SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Governance: Sharon Seiling, Chair; Leslie Richards, Vice Chair for Data Management; Jo Swanson, Vice Chair for Dissemination, Communications; Susan Churchill, Secretary/Treasurer; Janet Bokemeier, Administrative Advisor, Caroline Crocoll, CSREES Liaison. Offical representatives: Minnesota: Jean Bauer (UMN); Maryland: Bonnie Braun (UMD); Nebraska: Susan Churchill (UNE-L); New Hampshire: Elizabeth Dolan (UNH); Kentucky: Patricia Dyk (UKY); South Dakota: Donna Hess (SDS); Michigan: David Imig (MSU); Louisiana: Frances Lawrence (LSU); Massachusetts: Sheila Mammem (UMass-A); New York: Christine Olson (Cornell); Oregon: Leslie Richards (OSU); Ohio: Sharon Seiling (OSU); California: Karen Varcoe (UC-R). No representatives from Iowa or Indiana. Other participants: Don Arwood, South Dakota State University; Ann Berry, Louisiana State University; Janet Bokemeier, Michigan State University; Laurie Bullock, Michigan State University; Caroline Crocoll, USDA; Megan Dolan, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Mary Jo Katras, University of Minnesota; Suzann Knight, University of New Hampshire; Martha Lopez, University of California-Riverside; Margaret Manoogian, Ohio University; Gretchen May and Shirley Mietlicki, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Lenna Ontai-Grzebik, University of California-Davis; Vicki Plano Clark and Kathy Prochaska-Cue, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Kathy Reschke, Ohio State University; Yoshie Sano, Oregon State University; Leigh Ann Simmons, University of Kentucky; Josephine Swanson, Cornell University.

Brief Summary: The Annual Meeting had two major foci. The first was for working groups to report on this past years productivity and plan their work for the coming year. The second focus was to update the team about funding from NRI and the subcontracts from that grant. Work Towards Objectives: Data collection and analyses: Data collection is ongoing for the two states added to the project (IA and SD). A preliminary Wave 3 data set is posted on FTP site, but it is not yet finalized. A discussion about missing data, employment, and income occurred in order to update the group about how these will be approached. For Wave 1 data there are three panels: Panel 1 (15 states), Panel 2 (2 states, OH & WV), Panel 3 (2 states IA & SD). NRI Update: Starting September 1, 2004 there are funds for two years for dissemination and research related to labor force participation, health (including food security), and social support. The NRI grant focuses on these three topics and longitudinal analysis. Each state will get computerized resources for MAXQDA and there are forty bridge calls each year for research teams. There is a subcontract at Oregon State which supports a data manager who will start January 1, 2005. The project manager at University of Minnesota is funded through this grant and has already started. A community database will be constructed via a subcontract with South Dakota. This will contain indicators of community context for the three areas. Working Groups: The Working Groups reported on their activities, publications, and presentations over the past year. A summary of productivity is given at the end of this report. Workshop: Vicki Plano Clark from Nebraska presented a workshop on current mixed-methods methodology, including some information on combining MAXQDA and SPSS. She works with John Creswell, one of the leading researchers in the mixed-methods field. Future Work: Templates for ways of disseminating information about the project were distributed. The Vice Chair for Dissemination & Communications requested feedback on them. Next years meeting will be in Portland, OR. The meeting will be October 5, 6, 7, 2005



  1. Special issue of "Family Relations" devoted to rural low income families. Patricia Dyk (UKY) was special editor. Several team members had papers accepted for this issue.
  2. Twenty-three presentation were given at conferences.
  3. Nineteen papers were published.
  4. Seven Masters theses were completed.
  5. Three doctoral dissertations were completed.


Bauer, J. W. (2004). Basebook report. Low income rural families: Tracking their well-being and functioning in the context of welfare reform. Retrieved from Braun, B. (2003). Narrowed paths to economic well-being. Commissioned for distribution to members of the Maryland press by the University of Maryland Office of University Relations. Retrieved from: Braun, B. (2003). Barriers to mental health access for rural residents. Testimony presented at the request of the Maryland General Assemblys Access to Mental Health Task Force. Retrieved from: Braun, B. & Anderson, E. A. (2004). A multi-state, mixed methods study of rural, low-income families. In Bengtson, V., Acock, A., Allen, K. Dilworth-Anderson, P., & Klein, D. (Eds.). Sourcebook of family theory and research. Minneapolis, MN: National Council on Family Relations. Braun, B., & Marghi, J.R. (2003). Rural families speak: Faith, resiliency, and life satisfaction among low income mothers. Michigan Family Review, 8(1), 9-18. Braun, B. & Marghi, J. R. (2003). Faith as a resiliency factor for rural, low-income mothers. National Council on Family Relations Report, 48, 4 (December), F6, F8. Dyk, P. H., Braun, B., Simmons, L. A. (2004, August). Low income rural womens well-being: A case for customizing policy. In 2004 Proceedings of the Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA. Dyk, P. H. & Bauer, J. W. (2004, April). Rural low-income families: Tracking their well-being and function in an era of welfare reform. (Policy Brief) Minneapolis, MN: National Council on Family Relations. Garrison, M.E.B., Marks, L. D., Lawrence, F., C., & Braun, B. (In press). Religious beliefs, faith community involvement and depression: A study of rural, low-income mothers. Women and Health. Grutzmacher, S. & Braun, B. (2004). Food resource management: Key to food security outcomes among rural, low-income families. Retrieved from: Katras, M.J., Zuiker, V.S., & Bauer, J.W. (2004). Private safety net: Childcare resources from the perspective of rural low-income families. Family Relations, 53, 201-209. Kim, E-J., Seiling, S. B., & Varcoe, K. (2004). Rural poor womens medical service use: Does race make a difference? In Fox, J. J. (Ed), Proceedings of the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association, February 7- 9, 2004. Orlando, FL., 59-70. Kohler, J., Anderson, E., Oravecz, L., &.Braun, B. (2004). Relationship constellations and dynamics of low-income rural mothers. Affilia Journal of Women and Social Work l9(2), 160-173. Lawrence, F. C., Tiller, V., Burczyk-Brown, J. J., & Berry A. A. (2004). Rural low-income families speak: Living in rural Louisiana (Research Information Sheet #109). Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana Agricultural Center, 1-12. Mammen, S., Lawrence, F., Seiling, S., Varcoe, K., & Kiss, E. (2004). Rural working families use of earned income credit. In (Fox, J. J., Ed.) Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the Eastern Family Economics-Resource Management Association, 14. Olson, C. M., Anderson, K., Kiss, E., Lawrence, F. C., & Seiling, S. B. (2004). Factors protecting against and contributing to food insecurity among rural families: a mixed-methods analysis. Family Economics and Nutrition Review, 16, (1) 12-20. Reschke, K., & Walker, S. (2003). The continuum of compromise: Low income rural womens strategies for balancing work and caregiving. Ohio State University and University of Maryland, College Park. Simmons-Wescott, L. A. & Braun, B. (2004). Depression: A deterrent to psychological well-being among poor, rural mothers. National Council on Family Relations Report, F5-F7. Swanson, J., Lawrence, F., Anderson, K., & Olson, C. (2004). Low-income rural families: How formal and informal supports address food needs. In (Fox, J. J., Ed.) Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the Eastern Family Economics-Resource Management Association, 27-29.
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