SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Avendano, Felicitas, Iowa State University,; Bird, George, Michigan State University,; Chen, Senyu, University of Minnesota,; Donald, Pat, USDA,; Faghihi, Jamal,Purdue University,; Ferris, Virginia, Purdue University,; Giesler, Loren, University of Nebraska,; MacGuidwin, Ann, University of Wisconsin,; Neher, Deb, University of Vermont,; Nelson, Berlin, North Dakota State University,; Niblack, Terry, University of Illinois,; Powers, Tom, University of Nebraska,; Robbins, Robert, University of Arkansas,; Tenuta, Albert, Agriculture Canida,; Tylka, Greg, Iowa State University,; Sweets, Laura, University of Missouri; Welacky, Tom, Agriculture Canida,;

Greg Tylka called the meeting to order and welcomed participants at 8:00 a.m. on March 5th, 2008 in Tampa, Florida. The meeting was held one day before the 4th National Soybean Cyst Nematode Conference sponsored, in part, by NC 1035. The meeting, convened to report on activities during 2007, was delayed beyond the scheduled December date to coincide with the SCN conference. State reports were presented with the information organized by project objectives: 1.) Develop, evaluate, improve, and integrate management techniques for SCN in the NCR to increase grower profitability, 2.) Determine and apply the concepts of invasion biology as revealed by SCN epidemiology, 3.) Develop decision-support data bases for management of SCN and other regionally important nematodes. Relating to objective one was discussion about the availability and efficacy of soybean varieties to SCN, SCN resistance genes and the difference among cultivars that share the same source of resistance, the range of virulence phenotypes of SCN for development of resistant varieties, methodology appropriate for characterizing SCN populations, tillage and the impact of soil disturbance on suppression of SCN by fungal antagonists, the interaction of SCN with other pests and pathogens, and soil amendments including manure and cover crops for SCN management. Discussion for objective two focused on surveys for SCN conducted during the past year and the methodology for tier 2 evaluation of soils for conduvciveness to SCN. Progress of SOPs for screening resistant lines of soybean to SCN and an index of commercial varieties resistant to SCN were discussed as pertinant to objective three.


Short-term outcomes: Improved use of soybean varieties resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resulting in higher yields and decreased population densities of SCN. Outputs: Publications as reported in the "Publications" section Activities: Objective One: - Virulence profiles for SCN populations were conducted in Illinois, Minnesota, Ontario, and Wisconsin. - Host resistance for managing SCN was evaluated in Ontario, Kansas, Tennessee, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa. - Selection pressure imposed by continuous planting of SCN-resistant varieties was studied in Arkansas, Kansas, and Wisconsin. - The impact of soil disturbance and tillage on SCN was determined in Indiana, Minnesota, and Vermont. - Soil amendments for the management of SCN were evaluated in Ontario and Minnesota. - The interaction of SCN with other pests and pathogens was studied in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Objective Two: - Surveys for SCN to identify candidate fields for Tier II activities were conducted in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ontario, and Wisconsin. Objective Three: - An SOP for screening resistant lines to SCN was developed. - Lists of SCN-resistant varieties available commercially were compiled by Iowa and Tennessee. Milestones: Developed standard format for reporting data relating to objective one.


  1. Information from this project, disseminated in reports, presentations, and web sites, helped the soybean industry assess the impact of SCN on soybean production and the importance of planting SCN resistant varieties.
  2. Characterization of virulence for field populations of SCN across the region provided insight to producers and researchers about variability among geographic isolates and the importance of integrating different management tactics for SCN control.
  3. Data on novel approaches as well as established practices such as tillage increased the ability of producers to develop a management plan to maximize yield and minimize reproduction and build-up of SCN.


