SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


ATTENDEES OF THE 2002 ANNUAL MEETING INCLUDE:; Mahbub Alam, Kansas State University (Tuesday and Wednesday); Brian Boman, University of Florida (Tuesday); Bill Branch, Louisianna State University AgCenter; Carl Camp, ARS, North Carolina; Gary Clark, Kansas State University, (Thursday); Dorota Haman, University of Florida; Terry Howell, USDA-ARS, Bushland, Texas; Sal Locascio, University of Florida; Freddie Lamm, Kansas State University; Alan Lakso, Cornell University, Geneva, NY; Carl Motsenbocker, Louisianna State University AgCenter (Tuesday); Mick O'Neill, New Mexico State University; Manuel Palada, University of the Virgin Islands; Larry Parsons, University of Florida; Dana Porter, Texas A&M University; Danny Rogers, Kansas State University, (Thursday); Larry Schwankl, University of California, Davis; Ken Shackel, University of California, Davis; Clinton Shock, Oregon State University, Ontario; Tom Spofford, NRCS (Tuesday and Wednesday); Craig Stanley, Braden, University of Florida (Tuesday and Wednesday)

W-128 Meeting was convened on Tuesday, October 22, 2002, New Orleans, LA
The meeting was called to order by W-128 President, Dana Porter at 9:39 AM.

October 22, 2002

Business meeting:

1. The minutes from the 2001 meeting were distributed and approved

2. Clint is secretary and Larry Schwankl is the incoming chair

3. A committee was appointed to find a new secretary for 2003: Freddie Lamm, Ken Shackel, Craig Stanley, and Larry Parsons

4. We need to start considering dates and locations for the next meeting. Dovetailing with another meeting was discussed

5. We need to look at the project and decide if there should be major changes. Clint passed along Mike Burkes comment that the project was in pretty good shape and needed revision, not a major rewrite

6. State Reports from: Ken Shackel-California, Larry Schwankl-California, Carl Motsenbocker & Bill Branch-Louisiana, Mick O‘Neill-New Mexico, Alan Lakso-New York, Carl Camp-North Carolina, Terry Howell-Texas, Craig Stanley-Florida

October 23, 2002

Field Tour

October 24, 2002

Business meeting:

-Larry asked that all reports of publications, presentations, and students be sent to him

-State reports need to be sent to Clint Shock for posting on the web

-Discussion of the project revision

-Possible title: Increased efficiency and sustainability of natural resource systems through microirrigation

Objectives: Volunteers for each objective
1. Management strategies: Larry Schwankl
2. Design and components: Gary Clark
3. Decision criteria: Reasons in addition to the economics. Most of us can contribute something. Freddie Lamm.

Many of the problems are hardware related according to Freddie Lamm.

Sal, much of the adoption is related to water availability.

4. Educational activities. Clint Shock

-Everyone should send their information on what they intend to do by January 15, 2003 to the objective coordinators

-Once the objectives are done, then we will work over the rest of the project and literature review

-Who is going to take overall responsibility? Larry, Freddie and Clint volunteered to do it

-State Reports from: Sal Locascio-Florida, Dorota Haman-Florida, Larry Parsons-Florida, Manuel Palada-Virgin Islands, Clinton Shock-Oregon, Gary Clark-Kansas, Freddie Lamm-Kansas, Dana Porter-Texas




Microirrigation Management of Orchard Crops-Tehama County,CA

Irrigation Scheduling of Tree Crops-Lake County,CA

Drip Irrigation Systems in Wine Grapes-Sonoma County,CA

Irrigation Scheduling of Walnuts-Yolo County,CA

Microsprinklers, Minisprinklers, & Solid-set Sprinklers in Trees-Colusa County,CA field day

Irrigation Systems in Almond Production-Shortcourse, UC Davis

Annual meeting of the California Almond Board, December,2001

Annual meeting of the California Dried Plum Advisory board, December,2001


W. Ha, R. S. Mansell, C. D. Stanley, A. Olsen. Diurnal thermal regimes in plastic-covered soil beds & implications for pesticide fate/transport. 2002 Agronomy Abstracts. Annual Meetings of the Amer. Soc. Agron., Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., Crop Sci. Soc. Amer., Indianapolis, IN, Nov 10-14,2002

A. Olsen, D. Shinde, R. Mansell, C. D. Stanley, W. Ha. Simulated & observed diurnal distributions of thermal regimes in soil beds with polyethylene cover. 2002 Agronomy Abstracts. Annual Meetings of the Amer. Soc. Agron., Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., & Crop Sci. Soc. Amer., Indianapolis, IN, Nov 10-14,2002

R. S. Mansell, C. D. Stanley, A. Olsen, W. Ha. Diurnal distributions of hydrothermal regimes in plastic covered soil beds during tomato production. 2002 Agronomy Abstracts. Annual Meetings of the Amer. Soc. Agron., Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., & Crop Sci. Soc. Amer., Indianapolis, IN, Nov 10-14,2002

