SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Bilgili, Sarge ( - Auburn; Conner, Don ( - Auburn; Curtis, Patricia ( - Auburn; McKee, Shelly ( - Auburn; Moran, Jr., Ed ( - Auburn; Ayarzabal, Omar ( - Auburn; Roland, Sr., David ( - Auburn; Simpson, Gene ( - Auburn; Acton, James ( - Clemson; Dawson, Paul ( - Clemson; Galyean, Ron ( - Clemson; Regenstein, Joe ( - Cornell; Ahn, D. U. ( - Iowa State; Booren, Al ( - Michigan State; Stasburg, Gale ( - Michigan State; Keener, Kevin ( - North Carolina State; Sheldon, Brian ( - North Carolina State; Stadelman, Bill ( - Purdue; Birkhold, Sara ( - Texas A&M; Alvarado, Christine ( - Texas Tech; Thompson, Leslie ( - Texas Tech; Jones, Frank ( Arkansas; Marcy, John ( - Arkansas; Owens, Casey ( - Arkansas; Zeidler, Gideon (; Williams, Sally ( - Florida; Cherry, Jerry ( - Georgia; Daniels, Jim ( - Georgia; Fletcher, Daniel ( - Georgia; Russell, Scott ( - Georgia; Richards, Mark ( - Wisconsin; Walters, Bonnie ( - Wisconsin; Buhr, Jeff ( - USDA/ARS; Cason, John ( - USDA/ARS; Lyon, B. G. ( - USDA/ARS; Northcutt, Julie ( - USDA/ARS; Smith, Doug ( - USDA/ARS; Eifert, Joseph ( - Virginia Polytechnic Center

The annual S-292 meeting was held in Fayetteville, AR and was hosted by Casey Owens. The stations reporting at this meeting included Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, Texas, USDA-ARS, Florida, Guelph (Not present), South Carolina (Present by phone conference). Dr. Jerry Cherry, our project leader from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences was also present. The committee discussed the fact that the entire project rewrite deadline is quickly approaching. The deadline is the end of January, 2005. S-292 Symposium: Dan Fletcher had mentioned a few years ago that a joint symposium with the European Working Group would be a great way to close out the current project. He suggested having the meeting in Athens and inviting local academicians, scientists, graduate students and the European Working Group. He did not give a specific time of year; however, it seemed that he intended on the meeting being held at the end of October or early November. He did not suggest inviting industry representatives because they are almost impossible to get to come to such a meeting. After much discussion by the group, Pat Curtis called Sarge Bilgili and discovered that the European Working Group was interested in coming to the meeting, but they have a great deal of difficulty justifying coming to the U.S. more frequently than once per year. Thus, the idea of having the meeting concurrently with Poultry Science was discussed. It was discovered that both Sarge and Dan had requested to have a symposium at the Poultry Science meeting, but that this had not been followed up on. We contacted Jeanna Wilson who is in charge of the Poultry Science symposia this year and she indicated that they had not followed up on their original proposals and that it would be possible for us to submit a symposium schedule to her for approval. After further discussion with the group, they felt that the symposium should be held in conjunction with Poultry Science, so as to be able to include the European Working Group. The group voted and confirmed that this direction would be best, rather than having the meeting in Athens. The format of the meeting would be as follows: To begin, someone would give a general overview of the history of the regional project, how it has changed over the years, and how it is funded (for our European colleagues). The chairperson for each objective would begin their section by giving a summary presentation of the research accomplishments of their particular section over the last 5 years. Then speakers from the S-292 Project and other invited speakers would give presentations on topics that are relevant to that section. Then the next objective section chair would give a summary of accomplishments and the speakers would give presentations on that particular subject and so on. This would be an excellent way to showcase the accomplishments of the group, while encouraging participation by members of the academic community who may not be currently actively involved in our group, while including the European researchers as well. After the meeting, we hope to publish the proceedings. We also discussed, but did not decide on whether we should have a poster session as part of the symposium. The Europeans have expressed their desire to have roundtable discussions. The symposium would be held the Friday and Saturday before the Poultry Science meeting. The following must be completed very soon: 1) Confirmation to Jeanna Wilson that we wish to have the symposium 2) A formal agenda with names of speakers to be submitted to Jeanna 3) Formal invitations to the European Working Group 4) Invitations to other speakers that we wish to include 5) We need to decide how to conduct a call for papers, deadlines, etc. S-292 Project Rewrite information: The group discussed the fact that a project re-write is due in early 2005. Dr. Cherry gave us numerous suggestions. The following were discussed: -The re-write should be written to project for 5 years of future research -Each individual section should be updated -The template will be posted by next week on the website -Chairs must post their submission to the re-write for their section by the end of November, 2004 -The comments for individual sections are needed by the end of December -We should post the first draft of the re-write by mid-January -We need the comments back by participants by January 31 -The first draft of the completed re-write should be submitted to Dr. Jerry Cherry no later than early February, 2005 -We would like to have the draft submitted to Dr. Cherry by Wednesday the 26th of January -The Project should be approved around springtime of 2005 -Bonnie Walters will do the CRIS review to see if other projects out there are related to ours -It is important to keep a minimum number of objectives -We should include as many collaborating scientists on each objective as possible -Industry participation is acceptable and encouraged -Extension faculty participation is also encouraged -Outreach should be an important component to the project re-write (we should detail how we wish to transfer the information to the industry) -Include a final symposium in the project re-write as a mechanism of technology transfer -We need to supply the names of three, objective, sympathetic reviewers to Dr. Cherry so they can review the re-write -We should consider publishing a regular synopsis of our accomplishments in a way that will receive broad industry readership -We should add a paragraph to the re-write that states, "Although the S-295 Regional Project is tasked with researching food safety issues, this project has been focused on foods other than poultry and the research conducted within the S-292 Project does not in any way conflict with S-295's mandate. The following are the objectives, stations, and chairs identified for the re-write." -Chairs should prepare their section that goes up on the web (using WebCT) on our website for responses from the group -States that have not been approached and agreed to participate in the project should not be included in the re-write -We should go into the website and select the general information tab to access the area where we can submit the pertinent information regarding our section -Anyone is encouraged to respond to each section and make comments -I will e-mail the topics list (for the re-write) and chairs to Pat Curtis and the chairs -We need to investigate other collaborators. Names that were suggested were Scott Beyers (K-State) and Cathy Cutter (Penn-State)


Sub-objective 1. To reduce blood splash/bruising/hemorrhaging-related problems in poultry products (color problems) Experiments were conducted to examine the impact of pre-slaughter stressors (i.e., catching, crating, and transportation) on blood chemistry of male and female broilers. Transportation was identified as a major stress factor for young birds (<42 d of age), whereas crating was more stressful for older birds (>49 d of age). Experiments were also conducted evaluate the breast muscle development in commercially available lines of broiler and layer chickens. Research was initiated on examining the chemical extraction and modification of broiler dark meat. This process may be used to reduce the negative impacts of hemorrhagic thighs (blood splash) as well as to improve the utilization of broiler dark meat. Sub-objective 2: Biologically Impaired Meat Quality A study was conducted in order to evaluate the efficacy of the razor blade shearing method and various other instrumental shearing methods (Allo-Kramer and Warner-Bratzler) as a means for developing models for predicting tenderness in broiler breast fillets. The razor blade shear test is advantageous over the other testing methods in that results could be obtained two times as fast as opposed to the other testing methods with very similar or greater precision for predicting tenderness of cooked broiler breast meat. An experiment was conducted to assess the impact of breed and outdoor access on meat quality of broilers. There was little difference in texture in breast meat samples among genotypes, although the breast meat from medium-growing broilers was perceived as more tender than breast meat from the fast-growing broilers (indoors) (P < 0.05). The thigh meat of the medium-growing broiler (M2) was more intense in flavor than that of the slow-growing broilers (indoors) (P < 0.05). The flavor of thigh meat from the medium-growing broilers and the fast-growing broilers was more liked than the slow-growing broilers (indoors) (P < 0.05). These data indicate that meat quality differences may exist among breeds with different growth rates and reared with or without outdoor access. A study was conducted to analyze the effect of strain and deboning time on meat quality. Higher yielding birds exhibited higher shear energy (more tough), higher drip and cook loss, and higher muscle pH when deboned at 2 h PM compared to lower yielding birds. These results suggest that early deboning may impact meat quality of broiler strains differently resulting in