SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Adeola, Layi, University; Azain, Mike, of Georgia; Baer, Charlotte,; Baidoo, Sam, of Minnesota; Crenshaw, Tom, of Wisconsin; Cromwell, Gary, of Kentucky; Hill, Gretchen, State University; Hostetler, Chris, Dakota State University; Kerr, Brian,; Kim, Sung Woo, Carolina State University; Mahan, Don, State University; Merchen, Neal, of Illinois; Miller, Phil, of Nebraska; Nelssen, Jim, State University; Pettigrew, Jim, of Illinois; Shannon, Marcia, of Missouri; Stein, Hans, of Illinois


1. Completed the NCCC42 project review (coordinated by Dr. Adeola). 2. In process: Preparation of of NCCC42 selenium research for journal publication (coordinated by Dr. Mahan. 3. In process: Discussion of data from 9 stations dealing with performance and carcass responses to graded levels of dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS)(coordinated by Dr. Cromwell). 4. Initiated: Trial dealing with the impact of DDGS withdrawal on pig performance and carcass quality (coordinated by Dr. Cromwell). 5. In process: discussion of data from 8 stations on the influence of organic acids on nursery pig performance (coordinated by Dr. Pettigrew). 6. Initiated: Trial dealing with the impact of calcium level on calcium digestibility (coordinated by Dr. Stein). 7. Completed: Published trial on the influence of dietary P on P digestibility (coordinated by Dr. Stein). 8. Initiated: Discussion of trial on the nutritional needs of high producing sows during gestation and lactation (coordinated by Dr. Mahan). 9. Met jointly with the Southern Regional Sow Nutrition Committee (S-1044) to discuss research topics of interest. 10. Continuation: A representative from the American Feed Industry Association (Dr. Don Orr, JBS United, AFIA President) discussed key nutritional issues. This resulted in a healthy exchange in information and a representative from the AFIA will be invited in future years to continue this relationship. 11. Continuation: Discussions to move forward with the NRC publication on Nutrient Requirements of Swine were extensive and lively, with efforts on seeking support from a variety of sources brought to the table (coordinated by Drs. Cromwell and Stein).


  1. Coordinated research among participating stations using common protocols leads to research data well accepted by the swine industry due to its multi-location basis.
  2. Exchange of research ideas among research locations is extensive leading to research projects (both with and between locations) which is more detailed and thought out, resulting in data well received by the swine industry.
  3. Invitation of a member of the AFIA as well as the Nutrition Committee Chair of the AFIA to the NCCC42 meeting improves communication between university, government, and allied industries, resulting in research being conducted being highly applicable to the swine industry.
  4. Continuation of NRC-Nutritional Requirements of Swine revision discussion will ultimately lead to a revised document for all associated with swine nutrition.


Influence of dietary phosphorus concentration on the digestibility of phosphorus in monocalcium phosphate by growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 2008. 1861-1867. H. H. Stein, C. T. Kadzere, S. W. Kim, and P. S. Miller. NCCC-42 Committee on Swine Nutrition.
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