SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Hess, Bret ( - University of Wyoming; Ivey, Shanna ( - New Mexico State University; Soto-Navarro, Sergio ( - New Mexico State University; Olson, Ken South ( - Dakota State University; Sprinkle, Jim ( - University of Arizona; Tolleson, Doug ( - University of Arizona; Endecott, Rachel ( - Montana State University; Waterman, Richard ( - USDA-ARS, Fort Keogh; Scholljegerdes, Eric ( - USDA-ARS, Mandan; Whittier, Jack (Jack.Whittier@Colostate.Edu) - Colorado State University; Carpenter, James ( - University of Hawaii; Hu, Ching Yuan ( - University of Hawaii;

8:30 am, May 18th High Plains Grassland Research Station, Cheyenne, WY Bret Hess called the meeting to order and reviewed the agenda for the 2-day meetings. CSREES representative (Adele Turzillo) was not able to attend. CY reported on CSREES items. CY provided the AA report and encouraged this committee to place emphasis on impact statements, not just on outputs. Toured High Plains Grassland Research Station hosted by Jack Morgan Research Leader and Justin Derner, Scientist. Lunch and traveled to UW Animal Science in Laramie Business Meeting at UW 1. Brief review of plans for 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference 2. Discussion of project proposal Decision made to update project proposal. CY informed us that our project now has a temporary number which is: W_TEMP2781 Meeting adjourned about 7:30 pm. 8:00 a.m. May 19th Convened business meeting at Spur Outfitters Lodge, Encampment, WY Discussion focused on Appendix E in NIMSS and Impact Statements 9:45 am Discussion shifted to 4th Grazing Livestock Conference Meeting adjourned and tour of Silver Spur Ranches was conducted by Thad York, General Manager Plan for 2010 WERA110 meeting to follow 4th Grazing Livestock Conference on Saturday afternoon, July 10, 2010 in Estes Park.


Project renewal has been submitted, changed from WERA to W project. Continued organizing the 4th Grazing Livestock Nutrition Conference. Issues: Who cares about WERA 110 outcomes? Range livestock users in Western US; Agency personnel Impacts of reducing costs from improved grazing management: Management of harvested feeds has been enhanced; Strategic supplementation has reduced input costs while maintaining or improving animal performance Application of principles taught by WERA 110: Saved ranch jobs; Keeps land in agriculture production; Contributed to keeping food costs low


  1. Adoption of nutritional practices developed and promoted by members of WERA 110 has improved economic efficiency of livestock operations in the West. Adoption of such practices has reduced feed costs, improved livestock performance, or improved livestock conversion of feed to desired products or outcomes, such as improved reproductive performance. With an adoption rate of 1.5 to 10% among beef producers in which WERA 110 serves, the savings to the western U.S. beef cattle industry is estimated to be between $206,130 to $1,374,200 annually.


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