SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


First Last Organization Alice Andlovec Kraft Foods NA Tim Aschbrenner Cereal Food Processors Byung-Kee Baik WSU Food Science Kerry Balow Washington State University Bob Bankhead Kraft Foods NA Michael Barnett Cargill Flour Milling Kurt D. Becker ConAgra Flour Milling Charles P. Berry KRUSTEAZ Continental Mills Inc. Art Bettge USDA Western Wheat Quality Lab Lynn Blair Washington Wheat Commission Steve Buckholdt Fisher Mills Inc. John Burns WSU Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences Brady Carter Washington State University Dale R. Clark Western Plant Breeders Shyrl Clawson USU Dept. of Plants Soils & Biometeorology Patricia Dailey Idaho Wheat Commission Jeff Daniels Central Milling Victor DeMacon Washington State University Doug Engle Western Wheat Quality Laboratory Robert Fesler Cargill Flour Milling John Flemm USDA-Federal Grain Inspection Service Bob French ADM Milling Company Diane Gannon Nabisco Brands Keith Giusto Central Milling Mary Guttieri University of Idaho Debra Habernicht PSPP Scott Haley Dept. of Agronomy Tracey Harris Washington State University David Hole USU Dept. of Plants Soils & Biometeorology Gary Hou Wheat Marketing Center Kerry Huber University of Idaho Food Science & Toxicology Barry Johnson Nabisco Brands Holly Johnson Western Plant Breeders Deborah Jones Pendleton Flour Mills Gary Joyce ADM Milling Company Kim Kidwell Washington State University Thomas Koehler University of Idaho Plant Science Mike Kortge Oregon Wheat Commission Meera Kweon Nabisco Brands Bon Lee Wheat Marketing Center Harry Levine Nabisco Brands Shawn A. Lindhorst ADM Milling Lynn Little USDA-ARS Kaleen Long KRUSTEAZ Continental Mills Inc. Dan McKay Washington Wheat Commission Naomi McKay Continental Mills Adelmo Monsalve General Mills Inc. Craig Morris Western Wheat Quality Laboratory Jim Murry Pendleton Flour Mill Linhda Nguyen KRUSTEAZ Continental Mills Inc. John Oades U.S. Wheat Associates Katherine O'Brien University of Idaho Maureen Olewnik American Institute of Baking C. James Peterson Oregon State University James Quick Dept. of Soil & Crop Science Gary Redman ConAgra Flour Milling Pat Reisenauer WSU Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences Jay Romsa General Mills Inc. Tana Rosebrook Oregon Wheat Commission Andrew Ross Oregon State University Boyd Schwieder Idaho Wheat Commission Gary Shelton Washington State University Louise Slade Nabisco Brands Wes Snow Integrated Bakery Resources Edward J. Souza University of Idaho Experiment Station Mary Verhoeven Oregon State University Glen Weaver Con Agra Flour Milling Co. Eric Zakarison Washington Wheat Commission

Western Regional Committee-81for Wheat Improvement
Annual Meeting
January 24, 2002
Carson City, Nevada

Advisor: Dr. James Quick
Chairperson: Dr. James Peterson
Vice Chairperson: Dr. Kim Campbell
Secretary: Mr. Brady Carter


President Jim Peterson brought meeting to order. Jim introduced the current advisor and presidency. Time was given to Jim Quick, who acknowledged the role of Doug Engle in organizing the meetings. The group then made introductions.

Jim then turned the time over to the researchers to give their reports.

Reports from each researcher follow as separate attachments. Order of reports:

1) Ed Souza
2) Brady Carter
3) Craig Morris
4) Jim Peterson
5) David Hole
6) Gary Hou
7) Dale Clark
8) Byungkee Baik

Agripro reported that they are in the process of producing a soft white wheat with the Clearfield technology. They will be moving into the PNW next year, but will be several years before full presence felt in the PNW.

Monsanto reported that they have decided to put roundup ready wheat on hold and look for release of roundup ready spring wheat in 2004 or 2005. The delay is due to lack of consumer acceptance in export markets.

General Mills reported that they continue to develop there identity preserved marketing system and that their launch of Clearfield wheat in conjunction with NW plant breeders is up in the air.

John Flemm of FGIS provided an update on the status of Hard White wheat. FGIS has no plans of adopting the Single Kernel technology and continues to determine hard vs soft based on appearance. In addition, due to difficulties in the Midwest in grading hard white color, color restrictions were loosened last year to create an amber hard class. These changes may or may not remain next year. John also reported that FGIS is having difficulty separating hard white wheat from soft white wheat in the PNW. FGIS will not start utilizing the single kernel analyzer until industry tells them to. John also reported that Sodium Hydroxide cannot be used to differentiate hard red out of hard white, but can be used to separate hard white from hard red.