C. D. Stanley. 2002. Effect of Water Table Depth & Irrigation Method on
Water Use & Fruit Yields for Subirrigated Tomato Production. 2002 Agronomy Abstracts. Annual Meetings of the Amer. Soc. Agron., Soil Sci. Soc. Amer., & Crop Sci. Soc. Amer., Indianapolis, IN, Nov 10-14,2002

Parsons, L. R., T. A. Wheaton, W. S. Castle. Citrus rootstock response to irrigation rates with reclaimed water. XXVI Int. Hort. Congress. Toronto. p. 518

A. D Susila Presented a paper on "Sulfur fertilization for polyethylene-mulched cabbage Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 10-12,2001 Stuart, FL

Taylor, M. D. "Incidence of blossom end rot & fruit firmness of tomato affected by irrigation quantity & calcium source". Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, June 2-4,2002 at Marco Isl&, FL

Performance of Line Source Emitters under Fertigation Using Leachate from On-farm Anaerobic Digester  23rd Irrigation Association Annual International Irrigation Conference, October 25,2002

Efficient irrigation techniques including microirrigation. October 28,2002

Effective Irrigation Management in Ornamental Container Nurseries-Bradenton, FL May 30,2002

Effective Irrigation Management in Ornamental Container Nurseries-Quincy, FL September 26,2002

Improving irrigation efficiency - new production systems for container nursery production. Homestead Florida January 17,2002


Presentation at Muscatine Isl& Research Farm Summer Field Tour, July 16,2002. Title: Irrigation scheduling techniques for pepper production;


Lamm, F. R. & T. P. Trooien. Irrigation capacity & plant population effects on corn production using SDI. Pioneer Agronomy Conference, February 26-March 1,2002, Kansas City, MO


O‘Neill, Mick, Renae Pablo, Todd Begay. Subsurface Drip Irrigation in Northwestern New Mexico. February 15,2002. Agronomy & Horticulture Graduate Enrichment Seminar Series. New Mexico State University. Las Cruces, NM

ONeill, Mick, Dan Smeal, Rick Arnold. Subsurface drip irrigation in northwestern New Mexico. NMSU College of Agriculture, Annual All College Conference. January 3-4,2002. New Mexico State University. Las Cruces, New Mexico

ONeill, Mick, Dan Smeal, Rick Arnold. Subsurface drip irrigation in northwestern New Mexico. Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Agriculture Conference, March 20-21,2002, Las Cruces, NM‘02)_files/slide0001.htm

ONeill, Mick, Dan Smeal, & Rick Arnold. Subsurface drip irrigation in northwestern New Mexico. Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Agriculture Conference, March 20-21,2002, Las Cruces, NM

O‘Neill, Mick, Renae Pablo, & Todd Begay. Development & Evaluation of Subsurface Drip Irrigation for Northwestern New Mexico. W-128, Western Regional Collaborative Project for Microirrigation Research. November 6-8,2001.San Antonio, TX

4 Drip Irrigation Workshops/Seminars;


International Workshop of Functional-Structural Tree & St& Models, Montreal, Canada,2001

NY Wine Industry Workshop, Geneva, NY,2002

British Columbia Grape/Wine Symposium, Penticton, BC,2002

International Horticultural Congress - Toronto, Canada,2002

Keynote on Grape Water Relations & Irrigation for Viticulture Symposium

Poster in Stress Symposium (D. Dragoni senior author)

Irrigation Association National Meeting - New Orleans October2002

W-128 Multistate Annual Meeting - New Orleans October2002

Finger Lakes Grape Twilight Meeting on Drought Stress & Wine Quality; July2002


Bertolino, A.V.F.A., A.P. Souza, N.F. Fern&es, A.M. Rangel, T.M.P. de Campos, & C.C. Shock. Monitoring the field soil matrix potential using mercury tensiometer & granular matrix sensors, Unsaturated Soils. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT 2002), Recife, Brazil (ed. Juca, J.F.T., de Campos, T.M.P. & Marinho, F.A.M.). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, Vol. 1, pp. 335-338

Shock, C.C., E.B.G. Feibert, L.D. Saunders, & E.P. Eldredge. 2002. Automation of subsurface drip Irrigation for crop research. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. World Congress on Computers in Agriculture & Natural Resources. Iguagu Falls, Brazil. pp. 809-816

Shock, C.C., E.P. Eldredge, & L.D. Saunders. Irrigation criteria & drip tape placement for ‘Umatilla Russet‘ potato production. International Irrigation Show 2002 Proceedings, The Irrigation Association. New Orleans, LA. October 24-26. p 8

