SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Albrecht, Ken ( ), University of Wisconsin-Madison; Barker, Dave ( ), Ohio State University (for Mark Sulc); Buhler, Doug ( Michigan State University; Dombrowolski, James (jdobrowolski@CSREES.USDA.GOV), USDA-CSREES; Dong, Xuejun (, North Dakota State University; Keith Harmoney ( Kansas State University; Lamp, Bill (, University of Maryland; Jennings, John (, University of Arkansas; Leep, Richard (, Michigan State University; Lissbrant, Sofia (, Moyer, Joe ( ,) Kansas State University; Owens, Lloyd (, USDA-ARS; Owens,Vance ( ), South Dakota State University; Peterson, Paul (, University of Minnesota; Skinner, Howard ( ), USDA-ARS; Srinivas, Rao ( ), USDA-ARS; Sulc, Mark ( The Ohio State University; Tracy, Ben ( ), University of Illinois; Volenec, Jeff (, Purdue University; Wiedenhoeft, Mary ( Iowa State University.

March 14, 2007 Meeting was called to order by Vance Owens at 10 am at USDA Appalachian Experimental Watershed Experimental Station, Coshockton, OH. Introductions followed. The following agenda was presented by Vance Owens: March 14 7:30 a.m. Travel to Coshocton, OH 9:30 a.m. Call to Order (Chair, Vance Owens) Introductions Welcome: Dr. James V. Bonta, USDA Research Leader at the USDA Appalachian Experimental Watershed 9:45 a.m. Comments from Doug Buhler, Administrative Advisor 10:00 a.m. State Reports Illinois Iowa Pennsylvania (ARS) Michigan Maryland North Dakota Noon Lunch 12:50 p.m. Appointment of Committees: Locations Committee Nominations Committee Resolutions Committee 1:00 p.m. State Reports Wisconsin Wyoming Utah Indiana South Dakota 2:40 p.m. Break 3:00 p.m. Presentation and tour of water quality research in agricultural systems, by Dr. Lloyd Owens, USDA-ARS Soil Scientist at Coshocton. 5:45 p.m. Depart Coshocton; Group dinner at restaurant on return trip March 15 8:00 a.m. Welcome: Dr. Bill Randle, Department Chair, Horticulture and Crop Science, OSU 8:10 a.m Committee Reports, Other Business 8:20 a.m. Discussion of State Reports (Ben Tracy, Secretary) 8:30 a.m. Discussion of Request from Jim Dobrowolski, CSREES National Program Leader for Rangeland and Natural Resources, regarding strategic directions for this program 9:30 a.m. Break 10:00 a.m. State Reports Kansas Missouri Ohio Arkansas 11:30 a.m. Other business Noon Pass the gavel to the new chair, Ben Tracy Introductions Dr. James V. Bonta, USDA Research Leader at the USDA Appalachian Experimental Watershed, welcomed the group to the Coshockton site. Comments from Doug Buhler, Administrative Advisor: Doug Buhler Administrative Advisor to NCC-31 address the group for a few minutes. Dr. Buhler remarked on review of NCC-31 and stated that it was generally very positive. He stressed that we try to focus more on quantification of impacts (e.g., dollars generated, producers adopting methods etc.) when producing annual reports rather than generalized results and information. Additional Comments: Jeff Volanec addressed the group and mentioned that Jerry Nelson is retiring and a symposium at ASA meetings honoring him is on the agenda. The symposium will focus on eco physiology of grasses related to Dr. Nelson research. International speakers along with various US research. State Reports: IL, IA, MI, MD, ND Committee Assignments were made by Chair Owens: Locations -- Paul Peterson, Mary Wiedenhoft, Mark Sulc Nominations -- Howard Skinner, Joe Moyer, Ken Albrecht Resolutions -- Rich Leep, Xuejun Dong, John Jennings Tour of USDA Appalachian Experimental Watershed research facilities State Reports: IN, SD, KS March 15, 2007 Committee Reports: Locations - Drs. Peterson and Wiedenhoft suggested a desire to travel to a different site that is not necessarily a home state for one of the committee members. It was also posed to the committee about their potential willingness to hold the meeting at an International Site. Potential international sites included New Zealand, Sweden and France. Coordinating the NCC-31 meeting with an international grassland meeting was suggested as a potential route to pursue this. There was an amendment proposed that the locations chair discuss the possibility of the international site with Administrative Officer Doug Buhler for 2008 for a future date. As an alternative, it was suggested that we meet at the Nobel Foundation in Oklahoma in 2008. It was agreed that Dr Peterson will contact Andy Hopkins at the Nobel foundation and arrange the meeting likely to be held in mid- March 2008. The resolution was approved unanimously. Nominations - Dr. Albrecht nominated Paul Peterson to serve as secretary for the 2008 meeting. He accepted and was elected unanimously. Resolutions - Drs. Leep, Dong, and Jennings proposed the following resolution: Be it hereby resolved that: 1) We thank Vance Owens and Ben Tracey for their excellent service as chair and secretary to the NCCC-31 committee during the past year; 2) We thank Marc Sulc for the outstanding local organization of this conference and providing a fine dinner; 3) We thank Drs. James Bonta, Lloyd Owens, Martin Shipitalo, and David Barker for an extremely interesting and unique tour of the Coshocton research facility; and 4) We express gratitude to the staff at the Coshocton research