greater variation within the industry. Experiments were conducted to compare the color and functional properties of pale and normal broiler breast fillets. Although pH adjustment did not completely restore the functional properties of the pale meat, it did significantly improve moisture uptake and cooking yield of the pH modified pale meat compared to the un-modified pale breast meat. A study was conducted to clone and sequence turkey aRYR and bRYR isoforms. Our results suggested that turkeys homozygous for aRYR-I are more likely to develop PSE meat under standard growth and slaughter processes. The mechanistic basis for this observation is not yet clear, and will be subjected to the new study. Sub-objective 3: Processing Factors Affecting Poultry Meat Quality A study was conducted to compare surface reflectance spectra of ground chicken dark meat when packaged in aerobic and anaerobic packaging and subjected to lighted display. Aerobically packaged ground chicken thigh meat had longer color stability in lighted display due to retention of OxyMb and slower development of MetMb. A study was conducted to determine the effect of blood removal, oxidation and shelf-life in broiler meat. The authors found that different slaughter and bleeding methods may affect color and sensory properties of the broiler breast fillets. A study was conducted to evaluate the inhibition of lipid oxidation in mechanically separated turkey by cranberry. The results suggest that cranberry components may be used as potential natural antioxidants to enhance the oxidative stability and shelf life of muscle foods. Sub-objective 4. Broiler processing effects on product safety Studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of acidified sodium chlorite (ASC) in the drinking water against food-borne pathogens. ASC was found to be effective against Salmonella in the upper digestive tract. A study was conducted to develop a multi-hurdle approach using natural antimicrobial films and carriers with in-package pasteurization for sliced ready-to-eat poultry products. This study demonstrated that significant reductions in bacterial populations and complete inactivation of S. Typhimurium and L. monocytogenes cells can be achieved using an in-package thermal pasteurization process. A study was conducted to combine pasteurization with use of an antimicrobial bio-based film and determine the effects on pathogen outgrowth. Combining both treatments significantly reduced the L. monocytogenes populations and prevented outgrowth over the two month storage period but provided no added inhibitory effect against S. Typhimurium compared to only pasteurization. Studies were conducted to determine the ability of various food-grade powders to adsorb and release nisin activity. Results indicated that under laboratory conditions the use of nisin-adsorbed powders to carry nisin activity is a more efficient method than incorporation into polymer films. Studies are being conducted to determine the microbiological safety and chemical contamination of poultry co- and by-products. No Gram-negative organisms could be detected from any of the samples. Feed grade meal contained Staphylococcus species, possibly epidermis, aerobic Bacillus species and Staphylococcus aureus. Feather meal contained Staphylococcus species, and facultatively anaerobic Bacillus species. Pet food meal contained facultatively anaerobic Bacillus species. The effects of nutrition and waste management technologies on pathogens in animal excreta were evaluated. Nutrition and dietary components potentially affecting the production, frequency and fate of pathogens in excreta, and following treatment and land application are also being investigated. Estimation of Salmonella populations from commercial North Carolina turkey farms was determined. These results indicate that Salmonella populations in turkey fecal and litter samples vary widely from farm to farm and are influenced by several factors including bird age, season, and the chemical properties of the litter. Salmonella populations and prevalence in fresh excreta and litter from North Carolina broiler farms were estimated. Fifty percent of the litter (n = 24) and fecal (n = 24) samples were Salmonella positive. Litter and fecal mean and range of Salmonella populations were 1.70 and 1.0 to 3.6 and 1.57 and 1.0 to 3.1 log MPN/g, respectively. The results of this study indicate that litter Salmonella spp. populations and their prevalence in commercial broiler farms were not impacted by individual farm, season, or flock age effects but collectively, they did influence Salmonella populations. Salmonella serotypes isolated from the broiler samples are summarized in the table following the layer trials. Impact of the laying hen cycle and molting on the prevalence and populations of Salmonella was determined. These findings demonstrate that PFGE analysis provided a powerful discrimination tool for identifying strain diversity among the fecal samples isolates. These results indicate that layer age and molting did impact both the incidence and populations of Salmonella recovered from layer feces. Moreover, molting practices did not appear to increase the incidence or shedding of Salmonella in the feces. The effect of Immustim® and Protimax® on Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella Typhimurium Populations in Broilers. Neither feed treatment affected broiler GI tract S or C populations. Improved bird performance was observed for non-challenged birds fed Immustim®. S-challenged birds showed improvement in growth and FC at 20g/ton of Immustim®, while birds challenged with C showed improved growth when fed 40g/ton. The addition of Protimax® resulted in reduced growth for C-challenged birds. However, Protimax® improved FC for S-challenged birds, but had no effect on non-challenged birds. Influence of grain particle size and insoluble fiber content on Salmonella colonization and shedding in turkeys fed a corn-soybean meal diet was determined. The diets had no impact on Salmonella cecal or fecal populations. The development of pro-active on-farm strategies to eliminate bacterial pathogens from poultry carcasses represents a more logical approach of improving the safety of poultry products compared to the current reactive quality control and HACCP measures employed at the processing plant. Studies were conducted in our laboratory that demonstrated the efficacy of commercial HabaGUARD® conveyor belts containing an inhibitor to reduce the populations of several foodborne bacterial pathogens. The development of an inhibitory conveyor belting material that targets food borne pathogens and spoilage organisms will help to reduce the risk of cross-contamination of products with these pathogens and ultimately reduce the incidence of food borne disease associated with the consumption of contaminated poultry products. The degree of transfer of Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium was evaluated from a stainless steel contact surface to a ready-to-eat food (RTE, lettuce). The results of this study indicate that relatively high numbers of bacteria may be transferred to a food such as poultry products even 1 to 2 hours after surface contamination. These findings can be used to support future projects aimed at estimating the degree of risk associated with poor handling practices of RTE foods. An in-plant assessment of Campylobacter contamination in large broiler processing plants and determination of the performance of washers systems (brush, spray, inside/outside) on removing Campylobacter was conducted. Results showed that 87% of post-evisceration carcasses were positive for Campylobacter and 68% were positive post-chiller. Thus, existing washer systems provide minimal reductions in Campylobacter contamination. Research was conducted to compare the effects of commercial TSP application on the recovery of Salmonella on day of processing and following 7 days of storage. Although TSP resulted in lower recovery, there were also approximately one pH unit or greater in whole carcass rinse pH. The penetration of Salmonella spp. into whole muscle turkey during vacuum marination was conducted. After marination, Salmonella counts decreased (P<0.001) with depth below the inoculated surface, increased (P<0.001) with application of the vacuum, and appeared to increase (P=0.12) with marination time. Although these tests did not exactly mimic a commercial process, they did demonstrate that significant migration could occur into whole-muscle product during marination, even without any mechanical action. The next preliminary test series was conducted to evaluate the effects of vacuum and/or tumbling on Salmonella migration during marination of an actual product, in which marinade enters the product from all directions. Traditional assumptions regarding the interior sterility of intact, whole muscle products that have been marinated need to be reevaluated to ensure that microbes below the surface of the meat are inactivated during subsequent cooking operations. The effect of water activity on the thermal inactivation of Salmonella during heating of meat was determined. The rate of thermal inactivation of Salmonella decreased 64% (P<0.01) when decreasing meat water activity from 0.99 to 0.95. The effect of meat product structure on thermal inactivation of Salmonella during heating was conducted. This study demonstrates that the physical state of a meat product (whole muscle vs. ground) affects microbial thermal kinetics. A study was conducted to detect Campylobacter jejuni in naturally contaminated chicken meat by melting-peak analysis of amplicons in real-time PCR. The real-time PCR was found to be a sensitive and specific method, which significantly reduced the detection time of C. jejuni in poultry following enrichment Subtyping of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from a poultry further processing plant over 12 months showed that some types of L. monocytogenes come into the plant on raw product and become resident in the plant in areas such as floor drains. Methodology studies demonstrated that crushing is the most effective technique for recovering small or fragile populations from washed or sanitized eggs.



