Fitzgerald, Margaret ( North Dakota State University; Danes, Sharon ( University of Minnesota;
Jasper, Cindy ( University of Wisconsin;
Muske, Glenn (glenn.muske@OKSTATE.EDU) Oklahoma State University;
Haynes, George (Haynes@MONTANA.EDU) Montana State University;
Stafford, Kay (kstafford@HEC.OHIO-STATE.EDU) Ohio State University;
Schrank, Holly (schrankh@PURDUE.EDU) Purdue University;
Niehm, Linda (niehmlin@IASTATE.EDU) Iowa State University; and
Hess, Donna (Donna.Hess@SDSTATE.EDU) South Dakota State University, Administrative Advisor
Project Participants not able to attend the May meeting:
Pushkarskaya, Helen (Helen.Pushkarskaya@UKY.EDU) University of Kentucky; Marshall, Maria ( Purdue University;
Lee, Yoon (YOONLEE@CC.USU.EDU) Utah State University; and
Please see the official minutes of the May meeting for more complete information. Highlights of the May meeting included the following:
-Conference call with Jane Schuchardt regarding impact statements, the farm bill, media releases and the logic model.
-Conference call with faculty and research staff from Baruch University on the National Minority Business Owner Survey.
-A presentation by George Haynes on the SHELDUS data, and the completed merger of the SHELDUS data with our National Family Business Survey data.
-Presentations by technical committee members of concept papers related to our key project (resilience, community social responsibility, definitions of disasters, and so on).
-A conversation with Dean Jan McCullough and Associate Dean of Research and Public Policy, David Johnson from the University of Minnesota, on the vision for the new college with an emphasis on work that is multidisciplinary, multicultural and emphasizes models of engagement.
-Review of the questionnaires for the 2007 data collection and continued development of plans to meet the NC 1030 objectives.
-Assignments for the next meeting and review of possible agenda items.
-Set the next meeting starting at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, ending at 4 pm on Friday October 19, 2007.
Data collection will begin for the next wave of the National Family Business Survey (NFBS) this spring. The merger of the previous waves of the NFBS with SHELDUS data is complete.
Members of the group continue to review literature and test the Sustainable Family Business (SFB) model developed through NE-167 and are actively presenting and publishing their work using data from the previous projects.
The projects list of presentation and publications will be updated following our fall meeting; the members of the technical committee present their state reports in the fall.