SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: WERA_OLD97 : DISEASES OF CEREALS
  • Period Covered: 10/01/2007 to 10/01/2008
  • Date of Report: 07/10/2008
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 05/12/2008 to 05/13/2008


Anderson, Joseph ( - USDA-ARS; Bergstrom, Gary ( - Cornell University; Bradley, Carl ( - University of Illinois; Bockus, Bill ( Kansas State University; Burrows, Mary ( - Montana State University; Chen, Xianming ( - USDA-ARS; Corner, Janice ( - University of California, Davis; De Wolf, Erick ( - Kansas State University; Dill-Macky, Ruth ( - University of Minnesota; Dyer, Alan ( - Montana State University; Grey, Bill ( - Montana State University; Hershman, Don ( - University of Kentucky; Hollingsworth, Charla ( - University of Minnesota; Jackson, Lee ( - University of California, Davis; McMullen, Marcia ( - North Dakota State University; Milus, Gene ( - University of Arkansas; Osborne, Lawrence ( -South Dakota State University; Paul, Pierce ( - Ohio State University; Stein, Jeff ( - South Dakota State University; Sweets, Laura ( - University of Missouri; Windes, Juliet ( - University of Idaho

The joint meeting of WERA-97, NCERA-184, and the Western Wheat Workers was held on May 11-13 2008 and was hosted by Lee Jackson and Jorge Dubcovsky at the University of California Davis. The meeting began Monday with a welcome provided by Dr. Michael Parella, associate dean of the UCD College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. This was followed by opening remarks by host Lee Jackson. Joint Technical Reports (Western Wheat Workers/WERA-97) were given from 9am - Noon. The first three presentations focused on challenges for wheat production faced with heat and drought stresses. Presentations began with Richard Snyder discussing the impacts global warming will have on agriculture in the western United States. This was followed Dr. Luther Talbert discussing changing strategies in breeding spring wheat for heat and drought tolerance and Dr. Eduardo Blumwald discussing biotechnological tools developed to cope with drought stress. Later presentations gave updates on stripe rust and stem rust populations provided by Drs. Ravi Singh and Yue Jin respectively. The technical presentations were conclude with an orientation provide by Dr. Jorge Dubcovsky to a wheat tilling population developed by his lab which may prove useful in identifying genes associated with traits of interest as well as understanding gene function. In the afternoon, state reports were given by plant pathologist and wheat workers alike. For most states, crop acreage was up but crop development was delayed. Written state reports are available on the project website ( State reports were followed by separate business meetings for WERA-97, NCERA 184 and Western Wheat Workers. For some this format created conflict as several members of WERA-97 also belong to NCERA-184. For WERA-97, the meeting began with thanks given to Lee Jackson for hosting the 2008 meeting. Lee will be retiring in 2008-2009 and this meeting will be his last. In addition to Dr. Jackson, Robert Johnston, the long time acting secretary, will be retiring in 2008 and the continuation of his duties by others was discussed. Finally the business meeting ended with a discussion of the 2009 joint meeting. While the meeting plans were set to be held in Bozeman in 2009, everyone agreed priority should be given to having joint meetings with either NCERA-184 or the Western Wheat Workers. Invitations were made to these sister committees through Dale Clark and Jeffery Stein. The current standing is that a joint meeting will be held along with the Western Wheat Workers in Corvallis OR in 2009 with Chris Mundt being WERA-97s host. Mondays activities ended with a barbeque dinner/social. During the Tuesday morning technical session conducted by NCERA-184, presentations were made on stem rust by Dr. Yue Jin, Stem rust meeting plans by Drs. Eric Dewolf and Pierce Paul, and impacts of early season fungicide applications and head scab management by Drs. Marsha McMullen and Char Hollingsworth. Later, virus survey plans were discussed by Dr. Mary Burrows and multiplex virus detection by Dr. Joe Anderson. The technical session ended with Dr. Ruth Dill-Mackey discussing DON management and persistence in wheat grain. Later, a field tour was hosted by Dr. Lee Jackson. Lee introduced Dr. Jorge Dubcovsky in the field, where Jorge discussed new releases of hard red spring, hard white spring and durum wheat. The tour then traveled to the field location of Resource Seeds. Bob Matchett of Resource Seeds discussed new releases of common wheat, durum wheat, triticale. The tour ended with a visit to the California Wheat Commission Office, where we were hosted by Bob Falconer, Executive Director, and Sami Wong, director of the wheat quality lab. Sami showed and explained the function of the lab equipment in determining quality of wheat in development by private and public breeding programs, and Sami provided the attendees with delicious sticky buns.