Avendano, F. M. E. O'Neal, and G. L. Tylka. 2007. Soybean cyst nematode and soybean aphid interactions on soybean. Journal of Nematology 39:85. Bernard, E. C., E. C., Donald, P. A., Handoo, Z. A. Heinz, R. D., and Powers, T. O. 2007. Characterization of a new species of cyst nematode parasitizing corn. Journal of Nematology 39:74. Bird, G. W. 2007. A Global Perspective of Integrated Nematode Management Innovation. Phytopathology 97:S148. Bird, G. W. 2007. Nematode community structure of natural, non-managed and managed ecosystems. Journal of Nematology 39:89. Chen, S. Y. 2007. Suppression of Heterodera glycines in soils from fields with long-term soybean monoculture. Biocontrol Science and Technology 17:125-134. Chen, S. Y. 2007. Tillage and crop sequence effects on Heterodera glycines and soybean yields. Agronomy Journal 98:897-907. Chen, S. Y., J. E. Kurle, S. R. Stetina, D. R. Miller, G. A. Nelson, L. D. Klossner, and N. C. Hansen. 2007. Interactions between rion-deficiency shlorosis and soybean cyst nematode in Minnesota soybean fields. Plant and Soil 299:131-139. Chen, S. and Liu, S. F. 2007. Effects of tillage and crop sequence on parasitism of Heterodera glycines juveniles by Hirsutella spp. And on juvenile population density. Nematropica 37:93-106. Chen, S., C. C. Sheaffer, D. L. Wyse, P. Nickel, H. Kandel, and C. M. Fernholz. 2007. Distribution and frequency of Heterodera glycines and other plant-parasitic nematodes in the organic-farming fields in Minnesota. Journal of Nematology 39:99. Creech, J. Earl, J. S. Webb, B. G. Young, J. P. Bond, S. K. Harrison, V. R. Ferris, J. Faghihi, A. Westphal, and W. G. Johnson. 2007. Development of soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) on Henbit (Lamiium amplexicaule) and purple deadnettle (L. purpureum) 2007. Weed Technology 21:1064-1070. Creech, J. Earl, A. Westphal, V. R. Ferris, J. Faghihi, T. J. Vyn. J. B. Santini, and W. O. Johnson. 2007. Influence of winter annual weed management and crop rotation on soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and winter annual weeds. Weed Science 56:103-111. Davenport, J., G. Bird and F. Warner. 2007. Dynamics of HG Types Associated with Commercial soybean Cultivars in Michigan. J. Nematol. 39:90. Donald, P. A., T. Kilen, and A. Mengitsu. 2007. Registration of soybean germplasm line D99-2018 resistant to Phytophthora rot (Rps6) and soybean cyst nematode races 3 (Hg Type 0) and 14 (Hg Type Crop Science 47:451-452. Donald, P. A., Hayes, R., and Walker, E. 2007. Potential for soybean cyst nematode reproduction on winter weeds and cover crops in Tennessee. Online. Plant Health Progress do8i:1094/PHP-2007-0226-01-RS. Donald, P. A., and Tyler, D. D. 2007. Long- and short-term tillage effects on Heterodera glycines reproduction. Journal of Nematology 39:72. D., J. Andresen, G. Bird, J. Flore, L. Gut, P. McManus, J. Nugent, R. Isaacs, A. Schilder, M. Whalon, R. Sirrine, J. Sanchez. 2007. Tart Cherry Systems, pp. 74-101 (in) Ecologically Based Farming Systems, Deming, S., L. Johnson, D. Lehnert, D. Mutch, L. Probyn, K. Renner, J. Smeenk, S. Thalmann and L. Worthington (eds). Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2983. Lansing, 140 pp. Faghihi, J., S. Conley, and V. R. Ferris. 2007. Field reaction of selected SCN resistant soybean germ plasm toward SDS. Journal of Nematology 39 (1):76. Gao, X., A. L. Colgrove, K. N. Lambert, and T. L. Niblack. 2007. A molecular assay for reliable quantification of soybean cyst nematode in plants. Journal of Nematology 39:94. Gavassoni, W. L., G. L. Tylka, and G. P. Munkvold. 2007. Relationships among tillage practices, dissemination, and spatial patterns of Heterodera glycines and soybean yield. Plant Disease 91:973-978. Masler, E. P., P. A. Donald, S. Sardanelli. 