SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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Anderson Lyona University of Idaho WQL Aberdeen ID; Aschbrenner Tim Cereal Food Processors Wichita KS; Baker Scott ConAgra Foods Omaha NE; Bettge Art USDA Western Wheat Quality Lab Pullman WA; Caley Margo USDA Grain Marketing Lab Manhattan KS; Carter Arron Washington State University Pullman WA; Cassone Domenico Kraft Foods-Nabisco East Hanover NJ; Chen Jianli University of Idaho Aberdeen ID; Chen Richard USDAGrain Marketing Lab Manhattan KS; Clark Dale R. WestBred LLC Bozeman MT; Clayton Jack University of Idaho WQL Aberdeen ID; Cook Craig WestBred LLC Bozeman MT; Cooley Scott USDA-Federal Grain Inspection Olympia WA; Dailey Patricia Idaho Wheat Commission Boise ID; Dempster Rick AIB International Manhattan KS; Donahue Pat Kraft Foods Glenview IL; Engle Doug Western Wheat Quality Laboratory Pullman WA; Engleson Jodi Cargill Plymouth MN; Falconer Robert California Wheat Commission Woodland CA; Fesler Robert Horizon Milling Ogden UT; Finney Patrick Roman Meal Company Tacoma WA; Flemm John USDA-Federal Grain Inspection Service Olympia WA; Fredrickson Cymantha California Wheat Commission Woodland CA; French Bob ADM Milling Company Spokane WA; Gannon Diane Kraft Foods-Nabisco Toledo OH; Hammer Nathan Gilliam County Wheat Quality Lab Arlington OR; Hammond Lisa Kellogg Company PSOC Battle Creek MI; Harris Tracy Washington State University Pullman WA; Hayden Hans Idaho Wheat Commission Arbon ID; Herald Tomas USDA Grain Marketing Lab Manhattan KS; Herron Dana Washington Wheat Commission Connell WA; Hodges Kevin WestBred LLC Idaho Falls ID; Hole David USU Dept. of Plants Soils & Biomet Logan UT; Hou Gary Wheat Marketing Center Portland OR; Huang Sam California Wheat Commission Woodland CA; Jacobson Blaine Idaho Wheat Commission Boise ID; Kaae Brian MT Wheat & Barley Commission Great Falls MT; Karow Russ Dept. of Crop/Soil Science OSU Corvallis OR; King Christina WestBred LLC Bozeman MT; Lee Bon Wheat Marketing Center Portland OR; Long Kaleen Continental Mills Seattle WA; Lyne Rhonda USDA-GIPSA-TSD Kansas City MO; McLean Reuben Pendleton Flour Milling Blackfoot ID; Morris Craig Western Wheat Quality Laboratory Pullman WA; Myron Dick Malt-O-Meal Company Northfield MN; Nash Deanna MSU Cereal Quality Lab Bozeman MT; Oades John U.S. Wheat Associates Portland OR; Ong Caryn Oregon State University Corvallis OR; Perry Zack Wheatland Seed/Central Milling Logan UT; Peterson James Oregon State University Corvallis OR; Prchal Nali Cargill Bake Lab Minnetonka MN; Quinde-AxtellZory Continental Mills Seattle WA; Romsa Jay General Mills Inc. Le Sueur MN; Shantz Kim WestBred LLC Yuma AZ; Shelton Gary Washington State University Pullman WA; Simpson Tana Oregon Wheat Commission Portland OR; Sorensen Leland University of Idaho WQL Aberdeen ID; Souza Edward J. USDA Soft Wheat Quality Lab Wooster OH; Steele Thomas USDA-Federal Grain Inspection Portland OR; Sullivan Mary Washington Grain Alliance Spokane WA; Vang Teng California Wheat Commission Woodland CA; Walters Craig Pacer Corporation Colton WA; Weaver Glen Con Agra Flour Milling Co. Omaha NE; Wheeler Justin University of Idaho WQL Aberdeen ID; Wilson Lori Kellogg Company PSOC Battle Creek MI; Wirsching Steve U.S. Wheat Associates Portland OR;


Colorado State Wheat Breeding - In fall 2008, experimental line CO03W239 was released as 'Thunder CL'. Thunder CL is a medium-early maturing, semidwarf, hard white winter wheat that carries the Als1 gene for tolerance to imazamox herbicide (Clearfield* wheat) and excellent milling and bread-baking quality. Colorado State Grain Quality - We continued with quality-related research in several areas including: characterization of single kernel (SKCS), NIR protein, and Mixograph properties of isolines differing for the presence of Agropyron intermedium-derived barley yellow dwarf resistance (Bdv2) and Triticum dicoccoides-derived high grain protein content (GPC-B1); small-scale quality analyses (SKCS, NIR, PPO, Mixograph) of our doubled haploid mapping population (Platte/CO940610) for the Wheat Coordinated Agricultural Program (CAP); collaborative research with Jerry Johnson (CSU Extension Agronomist) to determine the effect of planting date, seeding rate, and fertilizer rate on protein content and Mixograph properties; whole-grain NIR calibration development for SKCS and other properties; and isolation of 1BL.1RS recombinants that lack the sec-1 gene from rye and carry the Dn7 Russian wheat aphid resistance gene. Montana State Spring Wheat - Specific goals for the spring wheat include superior performance under rain-fed conditions; high protein, strong gluten, and resistance to the wheat stem sawfly. Our recently released variety, Vida, is a high-yielding line especially suited for rain-fed areas of Montana. Vida is notable for maintaining green leaves later in the season than is the norm for Montana wheat varieties. A focus of experimental work has been testing the effects a long duration of green