A. Journal Articles Wideman, Jr., R. F., M. E. Chapman, C. M. Owens, M. K. Devabhaktuni, L. C. Cavitt, W. Wang, and G. F. Erf, 2003. Broiler survivors of intravenous micro-particle injections: Evaluation of growth, livability, meat quality, and arterial blood gas values during cyclic heat challenge. Poultry Sci. 82:484-495. Cavitt, L. C.*, G. W. Youm, J. F. Meullenet, C. M. Owens, and R. Xiong, 2004. Prediction of poultry meat tenderness using razor blade shear, Allo Kramer shear, and sarcomere length. J. Food Sci. 69:(1) SNQ11-15. Cavitt, L. C.*, B. M. Hargis, and C. M. Owens, 2004. The use of halothane and succinylcholine to identify broilers prone to developing pale, soft, exudative meat. Poultry Sci. 83:1440-1444. Cavitt, L.C.*, J.F. Meullenet, R.K. Gandhapuneni, G.W. Youm, and C.M. Owens, 2004. Rigor development and meat quality of large and small broilers and the use of the Allo-Kramer shear, needle puncture, and razor blade shear method to measure texture. Poultry Sci. (Accepted, In Press) Cavitt, L.C.*, J-F.C. Meullenet, R. Xiong, and C. M. Owens. 2004. The Correlation of Razor Blade Shear, Allo-Kramer Shear, Warner-Bratzler Shear, and Sensory Tests to Changes in Tenderness of Broiler Breast Fillets. J. Muscle Foods (Accepted, In Press) Oyarzabal, O. and S. F. Bilgili, 2004. Effects of post-chill application of acidified sodium chlorite to control Campylobacter spp. and Escherichia coli on commercial broiler carcasses. J. Food Prot. 67(10):2288-2291. Scheuermann, G. N., S. F. Bilgili, S. Tuzun, and D. R. Mulvaney, 2004. Comparison of Chicken Genotypes: Myofiber number in Pectoralis muscle and myostatin ontogeny. Poultry Science, 83: 1404-1412. Yalcin, S., S. Ozkan, G. Oktay, M. Cabuk, Z. Bayraktar, and S. F. Bilgili, 2004. Age-related effects of catching, crating, and transportation on core body temperature and blood parameters of broilers measured a different seasons. J. Appl. Poultry Res. (In press) McCormick, K., Han, I.Y., Sheldon, B.W., Acton, J.C., and Dawson, P.L. 2003. D- and Z-values for Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium in packaged low-fat ready-to-eat turkey bologna subjected to a surface pasteurization treatment. Poultry Sci. 82:1337-1342. Dawson, P.L., Hirt, D.E., Rieck, J.R., Acton, J.C., and Sotthibandhu, A. 2003. Nisin release from films is affected by both protein type and film-forming method. Food Research International. 36(9-10):959-968, 2003 McCormick, K., Han, I.Y., Sheldon, B.W., Acton, J.C., and Dawson, P.L. 2004. In package pasteurization combined with nisin-impregnated films to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium in turkey bologna. J. Food Sci. (In press). Mangalassary, S., Dawson, P.L., Rieck, J., and Han, I.Y. 2004. Thickness and compositional effects on surface heating rate of bologna during in-package pasteurization. Poultry Science 83:1456-1461. Dawson, P.L., Harmon, L., Sotthibandhu, A., and Han, I.Y. 2004. Antimicrobial activity of nisin adsorbed silica and corn starch powders. Food Microbiology 22:93-99. Jydegaard, A.M., Nielsen, H.J.S., Dawson, P.L. and Acton, J.C. 2004. Kinetics of color loss for slices of fermented sausage displayed in light of varying intensity. Proc. Intl. Cong. Meat Sci. Technol. 50:641-644. M.P. Bashor, K.M. Keener, P.A. Curtis, B.W. Sheldon, and S. Kathariou, 2004. Comprehensive review of Campylobacter and poultry Processing. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 3:105-116. M.P. Bashor, P.A. Curtis, K.M. Keener, B.W. Sheldon, S. Kathariou, and J.A. Osborne, 2004. Effects of carcass washers on Campylobacter contamination in large broiler processing plants. Poultry Sci. 83:1232-1239. McCormick, K., I.Y. Han, B.W. Sheldon, J.C. Acton, and P.L. Dawson, 2004. In package pasteurization combined with nisin-impregnated films to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium in turkey bologna. J. Food Sci. (In Press). X. Li, B.W. Sheldon, and H.R. Ball, 2004. Thermal resistance of Salmonella species, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus in high solids liquid egg mixes. J. Food Prot. (In Press) Bourassa, D. V., D. L. Fletcher, R. J. Buhr, J. A. Cason, and M. E. Berrang, 2004. Recovery of Salmonellae after Chilling and after Seven Day Storage from TSP-Treated Commercially Processed Broiler Carcasses. Poultry Sci. (Accepted and in press) Webster, A. B. and D. L. Fletcher, 2004. Assessment of the aversion of hens to different gas atmospheres using an approach-avoidance test. Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Accepted and in press) Buhr, R. J., D. V. Bourassa, J. L. Wilson, and D. L. Fletcher, 2004. Improved efficiency of intact crop removal for broiler breeder rooster and hen carcasses during manual evisceration. J. Appl. Poultry Res. (Accepted and in press) Musgrove, M. T., D. R. Jones, J. K. Northcutt, P. A. Curtis, K. E. Anderson, D. L. Fletcher, and N. A. Cox, 2004. Survey of shell egg processing plant sanitation programs: effects of non-egg contact surfaces. J. Food Prot. (Accepted and in press) Bianchi, M., D. L. Fletcher, and D. P. Smith, 2004. Physical and functional properties of intact and ground pale broiler breast meat. Poultry Sci. (submitted 07/2004) Bourassa, D. V., D. L. Fletcher, R. J. Buhr, J. A. Cason, and M. E. Berrang, 2004. Recovery of Salmonellae Following pH Adjusted Pre Enrichment of TSP Treated Broiler Carcasses. Poultry Sci. (submitted 07/2004) Betti, M. and D. L. Fletcher, 2004. The influence of extraction and precipitation ph on the dry matter yield of broiler dark meat. Poultry Sci. (submitted 08/2004) Russell, S. M., and T. L. Isaac, 2004. The effect of chlorine dioxide gas on pathogenic and indicator bacteria attached to eggs. Journal of Applied Poultry Research (submitted 7/04). Russell, S. M., 2004. The effect of electrolyzed oxidative (EO) water and colloidal silver applied using electrostatic spraying or immersion on Salmonella and E. coli on broiler chicken carcasses. Journal of Applied Poultry Research (submitted 7/04). Russell, S. M. and S. Axtell, 2004. The effect of monochloramine versus chlorine on pathogenic, indicator, and spoilage bacteria associated with broiler chicken carcasses: a model, pilot scale, and industrial study. Journal of Food Protection (Accepted for Publication). Richards, M.P. and Li, R. 2004. Effects of released iron, lipid peroxides and ascorbate in trout hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation of washed cod muscle. J. Agric. Food Chem. 52, 4323-4329. Richards M.P. and Dettmann, M.A. 2003. Comparative analysis of different hemoglobins: autoxidation, reaction with peroxide and lipid oxidation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51, 3886-3891. Warsow, C.R., Marks, B.P., Ryser, E.T, Orta-Ramirez, A. and Booren, A.M. 2002. Salmonella penetration into whole muscle turkey during vacuum marination. Abstracts of the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Abstract No. 88-4. Warsow, C.R., Orta-Ramirez, A., Marks, B.P., Ryser, E.T, and Booren, A.M. 2003. Effects of vacuum tumbling on Salmonella migration into the interior of intact, marinated turkey breasts. Abstracts of the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting. Abstract No. 60-C7. Burns, T.R., Marks, B.P., Harris, K.L., Orta-Ramirez, A. and Ryser, E.T. 2001. Effect of moisture content on thermal inactivation of bacteria. Abstracts of the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Abstract No. 84-9. Burns, T.R., Marks, B.P., Ryser, E.T. and Booren, A.M. 2002. Effect of humidity on the thermal inactivation of Salmonella during air hearting of meat. Abstracts of the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Abstract No. 97-3. Undeland, I.; Hultin, H.O. and Richards, M.P. 2003. Aqueous extracts from some muscles inhibit hemoglobin-mediated oxidation of cod muscle membrane lipids. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51, 3111-3119. Kilic, B. and Richards, M.P. 2003. Lipid oxidation in poultry döner kebab: Pro-oxidative and anti-oxidative factors. J. Food Sci. 68, 686-689. Chiang, W., Allison, C., Linz, J., and Strasburg, G., 2004. Identification of two aRYR alleles and characterization of RYR transcript variants in turkey skeletal muscle. Gene 330: 177-184. Chiang, W., Strasburg, G., 2003. Genetic basis for pale, soft and exudative turkey meat, Proceedings of 56th Reciprocal Meat Conference, Columbia, MO. Chiang, W., Strasburg, G., 2003. Recent advances in the physiology of ryanodine receptor in turkeys, Proceedings of 16th European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat. St. Brieuc, France. Chiang, W., Linz, J., Strasburg, G., 2003. Two a-RYR genomic alleles in turkey skeletal muscle. Biophysical J. 85: 521. Arnold, J.W., Boothe, D.D., Mitchell, B.W. 2004. Use of negative air ionization for reducing bacterial pathogens and spores on stainless steel surfaces. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 13:200-206. Arnold, J.W., Suzuki, O. 2003. Effects of corrosive treatment on stainless steel surface finishes and bacterial attachment. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultral Engineers. 46(6):1595-1602. Berrang, M.E., Meinersmann, R.J., Buhr, R.J., Reimer, N.A., Phillips, R.W., Harrison, M.A. 2003. Presence of campylobacter in the respiratory tract of broiler carcasses before and after commercial scalding. Poultry Science. 82(12):1995-1999. Berrang, M.E., Northcutt, J.K., Cason, J.A. 2004. Recovery of campylobacter from broiler feces during extended storage of transport cages. Poultry Science. 83:1213-1217. Berrang, M.E., Northcutt, J.K., Dickens, J.A. 2004. The contribution of airborne contamination to campylobacter counts on defeathered broiler carcasses. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 13:1-4. Berrang, M.E., Smith, D.P., Windham, W.R., Feldner, P.W. 2004. Effect of intestinal content contamination on broiler carcass Campylobacter counts. Journal of Food Protection. 67(2):235-238. Buhr, R.J., Dickens, J.A., Wilson, J.L. 2003. Filling and emptying of the alimentary tract of meal fed broiler breeder hens. Poultry Science. 82(12):2000-2004. Cason, J.A., Berrang, M.E., Buhr, R.J., Cox, N.A. 2004. Effect of pre-chill fecal contamination on numbers of bacteria recovered from broiler chicken carcasses before and after immersion chilling. Journal of Food Protection. 67:1829-1833. Cason, J.A., Hinton Jr, A., Buhr, R.J. 2004. Impact of feathers and feather follicles on broiler carcass bacteria. Poultry Science. 83(8):1452-1455. Chantarapanont, W., Berrang, M.E., Frank, J.F. 2004. Direct microscopic observation of viability of campylobacter jejuni on chicken skin treated with selected chemical sanitizing agents. Journal of Food Protection. 67:146-1152. Chantarapanont, W., Berrang, M.E., Frank, J.F. 2003. Direct microscopic observation and visualization of campylobacter jejuni viability on chicken skin. Journal of Food Science. 66(12):2222-2230. Dickens, J.A., Ingram, K.D., Hinton Jr, A. 2004. The effects of applying safe2otm-poultry wash to broiler wings on shelf life, l. monocytogenes, pseudomonas sp., staphylococcus sp., and psychrotrophic bacteria after 3, 7, and 10 days storage. Poultry Science. 83(6):1047-1050. Hinton Jr, A., Cason, J.A., Hume, M.E., Ingram, K.D. 2004. Use of midi-fatty acid methyl ester analysis to monitor the transmission of campylobacter during commercial poultry processing. Journal of Food Protection. 67(8):1610-1616. Hinton Jr, A., Cason, J.A., Hume, M.E., Ingram, K.D. 2004. Spread of campylobacter spp. during poultry processing in different seasons. International Journal of Poultry Science. 3(7):432-437. Hinton Jr, A., Cason, J.A., Ingram, K.D. 2004. Tracking spoilage bacteria in commercial poultry processing and refrigerated storage of poultry carcasses. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 91(2):155-165. Jones, D.R., Curtis, P.A., Anderson, K.E., Jone, F.T. 2004. Microbial contamination in inoculated shell eggs: II. effects of layer strain and egg storage. Poultry Science. 83:95-100. Lyon, B.G., Smith, D.P., Lyon, C.E., Savage, E.M. 2004. The effects of diet and feed withdrawal on the sensory descriptive and instrumental profiles of broiler breast fillets. Poultry Science. 83(2):275-281. Northcutt, J.K., Jones, D.R. 2004. A survey of water use and common industry practices in commercial broiler processing facilities. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 13(1):48-54. Northcutt, J.K., Jones, D.R., Ingram, K.D., Hinton Jr, A., Musgrove, M.T. 2004. Airborne microorganisms in commercial shell egg processing facilities. International Journal of Poultry Science. 3(3):195-200. Northcutt, J.K., Jones, D.R., Musgrove, M.T. 2004. Airborne microorganisms during the commercial production and processing of Japanese quail. International Journal of Poultry Science. 3(4):242-247. Simmons, M., Fletcher, D.L., Berrang, M.E., Cason, J.A. 2003. Comparison of sampling methodology for the detection of salmonella on whole broiler carcasses purchased from retail outlets. Journal of Food Protection. 66:1768-1770. Smith, D.P., Berrang, M.E., Feldner, P.W., Phillips, R.W., Meinersmann, R.J. 2004. Detection of bacillus cereus on selected retail chicken products. Journal of Food Protection. 