SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Meisch, Max ( of Arkansas; Bernhardt, John ( of Arkansas; Lawler, Sharon ( University of California-Davis; Godfrey, Larry ( University of California-Davis; Espino, Luis ( of California Extension-Colusa; Stout, Mike( Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge; Hummel, Natalie ( State University-Baton Rouge; Tindall,Kelly ( University of Missouri; Robbins, Jim ( State University; Way, M. O. ( A&M-Beaumont; Mark Cochran ( University of Arkansas, AA;

Minutes of the S-1029 Cooperative Multi-State Project Menger Hotel, San Antonio, TX 23 February, 2009 Meeting Participants: In attendance were Max Meisch and John Bernhardt (AAES), Sharon Lawler and Larry Godfrey (UCD) and Luis Espino (UCCE), Mike Stout (LAES) and Natalie Hummel (LACES), Kelly Tindall (MAES), Jim Robbins (MAFES), M.O. Way (TAES), and Mark Cochran (Experiment Station Administrative Advisor). Co-Chairs Mike Stout and Natalie Hummel called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. After a few comments from M. O. Way, local arrangement chair, registration fees were collected. As our new administrative advisor, Dr. Cochran introduced himself and gave the group a brief background summary. Dr. Way was asked to extend an enthusiastic thank you and a gift from the project participants to Daun Humphries for coordinating the outstanding local arrangements at this meeting. Selection of Officers. The second item of business was the selection of chairman for the next meeting. John Bernhardt will assume the chair in 2010 and will prepare minutes and the report for the 2009 meeting. 2010 Meeting Site. The group discussed a site for the 2010 meeting. The Rice Technical Working Group meeting, held biennially, will be February 24 to 26, 2010 in Mississippi. It was decided to hold the S-1029 meeting on a date shortly before RTWG. Once the location of the RTWG is finalized, the S1029 members will be asked to decide on whether February 21 (Sunday), February 22, or 23 (Tuesday) is suitable for a meeting date. Other Business. Dr. Way mentioned that members of the S-1029 project had been involved in the USA Rice Federation government affairs meeting held annually in Washington, D.C. The Environmental Protection Agency is one stop for members of the environmental regulatory subcommittee of the USA Federation. Dr. Way suggested that the S-1029 project draft a thank you letter to EPA officials Lois Rossi, Meredith Laws, and Tony Brittan for their efforts in obtaining several important Section 18s for rice pests and for hosting the meeting at the EPA. Members agreed this was a good idea. Dr. Way has agreed to draft a letter for this purpose. The members discussed the pending Section 18s with rynaxypyr (DermacorÒ X-100) for rice water weevil in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Missouri. The original petitions submitted in 2008 for use of DermacorÒ in 2009 were denied, but the EPA asked for additional data and information. Crisis exemptions maybe allowed for a lower number of rice acres even if the Section 18s are denied. Two other Section 18s were submitted by Arkansas for thiamethoxam (CrusierÒ) and clothianidin (NipsitÒ) for grape colaspis control. No decision from the EPA has been communicated to petitioners at this time. Texas submitted and received a Crisis Exemption for dinotefuran (TenchuÒ) for rice stink bug control. Texas and Louisiana have already received a Section 18 for DermacorÒ use to control rice water weevils. Dr. Godfrey informed everyone that the panicle rice mite had been found in greenhouses on the UC Davis campus. Methods of combating the infestation are being discussed and actions will be taken soon. With no further business discussion needed, members were asked to present state reports. A summary of research results from each participating state has been compiled under each objective and submitted separately for the S-1029 annual report. The meeting was adjourned near 5:30 pm on February 23, 2009. Respectfully submitted by S-1029 Secretary, John Bernhardt.




