SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Fred Brooks, American Samoa Community College; Virginia Barkley, University of Arizona; Tim Dennehy, University of Arizona; Marty Draper, National Program Leader, Plant Pathology USDA/CSREES (by phone); Peter Ellsworth, University of Arizona; Al Fournier, University of Arizona; Tom Holtzer, Colorado State University (Administrative Advisor); Meg McGrath, Cornell University; Scott Nissen, Colorado State University; Ed Peachy, Oregon State University; Carolyn Pickel, University of California Statewide IPM Program; Bob Schlub, University of Guam; Blair Siegfried, University of Nebraska; Maria Sims, University of Arizona; Jennifer Snyder, University of Arizona

2007 Meeting of WERA-060 7 May 2007 Grace Inn, Ahwatukee (Phoenix), Arizona Tom Holtzer, Administrative Advisor. Tom reviewed the administrative requirements for WERA60 with special emphasis on submission for renewal. [WRCC60 was started in early 1980's, when Tom did honest work for a living (spider mites in corn at University of Nebraska). This background is good for facilitating communication and setting of research agendas.] Within WERA060 there has been a lack of coordination and participation in several of the last 5 years. The Committee has not formally met in 2 years, although an informal meeting was held in conjunction with the IPM Symposium in 2006. A great deal of discussion centered around future directions for WERA060. General questions discussed included: a) Are there some key themes that cut across disciplines? b) Do we have a critical mass of people to do the things that a coordinating committee should do? c) Can we prepare a suitable renewal proposal by the 15 May deadline? d) What will our focus be? The committee decided to narrow the scope of future efforts to implementation of resistance management approaches and to focus on any and all science that has direct application to monitoring and management of resistance problems. Possible needs to be addressed and objectives to be pursued, raised in the discussion: 1) Regional coordination of research efforts and priorities (e.g., PIPE concepts re: resistance). 2) Definite need for communication among resistance workers, but is this the forum for doing this. Are we too broad to be useful? Data-exchange is too diverse. 3) Need for dealing with IPM-issues to provide balance to the emphasis of IRAC, FRAC, and HRAC (Definitions: Insecticide, Fungicide, Herbicide Resistance Action Committees, respectively). Influence policy (Res-Ext). USDA, APHIS. Provide unbiased, research-based findings. 4) Promote and support the Resistant Pest Newsletter as a vehicle for information exchange and global dissemination. 5) Developing resistance priorities for research and extension to centers and other entities. 6) Organize symposia, interact with IRAC (etc.), interact with funding agencies, promote resistant pest newsletter. If a symposium were to be part of WERA060s contribution, would it be part of a more specific society (e.g., Weed Science Soc.)? Discussion followed. Over the past 20 years, WRCC60/WERA60 tried to convene at major entomological, pathology and weed meetings. In most cases, this approach failed to attract much more than a narrow slice of the membership. A suggested alternate approach is to seek major multi-disciplinary meetings that address resistance. Examples are the National IPM symposia (every four years), American Chemical Society Agrochemicals Division meetings, Pan-Pacific Conference on Pesticide Science, the IUPAC Congress on Pesticide Chemistry, and similar meetings that cut across pest groups and have a substantial focus on resistance. Additional questions arose regarding future roles for the committee: Do we need to re-focus only on resistance management as it is applied in IPM? Are there too few of us that focus on field applications to meet critical mass needs? Is there a unique need for a resistance coordinating committee within CSREES, or are needs being met through other venues? Group discussion followed. It was decided that the membership of the group has changed from those interested in more fundamental aspects of resistance mechanisms, modeling and ecology to those doing more hands-on implementation of resistance monitoring and management, within the context of larger IPM programs. It was decided to submit a renewal proposal for WERA60 with a narrow scope -- one that focused primarily on implementation of resistance management in IPM systems and exchange and dissemination of resistance information. Brief statements from those participating in the meeting: Al Fournier, University of Arizona, Local Arrangements (w/ Peter Ellsworth). Al summarized the agenda of the joint meetings (w/ WERA69) and the agricultural tours offered on Tuesday, 8 May. Carolyn Pickel, University of California Statewide IPM Program. Carolyn represented a number of UC researchers unable to attend the meeting. Codling moth resistance to organophosphate insecticides