SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Sharron Lennon (Chair), University of Delaware, Newark Mary Lynn Damhorst (Vice Chair), Iowa State University, Ames Melody LeHew (Secretary), Kansas State University, Manhattan Marilyn DeLong (Administrative Advisor), University of Minnesota, St. Paul Holly Bastow-Shoop, North Dakota State University, Fargo Jane Hegland, South Dakota State University, Brookings Cynthia Jasper, University of Wisconsin, Madison Jung-Hwan Kim, University of South Carolina, Columbia Minjeong Kim, Oregon State University, Corvallis Karen LaBat, University of Minnesota, St. Paul Nancy Miller, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University, East Lansing Leslie Stoel, The Ohio State University, Columbus Partial attendance (due to conflicting meetings): Jana Hawley,and Deb Brosdahl, Kansas State University, Manhattan.

The annual meeting was held at the Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza in Los Angeles, CA, November 10 through 11, 2007. First order of business was a discussion of key initiatives for 2007: 1) A follow-up survey to the 2005 USDA Grant Funding Pre-Conference was planned, but did not occur during 2007. Members discussed questions to be included and survey will be sent during 2008. 2) ESRAB held annual meeting and sponsored several sessions at the International Textile and Apparel Association. 3) NRI-Data Sharing conference was held in Kansas City in April 2007. 4) Pre-conference workshop titled: Research on the Edge  From Concept to Fundable Proposal was held at 2007 ITAA conference and had 24 participants. 5) Members discussed the need to increase membership in NCCC-65 as a continuing initiative into 2008. Additional plans for 2008 were discussed and three ideas were proposed: an introduction to statistical techniques of higher rigor; an intermediate Structural Equation Modeling focused topic  including experimental multi-group designs; and a graduate student consortium emphasizing constructive critique. NCRA administrator gave her report focusing on AES trends and possible future changes. Each member provided an update on significant program initiatives in their institutions. Location and dates of next meeting were set and meeting was adjourned. FULL MINUTES ATTACHED.


Outputs 40 research publications; l book and 12 book chapters; 11 completed Ph.Ds. and 6 Masters degrees; 17 grants awarded totaling $727,006.75 (See separate listing ) Activities Accomplishments discussed at the meeting included: ITAA preconference workshop with 24 attendees; sent out results of priorities to everyone part of special session in 2006; Laura Jolly and Sharron Lennon wrote proposal for preconference; NRI conference in KC in April with data sharing; Breeze internet delivered conference on mixed methods; USDA Challenge grant (Jane and collaborators) to build learning modules for product development, apparel analysis, textile science, global issues, and retailing through interactions with faculty, industry, students in Australia, Russia and Thailand; Business International Education grant (University of Delaware) to develop modules to internationalize the curriculum in the areas of consumer behavior, product development, and international retail with a focus on Italy, China, India, and Thailand; Holly and Jana participated in a Fulbright - Fabric of Indian Life  to internationalize curriculum for PK-12; Milestones 1. Re: Objective: Set research priorities for multi-state and national work on emerging issues relevant to Social Change in the Marketplace. " Pre-conference workshop at 2007 ITAA meeting Research on the Edge: From Concept to Fundable Proposal, with 24 participants 2. Re: Objective: Identify strategies to increase the rigor of the research methodology and empirical techniques used to study Social Change in the Marketplace. " Mixed Methods Research Breeze Conference September 12, 2007. Sponsored by NCCC-65 and NRI Building Research Collaborations to Enhance Rural Economic Development. Presentation by Dr. John Creswell author of Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. There were researchers from 23 universities across the U.S. The conference is available on a URL site and power point slides are available through Nancy Miller at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln. Mixed method examples were discussed in relation to on-going and future rural community research projects. A mixed method approach will be used by the collaborators generating grant proposals from the NRI Building Research Conference attendees. 3. Re: Objective: Provide an opportunity for scholars to build partnerships, develop mutual interests, and foster collaborative national research efforts on Social Change in the Marketplace. " Pre-conference workshop at 2007 ITAA meeting Research on the Edge: From Concept to Fundable Proposal, with 24 participants " Emails that outlined results of discussion at 2006 ITAA annual meeting (Research Agenda 2010: Forging New Directions and Partnerships; 29 people other than the committee members were contacted) 4. Re: Objective: Share and critique new ideas and new unpublished data regarding issues related to Social Change in the Marketplace. " NRI workshop in Kansas City  Building Research Collaborations to Enhance Rural Economic Development sponsored by NRI Conference Grant - USDA (January 1, 2007  December 31/2007)


  1. Impacts: Evaluations from the NRI Conference suggests participants valued the experience and considered the conference an opportunity to change their approach for conducting research - as a single investigator to a team approach. A change in knowledge occurred from participation in the NRI conference. Researchers perspectives on the rural development topic were broadened from a single-state to a regional or national level through interactions with other participants and through the post-panel discussions. Further change in knowledge occurred from the additional follow-up conference conducted with breeze technology. Participants who are familiar with qualitative and quantitative research methods were introduced to mixed methods by a well-known scholar in the field who is also the textbook author and editor of a mixed methods journal.
