SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Roy Kirkwood [] Michigan; John Parrish [] Wisconsin; Matt Wilson [] West Virginia; Lloyd L Anderson [] Iowa; Timothy J. Safranski [] Missouri; Joe Ford [] USDA-MARC; David Miller [] Illinois; Duane Davis [] Kansas; Mark Diekman [] Indiana; Brett White [] Nebraska; John Baker [] Michigan;

The annual meeting of the NCERA-57 was called to order by John Baker, Committee Advisor, at 8:26 AM on Wednesday May 30. John introduced Jeff Armstrong, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Jeff welcomed us to campus and invited a discussion about the college and USDA/HATCH issues. In particular, USDA would not have new funds but would redistribute them differently in the future. There was also discussion about how to deal with animal facilities long-term at a College of Agriculture. This included the impact of AAALAC accreditation on operation of animal facilities. Finally Jeff indicated the college was doing well with many new hires. Jeff then introduced Karen Plaut, head of Animal Sciences. She explained the Animal Science Department structure and how it worked. In particular, the reproduction area focuses on dairy but many model species are utilized. There are approximately 300 undergraduates and 100, 2 year, Ag-Tech students with approximately 40 staff. There is an increasing emphasis on transitioning classes to include companion animals as seen in other Animal Science departments across the country. John Baker next went over NCERA-57. Currently, Roy Kirkwood is president, John Parrish is vice-president and Dave Guthrie is the secretary. Minutes of the meeting will be taken by John Parrish and sent to Dave Guthrie who could not attend this year. The renewal process was then reviewed. The rewrite of the committee will need to be done by assigning a writing committee to prepare draft and issues for the 2008 meeting. The committee should be assigned in Jan 2008 with a report at the May 2008 meeting. The rewrite should focus on the success of the symposiums, NRI proposal. It was also mentioned that everyone should look at the NIMMS site and our own website for information on the committee. John Parrish also asked each member to submit some impact statements for use in the NIMMS report. Deb Hamernik, the CSREES representative could not attend and her report was emailed to all committee members. Roy Kirkwood next addressed the meeting logistics. Duane Davis went over the NRI Integrated Project Proposal that was submitted by he and Dave Guthrie entitledSeasonal Infertility in Swine: Research and educational goals to enhance the profitability and sustainability of the swine industry discussing the criticisms of the reviewers. It was decided that some of the members would agree to test of the teaching material at their university and participate in the rewrite. Duane will be heading up the teaching section and we hoped that Dave Guthrie would again head the research section. The station reports then began and continued until 3:15 PM when we traveled to the Diagnostic Center Population and Animal Health building for a tour. We were welcomed at the building by Steve Bolin who gave us a most interesting tour. Great discussion of many topics occurred at dinner. The business meeting was called to order on Thursday May 31 by John Baker who found the gavel and used it to open the business meeting. The committee welcomed Matt Wilson as the representative from West Virginia. It was then mentioned the pointer was missing and Mark Diekman will ensure it is present at the meeting next year. The tentative dates for the next meeting are June 25-26, 2008 at Purdue University. On Wednesday morning we would have station reports and then travel to JBS United, Sheridan Indiana, for a symposium. Station reports and the business meeting will then be on Thursday. Tim Safranski, Mark Diekman, Joe Ford and Matt Wilson will serve as the program committee. Although several topics were suggested, the program committee will discuss topics in consultation with JBS United. The late nature of the meeting was due to an early date for SSR and Mark Diekman's previous commitments. Matt Wilson was elected by unanimous vote to be the new secretary (was that a surprise!). John Parrish reminded everyone of the website for the committee and asked if station reports could be distributed on the website with a password protection. It was decided that we would do this so a record of station reports could be kept for future members and be located all in one spot. A password was discussed but will be distributed only to members of the committee. A further discussion of the NRI proposal was then conducted. It was suggested the focus stay the same but with some changes to the teaching section which will be addressed via email discussion among the members. A big thanks was then extended to Roy Kirkwood for hosting the meeting and making all the arrangements, following which we returned to station reports. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM with the passing of the gavel to John Parrish. Thanks to John Parrish for recording the minutes for me. Respectively submitted Dave Guthrie, Secretary, NCERA-57


