SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Ashworth, Edward; Guthrie, Richard; Hu, CY; Jahn, Molly; Miller, J. Creighton; Brown, Charles; Douches, David; Bizimungu, Benoit; Thro, Ann Marie; Danforth, Harry; Chandler, Larry; Simon, Phil; Abad, Jorge; Hoopes, Robert; Palta, Jiwan; Navarre, Felix; Thill, Christian; Brancel, Ben; Genebank staff: Bamberg / Martin / Spooner / del Rio

All informational files plus the minutes of this meeting are contained in the atttachment link at the end of this section with title "Copy of Minutes": - ANNUAL REPORT CY08 - GENEBANK UPDATES SINCE 2008 ANNUAL REPORT - TAC09 MEETING AGENDA - TAC09 MINUTES - TAC09 RESOLUTIONS ====================================== NRSP-6 TAC09 ANNUAL MEETING Peninsula Ag Research Station / Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin July 8 Chair David Douches called the meeting to order at 8:30am. Walter De Jong (secretary) was not able to attend this meeting. Jiwan Palta volunteered to take the minutes of the meeting. Ben Brancel is representing Dean Molly Jahn, who would come to meeting around noon. She would like to have few minutes to talk to the group. Benoit Bizimungu is representing Richard Tarn who retired from his position recently. Chair asked for the approval of the agenda for 2009 meeting. C. Miller moved, J. Palta second. Motion approved unanimously. John Bamberg reported that genebank has accomplished the tasks they were directed to do at the 2008 TAC meeting. Impact statements were added to the Annual Report. Progress was made in seed increase techniques. Enhanced communications to clientele (farmers, citizens of the state) on the importance of the genebank. John and Max attended each of the four regional SAESD spring meetings and gave presentations on NRPS6 to the directors. Chuck Brown indicated that a pie chart outlining the state and federal support would be useful. Ed Ashworth asked the group about the possibility of generating support for the genebank from private foundations. J. Palta indicated that in the past Rockefeller Foundation supported potato research. There is a growing public interest in "green/sustainable" agriculture, with which NRSP6 is a good fit. Chuck Brown indicated that there is a perception that we are releasing too many varieties as compared to what the growers can handle. Discussion followed on developing varieties in relation to sustainability e.g. better water use efficiency, better soil nutrient utilization efficiency, better human nutrition, etc. This could give industry such as McDonalds to advertize that potatoes they serve are produced with less chemical and water input etc (sustainability rating). Robert Hoopes indicated that although several traits such as high yield, dry matter, storability, etc., are of interest to the industry, the concept of locally grown is important to the public. In addition, lowering acrylamide is one of the top priorities. Chuck Brown informed that there will be a one day brainstorming session at the Potato Expo in January 2010. There will be attempt to produce a PAA-NPC document on research priorities at the national level. J. Palta suggested that genebank could have a booth at the Potato Expo. Everyone was positive about this idea. C. Brown will call John Keeling to see if the booth fee could be waived. Chair appointed resolution committee: Chuck Brown, Creighton Miller Last year's minutes approved: Brown moved and Thill seconded; approved unanimously. Agenda Item 5. Lead AA C.Y. Hu indicated that AA should come from NC region. Lead AA is decided by the four regional AAs. After some discussion it was suggested that Molly Jahn be approached for the lead AA. Ben Brancel indicated that Molly Jahn is interested in finding long term sustainability for the genebank. She is supportive of finding new sources of funding. C.Y. Hu noted that renewal document should be written this fall. This is to include review of the progress over past 5 years and proposed project for next 5 years. Current project will end Sept. 2010. All NRSPs are going through review process. NRSP-6 received support from the Western and NC directors and not much from the NE directors. Richard Guthrie can solidify support from the southern directors. The 1% OTT funding which is currently the source of the NRSP6 budget is not mandated by law, and could be rescinded by the SAES directors. Larry Curtis has been appointed as the new AA for the WR. C. Miller thanked C. Y. for the outstanding job he has done as the lead AA. Agenda Item 6: Other regional AAs Ed Ashworth - NE: This project is sitting in a vulnerable position. There is some good news. Senate yesterday approved 4% increase in Hatch dollars. Rikki Sterret's position has been filled. Large amount of potatoes are shipped from West and Midwest to East (high consumption area). Greg Porter is looking into late blight resistant cultivars to reduce the weekly applications of fungicides currently used in the East. Richard Guthrie - S: John Bamberg's visit to the spring directors' meeting made a good impression, particularly in showing the substantial support the genebank is already receiving from sources other than MRF. Richard would retire before the meeting next year. It was suggested that to generate support of NRSP-6, a one page agenda brief on NRSP-6 should be submitted to the regional meetings each year that an in-person report is not presented. Molly Jahn - NC: After lunch Dean Molly Jahn made some comments regarding support of the Potato genebank. She indicated that with the consistent reduction in state funding we have to look for alternative ways (Business Model) to support the genebank. The UW-CALS investment in potato research and extension is very high and is second to dairy. Ben Brancel will be helping in this. Molly indicated that she would identify a senior person who could serve in the Lead AA role. Agenda Item 7. Regional and ARS Tech Representatives Chuck Brown - ARS: Nine scientists provided reports. Kathy Haynes is expanding germplasm base resistant to late blight. Rich Novy is looking at Potato Cyst Nematode resistance and Dennis Halterman looking for genes similar to RB. Chuck Brown evaluated 50 accessions from the Andigena core collection and seems to have found good resistance to black dot. Reported on an excellent example of a success story of taking the NRSP6 germplasm and transferring disease resistance to develop materials. Took 20 years to produce an advanced clone with multiple resistances to root rot nematode using S. bulbocastanum fusion hybrids of John Helgeson. Resistance against cold sweetening in Premier Russet came from Solanum phureja. Ranger Russet is being replaced by Alturas and Umatilla. Walter DeJong - NE: Could not attend the meeting but provided this information: A total of 359 units of germplasm were distributed in the Northeast region, for purposes ranging from testing old cultivars for possible adoption by organic growers, to studying the genetics of tuber flesh pigmentation, to taking photographs for books and magazines. Creighton Miller - S: Summarized activities. Major emphases is Zebra Chip. There have been multimillion-dollars losses to the chip industry. Two years ago Texas gave $800,000 for research effort in this area for a two-year period. Primary support was for pathologist. Some support came to the breeding program. Eight selections have been identified that are free of Zebra chip when planted in the presence of natural inoculums. Another project is looking for resistance at the species level. Eventually we may have to look at wild species for the sources of resistances. Robert Hoopes indicated that this is a serious problem for the chip industry. Craig Yencho is looking at S. phureja as a source for heat resistance. Richard Veilleux's doubled monoploids of S. phureja from the genebank are the basis of the potato genome sequencing project. The Miller lab has found strong anti-cancer properties in extracts of Solanum jamesii from the genebank. Isabel Vales - W: Isabel Vales could not attend the meeting but sent a report including this information: During 2008, the Potato Introduction Station (NRSP-6, Sturgeon Bay, WI) supplied potato materials to the following Western states: Alaska, California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Many potato clones used in Western breeding were derived from material provided by NRSP6: PVY resistance from andigena, S. stoloniferum; Potato Tuber Worm (PTW) resistance from S. berthaultii; late blight resistance from S. acaule, S. demissum, S. phureja, S. bulbocastanum, and S. tuberosum spp. andigena. Dave Douches - NC: Dave Douches: Evaluating a diploid population for Colorado Potato Beetle resistance. Also evaluating S. microdontum selections for tuber and foliar late blight resistance in cooperation with genebank staff, and they have identified a potent R gene. Seven species are being used in the breeding program for variety development. Germplasm is being evaluated for ornamental potential. Mentioned use of germplasm for looking for natural genetic variation for PVY resistance and the great potential for intragenic transformation developed by Simplot for using potato genes mined from the NRSP6 genebank stocks. Reviewed the upcoming SOLCAP workshop scheduled for Sunday August 9th at the PAA meeting at Fredericton, New Brunswick. Douches lab found that there was a correlation between acrylamide and chip color and sugar over a broad range of tuber sugar contents. However, in the very low sugar range (0.001 to 0.002) there was no correlation. Moisture levels and fructose