SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Boyer, Charles - Oregon State University; Cameron, Art - Michigan State University; Graves, Bill - Iowa State University; Kjelgren, Roger - Utah State University; Klett, James - Colorado State University; Kling, Gary - University of Illinois; Mathers, Hannah - Ohio State University; Maynard, Brian - University of Rhode Island; Starbuck, Chris - University of Missouri; St. Hilaire, Rolston - New Mexico State University; Svenson, Sven - Oregon State University

The meeting was brought to order by Rolston St. Hilaire (motion, seconded, approved without objection). Rolston thanked Brian Maynard for organizing and hosting the meeting, and extended thanks to Jim Owen (M.S. graduate student working with Brian) for assisting with transportation. Rolston also wanted to extend the thanks of the membership to the Rhode Island nurserymen for assisting with the financial costs of the meeting, and for their willingness to allow us to tour commercial facilities. Rolston requested approval of the minutes from the last meeting (motion, seconded, approved without objection).

Old business: Rolston St. Hilaire had contacted Jim Robbins, Laura Jull, and Jim Gillman about joining WCC-058. All declined, citing insufficient time for participation. Charles Boyer noted that some new participants had been added to WCC-058 through institutional assignment, including Don Merhaut from the University of California at Riverside. The WCC-058 listserv may need an update.

New business: Brian Maynard requested $25 as a registration fee for expenses associated with hosting the 2001 meeting. The 2002 meeting for WCC-058 was originally scheduled for March 2002 in San Diego, California, with Dennis Pittenger (U.C. Riverside) as host. Following some discussion, it was decided that October 2002 was a preferred time to meet, thus avoiding two meetings in the same federal fiscal year. Dennis was not present to confirm his ability to host the next meeting. Following some discussion, it was decided that Rolston St. Hilaire would contact Dennis by November 1, 2001 to confirm his willingness to host the meeting in October 2002. If Dennis is not able to host the meeting, Cincinnati was selected as the alternative meeting location, with Hannah Mathers as host (Hannah agreed to host, if needed) (motion, seconded, approved without objection or further discussion).

With the encouragement of Art Cameron, it was decided to pursue a meeting in May or June 2003 in Boskoop and Aalsmeer, The Netherlands to meet with colleagues from that country. Art and others provided a variety of good outcomes from such a meeting location including exposure to state-of-the-art industry facilities, and procedures ranging from robotics to postharvest handling techniques. Charles Boyer mentioned that College of Agriculture administrators may or may not approve any or full funding for such a meeting location, but that a good explanation for the purpose of meeting in The Netherlands could make it possible (he will consult and advise). At this time, a meeting in 2003 in The Netherlands is planned (motion, seconded, approved without objection or further discussion).

Rolston St. Hilaire requested nominations of new officers, requesting the continued use of a Chair, Vice-chair, and Secretary. Robert Tripepi (University of Idaho) is Chair for 2001-2002. After identification of members present who had not yet served as officers, Sven Svenson was nominated as Vice-chair and Hannah Mathers as Secretary for 2001-2002 (motion, seconded, approved without objection or further discussion).

Following a motion (seconded, approved without objection or further discussion), the meeting was adjourned by Rolston St. Hilaire.


During this period, there were participating scientists from 11 states. The WCC-058 continues to foster participation from a large number of attendees. It is estimated that for the 2001-2002 period, we had greater than 60% of potential attendees participate in the annual meeting. This level of participation has impacted the relevance of our decisions since there is greater representation. The range of potential locations for annual meetings has been broadened because there are more participants. This potentially will expose the committee to a larger spectrum of woody plant production techniques. The committee attracted and retained the participation of two new members. In summary, the committee has successfully retained participation from a critical mass of scientists.


  1. Scientists use WCC-058 meetings to solicit ideas for ongoing research projects. They discussed the merits of some common recommendations to the nursery industry. For example, the merits of using biostimulants in woody plant research were discussed. It was concluded that there is lack of information on the potential benefits of biostimulants to the nursery industry and concluded that this area warrants more research.
  2. Scientists on the committee have solicited that the group collaborate with other regional organizations in activities such as woody plant evaluation. This activity is ongoing and will likely impact the production of perennial nursery stock.


Rosetta, R. and S.E. Svenson. 2001. Assessment of insecticide efficacy for root weevils on rhododendron. HortScience 36(3):553 (abstr.).

Rosetta, R. and S.E. Svenson. 2001. Assessment of insecticide efficacy for root weevil control. Research Reports: 60th Ann. PNW Insect Mgmt. Conf., Portland, OR (abstr).

St. Hilaire, R. 2001. Seed coat treatments influence germination of Taxodium mucronatum. Desert Plants 17:15-18 (cover article).

St. Hilaire, R. and C.A. Fierro. 2000. Three cultivars of mussaenda exhibit rooting in response to hormone and rooting conditions. HortTechnology 10:780-784.

St. Hilaire, R. and W.R. Graves. 2001. Stability of provenance differences during development of hard maple seedlings irrigated at two frequencies. HortScience 36:654-657.

St. Hilaire, R., W.R. Graves, and R.L. Small. 2001. Variation in TaqI-digested DNA of sugar and black maples is independent of taxon and plant origin. HortScience 36:1327-1328.

Svenson, S.E., A. Henderson, J. Paxson, J. Buckelew, and K. Sanford. 2001. Interaction of compost-amended Douglas-fir bark substrates and type of shading on shoot growth and Marchantia infestations of container-grown nursery crops. HortScience 36(3):555 (abstr).

Svenson, S.E., J.K. Paxson, J. Buckelew, and K. Sanford. 2001. Dolomite blend and rate influence substrate pH and growth of ornamentals in Douglas-fir bark. HortScience 36(3):498 (abstr.).
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