SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


John Beaulieu USDA, ARS, SRRC Anne Plotto USDA, ARS, CSPL Dianne Barrett UC Davis Giancarlo Colelli Univ. of Foggia, Italy Jeff Brecht University of Florida Xuetong Fan USDA, ARS, ERRC Randy Beaudry Michigan State Univ Susan Butris Sunkist Taylor LLC Bob Elliott Sunkist Growers, Inc Aubrey Mendonca Iowa State University Art Davis Sholl Group/Green Giant Fresh Jinhe Bai Oregon State University Barry Eisenberg River Ranch/UFPA Peter Toivonen AAFC-Canada Reuben Moore Mississippi State Univ Valerie Hannig The Oppenheimer Group David Gombas United Fresh Produce Jim Gorny United Fresh Mikal Saltveit UC Davis Bill Hurst University of Georgia Ozgur Koc Earthbound Farm Jorge Fonseca U. of Arizona Roberto Avena USDA, ARS, WRRC Alan M. Lefcourt USDA, ARS, Beltsville Moon S. Kim USDA, ARS, Beltsville Marita Cantwell UC Davis Yaguang Luo ARS Amy Green FDA/CFSAN

Minutes of S-294 Business Meeting Pueblo A/B Rooms, Wyndham Hotel Palm Springs, CA Saturday, April 28, 2007 Project: S-294 Postharvest Quality and Safety in Fresh-cut Vegetables and Fruits Offices (2006-2007) Chair: Peter Toivonen Vice-chair: Aubrey Mendonca Secretary: Xuetong Fan Peter Toivonen called the meeting to order at 12:40 pm, and asked attendees for a brief introduction. All attendees introduced him/herself. Peter asked for approval of the 2007 meeting agenda. The agenda was unanimously approved. Peter asked for suggestions of date for next years S-294 meeting. Because the schedule for the FreshTech meeting has not been finalized yet, S-294 meeting time can not be decided. Peter said the next S-294 leadership will decide the time and duration (half or whole day) for next year S-294 meeting. Peter asked for comments on the minutes of April 2006 meeting in Baltimore, MD. Aubrey Mendonca said the minutes were posted on the S-294 UC Davis website. Peter requested an approval of the minutes. John Beaulieu was the first to call the motion and Bill Hurst was second. The minutes were unanimously accepted. Report of administrative adviser, Reuben Moore Reuben praised S-294 group for the productivity. He said S-294 is the most productive among all groups in the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors projects. He welcomed industry representatives attending the meeting and was happy to see several people from the produce industry in the room. He said there are 76 members for the S-294 project, one of the largest ones. He raised concerns about the uncertainty of Hatch fund and budget for agricultural research. He anticipated an increase in the number of regional projects involving multiple institutions. He visited Dr. Gail Buchanan, Undersecretary of USDA, a few weeks ago. There are many uncertainties about 07 budget. The elimination of earmarked funds is a concern. Budget cut affects Universities and USDA. There is uncertainty about 08 budget. USDA has proposed to consolidate ARS and CSREES into a single agency, named Research, Education and Extension Service (REES). A Chief Scientist would be in charge of the REES. REE would become office of Science. The USDA also proposed in the Farm Bill a $50 million for bio-energy research Initiative, $100 million Specialty Crop research Initiative and $10 million for organic research. Reuben suggested that S-294 scientists may apply for the Specialty Crop research fund when available. Reuben wanted to make sure that we are working on each objective of the project and asked whether we need to make any change on the objectives. He would like to be notified about significant impacts. Documenting impact is important, and should appear on the annual report. Remarks from David Gombas, Vice President of UFPA David asked for thoughts and opinions about the meeting. There are 1200 members after IFPA combined with United Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Association. David reminded attendees that scientists should continue to work in the area of produce quality, even though produce safety is important. David said he is happy with the quality of the science symposium and food irradiation symposium. He would like to see more people attend the two symposiums. About 1500 people are at the meeting, but only about 300 people attended the 4 technical sessions held simultaneously. There are lots of people in the food safety summit session. Bill Hurst asked the reason for running so many sessions simultaneously. Diane Barrett wanted to know the number of technical people attending the meeting. David said he did not know but the FreshTech meeting was primarily for technical people. John said that the topics in the food safety summit research insight forum were too diluted, needed