In addition, Bon Lee presented a report on the quality of hard red spring wheat in the PNW. This work was done in cooperation with an unnamed company from overseas. A copy of the report can be found attached separately

Andrew Ross was voted in as Secretary for WRC-81 for 2003 meeting.

Meeting was closed at 12:00 PM


CY2001 WCC-81 Accomplishments

WCC-81 Idaho Report, 2001

Edward Souza
University of Idaho

Project Staff: Mary Guttieri, Cecile Becker, Leland Sorensen, Jack Clayton

Cultivars Proposed for Release:

IDO517 (HRW): IDO517 hard red winter wheat is a high yielding wheat adapted to irrigated production systems. It is a stiff-strawed cultivar, highly resistant to lodging, with adult plant resistance to stripe rust. IDO517 is higher in protein percentage to Garland and Boundary. Lodging resistance in IDO517 is superior to Boundary and Stephens. IDO517 is not resistant to dwarf bunt and should not be produced in the rainfed production areas of the Cache and Pocatello Valleys. IDO517 has good winter-hardiness, but limited snow mold tolerance. The quality of IDO517 protein is superior to all current irrigated hard red winter wheats grown in the Pacific Northwest. IDO517 flour produces high loaf volumes and strong mixing characteristics. IDO517 is in foundation seed production and targeted for release in 2002. IDO517 has been submitted to the PNW wheat quality council for evaluation this year.

IDO556 (Spring Club): IDO556 is a short, stiff-strawed, early maturing spring club wheat adapted to all production systems in the Pacific Northwest. IDO556 has seedling stripe rust resistance and adult plant leaf rust resistance. Yields of IDO556 are superior to Calorwa, but approximately 10% below the highest yielding soft white spring common wheats. Quality of IDO556 is consistent with Pacific Northwest club wheats. IDO556 is targeted for reseeding of winter-killed fields and spring seeding when club wheat premiums justify the lower yielding club class. IDO556 is in breeder=s seed production this year and targeted for release in 2003. IDO556 has been submitted to the PNW wheat quality council for evaluation this year.

IDO526 (SWS): IDO526 is a high-yielding, stiff-strawed, medium maturity wheat adapted to southern Idaho irrigated and rainfed production and northern Idaho rainfed production where Hessian Fly is not a yield-limiting factor. IDO526 has excellent resistance to stripe rust and leaf rust. IDO526 has demonstrated excellent potential for export markets in which the partial-waxy characteristic is important, particularly when coupled with strong gluten strength, and where the excellent color stability of IDO526 is a requirement. IDO526 is agronomically equivalent to Penawawa in high yield, irrigated environments and superior in rainfed environments. The improved milling performance, cookie quality, and color stability of IDO526 relative to Penawawa justify its release as a replacement cultivar. Foundation seed of IDO526 will be available upon its release in Fall 2002. IDO526 was evaluated by the PNW wheat quality council in January 2000.

Leona (SWS): Leona is a waxy soft white wheat with low polyphenol oxidase activity. It has moderate yield potential. It is being used for product and process development to facilitate generating a market for a full amylopectin soft wheat. Contract production through the University of Idaho is anticipated to continue for the next two to three years as demand dictates. Leona will be placed in regional testing for use by other Pacific Northwest wheat researchers in 2002.

Evaluation Methods
Within the soft white wheat class, we have de-emphasized selection for softness using NIR and SKCS evaluation. We reached this decision following examination of heritability and selection studies among soft wheats that indicated that NIR and SKCS softness are poor predictors of end-use quality, once hard wheats and heterogeneous lines have been discarded.
Within the soft wheat program, we now employ a graduated selection scheme, beginning in early generations with whole-grain sodium carbonate solvent retention capacity and SDS sedimentation test. Evaluations of quality of lines in initial, unreplicated yield testing now employ sodium carbonate and lactic acid SRC evaluation of untempered, Brabender Jr.-milled flour. Breeding lines in replicated yield testing are evaluated using standard AACC milling and sugar snap cookie tests, as well as water, sodium carbonate, sucrose, and lactic acid SRC tests.

Hard wheat evaluation. The hard wheat evaluation continues as we have for many years. We are de-emphasizing the partial waxy characteristic within hard white wheats. We continue to emphasize full breadmaking functionality and noodle color in hard white wheats. We are concluding the study funded by the Fund for Rural American to characterize the influence of genotypic and management variables on noodle and bread production.

WCC-81 Montana Report, 2001

Debra Habernicht, Montana State University

L.E. Talbert (Spring Wheat Breeder)
P.L. Bruckner (Winter Wheat Breeder), Mike Giroux (Small Grain Quality)
Jack Martin (Plant Sciences)

Spring Wheat Program
Personnel: Luther Talbert, Susan Lanning, Nancy Blake, Jamie Sherman, Arunrut Vanichanon, Jason Cook and Kelly Hansen.

