SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Armbruster, Walt - The Farm Foundation(retired); Balagtas, Joseph - Purdue University; Chung, Chanjin - Oklahoma State University; Forker, Olan - Cornell University; Hargreaves, Paul - BC Dairy Foundation; Kaiser, Harry - Cornell University; Kesecker, Kevin - AMS/FV; Kim, Jong Hoon - Oklahoma State University; Krugg, Michael - California Dept of Food & Ag; Lau, Michael - Sam Houston State University; Li, Lan - Cornell University; Maxie, Robert - California Dept. of Food & Agriculture; McDonald, Kara - Purdue University; Mengel, John - USDA, AMS, Dairy; Miller, Melanie - The Sugar Association; Minor, Bart - Mushroom Council; Norberg, Robert - Florida Dept. of Citrus; Whitman, Carol - Marriner Marketing Communications; Wohlegenant, Michael - N.C. State University; Yang, Byung Woo - Oklahoma State University; Zheng, Yuqing - Cornell University

See attached minutes.


The general theme of the Spring 2008 NECC063 semi-annual meeting was "The Economics of Commodity Checkoff Programs." There were four sessions: "Market Structure, Product Differentiation, and Generic Commodity Promotion"; "Evaluating Alternative Uses of Check-off Funds"; "Spill-over Effects of Promotion"; and Successes and Challenges of Commodity Promotion - Industry Perspectives". Three papers were presented in each session. Paper authors were from academia, government agencies and private sector firms. This project continues to provide an opportunity for researchers to interact with public and private sector decision makers around the issue of commodity promotion. Meetings are well attended and the information generated is valuable for participants and other researchers and decision makers in the public and private sectors.



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