station and to The Ohio State University for hosting and supporting the 2007 NCCC-31 conference. The resolution was approved unanimously. Other Business: Vance Owens - scanned hard copy reports from previous NCR-31/NCC-31 meeting 1966 to 2006. Vance made a CD of the scanned reports and these were distributed to participants. Jim Dombrowolski, CSREES National Program Leader for Rangeland and Natural Resources spoke to us about reporting requirements and stressed the importance of quantifying impacts and outcomes from committee reports in order to maintain funding for committees such as this one. He also discussed strategic directions for this program. During the discussion Dr. Albrecht brought up the issue of funding for training of graduate students with Dr. Dombrowolski. The issue was brought up by Dr. Lamp that this committee could potentially put together a competitive grant to USDA to help fund graduate assistantships. State Reports: OH, AK, PA Gavel was passed to Ben Tracy and meeting was adjourned at 12 PM March 15, 2007. Minutes respectfully submitted by NCCC-31 secretary, Benjamin Tracy


Outcomes for 2007-2008: Objectives of NCCC-31 focus on fostering opportunities among members and others from diverse states for funding, collaborative work, increased understanding of physiological basis of forage crop management, publication and dissemination of forage information, and interaction among members, professional staff, and students. Interaction among members of NCCC-31 and others has resulted in numerous collaborative efforts in the areas of research, information dissemination, grant funding, and teaching including: * Mark Sulc and Ben Tracy have developed collaborative research and have been invited to an international conference on Integrated Cropping Systems. The meeting will be held in Curitiba, Brazil August 2007. * Laboratory protocols (e.g., carbohydrate and protein analysis, carbon flux) have been shared among members of NCCC-31 allowing various scientists to improve research capabilities. * Arvid Boe and Vance Owens have begun a collaborative arrangement with the Noble Foundation to evaluate switchgrass germplasm in the northern Great Plains for suitability for biomass production. Depending on the future potential of perennial bioenergy crops, this research will provide producers with critical cultivar selection information for their area. * Research (Vance Owens, Arvid Boe, and DoKyoung Lee) and Extension (Peter Jeranyama) have one publication in press related to characteristics of biomass feedstocks in the northern Great Plains and are in the process of putting together a switchgrass management and production guide for the same region. * More eco-physiological studies are using automated measurements for gas exchange and environmental monitoring. Applications of the wavelet analysis develop at North Dakota State University facilitate a deeper understanding of the underlying data structure of ecological time series data. * A system was developed to grow corn in kura clover living mulch, eliminating the need to apply 150 pounds of nitrogen per acrea savings of $75 per acre at N price of $0.50 per poundwhile maintaining permanent ground cover. * Cupplant, a native prairie plant prized for its contribution to wildlife habit, was proven to be an alternative, long-lived, high yield silage crop capable of persisting in soils that are too wet for alfalfa. * Incorporating kura clover or birdsfoot trefoil in mixture with grasses replaces approximately 300 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer in a model that estimates milk production from forages. At N fertilizer cost of $0.50, this is a savings of greater than $150 per acre. * NCCC-31 member states (OH, WI, IL) have been evaluating strategies for incorporating forages into traditional grain cropping systems, which shows potential for improving soil quality (eg. higher soil organic carbon, less soil erosion potential) while maintaining or improving grain crop productivity and whole system profitability. * During 2007, members plan, among other things, to: continue collaborative research, seek grant funding, publish results of research in various outlets, teach and train undergraduate and graduate students, attend professional meetings, and attend annual meeting of NCCC-31. * Four members of the committee (Weidenhoeft, Volenec, Leep, Albrecht) collaborated on writing a USDA-CSREES Higher Education Challenge Grant Development of Interactive, Computer Based Teaching Modules for Undergraduate Forage Courses that is funded for 3 years. * Research from Utah State found that exposing replacement heifer calves to ammoniated wheat straw briefly while with their mothers improved performance when these calves were mature producing cows wintered on these forages. Compared with cows without this previous experience, returns were improved by over 25% ($93.85 versus $75.05/cow/year). * NCC-31 states IL and OH have cooperated on research that integrates forage crops and beef cattle with cash grain crops to diversify farming operations. Extension educators have reported that between 10 and 15 producers in Illinois since 2004 have adopted methods tested in our integrated cropping systems experiment.