The goal of the spring wheat breeding program is to develop varieties with high yielding potential, high grain protein, and improved milling and baking qualities. Primary objectives are to incorporate better resistance to the wheat stem sawfly and diseases, especially WSMV, while maintaining superior end-use quality. They continue to breed these traits into both hard red and hard white spring wheats. Hard red spring wheat is the primary emphasis.

Winter Wheat Program
Personnel: Phil Bruckner, Jim Berg, Ron Ramsfield

The winter wheat program emphasizes on-farm productivity
characteristics and quality characteristics to compete in a global market place. Specific objectives include productivity, adaptation (cold tolerance, maturity, stress tolerance), pest resistance (wheat stem sawfly, Russian wheat aphid, wheat streak mosaic virus, stem rust), and dual-purpose end-use quality. End-use quality goals are high grain protein and gluten strength, high flour extraction and low ash content, good dough mixing and bread baking quality, and superior noodle color and textural characteristics.

Cultivar releases.
MT9426 (pedigree: MT8030/Neeley) a high-yielding, medium to late maturity hard red winter wheat line with excellent cold tolerance is proposed for release in 2003. MT9426 has excellent on-farm production characteristics and excellent baking characteristics. MT9426 is targeted toward acreage currently planted to Neeley HRW wheat.

Based on high yield potential and excellent end-use quality, MTR9997 (PI262605/MT7863// Redwin), MT9989 (Blizzard/Arapahoe), MT9982 (Promontory/Judith), MT9951 (Tiber/ Centurk), and MT9904 (MT85200/Tiber) are being purified for potential release. Two solid-stemmed lines, MTS0031 (MTS92015// Vanguard/Norstar) and MTS0023 (MTS92021//Judith/ Arapahoe), have performed exceptionally well over the past two years. These lines have improved yield potential, test weight and stem solidness. MTS0031 has grain protein similar to Rampart, while protein of MTS0023 is similar to Morgan. Headrow purification of both lines has been initiated for future release. Both lines will be tested extensively in Montana during the 2002 crop year.

Small Grain Quality
Personnel: Mike Giroux, Eric Smidansky, Brian Beecher, Fletcher Meyer and Jack Martin

The small grain quality groups research efforts are focused on yield and quality related genes. This has entailed studies encompassing basic cereal chemistry as well as plant biotechnology. One area of research is the wheat puroindolines. We are interested in examining the role these proteins play in cereal quality and plant seed fungal resistance. We have conducted numerous experiments indicating that seemingly minor sequence variation in these genes significantly impacts cereal quality parameters. We have demonstrated the ability of the puroindolines to modify both grain texture and the susceptibility of seeds to fungal decay. A second area of our research focuses on increasing agronomic yield without sacrificing protein content or quality. Our experiments involve increasing the rate of endosperm starch biosynthesis by modifying starch biosynthetic enzymes such as ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase. We have conducted greenhouse and preliminary field yield trials of transgenic wheat that have indicated significant yield enhancement by the seed specific transgene. We have not found significant changes in seed related parameters such as seed size or protein content.

Wheat Quality Evaluation
Personnel: Debra Habernicht, Jackie Kennedy, Harvey TeSlaa, Curt Foster, and Deanna Nash

The Cereal Quality Laboratory researches end-use properties of cereal grains. Emphasis is on flour milling and bread baking traits of hard red and hard white wheats. Standard quality evaluations for these hard wheats include grain protein, milling (flour yield), flour ash, flour protein and moisture, SDS-Sedimentation (early generation material), mixograph and 100 g pup loaf bread bakes. In addition, the growing interest in the use of hard white wheat for the Asian noodle market has instituted noodle quality evaluation. All hard white wheats (and some red winter wheats) are also evaluated for polyphenol oxidase reaction, Chinese raw noodle score, sheet color and noodle texture and cooking tolerance.

End-use quality of hard red and hard white spring wheat contaminated with grain of contrasting classes.
Habernicht, D.K., J. M. Martin, L.E. Talbert.

Short growing seasons and lack of water limit the number of crops that can be productively grown in the Northern Great Plains, with wheat being uniquely adapted to the region. Growers interested in diversification of their operations are increasingly growing more than one class of wheat to target different markets. This has led to the challenge of maintaining class purity in that contamination with alternate classes results in lower prices to the farmer, with the primary rationale being that mixtures may have poor end-use quality. In these experiments, we tested hard red spring wheat and hard white spring wheat contaminated with different levels of soft white spring wheat, durum wheat, hulless barley, and the hard wheat of the alternate kernel color for milling and baking quality. Our results showed that contamination of hard red and hard white spring wheat with soft white wheat and hulless barley often influenced end-use quality, with flour yield being negatively impacted at relatively low levels. Loaf volume was normally only effected at higher levels. Durum wheat contamination caused fewer quality problems, and generally at higher levels of contamination. Contamination of hard red or hard white wheat by hard wheat of the alternate color class rarely impacted quality, and impacts were both positive and negative depending on quality attributes of the pure samples. Growers wishing to diversify by growing both hard red and hard white wheat would benefit were buyers and end-users willing to accept higher levels of contamination for alternate classes that are unlikely to cause problems in eventual end-use.