1. A CSREES NRI integrated research proposal was submitted in November of 2006 entitled Seasonal Infertility in Swine: Research and Educational Goals to Enhance the Profitability and Sustainability of the Swine Industry. The proposal was not funded in 2007 and the co- principal investigators Dave Guthrie and Duane Davis with the help of other committee members will revise the proposal and re-submit for funding in 2008. 2. John Parrish is commended for making great progress in the development of the website for the committee /ncera57/index.html 3. Planning was started was started for the 2008 symposium with Tim Safranski, Mark Diekman, Joe Ford and Matt Wilson serving as the program committee. The tentative plan is to travel to JBS United, Sheridan Indiana, for the symposium on Wednesday. Station reports and the business meeting will then be on Thursday. The topics and title of the symposium will be developed by the program committee in consultation with JBS United. 4. Collaborations: Scientists at University of Nebraska, Lincoln and USDA-MARC have established a collaboration to examine the association between polymorphisms within the promoter for the GNRH gene and FSH production in swine. This research could lead to genetic tests for fertility as well as new methods for improvement of sperm production and litter size in swine. Dave Guthrie and Joe Ford will continue a collaboration on the genetics of the genetics of post-thaw sperm survival in swine. During the past four years we have investigated 12 boar sire lines at the USDA Meat Animal Research Center which were shipped to Beltsville for analysis of viability after cryopreservation. Two of these lines have maintained significantly greater post-thaw survival than the others. The MARC group has developed sets genetic markers spanning the entire genome have been genotyped on all sires of the BX population, a large group of sows born in 2004 and 1008 gilts born in 2005. The set of markers includes over 100 microsatellite markers and approximately 200 SNP markers. We will continue this work to link the trait of sperm cryosurvival to microsatellite markers and single nucleotide polymorphisms.


  1. Mechanisms of Protein Secretion: Cellular protein transport and secretion is fundamental to the very existence of an organism, regulating important physiological functions such as reproduction, digestion, energy production, growth, neurotransmission, hormone release, water and ion transport, all required for the survival and maintenance of homeostasis within an organism. Only in the last 20 years, the general molecular mechanism of the process has come to light, following discovery of key proteins involved in ER-Golgi transport, and discovery of the porosome - the universal secretion machinery in cells.
  2. In vitro pig embryo production/development: Apoptosis has been demonstrated to occur during preimplantation development both in vivo and in vitro and it is believed to contribute to early embryonic loss. Nuclei of different donor cells support the development to various degrees and confirm previous reports using non-differentiated cells as nuclear donors increase the efficiency of nuclear transfer in the pig. Treatment of oocytes with cycloheximide followed by electroporation is an effective activator of porcine embryonic development. Porcine oocytes can be successfully matured in defined maturation media without gonadotropins, when the media contains fetuin, recombumin and EGF.
  3. Development of the pituitary secreting cells of the young pig: Fluorescence immunocytochemistry revealed specific spatial distribution patterns of somatotrophs, mammotrophs, and mammosomatotrophs. Results of these studies strongly suggest regional specificity of cellular transformation or interconversion to facilitate growth hormone and prolactin secretion as the need for endocrine regulation during the period of rapid growth in the young pig.
  4. Assisted reproductive technology to improve fertility: The committee has demonstrated improvements in the protocols for the use of exogenous gonadotrophins in swine breeding. These improvements allow for the maintenance of fertility of multiparous sows and 10 to 15% increases in farrowing rates of primiparous sows. Using single inseminations of fewer sperm it is possible to reduce the labor costs associated with animal breeding as well as reducing semen costs by 50 to 75%. It was shown that it is possible to mix unfamiliar sows into groups for gestation from 3-weeks after insemination with no detriment sow fertility.
  5. Boar sperm shape associated with semen quality: Analysis of sperm nuclear shape using Fourier Harmonic Analysis was shown to detect changes in sperm shape associated with reduced fertility associated with not only different males but also for individual ejaculates within a male that had reduced fertility Fourier harmonic analysis of sperm nuclear shape was applied to porcine sperm and shown to detect shape changes due to sperm storage at 16°C.


Almond, G.W., Flowers, W.L. Batista, L. and D'Allaire, S., 2006. Diseases of the reproductive system. In: Diseases of Swine, 9th edition. B. Straw. J. Zimmerman, S. DAllaire, and D. Taylor (eds.) Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA, pp. 113-148. Wilhelms, K.W., G.A. Kraus, J.D. Schroeder, J.W. Kim, S.A. Cutler, M.A. Rasmussen, L.L. Anderson and C.G. Scanes. 2006. Evaluation of corn-furan fatty acid putative endocrine disruptors on reproductive performance in adult female chickens. Poult. Sci. 85:1795-1797. Wilhelms, K.W., S.A. Cutler, J.A. Proudman, R.V. Carsia, L.L. Anderson and C.G. Scanes. 2006. Lack of effects of atrazine on estrogen-responsive organs and circulating hormone concentrations in sexually immature female Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Chemosphere 65:674-681. Wilhelms, K.W., S.A. Cutler, J.A. Proudman, L.L. Anderson and C.G. Scanes. 2006. Effects of atrazine on sexual maturation in female Japanese quail induced by photostimulation or exogenous gonadotropin. 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