  1. NCC-31 members have developed a system for estimating pre-harvest feeding value of alfalfa predictive equations for alfalfa quality or PEAQ. These equations were used to develop alfalfa quality sticks which are used as a tool for harvest management decisions on over 30,000 farms in the USA, Central Asia and Mexico.
  2. NCC-31 members recently identified pasture management strategies that can produce 1000 pounds of beef per acre. This level of productivity on pasture has never been reached in the North Central Region. This work shows producers that beef production pasture can be profitable compared with soil depleting row crop production.
  3. NCCC-31 members showed the stocker steers grained 62% more on non-toxic tall fescue compared with the standard, toxic fescue. This gain improvement could generate an additional $15,000 per year income if a stocker producer converted 40 ha of their most productive toxic tall fescue to a non-toxic type.
  4. NCC-31 members found that an increase of 5 percentage units in fiber digestibility of alfalfa hay fed to dairy cattle could return an additional 150 lb of milk per ton of hay. This increase cannot be predicted from traditional forage tests that ignore forage digestibility. Measuring digestibility represents previously unrecognized value than can be passed on to the hay purchaser or profit to the hay seller.
  5. NCC-31 members have reported that potato leafhopper still remains a significant biotic stress on legume production in the eastern half of the US. The release of resistant legume cultivars with glandular trichomes reduces leaf hopper impact, but losses remain. Eco physiological research that identifies the mechanism of leaf hopper injury will help guide breeding programs to improve plant protection through genetic resistance.


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles Coblentz, W.K., K.P. Coffey, T.F. Smith, D.S. Hubbell, III, D.A. Scarbrough, J.B. Humphry, B.C. McGinley, J.E. Turner, J.A. Jennings, C.P. West, M.P. Popp, D.H. Hellwig, D.L. Kreider, and C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2006. Using orchardgrass and endophyte-free fescue versus endophyte-infected fescue overseeded on bermudagrass for cow herds: four-year summary of forage characteristics. Crop Sci. 1919-1928. Coblentz, W.K, K.P. Coffey, T.F. Smith, D.S. Hubbell, III, D.A. Scarbrough, J.B. Humphry, B.C. McGinley, J.E. Turner, J.A. Jennings, C.P. West, M.P. Popp, D.H. Hellwig, D.L. Kreider, and C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2006. Using orchardgrass and endophyte-free fescue versus endophyte- infected fescue overseeded on bermudagrass for cow herds: four-year summary of cow-calf performance. Crop Sci. 1929-1938. Renne, I.J., B.F. Tracy, and I.A. Colonna. 2006. Shifts in grassland invasibility: effects of soil resources, disturbance, composition, and invader size. Ecology 87:2264-2277. Tracy, B.F. and D.B. Faulkner. 2006. Pasture and cattle responses in rotationally stocked grazing systems sown with differing levels of species richness. Crop Sci. 46:2062-2068. Sulc, R.M. and B.F. Tracy. 2007. Integrated crop-livestock systems in the Midwestern USA. Agron. J. 99:335-345. Abu Qamar, S.F., S.M. Cunningham, and J.J. Volenec. 2006. Phosphate nutrition and defoliation effects on growth and root physiology of alfalfa. J. Plant Nutr. 29:1387-1403. Castonguay, Y., S. Laberge, E.C. Brummer, and J.J. Volenec. 2006. Alfalfa winter hardiness: A research retrospective and integrated perspective. Adv. Agron. 90:203-265. Florine, Sara E., Kenneth J. Moore, Steven L. Fales, Todd A. White, and C. Lee Burras. 2006. Yield and composition of herbaceous biomass harvested from naturalized grassland in southern Iowa. Biomass and Bioenergy 30:522-528. Ren, H., T.L. Richard, Z. Chen, M. Kuo, Y. Bian, K.J. Moore, and P. Patrick. 2006. Ensiling corn stover: Effect of feedstock preservation on particleboard performance. Biotechnology Progress 22:78-85. Vogel, K.P. , A.A. Hopkins, K.J. Moore, K. Johnson, and I.T. Carlson. 2006. Genetic variation among Canada wildrye accessions from Midwest USA remnant prairies for biomass yield and other traits. Crop Sci. 46:2348-2353. Sweeney, D. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2007. Nitrogen management affects sorghum grown for grain and forage. Crop Manage. [online] CM-RS-06-0172. Moyer, J. L., and M. D. Schrock. 2007. Automating measurement of forage mass in pasture. [online] Forage and Grazingl. FG-RS-06-0177. Lamp, W.O., L.C. Alexander, and M. Nguyen. 2007. Physiological response of glandular-haired alfalfa to potato leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) injury. Environmental Entomology 36:195-203. Al-Ghumaiz, N. S., Leep, R. H., and Dietz, T. S. 2006. Influence of cutting time on alfalfa (Medicago sativa) sugar content and silage fermentation. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG- 2006-0718-01-RS. DeHann, L.R., N.J. Ehlke, C.C. Sheaffer, D.L. Wyse, and R.L. DeHaan. 2006. Evaluation of diversity among North American accessions of false indigo (Amorpha fruticosa L.) for forage and biomass. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 1573-5109. Fischbach, J.A., N.J. Ehlke, P.R. Peterson, D.L. Wyse, D.R. Swanson, and C.C. Sheaffer. 2006. Seeding rate affects establishment of native perennial legumes in the upper Midwestern US. Native Plants J. 7(1): 61-68. Grossman, J.M., C. C. Sheaffer, D. Wyse, B. Bucciarelli, C. Vance, P.H. Graham. 2006. An assessment of nodulation and nitrogen fixation in inoculated Inga oerstediana, a nitrogen-fixing tree shading organic grown in Chiapas, Mexico. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38: 769-784. Lamb, J.F.S., C.C. Sheaffer, L.H. Rhodes, R.M. Sulc, D.J. Undersander, and E.C. Brummer. 2006. Five decades of alfalfa cultivar improvement: impact on forage yield, persistence, and nutritive value. Crop Sci. 46:902-909. Sheaffer, C.C., J.L. Halgerson, and H.G. Jung. 2006. Hybrid and N fertilization affect corn silage yield and quality. J. Agron. & Crop Sci. 192:1-6. Chapman, D.F., A. J. Parsons, G. P. Cosgrove, D. J. Barker, D. M. Marotti, K. J. Venning, S. M. Rutter, J. Hill, and A. N. Thompson. 2007. Impacts of spatial patterns in pasture on animal grazing behavior, intake, and performance. Crop Sci. 47: 399-415. McCormick, J. S., Sulc, R. M., Barker, D. J., and Beuerlein, J. E. 2006. Yield and nutritive value of autumn-seeded winter-hardy and winter-sensitive annual forages. Crop Sci. 46:1981-1989. Adler, P.R., M.A. Sanderson, A.A.Boateng, P.J. Weimer, and H.G. Jung. 2006. Biomass yield and biofuel quality of switchgrass harvested in fall or spring. Agronomy Journal 98:1518-1525. Corson, M.S., C.A. Rotz, and R.H. Skinner. 2007. Evaluating warm-season grass production in temperate-region pastures: a simulation approach. Agricultural Systems 93: 252-268. Butler, T.J., W.R. Ocumpaugh, M.A. Sanderson, R.L. Reed, and J.P. Muir. 2006. Evaluation of rhizome peanut genotypes for adaptation in Texas. Agronomy Journal 98:1589-1593. Corson, M.S., R.H. Skinner, and C.A. Rotz. 2006. Modification of the SPUR rangeland model to simulate species composition and pasture productivity in humid temperate regions. Agricultural Systems 87:169-191. Foster, J.G., W.M. Clapham, D.P. Belesky, M. Labreveux, M.H. Hall, and M.A. Sanderson. 2006. Influence of cultivation site on sesquiterpene lactone composition of forage chicory. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 54:1772-1778. Goslee, S.C. 2006. Behavior of vegetation sampling methods in the presence of spatial autocorrelation. Plant Ecol. 187: 203-212. Labreveux, M., M.A. Sanderson, and M.H. Hall. 2006. Forage chicory and plantain: nutritive value of herbage at variable grazing frequencies and intensities. Agronomy Journal 98:231-237. Rotz, C.A., M.S. Corson, and M.A. Sanderson. 2006. Conversion from corn to grassland provides economic and environmental benefits to a Maryland beef farm. Forage and Grazing Lands Online. Sanderson, M.A., P.R. Adler, A.A. Boateng, M.D. Casler, and G. Sarath. 2007. Switchgrass as a biofuels crop in the USA. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 86: 1315-1325. Sanderson, M.A., M.S. Corson, C.A. Rotz, and K. J. Soder. Economic analysis of forage mixture productivity in pastures grazed by dairy cattle. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2006-0929-01-RS. Sanderson, M.A., K.J. Soder, N. Brzezinski, F. Taube, K. Klement, L.D. Muller, and M. Wachendorf. 2006. Sward structure of simple and complex mixtures of temperate forages. Agronomy Journal 98:238-244. Skinner, R.H., M.A. Sanderson, B.F. Tracy, and C.J. Dell. 2006. Above- and belowground productivity and soil carbon dynamics of pasture mixtures. Agron. J. 98:320-326. Soder, K.J., M.A. Sanderson, J.L. Stack, and L.D. Muller. 2006 Intake and performance of lactating cows grazing diverse forage mixtures. J. Dairy Sci. 89:2158-2167. Soder, K.J, L.S. Saporito, W.L. Stout. 2007. Effect of gypsum application level to grass pasture, grass hay, and corn silage on fermentation by rumen microorganisms in continuous culture. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 132:331-340. Soder, K.J., A.J. Rook, M.A. Sanderson, and S.C. Goslee. 2007. Interaction of plant species diversity on grazing behavior and performance of livestock grazing temperate region pastures. Crop Science. 47:416-425. Lee, D.K., V.N. Owens, and J.J. Doolittle. 2007. Switchgrass and soil carbon sequestration response to ammonium nitrate, manure, and harvest frequency on Conservation Reserve Program Land. Agron. J. 99:462-468. Mulkey, V.R., V.N. Owens, and D.K. Lee. 2006. Management of switchgrass-dominated Conservation Reserve Program lands for biomass production in South Dakota. Crop Sci. 46:712-720. Lee, D.K, J.J. Doolittle, and V.N. Owens. 2006. Soil carbon dioxide fluxes in established switchgrass land managed for biomass production. Soil Biol. and Biochem. 39:178-186. Contreras-Govea, F.E., K.A. Albrecht, and R.E. Muck. 2006. Spring yield and silage characteristics of kura clover, winter wheat, and in mixtures. Agron. J. 98:781-787. Contreras-Govea, F.E. and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Forage production and nutritive value of oat in autumn and early summer. Crop Sci. 46:2382-2386. Albrecht, K.A. and A. Sabalzagaray. 2006. Maize silage production in kura clover living mulch. Grassland Science in Europe 11:67-69. Books Barnes, Robert F, C. Jerry Nelson, Kenneth J. Moore, and Michael Collins. 2007. Forages: Volume II- The Science of Grassland Agriculture, 6th ed. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA. Book Chapters West, C.P., and J.C. Waller. 2007. Humid transition zone. p. 313-321. In R. F Barnes et al. (eds.) Forages: The science of grassland agriculture Vol. II. 6th edition. Blackwell Publishing, Ames,IA. Clark, E.A., H. Karsten, W.M. Murphy, B.F. Tracy. 2006. Ecology of plant communities in forage- livestock systems. In Forage Production for Pasture-Based Livestock Production. Rayburn, E.B. (ed.). Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service Publishers. Ithaca, NY. Volenec, J.J. 2007. Ecology and physiology of forage crops. pp. 12 to 17. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects. W.O. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds). Entom. Soc. Amer., Lanham, MD. Clifford S. Snyder and Richard H. Leep. 2007. Fertilization. In: R.F. Barnes et al. (ed.) Forages, the science of grassland agriculture. Vol. II, 6th ed. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA. Blevins, D., and Barker, D. J. 2006. Plant nutrient and water interactions. In. Forages: Volume II. The Science of Grassland Agriculture. R.F Barnes, C.J. Nelson, M. Collins and K.J. Moore, Editors. Iowa State Press/Blackwell Publishing Company, Ames, Iowa. 6th Edition. Barker, D. J., and Sulc, R. M. 2007. Forage crops and rangeland. p. 335-347. In M.J. McMahon et al.(ed.) Hartmann's plant science: Growth, development, and utilization of cultivated plants.4th ed.Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Sulc, R. M., M.H. Hall, and L.R. Vough. 2006. Hay Marketing. p. 101-111. In: E. B. Rayburn (ed.) Managing and Marketing for Pasture-Based Livestock Production. NRAES-174, Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, Ithaca. Sulc, M., and W.O. Lamp. 2007. Insect pest management. In Forages: The Science of Grassland Agriculture, R.F. Barnes, D.A. Miller, and C.J. Nelson (eds.), 6th ed., Vol. II, p. 411-424. Iowa State Univ. Press. Keeney, D.R., and M.A. Sanderson. 