Effects of divergent selection for PPO in winter wheat.
Jack Martin, Phil Bruckner, Jim Berg, Debra Habernicht and Curt Foster

Experiments are being conducted to examine the effect of selection for high versus low polyphenol oxidase (PPO) on 1) agronomic traits, and 2) bread and noodle quality traits in winter wheat. Lines with high or low PPO were selected within eight winter wheat crosses (33 high and 33 low PPO lines, varying from 4 to 6 for each cross). The 66 lines plus six varieties (72 entries) were grown in a replicated field trial at Bozeman in harvest year 2000 and 2001 and at Conrad and Huntley in harvest year 2001. Agronomic data were collected at the four environments, bread and noodle quality data were obtained in MSU Cereal Quality Laboratory on grain from the 2000 environment during 2001. Preliminary results Divergent selection for PPO did not influence important agronomic traits such as grain yield and test weight. However, low PPO lines headed about one day later than high PPO lines. Lines selected for low PPO tended to have higher protein than those with high PPO for all environments except Huntley. PPO differences did not impact important milling, bread quality, and noodle texture characteristics. PPO levels had greatest impact on noodle color profile after 24 hours where low PPO noodles had higher brightness, yellowness and redness values than high PPO noodles. Noodle brightness was more stable over time for low PPO lines than for high PPO lines. In contrast, yellowness and redness values changed more with time for the low PPO group. Results were consistent across crosses for the noodle color characteristics, but individual crosses varied in their results for most other traits.

WCC-81 Oregon Report, 2001

J. Peterson, Oregon State University

In fall, 2000, the hard white winter >Ivory= reselection OR850513-19 was advanced to Foundation seed production. OR850513-19 had shown the best protein quality among all the Ivory reselections we had evaluated. It was dropped from further consideration this past summer, however, due to high levels of susceptibility to Stripe rust. The remaining Ivory reselections also have been shelved, primarily due to inadequate protein quality.

We have not lessened our commitment to hard white development; rather, we are moving new populations forward to address critical deficiencies in our hard white germplasm base. Improving protein quality and noodle color, as related to PPO activity, are critical to developing hard whites for multi-product applications. Moderate levels of bread quality also are needed to satisfy domestic expectations and product needs. Other traits of concern include winterhardiness, as much of our hard white base was derived from spring x winter crosses, and inadequate Pseudocercosporella footrot resistance. In response, we are currently fast-tracking high-priority hard white cross combinations. We expect to have numerous F3 and F4 plant rows and populations in the field next fall from 3-way crosses of (OSU HWW=s) x (Plains HRW and HWW) x OR943575. These combinations should provide us with means to simultaneously improve protein quality, winterhardiness, and noodle color, while capturing the high yield, broad adaptation, low PPO, and footrot resistance of our hard white selection OR943575.

Six hard white wheat selections were advanced to either State-wide Variety Trial or Regional Nursery testing; including OR941048, OR942496, OR953475, OR952577, OR9900384, and OR850513-8. The hard white selections OR942496 and OR941048 have been entered in the Asian Products Collaborative sponsored by the Wheat Marketing Center. OR941048, from the cross ‘ID 80-628/3/CER/YMH/HYS/4/CER/YMH/HYS‘, has shown promising yield potential, intermediate to low PPO activity, and moderate protein quality. OR942496 is a hard white selection from a spring x winter cross combination and is now in the State-wide variety trials and regional testing. It has also shown promising agronomic potential, but has questionable end-use quality attributes.

Results from a second year of Asian product evaluations with the Wheat Marketing Center generated more questions than answers. Lines in the 2000 Hard White Elite Nursery were evaluated for Chinese raw noodles, steam bread, and pan breads using grain samples from multiple locations and varying protein contents. For the 2000 grain samples, here was little consistency in results or varietal ranks over locations for product attributes. Product color was generally less than acceptable, possibly related to high ash or bran contamination during milling. Samples from the 2001 HW-Elite will be milled and submitted for product testing this spring. Additional biochemical analyses are anticipated as we try to understand basis for variations in product quality.