  2. Questions were addressed via the breeze set-up and all participants could enter into the discussion. A change in action occurred with the meeting of researchers at a professional meeting seven months following the conference. Individuals have been attending this professional meeting for approximately 8 to 15 years, but have never before met as a large group to discuss planning of collaborative research and grant writing. Further changes in action are suggested by the adoption of a sequential mixed method approach to research.
  3. The qualitative step has been completed and data analysis is underway to advance social capital theory development. The quantitative step will be included in the grant proposal to advance theory testing. A change from working independently to collaboratively has occurred as a result of the NRI conference and subsequent activities. The quality of the research design has improved with input from multiple scholars. Protocols have been developed and followed to insure comparable data. Decision-making knowledge has been transferred and advanced.


NCCC65 Members List of Publications 2006-2007 Refereed Journal Articles: Anderson, J. L., Jolly, L. D. & Fairhurst, A.E. (2007). Customer relationship management in retailing: A content analysis of retail trade journals, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 14 (6), p.394-399. Besser, T. L., & Miller, N. J. (in press, accepted 5/26/05)). The Significance of Customer Base in the New Economy: Job Satisfaction and Perceptions of Success of Small Suppliers and Small Non-Suppliers. Journal of Small Business Management. (Now running 24 months behind in publishing accepted articles.) Besser, T. L., Miller, N. J., Korsching, P. F., and Welch, B. D. (2006). Creating Business Networks. CD Practices. Journal of the Community Development Society. 14: 1-12. Besser. T. L., Miller, N. J., & Perkins, R. K. (2006). For the greater good: Business networks and business social responsibility to communities. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 18 (4): 321-339. Boorady, L. M. and Hawely, J. M. (Accepted, in press). Using animated graphics as a teaching tool in patternmaking: A comparison of methods. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. Boorady, L. M. and Hawley, J. M. (Accepted, in press). Patternmaking 101: The Changing Face of Teaching a Visual Topic. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. Braaten, A.W. (2006). Women Creating, Women Providing: Hastings Needlework Company. Minnesota History Journal. St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Historical Society Press. Chung, J., B. Jin and B. Sternquist (2007) The role of market orientation in channel relationships when channel power is imbalanced. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 17 . (2) 159-176. Chung, J.E., B. Sternquist and Z. Chen (2006) Retailer buyer-supplier relationships: The Japanese difference. Journal of Retailing. 82 (4) 349-355. Ernst, S., Hooker, N., Stoel, L., Sanders, D.J. & Kalb, M. (2007). Information Technology Use by Small-Scale Grocers. Research Update. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 38 (1), 206. Ernst, S., Stoel, L., Hooker, N. H. & Skolmutch, M. (2006). IT and E-Commerce Use by Small Food Retailers: Preliminary Findings. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 37 (1), 183-184. Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (accepted for publication). E-shopping Quality, Trust and Consumer Acceptance: Addition to the Technology Acceptance Model. Journal of Business Research . Ha, Y., Kwon, W., & Lennon, S. J. (2007). Online visual merchandising (VMD) of apparel web sites. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11(4), 477-493. Hawley, J. M. (2006). Digging for diamonds: A conceptual framework for understanding reclaimed textile products. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 24(3), 262-275. Hu, H. & Jasper, C.R. (2006). A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Effects of Social Perception Styles on Store Image Formation. Journal of Business Research. 60, (3),222-230. Hu, H. & Jasper, C. R. (2006). Social Cues in the Store Environment and their Impacts on Store Image. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. 34, (1), 25-48. Huang, Y. and B. Sternquist (2007) Retailers foreign market entry decisions: An institutional perspective. International Business Review. 16. 613-629. Hwang, J.H., & Sneed, J. (2007). Developing a performance criteria model for school foodservice. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 31, 111-129 Kim, H-Y., Jolly, L. & Kim, Y. (2007). Future forces transforming apparel retailing in the U.S: Environmental scanning approach, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal,25(4), 307-322. Kim. J., & Lennon, S. (2007). Mass Media and Self-Esteem, Body Image, and Eating Disorder Tendencies. Clothing and Textile Research Journal, 25(1), 1-15. Kim, J., Kim, M ., & Kandampully, J. (2007). The Impact of Buying Environment Characteristics in Online Apparel Websites as a Driver of Competitive Strategy. The Service Industries Journal, 27(7), 865-880. Kim, J-H., Kim. M., & Lennon, S. J. (2007). Information components of apparel retail websites: Task relevance approach. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11(4), 494-510. Kim, J-H., & Lennon, S. J. (2007). Mass media and self-esteem, body image, and eating disorder tendencies. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 25, 3-23. Kim. M., Kim. J., & Lennon, S. (2006). Online Service Attributes Available on Apparel Retail Websites: An E-S-QUAL Approach. Managing Service Quality, 16(1), 51-77. Kozar, J., & Damhorst, M. L. (in press). Perceptions of older vs. younger models by women aged 60-80. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. LaBat, K., Salusso-Deonier, C., & Rhee, J. (2007). Home sewers satisfaction with fit of apparel patterns. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11(3). Lee, M., Geistfeld, L. & Stoel, L. (2007). Cultural Differences between Korean & American Apparel Websites. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11 (4), 511-528. Lee, K.H. & Stoel, L. (2006). A Study of Student Perspectives on Web-based Learning Technology in Merchandising Courses. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing & Textiles, 30 (12), 1788- 1799. LeHew, M. L. A., & Wesley, S. C. (2007). Tourist shoppers satisfaction with regional shopping mall experiences. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality, 1(1), 82-96. Lennon, S. J., Kim, M., Johnson, K. K. P., Jolly, L. D., Damhorst, M. L., & Jasper, C. R. (2007). A longitudinal look at rural consumer adoption of online shopping. Psychology & Marketing, 24(4), 375-401. Miller, N. J., Besser, T. L. & Malshe, A. (accepted 5/17/07). Small Business Strategic Networking. International Small Business Journal. (to be published in December 2007). Nelson Hodges, N.J., DeLong, M.R., Hegland, J.E., Thompson, M., & Williams, G. (2007). Constructing knowledge for the future: Exploring alternative modes of inquiry from a philosophical perspective. Clothing & Textiles Research Journal, 25(4), 323-348. Niehm, L., Swinney, J., & Miller, N. J. (accepted 7/25/07). Community Social Responsibility and Consequences for Small Family Business Performance. Journal of Small Business Management (to be published in the January 2009 issue). Ogle, J. P., Baker, S. S., Carroll, J. B., Butki, B. D., & Damhorst, M. L. (in press). A preliminary study of the meanings children attach to healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. Journal of Extension. Oh, H., & Jasper, C.R. (2006). Processing of Apparel Advertisements: Application and Extension of Elaboration Likelihood Model. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 24, (1), 15-32. Palan, K., Damhorst, M. L., Ogle, J. P., Hausafus, C., Reitmeyer, C., & Marquis, G. (in press). Early adolescent nutrition and exercise behavior: The role of parental communication quality and style. Forum for Family and Consumer Issues. Park, J. H., Stoel, L. & Lennon, S. (accepted for publication). Cognitive, affective, and conative responses to visual simulation: The effects of rotation in online product presentation. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. Sternquist, B. and Z. Chen (2006) Food retail buyer behavior in Peoples Republic of China: A grounded theory model. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. (9) 2, 243-265. Wesley, S. C., LeHew, M. L. A., & Woodside, A. (2006). Consumer decision-making styles and mall shopping behavior: Building theory using exploratory data analysis and the comparative method. Journal of Business Research, 59(5), 535-548. Wolfe, Kara. (2007). Teaching Tips for Graduate Assistants and New Instructors  Disruptive Behaviors. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, in press. Books: Sternquist, B. (2007) International Retailing 2ed. New York: Fairchild Books and Visuals. Chapters in Books (invited): Chen, Z. and B. Sternquist (2006) Chinese Retail Buyer-Seller Initiation and Maintenance of Relationship: Opportunisms Effect. Retailing 2006: Strategic Challenges in the New Millennium. Joel Evans (Ed)(11) New Hempstead, NY: Hofstra University. 66-68. Hawley, J. M. (April, 2008). The Amish veil: Symbol of separation and community. In J. Heath (Ed.) The Veil: Women Writers on Its History, Lore, and Politics. University of California, Berkley. Hawley, J. M. (in press). The economic impact of dumping clothing. In C. Ulasewicz and J. Hethorn (Eds). Sustainable Fashion. Why Now? New York: Fairchild. Hawley, J. M. (2007). From My Closet to Africa: The Dirt on Post-Consumer Recycling. In Future Fashion. New York: Earth Pledge. Hawley, J. M. (November, 2007). Recycling Textiles: Going beyond the bin. White paper prepared for Resource Recycling, p. 31-33. Heck, R.K.Z., Danes, S.M., Fitzgerald, M.S., Haynes, G.W., Jasper, C.R., Schrank, H.L., Stafford, K., & Winter, M. (2006, In press). Role of family in family business entrepreneurship. In P.Z. Poutziouris, K.X. Smyrnios, & S. Klein, (Eds), Family Business Research Handbook. International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) & Edward Elgar Publishing. Hegland, J.E, & Nelson Hodges, N.J. (2007). Embodying the feminine: Male-to-female cross- dressing. In D.C. Johnson & H.B. Foster (Eds.), Dress sense: Emotional and sensory experiences of the body and clothes (pp. 156-169). Oxford: Berg. Jasper, C.R. (2006). The Role of Women Business Owners and Women Executives as Philanthropists. In Shaw-Hardy, S. (Ed.). New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising. San Francisco: Wiley. Jasper, C.R. (2006). Retailing and Older Consumers, In Schulz, R. (Editor). The Encyclopedia of Aging. New York: Springer Publishing Company. LaBat, K. (2007). Sizing Standardisation, in Ashdown, S.P., Editor. Sizing in Clothing: Developing Effective Sizing Systems for Ready-To-Wear Clothing, Woodhead Publishing Limited. Manjeshwar, S. and B. Sternquist (2006) Private Label and International Retailing Strategy. Retailing 2006: Strategic Challenges in the New Millennium. Joel Evans (Ed)(11) New Hempstead, NY: Hofstra University. 