2009 Meeting Site Selection / Joint meetings. WERA-97 participants decided to meet jointly with the Western Wheat Workers at Oregon State University in 2009. This joint meeting continues a long tradition of cooperative interaction with the Western Wheat Workers, which is composed largely of breeders and production system scientists. Maintaining communication among small grain scientists in different geographic regions of the country and disciplines is considered critical for cooperative research, as well as among established individuals and those in the early stages of their careers. Revision of the Compendium of Wheat Diseases. A team of five wheat pathologists (most of who belong to WERA-97 or NCERA-184) and one entomologist was assembled in 2005 to coordinate revision of the Compendium of Wheat Diseases published by APS Press. The completed manuscript was submitted in late 2006 to APS Press for review. The edited manuscript was received, revised, and resubmitted prior to the joint WERA-97/NCERA-184 meeting; it has now been accepted for publication and is in press. Revision of the List of Common Names of Wheat Diseases was submitted for publication in January 2008 and is in review. This collaborative effort between NCERA-184 and WERA-97 is a significant accomplishment since it has been 8 years since the last edition was published. Summary. WERA-97 continues to fulfill the objectives of communicating and coordinating research activities among its members, which is largely composed of public sector scientists but also includes regular participation by members of the private sector. Discussions at this annual meeting help inform its participants of potential new problems, and new approaches to the control of long-established problems.


  1. The stripe rust monitoring program developed by USDA-ARS in Pullman, WA provided accurate forecasts and updates of the disease to growers and extension personnel for timely fungicide applications, which kept stripe rust damage to the minimum and saved growers millions of dollars in potential losses.
  2. Real-time PCR techniques to quantify six groups of Rhizoctonia and 10 species of Pythium, which cause disease on cereal roots, were developed. Work is now in progress with a commercial lab to transfer this technology to testing service for growers that can be used to determine risk of soilborne pathogens in a field before planting.
  3. Information on stripe rust races, new resistance genes and development molecular markers, was provided to wheat breeding programs in the region for more efficient development of resistant cultivars.
  4. Data from fungicide control experiments were used by agrichemical companies to support registration of new and effective fungicides and to guide growers and extension personnel for appropriate use of fungicides for control of stripe rust, eyespot, and Fusarium head blight.
  5. Data from germplasm evaluation experiments contributed to release or pre-release of at least 12 wheat, barley, and oat varieties with effective resistance to several endemic diseases of importance in the western U.S. and Great Plains including Barley yellow dwarf, Cephalosporium stripe, eyespot, Fusarium head blight, leaf rust, loose smut, net blotch, Septoria tritici leaf blotch, stripe rust, stem rust, tan spot and wheat streak mosaic.
  6. Pathologists from three states where hard red winter wheat is produced have recently begun a tri-state Fusarium head blight nursery so that advanced breeding lines may be tested at multiple sites in the region. Such data are valuable to help understand the effective range and durability of deployed resistance genes.