more focus. David asked about opinions about the poster section and research pavilion. Alan Lefcourt proposed to change the location and orientation of posters to attract more people. Mikal Saltveit suggested setting up the posters in the lunch area. John believed that having the ARS booth was a big success, giving industry people a place to go for information, so that we did not have to look for people. Jeff said he spent the whole time manning the booth, no time to participate in other sessions. There is a challenge to find enough people to man the booth. Yaguang Luo suggested an S-294 booth for next years FreshTech meeting. Diane agreed. Alan suggested that a message board (or similar mechanisms) should be established so that those with specific requirements about technical problems can meet with scientists with expertise and solutions. The posters are too close to each other, need more room between the posters for people to see the posters. David said we had 19 posters presented this year. The quality of posters is very good. The judges had a difficult from making the decision on the best poster. This years winner of best poster goes to Yaguang. David reflected a comment from one judge saying that one of the posters was not well prepared. He reminded scientists to spend time and effort in preparing the poster, and not just to get the free access pass to the meeting. Jeff and Xuetong asked about availability of presentations and poster abstracts on website. David said the presentation should be on the website (either on FreshTech or United Fresh) within a month or so. David said next years FreshTech meeting will be in Las Vegas, May 5-7 (Mon-Wed), which will be run concurrently with the Marketplace meeting. John was concerned with the visibility of S-294 at the Las Vegas meeting when the two meetings are combined. David said there would be two separate shows at the same time, should not affect the visibility of S-294. John suggested the Food Safety and Technology Council meeting not be held on Sunday. Peter asked for nominations of new secretary. John nominated Ann Plotto to be next secretary. Peter asked for more nominations. There was no more nomination. Mikal motioned to approve Anne as the new secretary. Anne was unanimously confirmed as new S-294 secretary. Peter reminded people to send their Station reports to him so that he can compile S-294 annual report. Also, he reminded everyone to update his or her profile on the UC Davis websites. Jeff said that Randy, Jeff and Liz submitted a NRI proposal on enzyme and volatile of melons. Oral Reports from S-294 Participants The following participants presented reports on research at their reprehensive institutions for the 2006-2007 reporting period. Anne Plotto reported on quality and flavor research at USDA, ARS Citrus & Subtropical Products Lab. John Beaulieu reported on antimicrobial activities of CPC and ASC on cantaloupes at USDA, ARS, SRRC. Diane Barrett reported her work on analysis of texture and measurement of tissue integrity at UC Davis. Jeff Brecht reported on quality and postharvest physiology research at Univ. Florida. Xuetong Fan reported work on quality and microbiology work at USDA, ARS, ERRC. Randy Beaudry reported work on 1-MCP absorption and gas permeability model at Michigan State Univ. Aubrey Mendonca reported work on microbial detection and combination of irradiation and sanitizers at Iowa State Univ. Jinhe Bai reported work on package and ethanol vapor at Oregon State Univ. Peter Toivenen reported work on 1-MCP releasing, and ATP at Agric. Agric.-Food Canada. Mikal Saltveit reported work on reduction of lettuce browning at UC Davis. Marita Cantwell reported work on vitamin C and reduction of sunchoke browning at UC Davis. Bill Hurst reported work on pathogen ecology and reduction at Univ. Georgia. Jorge Fonseca reported work on pre-harvest factors and quality at Univ. Arizona. Roberto Avena-Bustillos reported work on antibrowning coating at USDA, ARS, WRRC. Moon Kim reported work on imaging technology at USDA, ARS, BARC Yaguang Luo reported worked on sanitizers and hot water at USDA, ARS, BARC. Following Davids suggestion, Peter asked the remaining industry representatives to make brief remarks. Art Davis of Green Giant Fresh said he used to work with Bacon industry, and there were much more collaborations between industry and academics. Industry provided research funds. He thought that fresh produce industry was more loosely constructed. He encouraged scientist to meet with people and listen to the needs of industry people, and find a person who needs solutions. Produce industry was more diversified, but produce industry can learn from meat