SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: NCERA_OLD3 : Soil Survey
  • Period Covered: 10/01/2008 to 09/01/2009
  • Date of Report: 03/12/2010
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 05/09/2009 to 05/14/2009


See attached.

See attached.


" Active involvement of the steering committee for the 2009 national soil survey conference. " K-12 activity, including FFA soil/land judging " Symposium organized for the 2009 SSSA meeting titled "Soil Carbon and Green House Gas Dynamics in Agricultural Land" " State data shared, incorporated in national database " Information described in state reports regarding soil carbon work: focus on sampling strategies, directed sampling for soil properties, and stratification by land use among other activities.


  1. Two benchmark catena trace element studies were initiated in Indiana and Illinois to provide baseline data related to soil processes. Conducted educational survey of regional universities related to training of soil scientist. This help focus attention on the declining soil student numbers, the loss of soil science curriculum, and reduced numbers of soil faculty teaching at regional universities.
  2. As a result of active NCERA-3 participation from 2004 to 2009 in Regional collegiate soil judging contests, NRCS views this activity as a critical recruiting event to encourage more students to participate in federal Soil Science and Soil Survey careers.
  3. As a result of active support by NCERA-3 members and NRCS cooperation, the Smithsonian Soils Exhibit in Washington DC opened July 18, 2008 for 18 months with specific information on the benefits of no-till and soil survey information. This exhibit will potentially introduce the field of Soil Science to over 1 million visitors a year.
  4. Co-sponsored and co-organized a High Intensity Soils symposium at 2006 SSSA meeting. National and regional soil survey conferences have addressed the need for high intensity soil surveys.
  5. NCERA-3 members suggested to NRCS that the state soil characterization data bases, which existed as paper files at many of the member institutions, be electronically stored and added to the National Soil Pedon data base. The goal is to double the size of the National Pedon Data Base by adding approximately 30,000 pedons from the state university laboratories in the next few years. This National Pedon Data Base will provide the baseline data to support the soil and land use interpretations and recommendations being made in county soil survey reports and by cooperative soil survey scientists and mappers working on detailed or site specific soil surveys. See Minutes for more.
  6. The NCERA-3 committee is a sponsor and co-organizer of the upcoming Soil Carbon and Green House Gas Dynamics in Agricultural Land symposium at an upcoming ASASSSA meeting (in Pittsburgh, PA on November 3, 2009). A total of 60 abstracts, including some from NCERA-3 members, were submitted for the oral and topic poster sessions. The conference will help provide information that policy makers can use as they better understand soil carbon sequestration and/or soil carbon loss and green house gas emissions and/or storage as a result the use and management of agricultural land and as they attempt to develop a cap and trade soil carbon credit program.


