SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: S1016 : Impacts of Trade and Domestic Policies on the Competitiveness and Performance of Southern Agriculture (S-287)
- Period Covered: 03/01/2006 to 03/01/2007
- Date of Report: 08/15/2007
- Annual Meeting Dates: 03/29/2007 to 03/30/2007
Researchers in S-1016 have conducted various research projects related to international trade for agricultural goods and agricultural policies in the US and other countries. Some of these projects are economic impacts of NAFTA and CAFTA-DR; WTO rulings on U.S. agricultural policies; impacts of Doha Development round proposals by G-10, G-2-, EU, and US on the southern agricultural exports; GTAP applications for forthcoming regional free trade agreements, including Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), Korea-US (KORUS) free trade agreement, and US- Australia free trade agreements; the role of exchange rates in agricultural trade, impacts of globalization on agriculture in developing countries, and US anti-dumping duties on catfish imports. These projects focus on agricultural commodities produced in Southern regions. The commodities are wheat, rice, corn, soybeans, cotton, beef, chicken, pork, sugar, peanuts, and processed food. Research techniques employed for the research projects are econometric models, mathematical optimization models, IMPLANT model, gravity model, computable general equilibrium model and econometric simulation models (Arkansas Rice Simulation Model, ND Wheat Simulation Model, ND Sugar Simulation model). In addition, the committee organized several symposia related to international trade for agricultural commodities and agricultural policies and organized an invited paper session entitled Agricultural Globalization: Is It Good or Bad for Developing Countries? in the 2006 AAEA annual meeting in Long beach California. The committee published 59 publications, including refereed journal articles, technical reports, book chapters, and monograph.
- The research projects conducted under S-1016 provided means for southern agriculture to improve its competitiveness in the global market and also developed agricultural policy options under the Doha Development Agenda (DDA). In addition, the research projects provided a better understanding of agricultural trade under regional free trade agreements and directions for future free trade agreements.
- Furthermore, S-1016 has allowed the researchers to interact with researchers globally. As a result of that interaction, researchers in S-1016 have become much more involved in the profession through organizing symposia and paper sessions in professional meetings, such as AAEA and SAEA.
- . Also, the data and information contained in the publications and presentations have enabled stakeholders to be better informed about the issues, challenges, and opportunities that their organizations may be facing now or in the future. The stakeholders should be able to make good decisions in terms of profitability in an economic environment that has become increasingly global and competitive.
Adcock, Flynn, Darren Hudson, Parr Rosson, Hal Harris, and Cary Herndon. The Global Competitiveness of the North American Livestock Industry. Choices, 21(2006): 171-176.
Adcock, Flynn, Joe Outlaw, Parr Rosson, Roland Fumasi and Yan Xia. Southwest Regional Perspectives on Specialty Crop Policy Options and Consequences: Views of Vegetable, Melon, and Fruit Producers in Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas on the 2007 Farm Bill Policy Options. California Institute for the Study of Specialty Crops, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA,, July 2006.
Allen, Albert J., Saleem Shaik, and A. A. Farhad Chowdhury, An Analysis of Technical Requirements for Food and Agricultural Imports, Academy of Economics and Finance, Papers and Proceedings, Volume 30, November 2006, Pages 1-6.
Allen, Albert J., Saleem Shaik, and A. A. Farhad Chowdhury, An Analysis of Technical Requirements for Food and Agricultural Imports, paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Economics and Finance, Houston, TX on February 8-11, 2006.
Allen, Albert J., Saleem Shaik, and A. A. Farhad Chowdhury, An Analysis of U.S. Agricultural and Food Import Refusals by the Food and Drug Administration, Academy of Economics and Finance, Papers and Proceedings, Volume 30, November 2006, Pages 7-12.
Allen, Albert J., Saleem Shaik, and Albert E. Myles, Discrete Choice Analysis of the Factors Affecting Food Import Refusals by the Food and Drug Administration, paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Meeting, October 15-18, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Baek and Koo, Price Dynamics in the North American Wheat Market, Review of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 35, No.2 (2006):265-275.
Briggeman, Brian, Shida Henneberry, and Bailey Norwood (Senior Authorship Shared). How do Employers Access Job Candidate Attributes? Under the Review Process of NACTA Journal (a publication of the National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture), Submission Date: October 25, 2006.
Chavez, E.C. and E.J. Wailes. 2006. Production consumption, trade and price projections of the U.S. and global rice economy, 2005-2006. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007.