Eldredge, E.P., C.C. Shock, & L.D. Saunders. 2002. Early & late harvest potato cultivar response to drip irrigation. 26th International Horticultural Congress & Exhibition. Toronto, Canada. August. p 123 (abst)

Shock, C.C., E.B.G. Feibert, L.D. Saunders. 2002. Drip-irrigated onion more responsive to plant population than to fertilizer nitrogen. 26th International Horticultural Congress & Exhibition. Toronto, Canada. August. p 97-98 (abst)

Feibert, E. B. G., C. C. Shock, & L. D. Saunders. March 21,2002. Improving irrigation efficiency for onions. Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Agriculture, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM

Shock, C. C. January 23,2002. Construction & operation of a cost effective SDI system for alfalfa seed production. Idaho/Oregon Alfalfa Seed Growers Winter Meeting, Nampa, ID

Shock, C. C. January 17,2002. Irrigation management in relation to potato & onion diseases. 2002 Intermountain Pest Management Seminar, Klamath Falls, OR

Shock, C.C., E.B.G. Feibert, & L.D. Saunders. February,2002. Plant Population & Nitrogen Fertilization for Subsurface Drip-irrigated Onions. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Malheur County Onion Growers & the Idaho Onion Growers, Ontario, OR

Feibert, E.B.G. & C.C. Shock. July 10,2002. Can onion production benefit from ultra low flow tape? Will this increase the yield of drip-irrigate onions? What irrigation frequency is needed? Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

Shock, C.C., & E.B.G. Feibert. July 10,2002. Pruning & micro irrigation of poplar for saw logs & peeler logs. Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

Eldredge, E.P. & C.C. Shock. July 10,2002. Are there potato varieties more suitable for Malheur County production & early harvest than Shepody (grown under drip irrigation)? Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

Tschida, A., A. Akin, L. Unlenen, & C.C. Shock. July 10,2002. Monitoring soil moisture movement under low flow & ultra low flow drip tape & irrigation strategies for drip-irrigated potato. Malheur Experiment Station

Jensen, L. & C.C. Shock. July 10,2002. AM 400 for irrigation scheduling. Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

Shock, C.A., & C.C. Shock. July 10,2002. Prediction of potato late blight. Malheur Experiment Station Field Day

Akin, A.I., L.A. Unlenen, C.C. Shock, A. Tschida. July 10,2002. Fate of 15N stable isotope labeled urea in low flow & ultra low flow drip irrigated Russet Burbank & Umatilla Russet potatoes. Malheur Experiment Station Field Day


The Soil & Water Management Research Unit‘s web site was upgraded to include a new page specifically for microirrigation. for papers

Steve Evett delivered the seminar "ARS - NRCS Cooperative Efforts in Water Management" at the USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory, Oxford, MS, 2002, to ARS & University of Mississippi researchers & Mississippi State & NRCS extension personnel

Steve Evett, & Dennis Carman of NRCS, presented "Research Needs in Water Management" to the Arkansas Irrigated Agriculture Coalition in Little Rock, AR, on July 16,2001, where they projected a strategic plan for ARS-NRCS-university joint irrigation & water quality research in the Lower Mississippi River Valley

Terry Howell presented "New Ideas for Improving Irrigation Water Use Efficiency" at the Great Plains Foundation Symposium, Protection & Utilization of Air & Water Resources of the Great Plains‘, Texas A&M Center, Amarillo, April 1-3,2002


23rd Annual International Irrigation Show & Conference in New Orleans, LA, October 24-26,2002. 2 papers:
1)Yield & Irrigation Water Use of Fruit Vegetables Grown with Plastic & Straw Mulch in the U.S. Virgin Islands
2)Utilization of Recycled Aquaculture Water & Effluents for Forage & Vegetable Crops in the U.S. Virgin Islands

Annual meeting of W-128 Regional project on microirrigation in New Orleans, LA on October 22-24,2002. Presented the progress of our work on drip irrigation with hot peppers & eggplant

98th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science in Sacramento, California on July 22-25,2001. Presented a poster titled Drip Irrigation of Fresh Market Tomatoes Under Organic & Synthetic Mulch;


Zhang, R.,2000. Estimating soil hydraulic properties from the disk infiltrometer. Groundwater/Vadose Zone Integration Project Advanced Vadose Zone Characterization Workshop, Richl&, Washington (inv)

Huang, G., & R. Zhang,2000. An analytical solution of effective hydraulic conductivity. The Chinese-Israeli International Bilateral Workshop on Water Saving Agriculture. Beijing, China (inv)

Zhang, R., H. Huang, & L. Ren. 2000. A generalized transfer function model for chemical transport in soils. American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

Huang, G, R. Zhang, S. Feng, W. Zhan, L. Gan. 2000. Spatial variability of unsaturated flow: Field study. American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

Hao, X., R. Zhang, & S. Kang. 2000. Modeling nitrate transport & root uptake under different irrigation practices. American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