Over 150 hard white wheat samples from the 2000 Hard White Elite Nursery were submitted to USDA-GIPSA-FGIS in January of 2001 for visual classification. The majority of samples graded ‘soft white‘ for visual kernel attributes such as color and shape. The results confirm the serious nature of classification and segregation problems in the PNW; problems that will only increase as hard white wheat production increases. Samples from the 2001 trials have now been submitted to FGIS for further evaluation and classification. As new hard white varieties are readied for release, it will be important that either FGIS can visually identify the variety, or that we work with FGIS to develop more objective tests for the industry.

Support from Craig Morris and the USDA-ARS Western Wheat Quality Lab in evaluating our preliminary and advanced breeding lines is gratefully acknowledged. Through their testing efforts, we have begun to partition our soft white selections into ‘quality subclasses‘ to target specific market needs and opportunities.

With recent arrival of Andrew Ross, OSU Cereal Chemist, we are reevaluating our quality research program and market development efforts. We anticipate several new end-use quality research thrusts to be established, in addition to redefining and reinvigorating our hard white wheat variety development program.

WCC-81 USDA Genetics Report, Pullman, Washington

K. Campbell, USDA

Wheat production in the Pacific Northwest accounts for 85% of the total soft white wheat, and 100% of the soft white club wheat produced in the U.S. Soft white wheat, particularly club wheat, is a major export crop with approximately 70-80% exported annually. Export customers demand a consistent supply of high quality wheat. Wheat growers want to reduce production costs and use environmentally sound farming practices. In order to give U.S. farmers the competitive edge in a difficult market, we must continue to develop wheat cultivars and germplasm that require few additional inputs and produce excellent quality grain. Our goal is to develop high quality, high yielding club wheat cultivars that possess better milling quality than their predecessors, in addition to resistance to major biotic and abiotic production risks.

Our single most significant accomplishment during the reporting period is the identification of quantitative trait loci associated with milling and baking quality traits in wheat. This research will allow us to use marker-assisted selection for quality traits and obtain increased product quality from crosses among wheat market classes. Interclass crosses are necessary because genetic sources of resistance to production risks are frequently found outside of club wheat. By using the information of the locations of quality genes, we can simultaneously improve end use quality and resistance to disease, and temperature stress.

Two new cultivars were released. Chukar winter club wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was developed by the USDA-ARS with assistance from the Washington Agricultural Experiment Station and the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. It was released in September of 2001 because of its combination of yield potential, and disease resistance with the quality characteristics desired for the club wheat market class. Yields of Chukar have been equal to or up to 5% better than those of >Coda= club wheat and >Madsen= soft white winter wheat over five years of multi-location yield trials in the Pacific Northwest. The test weight of Chukar has been good. Chukar is best suited to the intermediate to high rainfall zones of Washington State and North Idaho. Chukar is resistant to strawbreaker foot rot (caused by Tapesia yallundae Wallwork & Spooner) and carries the Pch1 gene for resistance, derived from Roazon. Chukar is resistant to stripe rust (caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici). and moderately resistant to Powdery Mildew (caused by Erysiphe graminis DC. f. sp. tritici Em.Marchal ). Chukar is moderately susceptible to leaf rust (caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks.) and susceptible to dwarf bunt (caused by Tilletia controversa K|hn in Rabenh. Ergot). The end use quality of Chukar is excellent as compared with other club wheat varieties. Chukar is a compliment to the club wheat >Hiller= in intermediate to high rainfall environments when foot rot is a problem. It has exhibited consistent and stable yields, most likely because it possesses resistance to multiple diseases.

Finch soft white winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was developed by the USDA-ARS with assistance from the Washington Agricultural Experiment Station and the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and released in February 2001. It was released because of its combination of yield potential, and disease resistance with the excellent end-use quality characteristics desired for soft white wheat in the Pacific North West. The relatively late maturity of Finch and Chukar relative to Stephens may limit their adaptability in North East Oregon. Both have performed well in yield trials conducted in Oregon from 2000-2001, however

WCC-81 USDA WWWQL, Pullman, WA, Report, 2001

Craig F. Morris

The WWQL continues to focus on highly-heritable traits that confer superior quality, and the cooperative development of wheat germplasm and cultivars.

The primary areas of research involve kernel texture, PPO polyphenol oxidase), starch quality, noodle quality, and cookie quality. See publications list.
WCC-81 Washington Report, CY 2001

Brady Carter
Washington State University

K.K. Kidwell (Spring Wheat Breeder),
S.S. Jones (Winter Wheat Breeder),
Kim Campbell (USDA Wheat Breeder)
Craig Morris (Western Wheat Quality Lab)

Spring Wheat Program
Personnel: K. Kidwell, M. McClendon, V. DeMacon

Early Generation, End-Use Quality Assessment of F4 Head Rows:
More than 2200 entries were selected from among 24,800 F4 head rows planted in the field based on plant type, maturity and disease resistance (Table 3). Following harvest, grain was visually inspected for plumpness, grain color and texture. Selections with sound grain were then sorted by market class and subjected to a specific quality assessment strategy depending on market class and end-use goals using a 10g grain sample per entry. Each sample was ground into whole meal flour using a UDY grinder. Grain protein content and grain hardness values were determined using NIR. Microsed tests were conducted to assess protein quality and gluten strength for lines targeted for bread baking purposes (Table 3). Solvent Retention Capacity (SRC) tests were used to evaluate soft white common and club wheat quality.