continues to be a major topic in CA. Beth Grafton-Cardwell continues to do research on scale resistance in citrus. This is a very important issue to their growers. Practitioners do the wrong things many times. They continue to combat over-reliance on pyrethroid insecticides. Scott Nissen, Colorado State University. Cases of weed resistance have increased since 1975 or 1980, mainly due to types of herbicides deployed. Much of this has been the result of deployment of transgenic Roundup-ready crops. Innovation has declined as growers have placed greater reliance on fewer herbicides with limited range of modes of action. Resistance to ALS-inhibitors & dicamba resistance is on the increase. An 8-9 year replicated assessment has been conducted of Round-up-ready crops versus conventional crops in 4-states. This showed that they are strongly selecting for resistance in high-plains states. Carol Mallory Smith is leading study with Scott to investigate gene-flow between transgenic and non-trangenic herbicide-resistant wheat. There is now 250,000 acres of transgenic wheat planted. Gene flow has been shown (?) into jointed goatgrass. Onion thrips represent the biggest insect problem in Colorado but this is due to the inherent difficulty in controlling them and the disease they vector, Iris Yellow Spot Virus (a.k.a. Irish yellow spot). Howard Schwartz, is working on this. It overwinters in weed species. Ed Peachy, Oregon State University. Incorporates resistance management information in IPM programming. Blair Siegfried, University of Nebraska. Transgenic corn is widely adopted in the Midwest for corn rootworm protection. Bt-resistance is being intensively studied in the European corn borer and the Western corn rootworm. Monitoring of European corn borer is being done annually at 16 sites across Corn Belt. Bob Schlub, University of Guam. Plant pathologist. Some use of insecticides on Guam, but not a lot of spraying. Working in tomatoes. Identified need for careful defining and use of terminology as it applies to plant pathogens. Often times virulence and resistance in pathogens are confounded and used interchangeably. Tim Dennehy, University of Arizona. Since 1993 has directed activities of the Arizonas Extension Arthropod Resistance Management Laboratory (EARML). This group conducts routine statewide monitoring and management of major resistance problems in Arizona. Current focus is on: 1)whiteflies in vegetables, melons, ornamentals and cotton, and 2) resistance of pink bollworm to transgenic Bt cotton. Working with Peter Ellsworth (Cotton IPM team leader) and John Palumbo (Vegetable IPM team leader) this group has chronicled a decade of successful resistance management of whiteflies and pink bollworm. Statewide meetings of stakeholders, research and Extension personnel are held annually to evaluate and modify proactive management guidelines. Cross-commodity coordination of neonicotinoid insecticide use has been achieved through cooperation between commodities and is published in Palumbo et al. 2003. EARML serves as linkage between resistance problems throughout the State and more fundamental research programs of Bruce Tabashnik, Yves Carriere, Molly Hunter, Xianchun Li and Jeff Fabrick. Among other things, these collaborations have identified the molecular mechanism responsible for pink bollworm resistance to Bt cotton toxin Cry1Ac and have produced molecular diagnostics for detecting this resistance. Three resistance posters displaying output of these collaborations were displayed at the meeting. Jennifer Snyder, University of Arizona. Jennifer works with Dawn Gouge on Urban IPM issues in Arizona. They have highly successful programs implementing IPM in schools. Peter Ellsworth, University of Arizona. Peter has been a national leader in implementation of resistance management programs for whiteflies. He discussed the collaboration with John Palumbo to achieve cross-commodity harmonization of the critical neonicotinoid insecticide group. Research and education that Peter has led on improving whitefly sampling and thresholds has been the underpinning of a decade of successful whitefly resistance management in Arizona. Meg McGrath, Cornell University. Meg devoted much of her attention to management of powdery mildew resistance in cucurbits. This involves monitoring and characterization of resistance and seeking new active ingredients. She devotes much time to obtaining information for and submitting Section 18 exemptions. Fred Brooks, American Samoa Community College. Fred is a plant pathologists working on fruit diseases in American Samoa. Currently not much spraying in American Samoa. Some benomyl resistance in black leaf streak (Mycosphaerella fijiensis and Pseudocercospora fijiensis) of Banana. However, benomly is not registered any longer. Fungicides are sprayed for this disease twice / week through entire year. Maria Sims, University of Arizona. Maria currently works for Peter Ellsworth. She has done resistance research for over a