Multer asked if producers in loop for getting them together for IPMPIPE meeting.
    9. Marvin Harris indicated difficulties in putting something like that together
    10. Phil Multer asked what timeline was on Toobox.
    11. Two weeks to get pesticide and other info in toolbox
    12. Marvin: dont have minimally functional toobox yet
    13. Phil Multer: will pesticides be ranked according to effectiveness?
    14. Bill Reid gave example of website that did that for fruits. Midwestern treefruit IPM.
    15. Marvin Harris: open to concept, but not done yet.
    16. Marvin Harris: 1st iteration will give just basic list (labeled pest, REI, Grazing, etc.).
    17. Allen Knutson: Divide state by regions, list states for management purposes.
    18. Marvin Harris: develop library, organize or tailored by region or producer. Provide publications other info.

  9. David Shapiro-Ilan: discussed pecan weevil control progress

  10. Ted Cottrell: Cooperative work with Bill Ree on pesticide evaluation for pecan weevil and pecan aphids. Also monitoring PNC for Marvin Harris.

  11. Bill Reid: Next year meeting location

    a. Ted Cottrell suggested Las Cruses, NM.




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