67(8):1770-1773. Smith, D.P., Northcutt, J.K. 2004. Induced red discoloration of broiler breast meat: effect of blood, bone marrow, and marination. International Journal of Poultry Science. 3:248-252. Smith, D.P., Northcutt, J.K. 2004. Induced red discoloration of broiler breast meat: ii: Effect of cook temperature and freezing. International Journal of Poultry Science. 3:253-258. Young, L.L., Smith, D.P. 2004. Moisture retention by water- and air-chilled chicken broilers during processing and cutup operations. Poultry Science. 83:119-122. Young, L.L., Smith, D.P. 2004. Effect of vacuum on moisture absorption and retention by marinated broiler fillets. Poultry Science. 83:129-131. B. Abstracts Fanatico, A.A.*, P.B. Pillai, L.C. Cavitt, C.M. Owens and J.L. Emmert, 2004. Comparison of broiler growth and carcass yield among alternative slow-growing breeds and a commercial breed grown with or without outdoor access. Poultry Sci. 83:15 (Abstr.) Fanatico, A.A.*, P.B. Pillai, L.C. Cavitt, J.L. Emmert and C.M. Owens, 2004. Comparison of broiler meat quality among alternative slow-growing breeds and a commercial breed grown with or without outdoor access. Poultry Sci. 83:6 (Abstr.) Mehaffey, J.M.*, J.F. Meullenet, J.L. Emmert, S.R. McKee and C.M. Owens, 2004. Meat quality evaluation of minimally aged broiler breast fillets from five commercial genetic strains. Poultry Sci. 83:144 (Abstr.) Fanatico, A.A.*, P.B. Pillai, L.C. Cavitt, J.F. Meullenet, J.L. Emmert and C.M. Owens, 2004. Comparison of sensory qualities of poultry meat from alternative slow-growing and a commercial breed grown with or without outdoor access. Poultry Sci. 83:145 (Abstr.) Cavitt, L.C.*, J-F.C. Meullenet, R. Xiong, and C. M. Owens, 2004. The Correlation of Razor Blade Shear, Allo-Kramer Shear, Warner-Bratzler Shear, and Sensory Tests to Changes in Tenderness of Broiler Breast Fillets. Poultry Sci. 83:150 (Abstr.) R. Xiong, J.-F. Meullenet, L. C. Cavitt, and C. Owens, 2004. Prediction of poultry meat tenderness using the instrumental reference-calibration method. 2004 IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Book of Abstracts 81-3. G. W. Youm, J.-F. Meullenet, and C. Owens, 2004. Consumer acceptance of marinated chicken breast meat (pectoralis major) deboned at various times post-mortem and its relationship to sensory profile. 2004 IFT Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Book of Abstracts 112-10. Lien, R. J., J. B. Hess, S. R. McKee, B. A. McCrea, and S. F. Bilgili, 2004. Influence of light intensity and handling on live and processing performance of male broilers. Poultry Sci. 83 (Suppl.1):144. McKee, N. A., R. J. Lien, J. B. Hess, S. F. Bilgili, and S. R. McKee, 2004. Effect of lighting and handling technique on breast fillet dimensions and meat quality. Poultry Sci. 83 (Suppl.1):112. Mohyla, P., S. F. Bilgili, C. C. Warf, and G. K. Kemp, 2004. Response of broilers to graded levels of sodium chlorite and citric acid in water. Poultry Sci. 83 (Suppl.1): 73. Mohyla, P. S. F. Bilgili, D. E. Conner, C. C. Warf, and G. K. Kemp, 2004. Acidified sodium chlorate application in the drinking water to control Salmonella colonization in market age broilers. Poultry Sci. 83 (Suppl.1): 71. Sheldon, B.W., S.A. Hale, and X. Li. 2004. Inhibition of foodborne pathogens and spoilage organisms using HabaGUARD® conveyor belting materials. Poultry Sci. 83(supplement 1):1764. Santos, F.B., X. Li, J.B. Payne, and B.W. Sheldon. 2004. Estimation of Salmonella populations from commercial North Carolina turkey farms. Poultry Sci. 83(supplement 1):1771. Payne, J.B., F.B.O. Santos, X. Li, and B.W. Sheldon. 2004. Characterization of Salmonella spp. Prevalence and populations in commercial broiler farms. Poultry Sci. 83(supplement 1):1771. Sheldon, B.W., and X. Li. 2004. Reducing the risk of microbial cross contamination using conveyor belts containing a microbial inhibitor. Abstract T16, International Assoc. Food Protection annual meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, p. 138. Li, X., and B.W. Sheldon. 2004. Thermal resistance of Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus in high solids egg mixes. Abstract T67, International Assoc. Food Protection annual meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, p. 154. C. M. Moore, B.W. Sheldon, and L. Jaykus. 2004. Transfer of Salmonella and Campylobacter from Stainless Steel to a Ready-to-Eat Food. Poultry Sci. 83(supplement 1):156. G.J. Ahlborn, and B.W. Sheldon. 2004. Specific activity, stability and variability of ²- N-acetylglucosaminidase and lysozyme in extracted egg shell membranes as influenced by layer breed and storage variables. Poultry Sci. 83(supplement 1):157. X. Li, J.B. Payne, F.B.O. Santos, K.E. Anderson, and B.W. Sheldon. 2004. Impact of the laying hen cycle and molting on the prevalence and populations of Salmonella. Poultry Sci. 83(supplement 1):69. J. Spruill, R. Plunske, J. Grimes, P. Ferket, and B. Sheldon. 2004. Effect of Immustim® and Protimax® on Campylobacter jejuni and Salmonella Typhimurium Levels in Broilers. Poultry Sci. 83(supplement 1):71. Bourassa, D. V., R. J. Buhr, J. A. Cason, M. E. Berrang, and D. L. Fletcher, 2004. Detection of salmonellae from post-chill broiler carcasses by rinse aliquot and whole carcass enrichment methods. Proceeding of the International Poultry Scientific Forum, Abstract No. 19. Atlanta, Georgia, January 26-27, 2004. Webster, A. B. and D. L. Fletcher, 2004. Assessment of the aversion of hens to different gas atmospheres using an approach-avoidance test. Proceeding of the International Poultry Scientific Forum, Abstract No. 98. Atlanta, Georgia, January 26-27, 2004. Betti, M. and D. L. Fletcher, 2004. Improved utilization of broiler dark meat through chemical modifications: Dry matter yield. Proceeding of the International Poultry Scientific Forum, Abstract No. 213. Atlanta, Georgia, January 26-27, 2004. Ladely, S. R., M. E. Berrang, P. J. Fedorka-Cray, M. Simmons, and D. L. Fletcher, 2004. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Salmonella from Fresh Whole Chicken Carcasses. Poultry Science Annual Meeting, Abstract M44, St. Louis, MO, July 25-29, 2004. Bourassa, D. V., R. J. Buhr, D. L. Fletcher, M. E. Berrang, and J. A. Cason, 2004. Enrichment pH impact on salmonellae recovery from TSP-treated broiler carcasses. Poultry Science Annual Meeting, Abstract 316, July 25-29, 2004. Russell, S. M., 2004. A comparison of chlorine and monochloramine for disinfection of broiler chicken carcasses. Southern Poultry Science Society. Guertal, E. A., J. B. Hess, J. P. Blake, S. F. Bilgili, R. A. Norton, and K. S. Macklin, 2004. Poultry litter sand as a source for putting green construction. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Madison, WI. Bilgili, S. F. and R. D. Reynnells, 2004. Implementation of poultry extension/outreach programs in the US. Page 937, Book of Abstracts, XXII Worlds Poultry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. McCrea, B. A., S. F. Bilgili, R. A. Norton, K. S. Macklin, and J. B. Hess, 2004. Recovery of E.coli and Salmonella suspects from poultry house swabs and surgical shoe covers. Poultry Sci. 83:1798. Hoerr, F. J., H. Toro, S. F. Bilgili, and P. Mohyla 2004. An investigation of undersized broilers condemned at processing as sep-tox. AVMA/AAAP Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Hess, J. B., S. F. Bilgili, and E. R. Miller, 2004. Light duration and intensity effects on small broiler performance. Poultry Sci. 83 (Suppl.1): Poultry Sci. 831775. Orta-Ramirez, A., Warsow, C.R., Marks, B.P., Ryser, E.T, and Booren, A.M. 2003. Enhanced thermal resistance of Salmonella in whole-muscle vs. ground beef. Abstracts of the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Abstract No. 60C-7 Berrang, M.E., Dickens, J.A. 2004. The effects of soiled surfaces within feather picking machines on campylobacter contamination of broiler carcasses. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83:1764. Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J., Cason, J.A., Berrang, M.E., Fletcher, D.L. 2004. Detection of salmonella from post-chill broiler carcasses by rinse aliquot and whole carcass enrichment methods. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83:1765. Bourassa, D.V., Buhr, R.J., Fletcher, R.J., Berrang, M.E., Cason, J.A. 2004. Enrichment ph does not influence salmonellae recovery from pre-chill broiler carcasses treated with tsp. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83(Suppl.1):155. Buhr, R.J., Northcutt, J.K. 2004. The calculation of eviscerated carcass weight as a percentage of initial weight prior to initiation of feed withdrawl for broilers. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83:1765. Cason, J.A., Berrang, M.E., Smith, D.P. 2004. Recovery of bacteria from broiler carcasses rinsed 0 or 24 hours after chilling. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83(Suppl.1):155. Hinton Jr, A., Cason, J.A., Hume, M.E., Ingram, K.D. 2004. Use of the MIDI sherlock microbial identification system to monitor the occurrence of campylobacter in scald water and on prescalded and defeathered broiler carcasses in commercial poultry processing. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83:1811. Hinton Jr, A., Cason, J.A., Hume, M.E., Ingram, K.D. 2004. Effect of immersion chilling operations and refrigerated storage on campylobacter populations associated with broiler carcasses. [abstract] Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. Paper No. 67E-2. Hinton Jr, A., Young, L.L., Smith, D.P., Ingram, K.D. 2004. Comparison of psychrotrophic bacterial flora of fresh and marinated chicken breast fillets during refrigerated storage. [abstract] International Association for Food Protection. Jones, D.R., Musgrove, M.T. 2004. Effects of extended storage on egg quality factors. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83(Suppl.1):11. Lyon, B.G., Smith, D.P., Savage, E.M. 2004. Baseline quality attributes of marinated broiler breast fillets. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83:1812. Musgrove, M.T., Jones, D.R., Northcutt, J.K., Harrison, M.A., Cox, N.A. Impact of commercial processing on the microbiological safety and quality of shell eggs. [abstract] Poultry Science 83(Suppl.1):157. Musgrove, M.T., Jones, D.R., Northcutt, J.K., Harrison, M.A., Cox, N.A., Ingram, K.D., Hinton Jr., A. 2004. Recovery of salmonella from commercial shell eggs comparison of methods for recovery of salmonella from commercial shell eggs by shell rinse and shell crush methodologies. [abstract] Journal of Food Protection. p. 132. Musgrove, M. T., Jones, D. R., Northcutt, J. K., Cox, N. A., Harrison, M. A. Detection of aerobic microorganisms and enterobacteriaceae from commercial table eggs using shell rinse and shell crush methods. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83:165. Northcutt, J.K., Jones, D.R. 2004. A survey of common practices in commercial turkey processing facilities and their effects on water use. [abstract] Worlds Poultry Science Association Proceedings. p. 52. Northcutt, J.K., Musgrove, M.T., Jones, D.R. 2004. Airborne microorganisms during the commercial production and processing of Japanese quail. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83(Suppl.1):52. Northcutt, J.K., Musgrove, M.T., Jones, D.R. 2004. Chemical analyses of commercial shell egg wash water collected from three different operations. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83(Suppl.1):12. Northcutt, J.K., Smith, D.P., Musgrove, M.T., Ingram, K.D., Hinton Jr, A. 2004. Effects of spray washing with different chlorine levels and water temperatures on broiler breast carcass skin color and carcass bacteria recovery. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83(Suppl.1):155. Park, B., Windham, W.R., Lawrence, K.C., Smith, D.P. 2004. Hyperspectral image classification for fecal and ingesta identification by spectral angle mapper. Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI. Annual International Meeting. Technical Paper No. 043032. Smith, D.P., Cason, J.A., Berrang, M.E. 2004. The effect of fecal contamination and immersion chilling on e. coli, coliform, campylobacter and salmonella counts on broiler carcasses. [abstract] Journal of Food Protection. (Suppl.):141. Smith, D.P., Northcutt, J.K., Musgrove, M.T. 2004. Effect of commercial inside-outside bird washer (iobw) on campylobacter, salmonella, E. coli, and aerobic plate counts (APC) of uncontaminated, contaminated, and cross-contaminated broiler carcasses. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83(Suppl.1):155. Young, L.L., Smith, D.P., Cason, J.A., Buhr, R.J., Walker, J.M. 2004. Effects of post-defeathering electrical stimulation on moisture retention characteristics of broiler carcasses and phosphate-marinated breast fillets. [abstract] Poultry Science. 