industry. Jeff suggested that United Fresh establishes an advisory committee for the S-294 group so that the need of industry could be heard by S-294 scientists. David said there were 4-5 S-294 members on the Technology Council who should report back to S-294 scientists. Peter said the apple research group meeting held for last 3-4 years provided a platform to get research priorities on apples. Barry Eisenberg, co-chair of the UFPA Technology Council said the industry had written research proprieties. One of the areas is food safety. There are regional process facilities throughout the country. He said that Western Grower maintains a list of experts. He also said many practices in the industry have no scientific justification. Many need back-up from scientific data. He said a large number (~70) of people on the Technology Council can not achieve anything. A smaller work group consisting of 3-5 people is desired. The industry as a whole should figure out how to raise funds for research. He said that individual companies have funded research. For example, Fresh Express established a $2.5 millions research fund. If the industry works together, much more funding will be raised for research. Research should focus on technologies that can be commercially applied. The industry needs to establish a mechanism to raise money and ask other members to support. Each research institution has own expertise. We can learn from the alliance between McDonald and Disney which benefits each party. John asked David about the Research Center established at UC Davis using the funds from Industry and PMA. David had no comment. Reuben thanked the presence of Industry representatives, and encouraged them to join the meeting next year. He also asked industry to support research. Bill said that National Cattlemans Beef Association has a mechanism to raise money by taking $1/ cattle for research. Xuetong said that the Washington State Apple Commission also raises research money ($0.25 per box of apples). Art Davis said Dole is tacking on food safety surcharges, charging $0.20 more each carton beginning April 29, 2007. However, for UFPA, it is hard to collect even 2 cents. California Department of Agriculture charged $0.02 /carton for inspection. He reminded the consequence of spinach outbreaks: 25% of loss in spinach consumption. UFPA needs a change so that research funds can be raised. Anne asked about the difference between PMA and UFPA. David said that PMA is for marketing/retailers while UFPS is for processors. David said the industry is very surprised by the overhead charged by University. There are also many activities scheduled to lobby congress to support produce industry. John suggested that S-294 scientists wear a uniform or hat to identity themselves. At 4:30: Aubrey took over from Peter (who needs to catch a plane) to chair the session. Ozgur Koc of Earthbound Farms said he has been working with Earthbound for 7 months. Before that, he worked with Crunch Pak. Crunch Pak funded a research project to Gerald Sapers about de-contamination of antibrowning solutions. Jeff said someone needs to take a lead to put ideas together to apply for funds. Yaguang said the idea of raising money for research has come out before and has support form Jim and David, but never went through. Barry said we should know whether there are research funds available very soon. There is not enough time to discuss activities and plans coordination efforts, grand proposals. Aubrey adjourned the meeting at 5pm.


Accomplishments: Objective 1. Develop, evaluate, and standardize subjective and objective quality evaluation methods in intact and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. " The catechol and nitroso visual assays of Kader and Chordas (1984) were adapted using fresh-cut mango slices to visualize the distribution of PPO and phenolics, respectively, within the mesocarp. (Brecht) " Digital images of several fresh-cut products were associated with previously developed rating systems for inclusion in the database developed by project participants at UC Davis. (Brecht) " A rapid method for extraction and determination of lycopene content has been developed and verified. (Barrett) " A book chapter for the Ingersoll Rand Encyclopedia on methods of measuring fruit and vegetable quality has been written and should be published in 2007. (Barrett) " Methods for comparing analytical and sensory methods of analysis of tomatoes and oranges has been initiated. (Baldwin and Plotto) " A comparative study for antioxidant contents and flavors in tropical fruits was completed. (Baldwin and Plotto) " A trained panel developed and implemented for study of flavor and aroma profiling of 1-MCP treated versus non-treated tomatoes. (Baldwin and Plotto) " Rank testing (an approach not requiring a trained panel) was utilized to compare mangoes, oranges and tangerines with different coatings and effects of enzyme peel pre-cut treatments of oranges.