Extension and Technical Publications Ali, S., Singh, P.K., McMullen, M. P., Mergoum, M., and Adhikari, T.B. 2007. Resistance to multiple leaf spot diseases in wheat. Euphytica DOI 10.1007/s10681-007-9469-4. Anderson, J.A., Busch, R.H., McVey, D.V., Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Linkert, G.L., Wiersma, J.V., Dill-Macky, R., Wiersma, J.J. and Hareland, G.A. 2007. Registration of 'Ada' wheat. Crop Sci. 47:434-435. Appel, J.A., De Wolf, E., Bockus, W. ., and Bowden, R.L. 2007. Prelimilary 2007 Kansas Wheat Disease Loss Estimates. Kansas Cooperative Plant Disease Survey Report. Baenziger, P.S., Beecher, B., Graybosch, R.A., Ibrahim, A.M.H., Baltensperger, D.D., Nelson, L.A., Jin, Y., Wegulo, S., Watkins, J.E., Hatchett, J.H., Chen, M. and Bai. G. 2008. Release of NE01643 wheat. J. Plant Reg. 2:36-42. Berg, J.E., P.L. Bruckner, G.R. Carlson, A. Dyer, J. Eckhoff, G.D. Kushnak, K.D. Kephart, N. Riveland, R.N. Stougaard, D.M. Wichman, W. Grey, D. Nash, R. Johnston, and R. Larson. Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana. Montana Agric. Exp. Station. Extension Bulletin 2B 1098. 30 p. 2007. Bockus, W.W., Fritz, A.K., and Martin, T.J. 2008. Reaction of the 2007 Kansas Intrastate Nursery to barley yellow dwarf and Fusarium head blight. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:CF006. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR02. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Bockus, W.W., Baenziger, P.S., and Ibrahim, A.M.H. 2008. Reaction of Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota winter wheat accessions to Fusarium head blight (FHB), 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:CF009. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR02. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Bockus, W.W., and Davis, M.A. 2008. Reaction of selected winter wheat accessions to Fusarium head blight, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:CF007. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR02. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Bockus, W.W., and Davis, M.A. 2008. Reaction of selected Kansas winter wheat cultivars to barley yellow dwarf, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:CF008. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR02. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Bockus, W.W., and Wegulo, S.N. 2008. Effect of foliar fungicides on Fusarium head blight of winter wheat, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:CF011. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR02. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Bockus, W.W., and De Wolf, E.D. 2008. Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of tan spot and leaf rust of winter wheat, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report 1:CF010. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR02. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Bonman, J.M., Bockelman, H.E., Jin, Y., Hijmans, R.J. and Gironella. A. 2007. Geographic distribution of stem rust resistance in wheat landraces. Crop Sci. 47:1955-1963. Bruckner, P.L., J.E. Berg, D.L. Nash, W.E. Grey, A.T. Dyer, N. Riveland, J.L. Eckhoff, D.M. Wichman, K.D. Kephart, G.R. Carlson, G.D. Kushnak, R.N. Stougaard, Yue Jin, and X. Chen. 2007. Registration of Yellowstone wheat. J. Plant Reg. 1:18-19. Burlakoti, R.R., Ali, S. , Secor, G.A., Neate, S.M., McMullen, M., and Adhikari, T. 2007. Genetic relationships among populations of Fusarium graminearum from cereal and non-cereal hosts. Phytopathology 97:S15. Burlakoti, R.R., Ali, S., Secor, G.A., Neate, S.M., McMullen, M., and Adhikari, T. 2007. Impact of cereal and non-cereal hosts on trichothecene producing genotypes of Fusarium graminearum. Phytopathology 97:S15. Burrows, M, W. Grey, and A. Dyer. Fact sheets on High Plains IPM Guide: Fusarium crown rot. Posted 12/12/06. Burrows, M., W. Grey, A. Dyer. Fact sheets on High Plains IPM Guide: Fusarium head scab. Posted 12/1/06. Carlson, G.R. , J.E. Berg, R.N. Stougaard, K.D. Kephart, N. Riveland, G.D. Kushnak, D.M. Wichman, J.L. Eckhoff, D.L. Nash, E.S. Davis, W.E. Grey, and P.L. Bruckner. 