SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


NC 1013 Participants: <p> Bowen, Cathy ( Pennsylvania State University; DeVaney, Sharon ( Purdue University, IN; Enevoldsen, Bernadine ( South Dakota State University; Gorham, Elizabeth ( South Dakota State University; Gutter, Michael University of Wisconsin-Madison & ( Florida State University; Gustafson, Cole ( North Dakota State University; Hanna, Sherman ( Ohio State University; Hayhoe, Celia ( Virginia Polytechnic and State University; Mauldin, Teresa ( University of Georgia; Solheim, Catherine ( University of Minnesota; Porter, Nancy ( Clemson University, SC; Wise, Dena ( University of Tennessee; Schuchardt, Jane (JSCHUCHARDT@CSREES.USDA.GOV) CSREES-USDA Representative; and Douthitt, Robin (douthitt@WISC.EDU) Administrative Advisor. <p> August 10, 2007 Conference Call <p> Participants: Bowen (PA); DeVaney (IN); Gorham (SD); Gustafson (ND); Gutter (FL); Hayhoe (VA); Mauldin (GA); Porter (SC); Solheim (MN); Douthitt (Administrative Advisor) <p> July 13-14, 2007 Meeting at University of Minneapolis <p> Bowen (PA); DeVaney (IN); Gorham (SD); Gutter (WI); Gustafson (ND); Hayhoe (VA); Mauldin (GA); Solheim (MN); Porter (SC); & Douthitt, Robin (Administrative Advisor). <p> May 10, 2007 Conference Call <p> Participants: Bowen (PA); DeVaney (IN); Gorham (SD); Gutter (WI); Hanna (OH); Hayhoe (VA); Mauldin (GA); Porter (SC); Solheim (MN); & Wise (TN). <p> April 11, 2007 Conference Call Participants: Bowen (PA); DeVaney (IN); Enevoldsen (SD); Gorham (SD); Gutter (WI); Hayhoe (VA); Mauldin (GA); Porter (SC); Solheim (MN); Wise (TN); & Schuchardt (CSREES-USDA). <p> February 14, 2007 Conference Call <p> Participants: Bowen (PA); DeVaney (IN); Enevoldsen (SD); Gorham (SD); Gutter (WI); Hanna (OH); Mauldin (GA); Porter (SC); Solheim (MN); Wise (TN); & Schuchardt (CSREES-USDA). <p> January 10, 2007 Conference Call <p> Participants: DeVaney (IN); Gorham (SD); Gutter (WI); Hanna (OH); Hayhoe (VA); Mauldin (GA); Porter (SC); Wise (TN); & Schuchardt, Jane (CSREES-USDA). <p> December 14, 2006 Conference Call <p> Participants: Bowen (PA); DeVaney (IN); Enevoldsen (SD); Gorham (SD); Gutter (WI); Hanna (OH); Hayhoe (VA); Mauldin (GA); Solheim (MN); Porter (SC); Wise (TN); & Schuchardt, Jane (CSREES-USDA). <p> November 9, 2006 Conference Call <p> Participants: Bowen (PA); DeVaney (IN); Gorham (SD); Gutter (WI); Hayhoe (VA); Mauldin, (GA); Porter (SC); Wise (TN); Schuchardt (CSREES-USDA). <p>