(Baldwin and Plotto) " Off-the-shelf ATP swab kits are being evaluated for their utility in rapid assessment of maturity in apples. Initial results indicate a dramatic drop in measured ATP levels at the time of induction of ethylene climacteric in Granny Smith apples (Toivonen). Objective 2. Develop new strategies to maintain fresh-cut product quality " The influence of the ethylene action inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), on shelf life and deterioration of fresh-cut cantaloupe during storage was determined. Intact 3/4 to full-slip cantaloupes were treated with 1-MCP, then fresh-cut cubes and intact fruit were stored for 12 d at 5C. The more physiologically advanced distal tissue developed significantly more watersoaking than the less advanced portions. Firmness retention was better in 1-MCP treated intact fruit, but the effect of 1-MCP on firmness retention and watersoaking of fresh-cut cubes was variable. 1-MCP did not significantly influence flesh color or soluble solid contents of either intact cantaloupe fruit or fresh-cut cubes. (Brecht & Huber) " The effectiveness of 1-MCP applied continuously to fresh-cut tomato slices during storage for 10 d at 5C in a modified atmosphere package (MAP) was no better compared to slices from whole fruit treated with 1-MCP prior to slicing and storage, however, all 1-MCP treatments reduced gel loss and juice leakage compared to controls not stored in MAP. (Brecht & Huber) " Ripe papaya fruit were treated with 1-MCP, immediately processed into fresh-cut slices or left intact, and stored for 10 d at 5C. Ethylene production by mesocarp tissue was not significantly affected. Firmness of slices and intact fruit mesocarp was significantly better retained by 1-MCP. Electrolyte leakage remained low and changed little in intact fruit while increasing in slices after 4 d; after 6 d control slices were higher than slices from 1-MCP-treated fruit. Microbial counts in stored slices were generally unaffected by 1-MCP. Informal sensory analysis indicated that the edible shelf life was 6 d in slices from 1-MCP-treated fruit compared with 2 to 3 d for slices from control fruit. (Huber) " Low temperature blanching was found to inactivate pectin methyl esterase and thus firm tissues of 10 different vegetables. (Barrett) " Heating the cut ends of leaves in cored iceberg lettuce reduces subsequent phenolic accumulation and tissue browning. (Saltveit) " Development of a decision-support tool for MA packaging (Beaudry). MS-Excel program which allows user to select an appropriate MA-film for a particular fruit or vegetable product. " Evaluated 1-MCP sorption by target plant materials and found that those containing cellulose absorbed significant quantities of 1-MCP, which might compromise efficacy (Beaudry). " Antimicrobial phytochemicals with distinctive flavors can be incorporated in compatible fresh-cut fruits and vegetables achieving similar flavors as already accepted by consumers in salad dressings and fruit-based desserts (Avena-Bustillos). " Hot water treatment of whole cantaloupe on reduction of microbial populations and quality of subsequent fresh-cut cubes was evaluated. (Beaulieu and ERRC). " Risk of furan formation in fresh cut produce in response to irradiation treatment was evaluated. There is no risk of furan formation in irradiated fresh-cut products (Fan). " Alternative technology relying on rachis removal, sanitization, hot water treatment and modified atmosphere packaging was found to maintain quality of clustered grape without need for sulfur dioxide to control decay (Luo). " A hybrid orange-fleshed melon was evaluated and found to be excellent for whole storage and also excellent in terms of shelf life and nutritional quality retention once transformed into fresh-cut cubes (Saftner) " A two stage approach (preharvest sanitizer spray, followed by postharvest chitosan coating) was found to significantly reduce decay in strawberries.