83(Suppl.1):12. Young, L.L., Smith, D.P., Cason, J.A., Jones, D.R. 2004. Effects of post-picking electrical stimulation and polyphosphate marination on textural and color properties of chicken breast meat. [abstract] Institute of Food Technologists. Paper No. 496-16. Oliveira , Barbut and Griffiths 2004. Detection of Campylobacter jejuni in naturally contaminated chicken meat by melting-peak analysis of amplicons in real-time PCR. In Press. Intr. J. Food Micro. (see abstract attached) Gill, McGinnis, Barbut, Young, Lee and Rahn. 2004. Microbiological conditions of moisture enhanced chicken breast prepared at a poultry packing plant. In Press. J. Food Protection. Moza, Barbut and Griffiths. 2004. Distribution of Salmonella during tumbling of fresh chicken breast meat. Work in Progress Zhang and Barbut 2004. Effect of regular and modified starches on cooked PSE, normal and DFD chicken breast meat Batters. Submitted for Publication. Barbut Zhang and Marcone. 2004 Effects of pale, normal and dark chicken breast meat on the microstructure, extractable proteins, and cooking of marinated fillets. Submitted for Publication. Barbut, S. 2004. Poultry  Preservation Techniques. In: Poultry Meat Procession and Quality. Ed. G.C. Mead. Woodhead Publication. Cambridge, UK. Barbut, S. 2004. Poultry: Slaughter Line Operation. In: Encyclopaedia of Meat Science. Ed. Werner et al. Elsevier Pub. C. Books and Book Chapters Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Poultry Meat: Inspection/Grading, in: Encyclopedia of Animal Science, Eds. W. G. Pond and A. W. Bell, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Dawson, P.L., and B. W. Sheldon, 2003. Nisin in the decontamination of animal products. In: Natural Antimicrobials for the Minimal Processing of Foods. S. Roller, ed. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL (Ch. 3, p. 34-63). Dawson, P.L. and J.C. Acton. 2004. Proteins as Food Colorants, In Proteins in Food Processing. R. Yada, ed. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England. Dawson, P.L. and Stephens, C. 2004. Packaging of Poultry Products, In Poultry Meat Processing and Qualtiy Mead, ed. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England. Dawson, P.L., Mangalassary, S., and Sheldon, B.W. 2004. Thermal Processing of Poultry Products. In Thermal Food Processing: Modeling, Quality assurance, and Innovations. Da-Wen Sun, Editor. Marcel Dekker, NY. Dawson, P.L. and Spinelli, N. 2004. Poultry Flavors. In Food Flavors. Feng Chen, Editor. Fletcher, D. L., 2004. Further Processing of Poultry Meat, in Processing of Poultry, 2nd Edition, G. C. Mead, Ed., Elsevier Publishing, UK, Chapter 7. Fletcher, D. L., 2004. Poultry Meat: Processing, in Encyclopedia of Animal Science, W. G. Pond and A. W. Bell, Eds. Marcel Decker, Inc., New York. Russell, S. M., 2004. Detecting pathogens in poultry meat. Food Safety Control in the Poultry Industry. G. Mead, ed., 70 pp. D. Symposia Presentations: Bilgili, S. F., 2004. La sanidad intestinal. Factores desestabilizadores. Un efoque de futuro. 14 Pages, in: Proc. Reunion technica de Avicultura, Porto, Portugal. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Productos de calidad: Desafios a los que se enfrentan las companias avicolas. 16 Pages, in: Proc. Reunion technica de Avicultura, Porto, Portugal. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Usanda la Produccion Active Como Ventaja Para la Comercializacion. 11 Pages, in: Proc. XVIII Congres Centroamericano y del Ceribe de Avicultura, San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Skin Disorders in Broilers: Cellulitis and Pododermatitis. Pages 1-7, in: Proc. Simposio Brasil Sul de Avicultura, Chapeco, Brazil. McCrea, B. A., R. A. Norton, J. B. Hess, K. S. Macklin, and S. F. Bilgili, 2004. A longitudinal study of salmonella serotypes from day of hatch through processing using an automated ribotyping system. CD Proc. XXII Worlds Poultry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Bilgili, S. F., and R. D. Reynnells, 2004. Implementation of the poultry extension and outreach programs in the U.S. CD Proc. XXII Worlds Poultry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Bilgili, S. F. J. B. Hess, J. P. Blake, R. A. Norton, K. S. Macklin, and E. A. Guertal, 2004. Rearing broilers on sand: A result demonstration study. CD Proc. XXII Worlds Poultry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Hess, J. B., S. F. Bilgili, R. W. Gordon, T. J. Frost, and E. R. Miller, 2004. Carcass yield response of small broilers to feed nutrient density. CD Proc. XXII Worlds Poultry Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Insensibilizacion en la procesamiento avicol. CD Proc. 6th Int. Symp. On Poultry Processing and Product Quality, Queretaro, Mexico. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Efecto de la produccion en la calidad de producto. CD Proc. 6th Int. Symp. On Poultry Processing and Product Quality, Queretaro, Mexico. Hess, J. B., K. M. Downs, R. A. Norton, K. M. Macklin, and S. F. Bilgili, 2004. Cellulitis/paw quality. 6 Pages, in: Proc.Poultry Production and Health Seminar, USP&EA, Memphis, TN. Hess, J. B., S. F. Bilgili, and K. M. Downs, 2004. Paw quality issues. 2 Pages, in: Proc. Deep South Poultry Conference, Tifton, GA. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Animal care and handling guidelines: An Update. 17 pages, in: Poultry Processor Workshop, USP&EA, Atlanta, GA. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Animal Welfare Guidelines and Audits: National Chicken Council and National Turkey Federation, 19 pages, in: Poultry Care and Handling Workshop. USP&EA, Atlanta, GA. Dhanayajanm R., Han, I., Acton, J., and Dawson, P. 2003. Modified atmosphere effects on bacterial growth at different Depths in ground poultry meat. Poultry Sci, (SUPP 1). Pg 19, #78 Mangalassary, S., Han, I., and Dawson, P. 2003. Thickness effects on the surface-heating rate of turkey bologna. Poultry Sci. (SUPP 1). Pg. 110, #S87 Kim, E., E. Halpin, P.L. Dawson and J.C. Acton. 2003. PROPERTIES OF CHICKEN SALAD SPREADS PREPARED WITH VARIOUS LEVELS OF TEXTURED SOY PROTEIN. XVIth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat. Saint-Brieuc  Ploufragan Côtes d'Armor France Spetember 23-26. Poole, G.H., R.D. Galyean, P.L. Dawson, S. Kartika and J.C. Acton. 2003. INGREDIENT EFFECTS ON FREEZE-THAW STABILITY OF PRECOOKED LIQUID WHOLE EGG. Xth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products. Saint-Brieuc  Ploufragan Côtes d'Armor France. September 23-26. Snow, J.C., Friesen, R.K., Wardlaw, F.B., Williams, W.P., Jr. and Acton, J.C. 2003. Skin composition and lipid characteristics of broilers sampled at retail. Proc. XVI Symp. on Quality of Poultry Meat, Saint-Brieuc, France, Sept. 23-26. XVI(II):231-236. Min, B.J., Shetty, K., and Dawson, P.L. 2003. Antioxidant and Bioactive films to enhance food quality and phytochemicals production during ripening. Poster presentation at the Nutrition Summit in Columbia, SC, October 17. Harmon, L., Dawson, P.L., and Han, I.Y. 2003. Nisin absorption ontp food-gade coating agents to inhibit bacterial growth. 