SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Doug Walsh, Washington State Univ.; Diane Alston, Utah State Univ.; Al Fournier, Univ. of Arizona; Peter Ellsworth, Univ. of Arizona; Earl Creech, Univ. of Nevada; Corlene Rose, Univ. of Alaska; Janice Chumley, Univ. of Alaska; Peter Goodell, Univ. of California; Bob Schlub, Univ. of Guam; Cathy Tarutani, Univ. of Hawaii; Ronda Hirnyck, Univ. of Idaho; Catherine Daniels, Washington State Univ.; Allie Taisey, Cornell Univ.; Barry Jacobsen, Montana State Univ.; Tom Holtzer, Colorado State Univ.; Arnold Hara, Univ. of Hawaii; Rick Melnicoe, Univ. of California, Davis; Ed Bechinski, Univ. of Idaho; Tess Grasswitz, New Mexico State Univ.; Linda Herbst, Univ. of California, Davis; Carolyn Pickel, Univ. of California IPM; Joyce Strand, Univ. of California IPM; Frank Zalom, Univ. of California, Davis; Virgil Dupuis, Salishkootenoi College; Paul Jepson, Oregon State U;

Welcome and Introductions ++++++++++++++ Outgoing chair Doug Walsh opened the meeting at 10:30 a.m. with a welcome and self introductions. ++++++++++++++ WRIPM Grants Program - Frank Zalom gave an update on the Western RIPM Program May move up deadline this year 2009: 29 proposals submitted; 5 proposals rejected for incompleteness; 7 proposals recommended for funding: 5 research, 1 res/ext, and 1 extension ($677,000 available?) Two review panels: 1. Relevancy (only read and review relevancy section of proposals) 2. Technical ++++++++++++++ Western IPM Center - Rick Melnicoe and Linda Herbst gave a review of the WR IPM Center's activities A handout was provided on funded projects and working groups for 2009: **Network Projects (6 projects at $25,000 each = $150,000) **Workgroup Projects (8 projects for a total of $68,620) **IPM Issues (6 projects for a total of $233,099) **Special Projects (4 projects for a total of $18,775) **PMSP Projects (2 projects with no funding allocated) **2010 Water Quality Conference (Regions 8, 9, and 10: An advisory committee is being formed; they want an IPM Coordinator on the committee - need a volunteer; if you are interested, please contact Diane or Linda **Planning an educational symposium for 2010; location tbd 2009 funding was level; This was 3rd year of the 4-year grant cycle for the regional IPM Centers Rick and Linda are stepping down as center director and assistant, respectively, at the conclusion of this funding cycle ++++++++++++++ WERA-069 Project - Tom Holtzer, Administrative Advisor Current WERA069 project ends September 30, 2010, a new 5-year proposal must be developed before the 2010 meeting. If you are interested in serving on the committee to write a new plan, please contact Diane or Doug. Reminder that Deans/Directors may have funding to send a representative to this meeting; if you aren't currently tapped into this funding, speak to your Dean/Director. ++++++++++++++ Reviewed WERA-069 Objectives 1. Coordination and facilitation of IPM research and extension in the region 2. PMSP coordination - WRIPM Center won't be funding a PMSP Coordiantor (Joe DeFrancesco) after 2009 3. National IPM Roadmap goals a. Long-term impacts, use of logic model (provide training) 4. Increase awareness & communication of IPM programs across the region a. Rotate meeting locations, share outcomes with ESCOP/ECOP 5. Capture issues and concerns each year and transmit them to WRIPM Center, NPDN, USDA CSREES a. Concern: not getting participation of IPM research faculty outside of Extension IPM Coordinators b. Ideas: select an annual theme relevant to meeting site, host tours, invite several relevant researchers; use WRIPM Center Workgroup funding; plan a grant (SCRI, RAMP) ++++++++++++++ Next year's meeting - 2010, Logan, UT - Diane Alston and Marion Murray, USU, will host, May 18-19 (Tu/Wed,)1.5 day total meeting with 0.5 day tour included Tour/Guest speaker such as: **USDA Bee Biology Lab (focus on non-Apis pollinators) **Forestry entomology and pathology **Water quality **Climate Center ++++++++++++++ Task List 1. Form committee to draft WERA-069 proposal - Diane and Doug **Directors meet in Jan and mid Jul - proposal draft needs to be ready for Jan 2010 meeting; if revisions needed then have time to complete and have ready by Jul 2010 meeting **Suggestion for a new project objective: identify verifiable collaborations for E-IPM Collaboration Component 2. Form committee to develop grant proposal ideas - need volunteers