Chowdhury, A. A. Farhad and Albert J. Allen, Impact of NAFTA on U.S. Feed Grain Trade with Mexico, Academy of Economics and Finance, Papers and Proceedings, Volume 30, November 2006, Pages 62-66
Durand-Morat, A. and E. Wailes. 2006. Sensitive product designation in the Doha Round: the case of rice. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007.
Engman, Michael, Osamu Onodera and Norbert Wilson, Facilitating Adjustment: Sector Experience in Agriculture, Telecommunications and Chemicals, OECD Working Paper No. 41 (2006).
Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute. FAPRI 2006 U.S. and World Agricultural Outlook. FAPRI Staff Report 06-FSR 1.
Henneberry, David M., Adele Tongco, and Shida Henneberry. The Role of an International Agricultural Programs Office in a Land Grant University, Revista Mexicana de Agronegocias (Agribusiness Review for Mexico and Latin America), Forthcoming, Year 11, Volume 20, January-June 2007.
Henneberry, Shida and Seong-huyk Hwang. Meat Demand in S. Korea: An Application of the Restricted Source-Differentiated AIDS Model. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Forthcoming: April 2007, Volume 39, No. 1 issue.
Hignight, J. and E.J. Wailes. 2006. Investment in on-farm reservoirs to sustain rice production in Arkansas: the impact of land rental arrangements. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007.
Hignight, J., E.J. Wailes, J. Popp, J. Smartt. 2006. Investing in on-farm reservoirs under alternative land tenure arrangements. B.R. Well Rice Research Studies 2005. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Division of Agriculture, Research Series 540, August 2006.
Hill, J., E. Wailes, M. Popp, J. Popp, K. Young and B. Watkins. 2006. Surface water diversion impacts on farm income and sources of irrigation water: the case of the Grand Prarie in Arkansas. J. Soul and Water Conservation 61(4):185-191.
Hudson, Darren. The Future of North American Animal Agriculture: Globalization and Trade. Presentation to the Economic Research Service, Washington, DC, November 14, 2006.
Hudson, Darren. The Future of North American Animal Agriculture: Globalization and Trade. Presentation to the Canadian Cattlemans Association Annual Meeting, Niagra Falls, Canada, August 16, 2006.
Hudson, Darren. The Future of North American Animal Agriculture: Globalization and Trade. Presentation to the Mexican Livestock and Policy Sectors, Mexico City, Mexico, May, 2006.
Keefe, A. M., and C. M. Jolly, Integrating Supply and Demand Factors in the Diffusion Rates of Aquaculture Technology for the International Shrimp Industry, Shrimp Culture: Economics, Market and Trade, ed. P. Leung & C. Engle. Blackwell Publishing, Iowa (2006):63-76.
Jin, Koo, Sul. The Effects of the Free Trade Agreement among China, Japan, and Korea,
Journal of Economic Development, Vol 31, No. 2, 2006, 1-18.
Jin and Koo, Offshore Hedging Strategy of Japan-based Wheat Trader under Multiple
Sources of Risk and Hedging Cost, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 25-
2(2006); 220-236.
Jin, Elder, and Koo, A re-examination of Fractional Integrating Dynamics in the Foreign
Exchange Rates, International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 15, No.1 (2006):
Kenkel, Phil and Shida Henneberry. "An Economic Analysis of Unit-Train Facility Investment, Revista Mexicana de Agronegocias (Agribusiness Review for Mexico and Latin America), Year 10, Volume 19, Number 4, July- December, 2006, pages 52-81.
Kinnucan, H.W. A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Agricultural Trade Promotion. Empirical Economics. Submitted 18 October 2006.
Kinnucan, H. W. Ø. Myrland. The Effectiveness of Antidumping Measures: Some Evidence for Farmed Atlantic Salmon. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 57 (2006): 459-477.
Kinnucan, H. W., and Ø. Myrland. Welfare Effects of Supply Expansion with Trade Restrictions: The Case of Salmon. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development. 2 (2006): 165-84.
Koo and Zhuang, The Role of Exchange Rate in Sino-U.S. Bilateral Trade, Contemporary Economic Policy, 45-3 (2007): 362-373.
Koo and Uhm, Effects of Dumping vs. Anti-dumping Measures: the U.S. Trade Remedy Laws Applied to Wheat Imports from Canada, Journal of World Trade (forthcoming).
Koo and Kennedy, The Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies on Global Welfare, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 88 (2006): 1219-1226.
Koo and Zhuang, U.S. Trade Deficit with China: the Role of Exchange Rate, Western
Economic Forum, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2006: 10-14.