leaves after heading. Genetic studies have shown that this trait is associated with improved seed size and test weight in several spring wheat crosses. In addition, sources of resistance to wheat stem sawfly in addition to solid stems have been identified, and the causal genes mapped using QTL analysis. Montana State Winter Wheat - The winter wheat program emphasizes on-farm productivity characteristics and quality characteristics to compete in a global market place. Specific objectives include productivity, adaptation (cold tolerance, maturity, stress tolerance), pest resistance (wheat stem sawfly, wheat streak mosaic virus, stem rust), and dual-purpose end-use quality. End-use quality goals are high grain protein and gluten strength, high flour extraction and low ash content, good dough mixing and bread baking quality, and superior noodle color and textural characteristics. No new cultivars were released in 2008. Montana State Grain Quality Program - Our objectives are to conduct studies on genes important to wheat grain quality and or agronomic traits. In 2008, we published a study detailing the effects of Puroindolines upon wheat wet-milling quality. This study utilized isogenic wheats varying only in endosperm texture. The softer textured wheats had increased yield of starch after wet milling relative to hard wheats. We also examined the yield of starch from wet milling in comparisons of various transgenic wheats varying only in puroindoline dosage. All softer textured genotypes had higher starch yield than their hard wheat control with the intermediate textured line being highest in starch yield. A second published study examined whether different commonly grown small grains differed in the total amount or rate of ethanol production. Final ethanol yield was proportional to starch content of the grains and no significant differences were seen in the rate of ethanol production. Because of this, if small grains are used for ethanol production, soft white spring wheat or barley were seen as the best choices given their high agronomic yield and starch content. Lastly we published a study of white salted noodle characteristics from transgenic isolines of wheat over expressing puroindolines. Oregon State Wheat Breeding - Skiles is a short stature soft white winter wheat with moderately early maturity and high yield potential. Skiles has superior yield potential, superior winterhardiness, resistance to crown rot and cephalosporium stripe, and superior milling and baking attributes. ORCF-103 is a Clearfield soft white winter wheat. The advantage of ORCF-103, as compared with current CLEARFIELD varieties ORCF-101 and ORCF-102 is improved tolerance to snow mold and cold temperatures. Oregon State Molecular Marker Development Program - Five linkage mapping populations serve as the basis of M.S. and Ph.D. research projects. These involve collaborations with Oscar Riera-Lizarazu and Bob Zemetra of the University of Idaho. Progeny are genotyped using DArT and SSR molecular markers then phenotyped for adaptation, yield components, disease, and quality. Populations and their associated target traits are: Stephens x Platte - stripe rust resistance: Stephens x SuperSoft - SuperSoft kernel texture: Coda x Brundage and Tubbs x Einstein - adaptation, yield components, cephalosporium stripe: Tubbs x NSA98-0995 and Tubbs x Einstein - adaptation, yield components, and general disease resistances. Deven See, USDA-ARS, is characterizing advanced lines and parents for presence of markers for traits including VPM-1 for strawbreaker footrot resistance; multiple rust resistances; Pina-D1 for grain hardness; and Vrn 1, 2 and 3 for vernalization. Oregon State Wheat Quality Program - We adapted the standard mixograph method to the analysis of whole-wheat meal. The key change was the use of 2% on flour weight of salt to strengthen the gluten, thus compensating for gluten rupturing caused by bran. A new method for optimizing noodle dough water additions, which uses the lubricated squeezing flow technique and observation of dough relaxation characteristics shows much promise. During the year the lab processed over 400 mixograph, 168 extensigraph, 900 protein, 300 polymeric protein, 760 polyphenol oxidase activity, and around 3500 kernel hardness tests. Univ of Idaho - We hired one support scientist and one Ph.D student. The new support scientist assumed his position in April 2008 and the student started his classes in fall 2008. We refined the breeding objectives and devoted 50% of our resources on hard white spring and winter wheat. One hard white Clearfield winter wheat line (IDO651) and another hard white winter line (IDO658) will be proposed for preliminary release in 2009. Both hard white winter lines have good bread-baking quality for domestic market and have low PPO desirable for Asian products. One soft white Clearfield winter line IDO655 and one soft white spring line IDO671 will also be proposed for preliminary release in 2009. These two lines also have good end-use quality for desirable