2007. Registration of Bynum wheat. J. Plant Reg. 1:16-17. Chen, X.M. 2007. Strategies for controlling increasingly important stripe rusts of wheat and barley. Phytopathology 97:S166. Chen, X.M., and Lin, F. 2007. Identification and molecular mapping of genes for all-stage and high-temperature adult-plant resistance to stripe rust in Express wheat. Phytopathology 97:S21. Chen, X.M., Penman, L.N., and Richardson, K.L. 2007. Races of Puccinia striiformis, the stripe rust pathogen in the United States in 2006. Phytopathology 97:S21. Chen, X.M., Wan, A.M., and Richardson, K. 2008. Virulent races of Puccinia striiformis identified in the United States in 2007. Phytopathology 98:S36. Chen, X.M., and Wood, D.A. 2008. Control of stripe rust of spring wheat with foliar fungicides, 2007. Plant Disease Management Report 2:CF014. Chen, X.M., and Wood, D.A. 2008. Control of stripe rust of winter wheat with foliar fungicides, 2007. Plant Disease Management Report 2:CF015. Chen, X.M., Wood, D.A., Penman, L., Lin, F., Liu, Y.M., Wang, M.N., Zhao, J., Coram, T., and Richardson, K. 2007. Control of stripe rusts of wheat and barley. Page 26 in 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress Novel Solutions to Traditional Problems, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Technical Report 07-1, Washington State University. (Full paper online: Chen, X.M., and Zhao, J. 2007. Identification of molecular markers for Yr8 and a gene for high-temperature, adult-plant resistance against stripe rust in the AVS/6*Yr8 wheat line. Phytopathology 97:S21. Cheng, P., and Chen, X.M. 2008. Molecular mapping of a gene for resistance to stripe rust in spring wheat cultivar IDO377s. Phytopathology 98:S38. Coram, T., and Chen, X.M. 2007. Transcriptome analysis of the wheat-Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici interaction during both Yr5-mediated race-specific resistance and basal defense. Phytopathology 97:S24. Coram, T.E., Huang, X.L., Settles, M.L., Zhan, G.M., and Chen, X.M. 2008. Comparative analysis of transcripts associated to all-stage resistance and high-temperature adult-plant resistance to stripe rust in wheat. Phytopathology 98:S41. Coram, T.E., Settles, M.L., Lin, F., Wang, M.N., and Chen, X.M. 2007. Transcriptome analysis of high-temperature adult-plant resistance conditioned by Yr39 during the wheat-Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici interaction. Page 27 in: Speaker & Poster Abstracts of National Wheat Genomics Conference, December 1st and 2nd, 2007, Kansas City, Missouri. Coram, T.E., Settles, M.L., Wang, M.N., and Chen, X.M. 2007. Surveying expression level polymorphism and single-feature polymorphism in near-isogenic wheat lines differing for the Yr5 stripe rust resistance locus. Page 23 in: Speaker & Poster Abstracts of National Wheat Genomics Conference, December 1st and 2nd, 2007, Kansas City, Missouri. Coram, T., Wang, M.N., and Chen, X.M. 2008. Transcriptome analysis of the wheat-Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici interaction. Molecular Plant Pathology 9:157-169. Costa, J.M., Griffey, C.A., Bockelman, H.E., Cambron, S.E., Cooper, A., Grybauskas, A., Gaines, C., Graybosch, R.A., Kratoshvil, R.J., Jin, Y. and Marshall, D. 2007. Registration of Chesapeake wheat. J. Plant Reg. 1:26-27. Cowger, C., Brunner, P.C., and Mundt, C.C. 2008. Frequency of sexual recombination by Mycosphaerella graminicola in mild and severe epidemics. Phytopathology 98:752-759. Culler, M.D., Miller-Garvin, J.E. and Dill-Macky, R. 2007. Effect of extended irrigation and host resistance on deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation in Fusarium-infected wheat. Plant Dis. 91:1464-1472. Devkota, R.N., Rudd, J., Jin, Y., Glover, K., Hall, R.G. and Hareland, G.A. 2007. Registration of Briggs wheat. Crop Sci. 47:432-434. Fetch Jr., T. and Jin, Y. 2007. Letter code system of nomenclature of Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae. Plant Dis. 91:763-766. Franc, G.D., and W.L. Stump. 