SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Randy Anderson, USDA-ARS,;Dan Ball , Oregon State University,;Paul Baumann, Texas A&M University,;Joan Campbell , University of Idaho,;Jack Evans, Utah State University,;Darrel Hanavan, Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee,;Mark Hodges, Oklahoma Wheat Commission,;Drew Lyons, University of Nebraska,;Carol Mallory-Smith, Oregon State University,;Steven Miller, University of Wyoming,;Alex Ogg, University of Wyoming,;Tom Peeper, Oklahoma State University,;Doug Schmale, Nebraska Wheat Board,;Lee Sommers, Colorado State University,;Phil Stahlman, Kansas State University,;Phil Westra, Colorado State University,;Tony White, Kansas State University,;Ralph Whitesides, Utah State University,;Gail Wicks, University of Nebraska,;Joe Yenish , Washington State University,

The meeting was called to order by Joe Yenish at 1:00 p.m. at the Comfort Suites, Denver, Colorado. Following introductions, the topic of discussion was developing a new initiative to serve as a central focus of the WCC-077 project. Representatives of the wheat industry, both farmers and commission officers, from Colorado, Nebraska, and Oklahoma were present and participated in the discussion

Initial discussion focused on a review of the Jointed Goatgrass Initiative and it‘s effectiveness for the various groups. Those in the wheat industry generally felt there was a lot of information generated not just on jointed goatgrass, but also on wheat production, genetics, herbicide resistance, and other topics. Also, it was noted that outreach and extension efforts could be improved or intensified. Researchers found the initiative to be useful in securing funding for research on weed or crop ecology, which has been difficult to obtain. Researchers also felt initiative funding was not sufficient to support the research conducted without supplemental funding. However, all present agreed that the Jointed Goatgrass Initiative was extremely successful and there was a need to continue funding initiatives that focus on one or a few species of weeds in wheat production systems. The effectiveness of the Jointed Goatgrass Initiative Steering Committee was mentioned as key to its development and success.

A long discussion ensued with the participants listing current production problems that are obstacles to keeping wheat production systems sustainable. The discussion focused on management of diseases, insects, and weeds. Several different weed species including jointed goatgrass, feral rye, Italian ryegrass, Bromus sp., wild oats, Setaria sp. were discussed. It was decided that jointed goatgrass would not be listed as a justification for a new initiative, but research and extension efforts dealing with that species need not be excluded from a new initiative. Throughout the session it became apparent that it was important to keep the topics within a new initiative fairly broad. It was of an opinion that the steering committee format of the Jointed Goatgrass Initiative was an important reason for that program‘s success. The steering committee was able to provide solid decisions on funding and set direction in which to take research and extension programs. Rather than devote discussion time to specifics, it became apparent that the group should take a "broad brush" approach. The afternoon session of October 24 concluded with the agreement that a new initiative would be developed that would be titled, "Managing Invasive Weeds in Wheat." The group adjourned until the following morning.

Joe Yenish called the group to order on the morning of October 25. Discussion continued on which species to list in the proposed initiative. After a lengthy discussion and a poll of those present to determine which winter annual grass species were problems in the attendees states, it was decided that the Managing Invasive Weeds in Wheat Initiative should focus on, but not be limited to feral rye and Italian ryegrass. Again, it was pointed out that the success of the initiative would depend on a strong steering committee. It was felt that the new initiative should focus primarily on the Southern Great Plains, Northern Great Plains, Inter-mountain West, and Pacific Northwest Wheat production areas. Decisions to fund research or extension efforts outside of those geographic areas would rest with the steering committee. It was also noted that with the current Jointed Goatgrass Initiative ending in fiscal year 2005, a proposal to the National Association of Wheat Growers needed to be made at that organization‘s 2003 meeting in order to ensure no lapse period between initiatives. Arrangements were made to ensure the successful presentation of the Managing Invasive Weeds in Wheat Initiative to the National Association of Wheat Growers meeting in 2003.