Results from these analyses were used to eliminate lines with unacceptable end-use quality potential prior to selecting entries for field evaluations in 2002. Since a negative relationship does not exist between superior end-use quality of wheat grain and grain yield, we do not expect to hinder our ability to improve the grain yield potential of future spring wheat variety releases by implementing early generation selection strategies for end-use quality into the breeding program.

Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS):
A wheat microsatellite marker associated with a chromosomal segment that confers a 1-2% grain protein content (GPC) increase in two donor lines, GluPro and ND683, was identified, then a strategy was developed to rapidly move this segment into adapted germplasm through marker-assisted backcross breeding. Initial crosses between the protein segment donor parents and the adapted hard red varieties Scarlet and Tara were made in 1998. The goal is to recover lines nearly identical to Scarlet and Tara with the addition of the increased GPC segment from the donor parents. BC5F3 lines, containing 99% of the genes from the WSU lines and 1% of the genes from the donor parents, including the high protein segment, were developed using this strategy, and this material was evaluated in the field in 2001. Grain protein content information has been collected, and we are in the process of confirming the presence of the high protein segment in this material. BC5F4 selections from 2001 will be advanced to 2002 field trials, and BC6F2 lines containing the high protein segment also will be evaluated in the field in 2002. Progress has been hindered due to difficulty associated with using this microsatellite marker to distinguish between lines that are homozygous and heterozygous for the high protein segment. We are currently evaluating additional markers in this region as possible candidates for use in MAS.

All (100%) of our early generation (Eden=, and the first WSU hard white variety, >Macon=, were identified as having superior end-use quality potential prior to field evaluation. All of our recent variety releases (>Scarlet=, >Zak=, >Tara=, Eden, Macon and the potential release >Hollis= (WA7859) have excellent to exceptional end-use quality. In addition, all of these lines have acceptable to exceptional agronomic performance. Registered seed of Zak will be available in 2002. Foundation seed of Tara, Macon and potentially WA7900 will be available in 2002.

Winter Wheat Program
Personnel: Steve Jones, Steve Lyon, Carrie

The winter wheat program emphasizes varieties that combine superior yields, disease resistance, and end-use quality. Breeding lines from the major winter market classes in the PNW are currently being evaluated with an emphasis on hard red and hard white winter varieties. A combination of agronomic performance assessment and early generation quality testing is used to screen F4 and F5 generation lines. Once poor quality lines have been discarded, the remaining lines are heavily scrutinized for agronomic performance. The overall goal is to only release varieties that have both excellent end-use quality and higher yields than current varieties.

New Eltan type hard red and hard white winter varieties are showing excellent potential and may be ready for release in 3 years. These lines consistently outperform Eltan in field trials and preliminary testing indicates that they have acceptable bread-baking quality and great potential for noodle processing. In addition, work is in progress to develop soft white winter wheats that are similar to Eltan, but resistant to foot rot disease. Other work focuses on developing varieties that are resistant to Cephalosporium stripe disease and determining which varieties are best suited for organic production.

Wheat Quality Evaluation
Personnel: Brady Carter, Tracy Harris

The WSU wheat quality program and the Western Wheat Quality Lab cooperate to test over 5000 breeding lines each year. These breeder lines come from each of the market classes and no one market class requires the same set of quality tests. Consequently, a variety of tests must be performed at the quality lab and personnel must be trained to perform a multitude of different tasks. Cookie and cake baking qualities are emphasized in soft wheats while bread baking and noodle quality are emphasized in the hard wheats.

The Washington State University Wheat Quality Program (WSUWQP) emphasizes quality-testing service to the breeders. Efforts focus on increasing the efficiency of testing WSU lines, summarizing the data in a meaningful way, and then disseminating the results in a timely manner. The WSUWQP also focuses on developing new techniques that can either be used in early generations to screen out poor lines or in later generations to predict performance in a particular end-use product. Other efforts focus on identifying characteristics important to end-users and using that information to recognize varieties that are particularly suited for a specific market. Finally, the WSUWQP has assumed the role as the extension source for quality information and discusses with the growers of the State the importance of growing varieties with good end-use quality.

