SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: S1016 : Impacts of Trade and Domestic Policies on the Competitiveness and Performance of Southern Agriculture (S-287)
- Period Covered: 01/01/2004 to 12/01/2004
- Date of Report: 08/31/2005
- Annual Meeting Dates: 11/10/2004 to 11/12/2004
Participants Station Allen, Albert J. Mississippi State University Fletcher, Stanley University of Georgia Henderson, C.W. Bill Mississippi State University Hudson, Darren Mississippi State University Kennedy, Lynn Louisiana State University Kinnucan, Henry Auburn University Koo, Won W. North Dakota State University Malaga, Jaime Texas Tech University Rosson, C. Parr Texas AM University Seale, James L. University of Florida Wailes, Eric University of Arkansas
Annual ReportS-1016 Regional Research Committee
Officers: Eric Wailes, University of Arkansas, Chair
Lynn Kennedy, Louisiana State University, Past-Chair
Albert Allen, Mississippi State University, Secretary/Treasurer
Mary Marchant, University of Kentucky, Director (Research)
Parr Rosson, Texas A&M University, Director (Extension)
Activities and Accomplishments (2004):
The regional research committee met twice in 2004. At the spring meeting, held April 19-20 in New Orleans, Louisiana, the committee discussed plans for organized symposia at professional meetings. A principal paper session was developed for the Allied Social Science Association meeting. The objective is to assess the impact of foreign direct investment and outsourcing on jobs leaving the U.S. to other countries. An organized symposium for the Southern Agricultural Association meeting was developed to address the impact of agricultural biotechnology on trade in southern agricultural commodities. The committee received presentations from the marketing director of the Southern United States Trade Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the export of southern U.s. food and agricultural products. A senior trade policy advisor from the USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service gave a presentation to the committee about the status and prospects for the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).
At the fall meeting, held November 11-12 in Charleston, South Carolina, the committee developed plans for a conference titled World Trade Organization Impacts on U.S. Farm Policy to be held in New Orleans, LA, June 1-3, 2005. The committee also discussed the development and format of a set of papers written by committee members that will provide research perspectives on current and needed research on various agricultural domestic and trade policy issues. These research perspective papers will be organized into a manuscript titled, Research Perspectives on the International Competitiveness of American Agriculture. The committee received a presentation by an international economist from the USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service on the July 2004 WTO Framework Agreement on Agriculture.
Committee members generated a substantial number of publications, including refereed journal articles, books, book chapters, proceedings and department publications. In addition, committee members organized several conferences, symposia and gave presentations at professional and industry meetings.
Mumma, Gerald, Albert J. Allen, Warren C. Couvillion and Terry Obert, "ISO 9000 and U.S. Agribusiness: A Nonparametric Analysis of Selected Reasons for Seeking Registration to a Model of ISO 9000 Standards," Southwestern Journal of Economics, Volume VI, Number I, March 2004, Pp. 121-146.
Allen, Albert J., Porfirio Fuentes, Joselito Estrada, Safdar Muhammad, and Haiyuan Wang, "An Analysis of Strategic and Performance Changes of Truck Carriers in the Agricultural Commodity and Food Markets," Proceedings Issue, Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume XXXV, Number 1, March 2004, Pp.18-23. Edited by Wojciech J. Florkowski, University of Georgia and Allen Wysocki, University of Florida.
Estrada, Joselito and Albert J. Allen, "Sources of Change in State-Level Agricultural Production in Mexico: Implications from the Peso Crisis of 1994-1995," Proceeding Issue, Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume XXXV, Number 1, March 2004, Pp. 78-85. Edited by Wojciech J. Florkowski, University of Georgia and Allen Wysocki, University of Florida.
Fuentes, Porfirio, Warren C. Couvillion, and Albert J. Allen, "Potential Effect of Transportation Technological Advances on Trade of Food Products Between the US and Latin America," Proceedings Issue, Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume XXXV, Number 1, March 2004, Pp. 100-106. Edited by Wojciech J. Florkowski, University of Georgia and Allen Wysocki, University of Florida.
McAnally, William H., Yunlong Zhang, Albert J. Allen, Royce O. Bowden, and Aaron Tan, Transportation Responses to Increased Latin American Trade, Final Report Submitted to the National Center for Intermodal Transportation and Mississippi Department of Transportation, September 2004.
Couvillion, Warren C., Albert J. Allen, and David Parish, Planning for Intermodal Facilities and Infrastructure Changes to Enhance Traffic Flow, Final Report Submitted to National Center for Intermodal Transportation and the U.S. Department of Transportation, September 2004.
Allen, Albert J. and Porfirio Fuentes "A Financial Performance Analysis of the Refrigerated Food Products Truck Carriers in the United States," Academy of Economics and Finance, Papers and Proceedings, 31st Annual Meeting, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 11-14, 2004, Volume 28, Pp.8-13. Edited by Robert T. Burrus, Jr., and J. Edward Graham, Jr., University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
Reeves, Jeanne and Albert J. Allen, "Standardized Record-keeping-The Case of Cotton," poster presented at the 2004 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meeting Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004.
Estrada, Joselito and Albert J. Allen "An Assessment of the Impact of the Rural Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community Program on Texas Rio Grande Valley," paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004.
Fuentes, Porfirio, Albert J. Allen, and Warren C. Couvillion "Potential Economic Effects of CAFTA on Agricultural Trade Between Central America, Southern U.S. Region, and Its Implications for Rural Development," paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004.
Allen, Albert J., Albert E. Myles, Porfirio Fuentes, and Safdar Muhammad "Agricultural Terrorism: Potential Economic Effects on the Poultry Industry in Mississippi," paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004.