It was decided that the next meeting of the WCC-077 project would be in Denver in 2003 as some time during the meeting of the American Society of Agronomy in that city. Phil Westra was elected chair of the WCC-077 project for 2003, Joe Yenish will take the position of Secretary.


Project has focused on management of winter annual grass weeds in wheat production. Several different weed species including jointed goatgrass, feral rye, Italian ryegrass, Bromus sp., wild oats, Setaria sp. are being studied. Significant progress has been made in developing weed control approaches for jointed goatgrass



Anderson, R. and T. White. 2002. Jointed goatgrass management strategies. 4 p. Current internet location:

Anderson, R., E. Zakarison, D. Ball, G. Wicks, D. Lyon, W. Donald, S. Miller, F. Young, T. White. 2002 Jointed goatgrass: Ecology. National Jointed Goatgrass Research Program. Wash. State Univ. Coop. Ext. Serv. EB1932.

Campbell,J. and D. Thill. 2002. Downy brome control in reduced tillage winter wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 141.

Campbell,J. and D. Thill. 2002. Weed control in fallow with herbicides applied in the fall and spring. 2002. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 94-95.

Campbell,J. and D. Thill. 2002. Weed control in fallow with spring applied herbicides in northern Idaho. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 96-97.

Campbell,J.M., M.J. Wille, and D.C. Thill. 2002. Rotation, seeding rate, and herbicide intensity effects on weed populations in wheat, barley, and pea. Proc. Western Society of Weed Science. 75.

Crumley,L.J. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Wild oat control in spring wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 120.

Geier, P. W., P. W. Stahlman, D. E. Peterson and S. D. Miller. Application timing affects BAYMKH 6561 and MON 37500 efficacy and crop response in winter wheat. Weed Tech 16:800-806

Hanavan, D., T. White, E. Zakarison, and R. Anderson. Jointed goatgrass: Introduction. National Jointed Goatgrass Research Program. Published by Wash. State Univ. Coop. Ext. Serv. EB1931.

Hanson, D. E., D. A. Ball, and C. A. Mallory-Smith. 2002. Herbicide resistance in jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica): simulated responses to agronomic practices. Weed Technology. 16: 156-163.

Hanson,B., L. Crumley, and D. Thill. 2002. Wild oat control in spring wheat. Idaho Grain. Spring 8-9.

Hanson,B.D. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Effect of dicamba formulation on wild oat herbicide efficacy in winter wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 134.

Hanson,B.D. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Grass weed control in winter wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 133.

Hanson,B.D. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Wild oat control in spring wheat with combinations of clodinafop plus thifensulfuron and other broadleaf herbicides. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 121-122.

Hanson,B.D. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Wild oat herbicide antagonism in winter wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 139-140.

Ireland,T.M. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Control of annual grasses with glyphosate-containing herbicides plus ammonium sulfate or Class Act NG. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 88-90.

Ireland,T.M. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Vegetation management with herbicides during fallow periods in direct seed, dry land winter wheat cropping systems in the Pacific Northwest. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 91-93.

Ireland, T. M., D. C. Thill, J. Yenish, and D. A. Ball. 2002. Annual grass weed control in stubble in the inland northwest: A comparison of glyphosate-containing herbicides. Proceedings West. Soc. Weed Sci. 55:3.

Johnson, J, S. Haley, and P. Westra CLEARFIELD* Wheat - CSU Fact Sheet, Cooperative Extension, CSU, Ft. Collins, CO

Kappler, B.F., D. J. Lyon, P. W. Stahlman, S. D. Miller, and K. M. Estridge. Wheat plant density influences jointed goatgrass competitiveness. Weed Tech. 16:102-108

Klein, R.N, D.J. Lyon, and G.A. Wicks.2002. Downy Brome Control. NebGuide G-422. Revised 2002.

Lyon, D.J., D.N. Klein, and G.A. Wicks. 2002. Rye Control in Winter Wheat. NebGuide G02-1483. 2002.

Park, K., C. A. Mallory-Smith, D. A. Ball, and G. W. Mueller-Warrant. 2002. Point mutation confers sulfonylurea resistance to one downy brome (Bromus tectorum) biotype but not in another. Proceedings West. Soc. Weed Sci. 55:11.