Food Science
Personnl: Byung-Kee Baik

Chemistry and processing of cereal grains and legumes

Current research topics
1) Influence of amylose content of wheat on bread quality and on textural properties of white salted noodles.
2) Influences of protein content and quality of wheat on processing and product properties of Asian noodles
3) Color and discoloration of barley-based food products.
4) Isolation, characterization and utilization of legume cotyledon fiber.
5) Bleaching of green peas: Seed components responsible for or related to loss of green color


  1. 1. Discussion of four new Idaho cultivars
  2. 2. Discussion of one new MT HRWW cv and traits of two solid stem lines.
  3. 3. Discussed role of purindolinone DNA sequence use in cereal quality.
  4. 4. Shared info on effects of cereal class contamination on end-use.
  5. 5.HWWW 'Ivory' from OR removed from seed increase due to stripe rust susc.
  6. 6.Identification of QTL associated with milling and baking traits in USDA-WA.
  7. 7. Microsatellite marker associated with 1-2% increase in grain protein content.


Guttieri, M.J. D. Bowen, D. Gannon, K. O=Brien, and E. Souza. Solvent retention capacity of irrigated soft white spring wheat flours. Crop Sci. 41:1054-1061.

Baley, G. J., L. E. Talbert, J. M. Martin, M. J. Young, D. K. Habernicht, G. D. Kushnak, J. E. Berg, S. P. Lanning, and P. L. Bruckner. 2001. Agronomic and end-use qualities of wheat streak mosaic virus resistant spring wheat. Crop Sci. 41:1779-1784.

Beecher, B., E.D. Smidansky, D. See, T.K. Blake, and M.J. Giroux. 2001. Mapping and sequence analysis of barley puroindolines. Theor. Appl. Genet.102:833-840.

Bruckner, P. L., D. Habernicht, G. R. Carlson, D. M. Wichman, and L. E. Talbert. 2001. Comparative bread quality of white flour and whole grain flour for hard red spring and winter wheat. Crop Sci. 41:1917-1920.

Habernicht, D. K., J. E. Berg, G. R. Carlson, D. M. Wichman, G. D. Kushnak, K. D. Kephart, J. M. Martin, and P. L. Bruckner. 2002. Pan bread and raw Chinese noodle qualities in hard winter wheat genotypes grown in water-limited environments. Crop Sci. (in press).

Habernicht, D.K., J.M. Martin, L.E. Talbert. End-use quality of hard red and hard white spring wheat contaminated with grain of contrasting classes. AACC (in press).

Hannah LC, J.R. Shaw, M.J. Giroux, A. Reyss, J.L. Prioul, J.M. Bae, J.Y. Lee (2001) Maize genes encoding the small subunit of adp-glucose pyrophosphorylase. Plant Physiology 127(1):173-83.

Holen, D. L., P. L. Bruckner, J. M. Martin, G. R. Carlson, D. M. Wichman, and J. E. Berg. 2001. Response of winter wheat to simulated stand reduction. Agron. J. 93:364-370.

Krishnamurthy, K., C. Balconi, J.E. Sherwood and M. Giroux. (2001). Increased tolerance to fungal diseases of rice plants transformed with puroindoline genes. Molec. Plant-Microbe Interact. 14:1255-1260.

Krishnamurthy, K., and M.J. Giroux. 2001. Expression of wheat puroindoline genes in transgenic rice confers grain softness. Nature Biotechnology 19:162-166.

Martin, J.M., R.C. Frohberg, C.F. Morris, L.E. Talbert, and M.J. Giroux. (2001) Milling and bread baking traits associated with puroindoline sequence type in hard red spring wheat. Crop Science 41:228-234.

Morris, C.F., M. Lillemo, G.M. Simeon, M.J. Giroux, S. Babb, and K. Kidwell. (2001) Prevalence of puroindoline grain hardness mutations among historical wheats. Crop Science 41:218-228.

Smidansky, E.D., M. Clancy, F.D. Meyer, S.P. Lanning, N.K. Blake, L.E. Talbert, and M.J. Giroux. (2002) Enhanced ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase Activity in Wheat Endosperm Increases Seed Yield. 12/2001 PNAS, in press.

Campbell, K.G., Finney, P., Bergman, C.J., Gaulbaerto, D.G., Anderson, J.A., Hareland, G., Siritunga, D., Giroux, M., Jian Sorrells, M.A., and Finney, P.L. 2001. Quantitative trait loci for milling and baking quality in a soft x hard wheat cross. Crop Science 41:1275-1285.

Demeke, T., Morris, C., Campbell, K.G., Chang, H., Anderson, J. 2001. Genetic variation and quantitative trait analysis for polyphenol oxidase in wheat. Crop Science 41: ---.
Anderson, J. V. and C.F. Morris. 2001. An improved whole-seed assay for screening wheat germplasm for polyphenol oxidase activity. Crop Sci. 41:1697-1705.

Demeke, T., H.-G. Chang, and C. F. Morris. 2001. Effect of germination, seed abrasion and seed size on polyphenol oxidase assay activity in wheat. Plant Breed. 120:369-373.