2007. Forages and the environment. P. 167-176. In: Forages, The science of grassland agriculture. Iowa State University Press. Sanderson, M.A. 2006. Plant species diversity: management implications for temperate pasture production. P. 149-162. In: Climate change and managed ecosystems. CRC Press. Skinner, R.H. and K. Moore. 2007. Growth and Development of Forage Plants. p. 53-66. In R.F. Barnes et al. (ed.) Forages: The Science of Grassland Agriculture Vol. II. Blackwell Publishing Professional, Ames, IA. Sanderson, M.A., N.P. Martin, and P.R. Adler. 2007. Biomass energy and industrial uses of forages. P. 635-647. In: Forages: The science of grassland agriculture. Iowa State Univ. Press. Lamp, W.O. 2007. Injurious arthropods. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 41-43. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Lamp, W.O. 2007. Leafhoppers and planthoppers. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 76-79. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Lamp, W.O. 2007. Natural enemies of insects. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 129-130. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Lamp, W.O., R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.). 2007. Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Lamp, W.O., G. Dively, and R. Ochoa. 2007. Mites. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 81-83. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Lamp, W.O. and L. Higley. 2007. Integrated pest management. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 28-33. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Proceedings Moyer, J. L., J. O. Fritz, and S. L. Fogleman. 2006. Using KansasGrazer© to aid in pasture management decisions. Proc. Amer. Forage Grassl. Counc. Conf. 15:112-116. Peterson, P.R., J.B. Cropper, E.B. Rayburn, and W.L. Stout, Jr. 2006. Nutrient management in forage-livestock systems. pp.51-63. In E.B. Rayburn (ed.) Forage production for pasture-based livestock production. NRAES-172. Peterson, Paul, Dan Undersander, Richard Leep, Craig Sheaffer, Paul Sun, Mike Velde, and Steve Wegner. 2006. Hybrid alfalfa: Harvest management effects on yield and quality. In Proc. 40th NAAIC. Bloomington, MN. 16-19 July 2006. Sulc, R. M., E.C. Brummer, and D.J. Undersander. 2006. Developing a yield tolerance index for potato leafhopper damage in alfalfa [Online]. In Proc. 40th North American Alfalfa Improvement Conf.& 19th Trifolium Conf., Bloomington, MN. 16-19 July 2006. Available at Rhodes, L. H., R. M. Sulc, J.J. Ariss, P.E. Pierson, and J.S. McCormick. 2006. Field testing of alfalfa cultivars for resistance to Sclerotinia crown and stem rot: Problems and progress [Online]. In Proc. 40th North American Alfalfa Improvement Conf. & 19th Trifolium Conf., Bloomington, MN. 16-19 July 2006. Available at Carvalho, P. F., A. Moraes, I. Anghinoni, C.R. Lang, J. Silva, R.M. Sulc, and B.F. Tracy. 2006. Manejo da Integração Lavoura-Pecuária para a região de clima subtropical. (In Portuguese) p.177-184 In Proc. Encontro Nacional de Plantio Direto na Palha. FEBRAPD, Uberaba - MG. Carvalho, P. C., I. Anghinoni, A. Moraes, C.R. Trein, J.P. Flores, C.C. Cepik, R. Levien, M.T. Lopes, C. Baggio, C.R. Lang, R.M. Sulc, and A. Pelissari. 2006. O estado da arte em integração lavoura-pecuária. (In Portuguese) p. 7-44. In C.S. Gottschall et al. (ed.) Produção animal: Mitos, pesquisa e adoção de tecnologia. Canoas, RS. Owens, V.N., D.K. Lee, and A. Boe. 2006. Potential of native warm-season grass monocultures and mixtures for bioenergy in the northern Great Plains. Proc. the Fifth Eastern Native Grass Symposium. Harrisburg, PA, 10-13 Oct. 2006. Owens, V.N., D.K. Lee, and A. Boe. 2006. Effect of manure and harvest timing on switchgrass and big bluestem biomass and seed production across landscape position. Proc. the Fifth Eastern Native Grass Symposium. Harrisburg, PA, 10-13 Oct. 2006. Owens, V.N. 2006. Row spacing effect on alfalfa yield and persistence. Proc. 40th North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference. Bloomington, MN, 16-19 July 2006. Lee, D.K., D.K. Hoe, V.N. Owens, J.J. Doolittle, A. Boe, D.Y. Chung. 