Parrish,S.K., J. Daniel, P. Westra, D. Thill, A.J. Bussan, L.J. Wrage, and B. Klien. 2002. Engame herbicide, a glyphosate acid formulation was compared to Roundup Ultra and Roundup Original when applied to wheat fallow agronomic systems. Proc. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. 42: 151.

Rainbolt,C.R. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Control of volunteer herbicide resistant wheat and canola. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 77-79.

Rainbolt,C.R. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Control of volunteer wheat with graminicides. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 86-87.

Rainbolt,C.R. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Control of over-wintered volunteer glyphosate-resistant spring wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 112-113.

Rainbolt,C.R. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Control of volunteer glyphosate resistant wheat with graminicides. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 114.

Rainbolt,C.R. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Control of volunteer spring, winter, and imidazolinone resistant wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 111.

Rainbolt,C.R. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Time of wild oat and common lambsquarters removal in glyphosate resistant spring wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 115.

Rainbolt,C.R. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Wild oat and common lambsquarters control in glyphosate resistant spring wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 116-117.

Rainbolt, C. ,D. C. Thill, D. A. Ball, J. P. Yenish, and F. Young, 2002. Managing Volunteer after Herbicide-Resistant Crops. Proceedings 2001 PNW Direct Seed Conference. pg 115.

Rainbolt,C.R., D.C. Thill, and F.L. Young. 2002. Control of volunteer herbicide resistant crops with herbicides. Proc. Western Society of Weed Science. 3.

Rainbolt,C.R., D.C. Thill, and F.L. Young. 2002. Managing volunteer crops following herbicide-resistant crops. Proc. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. 42:228.

Rauch,T.A. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Downy brome control in winter wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 137-138.

Rauch,T.A. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Grass weed control in winter wheat with triallate and various sulfosulfuron timings. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 147.

Rauch,T.A. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Italian ryegrass control in imidazolinone-resistant winter wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 127-128.

Rauch,T.A. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Italian ryegrass control in winter wheat. Proc. Western Society of Weed Science. 71.

Rauch,T.A. and D.C. Thill. 2002. The effect of application timing on wild oat control with different grass herbicides in winter wheat. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 125.

Rauch,T.A. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Tolerance of imidazolinone-resistant wheat to imazapyr and imazapic in a fallow-winter wheat rotation. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 152-153

Rauch,T.A. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Weed control in imiazolinone-resistant winter wheat with imazamox. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 130.

Rauch,T.A. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Weed control and crop response in imidazolinone-resistant spring wheat with imazamox and BAS 63500 H. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 123-124.

Rauch,T.A. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Weed control in imidazolinone-resistant winter wheat with imazamox and other grass herbicides. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 131-132.

Schiess,B.L. and D.C. Thill. 2002. Wild oat control in spring wheat with herbicide combinations. Western Soc. Weed Science Prog. Report. 118-119.

Walenta, D. L., J. P. Yenish, F. L. Young, and D. A. Ball. 2002. Vernalization response of plants grown from spikelets of spring and fall cohorts of jointed goatgrass. Weed Science. 50: 461-465.

Wicks, G.A., D.J. Lyon, and R.N. Klein. 2002. Controlling Jointed Goatgrass. NebGuide 1252 Revised 2002.

White, T. 2002. Clearfield wheat in Kansas. Wheat Scoop (Kansas Wheat Commission). August 28. Current internet location:

White, T. 2002. Got jointed goatgrass? Management strategies for increased control. Wheat Scoop (Kansas Wheat Commission) and Oregon Wheat Growers League Newsletter. August 28. Current internet location:

White, T. 2002. Jointed goatgrass: A problem in winter wheat. Successful Farming Magazine. In press. Current internet location:

White, T. 2002. Jointed goatgrass seed: What do we know? Current internet location:

White, T. 2002. National Jointed Goatgrass Research Program: Overview. Current internet location:

White, T. 2002. Weed identification: Is it important in Clearfield wheat? Western Farmer-Stockman Magazine. December. Current internet location:
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