176-181. Sternquist, B. , R. Runyan and Z. Chen (2006) Environment, Marketing Orientation, and Buying Committees in Chinese Retailing: Does Strategy Affect Structure? Retailing 2006: Strategic Challenges in the New Millennium. Joel Evans (Ed)(11) New Hempstead, NY: Hofstra University. 238-242. Refereed Presentations and Published Abstracts: Braaten, A.W. (June 2007). Holding Onto Ones Identity: A Case Study of Shawls of a German from Russia Refugee Family in World War II. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual National Symposium of the Costume Society of America. San Diego, California. Brosdahl, D., LeHew, M.L.A., Hawley, J. M. (November, 2007). Sustainable Fashion: An Oxymoron or a Possible Future? Teaching Strategies to Promote Consumer and Industry Sustainability Practices. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Burnett, S., & Kim, M. (2007). Internal and external trigger cues of impulse buying online. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Bye, E., LaBat, K., McKinney, E. & Kim, E. Optimized pattern grading, Los Angeles, California, October, 2007, (also a presentation). Byun, S. and B. Sternquist (2007) In-store hoarding: The measurement and application in fast fashion retail environment. EAERCD 14 International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades, Saarbruecken, Germany Selected as one of the conference best papers. Cha, S., & Kim, M. (2007). The effect of my virtual model on consumer response of online apparel shopping. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Chattaraman, V., Lennon, S. J., & Rudd, N. A. (2007, November). Enduring and momentary mechanisms of social identity salience: Combinatorial effects on identity-based apparel brand choices of Hispanic consumers. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Damhorst, M. L., & Ogle, J. P. (2006). Undergraduates' attitudes and beliefs about obese persons: Exploring the impact of obesity prevention and obesity acceptance information. ITAA Proceedings. Available at [extended abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, San Antonio, TX) Eckman, M., Littrell, M., Hawley, J.M., Boorady, L., Bastow-Shoop, H., Pederson, E., Evanston, S., (November, 2007). Fabric of Indian Life: Expanding Faculty International Expertise Through a Fulbright-Hays and ITAA Sponsored Group Project. Special topics session for annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Eckman, M., Loker, S., Hawley, J. M., Lennon, S., Burns-Davis, L., Ogle, J., Rucker, M., Rudd, N., Damhorst. (November, 2007). Identifying student learning outcomes for social responsibility and sustainability. Special topics session for annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (November 2007). Drivers of apparel E-shopping Behavior: Understanding the effects of E shopping quality and experiential E-shopping motives. Poster presented at ITAA 2007 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (April 2006). Shopping Motives and Patronage Intentions of Online Shopper Segments: An Apparel Context. In D. Burns (Ed.) Proceedings of the American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) 2006 Annual Meeting (1 page on CD-ROM), Fayetteville, Arkansas. Ha, Y., & Lennon, S. J. (2006, November). Online visual merchandising cues and emotions: Effects of situational involvement. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. Ha, Y., & Lennon, S. J. (2007, November). The influence of online atmospheric cues: pleasure, perceived risk, and patronage intention. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Hu, H., & Jasper, C.R., (2006, May 26). A Revisit of the Theoretic Model of Store Image Formation and its Application in Chinese Consumers. 2006 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas. Huang, Y. , B. Sternquist and R. Calantone (2006) Chinese Retail Buyer-Supplier Relationships in a Transitional Economy: Does Guanxi Still Matter? Academy of International Business Conference, Beijing China. Received the International Marketing Review Best Paper in International Marketing Award and Nominated for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award Hwang, Joyce Hyunjoo submitted papers titles, Does the Personal Response System enhance student learning? and Usage and Dependency Patterns of information source among restaurant customers with different consumer values in Seoul Korea, for CHRIE Conference in 2007. Accepted for a poster presentation. Im, H., & Lennon, S. J. (2006, November). Social self and body image. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. Jolly, L., Fairhurst, A., Kim, H-K., Lim, H., Simpson, L., Piper, C., Fair, F., Kim, H-Y. (2007). R.E.A.D.: Retail Enrichment and Development. Proceedings International Textile and Apparel Association Annual meeting. Kim,Chan Hyung (2007). The collaboration teaching method of sustainable design through computer animation design practice, International Future Design Conference, Seoul, Korea, October 30-November 2, p 547-554. Kim, D.E. & LaBat, K. Comparison of female bodice pattern drafting methods, Los Angeles, California, October, 2007, (also a presentation). Kim, E. Y., and Hawley, J. M. (November, 2007). Affiliate Network Relationships: A Comparison of Affiliate Agreements for Apparel and Accessories Sites. Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting: Los Angeles, CA. Kim, H-K., & Jolly, L. (2007). Teaching Customer Retention Strategy: Using a Wiki as a Pedagogical Vehicle. Proceedings International Textile and Apparel Association Annual meeting. Kim, H-Y., Kim, Y-K., Jolly, L., & Fairhurst, A. (2007). Customer Love: Antecedents and Outcomes. Proceedings International Textile and Apparel Association. Kim, H-J, & Lennon, S. J. (2006, November). E-atmosphere, pleasure, and approach response of apparel. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. Kim, H-Y., Kim, Y-K., Jolly, L., & Fairhurst, A. (2007). Satisfied customers love toward retailers: Across-product exploration. Association for Consumer Research (ACR), Memphis, TN, October 25-28. Kim, H-Y., Kim, Y-K., Jolly, L., & Fairhurst, A. (2007). Falling in love with a store: A satisfied customer typology. American Collegiate Retailing Association Spring 2007 Conference, Chicago, IL, April 12-15. Kim, J., & Bickle, M. (2007). Baby Boomers Perceptions of E-service Quality in Online Apparel Shopping. International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Kim, J., & Bickle, M. (2007). Baby Boomers Perceptions of E-service Quality in Online Apparel Shopping. Abstract published in Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA). Kim, J., & Lennon, S. (2006). The Effect of Amount of Information on Consumer Shopping Behaviors in an Online Apparel Retailing Setting. Abstract published in Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA). Kim, J., & Lennon, S. (2007). Effects of Music and Amount of Information on Consumer Shopping Behavior Under Low Involvement. International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Kim, J., & Lennon, S. (2007). Effects of Music and Amount of Information on Consumer Shopping Behavior Under Low Involvement. Abstract published in Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA). Kim, J., Kim., M. & Lennon, S. (2007). A Consumer Perspective of Buying Environment Characteristics in the Context of E-services. Abstract published in Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA). Kim, J., Kim, M., & Kandampully, J. (2007). A consumer perspective of buying environment characteristics in the context of e-services. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Kim, J. & Stoel, L. (April 2007). Developing a Conceptual Model to Explain Inshopping Behaviors of Rural Consumers: Social Capital and Institutional Environment. In D. Burns (Ed.) Proceedings of the American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) 2007 Annual Meeting (1 page on CD-ROM), Chicago, IL. Kim, J-H, & Lennon, S. J. (2006, November). The effect of amount of information on consumer shopping behaviors in an online apparel retailing setting. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. Kim, J. H., & Lennon, S. J. (2007, November). Effects of music and amount of information on consumer shopping behavior under low involvement. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Kim, J-Y., & Lennon, S. J. (2007, November). Does familiarity lead to purchase?: Effects of website familiarity and website quality on perceived risk and purchase intention. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Kim, J. Y., & Lennon, S. J. (2006, November). Reputation and website quality as determinant of perceived risk, mood and purchase intention in online retailing context. Paper presented at American Collegiate Retailing Association meeting, Orlando, FL. Kim, M., Lennon, S., & Rudd, N. (2007). Ripped from the headlines: Demonstrating that textiles and apparel subject matter Is relevant in the workplace and the retail environment. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Kim, M., Kim, J., & Lennon, S. (2007). Online store atmospherics: How product presentation and music affect consumer responses. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Kim, M., Kim, J., & Lennon, S. (April 2007). E-service attributes available on mens and womens apparel websites. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Kim, M., Kim J-H., & Lennon, S. J. (2007, April). E-service attributes available on mens and womens apparel websites. Paper presented at American Collegiate Retailing Association meeting, Chicago, IL. Kim, M-J., & Lennon, S. J. (2006, November). The effects of product presentation on information processing and purchase intent in internet shopping. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. Kim, M., Kim, J. H., & Lennon, S. J. (2007, November). Online store atmospherics: How product presentation and music affect consumer responses. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Kim, M., Lennon, S. J., & Rudd, N. A. (2007, November). Ripped from the headlines: Demonstrating that textiles and apparel subject matter is relevant in the workplace and the retail environment. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Kim, M., Kim, J., & Lennon, S. (2007). Online Store Atmospherics: How Product Presentation and Music Affect Consumer Responses. Abstract published in Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA). Kim, M., Kim, J., & Lennon, S (2007). E-service Attributes Available on Mens and Womens Apparel Websites. Abstract published in Proceedings of 2007 Spring American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) Conference. Kozar, J. M., & Damhorst, M. L. (2006). Older women's attitudes toward middle-aged and older models. ITAA Proceedings. Available at [extended abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, San Antonio, TX) Kwon, Y. J., & Damhorst, M. L. (2007, April). Onto a definition of taste: Integration of philosophical and sociological inquiry. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL. Kwon, W., & Lennon, S. J. (2007, November). A model of multi-channel retail brands cross-channel effects. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Kwon, W-S., & Lennon, S. J. (2006, November). Development of an online brand image measurement for multi-channel apparel retailers. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. Lee, H-J. & Jolly, L. (2007). A Satisfaction-Loyalty Model of Kiosks in Retailing: A Cognition-Affect-Behavior Perspective. Proceedings of 2007 Winter ACRA Conference held in Conjunction with the 2007 NRF Convention and Exposition, New York City, New York. Lee, H-J., Lim, H., & Jolly L. (2007). The Impact of Lifestyle Factors on Consumer Adoption of Technology Products. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings, Los Angeles, California. Lee, H-J., & Jolly, L. (2006). The Sourcing Strategy Decision for Private Brands in Grocery Retailing. Proceedings of 2006 Winter ACRA Conference held in Conjunction with the 2007 NRF Convention and Exposition, New York City, New York. Lennon, S. J., & Park, M. (2007, April). Extreme consumption: Television shoppers and compulsive buying. Paper presented at International Foundation of Fashion Institutes meeting, Toronto, CA. Lennon, S. J., & Kim, H-J. (2006, November). E-atmosphere, pleasure, and approach response of apparel. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. Lennon, S. J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2007, November). Black Friday: Shopping on the dark side. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Lennon, S. J., & Rudd, N. A. (2007, November). Active learning through Appearance in the News presentations. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Miller, N. Warrington, P., Frazier, B., Niehm, L.S., Jolly,L. & Kean, R. (2006). Exploring the boundaries of the merchandising discipline: Are we legitimate? Proceedings International Textile and Apparel Association Annual meeting. Osajima, K. and B. Sternquist (2007) Japanese materialism: A generational comparison between the new breed and second baby-boomers. EAERCD 14 International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades, Saarbruecken, Germany Park, J. & Stoel, L. (April 2007). Effect of background music and download delay on consumers responses in online store shopping. In D. Burns (Ed.) Proceedings of the American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) 2007 Annual Meeting (1 page on CD-ROM), Chicago, IL. Park, J. & Stoel, L. (November 2007). How presence of background music mitigates consumers perception of download delay: mediating role of emotions. Research paper presented orally at ITAA 2007 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Park, M., & Lennon, S. J. (2007, November). The impact of haptic information on consumer responses in catalog and online shopping. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Park, M., & Lennon, S. J. (2006, November). The effect of site atmospherics on online shoppers responses: Brand, promotion and background. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. Pookulangara, S., Hawley, J. M., Norum., P., Crustinger, C., Kim., Y.K., Shephard., A., (November, 2007). Graduate Programs: From Backpack to Briefcase. Special topics session for annual meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles: CA. Reddy, S., & Kim, M. (2007). Relationship between body appearance evaluation and clothing shopping motivation. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Rucker, M. H., Lennon, S. J., & Cassill, N. (2007, November). Development and implementation of a cross-university internship program; A learning experience for us all. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Sanguanpiyapan, T.N., & Jasper, C.R., (2007, June 29). Consumers Patronage Behavior on Jewelry Shopping. 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, San Francisco, CA. Sternquist, B. and C. Finnegan (2006) Adding value to buyer-supplier relationships in China. Academy of International Business Conference, Beijing China. Sternquist, B. and T. Otsuka (2007) Department store buyers in Japan: Has the Economic crises changed their expectation of suppliers? American Academy of Retail Educations Annual Meeting, Chicago. Sternquist, B., K. Silk and C. Harris (2006) Food Fear versus Food as Medicine: Chinese Consumer Mindscapes of Genetically Engineered and Organic Foods. WERA-101 Conference, Washington D.C. Chinas Evolving Agricultural Economy: Biotechnology, Food Markets and Policy Liberalization. (Tom Wahl Ed) CDROM. Sternquist, B. and L. Wang. (2006). Buying Committees in Transitional Economies: A Case of Chinese Retail Industry. ACRA Spring Conference Proceedings, Benntonville, ARK. CDROM. Yoo, J., & Lennon, S. J. (2006, November). The effect of product presentation of apparel on the Internet and consumers' responses. Paper presented at International Textiles and Apparel Association meeting, San Antonio, TX. Yoo, J., & Kim, M. (2007). The effect of brand image consistency on consumer responses. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses: Title: Female Body Characteristics Related to Bra Fit Author: Chen, C. Date: October, 2007 University: University of Minnesota Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Karen LaBat Title: Retail Format Diversification Strategies In Foreign Markets Author: Carol Finnegan Date: 2007 University: Michigan State University Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Brenda Sternquist Title: Toward an integrated conceptual model of retailer new product evaluation and new product success Author: Ying Huang Date: 2007 University: Michigan State University Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Brenda Sternquist Title: Implementing Quick Response (QR): Success and Challenges Author: Duck Weon Lee Date: November 2006 University: Oregon State University Degree: MS Advisor: Minjeong Kim Title: Finished Good Sourcing Decisions in the US Apparel Industry after Implementation of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing Author: Glenn, A. Date: 2006 University: Ohio State University Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Leslie Stoel Title: How Customer Loyalty Program Influences Relational Marketing Outcomes: A Perspective of Consumer-Retailer Identification Author: Ha, S. Date: 2007 University: Ohio State University Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Leslie Stoel Title: The Effect of Perceptual Fluency on Online Shoppers Aesthetic Evaluation and Behavioral Intention Author: Im, H. J. Date: 2007 University: Ohio State University Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Leslie Stoel Title: A Study of Small Ohio Retailers Assimilation and Diffusion of Information Technology: An Integration of Five Models Author: Keene, J. Date: 2006 University: Ohio State University Degree: MS Advisor: Leslie Stoel Title: The effect of music and amount of information on consumer shopping behaviors in an online apparel retail setting Author: Kim, J. Date: 2006 University: The Ohio State University Degree: Ph.D. Advisor Sharron Lennon Title: Factors influencing source credibility of consumer reviews: Apparel online shopping Author: Koeun Shin Date: March 2007 University: Oregon State University Degree: MS Advisor: Minjeong Kim Title: The Textile and Apparel Research Base: Author Co-Citation Mapping for Research Management Author: McIntire, Jonah Date: December, 2006 University: University of Missouri Degree: MS Advisor: Jana Hawley Title: Towards a Three-dimensional Theory of Pattern Drafting: Relationship of Body Measurements and Shapes to Pattern Measurements and Shapes Author: McKinney, E. Date: May, 2007 University: University of Minnesota Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Karen LaBat and E. Bye Title: Effects of Background Music and Download Delay on Consumers Responses in Online Store Shopping Author: Park, J.S. Date: 2006 University: Ohio State University Degree: MS Advisor: Leslie Stoel Title: The creation of brand equity in Chinese clothing markets Author: Tong, Xiao. Date: December 2006 University: University of Missouri Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Jana Hawley Title: The meanings of qipao as traditional dress: Chinese and Taiwanese perspectives Author: Yang, C.-C. Date: 2007 University: Iowa State University Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Mary Lynn Damhorst Title: Taste in appearance: Self, cultivated dispositions, and cultural capital Author: Kwon, Y.J. Date: 2007 University: Iowa State University Degree: Ph.D. Advisor: Mary Lynn Damhorst Title: Development and validation of a measure of postmodernity in dress Author: Park, S. Date: 2007 University: Iowa State University Degree: MS Advisor: Mary Lynn Damhorst Unpublished or Invited Presentations: Damhorst, M. L. (2006, October 20). Educating clothing and textiles professionals for the knowledge and creativity societies: A U.S. perspective. Plenary speaker to the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. Seoul, Korea. Damhorst, M. L. (2006). Educating clothing and textiles professionals for the knowledge and creativity societies: A U.S. perspective. Program for the 30th annual conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. Hawley, J. M. (November 12, 2007). Digging for Diamonds: Building Consumer Awareness of Textile Recycling. Presentation made to the Greater Kansas City Family and Consumer Sciences. Olathe, Kansas. Hawley, J. M. and Okun, S. (2007, June 13). Textile recycling: the next wave of landfill diversion. White paper presented at the Illinois recycling and Solid Waste Management Conference and Trade Show. Hawley, J. M. (June 8, 2007). Travels of a used t-shirt: From charitable donation to overseas marketplaces. Presentation made to Council to Campus, sponsored by University of Missouri Extension. Hawley, J. M. (2007, March 24). RecyclingA systems perspective: It takes everyone. Invited Keynote for the Annual Second Hand Clothing and Handlers Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Hawley, J. M. (2006, September 15). Amish Quilt Entrepreneurs. Lecture presented to the St. Louis Quilters Guild. LaBat, K. (October, 2006). Using the Design Process to Develop Innovative Textile Products. Industrial Fabrics Association International Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. Other Publications: Braaten, Ann. Summer 2007. Report on CSA 2007 Angels Project. Costume Society of America Newsletter. Braaten, A.W. (January 25, 2007). Sewing Up the Mississippi: Hastings Needlework Company. Mississippi National River Corridor Recreation Area Visitors Center, St. Paul, Minnesota. Damhorst, M. L., & Nelson Hodges, N. (2007). Focus on the future: Introduction to Part I. