SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


L. Askham Bird Shield Repellent Corporation, Pullman, WA R. Baker California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA J. Baroch Genesis Laboratories, Inc. Fort Collins, CO K. Fagerstone USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO D. Freeman Rodent Control Outfitters (RCO), Harrisburg, OR E. Marshall Lipha Tech, Inc., Milwaukee, WI D. Nolte USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Olympia, WA J. OBrien Nevada Division of Agriculture, Reno, NV T. Salmon University of California, Davis, CA R. Schmidt Utah State University, Logan, UT J. Shelgren California EPA, Sacramento, CA M. Sullins Montana Department of Agriculture, Billings, MT L. Sullivan University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ J. Thompson HACCO, Inc., Madison, WI R. Timm Hopland Research and Extension Center, Hopland, CA D. Virchow University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE D. Whisson University of California, Davis, CA A. Berentsen UC-Davis, Davis, CA R. Eng California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA E. Foster Nevada Department of Agriculture, Reno, NV P. Gadd Sonoma County Agriculture Commissioner, Santa Rose, CA J. Green USDA/APHIS/WS, Lakewood, CO W.P. Gorenzel UC-Davis, Davis, CA B. Hagen South Dakota Dept. of Agriculture, Pierre, SD W. Howard UC-Davis, Davis, CA S. Hygnstrom University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE R. Marsh UC-Davis, Davis, CA P. Nash USDA/APHIS/WS/NWRC, Fort Collins, CO D. Schnabel California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA G. Ziegltrum Washington Forest Protection Association, Olympia, WA

Printing of Minutes, and Brochure Distribution- Dale Nolte announced the NWRC Olympia Field Station will prepare the minutes. Ray Sterner, NWRC in Fort Collins, will handle printing and mailing of the minutes.

WCC brochure examples were distributed among participants. Kathy Fagerstone offered to provide additional copies to those who wanted them. This information also will be posted on the web-site.

Rex Baker exchanged copies of the WCC-95 brochure with the citrus industry. The citrus industry has indicated that they plan to follow the example provided by the brochure.

Advance Distribution of Meeting Agenda- The agenda was distributed to participants in October of this year.

Committee was to Develop White papers on Wildlife Damager Management Issues
In place of white papers, the forum Working with the Media was presented at this
meeting. No white papers have been prepared.

Organizing meeting changes? Open to discussion? None

Vertebrate Pest Group Forming in the East
Kathy Fagerstone asked whether a Northeast WCC group had been formed. Scott
Hyngstrom provided information on a Northeast Cooperative that had been created, but was unsure whether another WCC had been formed. Dallas Virchow offered to follow up on this issue.

Financial Report
It was agreed during the 2000 WCC-95 for attendance fees to be increased to $35.00. It was also suggested the 2000 and 2001 budget report be published in this years minutes.

Robert Schmidt suggested a plaque be created and presented to Grant Vest to show
appreciation for his past work with WCC. He proposed the plaque be wooden with a ground squirrel attached.

Robert Schmidt related Fee Busbys positive thoughts toward WCC-95. Fee Busby,
representing Utah State University, was not able to attend because of activities (compact planning).

Dallas Virchow stated he preferred that the majority of persons attending the meeting be members.
Robert Schmidt stressed the positive benefits of multiple groups interacting with each other.

The question arose: Can we add participants every year? John Baroch thought it was possible to add members every year. Howdy Howard suggested if we are not adding new members on a regular basis that the group should make that a goal.

Discussion of Forum Topics for 2002 Meeting
John Baroch offered to contact someone who works with wildlife disease to discuss the role of damage management with diseases.
Robert Schmidt suggested veterinarian perception/animal management and human health perception/problems caused.
Robert Schmidt also suggested exotic and invasive species management. Identify
problems, and the need to come up with new management schemes to correct these problems.
Robert Schmidt proposed the new trapping technologies as a possible topic. He
commented that NWRC has taken a primary role in developing these technologies and suggested asking John Shivik to present information on best management practices.
Rex Baker suggested inviting the California Director of Agriculture to present the current direction and intent of wildlife damage issues in California.
Theresa Howes said she is developing wildlife damage management classes for
introducing to school systems. Her plan is to make the information interactive on the internet and have students interact with experts. Currently there are three existing programs:Coyotes and bears, Airports, and Urban Deer.
Kathy Fagerstone asked if it was possible for Theresa to present some of the
information today, which Theresa agreed if time permitted.
Another suggestion was to discuss bio-terrorism with wildlife, and potential
of monitoring wildlife species as indicator species. It was suggested that someone from CDC be invited to discuss this topic.
The group concurred with these suggested topics for 2002.
Topic Summary: Wildlife Diseases, New Trapping techniques, Exotic and Invasive Species, and Youth Education.
Desley suggested creating a topic list based on input and asking the
upcoming WCC elected officers to decide which topic was to be pursued based on
availability of potential speakers.

Election of Officers
Dallas Virchow asked for nominations for secretary. Kathy Fagerstone nominated Paul Nash. Howdy Howard seconded the nomination. The group concurred with the nomination of Paul, Howdy motioned for the nomination to be closed and Kathy seconded the motion. The group voted to elect Paul Nash as incoming secretary.
2002 WCC-95 Meeting will be held at Circus Circus. John OBrien will organize the activities.

Larry Sullivan motioned for the meeting to be held on November 19-21, 2002. Rex
Baker seconded the motion. Group voted to hold the meeting at this time.

Robert Schmidt announced 2002 VPC will be held the first week of March. The
preliminary program should be in the mail soon. Bismark, ND, Wildlife Society meeting is putting together a session on blackbirds with proceedings. Wildlife Damage conference, combination of eastern and great plains meetings is being planned for 2003.

Michael Conovers new book, Resolving Human-Wildlife Conflicts is now available.
Flyers were distributed to the group.

Rex Marsh and Bobby Corrigan have prepared a book on Commensal Rodent Control.

Dallas Virchow reported that there is now a web page for the WCC.

Kathy Fagerstone distributed a list for people to sign if they wanted to participate.

Editors for the Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage book will be Bob Timm,
Dallas Virchow, Jeff Green and Scott Hygnstrom. The book currently has 75 chapters and the editors plan to add 20 new chapters. Authors for 14 of these chapters are being sought, persons from within the meeting volunteered suggestions for potential candidates.


The focus of the meeting was learning to improve communication and working with the media. This effort provides information on identifying resources and improving skills for dissemination of information. A variety of presentations were made that covered a wide range of topic to foster collaborative efforts and keep participants informed on current methods in the field.
To identify and evaluate research and educational needs including damage assessment, integrated management strategies and materials, new target-specific wildlife management practices, studies of relationships between wildlife pests and endangered species, development of new non-lethal approaches to wildlife damage management, and trends in social attitudes affecting the use of technologies. There was discussion on registration issues and ongoing coordination of efforts to maintain pesticide registrations.

Several possibilities for the focus of the meeting next year were suggested, all of which lead toward the objectives of the committee. Which of the suggests that would be used will depend on the availability of speakers.


  1. Some key issues for study were identified.
  2. The meeting provide an opportunity for interaction between organizations and encouraged ongoing communication.
  3. Participants were kept up to date on current advances by presentations and discussions at the meeting.


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