Arkansas. Allen, R.A. W.W. Wilkes, C.N. Lewis and M.V. Meisch. 2008. Riceland mosquito management practices for Anopheles quadrimaculatus. J. Amer. Mosquito Control Assoc. 4:534-538. Reports. Bernhardt, J.L. 2008. Influence of Flood Depth on Rice Water Weevil Infestation and Damage, pages 99-102. In B.R.Wells Rice Research Studies 2007. Ark. Agric. Exp. Stn. Res. Series 560. (editor reviewed) Gibbons, J.W. K.A.K. Moldenhauer, F.N. Lee, J.L. Bernhardt, M.M. Anders, N.A. Slaton, R.J. Norman, J.M. Bullock, E. Castaneda, and A.M. Stivers. 2008. Development of Semidwarf Long- and Medium-Grain Cultivars, pages 44-49. In B.R.Wells Rice Research Studies 2007 Ark. Agric. Exp. Stn. Res. Series 560. (editor reviewed) Moldenhauer, K.A.K., J.W. Gibbons, F.N. Lee, J.L. Bernhardt, M.M. Anders, C.E. Wilson, Jr., R.D. Cartwright, R.J. Norman, R. Byrant, M.M. Blocker, D.K. Ahrent, V.A. Boyett, S.E. Prislovsky, J.M. Bullock, and E. Castaneda. 2008. Breeding and Evaluation for Improved Rice Varieties. The Arkansas Rice Breeding and Development Program, pages 50-56. In B.R.Wells Rice Research Studies 2007 Ark. Agric. Exp. Stn. Res. Series 560. (editor reviewed) Proceedings. Bernhardt, J.L. 2009. Influence on germination and growth of rice seedlings from seed damaged by rice stink bug, p. 83. Proceedings 32nd Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. LSU Agri. Center, Crowley, LA. (abstract, editor reviewed) Bernhardt, J.L. 2009. Susceptibility of Nine Indica Germplasm Lines to Three Rice Insect Pests, p. 91. Proceedings 32nd Rice Technical Working Group Meeting. LSU Agri. Center, Crowley, LA. (abstract, editor reviewed) California. Lawler, S.P., D.A. Dritz, C. S. Johnson and M. Wolder. 2008. Does synergized pyrethrin applied over wetlands for mosquito control affect Daphnia magna zooplankton or Callibaetis californicus mayflies? Pest Management Science 64:843-847. Pan, Z. R. Khir, L.D. Godfrey, R. Lewis, J.F. Thompson, and A. Salim. 2007. Feasibility of simultaneous rough rice drying and disinfestations by infrared radiation heating and rice milling quality. Journal of Food Engineering. 84: 469-479. Linquist, B., Fischer, A., Godfrey, L.D., Greer, C., Hill, J., Koffler, K., Moeching, M., Mutters A., and van Kessel, C. 2008. Minimum tillage could benefit California rice farmers. California Agriculture. 62(1): 24-29. Espino, L., M. O. Way, and L. T. Wilson. 2008. Determination of Oebalus pugnax (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) spatial pattern in rice and development of visual sampling methods and population sampling plans. J. Econ. Entomol. 101: 216  225. Espino, L., M. O. Way, and L. T. Wilson. 2008. Sequential sampling plans for sweep net and visual sampling of Oebalus pugnax in rice. Southwest. Entomol. 33: 53  64. Espino, L., and M. O. Way. 2008. Attractiveness of stages of rice panicle development to Oebalus pugnax (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 101: 1233  1237. Van Dam, A. R. and W. E. Walton. 2008. The effect of predatory fish exudates on the ovipositional behaviour of three mosquito species: Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti and Culex tarsalis. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 22: 399-404. Peck, G. W. and W. E. Walton. 2008. Effect of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) and sestonic food abundance on the invertebrate community within a constructed treatment wetland. Freshwater Biology 53: 2220-2233. Heft, D. E. and W. E. Walton. 2008. Effects of the El Niño - southern oscillation (ENSO) cycle on mosquito populations in Southern California. Journal of Vector Ecology 33: 17-29. Otieno-Ayayo, Z., A. Zaritsky, M. C. Wirth, R. Manasherob, V. Khasdan, R. Cahan, and E. Ben-Dov. 2008. Variations in mosquito larvicidal activities of toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis. Environ. Microbiol. 10 (9):2191-2199. Jones, G. W., M. C. Wirth, R. G. Monnerat, and C. Berry. 2008. The Cry48Aa - Cry49Aa binary toxin from Bacillus sphaericus exhibits highly restricted target specificity. Environ. Microbiol. 10 (9): 2418-2424. Reports. Pinkston, W., K. Basuta, and L. D. Godfrey. 2008. Influence of rice seeding and establishment methods on the populations of rice water weevil and larval mosquitoes. Calif. Rice Experiment Station Field Day Report. p. 17-19. Godfrey, L. D., K. Basuta, and W. Pinkston. 2008. Improved methods to combat rice crop invertebrate pests and to assist with mosquito management in rice fields. Calif. Rice Experiment Station Field Day Report. p. 43-47. Godfrey, L.D., Pinkston, W. Rice protection from invertebrate pests. Annual Report, Comprehensive Research on Rice. California Rice Research Board. 