SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Membership: Andersen, Jan ( - Utah State University; Bowen, Cathy ( - Pennsylvania State University; DeVaney, Sharon ( - Purdue University; Enevoldsen, Bernadine (  South Dakota State University Gorham, Liz ( - South Dakota State University; Gustafson, Cole ( - North Dakota State University; Gutter, Michael ( - University of Florida; Hanna, Sherman (  The Ohio State University Hayhoe, Celia ( - Virginia Polytechnic and State University; Mauldin, Teresa ( - University of Georgia; Porter, Nancy (  Clemson University Solheim, Catherine ( - University of Minnesota; Wise, Dena ( - University of Tennessee Advisors: Douthitt, Robin (douthitt@WISC.EDU)- University of Wisconsin; Schuchardt, Jane ( CSREES Meetings held: October 19, 2007 (by conference call) Participating: Teresa Mauldin (Chair), Jane Schuchardt, Nancy Porter, Mike Gutter, Sharon DeVaney, Cathy Bowen, Dena Wise, Celia Hayhoe, Catherine Solheim, and Liz Gorham Absent: Cole Gustafson, Bernadine Enevoldsen, Sherman Hanna January 11, 2008 (by conference call)- Participating: Teresa Mauldin (Chair), Nancy Porter, Mike Gutter, Sharon DeVaney, Cathy Bowen, Celia Hayhoe, and Jane Schuchardt, Jan Andersen, and Liz Gorham Absent: Catherine Solheim, Sherman Hanna, Cole Gustafson, Dena Wise February 8, 2008 (by conference call)- Participating: Teresa Mauldin (Chair), Nancy Porter, Michael Gutter, Sharon DeVaney, Celia Hayhoe, Catherine Solheim, Dena Wise, Jan Andersen, Sherman Hanna and Liz Gorham Absent: Cathy Bowen, Cole Gustafson, and Jane Schuchardt March 28, 2008 (by conference call)- Participating: Jan Andersen, Sharon DeVaney, Robin Douthitt, Michael Gutter, Teresa Mauldin, Nancy Porter, Jane Schuchardt. Absent: Cathy Bowen, Bernadine Enevoldsen, Liz Gorham, Cole Gustafson, Sherman Hanna, Celia Hayhoe, Cathy Solheim, Dena Wise. May 10, 2008 (by conference call)- Participating: Jan Andersen, Sharon DeVaney, Michael Gutter, Teresa Mauldin, Nancy Porter (may drop), Jane Schuchardt, Liz Gorham, Dena Wise, Robin Douthitt. Absent: Cathy Bowen, Bernadine Enevoldsen, Cole Gustafson, Sherman Hanna (dropping), Celia Hayhoe, Cathy Solheim. July 30, 2008 (Face-to-face following ACCI in Orlando, FL) Participating: Jan Andersen, Sharon DeVaney, Robin Douthitt, Michael Gutter, Teresa Mauldin, Jane Schuchardt, Cathy Bowen, Liz Gorham, Cole Gustafson. Absent: Celia Hayhoe, Catherine Solheim, and Dena Wise Dropped: Bernadine Enevoldsen, Sherman Hanna, Nancy Porter Sub-committee meetings: Attendance not always kept

A final meeting of NC 1013 was held at the Holiday Inn Select in Orlando, Florida on July 30, 2008 Participating: Jan Andersen, Sharon DeVaney, Robin Douthitt, Michael Gutter, Teresa Mauldin, Jane Schuchardt, Cathy Bowen, Liz Gorham, Cole Gustafson. Absent: Celia Hayhoe, Catherine Solheim, and Dena Wise. Guest: Yoshi, graduate student from University of Washington Focus of meeting: (1) Discuss policies in use of questionnaire by members of committee and individuals not on the committee (2) Discuss status of Consumer Federation of America (CFA) proposal and Money Management International Financial Education Foundation (MMI) inquiry (3) Discuss strategies for moving forward under NC 1172 (4) Share plans and current activities of members in attendance (5) Reports from Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) Representative and Administrative Advisor Use of Questionnaire. (a) Committee members are to inform the committee that they intend to utilize the questionnaire using the method developed by NC 1030 (b) Non- committee individuals are to provide a short description (3-pages) of how the questionnaire will be used, including theoretical framework, timeline, description of sample, and intended methodology. Review process is specified in the cover letter in the posted copy of the instrument on National Information Management Support System (NIMSS) Website. The full committee will review request. Non-committee individuals must clearly attribute the questionnaire to NC 1013. Discussion of Status of Consumer Federation of America proposal. CFA is willing to allow us to use the America Saves participants as possible respondents to our questionnaire to test out our model and different methodologies (mail and web-based). It does not appear that they can provide any funding. Several concerns were identified, including privacy issues of America Saves participants, costs of mailing the questionnaire to even a small sample, and need to reduce the number of questions in the questionnaire. Two subcommittees were identified to discuss these issues. One subcommittee is to follow up with CFA regarding America Saves privacy statement, incentives, and funding of a mail questionnaire. The second subcommittee is to focus on which questions might be eliminated from the questionnaire but allow for the testing of the theoretical model. Money Management International Financial Education Foundation. MMI has responded that they are interested in a program evaluation component. This would be a significant change from the original proposal. There will be follow up with Steve Bucci to determine if this is a direction of interest to members of the committee. Strategies for moving forward with NC 1172. Potential members for the NC 1172 were identified. In addition, announcements will be sent through traditional means as well as through the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) newsletter. Sharing of station activities All in attendance shared information about their research/outreach efforts. Because of the relevance of Michael Gutters study of college students to our theoretical model much of the discussion