SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


L. Askham Bird Shield Repellent Corporation, Pullman, WA R. Baker California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA J. Baroch Genesis Laboratories, Inc. Fort Collins, CO A. Berentsen Utah State University, Logan, UT R. Chi Utah State University, Logan, UT J. Eisemann USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO G. Flores UC-Davis, Davis, CA D. Freeman Rodent Control Outfitters (RCO), Harrisburg, OR N. Frey Utah State University, Logan, UT E. Gibson UC-Davis, Davis, CA R. Marsh UC-Davis, Davis, CA E. Marshall LiphaTech, Inc., Milwaukee, WI P. Nash USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO D. Nolte USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Olympia, WA J. OBrien Nevada Division of Agriculture, Reno, NV T. Salmon University of California, Davis, CA R. Schmidt Utah State University, Logan, UT D. Schnabel California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA R. Sterner USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO M. Sullins Montana Department of Agriculture, Billings, MT L. Sullivan University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ N. Svircev United Agri Products, Randolf, WI R. Timm Hopland Research and Extension Center, Hopland, CA D. Virchow University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE G. Witmer USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO G. Ziegltrum Washington Forest Protection Association, Olympia, WA J. Borham Utah State University, Logan, UT D. Bryson LiphaTech, Inc., Gridley, CA G. Connolly USDA/APHIS/WS, Lakewood, CO T. DeLiberto USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO T. Fox Utah State University, Logan, UT J. Johnston USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO B. Kimball USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO J. Klika United Agri Products, Randolf, WI R. McLean USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO L. Rindlisbacker Utah State University, Logan, UT L. Smith Utah State University, Logan, UT M. Smith USDA, Wildlife Services, Reno, NV

Ray Sterner will distribute this years minutes to participants. Some WCC-95 brochures are still available. One copy will be mailed out with each copy of the minutes this year. Dallas Virchow will work with Ray to put the brochure on the web site.

Some discussion of writing white papers occurred. None are currently being written.

Rex Marsh indicated that more participants need to be recruited. Are Berentsen mentioned that students are the basis of future membership in the field of damage management and of WCC-95 and should be encouraged to attend.
Advertising at universities was suggested. The Berryman Institute is starting a chapter at Mississippi State. The Berryman Institute provides assistance with lodging and travel for attendance at the meeting.
It was mentioned that not enough universities are involved and it was suggested that someone from each land-grant university be invited and more recruiting from industry be done as well.

Terry Salmon reminded the group that one of the purposes of WCC meetings is to foster collaborative research and asked if there were more common problems that could be worked on in collaborative efforts.

It was suggested that the format of the meeting might be improved. Earlier meetings did not include outside speakers, but had longer presentations. The suggestion was made that more discussion be incorporated into the agenda for future meetings. An I am going to do section was also suggested to establish more collaborative research efforts. A suggestion was made that abstracts be distributed prior to the meeting, to justify participant attendance in some cases, to be used as the basis for further discussion. It was also mentioned that there is also value obtained from the network of friends and associates that is developed at the meeting. It was suggested that perhaps not so much time needs to be taken for presentations  the VPC provides a venue for presentations. On the other hand, we were reminded that the WCC-95 meeting is a useful setting for presenting preliminary data.

Leonard Askham made the motion that discussions be incorporated into the format of the meeting. The motion was not officially seconded at this time.

A reminder was made that the 2003 agenda needs to include a discussion on the upcoming renewal, including objectives, goals, etc.
The question of whether we need to maintain an official WCC was posed. The response was that it is good to maintain an official status because it elevates pest management in the eyes of organizations such as agricultural extension stations.

It was unofficially decided that open discussions should be incorporated during the second day or at the end of each session.

The possibility of finding a new advisor was discussed. And the following points made. WCC advisors are appointed. Fee Busby has not been able to attend. Suggestions to state directors can be made. The advisor needs to be an experimental station employee. It would be all right to have an advisor from outside the field (like Grant was). We should have a committee to discuss possibilities. Robert Schmidt will coordinate the search committee. Dale Nolte will follow up with Robert.
Last years minutes were reviewed again. Robert Schmidt made the motion to approve the minutes. Monte Sullins seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

The need to update the participant list was expressed. The difference between participants and other attendees was stated to be that participants require official approval. Participant registration was said to expire with the charter.

Topics for next years meeting were suggested. Immunocontraception was suggested. The broader topic of fertility control was then mentioned with the possibility of inviting HSUS or John Turner or others to speak. The topic of new technology was suggested as having a broader appeal that might encourage greater attendance. Another suggestion was to have Agricultural extension or station personnel come and bring concerns and issues (i.e. what are we facing), for a better exposure to the realities of pest management. A further suggestion was made of primary and secondary risks of various control methods.

Last years budget was presented. Leonard Askham made the motion to accept the budget and John OBrien seconded the motion. It was voted to accept the budget.

Three individuals, Leonard Askham, Terry Salmon, and John Eisemann were nominated as the incoming secretary for next year. Ballots were distributed for voting by those present, and Terry Salmon was elected.

A brief update on the next VPC to be held in California was given.

A special thank you was given to John OBrien and John Baroch for their efforts in organizing the meeting.

The absence of Howdy Howard was acknowledged with the hope that he would be able to be in attendance next year.

Robert Schmidt and Are Berentsen will be teaching a long-distance class on wildlife damage management through the internet. [See the research update section for instructions on accessing information on the web]


The main topic of the meeting was wildlife diseases, which is a topic of increased concern in the field of wildlife damage management. The meeting also brought together participants with expertise in different aspects of wildlife damage and from different organizations, including state government, federal governement, industry, and academics. A lot of discussion on current research and occured, which allowed the participants to keep abreast of changes and establish possible collaborative efforts.


  1. Key issues were discussed and evaluated.
  2. Communication and teaching efforts were discussed and improved.
  3. Many ideas were exchanged and reports on suggestions from the previous year were given.
  4. Interactions between participants from different institutions were established and developed.


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