State Reports ++++++++++++++ Oregon -- Paul Jepson OSU has focused on Pesticide Stewardship **Produced a plastic pocket guide to Natural Enemies in the Pacific Northwest - can download a copy from their web site **Leafroller pests in caneberries - orange tortrix and OBLR **Weather Work Group - WIPM-funded **Spray drift risks **School IPM - now mandated by the OR legislature; this is a new program for OSU **DEQ web site - table of pesticide effects on the environment ++++++++++++++ Utah - Diane Alston **Provided a handout on new/revised Extension publications from 2008; **update on IPM Pest Advisory Program and Utah Pests News (4 issues per year) **Update on staff changes: losing 1 Extension Entomologist, 1 Extension Plant Pathologist, and the Plant Disease Diagnostician during 2009; hope to refill all positions, but with economic situation the timeline is uncertain ++++++++++++++ Arizona - Peter Ellsworth **State IPM brochure handed out: Arizona Cooperative Extension Integrated Pest Management: Protecting Arizona's Environment, Human Health and Economic Vitality **Developing a compendium/manual on pest control- partnering with AZ Pest Control Assoc. **Electronic publication/peer-review system being used by U AZ - Fast Track - it is helpful for getting high quality extension pubs out faster and getting faculty credit for peer-reviewed pubs **Pink Bollworm - first years with zero sprays due to GMO cotton and sterile insect release **School IPM - no funding was received from E-IPM ++++++++++++++ Nevada - Earl Creech **NV IPM Program focused on agronomic crops and rangeland **Jay Davidson is Co-Coordinator for IPM **Focus group meetings conducted to prioritize IPM planning ++++++++++++++ Alaska - Janice Chumley Tom Jahns on sabbatical leave ++++++++++++++ Guam - Bob Schlub **Rhinoceros beetle is a major problem - attacking coconut trees Cycad scale **Moth pest of cycads **Invasive pests are their major issues ++++++++++++++ Montana - Barry Jacobsen **Updating High Plains IPM web site **Initiated a training program for certification of landscape practitioners **New entomologist, Kevin Warner, will work on cutworm pheromone trapping and mountain pine bark beetle **Cheat grass management is a major program/issue in MT **Working on crop profile for seed potato and PMSP ++++++++++++++ Hawaii - Arnold Hara **Hawaii has diverse cropping systems **The IPM Program supports efforts of Extension Agents **Provided a handout on 6 current IPM Programs: **Aphid and soft scale management in coffee **Micro-organisms for fly and odor control in Hawaiian swine production **Area-wide resistance management program for the diamondback moth **Improving spray coverage with appropriate surfactants and nozzle selection **Macadamia IPM program **Sapindaceous fruit IPM ++++++++++++++ Idaho - Ed Bechinski **RAMP grant on pulse crops (peas & lentils) - Sanford Eigenbrode, $1.3 mill **Crop teams - great help with development of E-IPM proposal **Fact sheet and bulletins - focused on important insects around the home during 2008 ++++++++++++++ New Mexico - Tess GrasswitzI **Has served as NM IPM Coordinator for about 6 mos. NM IPM Program: **Historical program emphases: Cotton, honeybees, diagnostic services **New emphases:Urban, home gardening, organic production, school IPM, herbicide resistance, invasive pests (pistachio fungus, apple maggot, grape viruses), certification of pesticide applicators for ornamental practitioners ++++++++++++++ Washington - Doug Walsh **WSU is an example of a success story for the new E-IPM competitive grant program; Doug gained control of WA IPM funds for the first time **ESA IPM Team Award in 2007 **Commission on Pesticide Registration targets specialty crops, Reduced funding because of state budget cuts **AgWeathernet revamped - Gary Grove, Director, Expanded weather stations from 62 to 125 **Apple Pest Management Transition Team - Jay Brunner, Director **Biological Control in Tree Fruits - Vince Jones, SCRI grant, $3.3 mill **Spinosad as seed treatment for soil maggot control, Sweet corn, onion, dry beans, peas, carrots **Pac Branch Ent Soc Am Meeting in 2010 - mid April in Boise, ID; Covey Run wine donation ++++++++++++++ California - Peter Goodell **Expansion of IPM Program into urban and natural lands **Connect GIS data to pesticide safety/risk - impacts on water quality (human and fish) **Working with CA pesticide regulatory agency & NRCS to expand IPM education and help regulators enhance IPM-based decision-making **Avocado and strawberry IPM manuals - new in 2008 ++++++++++++++ Salishkootenoi Tribal College - Virgil Dupuis Working with Sue Ratcliffe; **Survey of weeds on agricultural lands, in aquatic systems, and on rangelands **Sending weed survey to tribal land leaders


  1. Improved communication and collaboration among IPM researchers, cooperative extension personnel and partner organizations in the west.