focused on how those research findings might help the subcommittee reviewing the questionnaire. Milestones The renewal proposal was approved and the research group will become NC 1172 in October 2008. The research team worked with two individuals from H&R Block to focus a proposal for funding. Unfortunately, H&R Blocks restructuring ended the opportunity to submit a proposal in that their foundation. The NC 1013 team published their major efforts of the past several years, a questionnaire, to the NIMSS website. During the past year, the committee members published 23 articles in refereed journals, 28 articles in refereed conference proceedings, 12 presentations at professional conferences, and 32 extension publications related to the savings behavior project. In addition, 3 grants related to this project were funded. See attached listing for more detail on the work of committee members. Impact The NC 1013 committee has developed a model that recognizes the complexities of savings behavior and a questionnaire to test the model. Existing theories have not adequately addressed the complexities and research is needed to better understand the savings behavior using a more comprehensive ecological model.


Outputs: The NC 1013 team published their major efforts of the past several years, a questionnaire, to the NIMSS website. During the past year, committee members published 23 articles in refereed journals, 28 articles in refereed conference proceedings, 12 presentations at professional conferences, and 32 extension publications related to the savings behavior project. In addition, 3 grants related to this project were funded. Research conducted by committee members has provided more insight to a more comprehensive model to be tested. Activities: The renewal proposal was approved and the research group will become NC 1172 in October 2008. The research team worked with two individuals from H&R Block to focus a proposal for funding. Unfortunately, H&R Blocks restructuring ended the opportunity to submit a proposal in that their foundation. Milestones: Existing theories have not adequately addressed the complexities of the focus of this committee; research is needed to better understand the savings behavior using a more comprehensive ecological model.


  1. The NC 1013 committee has developed a model that recognizes the complexities of savings behavior and a questionnaire to test the model. Existing theories have not adequately addressed the complexities and research is needed to better understand the savings behavior using a more comprehensive ecological model.


Publications, Presentations, and Grants (October 2007-September 2008) NC 1013 Station Reports In Press Book Chapters and Articles Allen, M. W., Edwards, R., Hayhoe, C. R., Leach, L., & Waldhart, E. (2008), College students imagined interactions about money and credit use. In J. Honeycut (Ed.), Imagine that: Studies in imagined interaction. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, in press. Andersen, J. D. (2008). Advice from a pro: Applying the large-loss principle to property and liability insurance. In E. T. Garman, & R. E. Forgue, Personal Finance (9th ed., p. 275). Boston: Houghton Mifflin, in press. Articles in Refereed Journals Koonce, J., Mimura, Y., Rupured, M., & Mauldin T. (2008). Financial information: Is it related to savings and investing knowledge and financial behavior? Financial Counseling and Planning, in press. Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings Anaza, N. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Characteristics of households who contribute both money and time to charitable organizations. Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, in press. Gorham, E., Gutter, M. S., & ONeill, B.(2008, November). An online chat: A new way to communicate financial information, Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators Conference, Orange County, California, in press. Accepted for presentation. Liu, P. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008, in press). What factors affect income from wages and salaries? Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, in press. Song, S. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Factors that influence the amount of net worth of older households: A comparison of retired and working households. Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, in press Wang, C. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008, in press). Determinants of the percentage of income spent on food eaten at home and away from home. Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, in press. Yang, T. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). The determinants of the amount of home equity over the life-cycle. Housing Education and Research Association, in press. 2008 Book Chapters DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Financial issues of older adults. In J. J. Xiao, (Ed.) Handbook of consumer finance research. NY: Springer, pp. 209-221. Articles in Refereed Journals Cho, Y. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Promotion of a smoke-free campus, Consumer Interests Annual, online. DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Handbook of Consumer Finance Research. Financial Counseling and Planning, 19(1), 64-66. [Book Review] Gerrior, S. A., Crocoll, C., Hayhoe. C. R., & Wysocki, J. (2008). Challenges and Opportunities Impacting the Mental Health of Rural Women. Journal of Rural Community Psychology. Gutter, M. S., Hayhoe, C. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Economic and psychological determinants of savings behavior: A conceptual model. Consumer Interests Annual, online. Gutter, M.S. & Hatcher, C.B. (2008). Racial differences in the demand for life insurance. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 75(3), 677-689. Lawrence, F. C., Lyons, A., & Gorham, E. E. (2008). Family economics research priority set. Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 19(1), 61-62. Linnenbrink, M., Koonce, J., Mauldin, T., Rupured, M., Schlanger, K. (2008). The earned income tax credit: Experiences from and implications of the voluntary income tax assistance program in Georgia. Journal of Extension, 46(1). Retrieved from Pallone, K. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). What influences net worth accumulation across the life cycle? Gerontology Association of American Program Abstracts, p. 451. Rutherford, L. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). The effect of campus shootings on the quality of graduate students college experiences. Consumer Interests Annual, online. Yang, P.N.D., & Solheim, C.A. (2008). Financial management in Hmong immigrant families: Change and adaptation. Hmong Studies Journal, 8, 1-33. Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings Cho, Y. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Promotion of a smoke-free campus, Consumer Interests Annual, online. Copur, Z. Gutter, M.S., Eisen, J., & Way, W. (2008). Exploring the relationship between financial behaviors and financial distress/financial well-being of college students, Consumer Interests Annual, 54. DeVaney, S. A. (2008). India: Land of opportunity. Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management, 18. DeVaney, S. A. & Yang, T. Y. (2008). What factors determine whether households spend less than income? Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management, 25. Gutter, M. S., Hayhoe, C. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Economic and psychological determinants of savings behavior: A conceptual model. Consumer Interests Annual, online. Rutherford, L. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). The effect of campus shootings on the quality of graduate students college experiences. Consumer Interests Annual, online. Pallone, K. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). What influences net worth accumulation across the life cycle? Gerontology Association of American Program Abstracts, p. 451. Gutter, M.S., Eisen, J., & Way, W. (2008). Financial management practices of college students from states with varying financial education mandates, Consumer Interests Annual, 54. Gutter, M.S., Hayhoe, C., & DeVaney, S. (2008). Economic and psychological determinants of savings behavior: A conceptual model, Consumer Interests Annual, 54. Ferstan, A., Nagle, St., Ouverson, K., & Solheim, C. (2008, May). FAIM: A financial fitness model. Presented at the Grassroots and Groundworks National Conference, Northwest Area Foundation, St. Paul, MN. Mauldin, T., Mimura, Y., Kabaci, M.J., Koonce, J., & Rupured, M. (2008, July). Communication among parents and youth about savings and investments: Impact of parents marital status. Poster abstract in Consumer Interests Annual, Conference of the American Agricultural Economic Association and American Council on Consumer Interest, Orlando, FL. Nganje, W., Hearne, R., Gustafson, C., & Orth, M. (2008). Farmers preference for alternative crop and health insurance subsidy, Review of Agricultural Economics, 30(2), 333-51. Yao, R., Ke, W. & Gorham, E. (2008). Financial risk tolerance profile of Chinese American households, Proceedings of the American Association of Council on Consumer Interests, 54. Presentations at Professional Conferences Bankston, J., Anderson, E., Gorham, E., & Hardison, C. (2008, September). Legally secure your financial future: Online curriculum to teach estate planning, Roundtable discussion at Galaxy III, Indianapolis, Indiana. DeVaney, S. A. (2008, September). Aging successfully: Financial preparation for the silver tsunami. Pre-conference to Galaxy III. Indianapolis, Indiana. DeVaney, S. A. (2008, July). Savings services for the rural poor. Gates Foundation Panel. American Council on Consumer Interests. Orlando, Florida. DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Retirement and Estate Planning for Farm Families Website. Women in Agriculture (WIA) National Conference for Educators. Available on the National AgRisk Library web site, University of Minnesota. Gorham, E. (2008, March). Leader of round-table discussion, Extension Communities of Practice. Four-state (MN, NE, IA, & SD) Family and Consumer Sciences Mid-West Conference, Lake Okoboji, Iowa. Gorham, E. (2008, March). Extension Communities of Practice. Leader of round-table discussion at four-state (MN, NE, IA, & SD) Family and Consumer Sciences Mid-West Conference, Lake Okoboji, Iowa. Gorham, E., & Snorteland, I. M. (2008, March). A, B, C, Ds of Medicare. Four-state (MN, NE, IA, & SD) FCS Mid-West Conference, Lake Okoboji, Iowa. Pallone, K. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008, August). What influences net worth accumulation across the life cycle? American Sociological Association. Solheim, C.A. (2008, May). Evaluation: Purpose, process and pizzazz! Presented at the Minnesota Financial Fitness Conference, Alexandria, Minnesota. Solheim, C.A., Ferstand, A., & Ouverson, K. (2008, September). Designing and implementing a comprehensive IDA program evaluation. Presented at the 2008 Assets Learning Conference, Washington, D.C. Wachwithan, P., Solheim, C.A., and Popovich, P. (2008, July). Using Thailands sufficiency economy philosophy to develop global citizens. Presented at the XXI World Congress of the International Federation for Home Economics, Lucerne, Switzerland. Yao, R., Ke, W. & Gorham, E. (2008). (2008, July). Refereed poster on Factors that Affect the Financial Risk Tolerance of Chinese Households in the U.S., American Agriculture Education Association and American Council on Consumer Interests Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando Florida. (Second place poster). Other Presentations Andersen, J. D. (2008, June). Keeping Up With the Joneses. Utah State Office of Education FACS Summer Conference, Kaysville, UT. Anderson, J. D. (2008, June). Cutting fuel and food costs: Utah EFNEP State Training, Logan, UT. Andersen, J. D. (2008, April). One can never buy too much happiness, Utah Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Ogden, UT. Andersen, J. D. (2008, March). Financial first aid, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Andersen, J. D. (2008, February). Who Said Money Cant Buy Happiness? Issues Community Conference, Heber City, UT. Solheim, C.A. (2008, June). Family resource management through multicultural lenses. In the National Council on Family Relations Report  Focus on& Families and Resource Management. Minneapolis: National Council on Family Relations. Extension Publications Andersen, J. D. (2008, August). Saving Your Future: Ten great things to do with rebates, refunds, and unexpected income (Revised). Available at Andersen, J. D. & Jewkes, M. D. (2008, February). Saving your future: Strategies and guidelines to avoid foreclosure. Available at Berry, A. & Wise, D. (2008). Tools for money management: Debt repayment plan worksheet. Publication SP710-B. The University of Tennessee Extension. Berry, A. & Wise, D. (2008). Tools for money management: Debt repayment plan instructions. Publication SP710-A. The University of Tennessee Extension. Berry, A. & Wise, D. (2008). Tools for money management: Creditor's list worksheet. Publication SP710-B. The University of Tennessee Extension. Daniels, A. M. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Communication: It's a family affair! Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices. Daniels, A. M. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Communication: Family options in stressful times, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices. Daniels, A. M. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Communication: Goal setting, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices. DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Retirement and Estate Planning for Farm Families web site. 3 new sections: Financial Literacy, Property Rights, and Second Careers. Available at Elmore, J.P., Gutter, M.S., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Credit Dos and Don'ts. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 2 pp. Available at Elmore, J.P., Gutter, M.S., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Credit Card Basics. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 4pp. Available at Elmore, J.P., Gutter, M.S., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Managing Your Credit. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 6pp. Available at Gorham, E. (2008, February). Impact report for statewide Medicare Part D: Prescription drug insurance. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Electronic Publication. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Household spending plan: Where do I start? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Household spending plan: Living on your income, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Household Prices Bookmarks - Household spending plan: Survival strategies, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Household Prices Bookmarks - Managing debt: Are you a 'plastic addict?' Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Managing debt: Understanding the terms of the deal! Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Managing debt: Which bill do I pay first? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Stretch your household spending $$: For transportation, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Insurance Protection: Do you drop or add insurance in stressful financial times? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Insurance Protection: What kinds of insurance are a waste of money? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Insurance Protection: Does your child have health insurance? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices. Gorham, E. & Pankow, D. (March 2008). (FS943) When Prices Rise: Living on Your Income. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service. Available at Gutter, M. S. (2008). Managing During Tough Times (flipbook). IFAS Publication, University of Florida. Gutter, M.S., Elmore, J.P., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Credit Reports. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 8pp. Available at Gutter, M.S., Elmore, J.P., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Credit Scores. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 3pp. Available at Gutter, M.S., Elmore, J.P., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Home Ownership and Credit. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 1pp. Available at Pohl, S., Carlson, G., & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Energy wise housing: Home conservation practices; Energy wise housing: Household heating and cooling costs. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices. Stluka, S. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmark - Stretch your household spending $$: Supermarket food cent$, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices. Stluka, S. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmark - Stretch your household spending $$: EASY solutions to help a family EAT SMART on a limited budget, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices. Wise, D. & Berry, A. (2008). Tools for money management: Creditor's list instructions. Publication SP709-B. The University of Tennessee Extension. Wise, D. & Berry, A. (2008). Tools for money management: Who gets paid first. Publication SP708. The University of Tennessee Extension. Financial Software Andersen, J. D. & Andersen, A. J. (2008). Break-a-habit savings calculator (Version 2) [Computer software]. Available at Newsletters Andersen, J. D. (2008, May). Is keeping up with the Joneses getting you down? Utah Farm Bureau News, 54, 11. Grants Gorham, E. (2008). Promotion of High School Financial Planning Program: Launch of New Materials. National Endowment for Financial Education. $2000. Gorham, E. & Swanson, N. (2008). Weaving Your Future: Teacher/AfterSchool Coordinator Training for Personal Finance of Native American Youth. Citigroup Foundation, Inc. through the SD 4-H Foundation, $15,000. 2007 Articles in Refereed Journals Allen, M. W., Edwards, R., Hayhoe, C. R., & Leach, L. (2007). Imagined interaction, attitudes towards money and credit, and family coalitions. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28(1), 3-22. Delpechitre, D. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Understanding the savings behavior and risk tolerance of Asian Indians in the United States. Journal of Personal Finance, 6(1) 60-80. DeVaney, S. A. & Anong, S. T. (2007). The likelihood of having employer-sponsored health insurance. Compensation and Working Conditions, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved from DeVaney, S. A. & Anong, S. (2007). Income quintiles: Examining changes in the characteristics of respondents. Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(2), 19-34. Lee, Y., Bei, L. T. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Acculturation experiences of Taiwanese students during exchanges in the United States. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 99(4), 56-61. Rodriguez-Flores, A. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). The effect of employment status on households emergency funds. Journal of Personal Finance. 5(4), 67-84. Schuchardt, J.,1 Bagwell, D. C., Bailey, W. C., DeVaney, S. A., Grable, J. E., Leech, I. E., Lown, J. M., Sharpe, D. L. & Xiao, J. J. (2007). Personal finance: An interdisciplinary profession. Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(1), 61-69. Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings Babiarz, P. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Adopters of Internet Banking in 2001 and 2004. Consumer Interests Annual. Berry, A. & Wise, D. (2007). Teaching financial education to youth using simulations. Leech, I. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. Gutter, M.S. & Mountain, T.P. (2007). Understanding minority preferences for investor education: Results from African-American and Hispanic focus groups. Status: Accepted for Presentation at 2007 AFS. Gutter, M.S. & Zhu, D. (2007). Are perceptions of retirement financial resource adequacy consistent with estimated ex ante financial resource retirement adequacy? Status: Accepted for Presentation at 2007 Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators Conference Lee, A., Bei, L., & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Acculturation of Taiwanese exchange students in the US. Consumer Interests Annual. Mountain, T.P. & Gutter, M.S. (2007). Impacts of race and ethnicity on retirement adequacy, life insurance adequacy, and dual adequacy. Status: Accepted for Presentation at 2007 Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators Conference Park, M.J. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Economic well-being based on financial ratios. Consumer Interests Annual. Renner, C. & Gutter, M.S. (2007). Exploring perceived norms, financial education and college student behavior. Status: Accepted for Presentation at 2007 Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators Conference Whirl, S. E. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Generativity and legacy behavior of older American female veterans. International Reminiscence and Life Review Proceedings, 265-272. Wise, D., Neilson, B. & Gault, J. (2007). Financial education at the worksite. Leech, I. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. Wise, D. & Berry, A. (2007). Young Investor Education. Leech, I. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education. Wise, D. & Berry, A. (2007). Financial education at the worksite. Shaffett, B. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Eastern Family Economics Resource Management Association. Zhu, D. & Gutter. M. S. (2007). An exploration of the relationship of debt and retirement planning for full-time workers, American Financial Services. Extension Publications Gutter, M. S. (2007). How to Prevent Foreclosure on Your Home. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 3 pp. HE724. Available at Gutter, M. S. & Walker, K. (2007). Goals and Standards in Resource Management. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 5 pp. HE 169. Available at Hayhoe, C. R. (2007). Renters rights and responsibilities: The basics (354-066). 12 pages. Revision of Hayhoe, C. R., & Williamson, S.* (2004). Renters rights and responsibilities: The basics. Grants Andersen, J. D. (2007). Financial Behaviors and Well-Being of Students at Utah State University. Utah State University. $13,000.
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