Hao, X., & R. Zhang. 2001. Modeling nitrate transport & root uptake under different irrigation practices. American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America National Meeting, Charlotte, NC

Tan, Y., & R. Zhang. 2001. Modeling nitrate transport & root uptake under different irrigation practices. American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America National Meeting, Charlotte, NC

Zhang, R. 2002. Spatial variability & scale dependency in the porous media. Research Institute of Mathematics & System Science, the Academy of Science of China, Beijing (inv)

Zhang, R. 2002. Best management practices in irrigation. The Northwest Agricultural University, Yanglin (inv)




Abidine, A. Z., B. C. Heidman, S. K. Upadhyaya, and D. J. Hills. 2002. Application of RTK GPS based auto-guidance system in agricultural production. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper Number 02-1152. 11 pages including 2 tables and 5 figures. July.

Hills, D. J. and M. J. Brenes. 2001. Microirrigation of Wastewater Effluent Using Drip Tape. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17(3):303-308.

Lampinen, B.D, K.A. Shackel, S.M. Southwick, W.H. Olson, 2001. Deficit irrigation strategies using midday stem water potential in prune. Irrig. Sci. 20:47-54.

Schwankl, L.J., 2003 (in press). Filtration and Particulate Removal. Encyclopedia of Water Science. Marcel Dekker.

Schwankl, L.J. In press. Fertigation. Pistachio Production Manual. University of California  Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Schwankl, L.J. In press. Irrigation Systems. Pistachio Production Manual. University of California  Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Schwankl, L.J. In press. Fertigation. Citrus Production Manual. University of California  Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Talozi, S. A. and D. J. Hills. 2001. Simulating Emitter Clogging Effects on a Microirrigation Subunit. Transactions of the ASAE. 44(6): 1503-1509.

Talozi, S. A., and D. J. Hills. 2002. Hydraulic design considerations for microirrigation laterals in landscape. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Paper Number 02-2249. 23 pages including 1 table and 11 figures. July.


Boman, B., Parsons, L. Water and Florida Citrus. 2002. Chapter 4. Water Management: Use, Regulatory Irrigation, and Management System. Editor: Boman, B. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. Pp. 32-39

Boman, B., Parsons, L. Water and Florida Citrus. 2002. Chapter 7. Water Resources of Florida. Editor: Boman, B. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. Pp. 67-74

Boman, B., Parsons, L. 2002. Water and Florida Citrus. Chapter 15. Soil Water Measuring Devices. Editor: Boman, B. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. Pp. 148-162

Boman, B., Parsons, L. 2002. Water and Florida Citrus. Chapter 16. Evapotranspiration. Editor: Boman, B. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. Pp. 163-174

Boman, B., Parsons, L., Obreza, T., Stover, E. 2002. Water and Florida Citrus. Chapter 17. Citrus Water Use and Irrigation Scheduling. Editor: Boman, B. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. Pp. 175-191

Clarke, R. A, C. D. Stanley, B. L. McNeal, and B. W. MacLeod. 2002. Impact of agricultural land use on nitrate levels in Lake Manatee, Florida. J. Soil Water Conserv. 57:106-111.

Dukes M.D., D. Z. Haman. 2002. Operation of Residential Irrigation System Controllers. Extension Bulletin  AE 220. EDIS/ IFAS. University of Florida.
Fares, A., L. R. Parsons, T. A. Wheaton, K. T. Morgan, J. Simunek, and M. Th. Van Genuchten. 2001. Simulated drip irrigation with different soil types. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 114:22-24.
Haman D.Z., S. Irmak, T.H. Yeager. 2002. Grow plants with less water: A new production system for container plants. American Nurseryman, October 2002, 54-56.

Haman D.Z., M.D. Dukes.2002. Retrofitting a traditional in-ground sprinkler irrigation system for microirrigation of landscape plants. Extension Bulletin  AE 222. EDIS/ IFAS. University of Florida.

Haman D.Z., D.M. OKeefe, A. Barkdoll. 2002. Performance of Line Source Emitters under Fertigation Using Leachate from On-farm Anaerobic Digester  Proceedings of 23rd Irrigation Association Annual International Irrigation Conference, October 24-26, 2002.

Haman D. Z., M. D. Dukes. 2002. Residential Irrigation System Rainfall Shutoff Devices. Extension Bulletin  AE 221. EDIS/ IFAS. University of Florida
Irmak, S., D. Z. Haman, A. Irmak, J. W. Jones, K. L. Campbell, and T. H. Yeager. 2002. New irrigation-plant production system for water conservation in ornamental nurseries: I. Quantification and evaluation of irrigation, runoff, plant biomass, and irrigation efficiencies. Transactions of the ASAE (in review).