Demeke, T., C. F. Morris, K. G. Campbell, G. E. King, J. A. Anderson, and H.-G. Chang. 2001. Wheat polyphenol oxidase: distribution and genetic mapping in three inbred line populations. Crop Sci. 41:1750-1757.

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Kimball, B.A., C.F. Morris, P.J. Pinter, Jr., G.W. Wall, D.J. Hunsaker, F.J. Adamsen, R.L. LaMorte, S.W. Leavitt, T.L. Thompson, A.D. Matthias, and T.J. Brooks. 2001. Elevated CO2, drought and soil nitrogen effects on wheat grain quality. New Phytologist 150:295-303.

Martin, J. M., R. C. Frohberg, C. F. Morris, L. E. Talbert, and M. J. Giroux. 2001. Milling and bread baking traits associated with puroindoline sequence type in hard red spring wheat. Crop Sci. 41:228-234.

Morris, C.F., and R. E. Allan. 2001. Registration of hard and soft near-isogenic lines of hexaploid wheat genetic stocks. Crop Sci. 41:935-936.

Morris, C. F., G. E. King, R. E. Allan, and M. C. Simeone. 2001. Identification and characterization of near-isogenic hard and soft hexaploid wheats. Crop Sci. 41:211-217.

Morris, C. F., and C. F. Konzak. 2001. Registration of hard and soft homozygous waxy wheat germplasm. Crop Sci. 41:934-935.

Morris, C. F., M. Lillemo, M. C. Simeone, M. J. Giroux, S. L. Babb, and K. K. Kidwell. 2001. Prevalence of puroindoline grain hardness genotypes among historically significant North American spring and winter wheats. Crop Sci. 41:218-228.

Morris, C.F., M.C. Simeone, B.S. Gill, R.J. Mason-Gamer and M. Lillemo. 2001. Comparison of puroindoline sequences from various diploid members of the triticeae and modern cultivated hexaploid wheats. (In) Cereals 2000. Proc. 11th ICC Cereal & Bread Congress and the 50th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conf. M. Wootton, I. L. Batey, and C.W. Wrigley (eds.) Royal Australian Chemical Inst., North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. pp. 678-681.

Carter, B., Campbell, K.G., Kidwell, K.K., Morris, C.F., and Gains, C. 2002. Improving gains from selection for end use quality in wheat. In Proc. 5th Annual National Wheat Industry Research Forum, 17 January 2002, Orlando, FL. National Assn. Wheat Growers. p. 39.

Epstein, J., C. F. Morris, and K. C. Huber. 2002. Instrumental texture of white salted noodles prepared from recombinant inbred lines of wheat differing in the three granule bound starch synthase (Waxy) genes. J. Cereal Sci. 35:51-63.

Kidwell, K.K., G.B. Shelton, V.L. DeMacon, C.F. Morris, D.A. Engle, J.W. Burns, R.F. Line, C.F. Konzak and J. Hatchett. 2002. Registration of >Zak= Wheat. Crop Sci 42:661-662.

Morris, C.F. 2002. The Pacific Northwest - Land of milk and honey (and white wheat). In Proc. 5th Annual National Wheat Industry Research Forum, 17 January 2002, Orlando, FL. National Assn. Wheat Growers. p. 28-31.

Beecher, B., J. Bowman, J. M. Martin, A. D. Bettge, C.F. Morris, T.K. Blake, M.J. Giroux. 2002. Hodoindolines are associated with a major endosperm texture QTL in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Genome (in press).

Bettge, A.D., C.F. Morris, V.L. DeMacon, and K.K. Kidwell. 2002. Adaptation of AACC Method 56-11, Solvent Retention Capacity, for use as an early generation selection tool for cultivar enhancement. Cereal Chem. 79: (In press).

Demeke, T. and C.F. Morris. 2002. Molecular characterization of wheat polyphenol oxidase (PPO). Theor. Appl. Genet. (In press). Published online 22 February 2002.

Kidwell, K.K., G.B. Shelton, V.L. DeMacon, J.W. Burns, B.P. Carter, C.F. Morris, X. Chen and J.H. Hatchett. 2002. Registration of >Tara= Wheat. Crop Sci. 42: (In press).

Lillemo, M., M.C. Simeone, and C.F. Morris. 2002. Analysis of puroindoline a and b sequences from Triticum aestivum cv. >Penawawa= and related diploid taxa. Euphytica (in press).

Morris, C.F. 2002. Puroindolines: the molecular genetic basis of wheat grain hardness. Plant Mol. Biol. 48:(5/6) (In press).

Morris, C. F., and G. E. King. 2002. Registration of soft and hard red winter wheat near-isogenic sister lines of>Weston=. Crop Sci. 42:(In press).
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