(Narciso, Baldwin and Plotto) " A combined treatment technology has been developed and a patent application submitted. This technology controls ripening and microbial growth in intact and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables (Toivonen) " Humidity control combined with ethanol vapor improves quality retention of intact and fresh-cut cherries. (Bai) " Brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) was significantly reduced by a pre-packaging dip with saprophytic yeast (Cryptococcus infirmominiatum) and ethanol pads at 1 and 20°C, respectively. (Bai) Objective 3. Improve understanding of biochemical, physiological and molecular mechanisms that affect fresh-cut product quality. " The optimum ripeness stage for preparation of fresh-cut mango was investigated using fruit harvested at the same maturity stage (minimum SSC = 15%). Ripening was initiated by 24 h ethylene exposure and fruit were selected for slicing after progressively longer periods of ripening. Fresh-cut mango shelf life at 5C was determined to be better correlated with flesh color than with peel color, TTA, SSC or flesh firmness. The 46C water treatment required for phytosanitary purposes was found to have no significant effect on fresh-cut mango quality or shelf life. The response of fresh-cut versus whole mango fruit to chilling temperature (5C) compared to non-chilling temperature (12C) storage was investigated. Aroma retention was reduced by chilling. " Watermelon fruit were exposed to 1-MCP prior to storage as intact or fresh-cuts for 7 d at 10C. Respiration but not ethylene was significantly enhanced by cutting. Tissue from 1-MCP-treated fruit had higher 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase (ACS) activity, suppressed respiration, and undetectable 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACO) activity during storage. CaCl2 dips had little influence on ACS activity, but significantly enhanced ACO activity and maintained firmness of fresh-cut tissue during storage. 1-MCP treatment of intact watermelon is alone unlikely to benefit the storage duration of fresh-cut watermelon. (Huber) " Several tropical fruits including guava, mango, acai, and passionfruit, were shown to have a unique chemical makeup and that those chemical compounds provide health benefits related to their antioxidant and anti-cancer activities. Fractionation of these foods into related families of chemical compounds do not provide the same degree of health benefits as the whole food. Guava induces caspase-3 and caspase-8, two enzymes in the apoptotic pathway resulting in death of cancer cells. A dose related increase in caspase activity was shown. (Talcott) " Identification of a wound signalling compound in extracts of wounded lettuce leaves that stimulates phenolic metabolism in healthy, undamaged tissues. (Saltveit). " Randy Beaudry, Jeff Brecht and Elizabeth Baldwin have submitted a NRI proposal on enzyme and volatile of melons. " Randy Beaudry has initiated a project to determine the impact of atmosphere and temperature on the gene expression of sliced and whole tomato. " Jorge Fonesca evaluated the effect of UV-C, chlorine and hydrogen peroxide on key nutritional compounds of fresh-cut tomatoes. " New statistical correlation method (Trosset plots) applied to analyse two years of volatile and maturity data for melons (Beaulieu). " Solid phase extraction method developed for assessing volatile analysis of fresh-cut watermelon (Beaulieu). " The ratio of acetate to non-acetate ester ratios was confirmed as a good approach to interpreting flavour balance in fresh-cut melons and apples (Beaulieu). " Have identified two accessions from Kazak Malus spp. Which are immune to Penicillium. The quality and disease resistance of these accessions will continue to be studied.(Saftner) " Resistance to cut-edge browning was found to be low when Granny Smith apples were harvested two weeks or before the initiation of climacteric ethylene production (Toivonen). Objective 4. Standardize methods for recovering pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms from intact and fresh-cut produce including tree nuts. " A method using flow-through immunocapture with real-time PCR was developed and demonstrated for detection of several human microbial pathogens in selected foods within 8 hours. (Schneider) " A method involving flow cytometry and fluorescent molecular probes to rapidly detect Samonella in bean sprouts is being developed (Mendonca). " Confirmed that prior reports of reduction of volatile loss on exposure to UV light by cantaloupe cubes were not true. It is safe to use UV to treat cantaloupe since it has no inadvertent effect on flavor (Beaulieu). " MS Thesis collaboration completed, Allison Dumas, LSU, November, 2006. Antimicrobial Activity of CPC and ASC Against Foodborne Pathogens and the Physiological Effect on Fresh-cut Cantaloupe at Refrigerator Temperatures. (Beaulieu) " Developed a protocol to sample microbial populations on only the cut surfaces of fresh-cut product. This allows study of the effect of transfer of microbes from the peel to the cut surface during processing. (Narciso, Baldwin and Plotto). Objective 