2007. Russian Wheat Aphid Management in Small Grains, 2006. Pages 73-76. In: Plant Pathology Research & Demonstration Progress Reports 2006 (Bulletin MP-101-07). University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station and online publication of the Plant Sciences Department ( Franc, G.D., and W.L. Stump. 2007. 2006 Southeastern Wyoming and Western Nebraska Winter Wheat Survey. Pages 77-80. In: Plant Pathology Research & Demonstration Progress Reports 2006 (Bulletin MP-101-07). University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station and online publication of the Plant Sciences Department ( Franc, G.D., and W.L. Stump. 2008. Barley head-mold management with foliar fungicides, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports (online) PDMR02:CF016. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR02. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Franc, G.D., and W.L. Stump. 2008. University of Wyoming Research and Extension Plant Pathology Field Crop Disease Surveys 2007. University of Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station MP122-2007. Laramie, WY. online. Gray, F.A., C.R. Hollingsworth, D.W. Koch, R.W. Groose, A.M. Gray, D.M. Woods, C.J. Reedy Jons, T.E. Heald, and J.R. Gill. 2007. Revised. Brown root rot of alfalfa. University Wyoming Plant Science Timely Information Series Bulletin. Laramie, WY. Gyenis, L., Yun, S.J., Smith, K.P., Steffenson, B.J., Bossolini, E., Sanguineti, M.C. and Muehlbauer, G.J. 2007. Genetic architecture of quantitative trait loci associated with morphological and agronomic trait differences in a wild by cultivated barley cross. Genome 50:714-723. Haley, S.D., Johnson, J.J., Peairs, F.B., Quick, J.S., Stromberger, J.A., Clayshulte, S.R., Butler, J.D., Rudolph, J.B., Seabourn, B.W., Bai, G., Jin, Y. and Kolmer. J.A. 2007. Registration of Ripper wheat. J. Plant Reg. 1:1-6. Hofman, V., S. Halley, G. Van Ee, C. Hollingsworth, M. McMullen, and B. Ruden. 2007. Aerial application of fungicide for the suppression of Fusarium head blight in small grains. North Dakota State University Extension Service AE-1327. Hofman, V., Halley, S., Van Ee, G., Hollingsworth, C., McMullen, M., and Ruden, B. 2007. Aerial application of fungicide for the suppression of Fusarium head blight in small grains. NDSU Circular AE-1327. 4p. Hogg, A.C., Johnston, R.H., and Dyer, A.T. 2007. Applying Real-Time Quantitative PCR to Fusarium Crown Rot of Wheat. Plant Dis. 91:1021-1028. Hollingsworth, C., C. Motteberg, L. Atkinson, and D. Holen. 2007. On-farm disease management trials of spring wheat in the Red River Valley. Prairie Grains 85:39. Hollingsworth, C. 2008. Minnesotas Fusarium head blight epidemic risk forecasting system. Prairie Grains 93:46-48. Hollingsworth, C. 2008. Scab epidemic risk forecasting system in action. Prairie Grains 93:46-47. Hollingsworth, C. Motteberg, C., Holen, D., and Atkinson, L. 2008. On-Farm disease management trials of spring wheat in the Red River Valley. Prairie Grains 92:29-31. Jin, Y., Singh, R.P., Ward, R.W., Wanyera, R., Kinyua, M.G., Njau, P., Fetch Jr., T., Pretorius, Z.A. and Yahyaoui, A. 2007. Characterization of seedling infection types and adult plant infection responses of monogenic Sr gene lines to race TTKS of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. Plant Dis. 91:1096-1099. Johnson, W.A., Johnston, R.H., Grey, W., Burrows, M., and Dyer, A.T. 2008. Root lesion nematodes in wheat. Montguide MT200801AG. Jones, S.S., Lyon, S.R., Balow, K.A., Gollnick, M.A., Murphy, K.M., Murray, T.D., Chen, X.M., Campbell, G.C., Burns, J.W., Schillinger, W.F., Reisenauer, P.E., and Goates, B.J. 2007. Registration of MDM wheat. J Plant Reg. 1:104-106. Jones, S.S., S.R. Lyon, K.A. Balow, M.A. Gollnick, T.D. Murray, X.M. Chen, C.R. Morris, K. Garland Campbell, J.W. Burns, W.F. Schillinger, P.E. Reisenauer and B.J. Goates. 