  2. Sharing of ideas and strategies to develop sustainable alternative funding sources to support IPM personnel and activities.
  3. Have advanced the discussion and practice of IPM evaluation methods and tools to better communicate our impacts on human health, economics and the environment.
  4. Improved collaboration and communication with the Western IPM Center, which has increased funding opportunities to expand IPM education and implementation in our region.


Burrack, H.J. and Zalom, F.G. 2005. Source Olive Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) Ovipositional Preference and Larval Performance in Several Commercially Important Olive Varieties in California. J Economic Entomol. 101: 750-758. Burrack, H.J., Connell, J. H., and Zalom, F. G. 2008. Comparison of olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)) (Diptera: Tephritidae) captures in several commercial traps in California. Intl J Pest Manag. 54: 227-234. Burrack, H.J., Zalom, F.G., and Connell, J.H. 2008. Comparison of several traps for use in monitoring the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) in California. Acta horticulturae. 791: 547-554. Creech, J.E., Westphal, A., and Ferris, V.R. 2008. Influence of Winter Annual Weed Management and Crop Rotation on Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera Glycines) and Winter Annual Weeds. Weed Science. 56: 103-111. Crowder, D. W., Ellsworth, P. C., Tabashnik, B. E., and Carriere, Y. 2008. Effects of Operational and Environmental Factors on Evolution of Resistance to Pyriproxyfen in the Sweetpotato Whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Env. Entomol. 37: 1514-1524 Hummel, N. A., Leal, W. S., and Zalom, F.G. 2008. Potentially hygroreceptive sensilla on the anal stylus of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis. J Insect Sci 8 (2008) Johnson, W. G., Creech, J. E., and Mock, V. A. 2008. Role of Winter Annual Weeds as Alternative Hosts for Soybean Cyst Nematode. Crop management. Kim, H. G. and D. G. Alston. 2008. Potential of two entomopathogenic nematodes for suppression of plum curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) life stages in northern climates. Environmental Entomology 37: 1272-1279. Ma, Z. and Bechinski, E. 2008. Developmental and Phenological Modeling of Russian Wheat Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Ann Entomol Soc 101: 351-361. Metzger, C., R. Boydston, H. Ferguson, M.M. Williams II, R. Zack, and D.Walsh. 2008. Interactions between population density of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, and herbicide rate for suppression of solanaceous weeds. J. of Insect Sci. 8:38. Palmquist, K.R. and Jepson, P.C. 2008. Impact Of Aquatic Insect Life Stage And Emergence Strategy On Sensitivity To Esfenvalerate Exposure. Env Tox Chem. 27: 1728-1734. Palmquist, K.R., Jenkins, J.J., and Jepson, P.C. 2008. Clutch Morphology And The Timing Of Exposure Impact The Susceptibility Of Aquatic Insect Eggs To Esfenvalerate. Env Tox Chem. 27: 1713-1720. Rangel D.E.N., Alston D.G., and Roberts D.W. 2008. Effects of physical and nutritional stress conditions during culture on conidial germination speed, adhesion to host cuticle, and virulence of Metarhizium anisopliae, an entomopathogenic fungus. Mycological Research doi: 10.1016. Walsh, D. and T.D. Waters. 2008. Thrips Infestations Increase Storage Rots in Dry Bulb Onions. Acta Hort. Proceedings of the World Edible Allium Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Waters, T.D. and D. Walsh. 2008 Seed Corn Maggot Control in Pacific Northwest, USA, Dry Bulb Onions. Acta Hort. Proceedings of the World Edible Allium Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Zalom, F.G., Burrack, H.J., Bingham, R., and others. 2008. Olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) introduction and establishment in California Acta Hort. 791: 619-627.
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