5. Evaluate and control unintentional and intentional microbial contamination of intact and fresh-cut produce. " Survival and growth of Bacillus atrophaeus and Salmonella spp. and effectiveness of sanitizer treatments in inactivation of Salmonella on fruit or vegetable surfaces was shown. (Bartz & Schneider) " Effect of last irrigation timing on the microbial populations on harvest lettuce was determined (Fonesca) " Antimicrobial phytochemicals with high volatility have been incorporated as coatings on fresh-cut produce or films. These compounds diffuse into the vegetable tissues and package headspace to control pathogenic and spoilage microflora (Avena-Bustillos). " Effects of food grade sanitizers in combination with irradiation are being investigated for synergistic control of microbial populations in fresh-cut fruit (Mendonca). " Mixtures of organic acids and surfactants are being evaluated for their effectiveness in killing human enteric pathogens on fresh produce and tree nuts.(Mendonca) " Acidified calcium sulfate and Sanova are effective at reducing microbial populations of whole cantaloupes without causing any detrimental effects on quality (Fan). " Hot water pasteurization of whole cantaloupes resulted in lower total plate counts in fresh-cut product made from heat-treated fruit and there was no negative effect on quality. (Fan). " Despite sanitation treatment, cantaloupe must be stored at low temperatures following treatment to suppress regrowth of any viable contaminant on the rind surface (Annous). " A pilot scale enhanced Biosafety Level Two containment facility for evaluation of produce disinfestations technologies has been validated (Annous). " Chlorine dioxide gas treatment was found to be effective at inactivating Salmonella attached to inaccessible site of cantaloupe rind or within biofilms. The treatment also reduced spoilage organism populations and did not have adverse effects on quality. (Annous). " Physiological and environmental factor studies have shown the nutrient composition along cut edges and package atmosphere interact and can affect pathogen virulence. (Saftner) " Ongoing recovery and isolation of non-pathogenic micro-organisms which are then assessed for potential antagonists activities against other microbes. " Conducted a study on the comparative microbial loads on various fruits and vegetables (cantaloupe, mango, citrus, potatoes and small fruits). (Narciso, Baldwin and Plotto) " Studies are showing that E. coli O157:H7 grows rapidly at 15 ºC on fresh-cut Romaine lettuce and slowly at 8 ºC. The growth at 15 ºC is variable, depending on the lot of lettuce. (Delaquis and Bach) " Starvation of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella can induce a viable but non-cultural state (VBNC). (Delaquis and Bach) " Studies are ongoing regarding survival of E. coli in dairy manure, soil, after transfer to Romaine lettuce and in fresh-cut Romaine. (Delaquis and Bach) " Review paper concluded that prevention of preharvest contamination is essential to minimize the risk of illness caused by consuming raw produce because Postharvest treatment of the produce with sanitizers cannot be relied upon to eliminate pathogens. (Beuchat) " Hypochlorite form (calcium or sodium salt) does not affect the level of microbial control or flavor of fresh-cut lettuce of diced tomatoes. (Beuchat) " Information on the effectiveness of various sanitizers on the killing of Bacillus spores on apple surfaces and stainless steel has been developed (Beuchat). " Survival and growth of Enterobacter sakazakii on fruits and vegetables and factors affecting growth and survival were documented (Beuchat).


  1. Impacts: 1. S-294 scientists working in food safety have provided the fresh and fresh-cut fruit and vegetable industries with critical information resolve ongoing food safety issues which challenge existence of the industry.
  2. 2. S-294 scientists are investigating the potential commercialization of a sanitizer and sanitization strategy for use on fresh-cut fruit and vegetables with a US-based company already marketing a processing aid to the fresh-cut industry.
  3. 3. Members of S-294 have developed a food security audit program specifically for fresh produce growers and processors and fresh-cut processors in the Southeast U.S.
  4. 4. Members of S-294 have been co-authors of a while paper entitled Infections associated with cantaloupe consumption: A public health concern.
  5. 5. S-294 scientists are negotiating the licensing of a new combined release technology for controlling ripening and decay in fresh and fresh-cut products with a US-based company already marketing a ripening control product to the industry.
