SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Bruening, Bill -- University of Kentucky; Pearce, William -- University of Kentucky; Lacefield, Eugene -- University of Kentucky; Curd, Ron -- University of Kentucky; Kalberg, Kolter -- University of Kentucky; Hayes, James -- Louisiana State University Ag Center; Sanders, Brent -- Terral Seed, Inc.; Arnevik, Cindy -- Monsanto; Wilson, Allen -- Juniper Systems/HarvestMaster; Allen, Fred -- University of Tennessee; Ahrent, Debra -- University of Arkansas; Dombeck, Don -- University of Arkansas; Kelly, John -- University of Arkansas; Pryor, Rheta -- University of Arkansas; Mason, Howard -- University of Missouri; Koger, Trey -- Mississippi State University (MSU-ES); White, Bernie -- Mississippi State University; Zhang, Lingxiao -- Mississippi State University; Burgess, Brad -- Mississippi State University; Nail, Jerry -- Mississippi State University; Thomas, James -- Worldwide Soytechnologies; Malone, Monty -- Worldwide Soytechnologies; Glass, Kathryn -- Auburn University; Monks, Dale -- Auburn University - Extension; Hughes, Mike -- Pioneer Hi-Bred; Sick, Steve -- Syngenta Seeds; Fischer, Jon -- Bayer CropScience; Bowman, Daryl -- North Carolina State University; Ashlock, Lanny -- Ciullum Seeds; Esgar, Ralph -- University of Illinois; Watson, Clarence -- Oklahoma State University;

SCC-33 Business Meeting 28 January 2009 The business meeting was called to order by James Thomas, WorldWide SoyTechnologies. Debra Ahrent presented the minutes of the 2008 meeting. The minutes were accepted as written by unanimous vote. The 2008 SCC-33 Outstanding Service Award was presented to Brent Sanders. Brent has successfully served as chairman of two SCC-33 Annual meetings. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Debra Ahrent presented the Financial Statement reporting a balance of $1,962.66. The Treasurer's Report was accepted and approved. New Business: Discussion opened of consultant's ability to receive credits for attending SCC-33 Annual Meeting. We must have a specific number of accredited speakers at the meeting in order to qualify. Kathryn Glass agreed to look into the requirements to see if the meeting qualifies. A request was made to publish our guest speakers' programs on the SCC-33 website. The reason was to be able to access the good information provided and to allow those who were unable to attend the opportunity to learn some of the information shared. It was suggested that not all information is cleared to publish by the private companies and therefore, they would probably not agree. Daryl Bowman drafted a proposal in reference to discussion earlier in the meeting. The proposal would limit the number of experimental lines in an OVT to six (6). In the past, there has been no limit set. The draft needs a recommendation but is not binding. Daryl is to type a proposal to present to the group at the next business meeting. New Officer Election: Bill Bruening of University of Kentucky was elected public sector co-chair for the 2010 SCC-33 Annual Meeting. Lanny Ashlock of Cullum Seed was elected private sector co-chair for the 2010 SCC-33 Annual Meeting. If Lanny is unable, Monty Malone agreed to serve in his place. The 2010 SCC-33 Annual Meeting will include the University Crop Testing Alliance (UCTA). The SCC-33 and UCTA will have separate business meetings. One possible meeting location discussed was New Orleans.




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