Armstrong, S.D., D.R. Smith, P.R. Owens, B.C. Joern and C. Williams. 2009. Manure spills in streams: current practices and remediation methods to minimize water quality degradation. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. In Press. Bowling, L.C., P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee and B.C. Joern. 2008. Watersheds and confined animal feeding operations. CAFO- ID 369. Burkhart, P.A., Rawling, J.E. III, Livingston, J., Hanson, P.R., Mahan, S., Benton, R., Heffron, E., Jahn, M., Anderson, T., Page, B., 2008, Late Pleistocene through Holocene Landscape Evolution of the White River Badlands, South Dakota, in Raynolds, R.G., ed., Roaming the Rocky Mountains and Environs: Geological Field Trips: Geological Society of America Field Guide 10, 235-248. Chen L., Ramsier, C., Bigham, J., Slater, B., Kost, D., Lee, Y., and. Dick, W. (2009) Oxidation of FGD-CaSO3 and effect on soil chemical properties when applied to the soil surface. Fuel 88: 11671172. Dillon, J.S., Hanson, P.R., Joeckel, R.M., Young, A.R., Kuzila, M.S., 2008, Surficial Geologic map of the Wynot 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, ( Dozier, W.A., M.T. Kidd, A. Corzo, P.R. Owens and S.L. Branton. 2008. Live performance and environmental impact of broiler chickens fed diets varying in amino acids and phytase. Animal Feed Science and Technology Journal. 141: 92-103. Franzmeier, D.P. and P.R. Owens. 2008. Quantitative evaluation of students estimate of soil texture. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. 37:111-116. Hanson, P.R., Hooke, R. LeB., Kelley, A.R., 2008, Optically stimulated luminescence ages on sand dunes near Greenbush, Maine, in Hooke, R. LeB., Metcalfe, E., Wiesner, R., 2008, Surficial geology of the Greenbush Quadrangle, Maine. Maine Geological Survey Open File Report No. 08-47, ( Hanson, P.R., Joeckel, R.M., Young, A.R., Horn, J., in press, Late Holocene Dune Activity in the Eastern Platte River Valley, Nebraska, Geomorphology Hanson, P.R., Young, A.R., 2008, Surficial Geologic map of the Silver Creek SE 7.5- Minute Quadrangle, ( Hart, K.S., B. D. Lee, P. S. Schoeneberger, D. P. Franzmeier, P. R. Owens and D.R. Smith. 2008. Comparison of field saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements to estimated morphological loading rates in Northeastern Indiana. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 13:8 665-670. Hewitt, A., McKenzie, N..J., Grundy M.J., Slater B.K. (2008). Qualitative survey. In Guidelines for surveying soil and land resources. 2nd Edition Australian Soil and Land Survey Handbook Volume 2. (Eds McKenzie N.J., Webster R., Grundy M.J., Ringrose- Voase A.J.) (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne). Korus, J.T., Kvale, E.P., Eriksson, K.A., and Joeckel, R.M., 2008, Compound paleovalley fills in the Lower Pennsylvanian New River Formation, West Virginia, USA. Sedimentary Geology, v. 20, p. 15-26. Lee, B.D., P.R. Owens, L.C. Bowling and B.C. Joern. 2008. Considering soil properties when siting confined animal feeding operations. CAFO-ID 368. Lin, H.S., J. Bouma, P.R. Owens, and M. Vepraskas. 2008. Hydropedology: Fundamental issues and practical applications. Catena 73:151-152. Porter, T., P.R. Owens, B.D. Lee and G. Van Scoyoc. 2008. How soil and landform characteristics relate to landslide activity - a review. Soil Survey Horizons. 49:14-18 Lindbo, David, Randy Miles, and DeAnn Presley. 2008. Principles of Site Evaluation. P 1-10. In Soil Science: Step-by-Step Analysis. Sally Logsdon, Dave Clay, Demie Moore, Teferi Tsegaye, editors. Soil Science Society of America. 677 Segoe Road, Madison, WI. Lindbo, David, Randy Miles, DeAnn Presley, and N.E. Ranson. 2008. Soil Profile Descriptions. P 11-34. In Soil Science: Step-by-Step Analysis. Sally Logsdon, Dave Clay, Demie Moore, Teferi Tsegaye, editors. Soil Science Society of America. 677 Segoe Road, Madison, WI. Mason, J.A., Miao, X., Hanson, P.R., Johnson, W.C., Jacobs, P.M., Goble, R.J., 2008, Loess record of the last Glacial-Interglacial transition on the northern and central Great Plains, Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 1772-1783. Miles, D.M., P.R. Owens, P.A. Moore, Jr. and D.E. Rowe. 2008. Instrumentation for evaluating differences in ammonia volatilization from broiler litter and cake. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 17: 340-347. Miles, D. M., D.E. Rowe and P.R. Owens. 