2007. Registration of Bauermeister Wheat. Crop Sci. 47:430-431. Kephart, K.D., J.E. Berg, G.R. Carlson, R.N. Stougaard, J.L. Eckhoff, N. Riveland, G.D. Kushnak, D.M. Wichman, D.L. Nash, E.S. Davis, W.E. Grey, and P.L. Bruckner. 2007. Registration of Hyalite wheat. J. Plant Reg. 1:14-15. Klindworth, D.L., Miller, J.D., Jin, Y. and Xu, S.S. 2007. Chromosomal locations of genes for stem rust resistance in monogenic lines derived from tetraploid wheat accession ST464. Crop Sci. 47:1441-1450. Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y. and Long, D.L. 2007. Wheat leaf rust and stem rust in the United States. Aust. J. Agr. Res. 58:631-638. Krenz, J.E., Sackett, K.E., and Mundt, C.C. 2008. Specificity of incomplete resistance to Mycosphaerella graminicola in wheat. Phytopathology 98:555-561. Lai, Z., Faris, J.D., Weiland, J.J., Steffenson, B.J. and Friesen, T.L. 2007. Genetic mapping of Pyrenophora teres f. teres genes conferring avirulence on barley. Fungal Gen. Biol. 44:323-329. Lanning, S.P., G.R. Carlson, J. Eckhoff, G.D. Kushnak, K.E. Kephart, R.N. Stougaard, D.M. Wichman, D. Nash, A. Dyer, W.E. Grey, P. Lamb and L.E. Talbert. 2007. Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana. Montana Agric. Exp. Stn. Ext. Bull. 2B 1093. 32 p. Larsen, J.E., C.R. Hollingsworth, J. Flor, M.R. Dornbusch, N.L. Simpson, and D.A. Samac. 2007. Distribution of Phoma sclerotioides on alfalfa and winter wheat crops in the North Center U.S. Plant Dis. 91:551-558. Li, H. J., R.L. Conner, and T.D. Murray. 2008. Resistance to soil-borne diseases of wheat: Contributions from the wheatgrasses Thinopyrum intermedium and Th. ponticum. Can. J. Plant Sci. 88:195-205. Lin, F., and Chen, X.M. 2007. Molecular mapping of genes conferring non-race specific and race-specific resistances to stripe rust in spring wheat cultivar Alpowa. Phytopathology 97:S169. Lin, F., and Chen, X.M. 2008. Molecular mapping of genes for race-specific overall resistance to stripe rust in wheat cultivar Express. Theor. Appl. Genet. 116:797-806. Ling, P., Wang, M.N., and Chen, X.M. 2007. Isolation of genes underlining important functions of wheat stripe rust pathogen (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici). Page 117 in Abstracts of Plant & Animal Genome XV, January 13-17, 2007, San Diego, CA. Lingenfelser, J., Roozeboom, K, Fritz, A., DeWolf, E., Knapp, M., Whitworth, J., Claassen, M., Gordon, W. B., Heer, W., Kimball, J., Maddux, L., Evans, P., Long, J., Martin, T. J., Spangler, M., Schlegel, A., Chen, R., McLaughlin, L., Miller, R., Bockus, B., Shoryer, J. 2007. 2007 Performance Tests. Pages 5-26 in: 2007 Kansas Wheat Seed Book. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service Report of Progress No. 982. 46 pp. McCallum, B.D., Chen, X.M., Shorter, S., Sadasivaiah, R.S., and Tewari, J.P. 2007. Stripe rust reaction of twenty eight Canadian wheat cultivars. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 29:401-407. McMullen, M. 2007 3-ADON and 15-ADOn associations with DON grain concentrations, Fusarium head blight (FHB) susceptibility, and fungicide treatment, ND 2005. Phytopathology 97:S162. McMullen, M. 2007. Integration - The key to managing Fusarium head blight (FHB = scab) in wheat. Pages 26-28 in: Proc. 2007 Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conf., Jan. 3-4, 2007. Univ. of Illinois, Champaign, IL. McMullen, M. 2007. Integrated strategies for FHB management, a Northern Great Plains perspective. Pages 82-82 in: Proc. 5th Canadian Workshop on Fusarium head blight. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Nov. 27-30, 2007. Canadian Grain Commission, Winnipeg, Manitoba. McMullen, M. 2007. Experiences in reducing disease and DON through components of FHB management. Pages 102-103 in: Proc. 2007 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Dec. 2-4, 2007, Kansas City, Kansas. US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI. McMullen, M., Jordahl, J., and Meyer, S. 2007. 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