contents of the tuber can affect acrylamide. Other reports Christian Thill: Major effort is being directed to select for late blight, PVY and common scab. Have developed a promising technology using liquid nitrogen freezing of the meristem cells to eliminate virus contamination. Jiwan Palta: In addition to yield, grade, disease resistance and pest resistance, the breeding program has a major effort on tuber internal quality, storage and fry quality, scab resistance and late blight resistance. Several species and progenies thereof are being screened for health related traits such as K+. Numbers of species are also being looked at for desirable traits such as tuber Ca, cold tolerance and soft rot resistance. The Wisconsin program is a closely integrated with the genebank's evaluation mission. Agenda Item 8 Agriculture and Agrifood Canada. Benoit Bizimungu : Richard Tarn retired. Benoit Bizimungu is moving and consolidating the potato breeding program in Fredericton. His program has utilized S. oplocense, S. chacoense and S. pinnatissectum. The breeding program emphases include potato beetle resistance, bacterial wilt resistance, drought resistance and new byproducts. Agenda Item 9: Industry Perspective Robert Hoopes: Frito Lay gets potatoes from every region. Frito Lay has had long-term relationship with the genebank. Have used varieties over the years that have 15-20 species in their pedigrees. All varieties have S. chacoense in their pedigrees. PVY resistance obtained from S. stoloniferum. S. berthaultii may have Zebra chip resistance. Dan Ronis' program is cooperating with genebank staff on nutritional and quality properties like starch ratio, acrylamide (low asparagine, low pH) and high tuber calcium accessions. Some studies have shown that blanching can reduce acrylamide by 90% but the texture of the chip was influenced. Simplot representative Caius Rommens' travel plans were thwarted at the last minute, but has sent a report / letter of support that will be included in the project renewal document. Simplot is setting up a new research farm near Boise, ID. Agenda Item 11: Collecting and Taxonomy David Spooner distributed several copies of his publications. He pointed out that Jack Hawkes had documented 232 potato species. His research has shown that many of these should be combined, and now the number of species is less than half. Agenda Item 10: NRSP-6 report and FY 10 outlook See "ar2008.doc" at for Annual Report, and interim update report "Genebank News and Activities since 2008 Annual Report.doc". ALL OF THESE FILES PLUS THE RECORD OF THIS MEETING ARE CONTAINED IN THE NIMSS ATTACHMENT TO THIS SECTION "Copy of Minutes" IN PROPER FORMAT FOR VIEWING AND PRINTING) John Bamberg asked the group to provide feedback on the NRSP-6 report and impact statements which are posted on the website. Alfonso del Rio is continuing to perform technical research to help the genebank find the most efficient methods to preserve the maximum genetic diversity. Recent developments in evaluation include an emphasis on consumer-oriented traits, particularly nutritional ones like antioxidants, potassium, glycemic index, pH, satiety value, and anticancer agents. The genebank is also pursuing multiplex comprehensive evaluation of S. microdontum, which has numerous valuable traits and is quite easily introgressed into the tuberosum breeding pool. Budget: University of Wisconsin salary support to the genebank discontinued at the end of FY08. Molly Jahn pointed out that state funded research support is threatened at this time. All state employees are subjected to furlough for 8 days. She indicated that we have to look for alternate sources of support possibly approaching foundations (including Mc Donald's etc.) and others. Ben Brancel suggested that we should create a list that captures must do, should do, and would do (with minimum support). We should look for opportunities for partnerships. John Bamberg pointed out that genebank staff are already vigorously pursuing such extramural funds and opportunities to achieve greater efficiency, and that the program has already significantly down-sized. He asked the group if a budget of $150,000 should be proposed. C. Y. Hu indicated that they will not vote for no more than $150,000. Ed Ashworth suggested that a request should be made for $150,000 and an additional amount proportional to the increase associated with Hatch increase. Project-Renewal Writing: The following were specified to be on the renewal writing team: Ann Marie Thro, Chuck Brown, CY Hu, Molly Jahn, Larry Chandler, Peter Bretting and Christian Thill. John Bamberg will prepare a draft soon. Agenda Item 13: CSREES (Ann Marie Thro) Ann Marie Thro provided an update on the budget and CSREES in general. Potato special grant budget is 9% less