decade in Arizona and North Carolina. Her interests include whitefly management issues and management of resistance to transgenic crops. Her graduate studies in North Carolina involved Bt resistance in cotton bollworm (with J.R. Bradley and Fred Gould). Virginia Barkley, University of Arizona. Virginia has assisted Peter Ellsworth in IPM research in Arizona for over a decade. Marty Draper, National Program Leader, Plant Pathology USDA/CSREES (by phone). Marty spoke with the group about changes afoot in USDA structure and funding that could impact members of WRCC60 (resistance management and IPM). Discussion involved a plethora of acronyms apparently known to some Committee members. If approved, something called the Improved Pest Control" line item could result in the lumping of Regional IPM grants, IR-4, PMAP, PMitis 2008 proposal, CAR, Methyl bromide, and RAMP initiatives. All would be increasing a small amount in total funding. All 406s have been moved to the NRI. Earmarks were rolled into the Hatch funds and distributed that way. Some of this to be moved to Colony Collapse Disorder. Final discussion item. Blair Siegfried communicated a question for Z.B. Mayo on behalf of the Council of Agricultural Science and Technology. Z.B. is on the CAST Board of Directors. CAST is seeking a person or group to spearhead an interdisciplinary position paper addressing the scientific questions relevant to development of transgenic alfalfa. They would like it to include ramifications for resistance management and include corporate scientists, representatives from biotech industries and, legal aspects. The group concluded that CAST needed an effort similar to their recent analysis of resistance management strategies for Bt transgenic crops, headed by Sharlene Matten. Sharlene took a sabbatical from EPA and devoted many months to this endeavor. She organized a major CAST symposium (in which WERA060 was heavily involved) on the topic and then edited the resulting proceedings, which became the CAST report. Moreover, it was concluded that what CAST was requesting comprised two undertaking of this nature: a) A paper focusing on resistance management in biotech crops, a 12-yr retrospective and prospectus for the future. b) An ecological analysis paper focusing on the risks and liabilities associated with movement of transgenes into wild and cultivated plants. WERA060 directed Blair to communicate to Dr. Mayo that it appreciated the need for the project, but that leading the effort was beyond WERA060s capacity. However, individual members would likely be willing to participate in an effort lead by another entity.


The following statements are derived from state reports. A more fully formatted copy, including a figure, is provided as an attachment in the SUMMARY OF MINUTES section. BLAIR SIEGFRIED UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA DEVELOPMENT OF RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES FOR CORN INSECT PESTS IN NEBRASKA Resistance management of pest insect species represents a serious challenge to corn growers that utilize both transgenic corn varieties as well as conventional pesticides. Research associated with this project is intended to provide information for design of effective and long-term pest management solutions. Individual European corn borer that have been phenotyped for resistance to Bt toxins have been sent to collaborators at the USDA ARS Corn Insect and Crop Genetics Research Lab who are currently developing linkage maps using AFLP markers to identify quantitative trait loci for mapping resistance genes. Additionally, we have been collaborating with researchers at the University of Valencia, Spain to clone putative receptors that have previously been identified as being involved with resistance. Monitoring programs for the European corn borer have continued in 2006. Routine monitoring of European corn borer populations at diagnostic concentrations have indicated that this target pest species of transgenic maize remains susceptible to Cry1Ab and Cry1F toxins. Laboratory selections for resistance to both toxins have resulted in significant levels of resistance. Additional strains from field populations have been identified and are currently being characterized with regard to inheritance, fitness, and biochemical basis of resistance. Additionally, we have initiated experiments to document the ability of these strains to utilize transgenic plant tissues. Preliminary results indicate that although survival is significantly reduced, it appears that development of the resistant strains on transgenic plants is possible. The resistance to Cry1Ab is associated with reduced binding to a cadherin-like protein from the midgut brush border membrane. However, resistance to Cry1F remains uncertain, because assays to measure toxin binding and midgut proteolosis have not indicated and differences between resistant and susceptible strains. The genes for putative toxin receptors been cloned and sequenced and expression