14th annual South Carolina Governors School for Science and Mathematics Undergraduate Research Colloquium. Columbia, SC. Black, C.L., Dawson, P.L., and Han, I.Y. 2004. Surface adhesion of S. Typhimurium from household surface to bologna: testing the 5-second rule. 15th annual South Carolina Governors School for Science and Mathematics Undergraduate Research Colloquium. Courtenay, M., Dawson, P.L. and Han I.Y. 2004. The efficacy of hand washing and sanitizers on microbial contamination. South Carolina Governors School for Science and Mathematics Undergraduate Research Colloquium. Pan, Lisa, Han, Inyee, and Dawson, Paul. 2003. NSF Undergraduate Research Program in Nanotechnology in the Food Sciences. Pan, Lisa, Han, Inyee, and Dawson, Paul. 2004. NSF Undergraduate Research Program in Nanotechnology in the Food Sciences. E. Proceedings Fletcher, D. L., 2004. Electric stunning and slaughter. United States Poultry and Egg Association Poultry Care and Handling Workshop, Atlanta, GA, April 28-29, 2004. Fletcher, D. L., 2004. Stunning and slaughter. United States Poultry and Egg Association Poultry Processor Workshop, Atlanta, GA, May 12-13, 2004. Fletcher, D. L., 2004. Caratteristiche delle carni avicole destinate alla trasformazione (Factors affecting poultry meat quality). XLII CONVEGNO NAZIONALE della Associazione Scientifica di Avicoltura La Qualitàà della carne avicola, Forlii, Italy, February 26, 2004. Betti, M. and D. L. Fletcher, 2004. Technologies for improving the utilization of poultry dark meat. Proceedings of the XXII Worlds Poultry Congress, Paper P4-20, Istanbul, Turkey, June 8-13, 2004. Russell, S. M., 2004. The effect of electrolyzed oxidiative (EO) water on populations of pathogenic and indicator bacteria associated with broiler chickens. Electrolyzed oxidative water use in food processing symposium. Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) meeting, Las Vegas, NV. F. Popular Trade Articles: Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Know your enemy: Staphylococcus aureus. WOGS, September, Auburn University. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Condensation. WOGS, July, Auburn University. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. The Log scale (pH). WOGS, June, Auburn University. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Animal Welfare Programs. WOGS, May, Auburn University. Bilgili, S. F., and J. B. Hess, 2004.Aumento de la Enfermeded de Musculo Verde en broilers. Avicultura Profesional 21(7): 16-17. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Uniformity. WOGS, April, Auburn University. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Research Digest. WATT Poultry USA, 5(7): 44-46. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Know your enemy: Listeria monocytogenes. WOGS, March, Auburn University. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Infectious process (IP) or cellulitis. WOGS, February, Auburn University. Bilgili, S. F., 2004. Research Digest, WATT Poultry USA, 5(2):40-43. Dawson, P.L. Research Review. Meat Processing. Watt Publishing, February, 2003 Dawson, P.L. Research Review. Meat Processing. Watt Publishing, May, 2003 Dawson, P.L. Research Review. Meat Processing. Watt Publishing, October, 2003 Dawson, P.L. Research Review. Meat Processing. Watt Publishing, May, 2004 Dawson, P.L. Research Review. Meat Processing. Watt Publishing, October, 2004 Korel, F. and Acton, J.C. 2004. Cooking method and reducing sugar effects on color properties of chicken patties. In Processing Aspects of Quality and Safety of Egg and Meat, Proc. XXII Worlds Poultry Cong., Istanbul, Turkey, June 8-13, XXII(P4):18F,1-4. Keener, K., 2004. U.S. Poultry Researchers investigate the value of carcass washers on reducing bacterial contamination. MEATNEWS DAILY  WATT Publishing Company. August 16, 2004. 1 page. Keener, K., 2004. Engineering and Technology for a Sustainable World. .RESOURCE  ASAE Magazine for Engineering in Agriculture, Food, and Biological Systems. August 1, 2004. Front Cover. Keener, K., 2004. For Undergrads: A Food and Bioprocess Engineering Vision. RESOURCE  ASAE Magazine for Engineering in Agriculture, Food, and Biological Systems. August 1, 2004. Pg 5-8. Keener, K., 2004. MEATNEWS DAILY  WATT Publishing Company. April 26, 2004. PATHOGEN STUDY RELEASED: University food scientists examines the effectiveness of methods U.S. poultry processors are using to control Campylobacter in their plants. 1 page. Sheldon, B.W., 2004. On-Farm Food Safety Regulations, Fact or Fiction. North Carolina Poultry Industry Newsletter. 1(1):1-2. April Issue. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Sheldon, B.W., 2004. Spreading Contamination. Meat Processing 43(2):64. Sheldon, B.W., 2004. You Are What You Eat: Broilers fed corn-based diets won the taste test. Meat Processing 43(4):72. Sheldon, B.W., 2004. More Water Use Post-HACCP. Meat Processing 43(6):108. Sheldon, B.W., 2004. Controlling Campylobacter. Meat Processing 43(8):64. Sheldon, B.W., 2004. Evaluating Product Quality. Meat Processing 43(10):72. Fletcher, D. L., "Research Digest" Watt Poultry USA:, 5(3):40-43, March, 2004. Fletcher, D. L., "Research Digest" Watt Poultry USA:, 5(8):42-47, August, 2004. Russell, S. M. and S. P. Lyon, 2004. Designer bedding for poultry. Poultry USA Magazine, Watt Publishing, pp. 36, 38, and 40. Russell, S. M. and B. Fairchild, 2004. The poultry industry in China. (Submitted 10/04). Russell, S. M., 2004. Designer bedding for poultry. Poultry Tribune Magazine, Watt Publishing (Submitted 10/04). G. Patents Russell, S. M., S. Anand, and S. R. Burwell, 2004. A method for preventing biofilm formation, breaking down pre-formed biofilms, and reducing populations of pathogenic, indicator, and spoilage bacteria on food processing surfaces. Burwell, S. R., F. Busch, and S. M. Russell, 2004. A unique antimicrobial solution for disinfection of foods and food contact surfaces. H. Review Articles Buhr, R. J., D. V. Bourassa, J. A. Cason, M. E. Berrang, and D. L. Fletcher, 2004. Detecting low levels of salmonellae from post-chill broiler carcasses. Feed Info New Service, Scientific Reviews, August 3, 2004 ( .
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