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 25(4), 279-282. Wolfe, Kara. (2007). Book review of Casino Industry in Asia Pacific: Development, Operation, Impact. Edited by Cathy H.C. Hsu. The Haworth Press, Inc. for Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 31(1), 132-135. GRANTS AND EXTERNAL FUNDING Project title: Buyer-Supplier Relationships in China Investigator: Sternquist, B. Source: CASID, Center for Advanced Study in International Development Date: 2006-2007 Amount: $2,500 Project title: Comparing China and Indias Buyer-Supplier Relationships Investigator: Sternquist, B. Source: CIBER, Center for International Business Education and Research Date: 2007-2008 Amount: $5,000 Project title: Central Business Districts: The Measures of Success Investigator: Davis, G., Bowen-Ellzey, N., Clark, J., Irwin, E., Manta-Conroy, M. & Stoel, L. Source: OSU Cares Seed Grant Program Date: 6/1/07  6/30/08 Amount: $8,900 Project title: Special Request Proposal for Hatch Funding Investigator: LaBat, K. Garhing, S., Herzfeld, D., & Bye, E. Source: Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Date: 10/1/2007- 9/30/2008 Amount: $87,646.75 Project title: Designing motion into pesticide protective apparel using a motion capture system Investigator: LaBat, K., Bye, E., Gahring, S., Durfee, W., Herzfeld, D Source: AES Project Grant: Forming Interdisciplinary Linkages Date: 12/2006-12/-2007 Amount: $20,000 Project title: Fabric of Life Investigator: Bastow, Shoop, Holly E. Source: Fulbright-Hays Group Project to India Date: December 26, 2006-Januray 27, 2007 Amount: $10,000 Project title: Home Modification for Older Adults Investigator: Ray-Degges, Susan & Carlson, Emili Source: NDSU Extension Service Mini-Grant Date: 2007 Amount: $425. Project title: Design Factors Influencing Energy Cost of Restaurant Operations Investigator: Kim, Hyung_Chan & Hwang, Joyce Source: Integrity Windows, Inc Date: 2007 Amount: $600 Project title: Develop an Online Interactive Component for ADFH 365 Investigator: Hirani, Aditi Source: NDSU Office of Provost and VP for Academic Affairs Date: 2007 Amount: $320 Project title: Improve Course Content for ADFH 404 Investigator: Hwang, Joyce Source: NDSU Office of Provost and VP for Academic Affairs Date: 2007 Amount: $1,650 Project title: An Assessment of Heritage & Cultural Tourism Activities in North Dakota Investigator: Leistritz, Wolfe & Hodur Source: USDA Rural Development Fund Date: 2006 Amount: $45,760 Project title: Collaborative Development of Global Fiber, Fabric, and Related Products Industry based Problem-Solving Modules for Undergraduates Investigator: Nancy Nelson Hodges, University of North Carolina, Greensboro Jane E. Hegland, South Dakota State University Elena Karpova, Iowa State University Gwendolyn ONeal, University of North Carolina, Greensboro Source: USDA Challenge Grant Date: 2007-2010 Amount: $327,386 Project title: Family Business and Policy (NC1030) Investigator: Cynthia R. Jasper Source: Hatch, Agricultural Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture Date: October 1, 2006  September 2011 Amount: Project title: Repositioning Shopping Malls: The Importance of Mature Consumers Investigator: Haiyan Hu and Cynthia R. Jasper Source: International Council for Shopping Mall Research Date: June 2006  July 2007 Amount: $14,963 Project title: Deconstructing stereotypes: Undergraduate curriculum development to engender empathy and tolerance toward obese persons Investigator: Damhorst, M.L. & Ogle, J.P. Source: Iowa State University Miller Faculty Fellowship Date: 2007-2008 Amount: $26,862 Project title: Building research collaborations to enhance rural economic development Investigator: Nancy Miller & Leslie Stoel , Linda Niehm, Barbara Frazier, Patricia Warrington, Rita Kean Source: NRI Conference Grant  USDA Date: January 1, 2007  December 31, 2007 Amount: $10,000 Project title: Fashion international business education response. Investigator: H.S. Kim, M. A. Dickson, S. J. Lennon, G. Irvine Source: Business International Education Grant Program, Department of Education Date: 2007-2009 Amount: $165,000 Grant Proposals Under Review Project title: South Asian Studies at Kansas State University Investigator: Hawley, J. Source: Department of Education Office of Post-Secondary Education Title VI: Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program Date: Submitted November 26, 2007 Amount: Unfunded Proposals Project title: Buyer-Supplier Relationships in China: The New Role of Guanxi Investigator: Sternquist, B. Source: USDA-NRI Date: 2006-2009 Amount: $460,000 Project title: Human Factors Focused Design using Digital Technology Investigator: Bye, E., LaBat, K., Durfee, W., Ryan, K., Gahring, S., Herzfeld, D. Source: AES/CHE additional funding Date: Amount: $86,809
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