Koo, Kennedy, and Sprencheko, Regional Preferential Trade Agreements: Trade Creation
and Diversion Effects, Review of Agricultural Economics (forthcoming on Nov. 2006)
Malik, Mostafa, Henry Thompson, and Osei Yeboah. 2006. FTAA and North Carolina Textile and Apparel: Adjustments in an Industrial Specific Factors Model. Submitted to Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade.
Mane, Ranjitsinh U. 2007. Impact of the trade reform under the Doha Round of WTO negotiations on global rice trade. M.S. thesis. Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
Mane, R and E.J. Wailes. 2006. Impacts of trade liberalization results from the Arkansas Global Rice Model. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007.
Mane, R. and E. Wailes. 2006. Impact of trade liberalization in rice: assessing alternative proposals. Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Long Beach, CA. July 2006.
Mattson and Koo, Effects of BSE Outbreaks on U.S. Cattle and Beef Prices, Review of
agricultural Economics (forthcoming)
Mutondo, Joao and Shida Henneberry. Reworking of the U.S. Meat Demand: A Source Differentiated Analysis, Abstract published in the Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, Forthcoming, December 2006.
Mutondo, Joao E. and Shida Rastegari Henneberry. Reworking of the U.S. Meat Demand: A Source Differentiated Analysis. Under the Review Process of the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Submission Date: November 3, 2006. Submission ID: 2006-0131.
Myles, Albert E., Albert J. Allen, and Saleem Shaik, Measuring the Impact of Natural Disasters on Key Sectors of the Food Industry in Mississippi, paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Meeting, October 15-18, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Norwood, Bailey and Shida Henneberry. Show me the Money: The Value of College Graduates as Expressed by Employers and Perceived by Students, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 88, No. 2, pages 484-498, May 2006.
Norwood, F. Bailey and Shida R. Henneberry. Employers Rank what they Seek for a New Hire. Feedstuffs, January 30, 2006.
Osei Yeboah, Henry Thompson, and Victor Ofori-Boadu. 2006. US Adjustments to Free Trade with China: A Focus on Pork Exports." Agricultural Economics Journal.
Penson, John B., Oral Capps, Jr., C. Parr Rosson, III and Richard T. Woodward. Introduction to Agricultural Economics, Prentice-Hall, Fourth Edition, 2006.
Rosson, Parr, Michelle Niemeyer and Flynn Adcock. Economic Impacts of Immigration Reform Options, October 25, 2006.
Rosson, Parr, Michelle Niemeyer, Marco Palma and Luis Ribera. Economic Impacts of Zebra Chip on the Texas Potato Industry, Center for North American Studies, Issue Brief, December 21, 2006.
Rosson, Parr, Flynn Adcock., and Alejandro Varela A Preliminary Study of Supply and Demand Balance and Market Windows for Chihuahua Agricultural Products. Mid-Project Report for the project entitled The North American Market for Chihuahua Agricultural Products. Delivered to Fundacion Produce, Chihuahua City, Chihuahua, Mexico, January 5, 2006.
Shaik, Saleem, Albert J. Allen, and Albert E. Myles, Enumerate the Impact of Global, Regional and Country Trade Agreements on U.S. Food Industry, paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Meeting, October 15-18, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Swift, Rebecca Little, Shida Henneberry, and Kim Anderson. Implications of Chinas WTO Concessions for the U.S. Wheat Industry. OSU Extension Facts No. F-605, Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agriculture, Oklahoma State University, March 2006.
Thompson, H., The applied theory of energy substitution in production, Energy Economics, July 2006, 410-25
Thompson, H., International Economics, World Scientific Publishing, 2nd edition, 2006
Tomlinson, Jackie Michelle Niemeyer The Economic Impacts of a Permenant Water Shortage in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Professional Study Paper, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. December 2006.
Wailes, E.J. 2006. Challenges and prospects for U.S. rice policy in the 2007 Farm Bill debate. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007.
Wailes, E.J. 2006. The 2007 Farm Bill debate: a balancing act. Arkansas Agriculture. Arkansas Farm Bureau. Vol 3 Issue 1. Little Rock, AR.
Wailes, E.J. and K.L. Young 2007. Economic analysis of the Grand Prairie Area Demonstration Project. SP 01 2007, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, January, 2007.
Wailes, E.J. and K.L. Young. 2006. Impact of the Bayou Meto Project on the Arkansas Economy. SP 01 2006. Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, January 2005.
Wilson, Norbert L. W. and Jesús Antón. Combining Risk Assessment and Economics in Managing a Sanitary-Phytosanitary Risk. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 88(February 2006):194-202