SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: SAC1 : Crops and Soils
  • Period Covered: 10/01/2006 to 09/01/2007
  • Date of Report: 04/17/2008
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 11/04/2007 to 11/04/2007


Cullen, Joe - Clemson University; Collins, Mike - Mississippi State University; Grant, George - University of Tennessee; Martin, Freddy - Louisiana State University; Baltensperger, David - Texas A&M University; Hodges, Steve - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Bennett, Jerry - University of Florida; Watson, Clarence - Oklahoma State University (Administrative Advisor); Porter, Dave - Oklahoma State University; Bacon, Robert - University of Arkansas; Barrett, Michael - University of Kentucky.

Southern Regional Department Heads (SAC-01) Minutes Sunday Nov 4, 4:00 pm New Orleans, LA Meeting was called to order by Dr. Steven Hodges Meeting sites for 2008 were discussed. It was unanimously accepted that if possible Mike Wagger and David Smith from the Soil and Crop Science departments, respectively, at North Carolina State would host next years meeting. Baltensperger moved and Bennett seconded that Mike Collins be accepted as chair by unanimous ballot. Approved. Baltensperger was elected as secretary. Dr. Clarence Watson gave an overview on: -- Budget at federal level is still up in the air -- Procedures for regional project reviews -- NIFA/CREATE 21 spirited discussion State Reports: Each state gave an overview of the situation at their University. In general Florida and Virginia have been hit by the housing slump and are facing budget reduction issues. The other states tended to be in a more positive situation. We discussed that a national department heads group was meeting the following day to discuss some issues, but that we need to reenergize this regional group so that it plays a valuable role in good decision making by sharing information. Meeting was adjourned.




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