2008. Stability of Heterodera glycines (Tylenchida:Heteroderidae) juvenile hatching from eggs obtained from different sources of soybean, Glycine max. Nematology. 10:271-278. Mebrahtu, T., Devine, T. E., Donald, P. A., and Abney, T. S. 2007. Registration of Owens vegetable soybean. Journal of Plant Registration 1:95-96. Melakeberhan, H., Mennan, S., Chen, S., Darby, B., and Dudek, T. 2007. Integrated approaches to understanding and managing Meloidogyne hapla populations parasitic variability. Crop Protection 26:894-902. Mengistu, A., Kilen, T. C., and Donald, P. A. 2007. Registration of D95-5048 soybean germplasm line resistant to Phytophthora rots and soybean cyst nematode races 3 and 14. Crop Science 47:452. Mennan, S., Chen, S. Y., and Melakeberhan, H. 2007. Effects of Hirsutella minnesotensis and N-Viro soil on populations of Meloidogyne hapla. Biocontrol Science and Technology 17:233-246. Mock, V. A., J. E. Creech, Bill Johnson, Jamal Faghihi, V. R. Ferris, A. Westphal, K. Bradley. 2007. Winter Annual Weeds and Soybean Cyst Nematode Management. Purdue Extension Publication. Niblack, T. L., Colgrove, K., and Bond, J. P. 2008. Shift in virulence of soybean cyst nematode is associated with use of resistance from PI 88788. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2008-0118-01-RS. Pedersen, P. and G. Tylka. 2007. Soybean cyst nematode and nematicide affect growth patterns of various soybean varieties in Iowa. Journal of Nematology 39:98. Schroeder, N. E., and A. E. MacGuidwin. 2007. Incorporation of a fluorescent compound by live Heterodera glycines. Journal of Nematology 39:3-49. Snapp, S, D. Smucker, R. Chase, W. Kirk, G. Bird and D. Douches. 2007. Michigan Potato Systems, pp. 60-73 (in) Ecologically Based Farming Systems, Deming, S., L. Johnson, D. Lehnert, D. Mutch, L. Probyn, K. Renner, J. Smeenk, S. Thalmann and L. Worthington (eds). Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2983. Lansing, 140 pp. Sun, M., S. Chen, J. E. Kurle, S. Naeve, D. L. Wyse, LO. A. Stahl, G. A. Nelson, and L. D. Klossner. 2007. Effect of rotation crops on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and iron-deficiency chlorosis of soybean. Phytopathology 97:S113. Tabor, G. M., G. L. Tylka, and C. R. Bronson. 2007. Genotypes A and B of Cadophora gregata differ in ability to colonize susceptible soybean. Plant Disease 91:574-580. Tabor, G. M., G. L. Tylka, and C. R. Bronson. 2007. Genotype B of Cadophora gregata reduces quantity and quality of soybean yield. Phytopathology 97:S113. Xiang, M. C., Liu, X. Z., Xiao, Q. M., and Chen, S. Y. 2007. Nutritional requirements of the nematophagous fungus Hirsutella minnesotensis. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica 37:151-168. Xiang, M. C., Wang, Z. X., Liu, X. Z., Yang, X. H., Chen, S. Y., and Ziao, Q. M. 2007. Variability of morphology, parasitism, and nucleotide sequences among isolates and species of nematophagous Hirsutella. Biological Control 33:110-119. Xiao, J., J. Zhu, S. Chen, W. Ruan, and C. Miller. 2007. A novel use of anaerobically digested liquid swine manure to potentially control soybean cyst nematode. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C- - Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 42:749-757. Xiao, J., J. Zhu, S. Chen, W. Ruan, and C. Miller. 2007. Control of the soybean cyst nematode using anaerobically digested liquid swine manure. Journal of Nematology 39:73. Zasada, I., F. Avendano, S. Koenning, Y. Li, T. Logan, H. Melakeberhan, and G. Tylka. 2008. Potential of an alkaline-stabilized biosolid to manage nematodes: case studies on soybean cyst and root-knot nematodes. Plant Disease 92:4-13.
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