for both domestic and international markets. In addition, we developed a high throughput mapping and MAS lab and successfully deployed MAS in accelerating breeding process. We conducted three MAS projects. The first MAS project included identification of Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance in PNW wheat lines. We have identified some PNW lines carrying QTL/markers associated with FHB resistance. The results were presented at 2008 National FHB Forum. The second MAS work was to identify markers associated with drought and heat tolerance using the IDO444-Rio Blanco RIL population developed for the Wheat-CAP program. We developed a molecular map for the population that involved 438 markers covering 20 of the 21 wheat chromosomes for use in identifying QTLs associated with expression of quality traits under heat and drought stress conditions. This work resulted in one abstract that was presented at AACC meeting in fall, 2008 and one talk presented at 2009 PAG meeting in Jan. 2009. The third MAS project was to evaluate genetic diversity in Idaho historical spring and winter wheat lines using 34 markers associated with 15 economic traits. The results will be published in 2009 Wheat Newsletters. Utah State - A request for release of UT9325-55 has been made to the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. Quality of 9325-55 has been evaluated by the WWQL for several years and was included in the 2008 PNW wheat quality council samples. It has been proposed to release UT9325-55 under the name, Curlew. An irrigated hard red winter line, UT9743-42 was grown along with the check, Garland, for submission to the 2009 PNW Wheat Quality Council. Cereal Science (PLSC4600) was taught to 35 undergraduate students. This cereals-processing and quality course draws heavily from activities and industry contacts of WERA-1009. About half of the students are College of Agriculture students and the other half represents all of the other colleges at the university. The development and pedagogy of the course were discussed at the Intermountain Chapter meeting of the International Association of Operative Millers in August in Spokane, WA. WSU Spring - This program is in a transition phase that is lasting longer than anticipated. An initial search in the spring of 2008 failed to identify a new scientist for the spring wheat breeding position. A new search is in progress in combination with the winter wheat breeding position search with the goal of identifying and hiring two new breeders in 2009. During this transition, this program has also faced considerable change with the departure of Dr. Dipak Santra, Dr. Meenakshi Santra and Adrienne Burke, all of whom were important in meeting the overall goals of this program. In contrast, we have an additional person, Wycliffe Nyongesa who is a new field technologist. With these changes the program has remained highly productive. In 2008, over 26,000 breeding lines and/or named varieties of four market classes (soft white, hard white, hard red and club) were evaluated. Nearly 2,400 lines were selected for end-use quality assessment in 2008. Additionally, 299 crosses were made in 2008. The introgression of marker-assisted selection (MAS)-derived genotypes has become an important segment of the program and the development of genotypes through MAS that carry essential genes of interest are currently being used as parents in our crossing blocks. Targeted genes include stripe rust seedling resistance genes Yr5 and Yr15, the high protein gene Gpc-B1, and Hessian fly resistance genes H9, H13 and H25. Success for this program is measured by the producers adoption of our newly released varieties. Louise was released in 2005 and in 2008, 52% (155,000 A) of the soft white spring wheat acreage in Washington state was planted to Louise. WSU Quality Lab - For the crop harvested in 2007, the WSU Wheat Quality Program assisted the WSU winter and spring wheat breeding programs with quality analysis of 1164 breeding lines and accompanying check varieties, in close cooperation with the Western Wheat Quality Laboratory. Of the winter lines, 185 lines, including established varieties and specifically bred new lines, were for organic production. We had excellent results from the low-protein organically grown soft wheat lines in both cookie and Japanese sponge cake application. Additionally, we assisted the WSU Vogel endowed chair (Kulvinder Gill) with identifying end-use quality potential of very small samples of marker-assisted selection (MAS) wheat lines by performing SKCS system hardness and combustion protein content. During 2008 we began to look into processing quality of hard white noodle flour, specifically in regard to shredding during compression. We also continue to search for clues on the flour components responsible for Japanese sponge cake quality. In July 2008, Dr. Baik went on sabbatical leave to Korea to pursue further research in flour quality and make contact with millers in Japan and Korea. We expect his return in July 2009.