2008. Winter broiler litter gases and nitrogen compounds: temporal and spatial trends. Atmospheric Environment. 42:3351-3363. Mishra, U., Lal, R., Slater, B.K., Calhoun, F., Liu, D., and Van Meirvenne, M. (2009). Predicting Soil Organic Carbon Stock Using Profile Depth Distribution Functions and Ordinary Kriging. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73: 614-621. Morgan, M.L., Matthews, V., Gutierrez, F., Thorson, J.P., Madole, R.F., Hanson, P.R., 2008, From buttes to bowls: Repeated relief inversions in the landscape of the Colorado Piedmont, in Raynolds, R.G., ed., Roaming the Rocky Mountains and Environs: Geological Field Trips: Geological Society of America Field Guide 10, 203-216. Myers, D.B., N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, S. Grunwald, R.J. Miles, E.J. Sadler, and R. Udwatta. 2008. Combining Proximal and Penetrating Conductivity Sensors for High Resolution Soil Mapping, International Proceedings of the First Global Workshop in High Resolution Digital Soil Sensing and Mapping. February 5-8, Sydney, Australia. CDROM. Olson, K.R. and S A. Ebelhar. 2009. Impacts of conservation tillage systems on longterm crop yields. Journal of Agronomy 8(1):14-20. Olson, K.R., Gennadiyev, A.N., V. N. Golosov, 2008. Comparison of radioactive and magnetic tracer methods to assess soil erosion and deposition in Illinois landscapes. 2008. Soil Science 173:575-586. Owens, P.R., B.C. Joern, B.D. Lee and L.C. Bowling. 2008. Using Web Soil Survey to investigate potential confined animal feeding operation locations. CAFO- ID 367. Owens, P., B. Lee and B. Erickson. 2008. Web soil survey opens new options for utilizing soils information. Site-Specific Management Center Newsletter. Owens, P.R., L.P. Wilding, W.M. Miller and R.W. Griffin. 2008. Using iron metal rods to infer oxygen status in seasonally saturated soils. Catena 73:197-203. Presley, D.R., P.E. Hartley, and M.D. Ransom. In press. Mineralogy and morphological properties of buried polygenetic paleosols formed in Late Quaternary sediments on upland landscapes of the Central Plains, USA. Geoderma. Rawling, J.E., III, Hanson, P.R., Young, A.R., Attig, J.W., 2008, Late Pleistocene dune construction in the Central Sand Plain of Wisconsin, USA, Geomorphology 100, 494- 505. Schoeneberger, P., G. J. Kluitenberg, A. J. Heitman, and M. E. Buckley. 2008. A comparison of estimated and in-situ saturated hydraulic conductivity in Midwestern soils. p. 90. In Program and Abstracts, First International Conference on Hydropedology, University Park, PA. July 28-31, 2008. The Pennsylvania State University. Shroyer, J.P. and M.D. Ransom. 2008. Whats an extension specialist doing in the classroom or should an old dog lean new tricks? Agronomy Abstracts. Tirado-Corbala, R., Slater, B. K., Dick, W. A., and McCoy, E. L. 2008. A Lysimeter Study of Vadose Zone Porosity and Water Movement in Gypsum Amended Soil. Agronomy Abstracts Troesser, Steven J. and Randall J. Miles. 2009. Historic Sanborn Field: 2008 Growing Season. P 6-13. Missouri Soil Fertility and Fertilizers Update. Agronomy Miscellaneous Publication #09-01. #740-13 ASA, Madison, WI. Using Terrain Attributes to Develop Management Zones for Potassium Fertility. 2008. H.E. Winzeler, P.R. Owens, B.C. Joern, J.J. Camberato, B.D. Lee, D.R. Smith, and B.J. Erickson. Site Specific Management Center Newsletter. West, L. T., P. A. Schoeneberger, and G. J. Kluitenberg. 2008. The U.S. National Cooperative Soil Survey and hydropedology research. p. 102. In Program and Abstracts, First International Conference on Hydropedology, University Park, PA. July 28-31, 2008. The Pennsylvania State University. West, L., P. J. Schoeneberger, G. J. Kluitenberg, and D. E. Radcliffe. 2008. Saturated hydraulic conductivity: Relation to horizon properties and assessment of estimation methods. p. 103. In Program and Abstracts, First International Conference on Hydropedology, University Park, PA. July 28-31, 2008. The Pennsylvania State University. Winzeler, H.E., P.R. Owens, B.C. Joern, J.J. Camberato, B.D. Lee, D.E. Anderson and D.R. Smith. 2008. Potassium fertility and terrain attributes in a Fragiudalf drainage catena. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 72: 1311-1320. Winzeler, H.E., P.R. Owens, B.C. Joern, J.J. Camberato, B.D. Lee, D.R. Smith, and B.J. Erickson. 2008. Using terrain attributes to develop management zones for potassium fertility. Site Specific Management Center Newsletter.
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