Irmak, S., D. Z. Haman, A. Irmak, K. L. Campbell, J. W. Jones, and T. L. Crisman. 2002. New irrigation-plant production system for water conservation in ornamental nurseries: II. Analyses of growth and stress parameters of Viburnum odoratissimum (Ker-gawl) grown in white and black multi-pot box systems and conventional system. Transactions of the ASAE (in review).

Irmak, S., and D.Z. Haman. 2002. Comparison of five methods for estimating pan evaporation in Florida. HortTechnology (in review).

Nogueira, L.C., M.D. Dukes*, D.Z. Haman, J.M. Scholberg, C. Cornejo. 2002. Data Acquisition System and Irrigation Controller Based On CR10X Datalogger and TDR Sensor. Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida Proceedings  Volume 62

Parsons, L., Beck, H. 2002. Water and Florida Citrus. Chapter 18. Weather Data for Irrigation Management. Editor: Boman, B. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. Pp. 192-195

Parsons, L., Boman, B. 2002. Water and Florida Citrus. Chapter 38. Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection. Editor: Boman, B. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. Pp. 469-476

Parsons, L. R., T. A. Wheaton, and W. S. Castle. 2001. High application rates of reclaimed water benefit citrus tree growth and fruit production. HortScience 36(7): 1273-1277.

Parsons, L. R., K. T. Morgan, T. A. Wheaton, and W. S. Castle. 2001. Wastewater and reclaimed waterdisposal problem or potential resource? Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 114: 97-100.

Parsons, L. R., T. A. Wheaton, and W. S. Castle. 2002. Reclaimed watera new irrigation source for citrus irrigation in Florida. Proc. USCID/EWRI Conference. In Energy, Climate, Environment and Water (C.M. Burt, ed.). pp 213-220.

Parsons, L. R. 2002. Freeze protection preparations. Fla. Grower 95 (1): 26-27.

Parsons, L. R. 2002. Tools for improved irrigation management. Fla. Grower. 95(3): 44-45.

Parsons, L. R. 2002. Safeguarding groundwater. Fla. Grower. 95(5): 42.

Parsons, L. R. 2002. Water concerns and costs. Fla. Grower. 95(7): 22-23.

Parsons, L. R. 2002. Understanding fruit drop and twig dieback. Fla. Grower. 95(9): 18-19.

Parsons, L. R. 2002. El Niqo, climate, and Florida freezes. Fla. Grower. 95(11): In Press.

Scholberg, J. M. S., L. R. Parsons, T. A. Wheaton, and K. T. Morgan. 2001. Procedures for determining the effects of environmental conditions on plant nitrogen uptake: an alternative approach. Soil Crop Sci. Soc. Florida Proc. 60: 40-49.

Scholberg, J. M. S., L. R. Parsons, T. A. Wheaton, B. L. McNeal, and K. T. Morgan. 2002. Soil temperature, nitrogen concentration, and residence time affect nitrogen uptake efficiency in citrus. J. Environ. Qual. 31: 759-768.

Stanley, C. D. and B. K. Harbaugh. 2002. Water table depth effect on water use and tuber yield for subirrigated caladium production. HortTechology 12:679-681.

Stanley, C. D. and G. A. Clark. 2002. Subirrigated bell pepper production with reduced water table depths and N and K fertilizer rates. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Fla. Proc. 61:84-87.

Stover, E., Boman, B., Parsons, L. Water and Florida Citrus. 2002. Chapter 11. Physiological Response to Irrigation and Water Stress. Editor: Boman, B. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. Pp. 112-116

Susila, A. D. and S. J. Locascio. 2001. Sulfur fertilization for polyethylene-mulched cabbage. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 114:318-322.

Taylor, M. D., S. J. Locascio, and M. Alligood. 2002. Incidence of blossom end rot and fruit firmness of tomato affected by irrigation quantity and calcium source. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 115: (In press).

Tucker, D., Boman, B., Parsons, L. 2002. Water and Florida Citrus. Chapter 1. History of Florida Citrus Irrigation. Editor: Boman, B. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. Pp. 1-8


Taber, H. G. (Ed.). Annual Fruit/Vegetable Progress Report. 2001. Iowa State Univ. Coop. Ext. FG-601. pp. 30-33.

Taber, H. G., V. Lawson, B. Smith, and D. Shogren. 2002. Scheduling microirrigation with tensiometers or watermarks. Intl. Water & Irr. 22: 22-26.


Alam, M. and R. J. Zimmerman. 2002. Subsurface drip irrigation and plastic mulch effects on yield and Brix levels of Kabocha squash. In Proc. Irrigation Assn. Intl. Irrigation Technical Conf., October 24-26, 2002, New Orleans, LA. Available from Irrigation Assn., Falls Church VA.