studies indicate that this protein is involved with both binding and toxicity. Susceptibility assessment of corn rootworm larvae to the Cry3Bb toxin has continued with representative field populations. Additional studies have been initiated to measure baseline susceptibility to Cry 34/35 which has recently been registered for corn rootworm control and the neonicotinoid insecticide chlothianidin which is the active ingredient used as a seed treatment of rootworm management. We are currently developing RNA interference assays to assess gene function and identify potential target sites for novel control strategies. BETH GRAFTON-CARDWELL DEPT. OF ENTOMOLOGY U. OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE My research team monitors for insecticide resistance in California red scale and citricola scale, the leading scale pests infesting San Joaquin Valley California citrus. Organophosphate and carbamate resistance was documented using an esterase enzyme assay in a large number of populations of California red scale in the early 1990s. We continue to monitor a subset of these populations and even though organophosphate and carbamate use has been replaced by pyriproxyfen for California red scale, OP and carbamate resistance has not declined significantly. This is probably because OPs (especially chlorpyrifos) continue to be used for citricola scale. Citricola scale is not susceptible to pyriproxyfen. During 2006 we documented low levels of pyriproxyfen resistance in several California red scale populations, using a fruit dip bioassay. We also documented chlorpyrifos resistance in a large number of citricola scale populations using a leaf dip bioassay. In citrus, citrus thrips, which produces 6-8 generations per year, developed resistance to OPs and carbamates in the 1980s; California red scale, which has 4-5 generations per year developed resistance in the 1990s; and now citricola scale which has only one generation per year has developed resistance in the 2000s. Alternative insecticides for citricola scale control are only suppressive and biological control is ineffective in this region. Thus resistance in citricola scale is a very serious situation. YVES CARRIERE, TIMOTHY J. DENNEHY, PETER C. ELLSWORTH, JOHN C. PALUMBO, XIANCHUN LI, AND BRUCE TABASHNIK UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA A DECADE OF SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT OF RESISTANCE TO INSECTICIDES IN ARIZONA Two arthropod pests have been the major focus of efforts to manage resistance to insecticides in the Southwestern US. They are the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella, and the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. Pink bollworm is a severe pest of cotton and is the major pest targeted by transgenic Bt cotton in our area. Sweetpotato whitefly is a severe pest of many crops produced in the southwestern including cotton, melons and vegetables. It has also become an increasingly common problem in glasshouse production systems. Attempts to control whiteflies and pink bollworm with conventional broad-spectrum insecticides have had devastating results in many desert agro-ecosystems. Severely reduced natural enemy populations have been associated with resurgences of these pests, outbreaks of secondary pests, and rapid evolution of pest resistance. Under such conditions, these pests have developed resistance to essentially all insecticides to which it has been repeatedly exposed. Such was the case in 1995, when whitefly numbers reached crisis proportions in Arizona cotton despite application of 6 to 15 insecticide treatments per acre. In consultation with researchers in Israel and the United Kingdom, emergency alternatives for whitefly control were formulated and implemented in 1996 that replaced broad-spectrum insecticides during the early season with once-per-season use of the insect growth regulators, pyriproxyfen and buprofezin. Concomitant registration of Bt cotton significantly reduced treatments of conventional insecticides for lepidopteran pests. Additionally, neonicotinoid insecticides provided exceptional whitefly suppression in the other major whitefly hosts, melons and winter vegetables. The end result has been over a decade of unprecedented low insecticide use in cotton, and equally unprecedented effectiveness of biological control in cotton fields. Management of resistance in the Southwestern USA is focused intensively on sustaining effective, selective insecticides. This includes statewide detection and isolation of resistance in cotton, vegetables, melons and glasshouses, and collaborative research to characterize critical toxicological, genetic and ecological parameters of resistance in laboratory and field experiments. BRUCE TABASHNIK UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA DNA SCREENING REVEALS PINK BOLLWORM RESISTANCE TO BT COTTON REMAINS RARE AFTER A DECADE OF EXPOSURE Transgenic crops producing toxins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) kill