30 pages. Godfrey, L.D. 2007. Rice protection from invertebrate pests. Project Summary, Comprehensive Research on Rice. California Rice Research Board. 5 pages. Nielsen, C., V. Kramer, D. Kwasney, D. Schnabel, M. Metzger, W. K. Reisen, W. E. Walton, et. al. 2008. Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control on California State Properties. California Department of Public Health. California Department of Public Health. 64pp. Extension Espino, L. 2008. Rice water weevil sampling for commercial monitoring  possibilities and challenges. Poster abstract. Rice Field Day, Rice Experiment Station, Biggs, CA. Pearson, R., M. O. Way, M. Nunez, and L. Espino. 2008. Selected aquatic insects can reduce stands in water  seeded rice. Texas Rice 8 (4): 1, 9. Way, M. O., and L. Espino. 2008. Insect management alternatives, pp. 33  47. In 2008 Texas rice production guidelines. Texas AgriLife Research. B  6131. Proceedings Espino, L., and M. O. Way. 2008. Relative susceptibility of stages of rice panicle development to the rice stink bug: implications for management. In Proceedings, 32nd Rice Technical Working Group, 18  21 February, San Diego, CA. Pearson, R. A., M. O. Way, M. S. Nunez, L. Espino, and M. Weiss. 2008. Response of water  seeded rice to insecticidal control of target and non  target aquatic insects. In Proceedings, 32nd Rice Technical Working Group, 18  21 February, San Diego, CA. Way, M. O., M. S. Nunez, R. A. Pearson, L. Espino, and M. Jiang. 2008. Rice water weevil populations, damage, and insecticidal efficacy relative to planting date. In Proceedings, 32nd Rice Technical Working Group, 18  21 February, San Diego, CA. Louisiana. Huang, F., R. Leonard, S. Moore, B. Yue, R. Parker, T. Reagan, M. Stout, D. Cook, W. Akbar, C. Chilcutt, W. White, D. Lee, and S. Biles. 2008. Geographical susceptibility of Louisiana and Texas populations of sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.) Lepidoptera: Crambidae) to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab protein. Crop Protection: 27: 799-806. Extension. Hummel, N.A. and Baldwin, J. 2008. Controlling armyworms in late-planted crawfish forage crops. Crawfish News. 1(4): 3. Hummel, N.A. 2008. Mighty Mite: The panicle rice mite  a new pest in the United States. Rice Farming News. March. Hummel N., Pollet D., Reagan, G. Akbar, W., Beuzelin, J., Carlton, C., and Saichuk, J.and Way, M. 2008. The Mexican Rice Borer (identification card). Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. Pub. 3098. Missouri. Reports. Tindall, K.V., R. Tanner, and K. Ivie. 2008. Agricultural entomology research report project. Delta Center 47th Annual Field Day: Agricultural Technology for the 21st Century, Portageville, MO, pg. 33-34. Tindall, K.V. 2008. Dermacor X-100 and new seed treatment for control of rice water weevil. Missouri Rice Research Update, special report #01-2008. Stevens, G., A. Wrather, K. Tindall, and M. Rhine. 2008. Missouri DD-50 Rice Model. Missouri Rice Research Update, special report #01-2008. Tindall, K.V., Section 18 approval granted for rice water weevil control. MidAmerica Farmer Grower, April 4, 2008, pg. 10. Texas. Reay-Jones, F. P. F., L. T. Wilson, T. E. Reagan, B. L. Legendre and M. O. Way. 2008. Predicting economic losses from the continued spread of the Mexican rice borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 101(2): 237-250. Jiang, Mingxing, Michael O. Way, Xikuan Du, Xinghua Ji and Yan He. 2008. Reproductive biology of summer/fall populations of rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, in Southeastern Texas. Southwestern Entomologist. 33(2): 129-137. Editor-reviewed Way, M. O. 2008. Specialist speaking: know the number of seeds per pound. Rice Farming. 42(2): 18-19. Way, M. O. 2008. Specialist speaking: Section 18 targets rice water weevil larvae. Rice Farming. 42(4): 18. Way, M. O. 2008. Specialist speaking: tank-mix option can save money. Rice Farming. 42(6): 17. Way. M. O. 2008. Specialist speaking: control late season insect pests. Rice Farming. 42(7): 19. Way. M. O. 2008. Specialist speaking: chlorophyll meter fits PD later applications. Rice Farming. 42(3): 19-20. Way. M. O. 2008. Specialist speaking: precision leveled fields pays off. Rice Farming.42(5): 19. Akbar, W, J. M. Beuzelin, T. E. Reagan and M. O. Way. 2008. Small plot assessment of insecticides against the sugarcane stalk borer complex, 2006. Arthropod Management Tests. Vol. 33. F59. Pearson, Becky, Mo Way, Mark Nunez and Luis Espino. 2008. Selected aquatic insects can reduce stands in water-seeded rice. Texas Rice. Editor. L. T. Wilson. Vol. VIII. No. 4.
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