Alam, M., Trooien, T. P., Rogers, D. H., and Dumler, T. J. (2002). An Efficient Irrigation Technology for Alfalfa Growers. Journal of Extension. Vol. 40, No. 3. The article is on line at

Alam, M., T. P. Trooien, F. R. Lamm and D. H. Rogers. 2002. Filtration and maintenance considerations for SDI systems. In proceedings of the Central Plains Irrigation Short Course, Lamar, CO., Feb. 5-6, 2002. Available from CPIA, 760 N. Thompson, Colby, KS. pp. 110-121.

Alam, M., and T. Dumler. 2002. Using subsurface drip irrigation with alfalfa. In proceedings of the Central Plains Irrigation Short Course, Lamar, CO., Feb. 5-6, 2002. Available from CPIA, 760 N. Thompson, Colby, KS. pp. 102-109.

Lamm, F. R., T. P. Trooien, G. A. Clark, L. R. Stone, M. Alam, D. H. Rogers, and A. J. Schlegel. 2002. Using beef lagoon wastewater with SDI. In Proc. Irrigation Assn. Intl. Irrigation Technical Conf., October 24-26, 2002, New Orleans, LA. Available from Irrigation Assn., Falls Church VA.

Lamm, F. R., D. M. OBrien, D. H. Rogers, and T. J. Dumlerl. 2002. Sensitivity of center pivot sprinkler and SDI comparisons. In Proc. Irrigation Assn. Intl. Irrigation Technical Conf., October 24-26, 2002, New Orleans, LA. Available from Irrigation Assn., Falls Church VA.

Lamm, F. R., D. M. O‘Brien, D. H. Rogers, and T. J. Dumler. 2002. Sensitivity of center pivot sprinkler and SDI economic comparisons. Presented at the Mid-Central ASAE mtg., St. Joseph, MO, April 12-13, 2002. ASAE Paper No. MC02-201. ASAE, St. Joseph MI. 10 pp.

Lamm, F. R., D. H. Rogers, and W. E. Spurgeon. 2002. Design and management considerations for subsurface drip irrigation systems. In proceedings of the Central Plains Irrigation Short Course, Lamar, CO., Feb. 5-6, 2002. Available from CPIA, 760 N. Thompson, Colby, KS. pp. 93-101.

Lamm, F.R., T. P. Trooien, L. R. Stone, M. Alam, D. H. Rogers, G. A. Clark, and A. J. Schlegel. 2002. Using livestock wastewater with SDI: A status report after four seasons. In proceedings of the Central Plains Irrigation Short Course, Lamar, CO., Feb. 5-6, 2002. Available from CPIA, 760 N. Thompson, Colby, KS. pp. 8-15.

Lamm, F.R., and T. P. Trooien. 2002. Irrigation capacity and plant population effects on corn production using SDI. In proceedings of the Central Plains Irrigation Short Course, Lamar, CO., Feb. 5-6, 2002. Available from CPIA, 760 N. Thompson, Colby, KS. pp. 122-130.

McCabe, D. 2002. Uncover Water. Two page article with comments from Freddie Lamm. Nebraska Farmer, March 2002. pp. 12-13.

Spiegel, B. 2002. Design SDI for the long haul. Kansas Farmer (April 2002) 140(7):12-13.

Smith, Steve. 2002. Converting to drip  The basics of converting from furrow to drip irrigation. Irrigation Business and Technology, February 2002. pp. 26-28.

Trooien, T.P., D. J. Hills, and F. R. Lamm. 2002. Drip irrigation with biological effluent. In Proc. Irrigation Assn. Intl. Irrigation Technical Conf., October 24-26, 2002, New Orleans, LA. Available from Irrigation Assn., Falls Church VA.


Newspaper articles-

NMSU Agricultural Science Center At Farmington To Showcase Research. June 10, 2002. Farmington Daily Times.

Ag Field Day Teaches Locals How To Plant. June 15, 2002. Farmington Daily Times.

Liquid Remedies / Drip Irrigation Systems May Be Cure To Areas Water Demand. Farmington Daily Times. May 3, 2001.

Editorial: Wet Luxury Could Be Costly. Farmington Daily Times. June 4, 2001.

Drip Irrigation Study Could Alter Four Corners Farming Practices. Farmington Daily Times. July 4, 2001.


KOLB-TV, Farmington. Overview of the Science Center and announcement for the ACS-Farmington Field Day. June 11, 2000 Field Day.

NMSU Agricultural Communications. ASC research overview. Subsurface drip irrigation. April 24  25, 2001.

Farmington Daily Times. Subsurface drip irrigation. Field crop variety trials. May 2, 2001.

Four Corners Business Journal. Subsurface drip irrigation. Field crop variety trials. May 24, 2001.

KOBF-TV Farmington. Subsurface drip irrigation. Field crop variety trials. Promotion for the Second Annual Four Corners Irrigation Workshop. July 11, 2001.