insect pests and can reduce reliance on insecticide sprays. Although Bt cotton and Bt corn covered 25 million ha worldwide in 2005, their success could be cut short by evolution of pest resistance. Monitoring the early phases of pest resistance to Bt crops is crucial, but has been extremely difficult because bioassays usually cannot detect heterozygotes harboring one allele for resistance. We monitored resistance to Bt cotton with DNA-based screening, which detects single resistance alleles in heterozygotes. We used polymerase chain reaction primers that specifically amplify three mutant alleles of a cadherin gene linked with resistance to Bt cotton in pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), a major pest. We screened DNA of 5,571 insects derived from 59 cotton fields in Arizona, California, and Texas during 2001 to 2005. No resistance alleles were detected despite a decade of exposure to Bt cotton. In conjunction with data from bioassays and field efficacy tests, the results reported here contradict predictions of rapid pest resistance to Bt crops. MARGARET TUTTLE MCGRATH CORNELL UNIVERSITY FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE IN CUCURBIT POWDERY MILDEW Activities pertaining to fungicide resistance in cucurbit powdery mildew conducted in 2006 in New York were evaluating fungicides at-risk for resistance, monitoring of resistance in production fields, determining baseline sensitivity for new fungicides, and requesting emergency exemption from registration (FIFRA Section 18) for a new fungicide. Fungicides are an important tool for managing cucurbit powdery mildew to avoid losses in quantity and/or fruit quality. This is the most common disease of cucurbit crops, which include squash and melon. Effective control necessitates products able to move to the lower leaf surface, where this disease develops best. Unfortunately they are prone to resistance development because of their single-site mode of action. The annual conventional fungicide evaluation experiment in 2006 included individual products and fungicide programs. The QoI fungicide Cabrio was ineffective, which was not surprising considering that resistance to this fungicide group is qualitative and resistant strains have been detected since 2003 through monitoring in NY. The DMI fungicide Nova (at 5 oz/A, the highest label rate) also did not control powdery mildew likely due to resistance. Another DMI, Procure (at 6 oz/A, the intermediate rate which is recommended by the manufacturer) provided poor control (34% on lower leaf surfaces). These products were among the most effective in the 2005 experiment. A gradual change in efficacy due to resistance was expected because DMI resistance is quantitative. It was first documented in the US in 1990 following control failure with an inherently less active DMI fungicide, Bayleton. A new fungicide, Quintec, provided excellent control (88%). When Procure was applied in alternation with Quintec starting with Procure, powdery mildew was not controlled as effectively (64%) as when the alternation started with Quintec (77%), which was as effective as Quintec alone. This later observation further documents the difficulty of detecting resistance when a fungicide program is used, as in commercial production fields Fungicide resistance was monitored in commercial production fields. Early in powdery mildew development in spring cucurbit crops resistance to 2 chemical groups (QoIs and MBCs) and moderate resistance to a third (DMIs) were common. Since QoI and MBC resistance is qualitative, fungicides in these groups would not suppress resistant strains. Growers were provided this information with guidelines for managing powdery mildew in main season crops. Baseline sensitivity data was obtained for a new powdery mildew fungicide, boscalid, which will serve as a benchmark for assessing if the pathogen is developing resistance in the future. Growers in NY were able to effectively control powdery mildew in 2006 because EPA granted a FIFRA Section 18 for Quintec. Results of research described above on fungicide efficacy and resistance monitoring provided justification for another request for 2007. SCOTT NISSEN, COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN HERBICIDE RESISTANCE WEED RESEARCH AT COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY Herbicide resistance research at CSU has focused on three major issues affecting weed management in Colorado. These areas include 1) dicamba resistance kochia (Kochia scoparia), 2) the pollen mediated flow of genes that confer herbicide resistance between wheat varieties and between wheat and jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylinderica), and 3) issues related to the continuous use of glyphosate-tolerant crop technology. Dicamba Resistant Kochia: Experiments were conducted 1) to determine ethylene production by dicamba resistant and susceptible kochia following dicamba applications 2) to establish the relationship