Annual meeting of NC 1013 The NC 1013 Economic and Psychological Determinants of Household Savings Behavior research team met on the campus of the University of Minnesota on July 12 -13, 2007. In attendance: Bowen, Cathy ( Pennsylvania State University; DeVaney, Sharon ( Purdue University, IN; Gorham, Elizabeth ( South Dakota State University; Gutter, Michael ( University of Wisconsin-Madison; Gustafson, Cole ( North Dakota State University; Hayhoe, Celia ( Virginia Polytechnic and State University; Mauldin, Teresa ( University of Georgia; Solheim, Catherine ( University of Minnesota; Porter, Nancy ( Clemson University, SC; and Douthitt, Robin (douthitt@WISC.EDU) Administrative Advisor Absent: Wise, Dena ( University of Tennessee; Hanna, Sherman ( Ohio State University; and Schuchardt, Jane (JSCHUCHARDT@CSREES.USDA.GOV) CSREES-USDA Representative The focus of the annual meeting with threefold: funding, revisions to the theoretical framework and questionnaire, and renewal proposal. We welcomed a new member, Dr. Cole Gustafson from North Dakota. ACTIVITIES: Funding: Over the past several years the research team has submitted proposals for funding to the following: Citicorp, Financial Planning Association, Northwestern Mutual Foundation, and H&R Block. Northwestern Mutual Foundation funded the pilot study. We continue to explore possibilities for funding a nationally representative sample. (1) Northwestern Mutual Foundation, which funded the pilot of our questionnaire, is interested in providing additional funding to the project. Michael Gutter will continue to communicate with this contact to see whether they will fund the total project or need to seek additional partners. (2) H&R Block was not able to fund the project this year, however, the proposal was well received and will be forwarded into the 2008 funding cycle for consideration. H&R Block is very interested in supporting the exploratory study to test our revised theoretical framework with a sample of their clients. Several members of the research team will work closely with H&R Block contacts to move this process forward. (3) Other possible sources: Two other potential funding partners to approach if additional funding is needed were identified: Wachovia and Synovus. Theoretical Framework/Questionnaire: Feedback from Prochaska indicated that our instrument did not clearly fit his model. After discussion and presentation by Michael Gutter of the model he has been testing on financial behavior with college students, a model evolved to reflect a broader approach. This theoretical framework would continue to incorporate some psychological determinants but would also capture some socialization determinants as well. The more ecological perspective was preferred by the team. Several team members will work on refining this new approach. Time was then spent reviewing the questionnaire to determine whether or not questions captured the various factors in the revised theoretical framework. Renewal Proposal: After discussion of the model and positive response from H&R Block to help fund an exploratory study testing the revised model, the group felt it was appropriate to move forward with a renewal proposal.


MILESTONES: In the area of funding H&R Block is very interested in supporting an exploratory study using a sample of their clients and Northwestern Mutual Foundation is interested in providing additional support for the data collection of a nationally representative sample. For 2007, members of the research team have in press or published one book chapter, 15 articles in refereed journals, 16 articles in refereed conference proceedings, 7 presentations at professional conferences, and 22 extension publications related to the savings behavior project. In addition, seven grants related to this project have been funded. Plans for 2007-2008: 1. Work with H&R Block to carry out an exploratory study testing our proposed theoretical framework. 2. Write and submit renewal proposal. 3. Continue to work with potential funders for a study based on the new model and a nationally representative sample


  1. In 2007, according to current research, revisions were made to the model and questionnaire to reflect the addition of variables in this new model. Committee members are meeting with funders to conduct preliminary tests of the new model. Once the results are analyzed, the committee will seek additional funding for a nationally representative sample that would be large enough for the number of variables included in the model. A large sample size will be sought for the complex analyses needed to address our primary research questions. The sample size will be consistent with those of other national data sets.


Publications, Presentations, and Grants (2006-2007) 2007 Articles in Refereed Journals Allen, M. W., Edwards, R., Hayhoe, C. R., & Leach, L. (2007). Imagined interaction, attitudes towards money and credit, and family coalitions. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28(1), 3-22.

DeVaney, S. A., Anong, S., & Whirl, S. E. (2007). Household savings motives. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41(1) 174-186.

DeVaney, S. A., Anong, S., & Yang, Y. (2007). Asset ownership of Black and White families. Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(1), 2-14.

Fang, M. C., & Hanna, S. D. (2007). Racial/ethnic differences in risk tolerance in the 2004 Health and Retirement Study. Academy of Financial Services.

Gutter, M. S., Hayhoe, C. R., & Wang, L. (2007). Examining participation behavior in defined contribution plans using the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change. Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(1), 46-60.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Stevenson, M. (2007). Financial attitudes and inter vivo resource transfers from older parents to adult children. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28(1), 123-135.

ONeill, B., Schuchardt, J., Pankow, D., Porter, N., Seiling, S., Branch, J., & Miller, J. (2007). eXtension: A high tech resource for improving financial security. NEAFCS Reporter.

Rodriguez-Flores, A., & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). The effect of employment status on households emergency funds. Journal of Personal Finance, 5(4), 65-82.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings Cho, S. H., Fang, M. C., & Hanna, S. D. (2007). Who has emergency related savings goals? Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2007a). Credit constraints of U.S. households: The effect of race/ethnic group. Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2007b). Changes in stock ownership by race/Hispanic status, 1998-2004. Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2007c). Do lenders discriminate against Blacks and Hispanics? Academy of Financial Services.

Hanna, S. D., & Wang, C. (2007a). Racial/ethnic disparities in stock ownership: A decomposition analysis. Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Hanna, S. D., & Wang, C. (2007b). Racial/ethnic disparities in risky asset ownership: A decomposition analysis. Academy of Financial Services.