NMSU Agricultural Communications. Subsurface drip irrigation. September 20 and October 12, 2001.

A new instructional web site was developed for irrigation scheduling, see for crop information
for climate based irrigation scheduling. The new site includes information on using Samani‘s temperature based irrigation scheduling model.


Lakso, A.N. and R.M. Pool. 2001. The effect of water stress on vineyards and wine quality in Eastern climates. Wine East 29(4):12-20,51.

Bates, T.R., G. English-Loeb, R.M. Dunst, T. Taft, and A. Lakso. 2001. The interaction of phylloxera infection, rootstock, and irrigation on young Concord grapevine growth. Vitis 40:225-228.

Lakso, A. N., R.M. Pool, L. Cheng, T. Martinson and K-T. Li. 2002. Drought and Water Stress in New York Vineyards and the Potential for Atypical Aging of New York Wines. Proc. 31st NY Wine Industry Workshop, NYS Agric. Exp. Station.

Anderson, L. J., L. H. Comas, A. N. Lakso and D. M. Eissenstat. 2002. Multiple factors in root survivorship: a four-year study in Concord grape. (Submitted to New Phytologist).


Shock, C.C., E.B.G. Feibert, M. Seddigh, and L.D. Saunders. 2002. Water requirements and growth of irrigated hybrid poplar in a semi-arid environment in Eastern Oregon. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 17:46-53.

Shock, C.C., E.B.G. Feibert, L.D. Saunders, and M. Seddigh. 2002. Initial growth of irrigated hybrid poplar decreased by ground covers. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 17:61-65.

Shock, C.C. and E.B.G. Feibert. 2002. Deficit irrigation of potato. In P. Moutonnet (ed) Deficit Irrigation Practices. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Water Reports 22:47-55.

Campbell, C., M. Butler, P. Sexton, F. Crowe, and C.C. Shock. 2002. Drip Irrigation of Seed Onions in Central Oregon: Effect of Tape Placement on Disease and Yield. p 107-110.

Campbell, C., M. Butler, P. Sexton, F. Crowe, and C.C. Shock. 2002. Drip Irrigation of Seed Carrots in Central Oregon: Effect of Irrigation Threshold on Yield. p 111-114.

Shock, C.C., L.D. Saunders, F.L. Pettet, A.M. Sadowski, L.D. Saunders, and J. Klauzer. 2002. Relationship between Water Stress and Seed Yield of Two Drip-irrigated Alfalfa Varieties. p 27-38.

Shock, C.C., E.B.G. Feibert, and L.D. Saunders. 2002. Plant Population and Nitrogen Fertilization for Subsurface Drip-irrigated Onions. p 71-80.

Shock, C.C., E.B.G. Feibert, and L.D. Saunders. 2002. Micro-irrigation Alternatives for Hybrid Poplar Production, 2001 Trial. p 114-122.

Shock, C.C., E.B.G. Feibert, and L.D. Saunders. 2002. Effect of Pruning Severity on the Annual Growth of Hybrid Poplar. p 123-128.

Shock, C.C., E.P. Eldredge, and L.D. Saunders. 2002. Drip Irrigation Management Factors for ‘Umatilla Russet‘ Potato Production. p 157-169.

Shock, C.C., E.P. Eldredge, and L.D. Saunders. 2002. Drip-irrigated Red and Russet Potato Varieties Harvested Early or Late. p 170-177.

Shock, C.C., A. Corn, S. Jaderholm, L. Jensen, and C.A. Shock. 2002. Evaluation of the AM400 Soil Moisture Data Logger to Aid Irrigation Scheduling. p 252-261.

Shock, C.C., A. Corn, S. Jaderholm, L. Jensen, and C.A. Shock. 2002. Irrigation Scheduling in Long-term Buried Drip. p 257-261.

Shock, C.C., E.B.G. Feibert, and S. Jaderholm. 2002. A Comparison of Six Soil Moisture Sensors. p 262-267.

W-128 Regional Micro Irrigation web site: Microirrigation Technologies for Protection of Natural Resources and Optimum Production. 2002. (This regional project web site was moved to the Malheur Experiment Station web site). The site was edited and expanded).

Shock, C.C. and A. Nishihara. 2002. Malheur County Best Management Practices. (This web pages was originally published in 2001, but has been substantially rewritten for users of the web in 2002).


2002. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, D.F. Wanjura, and D.R. Upchurch. Automatic drip irrigation control regulates water use efficiency. International Water and Irrigation, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 32-37.

2001. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, D.F. Wanjura, and D.R. Upchurch. Water use efficiency regulated by automatic drip irrigation control. Pp. 49-56 In 2001 Proceedings. International Irrigation Show. Oct. 31 - Nov. 7, San Antonio, Texas. The Irrigation Association, Falls Church, VA

2001. Schneider, A.D., T.A. Howell, and S.R. Evett. Comparison of SDI, LEPA and spray irrigation efficiency. Paper no. 012019. Presented at the ASAE Annual International Meeting, Sacramento, CA, July 29-Aug. 1. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA.