between ethylene production and herbicide symptoms, and 3) to evaluate the response of dicamba resistant kochia to fluroxypyr. Dicamba resistant kochia treated with 280 g ha-1 dicamba produced significantly less ethylene than susceptible kochia 24 HAT. Ethylene production increased faster in susceptible than resistant kochia as dicamba rate increased. Dicamba resistant and susceptible kochia treated with fluroxypyr produced similar amounts of ethylene as herbicide rate increased. GR50 values for susceptible and resistant kochia treated with dicamba were 45 and 1331 g ha-1, respectively. GR50 values for susceptible and resistant kochia treated with fluroxypyr were 10 and 34 g ha-1, respectively. The ethylene inhibitor AOA inhibited ethylene production but did not reduce dicamba symptoms. Pollen Mediated Gene Flow: The potential introduction of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars with transgenic traits has generated increased interest in pollen-mediated gene flow (PMGF). The objectives of this study were to estimate wheat PMGF between commercial fields across multiple years and locations, and to compare field-scale estimates to smaller experimental plots. The study was conducted in 2003, 2004 and 2005 in eastern Colorado. Fifty-six commercial field locations planted to one or more of 18 imidazolinone-susceptible (IS) winter wheat cultivars were sampled at distances of 0.23 to 61 m from a bordering imidazolinone-resistant (IR) cultivar. At least one sample from all 56 commercial fields and from all evaluated cultivars had detectable PMGF. The highest observed PMGF was 5.3% at 0.23 m. The farthest distance at which PMGF was detected was 61 m and the highest PMGF at that distance was 0.25%. No PMGF was detected in 27% of samples. Higher levels and greater distances of PMGF were detected in commercial fields than in experimental plots. Based on estimates from a generalized linear mixed model with a random location effect, the distance required to ensure 95% confidence that 95% of locations would have PMGF less than 0.9% is 41.1 m for the earliest heading cultivars and 0.7 m for intermediate heading cultivars. These confidence limits should represent the highest levels of PMGF expected to occur in winter wheat and will be useful for wheat biotechnology regulation. Gene flow between jointed goatgrass and winter wheat is a concern because transfer of herbicide resistance genes from imidazolinone-resistant (IR) winter wheat varieties to jointed goatgrass could restrict weed management options for this serious weed of Colorado winter wheat cropping systems. Project objectives were (1) to investigate the frequency of interspecific hybridization between IR wheat and jointed goatgrass in eastern Colorado, and (2) determine the gene action of the IR acetolactate synthase (ALS) allele in IR wheat by jointed goatgrass and IR wheat by imidazolinone-susceptible (IS) wheat backgrounds. Jointed goatgrass was sampled side-by-side with IR wheat and at distances up to 53 m away in both experimental plots and at commercial field study sites in 2003, 2004, and 2005. A greenhouse screening method was used to identify IR hybrids in collected jointed goatgrass seed. The average percent hybridization across sites and years when IR wheat and jointed goatgrass were grown side-by-side was 0.1% and the maximum was 1.6%. The greatest distance over which hybridization was documented was 16 m. The mutant ALS allele was found to be partially dominant in a jointed goatgrass by IR wheat cross and additive in an IS wheat by IR wheat cross. The hybridization rate between jointed goatgrass and partial dominance of the IR wheat ALS allele will both influence trait introgression into jointed goatgrass. Issues related to glyphosate tolerant crop technology: Glyphosate resistance has recently been reported in Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) populations from glyphosate-tolerant cotton cropping systems in Georgia. Seeds were obtained from scientists in Georgia and screened with an in-vivo shikimate accumulation assay. Using a range of glyphosate concentrations from 100 to 2,000 ¼M, susceptible plant leaf discs accumulated shikimate in 100 ¼M glyphosate while resistant plant leaf discs accumulated detectable shikimate only in 2,000 ¼M glyphosate. Candidate glyphosate resistance mechanisms under investigation include mutations in EPSPS and over-expression of EPSPS. Gene sequences have been obtained for 1,056 base pairs of EPSPS from resistant and susceptible plants. These results have been compared using current bioinformatics protocols to determine whether any detected mutations may be significant. Semi-quantitative PCR has been used to determine whether EPSPS is over-expressed in resistant plants. Preliminary results indicate that resistant plants may have higher EPSPS expression than susceptible plants. The exact mechanism of glyphosate resistance in Palmer amaranth has not yet been determined. A long-term, multi-state project to