  6. 6. Several S-294 members participated in the United FreshTech Food Safety Symposium in April 2007, providing leadership to the industry on food safety issues for fresh and fresh-cut produce.
  7. 7. Several S-294 members participated in the Science Symposium and the Food Irradiation Workshops hosted at the United FreshTech Conference in April 2007.
  8. 8. The S-294 meeting attracted five produce and fresh-cut produce industry representatives, providing a forum for discussion of research priorities and how to develop better interactions between researchers and industry.
  9. 9. The S-294 members presented 19 posters at the United FreshTech trade show. These posters generated interest from industry and led to follow-up interactions with researchers.
  10. 10. Members from the USDA and the University of Florida developed and manned booths at the trade show, facilitating interaction with members of the fresh and fresh-cut produce industries.


Publications: Allende, A., J. McEvoy, Y. Luo and C.Y. Wang. 2006. Effectiveness of two-sided UV-C treatments in inhibiting natural microflora and extending the shelf-life of minimally processed Red Oak Leaf lettuce. J. Food Microbiology 23(3): 241-249. Allende, A., Gonzalez, R.J., McEvoy, J.L, and Luo, Y. 2007. Assessment of sodium hypochlorite and acidified sodium chlorite as antimicrobial agents to inhibit growth of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and natural microorganisms on shredded carrots. Intl. J. Veg. Sci. 2007. In press. Annous, B.A., E.B. Solomon, and B.A. Nimiera. 2006. Biofilms on fresh produce and difficulties in decontamination. Food Quality 13(2):80-84. Annous, B.A. 2007. Efficacy of hot water surface pasteurization vs. non-thermal sanitizing wash treatments for reducing populations of Salmonella Poona on inoculated whole cantaloupe melons. J Food Prot. (submitted). Anthon, G.E. and D.M.Barrett. 2006. Potential and limitations for determining lycopene in tomatoes by optical methods. Acta Hort 724, 243-248 Bai, J., J.P. Mattheis and N. Reed. 2006. Re-initiating softening ability of 1-methylcyclopropene-treated Bartlett and dAnjou pears after regular air or controlled atmosphere storage. J. Hort. Sci. Biotechnol. 81: 959-964. Bai, J., E.A.Mielke, P.M. Chen, R.A. Spotts, M. Serdani, J.D. Hansen and L.G. Neven. 2006. Effect of high-pressure hot-water washing treatment on fruit quality, insects, and disease in apples and pears. Part I. System description.and the effect on fruit quality of 'd'Anjou' pears. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 40: 207-215 Bartz, J.A., M.J. Mahovic, and J. Tenney. 2006. Chlorine dioxide gas controls postharvest pathogens of tomato by mass transfer from a source to the fruit. Phytopathology 96:S9. (Abstract) Beaudry, R.M., Luckanatinvong, V. and Solomos, T. 2006. Maintaining quality with CA and MAP. In: A.C. Purvis, W.B. McGlassen and S. Kanlayanarat (eds.), Proc. Intl Conference on Managing Quality in Chains (MQUIC). Acta Horticulturae 712:245-252. Beaulieu J.C. and V. Lancaster. 2007. Correlating volatile compounds, quality parameters, and sensory attributes in stored fresh-cut cantaloupe. J. Agric. Food Chem. (Submitted) Beaulieu J.C. 2007. The effect of UV irradiation on cut cantaloupe: Terpenoids and esters. J. Food Sci. (In Press; 72(4):S1-S10?) Beaulieu J.C. and J.M. Lea. 2007. Quality changes in cantaloupe during growth, maturation, and in stored minimally processed cubes prepared from fruit harvested at various maturities. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. (In Press) Beaulieu J.C. and J.M. Lea. 2006. Characterization and semi quantitative analysis of volatiles in seedless watermelon varieties using solid-phase microextraction. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54(20):7789-7793. Beaulieu J.C. 2006. Volatile changes in cantaloupe during growth, maturation, and in stored fresh-cuts prepared from fruit harvested at various maturities. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131(1):127-139. Beaulieu J.C. 2006. Effect of cutting and storage on acetate and non-acetate esters in convenient, ready to eat fresh-cut melons and apples. HortSci. 41(1):65-73. Beuchat, L. R. 2006. Vectors and conditions for preharvest contamination of fruits and vegetables with pathogens capable of causing enteric diseases. Brit. Food J. 108:38-53. Beuchat, L. R., A. C. Kreske, J.-H. Ryu, and C. A. Pettigrew. 2006. Efficacy of chlorine dioxide and other sanitizers in killing Bacillus cereus spores in biofilms. Abstr., Annu. Mtg., Inst. Food Technol., 25- 28 June, Orlando, FL. p. 235. Bowen, A., A. Fry, G. M. Richards, and L. R. Beuchat. 2006. Infections associated with cantaloupe consumption: A public health concern. Epidemiol. Infect. 134:675-685. Boynton, B.B., B.A. Welt, C.A. Sims, M.O. Balaban, J.K. Brecht, and M.R. Marshall. 2006. Effects of low-dose electron beam irradiation on respiration, microbiology, texture, color, and sensory characteristics of fresh-cut cantaloupe stored in modified atmosphere packages. J. Food Sci. 71:S149-S155. Canoles, M.A., Li, C., Howe, G. and Beaudry, R.M. 2006. Deficiency of linolenic acid in Lefad 7 mutant tomato changes the volatile profile and sensory perception of disrupted leaf and fruit tissue. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131:284-289. Conway, William, Wojciech Janisiewicz, Britta Leverentz, Robert Saftner and Mary Camp. 2007. Control of blue mold of apple by combining controlled atmosphere, antagonist mixtures and sodium bicarbonate. Postharvest Biology Technol. In press. Dallaire, R., Vasseur, L., LeBlanc, D.I., Tranchant, C. C. and Delaquis, P. 2006. A methodological approach for assessing the microbial contamination of fresh produce from harvest to retail. Food Protection Trends. 26:218-225. Dallaire, R. LeBlanc, D.I., Tranchant, C.C., Vasseur, L., Delaquis, P., and Beaulieu, C. 2006. Monitoring the microbial populations and temperatures of fresh broccoli from harvest to retail display. Journal of Food Protection. 69:1158-1125. DeEll, J.R., P.M.A. Toivonen, F. Cornut, C. Roger, and C. Vigneault. 2006. Addition of sorbitol with KMnO4 improves broccoli quality retention in modified atmosphere packages. Journal of Food Quality 29: 65-75. Delaquis, P.J., A. Wen, P.M.A. Toivonen, and K. Stanich. 2006. Evidence of an antilisterial factor induced by wounding of iceberg lettuce tissues. Letters in Applied Microbiology 42: 289-295. Ergun M., D.J. Huber, J. Jeong, and J.A. Bartz. 2006. Extended shelf life and quality of fresh-cut papaya derived from ripe fruit treated with the ethylene antagonist 1-methylcyclopropene. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131:97-103. Fan, L., Song, J., Beaudry, R. and Hildebrand, P.D. 2006. Effect of hexanal vapor on spore viability of Penicillium expansum, lesion development on whole apples and fruit volatile biosynthesis. J. Food Sci. 17(3):105-109 Fan, X. Annous, B.A., Sokorai, K.J., Burke, A., Mattheis, J.P. 2006. Combination of hot water surface pasteurization of whole fruit and low dose irradiation of fresh-cut cantaloupe. J. Food Protect. 69:912-919. Fan X., B.A. Annous, J.C. Beaulieu, K.J.B. Sokorai, A. Burke and J. Sites. 2007. Effect of hot water surface pasteurization of whole fruit on shelf-life and quality of fresh-cut cantaloupe. J. Food Sci. (Submitted) Fan, X., Fett, W. F., Mitchell B. M. 2007. Effects of Negative Air Ions on E. coli ATCC 25922 Inoculated on Mung Bean Seed and Apple Fruit. J. Food Protect 70:204-208 Fan, X., Niemira, B.A., Rajkowski, K.T., Sokorai, K.J.B. 2006. Radiation sensitivity and quality of fresh-cut vegetables exposed to gamma radiation. 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