2000. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, and A.D. Schneider. 2000. Water and energy balances for surface and subsurface drip irrigated corn. International Water and Irrigation Journal, 20(4):18-22. Pp. 10-14 In Revista Internacional de Aqua y Riego (Spanish language version).

2000. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, D.R. Upchurch, and D.F. Wanjura. Automatic drip irrigation of corn and soybean. Pp. 401-408 In Robert G. Evans, Brian L. Benham, and Todd P. Trooien (ed) Proceedings of the 4th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium, Nov. 14-16, Phoenix, AZ.

2000. Vick, B.D., R.N. Clark, and S.R. Evett. Wind-powered drip irrigation systems for fruit trees. ASAE Paper No. 004030. Presented at the 2000 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, July 9-12, 2000. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA. 15 pp.

1999. Burke, J.J., and S.R. Evett. Identification of the temperature threshold for soybean irrigation. Soybean Res. World Conf. Proc.

1997. Howell, T.A., A.D. Schneider, and S.R. Evett. Subsurface and surface microirrigation of corn - Southern High Plains. Trans. ASAE 40(3):635-641

1996. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, A.D. Schneider, D.R. Upchurch, and D.F. Wanjura. Canopy temperature based automatic irrigation control. Pp. 207-213 In C.R. Camp, E.J. Sadler, and R.E. Yoder (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling. Nov. 3-6, 1996, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. 1166 pp.

1995. Evett, S.R., T.A. Howell, and A.D. Schneider. Energy and water balances for surface and subsurface drip irrigated corn. Pp. 135-140 In F.R. Lamm (ed.) Microirrigation for a Changing World: Conserving Resources/Preserving the Environment. Proc. Fifth International Microirrigation Congress, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6, 1995.


Palada, M.C., E. Valencia and S.M.A. Crossman. 2002. Utilization of recycled aquaculture water and effluents for forage and vegetable crops in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Proc. of the Irrigation Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana (CD version).

Palada, M.C., S.M.A. Crossman, A.M. Davis, and J.A. Kowalski. 2002. Yield and irrigation water use of fruit vegetables grown with plastic and straw mulch in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Proc. of the Irrigation Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana (CD version).

Palada, M.C., S.M.A. Crossman and C.D. Collingwood. 2001. Raising vegetable production with microirrigation. International Water & Irrigation 21 (2):41-44.

Palada, M.C. and D.A. OKeefe. 2001. Response of hot pepper cultivars to levels of drip irrigation. Proc. Caribbean Food Crops Soc. 37:190-196.

Palada, M.C., S.M.A. Crossman and A.M. Davis. 2001. Tomato production under organic and synthetic mulch with drip irrigation. HortScience 36(3):588 (abstract).


Cassel-Sharmasarkar, F., S. Sharmasarkar, R. Zhang, G. F. Vance, S. D. Miller, and J. M. Reddy. 2000. Modeling nitrate movement under flood and drip irrigation. International Commission of Irrigated and Drainage Journal 1:43-54.

Zhang, R., A. Krzyszowska-Waitkus, G. F. Vance, and J. Qi. 2000. Pesticide transport in field soils. Advances in Environmental Research 4:59-68.

Zhang, R., 2000. A generalized transfer function model for solute transport in heterogeneous soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:1959-1602.

Cassel-Sharmasarkar, F., S. Sharmasarkar, S. D. Miller, L. J. Held, G. F. Vance and R. Zhang. 2000. Assessment of microirrigation for sugarbeet production. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 17:17-32.

Cassel Sharmasarkar, F., S. Sharmasarkar, S.D. Miller, G.F. Vance, and R. Zhang. 2001. Assessment of drip and flood irrigation on water and fertilizer use efficiencies for sugarbeets. Agricultural Water Management 46:241-251.

Cassel Sharmasarkar, F., S. Sharmasarkar, S.D. Miller, G.F. Vance, and R. Zhang. 2001. Assessment of drip and flood irrigation on water and fertilizer use efficiencies for sugarbeets. Agricultural Water Management 46:241-251.

Cassel Sharmasarkar, F., S. Sharmasarkar, L.J. Held, S.D. Miller, G.F. Vance, and R. Zhang. 2001. Agroeconomic analysis of drip irrigation for sugarbeet production. Agronomy Journal 93:517-523.

Zuo, Q. and R. Zhang. 2002. Estimating root water uptake using an inverse method. Soil Science (in press).

Ren, L., M. Mao, and R. Zhang. 2002. Estimating nitrate leaching with a transfer function model incorporating net-mineralization and uptake of nitrogen. Journal of Environment Quality (in press).
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