examine the effects of continuous glyphosate use on possible weed shifts and the selection of glyphosate resistant weeds is another research emphasis at CSU. This research project compares continuous glyphosate use, alternating glyphosate and conventional programs, and conventional programs. Crop rotations are being examined as a sub-plot effect. After 8 years at four different sites, continuous glyphosate use has consistently provided the greatest yields and has significantly reduced the weed seed bank. No glyphosate resistant weeds have been identified; however, there has been a shift toward weeds that are traditionally harder to control with glyphosate, i.e., wild buckwheat (Polygonum convolvulus) and lambsquarters (Chenopodium album). MARK WHALON MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY THE ARTHROPOD PESTICIDE RESISTANT DATABASE (APRD) SYSTEM Resistance is a widespread phenomenon where arthropod populations evolve the genetic ability to escape the lethal effects of normally fatal concentrations of one or more pesticides. Therefore, resistance is a significant and on-going issue for trade, homeland security, animal and human health protection and agricultural production and profitability. The occurrence of pesticide resistance frequently leads to the increased use, overuse and even misuse of pesticides that may pose a risk to the environment, phytosanitation, market access, global trade and public health. In 1989 I initiated the Global Arthropod Pesticide Resistance Database (APRD) at Michigan State University, which has progressively grown into the worlds premier web-based, pesticide-policy influencing tool in the US, the EU and most of the rest of the world ( Both Drs. Robert M. Hollingworth and David Mota-Sanchez joined this critical effort in 1992 and 1996 respectively. In December 2006 workers at MSU including Mr. Lee Duynslager (technical management) and Dr. Qiang Xue (software development) effectively transferred the old Access database to a user-interactive HTML system. Thus the database now features remote access and a peer-reviewed (publication), case-submission system. With these user friendly adaptations, the APRD is interactively accessible via the www and receives more than 1500 daily visits from arthropod resistance workers from around the globe. This effort was supported through a partnership between the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC), USDA/CSREES/IPM, USDA and Michigan State University. As of April 17th 2007 the current global number of Insecticide and Miticide resistant cases as well as the number of resistant species is 7,558 and 553, respectively. The new www APRD hosted by MSU registered over 540,000 visits in 2006 lasting longer than 10 minutes each. The APRD now has the capability for remote case submissions from anywhere in the world. It also features an electronic-based peer-reviewed process for publication of resistance cases. Thus the website now affords directed searching, extracting and analyzing resistance information across an array of factors including various time horizons and modes of pesticide action. Each case submitted is peer reviewed with an editorial body made up of volunteer arthropod resistance scientists and industry workers from all over the world. Each reviewed and accepted case is assigned an accession number and a case submission title equivalent to a peer reviewed publication. The APRD www now provides routine reports detailing the number of resistant cases by species, pesticides, mode of action, use and severity. Historically, all resistance case reports were extracted from peer reviewed literature and we will continue to maintain a search process of over 43 different referred journals globally so long as resources permit. However, we now anticipate that hundreds, perhaps thousands, of cases from around the world will be peer-reviewed and published electronically into the www via the APRD annually. Our short term goal for the APRD has been to reduce the reporting, analysis and publication burdens of resistance reporting in such a way that routine analysis tables, figures, reports and attributions will be generated and posted monthly for pesticide policy workers globally. Our long term goal is to develop and publish on the www a spatial/temporal explicit geographical mapping system reflecting historical and current case summaries at greater spatial detail until sufficient precision is available to facilitate the development of effective resistance policy in geographically relevant management units. In addition, user remote APRD literature and case searches will be accessible from anywhere at anytime on the www. Given the APRDs global reach and continued development, new products will be trialed and, in time, become regular contributions to resistance policy and management. Our strategy is a deliberate, peer reviewed, partner participation process of new product development and introduction. For instance, in December of 2006 we began