Lee, J., & Hanna, S. D. (2007). Attitudes toward using credit for loss of income. Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Wang, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2007). Household background risk and portfolio choices. Academy of Financial Services.

Presentations at Professional Conferences Cavanagh, J., Wise, D., & Shaffett, B. (2007). Personal financial management education for bankruptcy filers. 21st Century Families Conference, Little Rock, AR, April 17-19.

Neilson, B., Wise, D., & Berry, A. (2007). Financial education at the worksite. 21st Century Families Conference, Little Rock, AR, April 17-19.

Wise, D. (2007). The changing workplace. 21st Century Families Conference, Little Rock, AR, April 17-19.

Wise, D., Berry, A., & Gault, J. (2007). Building wealth through IDAs, homeownership and innovative banking products. Tennessee Council on Social Work Conference, April 3-5, Nashville, TN. Invited presenter.

Wise, D., & Taylor, S. (2007a). On my own financial education simulation. Tennessee JumpStart Teacher Training Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, June 20-22. Invited presenter.

Wise, D., & Taylor, S. (2007b). Ready to work. Tennessee JumpStart Teacher Training Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, June 20-22.

Extension Publications Bischoff, M., Gorham, E., Healy, B., Anderson, E. & Fritz, M. (2007). Legally secure your financial future: Organize, communicate, prepare eXtension website revision. Retrieved August 1, 2007 at under Financial Security for All.

Bittiker, D., Gorham, E., & Nicolai, D. (2007). (ExEx 14094) Fuel savings: Family transportation. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., Nicolai, D., & Bittiker, D. (2007). (ExEx 14092) Energy savings: Home appliances and lighting. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., Nicolai, D., & Bittiker, D. (2007). (ExEx 14093) Fuel savings: Home heating and cooling. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2007). Impact report for statewide Medicare Part D: Prescription drug insurance. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Electronic Publication.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2007). (354-066) Renters rights and responsibilities: The basics. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Nicolai, D., Gorham, E., and Bittiker, D. (2007). (ExEx 14095) Fuel savings: Farm/ranch enterprise. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Pankow, D., Schuchardt, J., Porter, N., Branch, J., O'Neill, B., Miller, J., Seiling, S., & Anderson, E. (2007). Financial security for all eXtension online, interactive web site.

Porter, N. M., & Schneider, M. R. (2007). Is a reverse mortgage right for you? FL 533. Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times - Sizing up your financial situation. HML 692-1 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times - Making the most of what you have. HML 692-2 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times - Controlling spending. HML 692-3 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times  Stretching your food dollar. HML 692-4 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times  Deciding which bills to pay first. HML 692-5 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times  Keeping a roof overhead. HML 692-6 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times  Meeting your insurance needs. HML 692-7 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Wise, D. (2007). On my own financial education simulation curriculum (Second edition). Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Grants Gorham, E. (2007). Promotion of High School Financial Planning Program: Launch of New Materials. National Endowment for Financial Education. $2000.

Gorham, E., & Swanson, N. (2007). Weaving Your Future: Teacher/AfterSchool Coordinator Training for Personal Finance of Native American Youth. Citigroup Foundation, Inc. through the SD 4-H Foundation. (2008-2009). $15,000.

Gutter, M. S., & Way, W. (2007) Financial Management Practices of College Students from States with Varying Financial Education Mandates. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). (2007-2008). $112,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2007). Virginia LifeSmarts. Various donors. $5,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2007). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) $2,000.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Financial Security for All Community of Practice. North Dakota State University Sub-Contract. $6,085.

Porter, N. M. (2007). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $2,000.

2006 Articles in Refereed Journals Bowen, C. F., & Jones, H. M. (2006). Empowering young adults to control their financial future. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 98(1), 33-39.

Gustafson, C. (2006, April). Engaging producers in risk management education. Journal of Extension. 44(2), 4.

Gustafson, C., & Nganje, W. (2006). Value of social capital to mid-sized northern plains farms. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 54, 421-38.

Gutter, M. S., & Fontes, A. (2006). Racial differences in risky asset ownership: A two-stage model of the investment decision making process. Financial Counseling and Planning, 17(2), 64-78.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Helping families in transition due to unemployment. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 13(1), 63-73.

Pankow, D. L., Porter, N. M., & Schuchardt, J. (2006, February). Training educators and community collaborators using a satellite videoconference format. Journal of Extension, 44(1), Article 1TOT6. Retrieved March 1, 2006 from

Rha, J. Y., Montalto, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). The effect of self-control mechanism on household savings behavior. Financial Counseling and Planning Education, 17(2), 3-16.