2006. Potential Carbon Sequestration and Soil Aggregation in Reestablished Grassland. 18th World Congress of Soil Science Conference, 9-15 July 2006. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Owens, V.N., Lee, D.K., and A. Boe. 2006. Manure and Harvest Timing Effects on Biomass and Seed Yield of Three Perennial Grasses in South Dakota. The 3rd World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing Conference, 11-14 July 2006. Toronto, Canada. Mikolayunas, C., S. Eckerman, D. Thomas, K. Albrecht. 2006. Estimating pasture forage availability. p. 26-27. In Proc. 52nd Biennial Spooner Sheep Day, 26 Aug. 2006, Spooner, WI. Albrecht, K.A. 2006. Clover opportunities and potential in the North. In Proc. 40th NAAIC and 19th Trifolum Conference, 16-19 July, 2006, Bloomington, MN. Mikolayunas, C.M., D.L. Thomas, K.A. Albrecht, Y.M. Berger. 2006. Effect of supplementation and stage of lactation on performance of grazing dairy ewes. SARE National Conference. 15-17 Aug. 2006, Oconomowoc, WI. On line: Bulletins Leep, R., T. Dietz, D. Min, and C. Kapp. 2006. Forage Varieties For Michigan in 2007. On line at Leep, R. H. and T. R. Dietz. 2006. Michigan 2006 Alfalfa Variety Trials. Martinson, K., M. Hathaway, J.H. Wilson, B. Gilkerson, P.R. Peterson, and R. Del Vecchio. 2006. University of Minnesota horse owner survey: Building an equine extension program. Journal of Extension 44(6): 6RIB4 (on-line). Martinson, Krishona, and Paul Peterson. 2007. Managing established horse pastures. Univ. of Minnesota Extension Service Pub #8460. Martinson, Krishona, and Paul Peterson. 2007. Selecting and storing horse hay. Univ. of Minnesota Extension Service Pub #8463. Sulc, R. M., McCormick, J. S., Rhodes, L. H., Barker, D. J., and Diedrick, K. A. 2006. Ohio Forage Performance Trials. Horticulture & Crop Science Dept. Series 195, Agdex 141. The Ohio State Univ. 19 pp. (Available online at Owens, V.N., P. Jeranyama, and C. Lee. 2006. Alfalfa cultivar yield test for South Dakota: 2004 Report. Available at (verified 4 Jan. 2007). Jeranyama, P. and V.N. Owens. 2006. 2006 South Dakota forage grass variety performance trials. ExEx8157. South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service. Technical Notes Wiedenhoeft, M.H., A. Mackay, G. Sparling, and G. Shepard. 2006. Managing the impacts of livestock treading: both compaction and pugging. Technical Note. AgResearch Ltd., New Zealand Mikolayunas, C.M., D.L. Thomas, K.A. Albrecht, Y.M. Berger. 2006. Effect of supplementation and stage of lactation on performance of grazing dairy ewes. p. 267-268. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl.1)/J.Dairy Sci. 89(Suppl. 1). Jammes, K., G Heemink, K. Albrecht, D. Combs. 2006. Utilization of krua clover-reed canarygrass silage vs. alfalfa silage by lactating dairy cows. p. 68. J. Dairy Sci. 89 (Suppl. 1). Ramos, M.H., J.W. Lehmkuhler, S.C. Arp, and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Investigating Silphium perfoliatum (cupplant) silage for growing cattle. p. 261-262. Anim. Sci. Vol. 84 (Suppl. 1)/J. Dairy Sci. Vol.89 (Suppl. 1). Abstracts Olivera-Melgar, M., C. West, R. Robbins, T. Kirkpatrick, and D. Fishel. 2006. Endophyte strain effects on soil-borne nematode populations and tall fescue host suitability. In Annual meetings abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. West, C.P., C.A. Guerber, R. Carson, and D. Brauer. 2006. Dehydrin expression in drought-stressed tall fescue can be modulated by endophyte presence. In Annual meetings abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. Tracy, B. F. 2006. Integration of warm-season and cool-season pastures in a rotationally stocked grazing system. Agron. Abstr. #265-3. CD-ROM. Cunningham, S.M., and J.J. Volenec. 2006. Impact of P and K fertilization on oxidative stress metabolism and persistence of alfalfa. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Indianapolis IN. Poster 1723a. Hall, M.H., R.B. Radhakrishna, K.J. Moore, A.J. Ciha, J.J. Volenec, C.C. Sheaffer, R.H. Leep, M.H. Weidenhoeft, K.A. Albrecht, and S.K. Barnhart. 2006. Models to complement grasslands curriculum. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Indianapolis IN. Poster 174-1. Lissbrant, S., S.M. Brouder, B.C. Joern, S.M. Cunningham, and J.J. Volenec. 