presenting for the first time, the number of arthropod resistance cases reported in the APRD by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committees International Mode of Action Classification System and these data have been well received by APRD users. The Resistant Pest Management (RPM) Newsletter was developed to spread knowledge of resistance around the world. The goal of the RPM Newsletter is to inform researchers, industry workers, pesticide policy bureaucrats and field personnel worldwide of ongoing changes and advances in pesticide resistance management, provide an archival resource to national and international policy leaders, and enhance communication of ideas among resistance managers worldwide. Since its 1989 inception, the Newsletter has published over 550 articles, including 36 articles in 2006. The Bi-annual publication has 1,091 electronic subscribers (mostly in government, industry and academia), and hard copies are now part of 58 libraries serial listings worldwide. Example countries with serial listings include the United States, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, India, Japan, Taiwan, Egypt, Kenya, Costa Rica, Australia, Malaysia, and New Zealand. The newsletter can be viewed online at and has received 12,076 visitors since May 2006. In part, as a result of MSUs APRD and RPM Newsletter, GREEEN has helped to pioneer and perpetuate the WERA-60, an international-in-scope, USDA/CSREES project that addresses pesticide resistance and resistance management policy in the Upper Midwest, US, EU and the world. MSUs efforts are a key note of this important process, and we have developed these communication tools into a strong cooperative process with several other Land Grant research groups nationally and other cooperators internationally are using to derive up-to-the-minute resistance information via the www. MSUs APRD program recently sponsored a resistance management workshop in conjunction with the 4th IPM Global Symposium in Indianapolis, IN, 2006.


  1. Members will identify important new problems in resistance and facilitate their mitigation through coordinated research, demonstration, and education.
  2. Through discussion of resistance issues, members will gain unique interdisciplinary perspectives to guide their individual research, extension and teaching efforts. Communication will also be facilitated among the scientific community, Industry and regulators.
  3. Through the publication of the Arthropod Pesticide Resistance Database (APRD), provide a resource that has been and will continue to be resource used both by USEPA, EU and industry (IRAC International) authorities as well as pest managers in the US and internationally for resistance reporting for pesticide registration and pesticide reregistration processes as well as recommendations in resistance management.


Aliano, N.P., M.D. Ellis, and B.D. Siegfried. 2006. Acute contact toxicity of oxalic acid to Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) and their Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) hosts in laboratory bioassays. J. Econ. Entomol. 5: 1578-1582. Alves, A.P., T. Spencer, B.E. Tabashnik, and B.D. Siegfried. 2006. Inheritance of resistance to the Cry1Ab Bacillus thuringiensis toxin in Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 99: 494-501. Brown, J.K. & T.J. Dennehy. 2006. First report of the Q biotype of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in the U.S.A. and resistance to insecticides in an Arizona population. European Whitefly Studies Network Newsletter. Caprio, M.J., T.J. Nowatzki, B.D. Siegfried, L.J. Meinke, R.J. Wright, and L.D. Chandler. 2006. Assessing the risk of resistance to aerial applications of methyl-Parathion in the western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 99: 483-493. Carrière Y., P. Ellsworth, P. Dutilleul, C. Ellers-Kirk, V. 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Unnithan, Virginia Harpold, Sarah Brink, Brook Wood, Yves Carrière, Bruce Tabashnik, Larry Antilla and Mike Whitlow. 2006. Susceptibility of Southwestern Pink Bollworm to Bt toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 in 2005. 2006. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Extension bulletin distributed in Arizona, and submitted to the US-Environmental Protection Agency and Monsanto Life Sciences in late 2006. Submitted to University of Arizona Cotton Report for publication in 2007. Ellsworth, P.C., J. C. Palumbo, S.E. Naranjo, T.J. Dennehy, and R.L. Nichols. 2006. Whitefly management in Arizona cotton 2006. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, IPM Series No. 18. 4 pp. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin, AZ1404. Ellsworth, P.C., J.C. Palumbo, S.E. Naranjo, T.J. Dennehy, R.L. Nichols. 2006. Whitefly Management in Arizona Cotton 2006. IPM Series No. 18. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin, AZ1404, 5/2006.¬ Ellsworth, P.C. 2006. 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