Sabri, M. F., Hayhoe, C. R., & Ai, G. L. (2006). The Psychology of Money: Gender and working sector comparison in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 14(2), 121-130.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings Bankston, J., Pankow, D., & Gorham, E. (2006). Educating consumers to legally secure their financial future. Educational Resource Exchange in Proceedings of the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association, Annual Conference, Knoxville, TN, February 23-25.

Bi, L., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Do financial planners serve the interests of their clients? Use of financial planners, credit card balances and liquid assets. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Chen, C. C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Changes in retirement adequacy, 1995-2001: Accounting for stages of retirement. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Chen S. C., & Hanna S. D. (2006). Change in retirement adequacy, 1995-2004: Accounting for stages of retirement, Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Chen, C. C, Peng, T. C., Evans, D. A., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Putting your money where your mouth is. Do households optimize their investment portfolios based on their subjective risk tolerance? Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Delpechitre, D., & DeVaney, S. A. (2006). Credit card usage by white, African American, and Hispanic households. Consumer Interests Annual.

Evans, D., Wang, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Factors related to meeting the five times annual income guideline for life insurance. Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2006). Subjective assessment of emergency fund adequacy. Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Protecting your retirement and other financial issues for family caregivers: What every adult child needs to know. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association Conference, Knoxville, TN.

Lee, J. H., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Factors related to consumer credit attitudes. Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Lindamood, S., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). The more financially knowledgeable person in older couple households. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

ONeill, B., Schuchardt, J., Weagley, R., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Starting over: Financial education for bankruptcy filers. Consumer Interest Annual, 22, 392-395.

Pankow, D. L., Schuchardt, J., Porter, N., Branch, J., O'Neill, B., & Miller, J. (2006). Creating an eXtension financial security community of practice. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, San Antonio, TX.

Rodriguez, A., & DeVaney, S. A. (2006). Women and net worth over the life cycle. Consumer Interests Annual.

Wang, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006a). Factors related to households owning and managing a business. Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Wang, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006b). The risk tolerance and stock-ownership of business-owning households. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Yang, Y., & DeVaney, S. A. (2006). Determinants of the extent of external search for information about savings and investment. Consumer Interests Annual.

Zhao, J., Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2006). Credit constraints and the debt service burden of households. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Presentations at Professional Conferences Porter, N. M. (2006). Financial security in later life. From baby boom to silver boom: Are we ready? Gerontology Research Interdisciplinary Team Symposium, Clemson University, Clemson, SC.

Solheim, C. A. (2006, May 3). Financial literacy enhancing asset-development. Presented at the Family Assets for Independence Minnesota Annual Conference, Alexandria, MN.

Vanderford, S.E., Mimura, Y., Mauldin, T., & Linnenbrink, M. (2006). Income resources of low-income families with children in the United States: Does family structure matter? Paper presented at the fall conference of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management, Madison, WI, November 2-4.

Wise, D. (2006). Marketing Tennessee Saves new programs. Tennessee FCS Professional Development Conference, Franklin, TN, August 1-4.

Wise, D. (2006). Financial education in the workplace. Tennessee FCS Professional Development Conference, Franklin, TN, August 1-4.

Wise, D. (2006). A success story: Using simulations to teach youth financial literacy skills. American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences Annual Conference & Expo, Charlotte, NC, June 22-25.

Wise, D. (2006) The changing workplace. Securing the Future of Tennessees Workforce Conference, Nashville, TN, June 8-9.

Wise, D. (2006). Financial education in the workplace. Securing the Future of Tennessees Workforce Conference, Nashville, TN, June 8-9.

Wise, D., & Berry, A. (2006). The minimalist guide to family financial management. Tennessee Joint Extension Association Meeting, Paris Landing State Park, TN, April 19-21. Invited presenter.

Wise, D., Gault, J., & Smith, K. (2006). Update: Bankruptcy education as a fee-based program. Tennessee FCS Professional Development Conference, Franklin, TN, August 1-4.

Extension Publications Berry, A., & Wise, D. (2006). Tools for money management: Tracking your spending instructions. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension Publication SP697-A.

Berry, A., & Wise, D. (2006). Do you have what it takes to deal with debt? Spotlighting Teen Issues for Teens. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Berry, A., & Wise, D. (2006). Does your teen have what it takes to deal with debt? Spotlighting Teen Issues for Parents. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Bischoff, M., Bankston, J., Gorham, E., Healy, B., & Anderson, E. (2006). Legally secure your financial future: Organize, communicate, prepare. Retrieved August 1, 2007 at under Financial Security for All.