this year. Increases in Hatch and AFRI budgets for 2010 are proposed by the President. Dr. Rajiv Shah is going to be the new Undersecretary of Agriculture. CSREES will have a name change to National Institute for Food and Agriculture. NRI is replaced and expanded by AFRI. It will include plant and animal breeding research (see synopsis at: Ann Marie pointed out that non-technical summary in CRIS reports is very important to communicate impact. Also very important to acknowledge grants and agency in all publications. Agenda Item 14: APHIS/ Quarantine (Jorge Abad) Jorge Abad explained the procedure for bringing potato germplasm into the country. They (Joe Foster, leader) screen for all virus and bacterial diseases. Zebra chip has appeared in tomato. Last year two new viruses were intercepted (JCM-23, JCM-79). Meeting adjourned at 5:30pm followed by supper at "The Log Den". July 9 Chairman Dave Douches called the meeting to order at 8:30am. Dave Douches reported that there is an exhibit at the National Botanical Gardens on the Mall by the Capitol in Washington DC. John Bamberg has been asked to present there in the fall of 2010. With assistance from USPB (John Keeling) an exhibit featuring potato transgenic work from MSU is on display there, including a video of transgenic potato displaying resistance to Colorado potato beetle (shown to the group). Agenda item 15: Review and approve resolutions Four resolutions were unanimously approved (see or "Copy of Minutes" link at the end of this section for full text): 1: Memorial for Robert Hougas, first genebank Project Leader. 2. Appreciation to CY Hu for outstanding leadership as Lead AA. 3. Appreciation to Project staff for hosting the current meeting. 4. Appreciation to Richard Guthrie for excellent service as SR AA Agenda item 16: Elect new officers and set next meeting Moved and unanimously approved that the current officers advance for the upcoming year: Isabel Vales = Chair, Walter DeJong = Vice Chair, and that Creighton Miller serve as secretary. The 2010 meeting will be joint with the July 26-29 RTAC/PGOC/CGC Chairs' meeting at Geneva, NY. Creighton Miller moved to adjourn the business meeting, second by J. Palta and unanimously accepted. Tour of genebank followed until about noon. Respectfully Submitted, Jiwan Palta


A complete report of Accomplishments, Impact Statements, and Publications, properly formatted for viewing and printing is provided at "ar2008.doc" and attached under the Publications section following.


  1. Beyond providing stocks, NRSP-6 staff members are involved in discovering and developing associated germplasm tools and information. Among these are self compatibility, gibberellin, and 2n gamete mutants; cut-stem pollination, hormone pre-treatment of seeds for better germination, haploid- extracting pollinators, and 2n gamete breeding technique. Yukon Gold, one of the most popular and name-recognized tablestock cultivars, has S. phureja 195198, an exotic cultivated species from NRSP-6 as a grandparent, and was bred using the 2n gamete technique.
  2. Evaluation for a wide variety of useful traits has also been designed, contracted and documented by staff. Such work is the foundation for deploying exotic genes in new cultivars. One recent example is the release of cultivar PA99N82-4 bred with the Mexican wild species S. bulbocastanum from NRSP-6. It has high resistance to nematodes that can only be controlled by fumigation at an estimated cost of $20M per year, not counting the cost in risks to human and environmental health posed by use of toxic chemicals.
  3. The genebank goal is maximum diversity. But because funds for collecting, preserving, distributing and evaluating are limited, reaching that goal depends on maximizing efficiency through quality control and technology R&D. Thus, we collaborate with other world genebanks to study the partitioning and vulnerability of diversity in our collections. Examples of impact of this area are the intergenebank potato database, identification of more diversity-intense sites for future collecting, and confirming that the rare alleles within some populations within certain species are not explained by introgression of alleles common in another sympatric species.
  4. One way the overall impact of these contributions can be measured is by the occurrence of NRSP-6 germplasm in the pedigrees of new, improved potato cultivars. About 70% of all potatoes grown in the United States have germplasm from the genebank in their pedigrees. Both cultivar releases published in the American Journal of Potato Research in 2008, Premier Russet and Dakota Diamond, have exotic species from NRSP-6 in their pedigrees. The great-grandmother of the latter is S. chacoense 472812, a wild potato species originally collected in Argentina.
