SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Boyer, Charles - Oregon State University; Cameron, Art - Michigan State University; Hummel, Rita - Washington State University; Kjelgren, Roger - Utah State University; Klett, Jim - Colorado State University; Kling, Gary - University of Illinois; Merhaut, Donald - UC Riverside; Pittenger, Dennis - UC Riverside; Schuch, Ursula - Arizona State University; St. Hilaire, Rolston - New Mexico State University; Tripepi, Bob - University of Idaho

Charles Boyer made several announcements and encouraged us to begin the process for approval of renewal for this committee.

Procedure for development and approval of renewal: Revise the description of proposed activities. These petitions are relatively short. Our current project report just needs to be updated. Solicit accomplishments that have arisin out of the interactions of the WCC-058 group members over the past four years. This should include a list of publications. Several cooperative projects were mentioned including: Ursula Schuch, Roger Kjelgren, and Thayne Montague at Texas Tech and Richard Beeson at Florida are working on a collaborative research project on measuring water use of trees in different habitats; a publication by several members of the group, "Best management practices for the harvest, postharvest storage, transition handling and landscape reestablishment of perennial nursery stock"; Ursula Schuch and Brent Pemberton have a cooperative project going that deals with issues involving the shipment of bare-root roses from Arizona to Texas for potting.

Establish future WCC-058 meeting locations: Originally, we intended to schedule our next meeting in The Netherlands in spring 2004. Due to current budgetary restrictions, we decided to hold our next business meeting in conjunction with the annual ASHS meetings in October 2003 in Rhode Island. At that time, we will discuss the feasibility of scheduling a technical meeting in The Netherlands in May 2004 or 2005. Other future locations discussed included Michigan in October 2005 and Colorado in October 2006.

Election of new officers: Don Merhaut (UC Riverside) was nominated and elected Vice-chair, Art Cameron (Michigan State University) current Secretary, and Roger Kjelgren (Utah State University) next year‘s Secretary.

Proposal development: With Charles Boyer‘s encouragement, Rolston St. Hilaire, Bob Tripepi, and Art Cameron volunteered to work on the development of the proposal for renewal of this committee.

New members (need to fill out an electronic form): Sven Svenson has been replaced by Rich Regan (North Willamette Research and Extension Center, Aurora, OR) as the representative from Oregon State University.

SAES-422 multi-state research activity: We need to solicit reports from everyone. This includes all activities since 1999, specifically lists of publications, accomplishments, and participants.

A motion was made and seconded to give a formal thank you to Don Merhaut, Dennis Pittenger, and Susana Aparicio for their efforts to organize and arrange this year‘s meeting. A special thank you was given to the Dean for providing some of the funding for the group.

The motion was made and seconded to adjourn.


During this period, there were participating scientists from 10 states. The WCC-058 continues to foster participation from a large number of attendees. It is estimated that for the 2001-2002 period, we had greater than 60% of potential attendees participate in the annual meeting. This level of participation has improved the quality of presentations, exchange of ideas, and the relevance of our discussions during the meetings since there is broad representation. The range of potential locations for annual meetings has been broadened because there are more participants. This will allow the committee to observe and discuss a larger spectrum of woody plant production techniques. In summary, the committee has successfully retained participation from a critical mass of scientists.


  1. Scientists use WCC-058 meetings to solicit ideas for ongoing research projects. They discussed the merits of some common recommendations to the nursery industry. For example, the merits of using biostimulants in woody plant research were discussed. It was concluded that there is lack of information on the potential benefits of biostimulants to the nursery industry and concluded that this area warrants more research.
  2. Scientists on the committee continue to collaborate with other regional organizations in activities such as woody plant evaluation. This activity is long-term but will impact the production of perennial nursery stock.


Balok, C.A. and R. St. Hilaire. 2002. Drought responses among seven southwestern tree taxa. JASHS 127:211-218.
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