Fuentes, Porfirio, Albert J. Allen, and Warren C. Couvillion. "Distribution and Interpolation of Low Frequency Economic Time Series, Using Related High Frequency Time Series: An Application of the Modified Chow-Lin Procedure," paper presented at the Academy of Economics and Finance 2004 Annual Meeting, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 11-14, 2004.
Allen, Albert J. and Porfirio Fuentes "Inter-Regional Performances of Agricultural Carriers in the United States: A Strategic Dimension Analysis," paper presented at the Southwestern Economics Association 84th Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, March 17-20, 2004.
Allen, Albert J. and Porfirio Fuentes "Agricultural Imports: Contribution to the U. S. Economy," paper presented at the Southwestern Economic Association 84th Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, March 17-20, 2004.
Allen, Albert J. and Porfirio Fuentes "A Financial Performance Analysis of the Refrigerated Food Products Truck Carriers in the United States," paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Economics and Finance, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 11-14, 2004.
Allen, Albert J. and Albert E. Myles "Changes in Concentration and Performance of Agricultural Commodity Carriers in the United States," paper presented at the 2004 Professional Agricultural Workers Conference (PAWC), December 5-7, 2004, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama.
Fletcher, S.M. and C.L. Revoredo. 2004. Does the US Need the Peanut Tariff Rate Quota Under the 2002 US Farm Act? 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 10.
Fletcher, S.M. and C.L. Revoredo. 2004. Supplier Reputation and Price Premium: The Case of Peanuts in Rotterdam. 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 11.
McCorvey, A.E., A.S. Luke-Morgan, and S.M. Fletcher. 2004. Comparison of Returns Above Variable Cost Given Potential 2004 Commodity Price Scenarios for the Southeastern Representative Peanut Farms. 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 16-17.
McCorvey, A.E., A.S. Luke-Morgan, and S.M. Fletcher. 2004. Impact of the Financial Viability of Southeastern Representative Peanut Farms of Potential Yield Restricting Factors. 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 18-19.
Revoredo, C.L. and S.M. Fletcher. 2004. Does the Existence of Market Power Affect Marketing Loan Programs? 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 20.
Henneberry, Shida R. and Walter Armbruster. "Emerging Roles for Food Labels: Inform, Protect, Persuade", Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, November 2003, pp. 62-69.
Chung, Chanjin, Shida Henneberry, and Emilio Tostao. "Optimal Advertising and Free-Riding Under a Voluntary Beef Checkoff Program". NICPRE Quarterly, third Quarter 2004.
Henneberry, Shida (Presenter). An Overview of Labeling Issues related to International Trade of Food and Agricultural Products. A paper presented at Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China, February 2004.
Henneberry, Shida (Presenter). "The Impacts of Country-of-Origin Labeling Requirement on U.S./Mexico Trade". Seminario Internacional Para El Desarrollo de la Industria Alimentaria (International Seminar for the Development of Food Industries). Sponsored by SAGDR (Secetaria de Agricultura Y Ganaderia Y Desarrollo Rural) and Durango State. Presentations given in Durango City and in Gomez Palacio, State of Durango, November 14 & 17, 2003.
Henneberry, Shida and Haerani Agustini (Presenter). "An Examination of Factors Affecting Purchasing Decisions at Farmers Markets". An invited paper presented at the meeting of Stillwater Horticultural Grower Association, Stillwater, Oklahoma, December 11, 2003.
Chung, Chanjin (presenter) and Shida Henneberry. "Will Voluntary Programs be the Answer? An Analysis of Optimal Advertising and Free-Rider Problem in the U.S. Beef Industry." A Selected Paper presented at the Conference on Structural Change Commodity Checkoff Programs: Impacts and Opportunities, sponsored by NEC-63 Committee on Commodity Promotion Programs, Baltimore, Maryland, March 25-26, 2004.
Kenkel, Phil, Shida Henneberry, and Haerani Agustini. An Economic Analysis of Unit-Train Facility Investment. February, 2004. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 2004.
Henneberry, Shida R. and Haerani Agustini. An Analysis Of Oklahoma Direct Marketing Outlets: Case Study Of Produce Farmers Markets. February, 2004. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 2004.
Mario Raul Moreno M.S. Creative Component, August 2004. Title: An Analysis of Demand for Prepared and Preserved Meats in Three of the Pacific Rim Countries of Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore. Oklahoma State University.
Watson, S., D. Hudson, and E. Segarra. Economic vs. Biological Goals in Technology Adoption. 2004 Beltwide Cotton Conferences Proceedings, Cotton Economics and Marketing Conference, Memphis, TN, available on-line at
Watson, S., D. Hudson, and E. Segarra. Quantifying the Differences in Management Goals and Technology Choice in Peanut Production. Paper presented at the 2004 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, Tulsa, OK, February 2004.
Hudson, D. Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling: Implications for Applied Research and Extension: A Discussion. Organized Symposium Presentation, 2004 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, Tulsa, OK, February 2004.
Ibendahl, Gregg, and Darren Hudson. New Labor Laws: Fair Pay. Agricultural Economic and Policy Perspectives, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2004.
Hudson, Darren, and Bill Herndon. The European Union and Tariffs Against the U.S. Agricultural Economic and Policy Perspectives, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2004.
Hudson, Darren, Albert Allen, and Tian Xia. It's Raining Trade Agreements. Agricultural Economic and Policy Perspectives, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2004.
Hudson, Darren. International Trade and Trade Agreements. Presentation to the Southern Extension Outlook Meetings, Atlanta, GA, September 27, 2004.
Hudson, Darren. The 'Truth' About International Trade. Presentation to the Starkville Kiwanis Club, Starkville, MS, March 9, 2004.