  5. Another gauge of impact is in the numerous publications in 2008 providing information that pushes potato science forward. Section 6 lists 37 papers, 85 abstracts, and 4 theses which report the results of studies associated with NRSP-6 Solanum stocks this year


A complete report of Publications, Accomplishments, and Impact Statements, properly formatted for viewing and printing is provided at and under the link "Copy of Minutes" in meeting minutes section above ============================================== Publications issued by NRSP-6 Personnel --------------------------------------- Alvarez, N.M.B., I.E. Peralta, A. Salas, and D.M. Spooner. 2008. A morphological study of species boundaries of the wild potato Solanum brevicaule complex: replicated field trials in Peru. Pl Syst Evol 274:37-45. Ames, M. and D.M. Spooner. 2008. DNA from herbarium specimens settles a controversy about origins of the European potato. Am J Bot 95(2):252-257. (Additional supplemental data) Ames, M., A. Salas and D.M. Spooner. 2008. A morphometric study of species boundaries of the wild potato Solanum series Piurana (Solanaceae) and putatively related species from seven other series in Solanum sect. Petota. Syst Bot 33:566-578. Bamberg, J.B. 2008. Genetic comparisons of gibberellin mutants in potato. Am J Potato Res 85:2. (Abstract) Bamberg, John and Alfonso H. del Rio. 2008. Proximity and introgression of other potato species does not explain genetic dissimilarity between Solanum verrucosum populations of Northern and Southern Mexico. Am J Potato Res 85:232-238. Bamberg, J.B., C.J. Fernandez, M.W. Martin, and J.J. Pavek. 2008. Tuber dormancy lasting eight years in the wild potato Solanum jamesii. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract) Bamberg, J.B., M.W. Martin and J.P. Palta. 2008. Variation in Solanum species tuber potassium accumulation and its implication for human nutrition. Am J Potato Res 85:2. (Abstract) Belmar-Diaz, C., H. Lozoya-Saldana, M. Salgado, and J. Bamberg. 2008. Phytophthora infestans: races and genotypes in Toluca, Mexico. A two-year update. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract) Del Rio, A.H. and J.B. Bamberg. 2008. Unbalanced bulk of parents seed is not detrimental in potato germplasm regeneration. Am J Potato Res 85:28. (Abstract) Del Rio, A.H., J.B. Bamberg, C. Fernandez, and C. Zorrilla. 2008. Update on the comparative assessment of genetic diversity between accessible and remote potato populations: AFLP analysis of wild potato Solanum stoloniferum (formerly S. fendleri) distributed in SW regions of the USA. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract) Fajardo, D., R. Castillo, A Salas, and D.M. Spooner. 2008. A morphometric study of species boundaries of the wild potato Solanum series Conicibaccata: a replicated field trial in Andean Peru. Syst Bot 33:183-192. Hale, Anna L., Lavanya Reddivari, M. Ndambe Nzaramba, John B. Bamberg, and J. Creighton Miller, Jr. 2008. Interspecific variability for antioxidant activity and phenolic content among Solanum species. Am J Potato Res 85:332-341. Jansky, S.H., R. Simon and D.M. Spooner. 2008. A test of taxonomic predictivity: resistance to early blight in wild relatives of cultivated potato. Phytopath 98:680-687. Jimenez, J.P., A. Brenes, A. Salas, D. Fajardo, and D.M. Spooner. 2008. The use and limits of AFLP data in the taxonomy of polyploid wild potato species in Solanum series Conicibaccata. Conserv Genet 9:381-387. Nzaramba, M.N., L. Reddivari, J.B. Bamberg, and J.C. Miller Jr. 2008. Phenolic and glycoalkaloid levels of S. jamesii accessions and their anti-proliferative effect on human prostate and colon cancer cells in vitro. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract) Palta, J.P., J.B. Bamberg and S.E. Vega. 2008. Moving frost hardy genes from wild to cultivated potatoes. Use of precise screening tools to make real progress. Am J Potato Res 85:23. (Abstract) Palta, J.P., J.B. Bamberg and S.E. Vega. 2008. Freezing tolerance of cultivated potatoes: Moving frost hardy genes from wild potatoes and making real progress using precise screening tools. ASHS 2008 Conference, Orlando, Florida. HortSci 43:1108. (Abstract) Palta, J.P., J.B. Bamberg, S.E. Vega, F.M. Navarro, and B. Bowen. 