2006. Cluster analysis as a tool for identification of fertility regimes that enhance long-term productivity of alfalfa. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Indianapolis IN. Poster 315. Lissbrant, S., S Stratton, S.M. Cunningham, and J.J. Volenec. 2006. Impact of long-term P and K fertilization on alfalfa forage quality. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Indianapolis IN. Oral presentation 72- Hall, Marvin H., R.B. Radhakrishna, Kenneth J. Moore, Allan J. Ciha, Jeffrey J. Volenec, Craig C. Sheaffer, Richard H. Leep, Mary H. Wiedenhoeft, Kenneth A. Albrecht, and Steve K. Barnhart. 2006. Models to complement grasslands curriculum. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD- ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. Masters, Robert, Edward S. Hagood, William W. Witt, Kenneth Moore, Walter Schacht, and Kevin W. Bradley. 2006. A comparison of re-seeding intervals following weed control in pastures. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSA, Madison, WI. Philipp, Dirk, Kenneth Moore, Tom Richard, and Patricia Patrick. 2006. Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass with acidic and enzymatic additives. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA,CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. Leiker, J., R. Nicholson, and K. Harmoney. 2007. Artificial lawns as an attractant to steer foraging behavior. Society for Range Management Annual Abstracts #255. R. H. Leep, D. H. Min, T. R. Dietz, and C.J. Kaap. 2006. Cool Season Perennial Grass Response To Increasing Nitrogen Rates in Michigan. AFGC Conference. Nasser. S. Al-Ghumaiz and Richard H. Leep. 2006. Assessment of Cool Season Grass and Legume Growing in Monoculture and Binary Mixtures Under Rotational Grazing in The Great Lakes Region. American Society of Agronomy. David E. Hillger, S. Ann McCordick, Richard H. Leep, and James J. Kells. 2006 Effect of Glyphosate Resistant Alfalfa Seeding Density on Forage Production and Composition. North Central Weed Science Society. Paul Peterson, Dan Undersander, Richard Leep, Craig Sheaffer, Paul Sun, Mike Velde, and Steve Wagner. 2006. Hybrid Alfalfa: Harvest Management Effects on Yield and Quality. NAAIC. M.H. Hall*, D.J. Undersander, T. Wood, P. Holman, D. Min, R.H. Leep, G. Lacefield, H.T. Kunelius, P.R. Peterson, N. Ehlke. 2006. The Role of Ecological and Geographical Factors in the Maturation of Cool-Season Forage Grasses. American Society of Agronomy. Okoboi, A., and Barker, D. J. 2006. Leaf Carbon, Oxygen Isotope Ratios and Water Relations in two NAD-ME and two NADP-ME C4 Grasses. [CD-ROM Computer File] Agronomy Abstracts #72-7 ASA, Madison, WI. Ariss, J., Rhodes, L. H., and Sulc, R. M. 2006. The role of disease resistance in alfalfa persistence. Phytopathology: 96:S6. Sulc, R. M., Brummer, E. C., and Undersander, D. J. 2006. A yield index to describe alfalfa cultivar resistance to potato leafhopper. In Agronomy abstracts [CD-ROM computer file]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI. Sulc, R. M., McCormick, J. S., and Miller, D. 2006. Economic action thresholds for potato leafhopper resistance. In Agronomy abstracts [CD-ROM computer file]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI. Doolittle, J.J., D.K. Lee, P. Jeranyama, V.N. Owens, and A. Boe. 2006. Composition of lignocellulosic feedstock for biofuels and bioproducts. In annual meeting abstracts. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. Albrecht, K.A., F.E. Contreras-Govea, and R.E. Muck. 2006. Nutritive value and silage characteristics of kura clover-reed canarygrass mixtures and alfalfa. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD- ROM].ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. Contreras-Govea, F.E., R.E. Muck, and K.A. Albrecht. 2006. Silage quality of corn-climbing bean mixtures. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. Albrecht, K.A. and E.J. Bures. 2006. Kura clover rhizomes compensate for sparse initial stands. 2006. In Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
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