  1. Montana - We released one new cultivar in 2008, named Thunder CL. Thunder CL is a hard white Clearfield* wheat with excellent milling and bread-baking properties. Thunder CL will be grown in an identity-preserved contract program in Colorado.
  2. Oregon Wheat Breeding - A total of nine varieties have been released since 2002, including Tubbs and Tubbs 06 which are established as leading varieties in the PNW in terms of both acreage and performance. Combined acreage of OSU Clearfield varieties ORCF-101 and ORCF-102 in the PNW are estimated to be 450,000 acres for 2008-09
  3. Oregon Wheat Breeding - Recent OSU variety releases ORSS-1757 and Skiles have been recognized in Wheat Quality Council trials and Preferred Variety Lists as having superior milling and baking qualities for the soft white market class.
  4. Oregon Marker Assisted Selection Program - One major QTL, one minor QTL, and associated molecular markers have been identified that account for high break flour yields and soft kernel trait in the supersoft parent OR9900553.
  5. Utah - New high yielding, high quality cultivars continue to replace lower quality cultivars, resulting in more choices for crop marketing.
  6. Washington Spring Wheat Breeding - Farnum (HRW) was officially release in 2008. Foundation seed was available in the fall of 2008, and Foundation and Registered seed will be available in 2009. Two varieties, Whit (SWS) and Kelse (HRS), were approved for released in 2008. Foundation seed for both varieties will be available in 2009. WA8047 (Spring Club) will be proposed for full release in 2009.
  7. Washington Quality Lab - Assisted in the release of new WSU winter and spring wheat varieties Xerpha, Whit, Kelse and Farnum by providing quality analysis. Assisted in identifying MAS genotypes with good end-use quality potential for further introgression into breeding lines.


Bhave, M., and C.F. Morris. 2008. Basic instincts and fatal attractions. Proceedings of the 58th Royal Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, August 31-September 4, 2008. J. F. Panozzo and C. K. Black, eds. Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia, pp. 10-13. Bhave, M., and C.F. Morris. 2008. Molecular genetics of puroindolines and related genes: allelic diversity in wheat and other grasses. Plant Mol. Biol. 66:205-219. Bhave, M., and C.F. Morris. 2008. Molecular genetics of puroindolines and related genes: regulation of expression, membrane binding properties and applications. Plant Mol. Biol. 66:221-231. Brevis, J.C., I.A Khan, O. Chicaiza, C.F. Morris, L. Jackson and J. Dubcovsky. 2008. Agronomic and quality evaluation of common wheat near-isogenic lines carrying the leaf rust resistance gene Lr47. Crop Sci. 48:1441-1451. Choi, H.W. and B.K. Baik. 2008. Differences in functional properties of starches between hard and soft wheat genotype. AACCI Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 2008. Abstract for poster presentation. Feiz, L., J.M. Martin and M.J. Giroux. 2008. The relationship between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain hardness and wet-milling quality. Cereal Chemistry 85(1):44-50. Flowers, M. and C.J. Peterson. 2008. Variety Guide for Goetze Soft White Winter Wheat. EM 8957-E " April 2008 Flowers, M., C.J. Peterson, J. Burns and J. Kuehner. 2008. Variety Guide for Northwest 553 Hard Red Winter Wheat. EM 8967-E " June 2008 Flowers, M., C.J. Peterson, A. Hulting, J. Burns and J. Kuehner. 2008. Variety Guide for ORCF-101 Clearfield Soft White Winter Wheat. EM 8971-E " November 2008 Flowers, M., C.J. Peterson, A. Hulting, J. Burns and J. Kuehner. 2008. Variety Guide for ORCF-102 Clearfield Soft White Winter Wheat. EM 8972-E " November 2008 Fuerst, E.P., S.S. Xu and B. Beecher. 2008. Genetic characterization of kernel polyphenol oxidases in wheat and related species. Journal of Cereal Science 48:359-368. Gujral, H., S.J. Park and B.-K. Baik. 2008. Effects of added minerals on pasting of partial waxy wheat flour and starch and on noodle making properties. Cereal Chem. 85:97-101. Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.S. Quick, J.A. Stromberger, J.D. Butler, H.R. Miller, E.E. Heaton, J.B. Rudolph, B.W. Seabourn, G. Bai, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer and X. Chen. 2008. Registration of 'Bill Brown' wheat. J. Plant Reg. 2:218-223. Hole, D., S. Clawson and J. Clawson. 2008. 2008 Utah Small Grains Variety Trials. AES Research Report. 206: Lacerenza, J.A., J.M. Martin, L.E. Talbert, S.P. Lanning and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Relationship of ethanol yield to agronomic and seed quality characteristics of small grains. Cereal Chemistry 85(3):322-328. Martin, J.M., B. Beecher and M.J. Giroux. 2008. White salted noodle characteristics from transgenic isolines of wheat over expressing puroindolines. J. Cereal Sci. 2008. Martin, J.M., J.D. Sherman, S.P. Lanning, L.E. Talbert and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Effect of variation at the waxy and puroindoline loci on bread quality in a hard spring wheat cross. Cereal Chem. 85:266-269. Martin, J.M., J.D. Sherman, S.P. Lanning, L.E. Talbert and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Effect of Variation in Amylose Content and Puroindoline Composition on Bread Quality in a Hard Spring Wheat Population. Cereal Chemistry 85 (2):266-269. Morris, C.F., A.D. Bettge, M.J. Pitts, G.E. King, K. Pecka and P.J. McCluskey. 2008. The compressive strength of wheat endosperm: Comparison of endosperm bricks to the single kernel characterization system. Cereal Chem. 85:359-365. Morris, C.F. and M. Bhave. 2008. Reconciliation of D-genome puroindoline allele designations with current DNA sequence data. J. Cereal Sci. 48:277-287. Morris, C.F., J.W. Burns, K.S. Gill, D.A. Engle and G.E. King. 2008. End-use quality of U. S. soft white winter and spring wheat. Proceedings of the 58th Royal Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, August 31-September 4, 2008. Panozzo, J.F. and Black, C.K., eds. Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia, pp. 95-99. Morris, C.F. and G.E. King. 2008. Registration of hard kernel puroindoline allele near-isogenic line hexaploid wheat genetic stocks. J. Plant Registrations 2:67-68. Morris, C.F., M.J. Pitts, A.D. Bettge, K. Pecka and P.J. McCluskey. 2008. The compressive strength of wheat endosperm: Analysis of endosperm bricks. Cereal Chem. 85:351-358. Ohm, J.-B., A.S. Ross, C.J. Peterson and Y.-L. Ong. 2008. Relationships of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit Composition and Molecular Weight Distribution of Wheat Flour Protein with Water Absorption and Color Characteristics of Noodle Dough. Cereal Chemistry 85: 123-131.Variety Releases and PVP Peterson, C.J. 2008. Promoting investments in national and international research. Oregon Wheat. June, pgs 12-15. Saint Pierre, C., C.J. Peterson, A.S. Ross, J.-B. Ohm, M.C. Verhoeven, M. Larson and B. Hoefer. 2008. White Wheat Grain Quality Changes with Genotype, Nitrogen Fertilization, and Water Stress. Agron. J. 2008 100: 414-420. Saint Pierre, C., C.J. Peterson, A.S. Ross, J.-B. Ohm, M.C. Verhoeven, M. Larson and B. Hoefer. 2008. Winter wheat genotypes under different levels of nitrogen and water stress: Changes in grain protein composition. Journal of Cereal Science 47: 407416. Sherman, J.D., S.P. Lanning, D. Clark and L.E. Talbert. 2008. Registration of near-isogenic hard-textured wheat lines differing for a high grain protein gene. J. Plant. Reg. 2:162-164. Sherman, J.D., E. Souza, D. See and L.E. Talbert. 2008. Microsatellite markers for kernel color genes in wheat. Crop Sci. 48:1419-1424. Turuspekov, Y., B. Beecher, Y. Darlington, J. Bowman, T.K. Blake and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Hardness Locus Sequence Variation and Endosperm Texture in Spring Barley. Crop Sci 48 (3):1007-1019. Turuspekov, Y., J.M., Martin, J.G.P. Bowman, B.S. Beecher and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Associations between Vrs1 alleles and grain quality traits in spring barley Hordeum vulgare L. Cereal Chemistry, 85(6):817-823. Walker, C., K. Garland Campbell, B. Carter and K. Kidwell. 2008. Identifying superior soft white wheat genotypes in diverse production environments using the solvent retention capacity test. Crop Science 48:495-506.
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