2008. Genetic improvement of potato for tuber calcium uptake. Proceedings of Annual Wisconsin Potato Meetings 21:15-20. Palta, J.P., R. Gomez, A.H. del Rio, W. Roca, J.B. Bamberg, A. Salas, and M. Bonierbale. 2008. Supplemental calcium nutrition may have the potential of improving tuber yield of native potatoes in the Peruvian highlands. Am J Potato Res 85:23. (Abstract) Palta, J.P., F.M. Navarro, J.B. Bamberg, S.E. Vega, and B. Bowen. 2008. The Calcium Solution: Developing potato cultivars with enhanced tuber storage and internal quality by genetic improvement of tuber calcium accumulation ability. The Badger Common Tater 60(11):14-16. Pendinen G., T. Gavrilenko, J. Jiang, and D.M. Spooner. 2008. Allopolyploid speciation of the Mexican tetraploid potato species Solanum stoloniferum and S. hjertingii revealed by genomic in situ hybridization. Genome 51:714-720. Peralta, I.E., D.M. Spooner and S. Knapp. 2008. The taxonomy of tomatoes: a revision of wild tomatoes (Solanum section Lycopersicon) and their outgroup relatives in sections Juglandifolium and Lycopersicoides. Syst Bot Monogr 84:1-186+3 plates. Spooner, D.M., D. Fajardo and A. Salas. 2008. Revision of the Solanum medians complex (Solanum sect. Petota). Syst Bot:33:579-588. Spooner, D.M., F. Rodriquez, Z. Polgar, H.E. Ballard Jr., and S.H. Jansky. 2008. Genomic origins of potato polyploids: GBSSI gene sequencing data. The Pl Genome, a Suppl. to Crop Sci. 48(S1):S27-S36. Journal Articles and Abstracts Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks -------------------------------------------------------------------- Almasia, N.I., A.A. Bazzini, H.E. Hopp, and C. Vazquez-Rovere. 2008. Over expression of snakin-1 gene enhances resistance to Rhizoctonia solani and Erwinia carotovora in transgenic potato plants. Mol Pl Path 9(3):329-338. (Abstract) Arvin, M.J. and D.J. Donnelly. 2008. Screening potato cultivars and wild species to abiotic stresses using an electrolyte leakage bioassay. J Ag Sci Tech 10(1):33-42. (Abstract) Aversano, R., M.R. Ercolano, L. Frusciante, L. Monti, J.M. Bradeen, G. Cristinzio, A. Zoina, N. Greco, S. Vitale, and D. Carputo. 2007. Resistance traits and AFLP characterization of diploid primitive tuber-bearing potatoes. Genet Res Cr Evol 54(8):1797-1806. (Abstract) Ballou, S.M., K.Y. Yun, C. Cheng, and B.G. de los Reyes. 2007. Cold sensitivity gradient in tuber-bearing Solanum based on physiological and transcript profiles. Crop Sci 47(5):2027-2035. (Abstract) Bhaskar, P.B., J.A. Raasch, L.C. Kramer, P. Neumann, S.M. Wielgus, S. Austin-Phillips, and J.M. Jiang. 2008. Sgt1, but not Rar1, is essential for the RB-mediated broad-spectrum resistance to potato late blight. BMC Pl Bio 8(8). (Abstract) Bidani, A., O. Nouri-Ellouz, L. Lakhoua, D. Sihachakr, C. Cheniclet, A. Mahjoub, N. Drira, and R. Gargouri-Bouzid. 2007. Interspecific potato somatic hybrids between Solanum berthaultii and Solanum tuberosum L. showed recombinant plastome and improved tolerance to salinity. Pl Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture 91(3):179-189. (Abstract) Bradeen, J.M., M. Iorizzo, H. Mann, L. Gao, E.A. Quirin, R. Aversano, and D. Carputo. 2008. Comparative structural genomics of 1EBN potato: DArT markers for improved access to resistance genes. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract) Brown, C.R. 2008. Breeding for phytonutrient enhancement of potato. Am J Potato Res 85:298-307. Brown, C.R., D. Culley, M. Bonierbale, and W. Amoros. 2007. Anthocyanin, Carotenoid content, and antioxidant values in native South American potato cultivars. HortSci 42(7):1733-1736. (Abstract) Brown, C.R., M. Moore, M. Pavek, D. Hane, R. Novy, J.C. Miller Jr., S.L. Love, and S. James. 2008. Genetic variability in mineral content of potato tubers. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract) Burkhart, C.R., B.J. Christ, K.G. Haynes, and B.T. Vinyard. 2008. Little genetic and no additive genetic variance for resistance to common scab in a Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum population. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Poster) Camadro, E.L., S.K. Saffarano, J.C. Espinillo, M. Castro, and P.W. Simon. 2008. Cytological mechanisms of 2n pollen formation in the wild potato Solanum okadae and pollen-pistil relations with the cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum. Genet Res Crop Evol 55(3):471-477. (Abstract) Campbell, B.A., J. Hallengren and D.J. Hannapel. 2008. Accumulation of BEL1-like transcripts in solanaceous species. Planta 228:897-906. Cernak, I., J. Taller, I. Wolf, E. Feher, G. Babinszky, Z. Alfoldi, G. Csanadi, and Z. Polgar. 2008. Analysis of the applicability of molecular markers linked to the PVY extreme resistance gene Rysto, and the identification of new markers. Acta Bio Hungarica 59(2):195-203. (Abstract) Chatterjee, M., A.K. Banerjee and D.J. Hannapel. 2007. A BELL1-like gene of potato is light activated and would inducible. Pl Physio 145(4):1435-1443. (Abstract) Cheng, ShanHan, Xie CongHua, Lin ShiSen et al. 2006. Germplasm enhancement and breeding to resist low temperature sweetening in potato. China Vegetables pp 84-88. (Abstract) Coleman, W.K. 2008. Evaluation of wild Solanum species for drought resistance: 1. Solanum gandarillasii Cardenas. Environ Exp Bot 62(3):221-230. (Abstract) Dhoop, B.B. 2008. Association mapping in tetraploid potato using SSRs and AFLPS. In: 17th Triennial Conference of the EAPR, Abstracts of papers and posters, Brasov, Romania, July 6-10, 2008, p. 376. (Abstract) Dhoop, B.B., M.J. Paulo, K. Kowitwanich, R.G.F. Visser, H.J. van Eck, and F.A. van Eeuwijk. 2008. Association mapping in tetraploid potato using SSRs and AFLPs. In: Molecular mapping and marker assisted selection in plants, Programme and abstracts, Vienna, Austria, February 03-06, 2008, p. 88. (Abstract) Douches, D., J. Coombs, J. Estelle, D. Berry, K. Zarka, W. Kirk, and R. Schafer. 2008. Update on late blight resistance breeding in Michigan. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract) Drobyazina, P. and E. Khavkin. 2008. Two CONSTANS-LIKE1 genes in long- and short-day Solanum plants. XVI FESPB Congress, Tampere, Finland, 2008. Physiol Pl 133:10-20. (Abstract) Drobyazina, P.E. and E.E. Khavkin. 2008. Two CONSTANS-LIKE genes in Solanum plants. Control of flowering time and application for plant breeding. Science meeting, Salzau, German, September 2008, p 35. (Abstract) Fry, W. 2008. Phytophthora infestans: the plant (and R gene) destroyer. Mol Pl Path 9(3):385-402. (Abstract) Ginzberg, I., J. Tokuhisa and R.E. Veilleux. 2008. Potato steroidal glycoalkaloids: Biosynthesis and genetic manipulation. Potato Res 52:0014-3065 (Print) 1871-4528 (Online). Gokce, A., M.E. Whalon, H. Cam, Y. Yanar, I. Demirtas, and N. Goren. 2007. Contact and residual toxicities of 30 plant extracts to Colorado potato beetle larvae. Archives Phyto Pl Prot 40(6):441-450. (Abstract) Gonzalez-Schain, N.D. and P. Suarez-Lopez. 2008. CONSTANS delays flowering and affects tuber yield in potato. Bio Plant 52(2):251-258. (Abstract) Govers, F. and H.J.G. Meijer. 2007. Phytophthora genomics: new opportunities and challenges. Gewasbescherming 38(5):265-271. (Abstract) Greco, N., A. Brandonisio, and P. de Cosmis. 2007. Pathotypes and heterogeneity of Italian populations of Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida. Nematol Mediterranea 35(2):137-142. (Abstract) Halterman, D., Z. Liu, Y. Chen, and S. Stephenson. 2008. 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Inheritance and marker-assisted selection for resistance to early blight disease in a diploid hybrid Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum population after one cycle of recurrent selection. MS Thesis, Dept. Plant Pathology, Penn State University.
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