Bowen, C. F. (2006). Four steps to a secure financial future. University Park, PA. The Pennsylvania State University.

Gorham, E. (2006). (EX14087) How to activate Medicare Part D prescription drug insurance, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2006). (EX14065) #8 How to talk to your children about money problems. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2006). (EX14065) #7 How to talk to your children about unemployment, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2006). (FS 912) When your income drops. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2006). (EX14077) When your income drops&survival strategies. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., & Huber, C. (2006). (EX14102) Enrolling in Medicare: Steps to take. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., & Huber, C. (2006). (EX14101) Exploring Medicare: Is it for me? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., & Pauly, N. (2006). (EX14088) How to enroll in Medicare Part D prescription drug insurance after May 15, 2006. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Hayhoe, C.R. (2006). (354-041) 2006 tax law changes. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). (354-103) Families taking charge  Talking with spouses. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Williamson, S. (2006). (392-103). Survivor management curriculum. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Porter, N. M. (2006). Revised choices budget planning game board. Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Wise, D., & Berry, A. (2006). Tools for money management: tracking your spending worksheet. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Wise, D., & Berry, A. (2006). Do you have what it takes to be on your own? Spotlighting Teen Issues for Teens. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Theses/Dissertations Directed Linnenbrink, M. L. (2006). Factors associated with savings and the achievement of savings goals in individual development accounts: Evidence from the American Dream Demonstration. Unpublished masters thesis, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Major Professor: Teresa Mauldin.

Grants Gorham, E. (2006). Promotion of the High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $1,000.

Gorham, E., Enevoldsen, B., & Boellaard, R. (2006). Economic and Psychological Determinants of Savings Behavior of South Dakota Native Americans. SDSU FCS/HDFCS Department Research Grant. $1,000.

Gorham, E., & Jennings, S. (2006). Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Insurance Sign-Up Campaign for Low-Income Eligible Beneficiaries and Medicare Education. National AARP. (2006-2007). $20,000.

Gorham, E., & Swanson, N. (2006). Weaving Your Future: Teacher Training for Personal Finance of Native American Youth. Citigroup Foundation, Inc. through the SD 4-H Foundation. (2007-2008). $15,000.

Gutter, M. S. (2006) The Economic and Psychological Determinants of Savings Behavior: Pilot. Northwestern Mutual Foundation. $32,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Bankruptcy Education Programs. U. S. Department of Justice, Office of the U. S. Trustees. $7,200.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Virginia LifeSmarts. Various donors. $5,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $2,000.

Johnson, L. N., Carswell, A. T., Palmer, L., Leonas, K. K., Moss, J. K., Mauldin, T., Mullis, R. M., & Bower, D. (2006-2007). The Effectiveness of Life Skills Literacy: A Pilot Study. University of Georgia, Poverty and Economy Faculty Research Grants Program. $20,808.

Johnson, L. N., Carswell, A. T., Palmer, L., Leonas, K. K., Moss, J. K., Mauldin, T., Mullis, R. M., & Bower, D. (2006). Life Skills Literacy Services. Georgia Department of Human Resources  Clarke County Office. (2007-2008). $15,000.

Mauldin, T. A., Mimura, Y., Koonce, J., Rupured, M., & Jordon, J. (2006). Intergenerational Transmission of Savings Behavior and Family Communication. Take Charge America Institute for Consumer Financial Education and Research. (2006-2007). $3,500.

Mincemoyer, C., Bowen, C., & Furry, M. (2006). Reading Makes Cents: A 4-H Afterschool Financial Literacy Curriculum. USDA/CSREES. (2006-2009). $20,961.

Porter, N. M. (2006). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $2,000.

Porter, N. M. (2006). Financial Security for All Community of Practice. North Dakota State University Sub-Contract. $5,650.

Solheim, C. A. (2006). Financial Management in Immigrant Families. University of Minnesota Grant-In-Aid. (July 2006  January 2008). $24,956.

Wise, D. (2006) Teaching Young Tennesseans to Manage Money. First Tennessee Foundation. (2007-2017). $500,000.

Yao, R., & Gorham, E. (2006). Factors That Affect the Risk Tolerance of Chinese Households in the US. SDSU FCS Research/Scholarship Support Fund 2006 (continuing status) (2006-2007). $4,995.

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